The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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' Soldiers Hust,v Eemain , in
; u! Morocco to Protect Lives
,of Foreigners.4 ' '
'g:i:learance 'of:;-
French Commander Mt' Cas Blue
' Declares lie U Able to Wltlutand
CWge Xpon Cltj "by the Hostile
. Native. 1 . ;
; -A . .
(Hsarat Kw by Longest taMd Wirt.)
Paris, Aug. 17.-Despatches from
Tangier received today "report that the
situation throughout Morocco Is still
'; critical'. J While matters have quieted
' down somowhat It ii knpwn that should
'. the troop be .withdrawn the with-
: r- Ht
i'-i ;,;.''
9 auu .Lctyo 'uiutimig
Men's Three
Piece Suits
Mpti ' c OiTfinrf -
$25.00 Three-Piece
$20.00 Three-Piece d 1 3 CA
$15.00 Three-Piece
$2.50 Outing
Trousers ....
$3.50 Outing
Trousers. ..... . ...... . , jLmJLtj
$5.00 Outing
Trousers. . . .
Sketch showing the manner in which the port of Casa Blanca waa shelled
" by the Preach and Spanish warships, causing beary loss of Ufa to
the natives ol the city. The portraits of General Picquart, the French
. minister of war, appear on "the left, and Mohammed Torres, the
f Moorish member of foreign affairs, on the right, who are now
? engaged In bringing about "peace.
drawal would at once be followed by I compelled to dlarorge the better part
" general massacre of all Christians and oftJle,r POa.
Jew.. The hostile native, camped on SST
' uuiBKiria oi wasa xjianca iasi njgnjpn oriiuant uniforms crowd the cafes.
sent a message to General Druds. com- I "ppuig liquors ana ooaee. Moon from
Will Be Guest of Develop
ment League and Com
mercial Organization.
Great Demonstration WU1 Be Ten.
dered Possible Republican Candi
date for Presidency Will Speak
in Armory Thorsdajr Evening.
Men's Outing Suits
Boys' Wash Suits
Men's and Boys' Straw Hats .
All Panama Hats
One-Half Off Regular Price
When You See It in Our Ad, It's So
Third and Oak
secretary William H. Taft. of the
war department, will arrive in Portland
the evening of Thursday, September I.
manding the French forces, damandlng 'S?"" f! ft"''"
the lmmil mirranripr f th.. tnn. ?.MW "J BlOOd, are Coming Into the
r rencn camp to trade with the soldiers,
innr muiee taaen wun grapes ana vege
the Immediate surrender of the. town.
The message said further that unless
. general surrender at one. his troops tab is Fook li v-YKk
ufd ha xtermlnated. the towalooted in ortV nd v6rf hlh
and burned, and all Europeans put to " v
aean or a great lorce of Arabs, Gen
eral Drude sent back no reply, as he
considers bis position Impregnable, the
Dew arrived Spanish force bringing to
tal number of men up to 8,500. In an
Interview General Drude said:
"I am master of all the heights, con
sequently .the tribesmen are unable to
approach the town by any route with
out being detested at a distance of
1,000 yarda I have II guns already In
position, and they command every point
of the horiaon, Sohuld such an un-
tlkely thing happen as the French camp
ielng attacked on all aides at onoe, we
would still have nothing to fear. I do
not believe we will have to deal with
another serious attack."
Tnat the tribesmen are planning an
attack la the opinion of many refugees
arriving at Casa Blanca. They say the
natives are being called to get ready
m JMnaMt, .(toil. A , Y . YTv a n
wi& fPvTup tha&r beaten thy SOME 60 PEDAGOGUES
Jewish refugee from the- Kabyle
eamn have come Into Casa Blanca in
si state of extreme wretchedness. They
report horrible cruelties practiced upon
Jewish and other residents of Casa
Blanca who were carried away. The
omen prisoners have been outraged
.wealthy Moorish merchants sold
thuJFW held them as slaves. The news
has caused considerable alarm, but Gen
eral Drude Is positive be can hold his
That the natives cannot keep up a pro
longed flght on account of a shortage
of ammunition la the general belief.
The condition of the British onlonv
it pitiable. Their residences outside
the walla of the city were destroyed hv
the French shell fire and were looted
and burned by the Arabs. A moderate
estimate of the losses Is 11,000,000. The
Araos looiea we nouses,
the surviving Jews, and after that
came the worst elements of the Span
ish population. Finally, the French
foreign legion took all that was left
The latter, however, have since been
xo avux in iwim won n Acta as a
Vicious Enemy.
Annual Tests Begin Wednes
nesday, August 28, and'
Continue Three Days.
City Superintendent's Office Opens
for Business Monday, When Active
Preparations for Coming School
Tear Will Be Began.
Preparations for resuming work In
the city schools will be actively com'
menced with the opening of the city
superintendent's office' next Monday
morning and the calling of city examl-
Then came nations the following week.
Wednesday, August tt, is the date
set for beginning the annual tests for
city teachers and It Is expected that
nearly 60 teachers will take part. The
examination will continue through
Thursday and Friday and the result will
be announced to the school board at its
meeting the first week In September.
The city requirements are somewhat
different from those adopted in the
county In that the teachers Are ex-
rasters nave gone without food for to be taught Less attention is paid 10
many days at a time, but no one can school law and more is required In dlf-
go without sleep. "For a long tlma I r"nt studies.
have not been sleeping well, often lying waT Y&ted toaositS In the" citv
?hWeanihf0JbuTbnow lond'Eirf "0 - "quirSd "to" furnish noMc.o?
the night, but now I sleep sound every eCentane hefnra the Ant of sno.v.
Lv.l ran? womfn d and V,0r b,r r position is considered vacant
ou"w lrS.- v . In order that the schools shall begin
'?0.Z,ZblL I.' m quota of teacher, a supple-
w r mentary elective meeting is held by the
,UV bi8 "'"A uP"i"m-.7w,f? I board first week in September and
- u...n vuuQ win vuiuiau or me vacancies are ruled.
$lmeBAW.feA a..f1,e"B-n,:ht' an.d " Th examinations for county eertifi.
a am uuuu., imu wim cauwa iae cates were concluded Friday and
."hwiUTn fS?SIt 1 m u tha examinations for state certificate.
'-My brother wa. in the habit of drink- were concluded last evening. It will
""'r" - . w oe at least two weeks before the exam
troubled with sour stomach and I would ining board is able . to complete the
",,;' . Ji maraings so inai iney can ne presented
oan to relieve the distress in his stom- to the city school board for considera-
ach; lately hardly a day passed without tlon of those teachers who do not take
a? ?,f CKia ?I rtiM. the city examinations. v
r iuhjijt u irieu cup ui i oLurn ana
, A 1 - 1 I L. .. - .
rri'.t" "6". ak2Tin ff"2 MJ 'c'lve diount on aist side
,bl w w jivv vuvv I tram nlllss
with mtim .Amssnk . I
vuuiwu n awua sj wiiiaui!
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding, of
u re eon unv. two wen Known eanv 1
on his tour of the PuMfln m.h .n hii Oregon pioneers, left yesterday for a
A - . . M . . ; . . .
be entertained here by the Oregon De- Liurina whinh th.v will viait th Jimt..
velopment league and the Portland Com- town exposition.
merclal club. He WU1 be the guest of Dr. W. A. At woo is la Portland after
Theodore B. WUcox. president of the 2 "i?,"" ttcnIiVtll
i.. -a 4rin f"P.. we. guest of Captain Speier. the
league, and will remain In Portland un
tu late Friday night
Arrangement, are being made to klve
his visit state-wide significance, and
afford opportunity for . tbousanda of
people to meet and talk with the dis
tinguished Ohioan. Frtdnv tfturnonn tm
will go to Vancouver to inspect the mlll
u.rT there., Friday evening there
will be a monster meeting at the Arm
ory, and he will make a speech.
Seat, will be reserved until Monday
evening, September 1, for the benefit of
all mayor, of cities In the state, editor,
member, of the last legislature, state
officials, and delegations from outside
of Portland.
Those who dealrn tn tlra itnnl,,,
of these reservations must notify Sec
retary Tom Richardson not Inter than
by Monday's malls. There are no special
invitation. Issued, and the general pub-
iiuo.uuu 01 me lacis is rararaed as aur.
violent Only the number of seats that
have been asked for bv Mondav nlirht
win do neiu mier mat aaie.
The Southern Paclfto and O. R. A N
companies have granted a rata nf nna
and a third fare from all points north of
and including Roseburg. and west of
ienaieton inclusive, for FrldAv ataf.
cises. Secretary Taft is probably the
muse laiaea anoui man in the country
aside from President Roosevelt himself.
ana wiaeapreaa interest on the coast is
felt in this his first visit to the Oreron
country. His western trip will end at
tionoiuiu, wnere lie goes to give per-
nunai aiiannon 10 war aepartment dusi
harbormaster. He Is on hi. way home
to Ban Francisco.
Mrs. a. T. Cramer and her family are
spending the summer in their 00 1 tags.
ine fines, ai neaview, wnion was lor-
meriy tne sibson cottage.
Mrs. Merrit Lindsay and her daugh
ters Charlotte and Edith, are enjoying
a two weear stay at Beaview.
Third Special Sale In 10 Years
Mr. and
turned to
Mrs. Otto Kuloer have re-
thelr Portland home after
(Special DUpatrb to Th Journal.)
walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 17. H. R.
Cox, a local contractor, yesterday be
gan work on a new addition to the ex-
niDiuon pavilion at tne fair grounds.
The now bulldlna- will add ahnut i unit
square feet of floor space to be used
for exhibition purposes at the fair this
MeUger & Co., Jewelers. 141 Wash.
l 4a. ia-p I . -
eoltee her brother did not suspect for iL."lw ?PU.DCP" "H1".."
tlm. that coffee was causing his sour J .iL'. JSlTl 5f
stomach, but easily proved It th. f thift' fJ!u.t.. "S?"
Coffee Is not susneoted In thousands 1! 5l?P.?,.2,f t.Sn.Sd!ti'
5LSa3- iu?Lu5! ?L,.b,ut":-.ei8 5.-n."D ThV'siVhSp.- Uwrwith iS
Road to WeUvllle," in pkga
ar smmv that ai r mam
SlftSfffJ A'WSl "Th -thS.' ;uppor?' of "ZmU "U'a
i nepuoucan oounttea.
For Biliousness
There, nothing so good as TAR
KANT S. It cleantes and refreshes the
stomach, clears the brain and restores
the ppetite. . .
- Seltzer Aperient
OU. Otkat
fias been prescribed bv physicians for
62 yeara Then' j nothing lit it mi any
gut.- A sparkling effervescent drink.
Tastes like soda water.
At SractHW 90c. aaS
$1.00 ersr stall froa
44 RsSsta 5 tract
Hsw Tark
visiting a few day. at St. Helena.
Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Downing of Bast
roruana visitea at tne home oi a. a.
Miles in fat. Helens Sunday.
Miss Sara Napper of Salt Lake City
is visuing wun ner sister. Mrs. n;m.."
Hampson of this city at SSS Chapman
Mrs. Arthur Dickey with her fam
ily from Seattle has been visiting her
mumer, 46 rs. v;. uoennxi at uregon
iuy ana is now visiting ner sister,
Mrs. I. A. LeBeau, at 101 Tenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Stipe have left
on a trip to Vancouver, Victoria and
omer souna points.
1 A.'. tv 11 iu n tvj , HIIU UII mill 1
visiting relaUves in Portland for the
past roontn, returned to her home in
Lewiston last night Miss Rowle
and )
rley, who
cltv. lu
ff tne university of Orearon
hmi year 10 nnisn ner eoucation.
is very popular In the Idaho
tends enterin
Judge and Mra Thomas H. Crawford
or corvanis are at the Imperial hotel.
ciaua uatcn or Haiem, federal bank
examiner, is at the Imperial hotel.
Walter S. Tooza. a merchant nf SVIla
uny, is at the imperial hotel.
C. L. Fltchard. hop grower with larre
yaras at inaepenaence, 1. at the Im
perial. Mr. Fltchard rerlatera fi-nm TIH.
ca. New York, where he has been for
several weens.
Phil Metschan Jr. received a cable
gram yesterday from his father an.
nounctng the safe arrival at Hamburg
oi tne party wmcn ion rortiana sev
eral weeks ago. Included in the Dartv
are Mr. ana Mrs. rnii Metschan, Miss
Ionian Metschan and Miss Pansy Sweet
ser. They will tour Europe for six
months or a year and will visit the boy
hood noma of Mr. Metschan while
Assistant united States Attorney
James Cole left yesterday afternoon for
(seaside where ne will remain until to
W. T. Dovall. a prominent lawver nf
Seattle: Juda-e Edward Waltson of Sno-
kane, Judge of the United States dis
trict court for the eastern district of
Washington: Juda-e R. B. Albertson of
Seattle, and Max Oose, a lawyer of
Pomerov. Washington, were at the Ore.
gon hotel yesterday. They formed
fishing party in Washlnrton last week
and left last night for their respective
A. C. Dixon of the Booth-Kelly Ivum.
Der company 01 uugene la at the Im
perial hoteL
Judge and Mrs. Charles E. Wolverton
left yesterday for Banff, Canada, where
tney will remain 10 days. While Judra
wolverton is away, juage William U.
Gilbert will remain in Portland to han
dle all federal court matters that re
quire immediate attention.
Otto B. Rupp, district attorney for
Walla walla county, Washington, was
at the imperial hotel yesterday. Mr.
Rupp left last night for Walla Walla.
He has been at Tacoma and Seattle on
ornclal business connected with hi. of
fice. ,
Dr. Wylie O. Woodruff, former Penn.
ylvanla football star, has Just returned
from Philadelphia and other eastern
cities, where for several month, he ob
served some Interesting surgical opera
tions, ur, wooaruir says nis constant
reference to Portland and Oregon and
hi. persistent boosting of climate and
resource, caused much wonderment
among the people he met in the east
He say. they are not prepared- for the
enthu.lasm of the westerner and par
tlcularly the Oregonlan, who la the bestl
booster on earth, : J
Patent Leather, Gun
Calf, Etc
Reduced From $3.50 to
Reduced From $4.00 to
Reduced From $5.00 to
Dig Cut in Children's
Sizes 5 to 8
Sizes 8z2 to 11 to
Sizes 11 to 2 to
$ 1 .45
Sizes ty to 6 to .
All Around the Northwest Corner : )iU
Third and WnshinrWrm '55ft v !t:
'A '