The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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- Bampl of Frolt,RiMd n Bens Orehird, BrlTan, Oregon.
A. Bent, tb well known fruit grower I Hp,' WMt,jiloy pch plums to Th
Journal office u a Mnplo of the fruit
raised on tie ranch. They were of the
kind that melt In one'o month and a
tbejr were photographed, prooeeded to
of BrlTV Orefon, ralaee about the fin
t plume frown In Oreron, and In or
der to hare them dulr appreciated
broufht a basket filled with greet, blf.
J osephJne and Douglaa For
s csts Are Swarm&iff
With Deer. :
I QUAETERjOP century
j i'
Two nandred Already Killed In
Joaepblne and as Many In fionth
era Donslas Fine - Feed,. Strict
Laws and Better Sportsmanship.
Juicy ei
(Special DUpeteh ' te lW JovtmL)
Orenu raaa Or.. Aus. 17-Not etnee
the "deeraklnner darn of twenty' years
aco hare .deer . been so plentiful, nor
have so many - been kUled as during
this present season. The southern Ore
Con mountains,., particularly tbe . seo
tlons of western and southern Josephine
and southern Douglas counties, are re
ported by hunters to hare the greatest
number of deer known for aJ
quarter of a century. Any man or boy
2.,binow how to fir a rifle and can
I n . . no trouoie in banging his
melt Able assistance was lent to that
end by tne members of the editorial
sian, au or whom agreed that the plume ,'' no trouble in bagcii
were large enough, sweet enough andlin 01 i' a Keturning hunting oar-
enourn. out, because or ineir I X " "nafni in irom xv 10 u aeer.
feu far short In quantity.
. t
former ; Multnomah Football Star Will Secure Support
' f of Clubmatcs in His Fight Against Former '
' - ; Official and Present iricumhcnt ' ;
Three men so far are willing to be
candidates for . sheriff Of Multnomah
county, according to the latest political
talk.' One of them Is sheriff, one 'has
been and the other has wanted to be.
The first Is Robert I Stevens, the seo
ond is Tom Word and the third la
George W. McMillan.
All of these men are well-known to
the people of Portland, each baring
been before the public eye In a differ
, ent manner and at separate times.' Each
has friends la Tarring numbers who are
wining co go on reoora as earing that
their champion Is , the man for the
The neweet bidder for the Office Is
McMillan who is eald to be training for
tne race ana eonnaent or nis power to
land the Republican nomination. That
elusive recommendation once In hie
fraep McMillan Is of the opinion that
a could land the office with the same
whirlwind finieh that he used to em-
ploy In carrying the oval plgektn back
of the goal line when he was a football
hero wearing the Multnomah club
.colors.' .. .-.-.. A . -.,... .-nf-..-..
. If McMillan makes the race for the
nomination and afterwards for the elec
tion, as his friends say and hope, he
will have the support and votes ef his
eld friends of tne Multnomah club. With
this strength as a positive force and a
starting point for his campaign It Is
raid that the candidate will go forth
before the people on a straight busi
ness proposition. Be will make It clear
to the voters that he will run for the
of floe of eherlff If he is elected to nil
it without hope of extra compensation
or graft of any kind. He will ask for
no extra pocket money In the way. of
prisoners' board -bills or similar
schemes.. He wlU In short run the of
fice, ao his friends say, "on the salary
and funds allowed for the purpose by
the laws of the state. ; '
. Robert I Stevens, present lnmjmbent,
will also be a candidate and will seek
the support of his party for reelection
when the campaign opens: . ulle
Stevens is not discussing the question
it Is understood that he will go before
the people for an Indorsement of his
? resent pcllcy and will expect his
rlends to be numerous enough to vin
dicate him In the face of the objections
that have been raised against his pris
oser feeding bill and the other methods
of running the office which hare caused
Tom Word is the , Idol of ttie Demo
cratic! heart and will be tha cmndMut r
mat party. . liven Republican politicians
make the statement that Word appar-
c ii ii j naa nor inenae at tne prwent
time and Is more populsr with the peo
ple of the city and county than at any
lime since he came into pub) to life.
The Democrats and many of the Re
publicans prophesy that Word's election
to the of doe would be a certainty while
wvwa i no conservative memDers or tne
ReDubtlcan camn admit that WnM
me most rormidabiet opponent In the
While none at tha trnanattv m,
dldates la talking Att him nroanaeta hi
friends are and each division of the
voters Is confident that when tha and
of the campaign comes Its man will be
tne cnosen one. However that may be,
it Will mean a nrattv nnntaa n th
Republican nomination and a still pret-
"m uv iur ma election. :.
ounce rw
une rartv : at nnnii p. knni...
killed t$ deer la three deys in the Weetl
.touqh oi aouuiern iougias.
Every deer killed, with ne or two ex
ceptions was a. buck. The hunters state
jnat tcey can uu plenty without Buy
ing the does. - -
JUSt after the recant 'rain tha Hut
were literally slanrhtered. ma the down
pour drove them from the denee Umber
tO the ODen arolind. . whara thv vim
I exposed to the hunters' eyes and bul-
- About 00 deer have already been
killed In Josephine county this season
aw umuai mm many ia eoutnern IKtUglas.
Experienced hunters state that at laaat
11 il
i y
. , i, 'J "i
Soft incl Stiff Hat
Soft and Stiff Hat
Jhe Largest Assort
ment of.Halsjn1
the City ,
Solt and Stiff Hat
lr!ln- Anff -TVnai TWononw " be killed la this secUon
Passed by City, Council
Is Not Dead.
season cloana
The larae number nt ilu, la An wii
td the excellent range and the protec
tion afforded by-. tie exiaUng game
laws. Hunters mrm alan mnr. nuirfi.
maniixe now than formerly, as bucks
are ahot in trefarna to ki an.
I spotted lawn are never mnlaaal Th
game laws, as applied to the hunUng of '
feer, receive the approval of sportsmen j
, tt TiTTTTrrr inn i rnniTJ R" "te ana tne
v IUXkCJD JUriADUXIXi ?""iJ? w,u wardens in their
w hivi vwuivii 1m 1 , j ; '- ,r
It Is Ileld by Those Opposed
Blatter ; That ' Clause Excepting
labor Unions Would Nullify It In
Court. '
t: this
We hare jest received a car toad of Metal Bed which we will pat on sale this week t freatly reduead
prices. Fifty patterns to select from. All nice new stock, all new and beautiful designs. Come in to see them
: xne Beioin- anti-trust cnunance i y -yvt .tia xv
passed at the last meeting of the city bong Delayed Literary Ef
fort to Be Given to the
Public October 15.
. Ones again the man who marks up the
-arrival of trains at the Union depot
accredited the Southern Paclflo . train
from San Francisco with arriving on
time. Testerday morning was the fifth
time this : week the train arrived on
time and ' railway employes stood, si
lently by as the train rolled Into-the
shed an shook their heads in wonder.
Words failed them In describing their
feelings at the hitherto unequaled ac-
. imn 01 tne tram ano tney congregated
In groups of three and four about the
depot where they predicted of the dread,
ful thine that will surely, happen in
the future to make up for the good serv
ice rendered this week.
However, If the ' Southern Paclflo
train has been making schedule time due
to . some uniorseen power.' working for
puoue weiiare, tne overland eastern
inun on iine -v n. ft n. nas been run
ning on Its usual slow schedule. Twice
thle week It was on time end at other
times It has been running anywhere
from iO minutes to six hours late. Tes
terday In accordance with Its usual cus
tom, tne train aid not get in until 12:20
-two hours and S5 minutes late.
While merohants have ceased to eom-
lain aouut the service rendered from
an rrancisco. tney are still raakine-
strenuous remarks about the O R. A K
train ana win not be satisfied until it
comes in on time at least a majority of
the days of each week. .
i ; Notwithstanding Diamonds are advanc-
ing in price the world over, we are making
mwu ouaic ui uui August saics. we nave
the gems bought before the rise in price
and now offer them at the most attractive
figures. . :
i We cannot begin to describe , their real
quality and worth here, but we invite you to
come to our salesrooms and see them. -
' '' i "'"'-(" : .-v y i , sfi.'s'h-'- '
' We will show you the most perfect Dia-.
monds of finest color, stones thatwould
prove a conspicuous and cherished gem for
, many years to come. s .
Our Perfect Blue-White Diamonds are -;
ideal gems, and have intrinsic worth the .
, , world over, and will advance most rapidly in ;
value. - - , : - , K-
- "UtthXkaraeUrofth0j0W0l ' :
- . RJl9Ct thrn Character of thm LVtartr.'i ' ; . '
council may have been Invalidated by
reason or ' tne amendment oirerea to i
it by the labor anion repreeentatlves
providing "that this ordinance shall not
Be constructed as applying to labor I
unions." This is the discovery that I According to Horaoe Stevens, who is
has been worrying lthe elty attorney I collaborating with JS. A. D. Puter la
for, the past few days, since opponents the compilation of the letter's book ro
of the measure have begun to gloat utlng to the land frauds, the work will
feet ' In the Tmureai T neVed b7 the October IS, as nearly
IS?.mi moMttf " passed by the aU th manuscript is in readiness for
loa of the city attorney tends In that
It Is being held by those flrho are
opposed to tne measure, and the opin-
mm .w ujHiiMvtjjj, urn iu twuium
the publisher, and practically every
tail has been arranged.
It will contain approximately 280.000
direction, that the Introduction of the M"" LinV-V Hi SiSXSSR
clanaa axcentlna- labor unlona from the Potographs of persons and scenes, car-
provisions of the ordinance would nul- n' ,lu"f..?S
utw i. h.AM .. .n..m. Mtnrt K. Make up 100 additional pages,'' said
.iZ ih.t ir..V.;VfmTr,.tV.r I.:. I Btven yesterday. 'This will make
IslaHon on the face of It, If this con- T?!"!.,0 .
tention la well founded It means that
between 400 and (00 oases.
according to sixe, which has not yet
been definitely agreed upon, but which
will probably be lOHxt. We Intend to
nave tne pages targe enough to produce
the best effect with our Illustrations,
eeullar. When the ordinance came un wn,.cn wiu strong leature tne
council Is of no effect and to all prac
tical Durnoses void. I
The history of this amendment Is
sons affiliated with the labor organiza
tions took exception- to the nroDosed leg
islation on the alleged ground that it
was directed towards labor unions. -Although
assured that this was not the
case and that the ordinance as drawn
would have no application to unionism
I measured un all the material last
I night and found that we have in the
neighborhood of 200,000 words that
couia oe put in tne nanas or tne printer
tomorrow, and tne balance is being pre
pared as rapidly as possible consistent
with caution, as It Is the aim to make
or the conduct oranagement of labor "rj0,",
ly be hurled against the book from nu
merous directions. In other words, we
are desirous of emulating the example ,
oi umvy irucKevt in tnis - respect: am
organisations yet the objectors refused
to be comforted until the city attornav
had consented to an amendment except
ing labor unions from the provisions of
the ordinance. 5
After eome discussion an amendment
was-dictated bv the city attornev and
taken to the council meetlna bv the ob
jectors but before Its presentation was
cnangea to tne iorm nnany adopted.
This provision -is what has worked the
mischief, according to the nressnt re
port ,. V-.:.., ' .-
The ordinance. tiowavr. la nnt AmA
Mayor Lane stated last nlarht in the
event it vu shown that th niiilmii
would serve to mitigate the strength
of the ordinance he would re-refer It
to the council for further art Inn and
correction. If It la decided that tha
amendment will nullify the ordinance
the mayor Will send the maaaur ttar-ir
to the next council meeting with the
recommendation that. It- be corrartMi
and put Into legal shape.
It Is contended on some sides that
the incorporation . of anv axnanMmv
amendment into the ordinance would
weatcen il ana tnie lrnim,nt win h.
well looked Into before the measure is
finally handed up . to Mayor Lane for
his signature. ,
This betutifol Bed, nicely enameled in
different colors. Special fO.OO
Sure you are right, and then go ahead.' "
Stevens declined to foreshadow any
portion of the contents of the book, ex
cept to declare that it will undoubtedly
attract a great deal of 1 attention
throughout the country, as it deals with
men and affairs of -national import
ance. He predicts that it will create
as much interest as anv work of recent
years, and claims that Puter has laid j
Dare au tne glaring details of the land
frauds with which he was familiar; and
that the book cannot help but produce
a tremendous sensation, as it will con
tain much that has never seen the light
A first edition Of 20.000 Volume will
be printed, and this will be followed by
' rw
! I
( !
: 1
Countess HenckeTs Necklace:
From the Westminster Oasette.
. The late Duchess of Sermoneta's pearl
necKiace, or. which one has read go much
lately is doubtless very beautiful end
valuable, but it can scarcely be consld
8d the "most costly necWacs in the
world. ' .'t,.j."--" ,
This distinction mors probably be
i2ns"t the famous pearl necklace of
ino countess or encKel. a lady well
"hiuqb ana trmxm society, tne
Valua Of Which la aaM in h. i AAA , t.
5 la really -composed of three necklaces,
M each of historic Interest One was the
ESI property of the ex-Ouaen nt Vini..
sister of the late Austrian empress; the
seoond. once the property of a Spanish
wn o , xame as tne or tne virgin of Atocfca;"
while the third was once owned by the
Empress Eueenia . .
Not long ago a necklace composed of
V ;c""V7i v 0,snt rows, tne property
wlAkftg" ot .Montr t"
Th Empreit Frederick of Germany
Is said to have possessed a necklace of
32 Pearls worth at least 140,000; while
Lady Ilchestefa necklace of black pearls
Is valued at about 25.000. . rf-
v., v- .:-yi: ki -v'y-j ..-t. '..J,S- . .... , ,
Jewelry and Diamond Merchants ''" ;
272 Washington St ; : Just lUst of Fourth-
1 , ii
j(v( Tre-I)octoi.vftf.;;;i
From 'Park -and Cemetery
y Professor George X Stone, who Is In
charge of; the work, writes as follows
concerning the course In tree culture
given at the Hatch experiment, station
of . the Massachusetts agricultural ool
lege, Amherst, Massachusetta
"At the present time we hava un
. senior aiuuonis who are taxing worK ln
a course which I term the "Physiology
and Pathology of Shade Trees.' So far
as I know this Is the only course given
In this country or anywhere else, and
wo are turning out cults a few young
men who are especially trained to fill
intelligently sucn positions as city for
esters or helpers fn parks. s
-"Many of our men at the present time
have established firms for the care of
trees, and all of them are meeting with
remarkable success, some of . them, em
ploying as mnny as too men. - I started
this course 10 years aw at the request
of students, and have been surnrlaml at
His way la which it has developed.'.
Attorney and Real Estate
Dealer Prosecuted by P.,
Dresser for Forgery. ;
This maif ive Bed, with brats canter
scrolls, Special ............... flO.OO
This elefant Bed, nicerr enameled ta
different, colors. Special ......f 7.50
This fine, massive Bed, with brass sptn
dlet. A perfect beauty. Spedal. f 11.50
We nave other Metal Beds ai low as $2.50. Solid Brass Beds as low as $25.00. We will positively sara
you trorn a to su per cent on tneae Deds. we nave also received a tresn carload shipment of sideboards
and buffets, elegant, plain and massive goods, at prices which will defy all competition. Yon will do wall
to come in and inspect them. We positively guarantee our prices to be lower than the prices of any other l
iumuure store in tnis city, we are not memDers oi any 'comoinauon, inereiort are tree to make prices
which are fair to all. ' You are welcome to inspect our stock, v : ;
between Wablnston and Stark Streets
Creen Pront
J. B. Huntington, an attorney and real
estate dealer was taken Into custody
yesterday at - Fourth " and ' ' Alder
streets by Detective Hellyer on a war
rant charging him' with obtaining money
under false pretenses. Issued upon com
plaint of F.; Dresser, a grocer at Fifth
and Stark streets..: It la Jilleaed bv tha
complainant that July 18 Huntington
assed a worthless etieck on him ; for
100 drawn on a Pendleton bank. s. Bv
means of the ' boarua paoer Dresser
claims that the lawyer secured 20 in
cash..... y.'.-.-f' y - -
Huntlnrton has offices On First straet
and resides with his family at 294
Tenth street - He was formerly In the
investment : ousiness in - tne AUSKy
buildlna - and his brother is a . wall.
known attorney in -The Dalles. ; Accord
ing to Deputy District Attorney Haney.
Huntington has passed a number of
worthless checks in this city and threa
complaints were made to the district
attorney's office yesterday, i Two ' of
those claimed to have been mulcted re
fused, however, to orosecute and merelv
wanted complaints to force the repay
ment of the money alleged to have been
secured.' F. Dresser signifies his Inten
tion of vigorously prosecuting the case i
and will not -consider a compromise. -
. Huntington in nis own behalf admits
giving Dresser the check complained of,
but maintains that It was riven to him
by a third person and be was unaware I
that If a - annrinn.. ; .rn .U M '
$1,000 bail - the aoeused attorney lan
guishes in the city prison. ', .
y 1-1 ' . ' "" ' ' . M-r 1
Sam Fessenden of Connecticut, who
has recently announced hie retirement 1
from active politics, has been- one - of I
tuv wwe fiurnwa vi wm mvpuuuuan-party
for 40 years and was secretary of the
national. KepuDiican committee durtn
Ice Macoiinies
The simplest, best Ice Machine on the
market! Just the thing for residences or
butcher shops. ; : - ' - ' ' .
youlNeed Q n el
. ; We have just recently taken, up refriger
vating engineering - and have .employed
: one of the most competent men. We shall
be glad to .ahow you some of our plants
in operation. : , V ' . v
the: w. Q. Mcpherson c
k m.-m . . a a
Heating and Refrigerating i 13 nsiheers
. . '.. ... '
lie ! now 10 years old, and expects to f muneratlve Is evidenced by " the fact
inuer oi nm jne to nis j tnat Air. eesenaen only recently re
That this practice la re-1 celred a fee -of nearly 1150,000 tor col.
iPDUbllcan committee durlnar s-lva. 4h maln1i' nr hla Ufa In hi. k.t iu' Voantan ..1.1
lectlng.fpr the sUte of Connecticut a
penslgu - bill from the federal govern, )
oaent. , . , "