The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Tpivn Topics
v. r
SUUJIZ1AU Al tutuikia v
Subscribers esn have The Journal de-
tm i im reaular ratal at the rol-
otp raaorte b notifying the aaenta
' at tinJauarloue plaoes mentioned. Sub
scriptions by mail art payable la ao
vaaoei .,, .
. pearhart PW.;..U';...;,.P. X "true
Hot Lass. rfot Leks Sanitarium
,,Wllholt Springs.........?. W. McLaren
Springs.... ....... ,
' Boyd Son and Mineral Springe Hotel
Caacad Springs. Thomas Moffatt
Collins Springs...... C. T. Belcher
Ilwaco. ..Louis Cohen
Beach. . , .,.,. ...
Marshall at Pottenger tad O. A. Smith
Nahootta..,,,,,,,...'.....H. J. Brown
Ooaap Park Matthews Thedford
geavlew Frank H. gtrauaaj
The Breakers Tba Breakers Hots!
Tom a
Grand - Vaudeville
Lyrlo ............"Tba Two Orphans"
fit.. "Tha floruit' a R.vtnt."
.The Oeka, O. W. ivoar Una, First and
Alder. : .
Athlstlo park, baseball game, Oakland
: VS. Portland,, aouoje-neaaer. a p. m.
: City park, concert. Da Caprlo'a band,
I:80 p. m.
tcrday ohare-ed with assault and battery
on Mlis L-uella Hawlay, the young Bal-'
ration army worker, denies that hel
used abualva language toward the young I
woman. Baker aaya tha saloon waa
filled with rough-talking men or Var
loua nationalities and that prompted
him to take , Mlaa Hawlay by tha arm,
vary gently, ha aaya and tail her te
lera the saloon. , .
' Tha men own VP. Money talks and
fca mi. la allurlna-. .Women are called
tha bargain hunters, but man appreciate WeStClTl COOPeKUje Company
Mima .u.n mnr. fiillv. ' and Blnpe I . . .
they've round that Robinson A Co. meant
bualnaaa when they cut their prleaa on
men's furnishings, tha men have been
outfitting In a thorough fashion, say.
m nioiiT vn LFuiviiaw. 4 jiv Bum - , .
IL.. 4. ua uruhinrtnn' .irut .1. ., - I ': . : ':-:' . . ,.'.
Professor 'James Hyslop Sntertained RTTITA'RTj'R SITE IS
another larga audlano at the Unitarian wm m -rm
church laat night on tha aubjaot ,ot . i VU! XVvllL XJ V&l
"PsTohologloal Research and Polities." I ' i '" : L, " ' : i
Profesor Ilyalop, who la secretary of the i ' ; : ' '
ffStaNaTStiSi VpSSFSS hu labors Oone- Ilently;PorchA-l 1S.000
tor me penem 01 deeoer Hnowledae or
mattera psychla are attraotlog , much
attention..,..: ;- ,- : :. -
Desired to Locate Build-
. Ings Here If Possible.
rgaTluimplon Orotip Mlalng ooropany
Bied ft deal on Friday for SS copper
claims in Siskiyou oounty, California.
covering aoppar outcropplngs on tract
at ground U0 feet wide and nearly six
. mil a ion. There has been consider.
able of a struggle between certain In
'terests as to which should secure thla
property, tha outcropping s ' of which
show fit and batter to the ton, but the
Champion people came out ahead and
-veatardav eloaad tha deal. Thla trans.
action. Involving an outlay of -176,000
when It la entirely completed, la inv
t Portland's "finest" will eontlnu to
wear tha same helmets ag at present,
with the same also af visor, although
the policemen petitioned tha executive
ooara ior i change. The police com
mittee could not aaa an ruioii for
cnangmg the siss of tha visor and reo
omtnanded that tha request of tha of
ficers be not granted.
' Sunday excursions to Oresham, B
cents, to all points on Upper CUkamae
river to and Including EsUeadaj - 78
cents round trip. Tickets must be our-
cnaseai on aaie in waiting room, 1st ana
Acre of Timber Ind In Clatoop
dmitj Which It Mar Bell If riaai
Do Not Materialize). C
Alder ata - Cars leave 7:157:10. 1:11
I'M 11. a m I..A .A 1,11 till
p.' m. Dinner at Hofel 'Eatacada,.'lO XM0 acree of timber land in Clatsop
The, Westers Cooperage oompany. a
large concern . operating at different
polnta Is California, Oregon and Wash
ington, has bean considering seriously
tha construoUon of a plant near Port
lan. but on aooount ot diffloulty In
obtaining a alta front tha Port of Port
land, that la acceptable, Ui plant may
not bo built here. , r '
Recently thla company purchased
' Excursion rates on O. W. P. tomor
row to Boring, Eagle Creek and Esta
cada, 71 eenta round trip.' Tickets must
be purchased; on aate in waiting room,
and Alder ata. Cars leava 1:15, 7:10,
f:lf. 1:10, 11:10 a. m.. 1:10. 1:40, 6:44,
7:16 p. m. -Dinner at Hotel Eatacada,
60 eenta,
county, adpjacent to Young's bay be
low Astoria, ii waa inougm mi time
this Umber was purchased that a plant
would be built either at Astoria or
Portland, but on aoount ot the diffi
culty mentioned above, tnaae pians nava
portant In that the purchase la made
by Portland people ana tna propany
added to tha already famous Champion
group of proven gold propertlea Every
and tha property is
stockholder, therefore, la the Champion's
twelve gold mines becomes a part own
er of thla Conner rjroDoeltlon without
any additional outlay of monsy. The
- offloea of the Champion Group are in
Rooms IOf-107-SOS. Couch bldg., 4th and
. Washington ats.. from which U issued
Its ahaj-aa of stock.. This saner, now
railing at 60 cents per share, ought to
; pv one OI ins Deal sioca uu;. i-
fered . in this city. Every ahare has
both gold and copper behind It In thla
flea ita tremendoue strength, and the
Champion Group Mining company la a
big corporation.
Friday evening. August It. a moat
delightful entertainment will be given
In the Oregon building at tha Lewis and
and Clark fair grounds, under tha aua
plcea of the business women a com
mittee of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Wll
helmlna Joenke. special lecturer for the
New York schools, bss been secured to
give one of her illustrated lectures on
the Hawalian.lslands. and tha Da Csprio
band will render a special program
commencing at eight o'clock. Refresh
ments will be served. The proceeds
derived from tha t6-cent admlsalon fee
will be used to send delegatea to tne
been delayed and it Is very uncertain
if a plant will be built in Oregon at all.
ine ron oi. .roruana oirerea a
year leaae on a strip adjoining the dry
dock near St Johns. The commission
n i vt-. a .u- I u. rilUHQ u u aim wan am u
will listen to an address on "Women's Dl must be maintained by the company
Sphere In Political Economy," by Mlas and responsible safeguards against fire
Mime Trumbull at AUsky hall .at the i provided. The cooperage company is
oomer of Third and Morrison street a, wililng to oomply with most of these
at 6 o'olock tonight Everybody la in- stipulation but wishes to have the
vlted to attend.
Tha New York Bute soolety will hold
one ot ita regular monthly meetings
and toctal . gathering at tha home of
Mrs. Albert Vail on the Section Line
road, second house aaat of reservoir
(ear at First and Alder), Tuesday even
ing. August 10. All New Yorkers are
' Water through hose for sprinkling,
yards or aldewalka or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
and used only between tna hours of I
and I a. m., and ( and p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
usad oontrary to these rules, or waste-
rally, it will e abut ori.
privilege of buying the property If It
snouid be so desired at any ume wunin
tha IS rears.
The company la a large one. They
maka barrela, etavea. heads, tubs,
wooden palls and kindred commoditiea.
They are backed by plenty of capital.
Watson Eastman, of this city, is presi
dent; William Sullivan. Los Angeles,
vice-president, f and Gustavus P. Clerln,
Aberdeen, secretary and treasurer.
These officers own the entire stock of
the firm. 1
"I Intend going east next week," said
Watson Katman, in speaking; of the fu
ture plans of the company, In the of
fices at Sixth and Morrison streets yes
terday, "and will be ready to more
definitely announce our plana on my
return. We had Intended to Invest
Af,.ia .-.AAM.fn. tKa Tftaalbout 1100.000 in a plant In Portland.
Articles of Incorporation of tha Roee I ahaulA .. mmniinA ,ui table terms
City Park association were filed in thai from the Port of Portland. It may be
office of the county clerk this morning 1 that we shall decide to sell out our
by T. B. Wilcox, Welter F. Burrell and timber holdings in Clatsop eotajty if
h Thompson. Their object is to we change our Diana It will not de-
deal in real estate.- Capital stock, ttOO, 1 crease in-valua-ln- any length, of time
000. I we might chooee to deliberate what-
r ' ever tha decision may be. Oregon tim-
Mssssngsrs wiu notjitnga 4 ne mas- i har la as good as ready money.
not on strike
senaera employed by City Messenger 4k
Delivery company,
. " iMiivarr onmnKnr. in not on arnica I .
LA?jr.aJrnV Vhuic5 L L 2?,lh.-lLM CLIFFS OJV iSUKTll JiAJNK
la to opes at Seaside August 10.
. George Christ, was arrested yesterday
at 16th and Oliaan streets by a patrol'
man on a warrant charging him with
larceny by ambeaalement Nleolt George,
tha complaining witness, tha defendant
ani another man formed a copartner
ship to conduct a bakery on 10th street,
the former and latter investing $100
apiece, while Christ put up $8T. It is
.claimed that the accused man converted
. the receipts for the past two months,
.amounting to about 1400. to bla awn
iiaa .nil rafuaaa in anva an accounting.
Attorney Yanckwlch has been retained
aa special prosecutor, but from the cir
cumstances yaurrounaing m cjlb u ap
pears to a civil rather than a- criminal
This morning In St Michael's church
will be unveiled and blessed the ploture
representing St Elizabeth, or tha Vis
itation, executed bv the eminent artist.
George De Pyro and donated to Jthe
Church or josepn jaaraDiiu. i ni panel
Is is feet nigh or aeven leet wiae. w
tie morn than Klizabath'a nroflla la ex
posed to view In the painting. Mary la
standing and leaning over Elisabeth
with her hands on ths elder woman s
Shoulders. The facial expressions are
beautiful On both races ana tnere is a
suggflstlon of Botticelli In the gentle
melancholy on Mary's face. Tha work
is a notable piece of art
Ralph Crysler, H. C. Forbes and
Charles L. Miner, have opened a beau
tlful 11 tie store on Third street entirely
devoted to Eastman cameras and ko
daks and photographto supplies. The
establishment is known as the Portland
Photo Supply Co., and la located along
side the Skldmore drug store. East
be promptly handled.
iy. noma a-ji.
Telephone Main
shMfltaii Aanomnoad Division Point Tot
a miuwwr mmuw uuraiva iw.m- Tb Portland ana g tattle,
ar Telsphone win make the round trip At 1Mt hajf a d0Mn alfrerent towns
to Cascade Locks and return Sunday, on the Portland A Seattle railway
HL UaU A 1 Jka atua4 .k Bk . . . a. a. A l. . aka..aa
nm afUL, 1-wviUf Aiusi va ww,, wg aaa v i CltlTnea UlVy WtjrfJ IU UfJ VUv U"Ueju .
rarnrninar ainniit aa a wn. . aarai i maim. m a w mm wna mvnriaiiiv aa nnmi niwn
aa m...m bvwww. w mr - - uuiau Lf U V IV IB SSJ WW vilivian m a.i w H aa vw a
Just as
We Thought!
.Our acceptance of the "challenge''
5 of other local dealers for a thor-'
ough comparative testv of player
pianos has been allowed to stand an;
: entire week, 'without a single re
; sponse. Their silence, and failure '
to acknowledge our reply, proves
that they have not the faith in their
, instruments, that their "challenge"
implied. It was just as we expected,'
however. ,
7 ; Hereafter, when other dealers
make claims of "equal" or "super!-
i or" to the genuine Pianola the
standard of the world the public
:will know just how much weight
to give them
All that we ask, and that which
we desire, is a comparison of the
Pianola with any other instrument
on the market- bar none know
ing that
The Pianola Piano Stands Incomparable
It has no "freak" talking points to influence those without technical knowledge, but It does
incorporate more than three hundred of the most important improvements in player construc
tion, including the exclusive metrostyle, and in its reproduction of any class of music, renders
it possible for even' a child to produce the effects that - in hand playing are only within the
ability of the world's greatest pianists to duplicate. We shall be pleased to. demonstrate the
marvelous possibilities of this unrivaled instrument, to any one, at any time, and to prove
that the claims of the Pianola to superiority are based upon actual merit
iWe Invite Inspection of the Latest Styles of The Metrostyle-Themodist Pianola Piano.
ciit rraouoxotrT
m.. returning about t D. m.
for tne round trip $1.00. Meals lOo.
Oregon City Boata Short river exour-
slona Sunday: it's a delightful river trip.
Boat leaves Taylor street 1:10, ll:l)
m s p. m.; leaves uregon city iu
m.. 1:10. 4:10 D. m. Round trip 45o:
tickets good on O. W. P. cara.
Trolley trips to Falrvlew and Trout-
dale; take Kstacada and Caaadero oars
and transfer at Cedarvllle Junction.
Leave waiting room. 1st and Alder eta.,
7:J0, i:S8. 11:80 a. m.. 1:80, 8:40, 5:44.
T:1S p. m.
River front lots tha only avaUable
property between Portland and Oregon
City. Beautiful building altes; elegant track-laying crew w
aprlng. Let us Know, at onca it you
ooint. but it is now omciaiiv i
that Cliffs Is where tha district terminals
are going In, the railroad company hay
ing bourn t a aectlon or land at tnis
nofnt before there waa any right-of-way
purchased along the line. Out of this
land they have retained 180 acres for
storage tracks, roundhouse, coal chutes 1
and shops. Ths grounds are said to be the j
best adapted for yards, shops, eta, of any i
thin a inn r tha Una with ths advantage I
of having a large spring of water of i
the best quality for boiler purposes on
high ground near oy. giving a pressure
for fire purposes, and quantity suffi
cient for all time to come, and to thla
Is added, that it is midway to a mile,
between Portland and Kennewick.
Track-laying will reach Cliffs the
latter part of August and here the
'III o
0piat5 p5a
be held for many
weeks, aa some of the heaviest rock
mntamnlata nurchaslng. The Shaw- I work on tha Una Is a few miles west of
Fear company, 845H Stark street. Cliffs, and tha track-laying crew win
1 " . May "many mues oi storage iracas ai
Outings by trolley to Oregon City and I cliffs and get tha grounds ready for
Canemah park, 45 eents round trip; cars I roundhouse, shops, and the necessary
leave ticket orrice ana waiting room, i improvements needed at tnis point.
1st and Alder ata.. every it minutes After the grounds have been prepared
from 8:11 a. m. I it will take a year to complete tha build
We can extract one or all your
teeth without hurting a bit and
Gut In new teeth the aama day
! you desire.
Our system of erown and
bridge work Is simple, quick and
When desired yon can nave T.
P. Wlae or ray personal service,
rainless ZhrtraatUg Proa When
ylates are Ordered.
and doing dental work all the
tlma That is the record of Dr.
W. A. Wlae. Thafe one reaaon
our business has grown our pa
trons come back, and they send
their frlende.
W. A. WISE, Dentist
jJlixLf bldg, Sd and Washington m. Sundays S to IB.
ralnlaas Sx rttoaSOoi Plates fS
and H. A. Hoffman
man's complete line of cameras and ko-1 au business entrusted to them will be
daks and everything the artist can wish
in photographlo goods are carried by
mis . speoiai
Amusement Council Crest park every
evening. Take a ear ride to thla most
beautiful spot Music, danolng, moving
pictures. Illustrated, songs, eta Vocal
and Instrumental mualo by tha "Ha
waiian musicians."
Maaaana-nra will not strlkV The mes
sengers employed by City Messenger A
Uellvery company, are noi on wum
specialty house. , Thus this little
em of a store fills a long-reit want
n- roruana ana uregon.
romptly handled. Telephone Main 19.
ome A-1929
. Ths Retail Grocers' association will
give an entertainment at the Oregon paclflo 2228.
building at the Lewis and Clark fair
f rounds, Wednesday evening. August
1, at 8:15 o'clock. The program will
Tnr.inri Khna Ranalr company.
Yamhlli street between Third and
Fourth streets, for good, quick and aub-
stantlal work. Beat oak soles.
:iiffs is beautifully situated. The
business nart of town lays along the
river and Is as level as a floor, while
the residence portion has an elevation
of 100 feet overlooking the river. It
la surrounded by the choicest frolt
lands in the country. Cliffs Is the
gateway to and from the Klickitat val
ley, where lumber, wheat and stock
will find Ita war to market
A good monthly payroll will give
Cliffs the advantage of anything on the
line. Upper river boata call at Cliffs
and a ferry gives access to the O. R. &
N railway. The new line being built,
with steel rails laid within 9 miles of
the town makes the Immediate future of
7 Sa Phone Cliffa exceedingly bright
Bauer & Stopper.
nnalst of vocal and Instrumental muslo,
In charge consists of J. E.
and dancing. Refreshments
served during the evenlna
W. StubtfsYndTc! Mani This wlU reminTyou" that now is the I Caprio Arranges Several Features,
coram if
M alley,
. f
August Baker, bartender in the
Deutsche Bier Keller, a saloon at 24 East
Becona street, wno was arrested yes-
Learn to swim at Rlnglers Natatori-
um, 888 East Morrison, jrrasn water,
heated: enamelled tank 20x80 feet Priv
ate lessons ror ladies ana gents, so
cents; swim, 25 eenta
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Main 474. The roruana uunea iair
Factory. U Meizger. proprietor.
Including March by Frank
Richter, Blind Pianist.
The largest stock of silverware
in the west la at your disposal.
We assure you It will b a
pleasure to show you this im
mense display. ,.. .!
Many Of the daintiest and most
unique patterns we have ever aeen
are included and each piece atanda
alone In originality and beauty of
workmanship. . We mention a few
seasonable and serviceable arti
cles, so low priced as to bo with
in reach of moderate incomes: ' .
. loe Cream Seta, Claret Ptsonars,
Compotes. Mayonnaise ' Bowls,
Salad Bowls, Deviled Crab Dishes,
liquor Sets, Klffb-BaU Sets. Wins
Sets, Aspararns porks, Bony
Porks and Spoons, Batter Spread;
ars, Cake Knives, 5 ' , CboeoUts
Spoons, Cold Meat Perks, Cucum
ber Servers, Tomato Servers, Zoe
Cream Spoons sad Porks, fcettuoe
Spoons and Porks, Salad Spoons
and Porks, Sardine Tongs. Sand
wich Tongs. r
: 0. neitkemper Co. .
Lowest priced Jewelry House for
Fine Goods.
Waenoua-al and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street I hM been arranged
; oock ai a v
Rtaamer Jasaa Harklns. for Camaa
An exceptionally attractive program
for today's band
concert at. the city park. Among the
Tou must order Monday or alss wait features are a march by Frank Richter,
80 days for your wood at our cheap tn b,lnd Dla-0 gololat of Portland, who
"lis now In Germany studying under the
best masters; a bass clarinet soio oy
Bruno Antonio Heitkemper, . and a bart-
prlcea. Cooperative
i Ablngton bidg.
Wood COv,
Dr. H. Ausplund, formerly manager of t0 -qIo by Sis. De Caprlo.
l0"j,.i.y waahlngton street oer fnterse(1 wlth enough in a llgt
of Fifth. vem t0 make it pleasing to everybi
Methodist Church
Cor. Third and Taylor.
Everett Merrill Dill
Will speak today at 10:80 a. m. on
M Raceborse and Ox Team
and at T:4B p. m. on
'TbeTonng llan and Bis
In Ms evening sermon the
speaker will deal frankly and
fearlessly with some of the prob
lems of the Bible. His arguments
are UNANSWERABLE because
his weapon is COMMON SENSE.
numbers are
. ... . "TZZ-T v- I having a taste for music. The conoert
t Vullleumler. Jeweler has moved to gaX. t 2:S0 o'clock promptly, and
ZOO AlQSr Bireei. uvvwnn dotohu UU ni - th nrncrram tn
Acme 011 Co, sell safety coal oil and
fine gaaolina. Phone Eas
the urogram
'Spirit of Independence1
it. 789; B-1007.
R- W. Moore, expert photographer, SS'KiSi1
Elks' buUdlng. Seventh and Starke Tsta ! aff " p
jciji;. ......
Frank Richter
Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 205 Alder
D. Chambers, optician," 189 Seventh,
Berger signs 284 Tamhlll phona.
Bark Tinlo for rheumatism.
Vnr tttm rail Main 224 or A-224L
Delivery company, gsi atant at ..
Tan Splendid Meat prises To Ba Award
ed ' by Vnioav BCaai . Co.
Elsewhere in this' oaner will ba found
further notice of Union Meat company's
prise competition In which 8176 In meat
oraera wui ' pa g:
and then -send la room 14 ; Hamilton
Read it
building, for the handsome blue book
offered, also full details. sEnclose stamp
Cor postage. . v-;A",;
Where to Dine.
Watson's Restaurant will serve s Una
chick an dlnswr today, ft) seats. .,
"Tannhauser" Wagner
(By Request)
Paraphrase on "The Palms". .Oruenwald
n. "Lta. uiuuuuun ......
Five Characteristic Dances (New)....
O. Sarakowskl
(a) Hungarian Dance, All'tto Sostenuto;
(b) Polish Dance. Motto Moderato;
(c) Spanish Dance, AU'tto Con Splrito;
(d) Slavonlnio Dance, "All'gro Schers
ando: () German' Dance, All'gro
1 Rlsoluto.
T Tnrarmiaamn
Grand Selection, "Meflstofele" Bolto
Bass Clarinet Solo, "Love In Idleness"
,,.,........ Macbeth!
Mr. Heitkemper. I
Trls" Introduction (II Sole),.Mmscagnl
Baritone Solo,' "FacQita"......Hartman
Slgnor De Caprlo. .
Marcb, "Gate City" Weldon
. A. De Caprlo, Director. -
Ci C. Hickok, City Manager.
Among tne' many 'reliable and wide
awake real estate firms in the city of
Portland there are none more thorough
ly eaultable and progressive In all Its
methods than the Washington & Ore-
f on Realty company, whose headquar
nn are at 108 Becnnd atreet. J. H. and
Pearl Elwell eatabllshed . this company
at Vancouver, Washington, 18 years ago
and began making a specialty of Clarke
county property, consisting of farms,
farm and timber lots, ata, la addition
to city lots, and tha increase in busi
ness has been such that two years ago
It was deemed advisable to establish a
branch In this city for the better hand
ling of Portland city property and that
Immediately tributary to this vicinity.
The call In this direction at this time
has assumed such proportions as to make
the establishment of a city department
necessary, to be In charge of a speoiai
manager. The gentleman selected for
this Important and responsible, position
Is C. C. Hickok. who has had large ex
perience in such matters, covering a
period of more than 20 years In Sac
r.m.ntn valiov and tn San Francisco
and who for more than a year has been
carefully etudylng the conditions and
prospects of Portland and the country
in Oregon and Washington Immediately
tributary to It Aa a result of this
wide range of aotlve effort and subse
quent Investigation, Mr. Hickok Is well
qualified to handle city real estate.
Who Buys ,
Takes Frequent Trips
and he always makes a rood imor
g&$ the best service, and accomplishes
suits in business because
He Is Well Dressed
Come see us tomorrow and demonstrate
in your own experience that you can save
money and get the best values now, while
Summer Sale Is On
Look particularly at the following:
Splendid quality Negligee Shirts; were
$1.60. Going for $1.15.
Cluett and Star brands; were $2.50 and
$2.00. Going for $1.55.
Best grade Soft Felt Hats; were $5.00
and $3.00. Going for 82.35.
Everv variety high grade Summer Underwear. Going
for 45c to S1.35.
Silk Neckwear; 50c to $1.50 values. Going for 85c
to fl.OO.
Wash Neckwear; best 85c to 75c values. Ooinc for
25c to 45.
Hosiery, good grade balbriggan; 25c values. Going
.for 20t.
Leather Goods, newest bags and suit cases, at 25 per
cent discount.
Big Bargains Every Day Come While They last
... m.
w sr T r 1 t m
re- T M-
289 Washington Street
North Pacific
College of
v rosTXAVD. omxaov. "
- Unsurpassed In equipment and
advantages. One of the largest
schools of dentistry in ths entire
wet -, " - w,
The annual session begins Oc
tober li- For further informa
tion and catalogue address Dr.
Herbert C Miller, ran. - - ,i
.... ,.-, . . . . ' ..,
Cones Mfteentn and Oosak 8rts4 .
, a Jrortlaad, Orogxnv ...
. 19Q2?1301..:2&6 pupils ? 1905-1905 681 papO
1903- 1904.; 387, " 1906-1907 842 -
1904- 1905........ 483 " Estimated 1907-1908 ...1.000 " '
Portland Academy
90wxax9, ospaosr.
: Kineteentb Tew Opens September la.
Fits boys and glrla for eastern and
western colleges. Over two hundred
graduates admitted to college. An ath
letic field and thorouarhlv aoulnned gym-
naalum. Includes an elementary school,
which receives pupils at six and fits for
the Academy, giving especial attention
to reading, spelling and penmanship.
Thoroughly competent teachers in both
departments - Office' hours during -Aug.
ust from - a. m. to 18 m. Catalogue
sent a aysUoaUoa. j
Columbia University
trslrersity Vark Station, orttaad, Or.
Catholic Boarding and Day School for
young men ana ooys. Bituated on a
high plateau skirting ; the , Willamette
river and overlooking the panoramic
olty of Portland; a veritable health re
sort for students. Extensive play-
' ColleaHata. Preoarator ajut irrwmm...
olai Couraes, - Catalogue sent on applies
tion. - . - - -: -&. ... :-.,:-'...-, . ....
. fTesicent
1 . . r-
I 171 ' . KL
r noil
23 ' . $ Vl0
Almost Ready
to Cut it Out!
Every day now brings addi-;
tional arrivals to toy stock of
Fall Woolens om of th,
swellest and V - handsomest
fabrics Tvs ever, received.
And let me add, when I in
vite you to the opening die-'
play, In a couple of weeks or
so, I'm going to - show you
the finest array in this line
that this town has ever seen.'
It's going to make soma
other tailors envious. ' . '
TREE Short
time Longer
Now, while this preparing
is aroint? on. Ill continue the
free extra trousers offer
with every suit at $22.50 or
more. But, remember, . the
time is short If you are
ready for a suit, come right
along, and take uhantage of .
this liberal inducement now.
Yours, for-Garment Satis
faction, GRANT PHEGLKY Mgr.
Blkai DuIIdlna .
Seventh and Stark:
Build Your House With
Hollow Cement Blocks
Frostproof; 11 reproof, dampproof. Tba
heavlast strangest and bast are lAXa
bt -.'- : ; i
DnaaM. O Tl.aa.a...V
1 rtl a iib , a villi
S Ml S IJII M a iiviiipowia
OXloa, gag AUsky Bids.
Vohas, Ox,
r aoaary, , Stb
Pure Beautiful Jade Jewelry
Gold Bracelets and B!a
not Kings 01 au assert p
tlons made to order.
American names en
graved with the tbrao
cardinal Chines charac
ters, tUu. Glory, Pro.
nerlt' m.n& Itnawvitv
Charges reasonable and
orders os any aeaign
promptly executed and
sent nrerjsJd tn an. M.i
of the V. B. The Skilled
Chinese Jeweler, TOOZ ftAJTO k CO,
Jay Tu Chong. Mngr 881 Alder street
I . .a. a aV sal
sav raAvcmco-ruaorxA rui oiit.
Single roesM ar aa nlta. mevatar, stoaas
heat, aleetrl Usbta a ad all aiodara seavaai.
eaeea. Strictly flnt-Uaa. Oesvealaat t ahop
plng esotera. . Oa diract Has from rarrj aaa
laird and Towaaead' depot. , Betas 81 aa. ...
as soils St., aear Taa Neaa aveaa. .'
O. i. OANTSB. Mar.
. - A Hoarding . and Day
Sohool for Toung Men and
Preparation ' for eol
legts, U. 8. Military and
- Kaval 1 Academies. Ac
credited to Stanford.
Berkeley. . , Cornell. Am-,
herst and all State Uni
versities and Agricultural
: Colleges. Manual train.
Ing. - Business eoursa.
The principal has had II
years experience Is Port
land., Comfortahla quar
tern. Beat environments,
Maka reservations new.
For Illuatrated eataios
and other literature au-
drass :f'- -
J. VFa mil, U.D.;
rrlnotpal . sad Trvvrtef
Mtdlcal Departs
'.. 1
( t