The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 50, Image 50

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; . s KEUNIOX OETKE liE3IAUKABLK ABBOTT FAMILY NEAR EUGENE ' :' '.' v . -, vKi.; , 'ir.-' . 07-
yrn-iW wi p ! i ' w'"'''..iy'-TT-?p- im, ir;paaiaar'!-"ytSSWggCT ' . v. . P , ' ' f ' '- 1 V "" ' . y"m"Jm
: ( r.y - . -rr r ' " values-.
vi jk-- -a'. y,o
,t r - i,-. c'J 'k k ' M-ft'. ; v -v vi, II ' " '""' 'll' If- w wregon ana u give in mteresung style . ; i ;-. ..,fi
The reunion of the Abbott family, was held this week at Crowe, twelve miles west 'of "Eugene, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. It was
the first time that five pioneer children who crossed the plains from Missouri in 1852, losing on the way their parents and one grand
parent by cholera and other diseases, had been under the same roof, since their, first dispersal soon after arriving in. Oregon. They
follow mlHUfy lnitnictlon la thlm-
UIUU1QD1I. t . . .
That such mra ahould mk colossal
blunder! and wast mJUlona whan thejr
get thchanca la only what might ba
expected of them. The British army
ui eonunua 10 oa tna costiieat - and
moat Inefficient of any firat-rata power
as tong as me duik ot us oiiicera art
aristocratic Blockheads. . ,
Costly J Barracks; Erected to
Accommodate More Troops
. . . Than Needed. .
TINKERING OF MANY Output in Portland and
SECEETAK1KS ATAL Vicinity Is 440,000 Daily. ;
Many Factories.
Blonnted Infantry Schools Built
Where They Are Not Needed and
Colossal Sams Thrown
Foolishly. "
The output of the brick kilns of Port-
Away land and Tldnltjr amounts to about 440.
ouv par aay. The lactones are in opera
tion usually during the mqnthe of Hay,
Junaf July, August and a part of 8ep-
' . Ibrlck. ara nearly. all from the Pacific
uonoon. Aui. i,-7'; 't7,.Zl Fc Brick company, which was form
past succasslvs secretaries or aiaie nave Nawber Brick
been ' tlnkartag with John Bull's army.
me i'jill
Author of "My Old Dutch"
Returns to Stage to
. .lay Melodrama. '
Singer of Coster Songs Accepts Lead
bag Role in "The Sins of Society,'!
Which Will Be Brought Orer From
England;''':; ' '..
-1 By Haden Church.
' (By a Staff Oomsansdnit.)
London, Aug. 11 Most American play
goers,- one Imagines hare head Albert
oceo nunoiiu, r ' , 1 la th only plant of the kind making; "w
They begin by maklna; great Proml,e " ,tr of orTssed sing his coster songs-"My
r.fnrn..tiina and the, and p?la"T ot,pr,,Ma hrica for this mar-ft, n,,,.,... ,-.. onn M. th
of sweeping reformations and they and I the rt, and "now they
if . .nr.. tho t "t The output of this factory for v . i. I ,
iuj - : I lrt- nM..t , i uiw.UJ. iui. "U" vviu
lustration has Just bn rurnisnea oy T ' I 7 J tag to Londoners first. Chevalier having
the report of tho commute oi puouc l't -Vk rink .flT Just agreed to cr-ate One of the lead
accounts which has ; been issuaa as a tjoa ot Portland's buildings. The num-1 tag roles in Ths 81ns of Society," tha
parliamentary paper. It la a startling bar of facing brick used in a building big spectacular play which wiU be
record of the scandalous waste of pub. Is not so great as one nIht sUpp0,, v
llconey through th tncompetanc. of l!&rrtn?-imtor. but It 1. part of tha plan that
onicera - cnaxswi wn imjwrwui struotea ot the common red brick. The the author of "KnocKen Etn in tna via
mlnistratWe functions the a&me thing I wala 0f tne n-w Wella-FajBO building Kent road" shall play the same part in
which caused SO many "regrettable In-fnnf. In nnl. Knut mnnnn rCt mi1t nUvUnmrin when, at tha ni1 of tha Trfin.
cidents" In the South Af rlcan war. . I faCnf trick. ' . I don run, the entire production Is
Of tha numerous cases cited It will j The coat of manufacture has material- shipped across the Atlantic,
suffice to mention only a 'jw. At Aiaer I j increased owing to the advance in I Arrangements for the latter event
snot . .rrV. .k. tfl Price of wood and labor. Wood is are, I am told, complete, though it Is
to provide accommodation ; f or the on- ah . 60 d hltrher than last a bit too early yet to publish the de-
..-.. am Af m at as miiiiDrv ns lonn. - nu . i - . i. r . . - . i
yv2'-r"'--r-iya.r i-ADorers are ttaid from 12.60 to I tana. Meanwnna it may oe news to i
loon proceed, . however, tha by tM
u.m '"..X?" I wood at any price. Wood dealers say that in selecting to exchange tha con
m nr nuiiiiinsiBi unu ssi kbvii aaa. aua xii w- . . . m . a . . . a.i a x
ATZtl T; ;it inA ifniviiM ao thickly I ln1 " aaie to oia on rurnwn-1 ten pmuonn xor i - rogur bibk"
l.f. T.tS.f abair.n S5hn wood under contract for that rea- Chevalier is only returntaff to his orlg-
rX h ,t i i anrt ivn chanca son. , - . I mat vocation. it la a ract, nowever,
not he got out or it ana given a cnance i m , :! .v,. . u,. i bin.l
to soar. Tha abed had to he uuten aowa i tlYX aS.KZ J
and reerected elsewhers and , tha Job I j'JSU8and' "ered.
thiM time coat 160.000. , v.. I '
; i Double A ooom m odattons.
At Tldworth nearly 5,ooo,ou was i the approximate thousands
after midnight in all probability. True,
there will be an- hour's interval for re
freshments. - after which the specta-
"'- wiu previously nave neara
the first act of "The Yeoman of the
9u,?n,r.1,a second act of "The Oon
dollenJ." will be regaled- with the last
half of "Patience" and the first of
loianine. - no part of "The Mikado,"
you observe, despite the removal of the
ban.-But the veteran librettist, now
a;uuorv certainly will be on
hand, and as certainly will make a j
peecn. . AI ine ena tne natlnnnl anth.
era will ba sun by tha whnle nam.
pany and so the curtain will fall for
jn; iw on savoy opera at the Bavoy
When It rises arain It will fc nn nn
Of the Droductlona of Maaara VaHnfna
ana ijaraer, ramous as tha popularize r
ornaru eniw in JLionaon and the
latter of whom mav uctnt nt
wi oia- aaiary wmco nas oeen offered
nun cross America.
(Special Dispatch to The JoonuL)
: Olympia, Wash., Aug. IT. A shoot
ing affray took place on tha Fort Town-
send Southern train yesterday afternoon
about 1 o'clock, shortly after It had left
Tenlno for -Olympia. William Sloan
It's all Government Inspected SAFE meat ta eat 1 eliminate
' your butcher's bill for the month of more ; send today for; ' '
Full BsiaU
They will be sent you by return mail: you've onlv to answer rea-
sonable question regarding, government inspected meats; the an-.1
swer to which you will find, if you read carefully in '
The ; Eittlei Blue BnhFi
that we will send you on request; the book is beautifully illustratie3,,MLi I
with typical, Oregon ranch scenes, it has a most striking cover also '
typical oi urcgon na ix gives in interesting style
concerning government Inspection, of meats and the progress of a
great Oregon meat industry. It is an interesting book to read, a
valuable book to own and. a vitally important book to all consumers, s
-as Udells, in condensed form, just what everyone should know on
this subject Not a dry page in it! , i ,
H Clip the Coupoiv
enclose a Si-cent stamp for postage and send to us TODAY; the
book and full details of the BIO MEAT-PRIZE CONTEST will
reach you by return mail. ' t
Y ,; ' ' Clip Along This Line.
Call or Address
Contest Dep't
Union Meat
Portland, Ore
' Hamilton Bldg, Portland, Or. i
Pleaag mail ms at once your fret book on Gov
ernment Inspection, containing v Solicitor Mc
Caba's great speech. I wish to enter the prize
mesjt contest. Stamp .enclosed.
Name. . . . . . .! , ...... i j. . . . .
City . . -... .1 "... . . State:
Doaraea tne train and with scarcely any
warning drew a revolver and oegau
of MaUory just
lodging In - the arm
shooting at C M. Mallory, a passencer I below tha elbow.
wno was on ma way to Olympia to Sloan's wife recently secured a dl
brrhor hVnLlnZn, divorce from him. and Sloan blame. Mai-
threats hs bad mads against. the life of lorT fop nls family troublea Tha wp-
Mallory. I man la now living at Tacoma.
Four shots were fired by Sloan, onlv
one or whloh took effect, the bullet! Metsgefs spectacles. II. Hi Wash.
Useful Candle Nnt. ;
American Fruit and Nut Journal.
One of the oldest nuts In tha world Is
the candle nut, which grows In the Pa
cific Islands. The name la derived from
the fact that the kernel la so full Of oil
that when -dried it can b stuck n a
reed and used as . candle. .' .
The nitlves of Hawaii roast thess
nuts," and after removing th' shell re
duce the kernel to a pasts, which when
seasoned With salt and pepper Is re
ported as making an appetising diah.
The husk of the nut and the gum
which exudes from the tree have medi
cinal values, while the burned shell is
used m making a indelible ,inkwlta
which tattooing is done. .' ' - ,.v
Laborers are ttaid from 12.60 to I tails. . Meanwhile It . may
14 Der day of elaht houra. It aeemal most DeoDle at home as it Is to be tho
i almost ' impossible to get men to cut I younger generation or playgoers neru,
i.HriTnn harf arlaan in the imme I Tim.a Pc. wooq aeaiera say m m eiwjiui w.wi.
.aa, "--"----- .t , . . rnar it 1st. nnr siai rat rn raii fnaniuh. t fnrr n firrnrm
illoon oould
ana. w ha eai araan an-asrrk I ' AIUUIUU UI Iwa M m BSC 11 1 II BK a UI B 1U DfJ9r I kltak SJIa UDiVIV Mil art awaas m v sviua
I Mm Known on Dotn sines ox tne water.
Tha following- are the Drlncloal facto-1 Chevalier - had ; won a prominent place
rlea supplying the Portland market with among British actors.' One of his best
performances was given
. capacity j remembered
expended In building barracks for eight J daily: A. N. Wills. 40; St. Johns Brick in "Dr. BiH," when he appeared with
Infantry regiments though accommod I coraDanv. IS to 80: Western Clav Man. the Kendals: and it was not until bad
tion for only four was needed. Tha sur- I ufacturlng company, SS; I E. Kern. 40; luck kept him "resting" for several
plus barracks are being altered at ion I James Anderson, 82; Peter Hobkirk. 10; months that he feU In with the advice
siaersuio u ?, I Theodore Jensen. Z0: Henry Heerdt, JO; I or rnenas wno naa neara nis cosier
ment. and other troopa, Quite .reesnUyl a . Hoomlsson. 16: McMahon Brothers, ditties, and decided to try them In pub-
S 26; Hoover, JO; Kalk A Son, 12; Estacada lio. "Pocketing : hia pride." as he ex-I
HrlcK t TUS company, 16; Bandies A I pressea it no went on aa a --iurn - at
VI.... n. m. . ..lib. Tl...l1(nn nn.ln hall mA i nnnu.
.7aaa i.- VhT tinrnhii. JTTieDurg arotners, now building a I was lnsianianeoua. otpce umi time
17f,000 was expend a n tha Purchase tACto on th8 canyo? roa4 wUo ha seldom has been seer? on the regular
ZtJtJ!1 "Xitt:.Um pacity of 40 thousand. , I stage In Ixndon and never in tne united
decided thatiheydld not want's. hol &vZEl 5S5 aw W b -sfc
11.... .ith.. uun.ktu nhnri h imtlM Its factory at Newberg, but will I . . - stsw nT s aosv
vt. iak in ronaMiiene of these colossal i oon erac. atew piant; costing about I Aecordinc ta all accounts, however.
biundera and nobody is to ba - prose-1 JiM-Ooe at wuiamuub- A railroad. Is I Chevalier win hava a chance to dls-
cuted. The most discouraging feature being ouut rrom esnenaan to tneir clay play hia gifts as an actor, to the best
of the report is the statement made by bank near WiUaminav about -even miles advantage In.' "The Sins of Society."
the committee that it is without asaur- from Sheridan.- The output of this plant for In. wrlting lt those two Drury Lane
ance that a mora satisfactory result will be 40 thousand PJftlay of dry and stalwarts, CecU Kalelgh . and Henry
may be expected In the future, "as the SUIT clay face brick. This company has Hamilton are said to have gone
mlilfarv AtrKflnra who now frame eati. a special process used in the manufao. h.mlvM . aavaral . hattAr. TTor . tha
mates and control the progress of ex-j ture of its products. It may be interest- j last two seasons !l Hail Calne has
wtnriiturea are transient officers Who I ina to know -'that the red- clav used 1 nrnvMaH fha uitnmn attraction at
only ret to know their work tborouahiy I comes irom ntwoerg, me wnits cJayivrha Ijine" but now the au-
by the time they have to go." . ? , j from WiUamina, and the buff clay from thors of "The Great Ruby," White
it-'. TiBkartnar Volley rails. ''MH Buana - Vista. . With these clays different I Heather" and the reat have come back
p.ioi. that h. Hr.irri. shades or brick ara maoa oy varying the to thelr own, and the result Ist. s
ur1l3rTuS5-a play ; very much "of the pert-
state Is a7 hopeless failure, and that JrT"Zr?nkZ??J:i 1 1..,. Zl
ih ??? Jn.Bt,.0! Vaneuverhave a capwity of 25 000 .,i""".li t?a - " 7ZZ
in the fact at the army is roitarded brlck but Products are ciety; but only one. That one is the
company amploya 70 men. .. . - ful heroine bring her almost ; (but not
quite, of course) . to ruin. Also, s
Americans who know Drury Lane mel
odrama will not need to be told,, there
are "big scenes without end. One of
.- the aristocracy , and of - wealthy men.
Writing In the "CavWry Journal" re-
cfntly. General BadeniweU said, "They
join tna army unaoie to maice a precis
- or to write EnKllBh jreclely or even
- rraramatically.", The- commandant of
tne Koyai Military conege at Sandhurst,
which corresponds to America's West
Point,' Is' still more ,ouUpoken In his
' condemnation of the young swells who
: come to him to be tussled ino army
- officers. '' "Cadets from public schools
he writes, "cannot use the pen,, they
cannot write, or compose, or think. They
have neither Judgment nor Imagination;
-they are Ignorant of history and geog
' raphy; In fact, they are outta unfit to,
.. . . .... :
,SSS ire -4-
" T... .. . . f I m , I Ml II i III II IB -r ...
Dont wait for the doctor to do it for youfor
when you are all run down,' nervous and
worn ou heU'tell you to take a rest and to
take for, an aid to your digestion and nerves
the purest beer yqu can obtain. Ten chances
to one he'll specify , ,
. New Batcherje, Beidjr. ; .
(Soaelal DIsMtcb to - Tha JooraaL)
K Eugenfc OrAu?.' 17-Th McKntl hheM represents the Pontlfex Bridge
and Sluslaw, hatcheries, which .have club. Mayfair, where tha heroine sus-
r"1.".?11 ."J . . ' S jj tains some, or ner biggest losses; an-
ths fall catch of salmon, from which other a garden party at Windsor, with
Uie eggswlll be Ukan for .the spawn. "rlppiSg" view of the Thames and
A C. 5? inreA bfcelnan its hbuseboata. and the ' "biggest" of
U Jhe -hatcheries :f or It is 4hoped they .j, the race-coursev at ' Longchamps
wu njuvtuii. ins iwnHif iuuublw ; i with Us members of the "sreat world"
and the "half world" too. Ion dresa ta-I
aietsger sens aiamonas at iu per centi raae. . as tnia is aoout tna greatest
profit 842 Wash, st .
'MJ. ''''nil I J.Wi.iiliUM i.l 'UN liiiiiin.iM"-- I
mri.MiaiM.aaiMwiwiiianiiiiiiarin. iiiianiwav i iwwfr niJn--nVii rff y
show of frocks and frills to be found
in Europe, the representation of it on
the stage snouid be worth seeing.
- Besides Chevalier, two of -tha clever
est women on the London atage will
appear in tne Drury Latne - production
of "The Sins of - Society," and prob-
aoiy in toe American proouction, too.
nese- are wonsiance - uoiiier, wno will
In Gambrinus there is contained some of the
most potent tonic properties known to medi
cine, r The hops that give it the life, and
sparkle help to steady your nerves and bring .
sweet refreshing sleepthe, malt brings
strength and is a great aid to perfect diges
tionthe water that enters inot the making
of Gambrinus is the purest possible to obtain.
It's good warm, weather sense to drink plenty of good. pure beer. Have a case of it
in the house continually and drink it at meal and bed times. ' . '
Tis both a splendid body builder and a delightful thirst quencher. . ' ; ; f
Let the first thing you do tomorrow morning be to , ' ; ,
lay the, gambling heroine, and Fanny
gn. wno appeared with mwtrev
in "The Man from Blankney's" and who.
This picture shows a sturgeon caught by Charley Millar' a
"--Inifr fisherman, "and is said tn . hif t. .a t I h
, - , . - fc -w : . 111V 1 : 1UI ' QLUlt I - 1.1. .
, . , -f in that cArfinn fftr vMf. "TI,. j .l ' - U0.,, ln?.""r.wU". "iS .P"
; , - , "i- iiuucu U1C UCain at I acting- in mo unneu mates.
like Chevalier will have a part In which
the grave ana gay are blended.
.--..."'. .Details An , Withheld. '
'S: But the management wants - Che
valier's part ' In the story to come
aa a surprise, so details ' regarding It
win m. wimneia, 11 may oe saia, how
ever,' that he will i be "given . a -chance
to sing h and ;' probably will - introduce
a new song or two. He tells me that I
ne iiaes nis part immensely and is look-
d with special Dleasura to
. For a case of two dozen pints. It costs you only $2.00 and we allow you 25c the dozen
" for .the bottles when ; returned. One dozen quarts cost; you $1.75 and we allow you
40c for. the bottles when returned '
nds, measuring 7 feet, 10 ittches. The sturnn ratrh U c-rtino-l;ii!"w!!,M.?rt P -6u
i.;r 2nd smaller eacn, year and for tn tt fmir rr r don on- August 24. no, doubt win h.
, i. - : .I.-.. . . . ""T . ' V'v V.vttltake themselves to the Sim.-ThtH
liic avt r.ic M-uigcuu t-vguv m yui StreiCh Ot the river have whera the last irformancia or th
J lrom.JZ tO OOUnas.. ine Salmon catch, rm th rnntrarw iramous operas, in ineiroid home will
. .l 4U: - ;..-1 tft rV"Vl ? D" given, v as is ruling. It will be
s let ; rry good this year, several ' 60 to 60-poUnd Chinooks j nada a very speci
vi.-j I .-l trousLt in at one haul r , . --Kr40,rJa
sfTN fa?ar.l 'iPW1-l
special occasion; a double
xaoi. wnica will begin
w-goat ,uai
O. . .. . . (Tft ".'O'; n