The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 47, Image 47

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' Edited by Mrs. Sarah A. Evans.
Philip NJ Moor V -Yl:-
To BWoman's Club Guest."
applying for "nd making arrangements
with the -lecture bureau "it room 60s,
Oooilnough building. Fifth and Yamhill
streets. Tnii la goigen opportunity
which no society snouia mii. ,- j
The tate convention meets ' at Eu
(ren a October 16-19.' Everything seems
Portland clubwomen are anticipating
; with much pleasure th visit, th. com-
. Kua I'twucr " f jvtci j nulla avma
, lng week, of Mrs. Philip N. Moor, of to Indicate that It will be on of th
f fit Lout,."-' , -, bent ever held. ... .
i . -- vL .,j,( Mis. Hose Davison, a young and tal-
. j.Mrs. Moor la the flrit vlc.-pre.ldent ented pitttjform speaker and reader of
Of the General Federation. Bhe wa national reputation, will begin a lecture
bora In Rockford. nilnola. and waa edu- tour. September 15, beginning at the
, ' " v . fc ,. eoutneaat corner or Malheur county.
eated at Vaaaar college, at which Jnatl- Mla, Davison la a vary attractive, win-.
, tutlon aha puraued k full mathematical I iom young woman and wlnr fresh lau-
reia. in tvnjr uin in, emera, on Will
not reach Multnomah county till soma
time In October." . - ., -'
V t - HV.4 '
: and seientino course, and from which
. aha waa graduated in Wt, From 1878
,.to 1171 aha traveled and atudled abroad,
.pending th. yeara in Germany, Austria,
Italy, France, Swltserland, Holland, Bel
glum and England. Blnoeer marriage
;J sh. baa raalded In Colorado, Kentucky
During the., years sh. has traveled b,n teeJlly advan.ed. although the in th. United State.. Canada f ?"tn, 'ff
'and Mexico, Sh, ha. . b.ea connected af" Ti'ti
'with, and actively Interested In. th. Bt "m,en ; '
r w.r crvi . k? .. clr of many of th. club women
la a member of th. board of directors wn0-r ""PPortlng h. .nt.rprUe- by
oft the Provident association and chair-1 their intereat and subscription for stock.
rti an or their district nurae worx from
Federation Hotel -, . N-Vj
For New 'York (J'XV-l
The City " Federation Hotel project la
It. Inception. Bhe I. vice-president of it.
tium milk commission, and alao of the
I felt Lotus school or Philanthropy.
I Wltlthe Wedneaday club ah. haa
I bj"eorinected as a charter member,
I jAZvinK served a. president and director
from ltd to IRilS. Bhe waa preaident
C'1906, end 1. now- vloe-pre.ldent of the I
Uenerai Federation. 4 -
' " Intenaely lntereeted In the mualcal
' f growth of th. city, ah. aaai.ted In the
v lormation. or the MU ileal club, which
t ' ahould bring to St Lou I a th. very beat
. .;. artlata In every line; and la at th. name
, time loyally devoted to the larger mua
leal organlaation, , th. Choral-Symphony
, ;4.ociety, of which ah. 1. an officer.
Bh. holds .11 educational Influence.
. of greateat Importance, I. preaident of
r in. -national collegiate Alumnae aaao
, elation and closely connected with th.
1 work of the Bt Louia branch, and I. on.
of th. three Alumnae tru.tee. of Vaa-
T ear college; -
' S . Bhe waa appointed by the board of
.. lady managera of the Loulalana Pur
chaa. ezpoaltlon a member of th. au
: perlor Jury, In which International Jury
. of a ward a. for thr flr.t time, th. right
ef membership waa given to a repre-
aentative or women, -
A woman of liberal culture and ex
". Information, ah. haa . wielded
large Influence in varloua .phere. of
woman, work, and la apeclally 4tell
known aa a flnlahed parliamentarian In
aaaemblage. of women. With quiet
'. force and dignity ah. combine, great
' execntlve ability, and la an efficient
, "worker In every movement with which
he become. Identified. i
During Mr a. Moore' atay In th. city
aeveral social function have been ar-
ran red, the moat elaborate being a re-.
,- oeptlon by the Woman', club at th.
' horn, of Mra. P. J. Mann. All the fd-
erated cluba of th. city have been In
vited to meet Mrs. Moore, a. 'well aa
the Portland branch of the Collegiate!
: alumnae, and everything la being done
to make it notable among club eventa.
To meet Mra Moore will be a great
' privilege -to Portland clubwomen, for
aald. from her public work Mr. Moor.
' has a charming peraonaltty, which It la
Oeiigntrui to com. tn contact witn.
It K K - .
Ml.. Ina Law Robert eon, the Originator
of tho Eleanor .lube of Chicago, ' haa
been In' th. city thl. week and "haa given
at the .uppreaalon of independent and
reform canuldatea Th. committee haa
been untiring and haa been loyally
backed by the Influence of the club
women of the .tat. . ,
(Continued from Page Forty-.ix.)
Ml. Mella Borgen and M. William
Johnaon war. married Tlmiraday even
ing by Rev.' J. Bowereox'at hie parson
age, 1140 Gay atreet Mia Clara Hor
gen and Oscar L. Johnaon wer. mar
ried at th. earn. tlm. and place. -
it .n t
Two Southern 'Women
Prefer Work to Society.-
, Forcing publlo lasuee and inalatlngl
: Mi.. Bally Whitney of Ban FranclacQ
Upon h.r rights-a. a iree vvm -civiaen mi Hwiwr buv wwiiu iuui
of th. United BUtes. haa been going a card party given by Mr. and Mra
on so - long in th. north that women Arthur Wheeler, with whom ' ah. 1.
can .tart great reform., b. appolnUd Pndlnf a month. 1 There were about
to reapon.ibl. position, and do th. work and five hundred waa played.
a. well aa men and there 1. n.ver a rip- Th. prUe. were won by Mia. Jan.t
pi. of astonlahment, but when th con- Wilkin, and Boy D. Hartford, and they
ervatlsra of outhera women begins to prtty souvenirs of the Rosa City.
b heard in publlo , affairs th. whol. Th. guests were Miss Ada Dunlap. Miss
Mi berlns to take no- wr4 MUs Kl.le Morton. Mia.
country sets up and- begins to taae no- j9an Da M1 He,an Q M,g(
tic Bo th. appointment Of Ml.s Jean tJs Barker, Mis. Florence Barbur. Mia.
firlnrr tnanoctor ; for th. Mabel Button. Miaa Anna Place. Mia.
stat. of Loulalana ha. created asensa- m. Anna Norton Mia.
tlon throughout ihe length and breadth I Mll, Bl4 McDonald. Mla Beaale Tyler.
of the land, and' each progreaalve move Mta Margaret Potter, Mlaa Pauline
ah. makea, or ln.l.tenc upon; the In- tJ!tt
. I Mlaa Lucv Bteoh'ena. Mis. Elisabeth
iTOvara novAhat
Mrs. May Whitman, Superintendent ot Labor Department W. C. T. U.
th. officer, of the City Federation Ho
tel much valuable information regarding
the detail, of management - Ml.. Rob
ertson lately visited Omaha in order to
help launoh th. flr.t Jea club, which
1. modelled upon the Eleanor club
ideaa. The Woman's club of Clncin-
; The Country Store
And What It Means!
?: f Th. State Federation, at it. very beat,
i;ts not colling. In sreaUh. but owing to
. j'the necessity for getting the financial natl haa In hand the eatabllshment of
clauae in it. constitution into lnt.Ilig- almllar organliatlona. Mia. Robert
form and a. iieftnita time atatMi for .on', club. hav. Juat been approved by
t ibi. rorm ana a aennit. time stated, for the Chlcag0 woman's club, and th. in
paying the dues, lomi lapses hav. OC- doraement la to take practical .hap. in
: curred which hav. cut down th. revenu. th. raising of funda to establish more of
of the organisation to such an extent
that Its usefulness has not only been
crippled but it has been embarrassed to
meet its obligations, and with the ex
penses of th. October convention In
view, it became evident that money from
aome source would have to b. forthcom
ing. At the opportune time, it aeema, th.
, Invitation from the Retail Grocers' as
sociation came asking that the club
Emerson, Calvin Em.r.on. Philip Walk
er, Clarenoe Steele, Arthur Wilcox,
Marshall Thompaon, Paul Miller, Harry
Denton, Frederick Fayne, Albert May
good. John C Evana, George Charle.
Ltnd, Harold Chime., Roseoe Peterson,
IHI? U, J uvill, ,l.,U
Emery Tyler, Daniel Provoat and Donald
Mr. and Mrs. (nee Nelll. Filnn)
George Stafford of Redwood City, Cal
ifornia, spent th. paat week as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wood worth. 141
East Pine, street. Mr. and Mrs. But
ford are on their honeymoon and hav.
gon. to victoria and Vancouver, u.
and Seattle, for a ahort atay, after
which they will return to Redwood City
to make their home.
: Mr. Stafford I. a prominent buslneaa
man of that city. Mra Wood worth
gav. a dinner and theatre party in their
honor Tueaday evening. Those present
were Mr. ana ursl utariora, miss nam
erlne O'Brien, Jack Duffy, Miss Kittle
Nolan, Mr. ana Mjre. wooaworia
.Mra, L. Leonlde. of 47 Pettygrove
atreet entertained a few of her friend.
Saturday in honor of her daughter.
birthday. The Invited gueeta war. Mra
M. Schwichtenberg, Mra L A. Le Bean,
Mr., C Moehnke of Oregon City, Mra.
a V TtinViv at Beattla. Mra E. A.
France, the Miese. Eleanor Schwichten
berg, Geneva t rance, KUin ana Doro
thea Leonldea. and Howard and Harold
Dickey. Light refreshments - were
served in the afternoon. .
Mrs. George Lally entertained a num
ber of her friends on Thursday after
noon at her home In Irvlngton, tn honor
of Mra A. J. Crawford of Carlsbad,
New Mexico. The afternoon waa passed
in conversation and music. Songs by
Mrs. Harry Boyer and Miss Beeal. Fow
ler of Deadwood, South Dakota, were
especially enjoyed. Dainty refreah--mr
aerved bv Mra W. R. Glen-
there 1. no bound, to tho attention sh. .lmlat and Mlsa Ethel Jennings,
is attracting to herself. . , , . . .
The Misses Gordon Jean and Kate From I until 7 o'clock laat Sunday
are women , of wealth from the afternoon Frank D. Hennessey enter
bluest of Louisiana's blue blood, , and . etr friends with a musical
by right of Inheritance, belong to the JT,"; TC
mo.t exclusively aristocratic oirciee oil at n. nuaiw, v"" w" - -
new urieans. but tnev nave Doth come oneaalon was in nonor or ueorg. j,
- V''
the successful Eleanor cluba of which
there are now three in running order.
Mis. Robertson -emphasises the point
made by Mra Burna, wnen nnnging in.
Federation hotel nroiect before New
York women', cluba; that la, that
clubs ar. in no way Intended a. a
charity or a home, but a plan where
more , fortunate women can y help the
wage-earning woman to aet up nouse-
keeping In
manner by
a comfortable
advancing funds
to start
the hotel, with the orosoect of Its pay-
women take the "country store" at- the I lng all expenses and finally being abl.
coming pur. food .how, and after com- to take up all of Its Indebtedness. Bhe
municatlng with the board members gays the secret of success of such proj-
tbat could be reached by telephone, and ecta is to recognise that th. girl, are
aft.r a meeting with the preaident. of to enjoy their peraonal liberty and to
the Portland club.. It waa decided to run the clubs on a- atrictly busines. th. Invltatlqn. It now remain, basla. No club will reach the working
lor every oiuowoman to aq ner amy I girl that doe. not give her liberty, rne
same spirit must prevail that lead a gin.
to go lr
'toward maklna It a success.
The country store Is to be stocked
with every conceivable article that the
.merchants in every branch of trad, will
contribute. They will not be a.ked to
-contribute article, or any great money
value, but Juat such odd. and end. that'
have passed their glory and hav. be
. come passe; Just the class of articles
,' that merchants don't know what to do
in preference to housework.
The plan to furnish working women
with comfortable homes haa always
failed of Its best Intention because the
subscribers constituted themselves a
board of managera and appointed
friends to the active management -of
the houses. Each Eleanor club is man
with but which many people could make I aged by a committee of three that deala
witn the larger questions or imance
over and convert into wearable clothing.
Tnen tne grocers win do asKea to con
tribute -of their wares, as will- the hard
war, mm, the butcher, the baker and
; the candlestick maker. The city is t.
be districted and It Is hoped no one will
. eacane from the charm Ins solicitors. -
Eacn artemoon ana evening tnere win
wbU. th. girl, have .elf -government of
the clubhouse Itself. The charges are
12.75 a week for those who earn S7 a
week or leaa. and 13.26 for those that
earn from 18 to $10 at week.' These
prices Include lunch, which the girls
take to their plaes of work. Laundry
be a detail of clubwomen to take charge I nr4viia o't riva nta. When
of the store, and the method of dlspos-giri S out of work employment at the
h ing of the goods will b. by numbered
a. ticaei. 'iicxets wui do a aet price, ana
lsjcyery ticket calls for and entitle, the
I TJijr to some article. While It la for
I ' moif94sV)rfmarily that the country store
I will be"Tun, a good time Is also con
templated, as tne scneme aamits or
rata of 10 cents rjer hour Is found for
her In th. club in order that she need
not a-et Into debt -The airls make their
own beds, on Sunday, reducing the cost
or servant hire somewnat Dy tnis ar
rangement' Books snd magazines are
purchased for the library Dy tn. gins.
round after round of good, wholesome I .nf ha nio all th comforts and
fun, and it is hoped every. woman will I privileges of entertainment Such as they
not OnlV contribute her Wisdom tO mak- I kiv. In anv wall-reViUatnrl fam
ing It a financial success, but . her wit nyv The clubs succeed in paying their
xowara majiina il ouo oii jyuioai ana i expenses, ana i pay s per . cent interest
moat popular places in the building. I to th. Eleanor aaaociatlon, which has
Tne various commiiieea nave oeen lent the funds for the establishment or
anslcned for the nrelimlnarv work and
as soon as they-hav. their plans ma
tured they will he announced from time
to time. -- - - '
The central committee consists of Mra
Frederick Eggert and Mrs. Tlfft of th.
Woman', club, Mrs.' Ben Selling and
Mra S. M. Blumauer of the Council of
Jewish Women. Mrs. A, Stiles of the
the clubhouse. Miss Robertson hopes
eventually to start some hotels for the
benefit of women . workers that earn
above 110 per week, for in the matter
of llvlna- conditions in boardina houses
the girls earning from $10 to $20 ar.
very iitue setter oix tnan tneir sisters
witn smauer vragea one conienas mat
th. success of the-xromart inn,-witn
Tuesday Afternoon -club. Mra Dayton of I ita return of $ ner cent on, the invest
men t, is an example or practical neip-
'- 'juesuay Aiivruvuii uxuiA niv, iun vi
' the Portnomah club, Mrs. A. H. Brey
- - man of the Forestry, and Miss Matthews
of the Froebel association. The execu
tive committee la Mrs. J, D. Hayes, Mrs.
'Dayton and Mra Tlfft, with the state
. preaident ex-offlclo member of . both
committees. . c .
Hero and There
- lAmong the W. .C T. V. , '
". Mrs.' May Whitman," whoss picture
we present, ; is national superintendent
of the labor department of the W. C T.
' ,U. Sh is almost earnest student of
social science. Her writings as well as
4 h.r. public addresses, show a breadth
of thought apd fund of information
which at one. places her in the fore-'-
front of progressiva educators.
The labor department for many year.
- has had a child-labor department with
t Harriet Kelle "of Mississippi,- at th.
head.; and settlement work with Mra
i Kate Steavenson as leader, and a con-
- Kelly at thT head7vvMr's. AddltSnT .tit. th. .tata of the Humanr-ciety;
preaident of Oregon, nas been lecturer TTi"'."? "iw- km-S? i:ilSJi. J.;
for this denartment ' for - many veara I hP for the - blind; prevention of oh
1-tm anofnl anlnnne Institutes are maat l JectH
fulness' that' will appeal to persons of
wealth, - ana sne - nope, to start -: noteis
like the Inn in Chicago, Mrs. Burns and
her co-workers -. for th. City Federation
hotel will present details of th. Eleanor
club's management and success' before
many of the woman'a clubs of this city
early In the autumn , with the hope of
ontaininr enouarn monev m own - inc
first federation hotel at the beginning
or next year. ' -
t t .
An Industrial Committee ;;.
That Works and Votes,
The industrial committee of the Colo-
i rado Stat. Federation of Woman's clubs
has reported through th. chairman, Mra
Martha A. B. Conine, the result of wom
an's work with the last state legists?
ture. They have secured th. 'passage of
a pur. food law,' defeated the bill to
repeal the law prohibiting ; th. .docking
of horses, and the endeavor to abolish
instrujtlvo as welt a. entertaining.
HUrfV T.,tf hpaah abvm Jinan- An
tIGutner Minnesota. August 27, and will " . , ' , ""'r i n principle
Jectionable medical advertisements:
tabiisnment ox free employment- du-
reaus; better laws dealing with criminal
fome at onoe to Portland to begin an
(nilail laotnra tour of Oreeon. fiha
has been for , the past few . month.
' working in Korea and Japan. Sha will
of civil service In state-institutions; em
ployment or convicts, and appropriation
for a airls Industrial achooL Defeats
alao scored - have - been those of a bill
gtv. costume lectures -which will be of I requiring--majority -t alt votes cast
great HI IcrXBU OIIO will 111 nuilliu- I v J wiwuiuuvhm aurouuiuviiM
rnah county for two weeks and societies I and a measure making it unlawful for
wishing to secure one of her lectures on ( the nam. of any candidate to appear on
her foreign ' wandering, can do so by I mora than one ticket This was aimed
. v . . : a " 1 ; ; f- v
out Into the arena of the world work
and both are striving; to aive the array
old world a treraenduous heave upward,
and leave it better for their - having
passed through It- .
In speaking of her factory work and
the contest sh is now engaged In Miss
Jean says that she has found that in
all the army of children employed in
factories in her state there ar. non. of I
Jewish birth and no negro children.
Thl. ahould be a significant fact for
the whit, people of the south. -The
New Era club, of New Orleans.
which ha always stood back of the
Misses Gordon voted last week to hold
meetings during the - entire summer,
with two objects in view; to secure the
appointment of women on the school
board and to. increase the membership
of th. club to 1,000. The clvio com
mittee 1. conducting a campaign for
the screening of publlo markets and of
all elsterna Th. Juvenile court is un
der the constant supervision of another
committee. The club voted to give ten
minutes at each meetina for the dis
cussion of equal sufferage, and author
ised me use ox a runa to organise
BUlieraira ciuoa inroua-noui ina state
under tne direction or Miss Kate
Prominent Suffragists
Pay Viaita to Portland.
Portland has been particularly favored
this aummer Jn being visited by many
prominent women who have been travel
ing on th. coast for business or pleas
ure., - , ,;,
Two weeks ago Mra Rachel Foster
Avery spent a few days in Portland, and
was elaborately entertained at dinner at
the Portland by the publicity committee
or tne woman , ciuo.
Last Sunday Mra May Wood Park.
or Boston spent tn. aay in tne city,
th. guest of Dr. Esther Pohl and Mra
Sarah Evans. She was entertained at
dinner and then taken to Osweao for an
automobile ride. Mrs. Parks will be I
remembered as havlnar taken a Droml-
nent part in the National Equal Suf
frage convention that waa held in Port
land two years ago.. She Is at preaent
engaged in organising college and pro
fessional women's suffrage cluba Mra
Parks will return to Portland about the
first of September - to further some
plans that were started during her brief
visit last weea.
n :n
Forestry Club
Held Monthly Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the'
Forestry club was held with Mra A. H. I
Breyraan last Monday. Instead of the
usual nroaram. Mrs. Brevman had ar
ranged for an outina- in the form of a I
waia around tne crest1 or tne Heights
and out to the "Castle." The day being
cool and beautiful the walk, with the
study of forestry close at hand, was de
lightful. .- - ; - - - - . - , -
Before returning a little business
meeting was held, at which time the
comlna Of Eno. Mills to the stat. fed
eration and to - th. woman's club was
discussed, and soma plan were formed
to make hla lectures more general than
Just to club members.': The matter of I
assisting tn. ' state . xeaerauon in its
country store was also discussed.. and
all present were enthuslastlo over tb.
scheme and . promised it their help and
UDDort As-the date of th. next meet-1
lng would come during the time of th.
pure rooa axniDiuon.: it waa aeciaea to
omit -the September meeting and take
up the work again in October. -
A rood nroarram 1. belnr prepared for
me cooiiusr winier. - v-. v.
'! t . 'V - '
PracticUWork 4 , L
B'KanwaXtlubs.; 't -. ;
S'Federatlcfnof Wtiman. clubs of To-
peka, Kansas last week voted . to es
tablish a lace. station, following th. ex
ample of as number of federation, of
western-states. -This la", nhllanthronlo
project, wnicn originated in los An
geles,' where a ' Russian lady , has had
sent to her laces made by Russian wom
en; thee, are sent to the various lace
stations established by clubwomen,' and
are. exhibited and sold or. returned to
Lo. Angeles for redistribution, .
Price, the orchestgal player of San
Francisco. Mr. Price is a brother of
Detective John H. Price of this city and
remained In Portland three day. after
finishing an engagement at the Butler
hotel u Seattle, where he baa been
playing since the Bay City disaster. H.
returned to Ban Francisco Friday night
The Droit ram began with a contralto
solo by Miss May Meldron. The Recee
alonal. Her slater. Miss Lou Meldron,
accompanied her on the piano. Joe
pratage was pianist for the remainder
of the evening. Detective Price aang
a parody on "Everybody Works but
Fsther," followed by Mr. Hennessey in
a baritone solo, "Erin,", ana "Maud and
I Wading Through the Mud." v .
Those preaent were George Jr.' Price,
John Price, th. Misses. Meldron. N. D.
Bentgen,, Louis Jaoobson, Miss Lena
Sohults snd th.' host, Mr. Hennessey.
An elaborate luncneon was serveo,
. '- 'V.W H-.V-l.- ..S W ,-,-
. Mr. ' and Mra, R. B. Belt entertained
a company of young women at their
hom trEast Ninth street, Thursday
evening.' The .v.nlng was pleasantly
spent , and light refreshments were
served. The party left for bom. at a
late hour. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Belt
asalated In entertaining. Those present
were Mrs , W. C. Belt, .. Mra Myrtle
Vsdnais. Mies Gretchen Kurtn. Miss
Ruby Rodgera, Miss Lulu Underwood,
Miss oreua Thompson, miss uva rora,
Miss Charlotte - Gllmore, Miss Ef fie
Hlghsmlth, Miss May Byrne. Mia. Lets
Btewart, Mlaa Estelia Stout, Miss ce
)ena LaFleme, Miss Hattle Ellery, Miss
Belle Snyder, W. C Belt and Charles
yadnala ' , - . -. i .
.!' ::-:.': ' ,' : '",,-. 5 ',
Mra James G. Buttrey entertained at
luncheon Tueaday afternoon in compli
ment to her sister. Miss VIda Darling,
from Bait Lake City. ': Cover, vera laid
for 10, and pink roses wer. need aa a
centemlece for th. table. Th. nlace
card wer. wat.rcolor .ketches of Gib
son gins, covers were laid ror Mra
Buttrey, Miss Darling, Mra Carl Mo
Murphy. Mrs. Harrv A. Washburn. Mra
Rachel R. Peters, Miss Hannah Amos,
Miss Lutle Standlah, Mlaa Dorothy Frye,
Mias Kutn Williamson and Miss Katner
ins Burke.
, -' - w
,Mr. and Mra William Snyder nt.r
talned a number of friend, with an in
formal .vanlng Wedneaday, in honor
of their fifteenth wedding anniversary.
There was musle throughout th. even
ing and refreshments wer. served at a
late hour. - Those present wer. Mr. and
Mrs. B. D. Gardner, Mr. and Mra George
Cuthbert, Mr. and Mra. N. B. Wilson,
Mra D. F. 8. Ward. Mra Frank Steph
enson, Miss Alice Drake, Mra Freder
ick C Brook a Mis. Cora Flnden, Mar
tin Collin, and Willard Holbrook,
About $0 young children aeeembled la
th. cafe at th. Breaker. Thursday .v.n
lng, aa guests of Miss Gladys Cutberth,
to celebrate her seventh birthday anni
versary. After ' enjoying-- candy. Ice
cream and bon bona, the children played
Professor Rlngler will give a ram
mer dancing party at th. new Rlngler
hall tomorrow .v.nlng to member, of
th. Bast Bid. Athletic club and their
friend. The committee con.tata -of M.
C. Peteraon, Mlaa Edith Elklngton, Mia
V. Ostom, Miss M. N. Boyd and Miss
G. Stockton.
Woodward's School of Social, Fanci
id staa-e uancinr opens Ben
Arlon hall; Second and Oak
opena September 13,
and Oak ata. Le
son. J 6a Parsons' orchestra
Th. engagement has been announced
of Miss Ethel Scott, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander Scott of this city
1 TP
on the LOWER FLOOR in immense varieties of
styles, ' makes and prices. V Every imaginable
requisite for traveling comfort is displayed in all
the newest materials, shapes and constructions at
the most moderate prices. If in need of a TRUNK,
SUIT CASE, BAG or any other article in this line
visit our lower floor and enjoy the satisfaction of
selecting the right article at the right price. Be
sides we privilege you to pay for whatever you
select in small weekly or monthly payments.
Cor. VYasMnflton and Tenth
Tea Credit
to Warren S. Osgood of Oakland, Cali
fornia. Mr. Osrood is a son of F. 8.
Osgood, a prominent druggist of Oak
land, ia a graduate of the University of
California and a student in the Cooper
Medical college of San Francisco. Th.
wedding will be celebrated in Portland
in th. near futura. - ,
Mra Andrew Hoben and h.r daugh
ter, left on the ateam.hto Breakwater
laat week for North Bend and point, of
intereat tnrougnou uuirornia. ,
Mlaa Gladys Wheeler is visiting her
brother." - Roy Marlon Wheeler. Last
Friday evening at tha residence of Mrs.
Dora Corbln. 70 East Morrison street,
ah. played Edward Grieg". 'Peer Gynt
SulU." Sh. 1 an attractive young lady
and haa been- attending the summer
classes at th. Washington .tat. univer
sity. -: ' 4 .,'-.
Dr.1 and Mrs. 1. V. Barck will b. at
horn, to their friend. Sunday afternoon
from t o'clock until i at 128 Fourth
atreet. '- .
Mr. and Mra Alexander X Wilson of
Seattle ar. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Kenton on the east side, -A
MImi, Ruby - Hartson left Wln.sday
Jo visit her .later, Mrs. Jame. F, Gar
land, at Boise, Idaho.
Mrtr J- Herschler, ; her daughter.
Miss Herschler, and her son Will re
turned horn, last week from an extend
ed trip in the east, where Mrs. Herachler
attended a family reunion. -
Dr. and Mra U M. Davia and Mllbert
Davl. hav. returned frdm th. coast.
The opportunity par excellence of the whole year to buy
needed things for the home. No matter what you are look
ing for Furniture for any purpose, Carpets, Rugs, Mat
tings, Draperies you will find a good assortment here to
select from at money-saving prices. Each piece was bought
on its merits, and we guarantee its reliability; so you need
have no hesitation in buying, no matter how deeply the
price has been reduced.
Extraordinary in Point of Value t- The
Weil-Known -
Rival Steel Range
Reduced from $40 to$30
This six-hole range is a model of simplicity. The body of
the range is of high grade steel and will not warp, break or
crack. It is.; well lined to prevent heat radiation. It em
bodies all the new and practical features.
JJome of Good furniture . , . W Second and Mcrriscn Streets