PORTLAND, OREGON,; SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, .1007. '"f1- , ' ' ii StESIiiE JOINS REVOLT Bfstlngfaisiied SBccruit fs f ; Secured by Sinn k ein - ; Party In Ireland.; rsALL" foe raiON IN . J3UPPORT OF FACTION 'Startling Flgnwa Are Given on .Do t n la 'Birth Bate) and lo in Lunacy on the Emerald ,Tr.tTar By F. X Cullon". f Journal BDMlal Brrie.l ' 1 Dublin, Aug. 17. The ,, sensation of . the day la Irish politics la the conver lion of Sir Thomas Esmonds, M. P., to the Blnn Tola policy ana bit repuaia , i tlon of the parliamentary agitatloa, ; Nothing that hae, happened since the ' . . tuln .Blnn fib movement tM to.-. haa given It a greater lift than this : naw accession to Ma strength, for thara .'was bo stronger man among tha par llementarlana than Sir Tbomae OratUa Esmonds. Sir Thomaa haa sal in par iimint fa North' Waxford for tl years and for a great part of that time ha i has been the chief whip or me insn party. Ha la a deacendant of the great ' oratun and la one of the few aristo crats among the Irlab M. P.'. His eon raralon to tha new policy la complete and he mlncea no words In declaring -that he baa loat all hope of obtaining anything for Ireland Djr Degging irein the English politician In a letter to a Meeting of Sinn Felnera at Ennlscorthy, Sir Thomas writea: V jrotalag' oaa Be oaiaeo. ' T am annvln nA that narlJamentary .agitation, as now conducted, nas spent Ita rorcej ana iaa& numm wvi. v - gained by it on Ita preaent lines. Par liamentary agitation in the peat haa gained muoh Jor Ireland, It la not for me to decry It, but there la nothing more to be had. from it under exiaUng conditions. For SO years we nave sup- ported the Engiisn jjioerai priy.. we hare obtained In that period and , we have obtained much haa been won '.from their opponenta, whom we have persistently fought We have sup sported the English Liberals In the con fident expectation that, when their day came, they Would oonceae lesmisiiva . administrative autonomy , to . Ire land. Our hopeaiiave been rudely dla-fl lippolntei "Tha day of that Liberal nerty came. They rot Into power 1 t largely through our help -witn anun ' :i5-uWd .majority. ..They.haye dona ,- nothing for ua. They wilt, do nothing ' flU will : not believe that : the Engllah "eopla will ever grant home rule, or ',' F!T3;hi.r iiir. Ti a Ireland, if they Can ' helo It. Why then degrade ourselves by Wflng for itT-The Engllah parlia ment offers ua nothing, and the Engllah 'people WiU aupport tneir parliament in its refusal. Aa to thia there can be no . ""relanX la no colony. Bha la no new creation of municipal fancy. Ireland, la a aovarelan nation, with a civilisation . .nrUnt than that Of England, with narllamentarr institutions far older than hers. Why, then-ahould we continue to beg with bated breath and whispering bumbleneaa In a foreign lorialatura. . from a forelim people, for tk ntatnratlnn f our stolen llaertl liberties which cornea to ua net from England, not from England a par 11a- ' ment, but from Almighty Goal" . . Adyooatea valoa. A Blr Thomaa advocataa the union ot Irishmen or an creeae ana panics m tar the industrial and Intel leetual redemptlori of Ireland and that . the demand xor a repeu or ins union take the place of the 'demand for home rule, it fa expected that he will resign his aeat In North Wexford and will 1 stand again aa the exponent of the new policy. , There can be little doubt as to hia victory. Bo far no expression of oninlon has come from the parllamen tariana. John Redmond has denounced I the Blnn Fein in a puoiic speecn, oui ne Range ; 'Eclipse" :. Without an "Eclipse ? the " borne is nerer completely fur- 1 niihfA. The rnoV art th rrHit but the "Edipie" doee the work. If you have arrange other than ' the "Eclipae" blame younelf ' don't blame your cook If we -had the exclusive right. to sell any other range and some one -else had the exclusive right to ( well the "Eclipse" we would : take pur hat, off to them and go out of the range business, for rather than sell an inferior range we would sell none at all, -; and all ranges- are inferior be side the "ECLIPSE." j ,11.00 DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK Welnau guratetheCommencementofF allTrade And step down to the lowest level of price reduction in order to start the season with a dash and swing. I am so optimistic as to predict that the "Gevurtz" house will break all' furniture records on the Pacific Coast this Fall, and will do four times the business of any other Portland furniture store; and I am gener ous enough to believe that every furniture store in town .will do more business this fall than a year ago. I I have spent a week trying to decide upon a great special for this event. Dressers, Buffets, Sideboards, "Parlor Furniture, Tables, etcall came in and out of my head; but "these exquisite Brass Beds," that stuck, for I believe that right now you will more appreciate a great saving on these than on anything else. Tremendous Reductions on All Brass Beds TrOTE I did not take the A trouble to look up the cost on these beds. I don't care what they cost I looked at the selling mark then knocked all the way from $11 to $35 out of it which means, that much actual saving to you. If you haven't the ready money to put into one, make a small payment down, then $1 a week. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY $85 Bed $49.50 $77.50 Bed- $49 $70 Bed $41.00 t& Gevurtz "Special" The lady sewf and miles,' it her machine is a Gevurtz' "Spe- P cial," the best cure for a frown-,? ing disposition. . The price." of : this machine" is $25. The value ; is a little better than $60 grades, Jv The reason is that the Gevurtx' "Special" is free front agenciea.' It is made at the" factory ex-; pressly for us. No " profits except the small selling margin we ask. We eell from five, to 20 of these machines a day. $1.00 DOWN, 30c A WEEK f No. 571 Continuous pillars, 2-inch brass tubmg, other tubing 1-Inch; all solid brass; height of head 614 inches; height of foot 41 inches; extra wide; pillars highly pol ished. This bed represents the highest art in metal bed carving. No. 6067 Great massive frame; pillars of 2-inch brass tubing; 9' long and 9 short Zi-ioch pillars; height of head 61 inches; height of foot 41 inches. A bed that has a high-stepping appearance. Pallars are of solid brass with a handsome dull finish. No. 551 Quite similar to No. 6067 in ap- Jiearance, being of the same rich dull finish; arge brass pillars and sevto continuous H-tnch pillars: back is of unusual large size; rounded top frame extending out $60 Bed $39.50 $45 Bed $29,00 $27.50 Bed$16.50 Mn 1QftLlRra rimmod mn hA. hat rftn. Mn 1XU Vfiirh on the Arrfer nt Nn 10(1? THESE beds represent a few of the choicest numbers, taken from this, the most ele gant assortment in the north west We have at least 10 of nearly every style, and many styles not given here, many ' cheaper ones, but none better, for these are the beds that art found m the most elaborate ' bedrooms and the most select homes. Fit for a royal suite, ; has said nothing; since Bir Thomaa Ba monde'a defection. Sir Thomaa haa ' been elected a member Of the Dublin 'central branch of the Sinn Fein league. One of the moat terrible Indictments ' Of Engllah rule In Ireland la contained 'in nmt fiarurea obtained from Mr. Bir- rail the Irish chief aecretary, a ; f ew da.va aro. In 1906 the excesa of births over deaths In England was 11. per ,000 or jtopuiauon, in ucouana u was relraajiao statea tnat in xsoi one oui ox i i in i 1H1 nersons In . Ireland was lunatic While In 1881 the proportion had grown to one In 629, and In 1901 to one In every 225. In the year 1906 the vroDortion, of people Buffering from mental derangement in the three kin Anmm waa as follows: England, one : 246; Scotland, one In 220, and Ireland, . one in i - J xro Kxplaaatlon Olven. No explanation la given of these ter. rlhtet fiarures. but the cause can be summed up in one word emigration.' The system which is driving the young and strong of the country to seek re fuge In other lands is responsible for tne alarming qkuhd in inn unui m ' There is no more proliflo people In the world than the, Irish, r but the country Is drained or ina young men aa women of marriageable age, leaving behind only the old and ailing. The alarming insanity figures are, of course, to be traced to the same cause. The most . rranuent cause of Insanity Is senile de cay and the number of old people in Ireland la out. Of all proportion to the nulation. Another minor cause for it the high death and Insanity rates Is the helming instinct of the Irish emi grant, xnousanas or insn men na women who have failed In the race for wealth actoss the seas or who havesuo oumbed to the pitiless conditions In the new countries, come noma 10 etie, ana to swell the statistics which prove the tnlsgovernment or ireiana. v Irishmen and women abroad have al mmvm been-the k most generous suoDort ers of the fight for Irish-freedom, but It- Is to be feared that they have lost Sight of what they might do In support ing Irish Industries and; thus enabling the people of Ireland to mora effective ly carry on ineir own ngnu in nun lln Industrial Council has received two letters showing that Irishmen abroad are waking up to their duty In this re spect. One was .from the Celtic club of Perth, western Australia, and asked f willlnr to send their roods to ths Aus- trallan. colony, declaring that Irishmen In Australia were ready to create a markffor them. . . Great rield la America, . - ', LKh other was from the Rev.' Michael jt Flanagan- or fnuaaeipnia, suggesting that there was a great field in the unuea Hiaies lor insn manuiucinrers Of fecclesiastlcal vestments, . stained glass and other art work and suggest ing mat agnnia anouia do - sent gut Irishr artists excel In this branch of I WxTw. p I LI Isv . No 6123 One of the greatest of these bed tinuous 2-inch pillars; bottom tubes 1 1-16- is this bed. Not quite so massive, but built I I I I I II I . Ill I X 1 Ma Tt13I values is this one of massive? brass frame. inch; height of head 61 inches; of foot 44 along the time lines. Many of these will I I I I I I I I ' ' ' " "' BCjWtorC."-1 yVj'VC) Pillars are of high finish. "The general inches. It will be readily seen that this go Monday morning. Come early enough I I I I I I I I gaJisv4 Wi$?7 makeup of the bed gives it a 'most stately bed is far from the ordinary in size, build to get the full benefit of an unbroken UAjAA ' f - ; ' - appearance, being of extra heavy build. and appearance. choice. . "j See Corner Window Dis- I tn hS k'jAsJlLxffi ' 1 L , I .... . ' tii.t :: ' ' J i - I CV' ( foj" See.-Coraer.. Wmdow-Oii- i : i i 1 1 ' 1 " I i : "n I. GEVURTZ SONS GOOD FURNITURE DEALERS A SMALL PAY MENT DOWN BUYS ANY BED MAIL ORDER EXCELLENCE OURPRACTICE .tmnl fait both among the designers and the handicraftsmen. The council aoUa tn circulate the two letters among all the manufacturers who might be interested ana o uik advantage of these two offers, which promise muoh work for Irishmen. Miss Johanna Bedmond, the daughter of John E. Redmond, M. P., promlsej to k nf th iRiiin llrhta of Ireland a new dramatic movement. A few daya ago- two of her plays were produced by i MmnM ot Trfah amateurs In London and were received with enthusiastic ap proval. Both are truly Celtlo in tone and theme and they display great dra matic ability, aa well as a thorough grasp of the technical demands of the Stage. "Leap Tear In the West" Is a tirhtful little sketch of Irish life. In the lightest vein, while the other waa a delightful lit' more ambitious effort and displayed a wonderful tnsigm into ine, saaaer bum or irisnure. An Attractive Little Book nn nf tha most attractive booklets to be Issued In Portland haa just made its appearance, ii ueaignoa w ivi a inmnmhnniilTt understanding of the application or uia new zeaerai taw ro nnKni the V. B. Insnection of meats. and In so doing Includes an able address by U. S. Solicitor McOabe on the year's accompusnmenia in xuim imk ... wiuoi matter of equal interest goes to fill up the pages In an extremely readable manner. It Is orofusely Illustrated. daintily bound, ana aitogetner pleasing: but the note to be especially commended la Its "boost for Oregon" spirit The the reading matter Is designed to in- REVOLT !l BLOW AT BRITISH RULE Constabulary Begins to Think and Objects to Orders JjJrom Castle. illustrations are of .local scenes, and terest easterners to whom a large num ber will be sent, in Oregon and the northwest. If aH advertisers would foU low the Union Meat' company's exam ple In this respect, giving a boost to the country at the same time they are boosting themselves, a great deal la the aggregate would oe accompiisneo. Tha " Brooklyn Democratic Club has called a conference of Democratic gov ernors to meet at$Brighton Beach the latter part of this month to consider "RnRroaehmanta of. -the Federal Govern ment on tne rowers or tne states. - work and the recent revival has been 1 druggists when your child has a severe cold... Tou need not fear pneumonia or other pul monary diseases.- Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a nositlve cure for colds, coughs, whooping cough and bronchitis. Mrs. Hall of Sioux Falla. 8. D., wrttss: "I have. need your wonderful. Ballard's Horehound Syrup on my children for nve years. Its re sults havs been wonderful. Sold by all LOCAL CONDITIONS . CAUSE OF MUTINY Men Overworked and Pat to Extra Expense 'Which They Were Forced to Meet From Their Own Private Funds. (By F. X Cullen, Staff Correspondent.) Dublin, Aug. IT. The recent revolt of tha Royal Irish Constabulary in Belfast and? ths sympathy with thapnutineers which was displayed by the members of tha force all over Ireland is the most serious blow that has been a truck at British rule for many a long day. It ha longeen the boast of the official classes that ths B L C was the finest polios force In tha world ana. In many ways ths boaat was fully justified. Tha men are a splendidly drilled and organ ised body, of high Intelligence. and they did their duty, which meant obeying Castle orders, with a dogged determina tion, no matter now unpleasant tnat duty waa- Now. however, It is evident that they have begun to think for them selves and that they are no longer to be deoended on as ths doclla instruments of English miarule. The revolt In Belfast was due to local conditions : The men were overworked end put to extra expense which they had to meet out of their own Dockets. but the really significant part of the situation was the telegrams of sympa thy received from practically every con stabulary barracks In Ireland. "Don't forget that we are ail Irishmen,1' was tha text of one message while another from Athenry ran, "God help the graz iers If ws have to Join you In refusing duty." Authorities in Pauls. The panic into which the mutiny threw the authorities was ludicrous. It must be remembered that the R. I. C. la a military force and that the action of the Belfast constables was rank mu tiny. The only proper course from a military point of view would have been to cashier every man who' took part in the demonstration at once, or at the very least to transfer them all to Iso lated country stations where they would have had leisure to reflect on the dan ger of defying discipline. Instead the weak men who are now In control at Dublin Castle temporised and the situa tion or course grew worse, men in their canlo thev noured 10.000 troons. who Maxim guns ana neavy artuier: Into Belfast and four battleshiDs am two cruisers were actually ordered to anchor in the harbor to overawe about 800 rebellious constables. This, be It remembered. In the stronghold of Irish Orangeism and loyalty. There la no doubt tnat the relevances of the men were real and that the gov erning class of England has been re sponsible for this most stupid or its blunders In alienating the force on which it relied to keep Ireland In sub jection. After 20 years' service a con stable. If his record is unblemished, may be receiving a maximum of 1361 a year and from thla Sl.ze is deducted every week for barrack rent. He is comnelled to bo In readiness to leave his home at moment's notice and travel to the other end of Ireland to do special duty guardlnr the grass ranch of some un popular grasier. t keeping men who are siriKinr ror miner wages in suojection. He is at all times exposed to the penal ties of belonging to an unpopular ser vice and hla duties are often fraught wiw danger. . Are Underpaid. A striking, light on the pay of the v L. J. is inrown oy soma ngurea jum published on tha cost of the polios force in -various cities in us unueo king dom. - Dublin haa a municipal police roroa ana tns cost or me ponce mere is it cents for every It rental - value of property in the city. 'In Belfast, which , la DOllced by the R IC the coat la 7 cents. I The number of police Is about the sanis In the two cities and tha rateable value In Dublin la slightly higher. DubllnJby the way, pays more for her tMlfir nan any city In the kingdom. The police fores costs every Dublin ctUien 12.08 a head per annum at randon cornea next with a eharre of h a head Other English cities rangecom Co cents to tl a head. . Sir Anthony MacDonnell, the perma-' nent nnfB aecretary - for Ireland, haa been trying- to repeat in the case of the anti-graslng war tha tactics by which he compromised the town tenants' fight but he has been unsuccessful. He vis ited Ballintubber a few daya ago and propoaed to the parish priest that he should give a guarantee from ths local branch of the united Irish League that cattle driving In the district should stop. Sir Anthony promised In return for this guarantee to withdraw the large special fOrce of police which was guarding the graslng ranches, and to aee that the lands In question were among the first to be devtded. The local branch of the league refused to treat with Sir Anthony and paased resolutions in favor of continuing the agitation un til the erasing system waa totally abol ished In Ireland. Inconsistency Zs OomioaL The Inconsistency of the arovarnment is almost comic while It Is nrotestina Its friendship for the Irish people at Westminster and while one of ita chief officials Is trying to treat with what It must regard as an Illegal organisation at Ballintubber, It haa been putting the Infamous coercion act Into operation at Bella in North RoscomUon. A meeting to discuss the grazing question which was cauea tnere was proclaimed under tne crimes act ana a large rorce or po lice sent to break It un. The word was passed around, however, and the meeting was held at another place while tne ponce enjoyea tnemseives watching bullocks graslng on the lands which the feople were demanding for cultivation, t is interesting as a sidelight on the new SDlrlt amonr tha nolle that th have recently contrived to secure false Information in the south, and west when a cettle-drlvlnsr or a meetlna of thia character was contemplated. Ogham Stones round. Antiquarians In Ireland are much in terested In recent discoveries of Oa-ham stones In the north and west Fully 200 of these- stones have now been brought to light They are covered with writing in characters which have not yet been deciphered. . but antiquarians ars agreea mat iney are ox pre-enrts- tian ana nroDaoiy or nre-Koman orisin. The generally accepted theory Is that they are a relio of Milesian times In Ireland and that thev wera hrourht to ireiano irom tne east via gypt ana Spain, by our Milesian ancestors. The letters in thla stranse writinr are reo- resanted by ,, little groups of straight The pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick,' the 'sacred . mountain" wher fit. Patrick fasted and prayed, whioh has been re vived by the Most Rev. Dr. Healy, arch bishop of Tuam, after a lapse of cen turies, 1 was a wonderful! success this year. It Is estimated that nearly 12,000 persons climbed the sacred mountain and attended the masses which were said" In the llttla orator at tha summit from :o a. m. until long after sun- Is south of the mouth of the Columbia river on the Pacific ocean' and is reached . , (E VTA A. & CR. R. Only four hours ride, paralleling the Columbia rlvef, trains daily, leaving Portland 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. . Two through SPECIAL TRAIN SATURDAYS, 3:10 P. II This is the most attractive beach . resort - north of California: thousands go there to spend their summer outing; it has many at tractive features to please the visitor. FIRIE DKf Modern hotels, good fishing and boat riding, dancing pavilions, skating rinks, bowling alleys, and many other attractive amusements. You should not miss this splendid opportunity to spend your vactV tion at Clatsop Beach. u, , , i 4 Round Trip Season Jickcb. .;l..:j.::.l...L$4.00 Special Saturday to Monday Round Trip $2.50 CITY TICKET OFFICE, THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS, v . R. H, JENKINS, General Passenger Agent. ' down. At the elose of the celebration a marriage was celebrated . in the ora tory, 'the first as far as tha records go. taaen place on the sacred that has ever mountain. - .Oriental Excursion - ' ; Personally conducted, will leave Beat tie 'September 1.- for a through Japan and China. A month will be spent in Japan visiting en route the Tokio Industrial exposition. ate suv. wnicn win cover all expen ses.. For particulars call or address V7. W. King. . oriental Tours. It Imwni building. Railway. or agent Canadian - lacii Agents Wanted. '"-.:tu M. Davis, Portland, Oregon, or women, $19 to lioo a wfek. . r Tha Farmers' ln Inn of fnrr!i. a membership of ' ord aa being opp.-i I ) i ' I r ing foreign imiulsra. 'a j t: ; t - Yi'i s