THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAWn SOTfDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15, W07 to 00 6v Hr&- Hghry'.Symgy' Tsxv ' 1 1 as .... Jr .- ' 'v !'.-!. I U I X. V) -v -v CARE OF , THE HAIR , ; w -rSH-J yja& I .jr.- :,' , '( k llHT ' ' S LJ " "' I l I il l" I I l l H II an ail ini I mini I in 1 I r kil ,Vj ' r pi -iw. 'wM mamM'-Kma?-"' "ili"""" I N A "Complete Compendium of Sports' and Pleasures," published In U66, appears tha following state ment; Tenajls Is a game ones In favor, but now never played. We mention it aim , ply that those who play at racquets nay know why tha am all. bard, white balla they use are called tennla balls." This simply aervea to ahow the flue tuations in popular favor In amuse ments, as elsewhere. Nowadays tennis is one of our moat favored sports, while racquets Is utterly lost to memory. Some of those old and forgotten' games, however, are well worth a re vival. Not only were they pretty and graceful, rather than rough and bolv teroua, but they were unrivaled exercises for the cultivation, of balance and poise. Prominent among them was the French sport of cup and ball. You may remember that one day the English aud the French ambassadors were clos eted together for hours. All their at taches were greatly worried; no one knew what momentous International de cisions might not be pending. Finally, one of them dared to knock at the French ambassador's door. As he did ao, ha heard the English ambas sador exclaim gleefully. "Forty-nine I" With their countenances expressing the greatest attention and enthusiasm, the two representatlvea of the powera were busily playing cup and ball. The Instrument for this game conalsts of a hollow cup, usually of wood, and a ball attached to It by a strong elastic Tha principle Is much the same as tnut which governs the miniature bats and attached woolen balls with which the children play. Of course, the object Is to catch the ball In the cup again after up in tne air. wnen iwo are iiinyj- the strictest score must be kept. Coui: Not Make Eyelash Stain tr 1NDL.Y explain further regarding the rv Chinese eyeiann aye jn " u"?.s" In your column, as I had great dim- ,. culty in securing stune. I found that the In dui Ink came In liquid and stick form, so Surchaaed the stick, as the preecrilon read, 'powder tha Ink and gum araolo." y!lt the attok waa so bard, It was utterly impossible to powuar it. and I had tha a-me trouble trying to powder the gum arablo. a l would line very much to trjf your eye tiih stain. 1 thought 1 would write and live ou make the same clearer to me. , tLAJHiBilt., purchased liTpowdered form, thus mak ing lighter uw work of preparing It In the second place, 1 should advise you to let a druggist have all the trouble, ana not to try to prepare the stain at home Not only will he have all the materials! at hand, and thus spare you expense, but by his knowledge ot tne, mixu oc Ingredients he will make a better Uye. It la verv hard for the amateur to fill ft prescription, and 1 would not aa via voir to attempt It Cure for dene Kindly glvs the formula for acne, t - have bad It Oiled, ued it, and found It la -every way partavtly satisfactory, but t have lost it f--! Ur" ';" :,vr-.: 'Do you refer to acne molluscs or con fluent acneT I am here giving you for mulas for both: . r '., Cure for Confluent Acne (Monln's). Powdered alum .. ..J. ............. 30 grains,-.? Oxide of lno .....i. ............... Ju grains i. Tincture of green soap , j uraras Glycerine Dt diauis A -...a VJF11itaAa 111 httAti AAiiaV ,11 y ..wubwuar, Opea each seed acne with the point of a Una cam brio needle. .The hardened mass must be pressed or picked out The empty -sao otjft gland should then be bathed wltaw a llawe toilet vinegar, and water, or with - weax solution vt caroouo acta ana RtarlllM tha needle before ualna 11 ' lUnrjInr It Into boiling water, aa tha use - any Instrument unleae the akin, aa well as the needle. Is thoroughly cleansed. Is . always dangerous. . , . The Vaucaire Remedy ' Kmdiy give ue the formula for Dr. Van aire's remedy, , I would like to hear r " enner fc. I i mi i "- ii ii i ADVICE T 0 CO R RE SPO ND E N T S BY MRS. HENRY SYMES SSH.y to make a record or to decide tii su premacy. This game Is again enjoying great pop ularity In France, and all Its ancient conceits are being revived. Again we are presented with cups and balls of all sixes, from the midget, which has a handle tha size of a toothpick and a pith ball, to the giant, .which has the heaviest of Iron balls, of a weight suf ficient to injure seriously any but an extremely skilful player; and of all shapes, from the feather duster to tba pollceman'a club. 1 The chief benefit derived from this exerclae Is quickness of eye snd alert ness of arm. In the lighter varieties, however. It teaches extreme grace also, and certainly the giant excels the punching bag as a developer of muscle though It is hardly fit for a woman! In ye olden days. Indeed, the . entire sport, was tabooed by the fair sex. It was entirely too strenuous for- their unaccustomed muscles. As the utmost possibility of athletlos they enjoyed a game ot grace hoops or of battledore -and shuttlecock. This, former game Is Just what its name Implies. It is one of the pret tiest sports In . the world. The Imple ments are two long polished wood sticks, covered at the upper half with velvet secured by heavy tape and two tape and. velvet wound hoops. , ft la distinctly a parlor game, though It may be playea out of doors also. Two participants are required, and the object is to tcsa the hoops alternately from one stick to the other. kecDlns: both arolna at tha same time. Of course, score Is kept of the lumber or failures on eaca siae, ana TS r'W. a 0 Here is the oft-repeated Vaucaire formula. It' may be procured trbm any reputable druggist Insist ohr getting ths genuine South American galega. Dr. Vaucaire's Eemedy fof the Bust. Liquid extract .of galega ; igoatarue ........, ........ .1, fluid drains , Lauto pboaphata of llrae....JM 'grains , Tlnoture ot leunel. 10 grains '. :. Dimple syrup ................ 13H ounces . The done u t we soupspoon! mi with water before meals, ".' ' Or. Vaucaire also advises the drinking of malt extract during, meals. , I should bs glad to -receive the assu rances' of some, of the many whom I know this remedy has helped..: Please Explain Furthers Kindly give iris the lotion for curling the . hair that you had published about a month ago and state whether It is Injurious to the hair. , , V, DISTRESSElity - 1 am afraid your question" le rather indefinite.. Will you Jiot explalngfurther, so that 1 may be able to. give you' the correct formula! : ' J ewsesasavahJ 1 - ' - ' - , , Developing the Chest Lis the Vaucalro remedy tot women only t thought it might be good for my boy. who ia a small chesty. ..... ; Mra 0 : The , Vaucaire .remedy ' Is ' naturally used by women ony,-aa it develops, not ths chest, but the bust I am giving you an exercise for chest expansion, which' will dcuDtlcss. be of benefit to your son.. Cheat Expansion, . '- Depress the chest ' letting the shoulders - come surwam, ilia in nwu up iu. oaca. Italae the chest by muscular eifort, not by Dreaming to the rjolnt nt erreateat ivnin. atnn. Raise and lower the cheet In tola way eight tlmea. Developing) Bust and Arms . Kindly publlkh a massage ereara for the . duiu i am zi year xneaaures only 12. . arSi old. and my bust Kind I v ttublish also, ev, erum In fiH.n the arma - .-. - . . . ANXIOUS. For the bust I am giving you an excellent massage cream. ;. For. your arms, however, .1 would massage sim-s jly j with , cocoa huttar, ' uoleas .y.ou a maximum number of throws is, . previously decided on to end the game, When on 3 plays this game one soon learns that no elephantine antics will suffice to keep the hoops going. The utmost aklll and grace are required ' to make even a fair score. One must keep cool, too, and not confuse the two hoops, one coming' and the other going. And one must learn accuracy In finding bow to come neither too near nor too far. and to v toss neltner ' too high nor too low. Battledore and shuttlecock Is some what on the same principle. The bat tledore is shaped like a leather bound tennis racquet, except that In place of strings It has on either side a tightly stretched skin covering, like a drumhead. The shuttlecock is a small cylinder of wool and velvet, with a circlet of feathers around th,e top. Of course, it is exceedingly light, and it Is diffi cult to keep even one ball, let alone the two often employed,, going from one bat to the other without falling. In the mode of counting and In the grace and dexterity It Imparts this game closely resembles grace hoops. Quoits, of course, was quite beyond the energies of the maid of 1830, but she did play and enjoy., ring toss, which Is quolta brought down to a parlor'baals. It has exactly the same rules for playing, and the only per ceptible difference is that the stake is mounted on a block of wood instead of being Inserted In the ground and that the quoits, instead, of being of heavy Iron, are of light-colored pa pier mache. have a tendency to a hairy growth. In the. latter case use the other mas sage cream I am giving you. Your bust may not be, comparatively, so small as you think. For short, slen der women, 32 Inches may be quite the average. "Be sure you're right" be fore you "go ahead." To Develop the Bust. Lanolin . .......... . .......... . 1 ounce Cocoa butter 1 ounce Sweet almond oil 1 ounce Put In small bowl, set In hot water until melted, lieat together and cool. Each night, after laying hot cloths on bust, rub It lu by massaging gently and thor oughly in a circular direction for fifteen minutes. Uassage Cream. Lanolin SM ounces epermacett drams Whit vaseline IMoumwe Cocoanut oil S ounces Bweei almond oil (Aliens) ..I, ouncoa Tincture of benzoin ttdram Melt the first live ingredients together. - beat until the maaa concretes, adding the benzoin, drop by drop, during this proa- ' ""Extract of violet or any perfume may be. added, U agreeable. :lVaist Too Large ; Kindly prescribe me something te reduce the waist , I am 0 bust, S hips and M waist Is there anything tor making the waist smaller T Mrs. J. M. With a 40 bust you should have ' . Ips and 28 waist However,, as your him waist grows smaller your hips will grow larger. I am also giving you an eaer- : else to develop them, as weU as tone to reduce, the ysralst. .,. ; - To'11ieTelop''th'Bipa. i The following exercise Is excellent for de veloping the Tilps: stand .alternately on tZ,t .wlnK tha free limb pendulum fashion from the hips, each time allowing i- tLiSbS?, " T backward as - - To. Beduce .the Waist Measure . ? " Deep breathing win help to reduce the waist measure and enlarge the bust The stretching exercises, - too, are splendid as : waist depletera. , Raise the arms hlxh above i the head; then, holding knees straight, try i to . touch the Booiv with the linger lips. Btand erect place bands on hlpa. bend from waist as far as possible to the right then to the left , ,t . ' :1a addition to the benefits Imparted by the other sports already described. Ing toss gives valuable stooping and bending exercises, and thus develops .the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck. It aleo aids In reducing the size of the waist, as bending Is the best exercise known for this purpose. Archery has always been the favor ite sport of the privileged classes, though at the time when It was really the game of games no lady would 1 ve dreamed of attempting It. By the beginning of the nineteenth cen tury, however, It had become popular for both sexes, though, according to the current belief of the time in wom an's Inferiority' in all things, "ladles' handicaps" were always provided. For so Intricate a pastime rules cannot be given here; It Is so far a standard one that books of Instruction are easily procurable. This I will say, however, that archery Is the incarnation of grace. Every mo tion in it is imbued with poise and boauty. It may not be so athletic as go or tennis, nor so absorbing as automoblllng or ballooning, but it Is the t. ost poetical thing we have left to us in these strenuous and prosaic day a. And that is the chief charm of all these old games. They are beautiful, not only in themselves, but also be-'' cause of their world-old symbolism and reminiscence. And best of all to the praotlcal woman of today is the fact that they are, a pleatant way of taking a nause ous dose, and of combining pleasure with the inevitable and necessary exercise. Peroxide on the Hands Kindly tell me how to use peroxide hydrogen on the bands to whiten them. BADlE. You must remember that peroxide Is a powerful bleach, and you must not be too lavish Irt Its use. Four a little of It Into a saucer, uwlute with " half as much aguln of pure water and apply wltn a soft clotn. Let It dry on the hands, and then ruo on lanolin or cold cream to prevent possible irritation. Re peat every night until the desired re sult Is obtained. Cure for a Summer Trouble Kindly tell ma a quick remedy for sun burn. L. M. F. The aulckest remedy for sunburn is hot water, applied" immediately after coming out of the sunlight Here, how ever, is a good prepared formula: - Sunburn. White petroleum., .... tM ount-ee Paraffin wax. .... 14 ounce Lanolin 1 nmir ....... l OU ot roee. Alcohol hi dram Troubled' Witn Freckles Kindly ' give ' me a formula tor remov Ing freckles. MISS SADIE, . X am giving you an excellent and sim- pie remedy. I trust It will prove effect lve: Whitening Paste for Freckles. Balicyllo add, 00 grains: bay rum, ounces, , , . .. . AddIv. night and mornlne-. with a aoft cloth or sponge. TbU kUoa soon produces a,oShb.r.utdu3r by01 theoS- .lySS ' tne of starch. J .. , . . .. . You Are Slightly Mistaken V vim itf that aftar, ualna a damla ' tory foe the removal of superfluous balr, ' the- use ot aroraatle spirits ot ammonia ia the water Used for washing tbe face would , : the further growth ot hair, mow, I aver used anything for the euparflu- ous hair, although the sides of my faos and under mv chin are covered with fine balra. lia vnu think If 1 uaad tha ammonia In tha water It von Id nrevent the balr growing say lunger or thicker? How much should ha used eaca Urns I t saows Terj badly oujtca . lttdhea 1 iinim u X. ui aa m tjm rM B m aj il r; lam s w - -w-r w r If un - C&J7 fracse. and I am anxious Ui uo aomeihing lor it. It 1 can, aafely. I believe your article eaid that continued use of the ammonia would Dually kill tha balr, so It would disappear. Any advice you can give me will be highly appreciated. Mrs. W. B. C You have gained a slightly erroneous Impression from my words. I recom mended the use, not of aromatic spir its of amtnonlftr but of the strong am monia, or hartshorn. It would not be much good, however, if you do not use a depilatory. Use a few drops' in the water with which you wash : our face. Severe Case of Chilblains For tha last three months 1 have boon troubled with a terrible itching in the soles of my feet and ou my toes. 1 consulted a doctor, and be said It waa chilblain, caus-nl from nervousness, and he told me to rub turpentine on my feet. 1 did ao, but It did not seem to help them. Sometimes after being Itchy they swell. They trouble me more at night than during the dar . FLORENCE. Turpentine is usually a cure for chil blains. Since it has proved unsatisfac tory in your case, however, 1 am giv ing you another remedy, which, I trust will relieve you permanently. Cure for Chilblains. Zlno oxide. ., 00 grains .. SO grains Camnhor iKiwdar. ....... ........ yrrn powaer. ............. .......... w grami rum powaer. au gram rd ......... A WW ilaeolve the camphor in the lard, wni.-n hu hMn malted at a aentle heat: allow thte to cooL add other Ingredients and mix well. . Before making this application the part should be Immersed or bathed In cold water for a few minutes. In drying. It Is always better to mop tne part, so aa to avoia iu cetisequenoe of violent tax inuuua. Complexion and Hair 1 roubles m tA ta mv Mmnlsilan. X-atwaya hb m vary cood oomplaxlon until 'h.,lnnliiv . ftA tiiv. erowafcM ave erowsfeet though I am only 10 years of age. I cannot afford to have m face masaaged but would like te know of soma simple way that I s oouia oo it at noma- . I would, like to know- M some rood v shampoo tor my lialr. -Kljdly ,"; i a few hlnte In the care of the hair. Mine : Is very thin upfront but ts thick eaoush th "A1 INTERESTED READER. t i. X am giving you a Xotlop for prema ture wrinkles, which, I think, will be jiV riw spots 1AM a man. but take the liberty of writ ing to rou on a matter that Is bothering ma. My balr around my ear la quite thin. In on or two places showing- tha acalp Kindly tall mo what I oan do to re store tha hair. It waa quite thick until a -law month ago. Tba balr an top of ray ' bead is all right . a H. t. Is your acalp in bad condition, or la there any othar cause for tha sudden falling? I am giving you two food formula a fo . bald apota. If neither proves aatla factory after a fair trial, writ to ma again, describing your con dition mora fully, and telling me espe cially whether It la dry or oily, and I will advise you further. Cut for Bald Spots. Where the hair falls out in spots try tha ' following washi . . Distilled roeewater .......... ounees Aromatlo vinegar I drams Pure irlyceiine Itt ounces Tincture nus vomica ounea Tincture csntharldss He ounces Mix thoroughly. Apply night and mora- lBAnother vesy efficient remedy for bald spots Is nU aa follows! flallcyllo acid 1 grains Reeorcln grains benol drops inoltn (or vseellns) 1 ounce Rub Into the part night and morning. better for you than massage. Apply to the erowsfeet but be careful that it does not get into the eyes. Lotion for Premature Wrinkles. Alum, powdered TO grains Almond rhllk (thick) 1M ounces Bosewater i ounces Dissolve the alum in the roeewater, then pour gently Into the almond milk, with constant agitation. Apply with a soft linen cloth every night before retiring. 1 am also giving you a simple shampoo. Use it once every four weeks, or every three weeks in sum mer. Night and morning, after thor oughly brushing and combing your hair, rub vaseline into the roots, on tne scalp, especially in front where you say it is thin. For the splitting, be fore shampooing for the next two or three times, divide your hair . into about seven strands, roll each tightly . and sings with a lighted taper, by passing It lightly up and down each roll. Do this again whenever- the condition of your balr makes it neces sary. . - t Simplest of Shampoos. ' Dissolve half a cake of white ftoatlna soap in a quart ot boiling water. . ' Let it simmer half an hour over' a slow ' Are. Dissolve a tablespoonful of wash ing soda in a quart of boiling water. Add It to tha soap mixture. Stir together -and let ttooL . Rinse the hair always : In - four - or '' Ave clear waters after using a sham- poo mixture. ... . . ,r-, Pumice Stone Treatment Kindly send r. - the formula for remov-. V Ing uair from arms and neck by the pura- . ice atone treatment L g, No formirta ls'neededl tor tha removal of superfluous balr by means of pumlea , stone. Simply pure ha a a 6-oent oaka of pumice not the soap, but the rough, " J;ray atone and rub It, not too bersh y, oa the parts affected; until the skin becomes red (not raw). Then apply a ; . little cold cream or lanolin to remov the sting, but rub It off Immediately afterward. One treatment will usually -prove sufficient; but If not treatment should be continued once daily until tha -desired effect Is obtained. You under- ' stand, of course, that this treatment Is : only temporary, and must be repeated " whenever the hairs reappear. ! Peroxide Not a Dye . Kindly tell me U peroxide af hydrote BJ good for coloring red hair. Mr hair la a ' light red. Tall me what aolor It will make and how It should be aaed to get good re SUlta. MELLII. Kindly tall ma If peroxide of hydro", Is good for coloring the hair, tf an. will you please tell me bow to use It to gala the . Vest results! My hair Is a light red. ; . BLANCH B F. Peroxide of hydrogen Is a strong bleach, not a dye, and would turn your hair an ugly light yellow. Tax say ad vice and don't dya your hair at aU. Ita natural abada suits yovtt complexion and tha color of your ayes batter than any) artlflciaT tint eould do. - Yon will neves caaae to regret it If you stain your hai at your aca. ,- ,, '''.::'.,,:;.. Hair Does Not Grow ' My hair Is all broken and split at tha nds and has nut rrowi for about tan vaara. I am now M. hut have bad a great deal el alcknaes. and It may be that tha poor aons lahmant baa affected my balr. I doa't like . to have It cut off. baoauae one looks aa awkward and a wlf ooata ao much. flease let me know whether I should out " each balr oil by ItaeU where It la brokeq or have It treated by a hairdresser or have It out oft abort. AONik Undoubtedly poor nutrition dua to Ilk ness ia tha causa of tha gtoppaga In tha growth of your hair. I am giving you a grower which should stimulate It, but in case it doaa not, I think tha best thing would be to take a course of seal massage at tha hands of a oompetena maaaeuse. By no means have your halsl out off; It ia the scalp that la t fault. . Hair Grower. 1 - Swifted1 witch' ' h'aiaV.'.'.'. ,M tawieea ... ouBoaa fmnnMlll aajt. ........... ............. area Hydroohlorlo acid it per cent) .... drop aiagneaia Hair Too Curly My hair Is very curly, and every tints I coma It I have to wet It to make it look tUy. which makee It look like the Maroel wave. But as evoa aa It geU dry It looks aa If I never com bad It. and gets very crimpy, which makee It look vary' eoarae and untidy. Is there anything I oan aea to make It look seat and tiarT BRUNETTE. B. B. S, - Tour case Is quita ths opposite ofl that of most of my readers, who wlsil to have their hair made curly, rathesi than straight! Here, however, is some thing which will make it neat and tidy, without the use of water. All this, ol couree, if your hair ia dry. If It la oil) write to me again. Oil of Sweet Jasmine. . ' (A Hair OIL) Scentless castor ou Cocoanut oil oui Oil ot roasmary l Oil of jasmine Mix oils with gentle heat lor nve minutes. Bottle. Prematurely Gray Hair Kindly give me your formula for keeping) balr the natural oolor. I am a young girt and my hair Is beginning; to turn gray. I beard you had given a formula that waa good to turn it back to Its natural oolor. ' Kindly help me and give me something te) remedy this trouble. B,, sV The stain to which' I think you rex fer, the physician's prescription for re storing hair to its natural oolor, I have long since ceased to recommend because of its dangerous qualities. . Do aot aa your age think of dyeing your hair. What you need Is scalp treatment The best thing would be a course of elec trical or vibratory massage. - First. ; however, you must try to remove the primary cause of your condition, Do you suffer from neuralgio or stomachic) headachee or from any other constitu tional disease T Write to me again, further describing your trouble, and X will be able to give you more accurate advice on tha matter. Another Who Wishes Her Haiti , Darker l have light natr and am vary anxious to have II grow darker. Do you know of any harmless preparation (not a Syek which will darken It permanently? And. If so, will the same compound darken the eyebrowe and lashes, as they are light alse snd quits scant t ANITA B. Read what I have aald to "Nellie" and -"Blanche P." and apply it to your owa case. Nothing but a dye will darken hair or eyebrows, either permanently on . temporarily. I am giving you a good ' eyebrow and eyelash grower, however, which will relieve your other trouble. Eyebrow and Eyelash Grower. Vaseline '. I ounces ' Tlnoture of cantharldos.. ........ ounce, OU of lavender ,...11 drops Oil of rosemary. u drops Mix thoroughly. Apply to the eyebrows with a tiny toothbrush once a day Until the growth Is sufficiently stimulated. Then) less often. 4 This ointment may be used for the eye laahaa also. In this ease it should be vera 1 carefully applied. It will inflame the eyes I aa any oil will, if it get into them. , . Retarding Superfluous Hair j Kindly give me any suggestion you can, ss to the retardation of the srowth at au- perfluous hair. I am afraid te use a de Dilatory,, for feat u will make thejrrowtk pilatory, . heavier. neavier. a. w. You can remove the hair by the pum Ice treatment, renewing the same when -ever the growth reappears. Continued use of strong peroxide (hydrogen dl- -oxide) will bleach the hairs a pure white and eventually' cause thera to) 1 fall out Ot course, you understand that nothing but electricity or the X-ray; treatment will permanently remove the balr. : - Used Indigo on Hair , About a year ago my hair, which la a golden auburn, began to fade la front I .: saw the formula for your henna paste and put It on my hair. After following direc tions my hair became too -red. I tnea saw how to make light red hair dark by ualiig blue (indigo) In connection with henna. X 1 tried this and it made my hair a beau- -tlful shade, but the blue had to be washed out and my hair waa then brighter than . . before. If tbe indigo could be made to hold . as the henna does. It would be almost par .feet for my hair. ' toC From the address on- your letter. X think you are mistaken ia my identity, and I know most certainly that I neve told, any one to use indigo with henna. The plain henna should tura your hair a dais: red. If It does not. the fault la v Wie the dye. for which am giving , you my formula. If used correctly yoi will need nothing else-certainljr not in- dll , Hewa Hair Stain. L r.v -one ounce of henna leaves, ateea f nlnt Sf bilUng water for twenty; ana Itk m Pinf.0ft.nd BUtil It gets solid. Strain Of a smal spva hul tha atalu .u.ii anoMfa. The. neona wiu , times stain J.-",, ua water. easily be removea er w ' MakintandUsingaDye " . k . irad some walnut shells, t haTS pr0011! toTmake the dye. and Kindly , N. l b. walnut stain? Apply with a small, fir n , ThhruahVafter first thoroughly sham ,aUV Then, after letting the until it a ry. remove any tTtk attn, dPVd i warm w- Ter? t dry agahi and arrsnge. ; . - Walna StaL for H'-. " av.mincce of walnut sttlns, t'- -I i w rsWTwhUAV "' i- !l!atttand sight flays sn4 strain.