THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING, ' AUGUST IS, 1807, r, TrWM" liLUJii .mu y V IWAMliXjWi fr Afternoon Frocks Vorn at Newport ty Mrs. Prescott lawrence, Mrs. W. G. Roelker ana Mrs. Joh n Nickolas Brown Egyptian Scarf , of White witk Silver Spangles Worn ty Miss ; Janet Fisk THE word "exquisite" seems to bast : describe Mrs. W. G. Hoelker, who hM certainly .impressed us at Newport sine she first cams to - : , us no matter how much soras ; people hav been a Uttls disgruntled at her several goodly successes. Her dress Is always almost quite per faction. Her carriages are quit com plete In every detail. Her entertaln- meats are really very well thought out. Anyway even the elements seem to treat her gently, for she can arrive at ' the end of a Ions; motor trip looking wonderfully unruffled. . But Ihfn, you must remember, she has French blood - flowing In her veins. She certainly ha that desirable something that Is so hard ' to describe. Is It Innate? When all the rest of us are dust ' begrimed and dishevelled. Coralle Cou- dert that was Is fresh and dainty tn her .- long blue motor coat, -worn over a trim blue dress and topped by a close-fitting Frenchy looking motoring hat, which ' puts to shame some of the ready-to-; wear atrocities X sea women we all know ; wearing. We look forward to Mrs. Roelker s . dinners with. Interest, for they are unique. She always has some original centerpiece and most original touch of all she invariably has her dinners to match her dinner gowns.. If she is wearing a pink gown the decorations of her dinner table are pink; If a yellow gown big yellow roses riot over the cloth. One dinner she gave not long ago had for a centerpiece a Illy pond with water lilies floating white - and cool on it. On this occasion our hostess wore a gown of whit and sliver. t. . ..... ..- - Dinner Decoration to Match Gowns. . This Is a pretty scheme and works well, except In the case of one en- ' terprlsing womsn who copied Mrs. Roelker's idea. She gave a violet din ner and. to the disgust of some of her guests, had violets set afloat In the soup. It seemed rather a wast of flowers and certainly spoiled the soup. I hav seen Mrs. Roelker driving at Newport this year in an English basket phaeton, and she has been wearing a different gown on each occasion. I met her the other day holding the reins over her smart little cob. She looked as fresh as the pink garden . roses she had tucked In her belt She was wearing one, of the popular lingerie dresses a really exquisite one of lace and embroidery comparatively simple In design, but elaborate In de tail. It was made of the Sheerest French batiste and worn over a slip of pale blue silk, which showed through the diaphanous fabric quite distinctly. A hat of pale tinted chip was trimmed with pale blue sa,tln ribbon and big full blown pink ronen. Two pink roses tucked In her belt echoed the not of color in her hat. A yoke of finest French embroidery extended to the sleeves and ended in a straight boned collar. Shaped pieces of batiste embroidered in striking polka ' dot design and bordered on either side by Valenciennes lace outlined the yoke. Suspender-like pieces of the batiste and lace ran from the belt over the shoul ders. On the skirt the same piece ran from belt to hem. Around the skirt wer two bands of the polka dot embroidery and lace. The sleeves were puffs reaching Just above the elbows and ending in a straight cuff of embroidery and lace. The waist had a becoming fullness In troduced in little pin tucks just below the yoke. Mrs. Roelker as usual had flat pearl earrings in her ears. .Never has there been a greater vogue for white lingerie dresses than this year. Many of them are made on princess models, waist and skirt being Joined in the working out of the design of lace and embroidery. Some have an obvious belt of lace. Others are worn with flowered ribbon girdles. , But all of them boast exquisite needle work on finest of fine material Indeed some of them ere quite marvels of de sign and execution. - ' rreacott iiwrence ha ku. I 4 1 , YtyC-WIrlLfKV -j- . 'V ' II B Mrs. Prescott A1 1 !f$yHlv AYV III Lawrence WPar. a iT 4 V xfe ! Y ir fn 1 i liMI Gown of v,0,et L,n" caUed the "New Engiand"Dlana"lshe l, orae so cold and stately. A little too dig nified, some think, but I admire her for that very quality. I wish she could lend to one or two women of our set a little of her surplus repose of manner. Her daughter. Kittle, is a great con trast to her. She is sweet and piquant and demure. Mrs. Prescott Lawrence has an Indi vidual taste In dress. , For Instance. I saw her during the afternoon drive wearing a hat of brown with a white linen gown. That goes to show what a hold brown still has on popular farovr. The linen gown was Quite an elab With insets of heavy lace. These were used In an original way, forming a br'oad panel on the skirt from waist line to hem and outlining the yoke. The panel of the skirt extended up onto the waist, where It formed a girdle effect, over which the waist bloused jBllghtly, fastening with two huge buttons. The sleeves were made with the fash ionable "sling" effect, formed by a fold of the palm linen. From out this fieeped a diminutive sleeve of lace, end ng in very frilly ruffles Just above the elbow. Mrs. Prescott Lawrence's hat was. as I . said before, brown a large, flat shape, around which curled brown feath ers, pr&ped on the brim was a white lac veil, without which no costume worn at Newport this year seems quite complete. The veil was not, however, as most of them are, of lace. It , was of thickly dotted point d'esprit, with a wide bor der of lace. A really most-becoming change from the all-over lace veil. Shades of violet are much to the for this summer. There's something very sympathetic about this color. It ap peals to many women of perfect taste. I've seen Mrs. Watt's Sherman arrayed in "purpl and fin linen" literally . for she has been wearing a gown of heavy unbleached Italian linen, with a hat 4 mass of purple feathers. , Mrs. Oliver Oould Jennings also has a fetch ing little violet silk gown, and the other day I met Mrs. John Nicholas Brown . spinning along far out on ths Ooean Drive in a really "stunning" ' suit of purple linen. . . ' Th responsibility of being the moth er Of th anttseptlcated-sterillsed-mil-lionair baby doesn't seem to weigh on Mrs. John Nicholas Brown at all. She looks happy and care-free and sits in her carriage with a pretty ereotness Of pose which wins roy admiration. . You know, Hfcs. Brown was Natall Dresser, a sister of Mrs. George Van derbllt of Biltmore, Snd of Mrs. George Orenvllle Merrill. Mrs. Merrill's hus band was once rector of St. Mary's the little church w all say our prayers tn at Tuxedo. He now has a church In Buffalo. All three sisters are women of simple tastes and usually Of simple dress, but this violet gown of Mrs, Brown's was fairly elaborate. . Purple Now a Favorite Color. It was of the coat and skirt variety. The little coat was an Eton, and al- thcugo It dipped Just in front it raised! at the sides sufficiently to show a hlghl Shaped glrdl. Vv' :'-.: . '-; vv -,:1:;. '.. I On th jacket the linen was out out inl diamond-shaped pieces, , showing , white inset below., '-'Heavy lae was used fdrl th collar and the turn-back cuffs onl j th slvesv ' '"' it I around th bottom of th Jacket rani Shaped bands of - lace, which did not! quit me in iraim w ibjiwui downward turning pui : I - Th sleeves were full puffs. Thy iiu htit ths cut-out ' deooratlon. amlf ended below the lao cuff in filmy frillHf rh. skirt- was Ions- and mad with out plaits jor fullness at th waist line tram the hem were cut-l out diamonds, sharply mphaslwd byi Sk. aV. t kanaatk k .' I '' I - Purpl wings trimmsd a hat f white! . Snip. Baucy wings iny "t s-"-i 1. Ji.aK an ntharwlaa almol hat.- - I Of oours Mrs. John Nicholas Brownl ' wore a whit lao veil, and most becom-l . Ing It was to ner. . . -, , . . IwaiiJa ntnmlnt from a tTlD UB ln Kile have brought us fasolnatlng scarf rof Egyptian tissue., heavily wroughtl with silver and gold spangles, put on inl - Odd and intricate assigns. ' I Although tbes sasrfs not newj I if nnlv verv lately that W104V reaN tsed . their beauty when usaJ ventng wrspa . ! This summer w are all wearing tl shlmmarins things thrOwn around ' ahAiiMara over our dinner srowns. Th are really wonderfully bPomn In and give a sort , of oriental touclJ which always holds a fascination. Some of thee scarfs hav been fash Innarf lot loaJcs. reachlns ault to the bottom of th skirt For they com Inl different els, from tn snort ana nar-i row. scarf to on yard long and wld4 In proportion. . A lovely cloak 1 saw worn on the ter-l race arter a dinner 'ima summer wan mi af . Rs-TDtlsn scarfa It was oil closely woven silky material, with aij elaborate aeaign appuea in stiver span-j gles. It was maae someining on i"' am atvl as a German military cloak with sleeves, of course and hung M straight and unbroken lines from neck Tn trtmL lust below th chin. It was fastened with a quaintly wrought Bgyp J tlan silver ciasp. it giowea ana gm tered in th dim light in quit a fairy WkMlsant Fish is wearing a ehori one of white wiin goia spangies- t nMhihW more nractlcal than thf longer ones, as th metal used is res ll anil alWar and the welcht is noli inconsiderable and might do qulttf crushing damage to a rragii gown. PERFECT WOMEN From trie Greek and Mod ern Standard of Beaut eve HE "oerfect woman, noblyl I " planned" of the poet differ I somewhat from that of the art-j 1st. inasmuch as she Is "not toil bright and good for human naj ture'a daily food." But th perfect woman of the artlsfl is sometimes a very Impossible creaJ ture, and, to ordinary eyes at lemtl very far removed from perreciion, en ther in fac or form. . It has been said, however, that event nalnter observes a beautiful womail special spiritual lens of hiH owa and, it is doubtless "true that lij the majority of cases the artist s iaeai is evolved from his partiality lor on nartlcular woman. From th artlstlo point of view, thr perfect type has varied in all ages, ami . bnnw hnw verv afferent are thfl ideal and therefore presumably "PrJ feet women" portrayed oy m-im our own day; from the models of Burnej Jones to the -uioson gin- mo wIa ' PerfecUon and prettiness, it is said I rarely go together. Sir Edward Poynterl - n.niir artists. enJoyl th. ntinctlon of being th onbl n.i.t.r Af raaiiv nerfect women Dore H painting, by the way. of Pal. t.. . miHllral man once told thl writer, was the best painting of ail anatomically peneci woman n Th following, however, are the meast - urementa usually eonsiaerea or es those of a perfect woman: Ths Egyptians took th middle fingei h. atandard of measurement, thU being reckoned as about one-nlneteentll of tn neignc . it According to th "square of th anj dents the span or in arms snoun equal that of the height from mlddl finger to middle finger, and this li hnut th accented standard today. If we take the Greek measurementl th nerfecfJ woman snouia ds eigni tieade hrh. and she should not have toil small a waist Th elbows shoulil reach the hips, th hand should be th length of the face, the arms when outj stretcnd snouia o in same as n heiaht of the body. Narrow shoulderH nd wide hlns were th Orek ideas ol feminine beauty, but th modern wol man has diverted her shoulders ami chest to the benent or ner neaitn. The head Is aenarally reckoned in thn old Greek way as about one-eighth oi the height, dui mis oniy applies to nennla. The following croDortlons.X ever, are given by a German sJsTntlstl who has made a study of waflSWTs beau J ty of all nations, and theseu7frer sllghtl ly from the ureeK stanaara: "Th heicht should be seven and - half times the lensrth of the head, ten times the length of th fac. nine timeH the lene-th of the band, ana tne leg rout times the lenarth of th head. The shoulders should be two heads wldej and, when standing erect, perfectly! formed legs should touch at the kneenj In addition to these we have the M lowing measurements, which artisii rnnerallv reoornlce ss a standard on beauty:. The stretch of the thumb anl middle finger should measure the lengtli of th face:' the thumbs and samrl fingers should encircle the neok, wnii'f the thumb and middle finger should JuBtl go rouna tne wrist. i The arm. hanaing down should resell exactly half way down the side, ami the foot, which should bs well arched I should be about six and one-third timet! that of the height. . I Such are the measurements and Pro-I portions, but ther ar other polntfl which go to make up feminine perreo tion. Ths hair should he Ions and luxl urlant and more or less glossy, thougll wavy hair has Its admirers. The eyeff should be full, large, clear, and well sea in the tieaa ana or good color. : The eyelashes should be long and thf Drows wen markea. xn moutn snouni be well shaped, neither too large noil too small, the lips red snd neither toil full nor too thin. Shapeliness of body! rounded limbs and wi -1-f ormed hands are also necessary factors in in sunt Of reminine perfection. HOW TO SEE GHOSTS-Dn Ber- n?r i W lves Interesting Explanation of Telepathy: Art of Discovering Specters D . R. BERNARD HOLLANDER is the : latest man of science to attempt to . explain .:. "telepathy" and "ghoeu," and jyery interesting ex- t planatione they were, too, which he gave in an address on "Psychical li- eart&" to th Lyceum club, says th Lonjon Leader. v' ' ' ' v; lr. Ilollaoder began by remarking that at ow-fime It reflected no credit on jiioa vt science to coucern WJtf wUA Psychical Investigations, but owing to the conversion of some men of sclentlflo emlnence. like Sir Oliver Lodge, Dr. Alfred Russnll Wallace, and others, psychical research had become 1 ashion- Three Groups of-Phenomena, l f Dr. Hollander divided psychical phe noran tnto three groups, namely; Mesmerism; hypnotism and suggest f ; . J ' i : I. Thought transference and telepa thy. - S- Visions, spectres and ghosts. The first group now belonged to the firactlce of medical men, and should no onger be classed among the occult Thexe could be no doubt that certain persons were so organized as to make natural sensitives. "Now supposing," proceeded- the speaker, "two sensitives to be closely related or drawn together by a bond of sympathy; and supposing, them to be in different parts of the world, and the llf of one to be in danger. - The first thought he will project Into space and thought is a form of energy le for Mis relative or friend. 'v If that friend 1s actively engaged at the -time themessage may be lost; but if he happens to be in a passive state thinking of nothing in particular his fersiA uU ceeelye gone Impression, cleat .fcia'.'-;' ';i?:,iS-' or confused, which will rafcke him think brain fores wai electrical was stlU an will appear rea) to him, and the vision Duke of oxburghe end heir to th of the absentee ana renaer him anxious, opw question, but w knew that differ as if something had gone wrong..., . ,ent persons were differently endowed influence some men ' Dossessed ' ovsr others which made them natural leaders. An Image on the Brain.' - . "By means of this' wireless telegra phy an image Is produced brain Vision of Ghost the Result. wnicn is projected outwaras, causing ghost will b tn result. ,. -Tm will also eknlatn why daring nr naranna -wrm rs niTinrHiiLiv ifnnnwfin ' - ' ' -r ... i .Wit. and could thus account for th .nSf. :.TetS.W:WOSo22 pistols do not see the 'ghost' so long as tney are run or coursg ana wiae awake; for their brain is still too active to receive tn image. , - i - f "It Is when they get trred.. and ar Mr. !- .i..j J; -n . at ine ooint oi laiuns aaieep, ui in body, and v.n : th. actual of 'his dangerous position ma be repro- - ,1 ,., f , . . , . ' . duod. .This to be the .simplest .. L7iZZ t iT-ti u.Z iMth . M .uh such a rorce that it will cllhg to Z? roomer place la which , he lost hi. . ufal phenomena" - A - r . ; lifa ; If, then, some person of a Sensi- ' Princess 'for Bridesmaid. . ' From the Ohio State : Journal. ;i A toplo of conversation how in Eng- Wifh regard to ghosts. Dr. Hollander's tlv nature, and not. preoccupied, pass llsh drawing; rooms is the inyatlon ex- explanation was Our brain and n warn stardhouaes of nercv. whfek jrere UU unable $ detlae, "if JVnetliM some piore Ism defiaed Image whlcJi AUstU lnuwhXt, a brotlur. t the tended - to -Princess Patricia of Con as to produce 'alng. oi miss Anna Breese and Lord '?.L!L t?Jr v!. through that : roomf his .brainj may "re- .e.' of inergy," whisk T wi lve such a sUmulue ble M define, f$vaetbec ome more at leu Aefio ; Mis Rreeea has a number of kins folk In - Cnlumbiia. Her mother. Mrs Higgtns (Mary parsons), Is a sister otf uustavue Hwan Parsons oi asi j-owi street. . It Is said that In all th annals o English- historv ther Is no instance o a Princess of the blood royal acting aa a nriaesmaia to a daughter or a com moner. - However this ms4Vbe., Jt asserted that Princess Patrlcnws. mucl delighted at th possibility, aiitfocles roval etiauette intervenes and must not she will b charmed in th Princess holding sd hannv as when she is doing some thing which Other princesses -have nol done, so there is every reason to ex pect she will us sll her persuaslori w carrx put uus uaiuu iaea not she will b charmed tdw, capacity for her very dear friend as "Pat" has a great capacity foi g hr own. it is said, is nevei