The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 35, Image 35

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gill 'ytf Among ;Men who -Work?w
TJT.r.T?n C Vi rTXT TXT mo rAfT? P
No Places for Whittle .
WM1-'1 By R.' C. BroWn
nVClB th.r ni man and h idled, beset with trouble and foot tangle'r.
hi lif. away nd li . nr. SSttj5r,;thl?WB ta
thy ay ha U working orrtlm ,, aur m. i.'hard. If you make it o.
r , making pltonrorm 10 u ni us nirarr u aeon out oz ins pi
' -" - for what b didn't do hr..
?v Thla U probably not truj '7 what
.thy" aay generally .Isn't. But It all
r :goa to show that peopl. feel that the
? idler will haV. to ma-, up for his lost
.'' time at one time ' or another, either
A -bar or hereafter,- -,si Vv. -;
But uaually yes, always h geta
bla punisnment on tni eartn.
Borne of ua have a curious idea of
. hull: w think we can out it off until
;, we die -um um you can't put it off other Idlera
v you'll get what', coming to you right away,
ber and plenty of it , , . .
alia in thia life than it la to walk on
water without falling In. We all fall
Into pitfall, but Idlaneaa la not a pit-v
-fall, it it cea.pool. A few of ua are
born in It, tomt of ua walk Into It, lota
of ua atumble and fall Into It, but moat
or ua rou into it. ,.,; . .
If you're In the pool of idine.., you
know It youreelf mighty well and Ha
about time that you were doing a little
serlou. thinking about how to cat out
You've got to get out if you are going
to vet there, that la a .elf-evident fact
You can't afford to alt around with the
.ana whittle your me
,:, Sure Cure for Whittling Habit ,
Idler Buay Doing Nothing. There'a only on way out, but that la
Vin idler 1 . man who count, the J ".J"
, iu ki. v.. ki 4- vi ut by the earn path. If you dont
m a-d hi .paVe Tlrfl.'"u ';u 7h CfcV" " U "
time. Tou can tell on a mil away, If
ri TZ 1
V M gsa-C,
Big Men Had Small StartiS'S;"'.;
By.Jolin.-A Moi';'''-'-'
1 PSA KIN a of being alive to op- common laborer In the publla gardena.
V Prtunltl,-ild Thlloaophw for many yara h wae ao P:,h wr0'
Phii . a the hoada of hla maater'a lecturea on
i I - " ; bonee and ahalia, aa tie nao .no inony
in Grant park, "remlnde me of to buy better material. At laat. how
how Chicago boy got a Job ?m Athenian clUaenav orvlnK
in that city aeveral year. ago. He had ."frM VGibUn. of aub.
applied at many place, where he thought alatence, had him eummoned before the
boy might be wanted, but -No aiwaya Areopayua (according to a law oorrowea
y,'. ,- r ki. wo, 'rom the Eiryptlana) to account for hla
had been the anewer. On bla way home ,,, of inK, Thereupon he pro-
.haatopped on a aide etreet where a duced the gardener for whom he drew
crowd waa trying to look into the win- water and the woman' for whom he
' dow of a gayly decorated atore. Hap- ' ground meal n witne to prove that
penlng 'to gaae upward he aaw a boy he lived through the actual labor of hla
about hla own age and el leaning far hand.. It la an Id that the Judaw ao ,
out of a firthv-atory window curiously dmlrod hla conduct that they ordered
Inanoctinr the crowd below and trying JO roinee (ubuut $10 In our money) ,o
thr l telegraph pole in the vicinity,
for be either will be leaning up againat
the pola or whittling at It with the
dulleat blade in bla knife. '
' There ueed to be an Idler jn my town.
He wa. a moat lnduatrlou idler; If
that man bad put the energy ba uaed
to iorne one who doe.
Thi la It: 'i
'Take the whittle cur. '
.Start tomorrow morning..
Get up when the alarm goef off
maybe it will atop ringing from aur
prlae.i but don't you care, It'a done Ita
work, anvwari iuat take a leaaon from
It and aee that you do youra. Don't
Dddgfe Death in Deep Pits
By JoscpL GoUe
k naffl him nut nf th mihli tpiiaiirv.'
"Maaona and bricklayers can boast of
Ren Johnson, who worked at the build
ing of Lincoln' Inn with a trowel In
hie hand and a book In hla pocket. Hua;h
Miller, the aeologlat; Allan Cunningham,
the aculptor and writer, and tklwarda
and Telford, the engineer, wera all
oriartnally maaona and brlcklnyera.
Among dlatlngulaned carpenter mignt
KAVB," aay. the man in the theae It'a beet to leave underground at
well. And then the man at the bottom of the well,,
th. top heave. And he doea At length come, the time when the
thla a. often aa there la ma- drill muat be uaed. No more rock can
.the manager
terlal at the bottom to fill be pried up with the pick or broken off
un in iatnr into uimi maoA huatnaaa He in be4 that extra five minutee and the bucket; which 1. no bucket at all, with the hammer. Pick and apade are came out of an Inalde office and Jimmy
vl . " 1. rt m pry that the office building will burn but only ft box mora or leaa atrona. All aent up, drill and cleaner and a rag "! him tor a job.
u. wv. u.t. H.u ..-I down or that It haa been burned down th- w.r. ,ftr in aent down Th. r i. to h wound
Hraed to alt on ft comforUbl euahlon during the "night It haen't burned th bag I bar Menwere more are aent down. The rag 1 to be wound
In rocking chair on th front poroh' down- ta' "or'r- thr, and or lea eonatltutionally weak. around the drill cloee to the hole to
and whittle a atlck. while hla wifa took A": Jl'l' i, . !. '..J ..rl' "Hi " oigera ara proveroiauy inair- i 'n" waw in nwif, uu wnu
- to mm what . waa aroinc on.
"'Look out dere, youi be ahouted
hulrklr, "you'll fall ootf
."He had acarcely flnlahed apeaklng
when th boy above lost hie hold on the
window alll and fell to the aldewalk
below, t
T m f m , l
iuuib iwr lyuic man be mentioned Inlao Jones, the architect:
"Without Waiting to view the mangled Harrison, the chronometer-maker; John
(.. -, i im' -.-kMi thm Hunter, the phyalologtat; Prol'easor Lee.
remalna. thla Chicago -kid marked the tJj6 or,Mtaliat; John Olbeon. the aculp-
plac. with hla. eye, took the elevator tor, and Romney and Opie, the painters,
and was' soon on the fifth floor. "From the berber shop came Jeremy
"Arriving at th tmntf nlaM ha In- Taylor, the most poetical of divines:
Arriving at me proper piece ne in- B, Rfl.,.r ih inventne of
quired for the manager. Being told the the eplnnln- Jenny and founder of the
manager waa busy, the boy said be'd cotton manufacture, and Turner," th
wait awhile.
After ft few minutes
greatest among landacap palntera.
"The gentleman emlled pleasantly.
'No,' he said, we have one office
boy and that la all we need at present.'
'Yep!' said Jimmy, not daaed In the kn(
least, Tut. It aeema to me 1 ought to tr
in waaning ana pougnt oim new irous- your de-k the time when vour rmr w o wunwin. iney ......... b- ,t Thi b0 wot you nad feU outer
notual. b ar ummi w uuugin. navii a. wn or rocn ui ui i v u, oer winaer a raw minnua ago.
era every time he wore the aeat out
Hla offioa boura were from 8 a. m.
till 10 p. m., and be waa continually at
begins for that day. punctual,
Duvy, oa a anoppsr. '
wnen mere is 10 minute, spare time
work.. SO soon aa ha would flnian one aZ n, day look ' tor aomethina- to apntempt for little things like nd made cup shaped to scrape out
tick be would begin on another. But 8" l5on't ' F?nd aomaora worlk ihht. P1!1 .iu out. of .2rty. foot mud formed 6y the mixture of rock
3o you think he would chop wood T Not Jr help out the othw faXw eavein for tbem. only a bid for fame, and water.
on Vour life. He waa a whltUer. You cant if ford to waite "on minute w 4m'r " The hammer goea merrily on at
AmnnmA rm m hoirh k . The cleaner la most often a piece of tin
dropped flm height They acquire a rftBtened t0 th, ,nd of a ,iinder etlck
to scrape out the
-v-t. i.avr-f mi luw uiuvr-iiiu in ins Don t
World between a choooer and a whlttler. .
One great big difference la that you sit time laa but ft little way to fluttr anj Thl" bard work.
"that wu .nduto'cn1 Dece" tMlhbM FUw In Rigging Endanger Worker. ' when
aary mat you atana up to chop. nf time haa a lona- flls-ht to male a and " well admits, the man i
If you are ft whlttler, out it out rlirbt I t 'Am mr Inn If I (. i The rope around the box formed down to lend a hand,
now: break the blade off ahort and teeo ud with It snd show at the flniih handlea. after the manner of the old- tab turna at trlklng
aon t Dorrow ma money to ouy another Don't ba the laat one to latava tha ..v,ili ... , i ...-v.. drill. To do either or these wen re
knife. There la, of courae, a certain washs tend at noon. Dot rat and t '"oned carpet bag, ftnd were attached qUrM certain knack gained only by
undeniable fascination about whittling. iZ!? ir. 1a ... .-a VL0.?!! to th well rope with ft double hitch, experience.
it know tha - .k. . 1 .w. ... -. .-. . . - .i. .
let time fly. make time fly.
ange old Omar's cry of "Th bird of
rate of aixty lick to the minute; more
America Offer Examples.
Abraham Lincoln, aa you probabty
now, waa a rail-splitter and oenerai
8. Grant waa a tanner. Andrew
He'a Johnaon, one of the presldenta of the
dead, an' 1 cum to get der alt.' United State, waa a tailor, and o
VAe In veetlgetlon proved the truth of jram wae he that he did not know
Now''wSJt ohVphlloaopher, look- " to read or writ, until after he
Ing at hla finger naila attentively, "this reached manhood, when he waa taught
story may sound heartless, but that boy by the woman who afterward became
waa alive to opportunities. The first ,,' -
boy was dead and someone had to have h, wife. One of the prominent mem-
the Job, and If Jimmy had waited for bera of the EnglUb parliament at one
um waa a nootoiaca in ionuon.
John Bunyan, the author or
work. A blacksmith
the width of the the firm to aacertain it loaa and ad
at the top comes vertlse for another office boy and then
Then both men applied he might not have obtained the
and tumlna- the .ft not inn
To do either of these well re- jl j.
hilt. VA
,.- i. I0 always nav vour coat ort and your ne weu rope waa. in turn, aiiacnea to
tbiIfMweS2 b!V.Mto,?o,bd.ckUPtoork WhT' wlndlw. by M. wire n.lla. driven
K th.vhdaMtJh.i:-r;rruot Th" ?Z& th .hop. vwrw; and
unVlh their Wkl t hot' aBd .n 5Lr.".'.,tJl! m4n ".bent over andpounded down. The
w in vvidi d. fssi ay n r nr rAraa ai tin rn sTait rtmvmm nama
Greek Savant Rose From Labor.
over and warm over the breakfast Tea,
the Fiji Island I. surely the ideal place
for tha wbltUere.
Making Acquaintance of Dynamite.
The man at the top, If he la green,
hAalria hla aormalntanpA with riant nnw-
nmnnoiDer mat tomorrow. . , . ... . , . ...... .
Haw WOOd, make duat, and aav th lMH oirsctiy. ;ns man ai ins ur uy wmi mr'u f taunuu.
grim's Progress,' was a tinker; Watt
was a maker of mathematical Inatru
ments, and Btephenson was an engine
fireman. Bewick, the father of wood
engraving, waa a coal miner, and
Herst-hel. the astronomer, clayed tha
"Heaven helps tboaa who help them- oboe In a military band. Michael Fara-
. . . i . . j , ., duy waa the son of a blacksmith and
selves. Is a aaylng old and true, ven- ea;d tils living aa a bookbinder until
tured another man. "For Instance, there he was 21 years old. Copernicus was
waa Plautus. th Qreek poet, who at one the son of n Polish baker. Kepler of a
time being reduced from competency to PunbI0S 1
Keep Eyes Off Clock and Work.
top, Who elevated tha filled bucket by in handling It. and therefore become the bitterest and moat degraded poverty mont-en-Auge, near Honfleur, while tha
winding It rope on ft windlaea, waa al- awkward. Thla Uada to accident, at laat hired hlmeelf out to a baker aa father of Sir Isaac Newton waa a mu
waya to remember to toV one turn at Should It not he enda to often by being ft common laborer and while grinding freeholder near urantnam.
a ill
I . v.m . . . .Ha4 T 4 V.. . . . . I J I n.L.
SUCCeiS IrnnosSlOlg for Whlttler. n.... ... became too short by reason of the well , .. . . ..i. aamo mav ba said of Menedemus and
nt rhica.o'- h . te " " am becoming too long; a new and longer " """"' TJ, . . i Ascleplades. two Grecian phHosophers. Wapea Laid to Fortune
But Chicago no place for you if you morrow afternoon and wonder who rope waa procured; a bite of dynamite thinking he waa tak- who erl botn i0 poor that at one time mau Wages Laid to fortunes.
vr an iuior. ty uuni ao 11 nere, you glued the hands down, a you uaually lnm command - neeve meant to wina
fhTd?.hooTtlM. M?My,nn au 2!. W,ih t-no-P". "Vow M'thi. b..vingbu.e... If
th eendv shore of Lake Michigan we about the White Box; talk about th the well la going down through Just
either put him In th lake, put him to price of aox, If that' your buainea. alrt- u clay, the man at the top haa a
work, nut him out of tha citv. or nut Kr mi, nin -. pretty ateady. Job. .phyalcal culture
. . . ' - anotirr
mm into me cooler, or courae it'a lm- idle.
possible to use thla same scheme with
Ing a chew of tobacco. He had been
carrying a looae end of a stick 'of the
atuff around In his overall pocket, and
had forgotten It. Then ha made eoma
bad objurgation and aome good resolutions.
The dynamite for the blaat la thawed
they hired themselves out aa bricklay
ers luborers and were employed in
The common class of day laborers have -. aelllng them for whatever he could
Colli. P. Huntington first started
out In life aa a peddler of butter and
the men in the offices, but If we did, if
we weeded out all of our office idlers,
the Jail would be full and tha popula-
enough to stock a college. When the
tiilnlrat la ralaarft hffh anntivn ahnva tha
Th.ra la i,n ua. in th. .v.. well hv the windlass, the kick board t out In hot water. Thla Is the safest
lc ldlar about not tdiin, . uitti.. ahoved--klcked under t, tha bucket way. Home uae ovens and auch. much
!? Lf?. not Idling at quitting 0Wered carefully on to th kick board, to the detriment of the ovens and sur-
tlme. Whlttler aeldom hear tha first and carefully dragged off again. Thl rounding scenery. Borne even hold the
whistle, but they alwava hear first tha care is necessary in order not to eend etick of powder In the hand near fire
tlon of Chicago would be reduced oer- ouittina- wMaM. the bucket and content back to the and, thaw it that way. nut tney oon t
Cefti7.!f ... LK)n'r at 7"T e th"' laat half man ln th weU'
idii you ,e what you are doing by hour and wonder why Jones gete two
I II tell you-you ar not only want- doe. that last half hour. Employ you' Man at Top's Work Not Difficult
c3?.iUmVori-fblbeUt foSs.ab?v,nund8o JI2, TO 5S man Then, if the man at th. top 1. .trong
think that auccesa la worth while. Well. Try out thla acheme. mmh.r th... and glorlea in hi. Strength, ha gathers
Ducaet in his arms, ana no car-
given us 'Bobbie' Burns, the poet; Cook,
the navigator, and Brlndley, the engineer."
"ip." said a .man ana aaintny
get. John Wanamaker'a first salary
waa 11.25 a week aa errand boy in a
store, while George W. Chllde, the well-
dressed man, the hlatorlan of the group, known proprietor of the Public Ledger
'great men of science, art and Uteraturs 0 Philadelphia before he died, started
have often come from the poorest . . . . . h . . .
nlaaaoa nnr hav dlffloultlAa annarpntlv in life a. CrTOnd boy for ft Philadelphia
?hitr. 9,e"' that matter; fact.; .Urt t.kln the whittle cure To up the
toubVtirvVo'v ,hem..i .the "ew...bm8.5 .h.opj!-'. riea it
. . . " . v ncaouu vt eav w ill l llfjl . 1 II VII II VOII T 11(1 ft rH I MM
SSStLJL0, P"" the In your pay envelope ybu will have no
vSut tTSSL ?h-Lan?JS,ot ,r?uJld' reaaon to be aurprlsed and no-oall to
frihi. iitL Th-thm)- nat " 3.H.Bt the fomplain that your employer doean't
trouble with the Idlera, their patha ar know his business.
do It twice.
Hot water Is safest, though when you
see nitroglycerin oozing out from the
stick and floating on top of the water
like grease in good rich soup, you some
times wonder if the sides of the old
kettle will ever get hot enough to set It
off, and you don't finish the reflection.
"Bucket!" alnga out the man ln the
well. .
And the man at the top sends down
Easy Fake to Catcli " RuLes"
. v By Wcter S. Loudock
VERT little while lately somebody in a bet at some racetrack, or upon a
guea iu mi ponce in cnicago or "f iB biock mantel, no gets his
In New Tork the only two cities m"ney and with it some winnings, ahe do without 'em?"
In thJ T A,,t -SJll . wBy thl" tlrae a11 In readiness for "Oo to bed hungry, I
In th country where the Indua- the slaughter. The sucker is persuaded Top, and down goea the
to th dump. Otherwlae the
bucket Is dragged, usually on ft plank
leading to the dump.
If the man In the well haa atruck
haAiwh Arllllna. an1 hl.atlna- h.4n 7,,t tOD In ft language Of his Own.
;r. , " v Anght.- come- out 0f the
" i "Liet er come." rnen
looae of th rock is picked out. If there
la ft chance of breaking obatlnate pieces
with the hammer, which weigh six or
eight pounds, this Is also done.
"Bucket!" yells Below.
"Whatl" yells the Top. "You're sure
a glutton for work. Take It easy."
I've got some diamonds for your
wife!" comes out of the ground, "bush
els of 'em! Send the bucket! What'll
the bucket, the windlass whirling and although he had only 61 cents.
classes, nor have difficulties apparently ,n l,ra "rrana ooy ior a rniiaaeipnia
Insurmountable firoved too hard to be bookseller at f 4 a month. Andrew Car
negie did nis nrst worx in a riitsourg
telegraph office at 13 a week. A. T.
Stewart made his first start In life a
a school teacher. 'Lucky' Baldwin',
father was an Indiana farmer, and here
was where the boy first ' learned the
value of work. Whltelaw Reld's first
wages were as correspondent on a Cin
cinnati mmafHp at Ifv a wiwk Rlrh-
and acquiring a taste for philosophy he ard Harding Davis, the story writer.
nut himself under th tuition of Zeno, started as a reporter onthe Philadelphia
overcome by them.
Cleanthes Began With 62 Cents.
"Cleanthes, a native of Lydta, went to
Athena aa ft wrestler about S00 B. C.
he braklnv with both hands.
"L'kout b low!" shouts the man at the
TTnahio Pres. at 7 a weekffland John D. Rocke-
1VI1VI, til" ll-niTn limn ill i-iiw wuim n-
to attend the schools of philosophy in day, wa. a farmer', son in Tioga county.
the daytime, be drew water at night a. New Tors'
"Heave away! and up come,
bucket with hammer and drills
water can, and, if the outfit is a
urlou. one, a sadk of hay that
served aa a cushion to alt on.
Being a Drug Faker s Decoy
By Doty G. Congdon -
vuess." save
bucket on the
Sends Makings of Quak Into Earth.
And then the man at the top puta LJ patent medicine decoy,
evervthlna- for the blaat into the bucket I I Patent medicine deeoyT
.nit n,D.t. nnlklnr nlt .v.n th. B. Old th. hlllS.
try flourishes With an-r iiopbh to Invest his roll. AU Iha nnuniku run. ... ...... . , .w. I im lm in nlntlnn In lm
. . . . r.t zl- . " " - , .w-x - aumDiins na wm warming in ins - -
"C:. m 10fh rP' ir'lolhari?.0 (SSr tStKS 7th. bucKr?.iu -.fup."... h refer, to the come ft chemist-chemist, not a pill
through having listened to the airon for him In case of a "fair or "t,ifti. bringing their message below. It Is nbwder. But though he forgets noth- roller, mind you. This aaplratlon may
ERK3 the easle.t Job on earth. BeVnly had one year of It. and can live
thav, down.
MorcjNVme! The mean thing. That
for .lma
I started agafu, and told him f wanted
to get ln touch ''.vlth the commercial
end of the business.
"O!" he .aid. . "v
"Yes." said I. V
"Ever been slckf he asked.
"Some," Bald I.
"Know the good doctor
"Most of them."
"You're hired on probation."
"But I"
"Certainly. Your work will be easy.
Tou won't nave any hours. Your office
will be under your hat. You will start
tomorrow. Tomorrow night I want you
to bring me Dr. P 'a prescription for
kidney trouble of the ordinary sort.
We've got a great name for the remedy,
one that will sell like hot cakes, and the
advertising Is all ready. All we need
song, or wire tapper., Yet if a reWard er," to keep as far
. of 110.000 were ottmrt,A fnr tha nrA..n- Pprs a possible. Often
i . . town. The "wire tanners'
fi..t-.:;' , un"e.a. wmpl. but they g5 fn a dirrSSnt di:
" "v wuiu BwviuyusQ one nan recuon.
th. feat which these victims of "wire ' When he find, that he ha. been
tapper." aay their deapoilera claim to caught he often appeala to the police,
be able to perform no one would appear but ,n. m0,lt he telle the police
to claim the reward. . . . that if there ia o be any publicity In
In truth, the wire tapper 1. a case of tne matter he would prefer to drop It
ine inumpn or a ghostly criminal who aiogeiner. aome oin -wire tapper." tell
from the wire Up- "ntfULn.-0 wii5-?1.!lilnfg.1lit2h1i ng, the man below makes believe he have been born from a
;jrf CflaM mSi- i andyell. ever so distinctly: college and do nothing
SP.J , . "i" V.n man in the well look, up to watch the "And don't forget the P-O-W- Can get into a college to
bucket and catchea .peck of gravel D''-Jtl ... . ...
mayhap on the nose. Whereat the man at the winch laughs a
IjOok out oeiowr- sings oui ine Top. .Ki.V"". ""-"b. "
yelle Below, "I. it a cavein? snouia inni, ',;mt 'V1 "'"iT""
Bills Are Too Hard -to Collect
By George H; Manlove
f ranrht all of Bookana countv on the blooming head. and mayhap says
nose!'" something about "Soaking your head,"
or "Oo chase yourself," or "Oo fall in a
has no local habitation, no name, and Pf. tr", f,uns hat have been played r.r.fnl Pr.nararinna fnr Rlaatlrnr' partee and down goea everything ready
absolutely no success in th tin in into their hands, and they could if thev wareiui preparations tor masting. t fh t wh1h .. lBtpr whiia
Which he asserts that he la an expert J'ou,d. teI1 ".ome t'tl'ng, etorles in. Perhaps he aay other things, too, but they are washing up for supper.
inii)iiiiii no none 'any in mo buiuhcu io m non-
more. The only persons that are done eBt have fallen Into their hands by try
are the foolish vlctima that let confl- 'ng to overreach somebody else,
dence men tak their money away from
them. '
In a couple of recent novel, wire fap
pera figure. But any of the experts Just a Confidence Game,
who pose aa wire tapper, and who col- J ormoence uame.
lect bounty money from foolish inves- It will help a great deal to the under
whfil? i?u.?hi.ati th..n,annef 'n "tanding of thl. queatlon of "wine tap
InlctiSn!" 0t. ClM are e9Med Vingr. about which there 1. .o .much
it if talk, but of which there Is really ao Ht-N
tie understood, if It is known that there
Tapper Generally a Liar. e no "rea tapped at any time, and
J? w , 7 .7 that th8 whol th!n confidence
To begin with, an alleged wire tapper game, and that no matter how glitter
la generally a liar. He Would not know 'nKly the hook Is baited, It can be noth
what wire to tap and It la pretty jrood lnhfceJ?.vho25v. ,t.
betting that he could not tap a wire if hands of the wire tappers with unfall- U the reat. but drink uaually are for
one were pointed out to him and he in regularity.., Many victims have cash over the bar.
were furni.hed with the tool.. applicat?on? SomTof hofd'tSnae Th 0Pe,,at,on ' thl8 matter of rM'e
dM" not need any tool. All tapper, have taua-ht the details of tholr on h trt 0)t drinker Is assisted by
a convincing panner, business to others and there will never th reluctArto of th dispenser of liquid
Th?t2 ut Jlupptl1 of refreshment to keep books. One. .iart-
Up tofwXtat'rt ir?inVpfto.ltTonhto nfakV a" grt deal t'eagy W stop, and alway.
are themselves trying to swindle some- ing aa the supply f wire tappera is, the room who would take advantage of It.
body else. demand for their gervlc never fall. They spend, aome money, and refusal
" ir . W , . . - either. . .
desire to go to
else. Any one
can get into a college to atudy pharmacy
It 1. not necessary to be a high school
graduate. I had spent parts of five
years all but the springtime In a high
school, but didn't have a sheepskin.
Well, when It came, time to go with
the rest of the gang to college it be
hooved me to pick out a course, and
inasmuch as the only one I could enter
upon without a high school diploma, ex
cent the short course ln agriculture.
waa ln pharmacy, I waa Imbued with the now is the remedy,
of this V
ALOONS come nearest to doing a
cash business of any Institutions.
Getting a drink "on tick" is re
pugnant to moat men, and th
'l.t.t nAWOitav. nrant1iallw la
non-existent It may be all right to Some Hints From the "Barkeep."
aforesaid overpowering ambition to be
come a chemist not & pill roller, mind
I got mine in th pharmacy school
of Ann Arbor in one brief year.
Thla isn t about th patent medicine
"Just Be Sick Some More."
"But I don't know Dr. P. well enough
to ask him for his favorite prescription
th. saloon above other lines of trade decoy. I merely am qualifying aa an for kidney trouble," I interposel.
anrf n.lna ffrMllv T n Ho a lnrv. nualn.aa . i . - ...
- ' T, ' . . . . yii wiiuca.
on a email capital, as la common in the
liquor trade.
juooKing iui a v.itei(uvau juu,
After the first year ln the pharmacy
discourage the asking of credit
How th "Rube" Is Worked." Opposition to Trousers.
Tne moaus operandi of th. so-called nvom fh,mk. t.,.i ,
wire tappera is to convince somebody The-modem custom of wearing trou- . .
who ha -money .that he can make a S?fltwa',,te.rt 't0"1 th DIult'y lr8."" Saloon Debts Are Bad. -
raat mvr. h ., Introduced Into the army by the Duke u
great deal more by paying them money, 0f Wellington durlpg the Peninsular It ia hard to collect a debt contracted
to tap wire which, communicate with wan ; ; v fof drinks. The courts feel that Judg-
. raceiracits or siock - maraets. and hv . -V'.. :-; "w nuw
These, are a few of the gentle ways
adopted to ward off asking for credit,
and now and then some waggish saloon-
Keeper evolve, some new ana
nmn nun w ii b. . .. . . ... .. liirmuiK wilii Lim miu 1 1 1 virw
riif.iii .wi j...- ment a-ivan ror nouor soii ror orina. lr " ..-
malrlr, ma of th. InaMa X""VV" "r ins QUKev. r"' "'ZZT..:- Z " .7 " .J. couraKing ine loucn
...... yynen iney were coming inio general .mere is a possiDuuy ot nuriing xn. More often
ooiainea increase tneir. roil many fold.; use at tne commencement of th. nine- family of th debtor, 1. ft bad judgment
"hang ud" the butcher, the baker, and Saloons have signs displayed often to school, navlng-iewed the wonderful
succeaaes vi io iaioni iiicuiciiib uiug
housea of Detroit, I determined to get in
on the fruits of thl. remarkable busi
ness. With my brief year", .tudy at Ann
Arbor laboratories wrapped up ln a red
bandanna handkerchief, ao to apeak, I
started out in furtherance of the afore
said aim. ,
NoW, don't hurry about seeking out
out th easiest job on earth. You won't
get It It's so good it Is taken. Yet
when it wa. open I spurned It I wa.
unsophisticated. It looked like burglary
The foxy faced individual with a bald
"loP"- pate beamed.
striking " How ver happened to climb the
of di.- four flight, of dusty stair, to thl.
musty office I ao not anow. i eviaeni-
mlght drive them away. 80 the rule ia
invariably In moat bar that money i.
th only language understood. '
... .. u 1 tajiarh V ..111... - 1 a M
offic?aTnthwXwnd to -onkeeper. find It 1.
cago and are wnelegph Ltru- ,n their PP8n.. A clause In the considerable work to collect such debts,
ment. Messages ar aent and received' gh-rM wHnVnA,!1.?.?,!,.; Of courae, some bafs hav. their
"W"? f&lS&dWlimi ateady custom., who run an account
rten a annK is given .freely if i05k.d for opportunity with the idea
1T?FLB ?ee"'' DUl oreoii wouia tn8t u wa. jn disgulae 1
the case
be refused the same person if asked.
1 ! 1 -
and lurking in
a dark corner where it would b. hard to
find. But I had been drawn to the
door through the grim of which I had
read the Ingenious, novel and enterprla-
shall any preacher be allowed to oc
cupy xoe puipit wno wear trouser..-
of the sucker. But he doe. not know
that thejrlre end ln:th next room.
Shown a Real Wire. . " :
Having been convinced by this mani
festation ln which th telegraph play. leLgu.Jnhe ministry
and settle regularly a sort of special
class but these cases are rare enough
Too Many Quail in Colorado.
r rum ine meg news. 1.. ,1,.
Their flews .0 overrun with quail Rendale Kemical Kompanv.
that that their s-rain rrnm ar. kiln. . rinn 'W anfflced for the trio.
wnai onginamyi nrnai iu uuji-
"Plsh, pish, you weary me. You told
me you had been nick."
"Well, be sick some more."
"What, lure this doctor into the belief
that I am sick and thus get his secret
cure? That' obtaining something un
der false pretenses. That's burglary.
Not for me."
I left the Kend'ala Kamtcal Kompany
in disgust. I was unsophisticated, you
see. That was before I learned about
the practical side of the business. I
had been taught only the theoretical
whore a remedy was found to cure a
disease not where a remedy was found ,
to fit a name that would sell.
When college opened that fall I was
at work a. a collector for ft telephone
The patent medicine decoy blasted
my chemistry ambition,
. . .; i-.,j.4'-Vt
Best Oil for Roads,
A recent test of oil. for road making :
ln Kansas showed that" th de.ldtum
from th refinery was superior to any
of th crude oils, on gallon of th "
residuum being equal to two to four of
crude oil.: . ffrAhxf
In order to determine the value of
thla material for road making, aay.
Country Llf. in America, a roadbed
waa prepared in andy soU. After
grading it was plowed four and onV
half inches deep and harrowed.
narrow preceded and followed each
"that trniiiuira
auch an Important part -that. tha "wlra wearing, beer drinklna so-and-an will
tapper" ba the necessary - equipment nev.SVh55 vr1'
y,y -"''.- - , . , . . . ... , , . ivh.t nrtvinai tv wnat a rm. oon-
jjuv irii waa nui ail oome aouDl. o exciia widukhi, ana usually uie ne- . - , . 1 . wUul.f , ,i valii of advartlalna In "PI11 maiiun 01 mm resiauum. Which was
were expressed in many quarter, con", gotiatlon. ar. conducted quietly, and do have -appealed to State Gam dommla- .y1..1 r0u not r?4 th sign! repeated until on gallon had been D-
cernlngthe question whither a man not com to the notice of the general jloner arr to declare an open aeaaon on .J
could be rellglou. and appear in trou- patron. .Failure to aetUa promptly uau- the b'rdav- Hw- r, fc KeUy K4ndy K,tcn,nr wa. then .moothed and rolled!
fr?nA5fJh; de hs w v -After considerable u.e the .urfao of
lllll HLM1 ID M. CM II BUII ! VIIUWII IUI 1IJJ .CniUUXMT UiBUl' r .Z . " i " . - - -av. iii-i - - a I IT fa.ll ltVtt'm.m illllf V Brtfl gnnlha
- K ik B.Aa,.M: niiH 1 1 in m MnnirnM rnunrv nrf thAM .
with money commpr in rait as tn ",u 53 v raiw"r Aiommerciai ana w aw uiuiciku
plleatlon jwaa made. Professor Ilcken
reporta that the. road is perfectly at-
i .i ih. iii.,r, un.. i. i k.i. thev are now said to be a menaca t th.. . . .... c:i.:v". .: r.".""7
Father f Reena, a. famaug :, Methodist Ur condition- to discount bill, and carry '3ihm- , J' JKSS.;!0 1 . "M . . I" j" V V. VZ ?I ' Another atretcn of road t riated In the
I.I. . 1. J . I. t. .W llft.ll .W. . " "I M - . .'I . ...V v..5--- .w . ..V, .l.l ..1 : . . .... . . . .
wiiii Hi"!." '-I' n.i 7 ; minister, ; twice president Of the con- on his busine. man the unfortunate y" ' ........ iu w nni,c one -ana jaunonea-my awry. ' u ; .am. - way sustained loads weiBi 'ne
driven out .Into th. suburb where be forence 'fborn in 1766 died in 1S50V. seller of other atods. who must , wilt " bour. it I. com .w,t , .vn.Hann. with tha theoretical threa toTi. ana m1?..rt I.t w-.i,,.5
i nd of th business.
is shown tha wire that it la intended to could not be induced to adopt trouwr.; for hla money sometime, because th. pletely stripped and, valueleaa,
fan.. Tha urospeot as the sucker i nr.n mnn th- M.ihm)i.i. v.. ....lnn..i. .n..i. tm ..,-k v. .i. hihim..h m . . 1 , ,
called ln "wir tapping'-circles, ia per- to follow ponulft fashion in this re- ban , Denmark baa 1.151 local labor unloha. ' i 'Tut. tutl" b bearaed. patronlsingly.
r . , , t at w on lacior oi u prosperity ox wua a jtoiai mempsrsaip oi do.bx, ; "We'll xorgiy ou tnat. . t)siuea, you
auaded to Invest a small sum of money r spect,
wunout oeing i damaged, Kot-evm n
break 10 the. .urfare etrnt occumi
Oils containing leas than So i rtf ciit nf
atptiaUum are not fit iur r-.d jmrjoji. j.