The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 32, Image 32

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- Marguerite Frey, Winner of tne International Beauty Quest, Writes of ; tke
Proper Care of tne HairPoints on Beauty ty One of tne Most Beautiful
1 '"., - '
, . ' w . , w kaHrr . ''awawa. aaa-aaa 1 aaaaawaw. aBBaa. - mmttw , ' w -y - -saaaa-- - , - " .
" !A ,, -.iff.- .vv--H 7 iKV-
A n? mWXXCR' - ,urr.' W,
: ff 7JcS JfAR 0 (IB B I Td ' &3B Y
WOMAN'S crown of glorr clean. Hair In a normal condition tha hair down and alt In the sunnhlne allkea texture which ia tne perfection Since tna hair whenever the enda following- with a caatlla aoap aHampoo, their hair. The few atray locka about
h-r hair. Theref ora, tha yount" ahould not be washed more than one 'o' lOTt tlm every day ia of the for Wh(Cn w tr, tu strivlnlg.
are apllt.
which will leave the acalp delightfully SJ1-'0'!???, "a,h5l i?fif.t!lJ
aoe with invlalbla hair
w .V I "v,n,- fc Some people are very partlcnlar to Th, dandrii t may not return fluffy, forming
If tha hair ia oily it 1a caused by the n thi (n h lio-ht of thT moon. ;i i'. ii"T ".. curia held in nl
glands opening- too wide and distributing I do not know whether the moon time like a, bad penny, It ia aura to P,nf-' They do not hurt, aa aome P""
HB ITOWini, Pnm hanlc. Rnl in. It fino to know t" wnw qoiuuw ui in
f haa. even a temporary coraf ff.lSf .JifA
Do vou curl vour hair on an iron! U " L"i
ou do be verv careful not ta burn 11. J " you f " n"" na. " aTw"
.. . . .. . si 11 1 1 in rAlAi1 nnf
4a-1 aiMrtA whA slvsai vtsit MAnth an h nalno- Anttr nilPA Wl,,et PnCIlV.
fus aT aaivMW v saw iivd uvai vu mi u tutu B vwi jra w ,
care well for tha wealth that castlle aoap, Never put ammonia in the Bruahlniv tTi Hatr
- : ' has been riven her, or try water. The aoap ahould not be rubbed . , . , , oil on the outside of the hair instead of anything to do with' Hi
to improve the smaller ahare that la on the hair, but flrat dlasolved in wsrm Mw of fifty strokes with on tha Inalde. where It ahould go but I am certain tha alngeln
:rttc-: ih. h!ir r:A:.,ting!rbr..r:i, r.T-v..s7w7rwhen",v ;r.r. -L'rir "
' WKia ftQ uuwn uiBUk w mw iuo iiia uimiuk a vvu t ..... iiitj lurai ui uii ii njicoiieiu. i lie W w - ... . . ' . oiat.iv ' iicsat vvvvuitw uidh
m . .z . ... ii ia arooa Tftr in irma i aupmiBA a a ii lMtinrtirr tm a. a imm ini nan or 1 1 M . . 4-. a- ....... 1
fanafiaUft MmATM v th . 1 MArM itVMt- artr which, If houlrl h nniM in Or- ' " uertfu urcmarBiiunB luvorcieu iur iu u n- ' r?noji irviu vw hwi n nun, aii mvci- mTi- i- i. n.j kiHAkUat
tooths Mh;7ha acaln maaaa.' and ourhlv in warm water, followed by we 'or tha hair. If the hair haa teracttng toe oily ondUipn of the hair Whlchno one ha. eover?d. lent Prutlon I a to put a Httle bril-
the hair it's ' almnlv touohlne- It un.
. , . a tenaencv to na n rv a llttla nllv oil rt nui utiudii, dui. ir ur uigeut rw- luvrm im nu imoiuia vura, vui ;uui tmiiiiiis uu nip nun iiur vuiuu, iv. i .. ii fnnlr
h waII hraihri n1 hraMlut Th n1l " r-. il -. uncj M OS pry ft UlUe Olive Oil ..,44 i.mhAH.ll. r l.i.t . .nn.. !lnil.l n. rfra.t nmmnanil - I nvr Hrf m hair a vnil ran V And. Of COUrse, We ' all Want ,tO 100K
tnassage Is to Invigorate the scalp, the If possible, dry in- the sun bit of carefully massag-ed into the roots before powdered orris root through the hair an ointment which you will ma-sage have noticed. It'a Just a bit naturally juat aa pretty aa we can. .
hmchlnv a kMn t Ka hair thnrnnorhlv annahlna aila n lilHtrn-4Lnif to (ilka the hriltMnff wfYt Bnl n r4v. 1 M orA Kmah ah ' tmmtiirhltt Intn th aaf. ivtrv titrtifr fAi a wulr piirlv - Vf naf Knnn a-lrl Ha- tint .miH . " . .'' 1 M A KrlTTKRlTrc HHKT.
dull fn color, out - teaspoonful of p-
I lUAIUV IU fa WVWI Ut Waal?! CfcMie w objia ' v.
RrTr; i,t;on, &e M S-fiaS'fr-S Lb Spends Two Weeks in Festivities-Racind and Dancing
Running a Newspaper in the Average Dmali Place city papers to diatant acquaintwce-; pjp.wawj v tt wwvm m avitihww anuwi u"w -r
he sent copy after copy of the little
ECIXX3IES and laudatory Pr- pressed with it constantly. I doubt ,lf depitehU prominence in t
grapha, alternating with sneers, there is a single calm utterance in any peared a sympathetic relation of the
ridicule and depreciations, long paper in the United States that does loss, that had come to him. Charles
hve been the lot of the country not carry some weight in Washington Meauger Harger, In AUantlo Monthly.
;- ;, editor. -Pictured, in the comlo among the members of congress.
papera as an egotlstio clown, exalted . "Tou might think that what soma GlimPSe of a GllTs Life
by the politicians as a mighty "moulder country editor says does not amount to . Tl 1 i i IT?
f public opinion," occasionally chaa- anything, but it means a good deal more m a Portland Ciandy lvaC
tlsed by angry,' patrons and sometimes than most people realise. When the ' VT 1 C rpri
remembered by delighted subscribers, he country editor who Is looking after tOry JPiakinfr Dwcet X hinS
Has put au errors where uiey could be notning put tne oounty printing gives
read by all men and has modestly sought expression to some rational Idea about
a fair credit for all his merits. . a national question, the man off here
M ; times ha has rebelled not at treat- in congress knows that It comes from
ment from his constituents, but at the grassroots. The lobby, the big
constituents, but at
patronising; remarks of the city Journal- railroad lawyera and that class of peo-
Z' 1st who sits at a mahogany desk t and pie realise the power of the press, but
dictates able articles for the 18-page they hate it I have heard them talk
Aallv. Instead af writ In a- lnoal Itama about It anil ahaka thnlr hA1 and aav
at a Dine tahla In tha offln. of a four- Too much cower there! The Dress is mechanlcal ' Girls find employ-
tr wiriv Th... aa nn. r,in. more powerful than money.' " ment at pi
r " " - " '
By K.. R.-W.
N PORTLAND many women and girls
find employment at the csndy fac
tories. Here hours are the same as
at other factory work, from 7:30 In
the morning to 6.$0 In the afternoon,
with a half hour at noon. The cooking
and mixing i done by men with varloua
ta:e weeklv. Thus did one voiea nro- am. Powui man. money u i, nwi8
leat: "When you consider that the . Tnl" wa,.not ,ala m flattery, but caramels and choice special goods, put
I!T.tFr.7ekl5r U .wnei.bjr i" r1140' rnn-s desks th2 hi, of cntrv welk- t,n Y Packaeg " Vr or nickel at-
and that the man who wrltea the funny s desks the heapi of e7 we- tractions the kind with a prize in every
things about country papera In the city " ffliK? JS package and other light parta of the
Journala is owned by a corporation for w TSf iSHu: A aL aXa work.'
which he writes, itoesn't seem so sad. i"thit nfSr'. mmtinUv ?2r In on of h largest of the Portland
When you see an item In the city pa- Si"0," ?apr ",tcin"nffi.,ti,I factories the girls are paid by the
pare poking fun at the country editor ftf n,7" itnrrt th ihp -nm weight Of the goods packed, and this
ior printing- news about John Jones' fA A" Kh tstl u lead? wou'd ,n nerA be the scale used in
new barn you laugh and laugh for you m,th.nt1 Jitn know- nTroTim.t.l v Pyg for the work of packing boxes
know that on one of the pages of that inhd0 tL? laiier u Bo Ptha countii ot candT; ,n another faefory a weekly
same city daily Is a two-column story ' f. Jt. .?., ,MhJ wage la paid, graded according to the
in regard to the trimmings on the gowns ,?? exerU a Pwer ot whlch ho efficiency shown. In the latte case a
It Is all the more amusing because you Rut, PolUlca is only part of a coflntry
know that the duchess (foes not even d"", ?' The socfal affairs of the
K?5 a'oresald "I"."Uurt
viij iir, wnno jonn jones ana many
of his neighbors take and pay for the
"The proud father who brings fn a
clear with a notice of the seventh
baby's arrival (why cigars and babies
Don't waate your pity on the country hould be associated in men's minds I
newspaper worker. He will get along.'' never understood), the fruit farmer who
girl may start In at 18 a week and un
less she shows special quickness she
will advance but slowly to a wage of
eight or nine dollars, after several
months' work. In general one may say
that a girl doing general work, pack
ing, wrapping and so on, will earn, after
she has learned the work, 17 or f 8 a
presents some fine Ben Davis apples wceK-
In the expectations that he will get a r rt
notice, are but types. The editor may wre Kopei Of Taffy.
have some doubts concerning the need rr.h . , . .
of the anventh rhiM in tha f.miiv of tha There is some fascination about
proud father, and he may not be par- watching the work of a big candy fao-
. v..
,,j , .
" & f
: ; t
i 1
Helpi Advance His Town.
After all, no one man In the commun
ity has so large an opportunity to
assist the town in advancement as the licularly fond of Ben Davis apples, but tory, perhaps because of the staggering:
Ull"r'..n 18 Dccause ne is smarter L- i'.f -t" "Tft." 'Brut3 hv Quantities produced of something which
inan otners, not because he Is wealthy. klnd heaj.ts and that the givers are his we have from our childhood's days as-
wui oecause ne is tne spokesman of the friends. sociated with rarity and the unattatn-
uuLer worm. hl
He is eager to print all the news In Reacnea Keaaers ncans.
SA1SJ aVtBTM MO vxakaa Tn.a W a T T . ... . . .a a a a - . - - - w - ' " IMinn nU NTH .in B. ITirC'iaB: Willi Lliril Mil IIHWH. Wim H.IBJ LB. MX. 1 11 al
-tm. 7 k xiaraiy wnen joy comes 10 me nouscnoia ropes or tarry, molasses or. strawberry, celebrates, not only for one day. but heads pointing to the cents-. Suddenly and pride in the racesr They are be- Is complete, and Joining In the hl-yl-yl-
lOIS WOU1Q DO a Very neWSy nailer. la hut tha WOrklnr of th heart S best hera la a mmmtaln f mint h... ., . nrOhnt.T .llh. nln tl. atarf ' AaAA In hla-hlv onlnrail hlnnlrata a nH anH whan I rail alt
- tm v. . . ... . ...... fc v. . uvd. urn?. m i.kiiriiv Tna ivn wnuva . ...uu . . . u iikiio, nm .....n . w. v . .Hv.v.ww - j wa.ui . . v. .. . . . -
Here men are swinging out great
(R T.iila. R. iorena. ' celebrations on tha raaarvation. w Miin- tha race befrlns do thev become very sins trimmed with beads, to music.
DOSS the Indian celehrata tha dreds of people from towns surround- much excited. While the preliminaries primitive, 'tia true, but muslO mada
Fourth of July? fs often asked generally require about two hours after . even solemn looking, and with great They go not In waits, but circling
by tourists and others passing all the preliminaries have, been arranged dignity they come forward with what round and round, and always round, and
through the reservation districts and about two minutes for the race, they have for betyng. , round In single row, the circling enda
.,"" J'""'" A number of Indians seated on horses, Here and there tm sees a group of of which would meet at any particular
of the country, yes. indeed, he often 50 . circle, with their sauaws. who are taking great Interest point, or all points, wherever the ring
exclaimed a frank country editor to his impulses to desire that all should share barrels of marshmnllowB
------"-" " ii. ine news umi in- prmw ,,V.i .i.u"l diana bea-in In all 'earnestness to ex- a ro.t la .....ollv l.nt.4 rotmrf whlnh nm tn tha land dancers are all aat aflart.
mai eacn or the four men who work family, has after many years of wait- wlu be' fondant when It la Tdone Tand press ' their appreciation of the advent the racers are to lurn and coma back - Dancing fs also one of the great fea- Little by little, under the influence of
Vast chal- V On tha nlaht of the Fourth the In- ?K..'a:H?'fc.S " . 5? W.J? ""'". ?k " JJ"na .""1
. luuiBii J BCB uuuro, a L igi suu vi wiuuu . tvum w.l nimq vrviiia.ii at Lug a . caicoi Meaii, mcj ua.11v.17, luueou ustb t.M
On It has so many friends. By the time ing. wedded a prosperous merchant of here one may see men rolling
all the items that mltrht lnlurn anv nf tv,. i.v.v.n. hrtntra th. am- fascinatina- stlcka which w un
their friend, is omitted, very little Is ZTIZ " ' " fff? Larded In glass Jars, and'put-
1..V' of the whites fn this continent. They to the mtArtlnar nainta reneraHy coverinr turea of thoe celebrfttions. At these the patriotic lov of fredom. the Indian
" V,i'3 oniv.a m mIIaM. a i-Alin1 rrh aaaaA 1. . J C--ayA Tav &a.AMiMH. ,l.Ma. a. haa .tAV.n . a.U..tM Ka
linly, brings the ram- i""y'.li " "V" ,w nJcnwa """.ally See d emils outfits, bedecked In their hafnra. tha. mmnhlt. .. ' In tha nM.Hm war rfannea. manv of was ham a. twnlann hut la now of his
laft." ' Uy Into prominence in the home paper. ,,,u. w :?., .J.V..i:.jL most aora-eoua clothlnar. and for davs Indiana ara aaan all about and bettina- tham nnntinulnr to slaa- tha wterd aonra enllrhtenmnnt. a barrlar to hia hannU
"I wlBh you would print a niece about Seldom In these busy times does the the encircling stripes which bewilder Jhey 'east and make merry on the camp- Is liberally engaged In. Besides money, and dancing until they are almost ex- ness. He has found sunshine In Amer
. our schoolteacher." said a farmers wife -editor e-et a niece of weddlna cake the childish mind. Here may be seen founds near where flows the Uma- coat a blankets, wearing apparel, beads, haustef The aoene is notonly fan- lean Independence and the warm hand
to me one afternoon. "Say that she is fv IV 7 P ! ?, wa?ms crco' the almost human machine which ""a- . , . . . pistols and almost anything - that the tastlo, but as many would excUim, of freedom'a sons have bade him wel-
the best teacher in the county' but nevertheless he fails not to say that Btamps into starch the shapes for the Racing Is , the main feature of these Indian may hava Is-put up. Not until "most' gay and gorgeous." In moeca- come to a better Ufa , :
"But I can't do that snn tUr tha bride la "one of our loveliest vouns? fondant which la tn h. Hnmnui tv.. 1 1 ; ' " ' ' 11 ' 11 ' 11 ' 1 - .'!' r 1 "" -' " "
Sl'cWiin nS8i?ii ou i?.!11 th8 lad,e" and the groom la worthy of the molds or the machine which takes these and, like the. thimble cookies which are
vCi1' r you r,unn"lK a newspaper
2.1 . j ' J'CBB yur suoscrih
rsr she demanded and ramtii.i h
mV. 4... t.! .l-lll.a Mill k 'L J! mi. .!..... 4. Ml-. .IA v..-..'': . MfcKM.A..MJA. f . K . t . '.
- Btwy w. - rn vs of holfia and with car f I . mo. uihmwio wwswv. niuu a ne Kir who ia iniucu win uj:a uv?ifcHiOW iw Oflwuims uiyyvi a bii, uvoaupe ym o.n luiiiwj, uui a .
prwe ne nas won. ,xne cuy paper aoes clBfon drtps the syrupy mass into the 'amlllar to childish hearts, with a movement oi ,nrMna xo J .".' their work l-.WK Millr (IoM to tbit ; f rt. " DB""
not do that Hera and there a country beds of starch y Py m " ,BW small cutter the small loaenges or mint !?P.1 JA JJRPJ"1 5ho?OIa.' JA1?.0 wv, : ' i i , matnlng at homo. , ;
. . . . . . . - ... . . inni inr vmjiiiul ur B.11 m xvi lunuic.
and CancelWl hr oriltnr Mu tn nnt:n ltv a Ira dnA
... iv. tha har. rc. f wioi f.mctinna- ??und out the way In which are made
- o u ' wunirjTOiior leaves out cer- " ' ; " , r : T ,, ln nara "orops which are such good "- -
fal good things and certain bad tnlnga without a personal touch to the lines, "suckers"; where you get your money's curately.
. a.oL? 't.rJ,Bm Bt the Der- But Infrequently does ha succeed lnwortn -cause they last so long" One
MO Flat IttOait InterftlttfNl mrm Mlnaa a.- wi t . . . j a a Vrvet 4ha hrnsi IntaMst il.!... J
a.i aV ai Vk- i j am. rr-.jinij u.B noarifj oi nil maUvm inu ."wi-oimi .iiiiiSa an utiiu j fn,!,-,,
!!,tm,er.S0?'ecil.0.nSrjr P18"4.1 dropsvare out out A girl must be a ItntMhm fheraa plenty of 6pportunltr for
sr to cut them ao- in one of tot Foruana lactones a bw. "V0"" .""'" "" ", vr
' machine Is in use for dinning the choc- am told. that if a girl is slow, takes
niata china and all that the onerator has little interest ta ner worx and seems to
and can nna tne individual resDonaihia mnuhitv am. i.i v nnt.mnpra naklnr to be seen. arnt rotarv ma
for the statements. "He becomes wlaa amaa th. .h.i. r.,iil chines are started, their contanta cnn. like
rJ iik.1 .,Ti;. n. J".." apnniuea wun lypograpmcai errors ana r;?1"'? vu.innucr aoea tna a.
r"i?n--1lilin2?,Ji5iflnd" that halting tn Its gramme?, but profuse in bit of enveloping candy. As the ma
2 'T.n.facti iSf'SffiJl-'S vnfr' lu lauditatlons, U getting an unusual Chines rotate the candies tumble over
no satisracuon tn g ratifying .the lm- number of new subncrlbera E3ven you. each other and I In my Ignorance Im
pulse to say things that bring tears to though von V i.l?: arined thai alt the function of tha ma
V. omen s ayes, nothing tO Rloat over In fi.v It .Z. i j .... ohlnaa . waa tn malra th. m..n.
1nAern mftchlnerv has done much to a i. V h. niM nortinna m be doing It merely 'to flu In her time. ,.
r - vv w ....... v.. . - . . .L . linruRfA will TCII .
the work of a candy factory un- the sliding band, which csrries them pn jriT. 2 w. r ..i .i.i11: for ''sedan chair."
candy: making at home, but the ?. nociata coaung. ana w xaae , -TJTa "winfA. i' Blam'a ministers
h.i4 .!! Vantalna a . valnohl. ' '.V . ".Cr thla .aa .ln avarv Irlnrf of hntnra niS JWajeSXV S
Origin of the Sedan Chair,
From the London Chronicle.
Perhaps some expert in the Siamese
us wnat is its worn
When the king of
protesting against
favor toward motoring,
tool when it comes to chocolate dipping, for 'taking the placa of hand dipping, work, it all depends upon the girl. There Z... Zn''.in,JI," ".a,'
man comes with
opening i wound In i mans heart. - If day after your nartv vou raarf that tha Not so. Soon a r
" "ol J.-rn tnis as ne grows older guests "went home feaitnv that a. a-norf great dipper full of syrup and pours
in tne service ne is a poor country time had been had " - . ; over the rolling candies. When they
And when sorrow comes!
Into the"' have rolled awhile he repeats the pro.
Thi. I. th. best paid branch of work In a-SsfrloS fSKVi' tTVVZrf Fttpltti& SsVawor3
tha factory, but not sIL-glrls make good Tweek. MrhTps en! higher. but only the class who would be willing to sUrt reminiscent of the Frencb town. .
chocolate dlppera One beginning at this Sfte? long "experienced ' '7 at a HtU. iMfV.-whan .they would be fJAff
utA r , . . , .,.. . it . -V !' ''- ' learning something more difficult and collapse that the sedan chair takes
It-kind ot work might start at 16 a week. ,,.. ,'. Vii....a .: '. which thav could after a whiia earn its name and perhaDS remote Star-
Hha muat learn tA din the fondant WOT; a HVH XWimiu ; ' . : ThM la alwava room, tnr tha ity Will auODOSO that it had imS3a.
. w vi ira"
But. 'lb.
willing girl, yet I must emphaalxe what hectlon with-that event.
A Power in Politlca,
"Th power of the country press
Washington surprises men." said a mid.
Ja w... An,P.r.aeman laat wlntaa. .."Flllfw . . T . Tr?",. I
m v". r - - - , t. . m w. news wnnr amb .
ng my two terms I hava been lm- town where. La their
uu.uft.j srviiiji liuiii. iimn nig i unrvj u iiuuiuix uitviaawi, uui i .
IntaraJ i . ..C"T 'a 81 ,n" oeftin - J'T.. . vT u l""u'.,7 iwr thlokly coated than other kinds, Mn.r iri th work !at a eandv fao. D,en saia nerore, inai ir a gin musi ' fucto. ineso conveyances cenvjttaT
J1" wife and mother. The f11.0" and larger until and the worker must learn to discrim- famtaryjn tna worg acanay raov d d n nerB.i- ,t im a pity for her Juries ago, and they were seen In Eng-4
in ifi'iJ had bw,n prominent In social they ara the approved size. ti ra4 TthaTiiMnt - o ihoWlxV ihw . ! to those that I hava seen, 'to coma to the city to find work in tha land in 1681.- One used by James l"s : f
ia Circles, and OOlumna warn nrlntat in th. v .... rp.. .. i. nn.. I-,.l. llnrht ' mr.A halmlu .. Ch. will In tha .nrl Kb una Hlll'lflllflltm ! flMUnltiil I in,) , 11
fc.f !rL C0TJmns of cold, biography
I,. i. Lt.8b2rns married, died. But tha
ifa, aiexi. uui uia - . vlu- last accomplishment the worker musl
the small country 1 Thera I a kind tt candy which laj lean, to form the letters which desig
early married life,' roUed on a marbla board Ilka' dough,' nata tha flavor of the- enclosed cream,
i neither too hot nor too cold, and as the th war ah normal. "Whether the air la for it will take all that she can earn td
-last accomplishment the worker must , " .t!! . thia Jl-VIL!. i pay her board and room and laundry:
n outcry against tha employment of men.
-t has hnarii a n4 win a it I lannnsw., Jl hAflgtn nf hiisayfaam C I a ,. i-..HaB. &
sit ot stand at their work depends . upon. ff aha Is a city girl and must find - is credited with having introduced them
tha factory. Soma hava seats, others dp. work at once,- the candy factory will "to London in 1614.