The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 31, Image 31

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EnglisK GLurcL and Is Too Busy to Boitlier, About Dignity ;Dbcsnt Look Lite
s Br B. Lisle SnelL
fConyii-ht. h- Hurt la Tli-nTi
L.V AWfVAM . . ...
Muun. v as a . ciass jcngnsn
iUhops are neither - strenuous '
'V n&T excessively popular with the
masses, but there are some ex-!
' : ceptlons to this rule, and the most
' t notable of them is the Right Reverend
" Arthur Foley Wlnnlngton Ingram, bishop
Of London, He U by long odds the most'
, popular and the hardest working blshpp
In England. As will be generally known "
, ' in America before this is printed, he Is
crossing the Atlantic shortly, and will
. attend the general Episcopal convention, '
which opens at Richmond. Virginia, Oo
. tober I. He has the most picturesque
V Personality of any of the dignitaries of
' the established hurch, and In view of .;.
; his approaching visit some account of ,
him may be of interest to American.
readers. - - . - - ' '
The popular' notion of a blshep is a
man-with a pompous manner, a portly . ,
- f ramoand spindle-shanked legs clad in
falters. Barring the waiters, Dr. Ingram
does not look a bit like this type which;
.irreverent English eertoonlat. . have .
made so familiar. He is slight, spare
and lean. He Is always on-the move, "
which keeps htm trained down fine like .
.: an athlete. 1 He is too rushed to bother ,
about dignity. - For the same reason he
ls Indifferent to his personal appear
ance. HIS hat always looks as though
it would - extinguish him. His collars
don't fit. Enthusiastic maiden ladies
describe his face as that of a mediaeval
ee-tnt. ' itthe typical face1 for a mediae .
val i-yWv is thin and brown and ex-
foi mingled keenness, kindness
humor, then the blahon has one. In '
411 probability he has never thought
anoui k mmse.r, ,
Bosiesv Man in London.
He has the well-merited reputation of
keeping busier than any ether man In
London. Certainly no cabinet minister
or member of parliament works ao hard
for Ma country as Pr. Ingram does for
his church. But bard work never trou
bled him. He is used to It He Is one
of the few men who owe their positions
on the Episcopal bench entirely to hard .
work. He worked hard at Oxford, tak
ing both an excellent degree - in the
schools and on the river, for he was a
fine oarsman. He worked hard as a
clergyman lrv the west of England,
where he showed that he waa a man to.
be reckoned with. He worked harder
till when at the age of 10 he became
the head of Oxford house, one of the
pioneer college settlements In the east
no we stum end or London.
It was there h"developed his organis
ing capacity. It waa there be learned
how to use men to uplift their less
fortunate fellow creatures. It was he
who Induced many of the publlo schools
to take a hand in "settlement work," so
that they each undertook, in part of . ' '
least; to support a club. Peraonal. no to be human. He often salutes an
Vicarious, work was his method of geM irreclaimable old ruffian with a. genial
i noia oi?pif iniww.iTOa,. "Hello. nM hovt" On nn. occasion ha
lent a seedy Individual his great coat
and It never .returned". He has been
censured by a parochial relief commit
tee for giving away half-crowns too
freely andlndrscHmliiateTy.
.u m. ,,... -Ja inmeaa or treating innaeip wun sac
perform with considerable success, artd ,corn Bnd contenipt and leaping
anathemas upon-them he has frequently
engaged In open air debates with them
In the parka on Sundays. And if they
did not always And his logic convincing
they learned to esteem and respect the
man. As Illustrating his relations with
them a friend of his tells an anecdote.
On one occasion he waa with Dr. Ing
ram at a bustlln railway station when
the bishOD was accosted bv a somewhat
imposing dignitary of the church who
entered Into grave talk with him. Sud-
- A Ti7TT7TZ5 A Dr'W-Wngton-Ingram, BisKop of London,
.lVjJClj!"i. WorLi Harder Than Any Other Man in tl
a Bishop and Doesn't Act Like? One 'Will Attend General" Episcopal Convention at Richmond, Virginia
they are a particularly difficult lot to
get rhold of. , .
Foot and Door Trick.
.. The"foot-and-dooftrlclct,as he called
it. was one that he then learned to
he. once declared, "Every cleargyman
who understands not only his own busi
ness, but, what Is more important, his
Master's business, must learn to prac
tice." It is an example of getting an
inch in- order, to take an elL When the
clergyman calls, as Dr. "Ingram once
explained, "after some time a little girl
opens the door and you hear a voice
from the waahtub at the back ask, Who
is that: Ballyr Sally shouts back.
'Please, mother, its Religion' "a phrase hastening after a rough-looking
which the bishop believes needs all a
man' presence of mind to combat.
"With the door opened the clergyman
rently insinuates his foot between it
and the doorpost so that it cannot be
' shut easily, and thus he gets a chance
of speaking for a few minutes, at all
events, though it is "ruination to- the
boots and sometimes hurts the toes,
-rrjr , r . : ( I I
i III I I f II
i fir
and IJ --w : "' .- II
nan t
denly Dr. Ingram said. "Pardon me,'
who was nasslns- hailed him heartily.
and the free tin was - as heartily re
turned. 'TVhoVer was thatr askedthe
elder dignitary, somewhat pompously
when Dr. Ingham had rejoined him.
"Oh." waa the reply, "that'e one of the
clevereat of my Infidel opponents In
me. I'm orr to nil an engagement down
. there myself." - - -
It la a singular proof of his power
to adapt himself to the varying aevtlons
; of humanity that go to the making of
the multitudinous life of his vast dlo
reee that he is equally a favorite In
Fucklngham palace and in the slums of
Whitechapel He wins by sympathy, he
conquers by his great humanity. He la
in no sense a great scholar, he has been
far too busy for . that, and for hair-,
splitting theology he cares not a Jot.
but he understands human nature and
its needs, and he Jcnows how. to get i
1 hearing' for his message.
Captures a ' Gathering.- v "
A. remarkable Instance ' of this waa
witnessed , at . the great worklngmen's
meeting held at the church congress a
few years ago. There waa a vast hall
crowded from end to end with keen,
hard-headed artisans. And confronting '
them in nnserried ranks were rows upon
rows of galtered bishops, , deans - and
archdeacons the personification of tha .
stiff, starchy conventionalism of , the
Anglican church. , The force of contrast .
could hardly further go. Suddenly -tall,
slight, keen-faced, ' clean shavea "
man, with a bright smile and an lrre
slatlble magnetism about him sprang to
his feet and In the twinkling of aa eya
a great roar of applause rattled up to
the very rafters. The bishop of London
was about to address the Northampton
shoemakers. He began quite easily b.
recalling some' of his early experiences)
in the east end. ' . ,
"I remember," he said, "my first Sun-
day in Bethnal Green. I addressed a
meeting of BOO men and at the and of
the service I said to them? ' , ,
" Well, now. what shall we talk about :
next- Sunday V
''And immediately BOO voices yelled '
out: 'eternal punishment. .
"Eternal punishment!" cried ' the
bishop, with a light tone of laugnter in
his pleasant voice, "that waa a ' nice
little subject to hurl at a young man
who was out 'on his own' for the first -time
in his life. And then, of course, 1
they wanted to Know wno was -ain
nav nla nnnni .m. wife they always do" ha added with a
u Soma smile. "Well, we settled that question
with characteristic courage and frank- ,atisfactorily. and we burled the poor
ness he published a balance aheet show- lady in Bethnal Green once and for all."
Ing just how the money goes. It shows How his audience screamed with de-
that since he left the slums for a palace hi and how shocked, and pained wero
he has been growin.T poorer at the rate h fce" of his brother dignitaries,
sometimes of considerably over 11,000 a . . . v
rear. How he contrives to keep out of la Confirmed Bachelor,
he bankruptcy court Is a secret known ... . ... '
perhaps to a few of his wealthy friends. But the twentieth century bishop of
There have been many bishops in the London knew his audience, and ' they
Church ot England who have managed vn-. .njt annrariatad him. Tinder tha
to lay up considerable treasures on PprlMa um. . unmr uw
earth as well, presumably, as In heaven, circumstances is was far mora to tha
but the bishop of London is notions of purpose than all the scholarship and
-ITblahop of London he hustles harder" he,Io,ry ". achoolmen and tha early
now than ever before. He rises at an fathers. It was human and that Is what ,
hour when most servants are still abed the bishop, Is ao preeminently himself,
and seldom retires before midnight. The T hi.hon 4a mrrlnr on SO Hi ii
head of Innumerable societies, and with T, D1,nm arin on so. a la
the most populous dioceses In the world regarded now as a confirmed bachelor,
in his charge, the demands on his time He has had his romance. When ha waa
a horse and carriage 'to get around Lon- colhbe, a beautiful girl and tha youngest v
don instead of traveling In the lumber- daughter of Lord and Lady Fevershamy
L1? u"h V?tc d?T" m?r of was going through a tourse of alum-
his reading and composes his sermons . . , " , . . .
and addresses while driving through the mlng. She had fitted herself for tha
streets of the metropolis to or from his work by qualifying in a hospital aa a :
-niFmlSm. 4.nrK-f-e7ltni5.Iil!-?r,,?! trained nurse. She and tha bishop '
and motor car are fitted with an electric , .
lamp ao that he can read by night while were thrown much together. la tha
on the go. But he bothers himself aa course of time their engagement waa
little aa ever about dignity. formally announced, but for soma rea-
Sees Pauper. Oftenest !MUMlt,r"? Z1 Jtpla,nel
broken off. It has been suggested that
The humblest folk in the east end see the good bishop cam to the conclusion
much more of him than the opulent west that the life of arduous labor ha had A
enders. Some time ago he spent several mapped out for himself allowed scant
hours in one yof the infirmaries of slum- , f0r doroestio bliss, and If called
dom. Hearing that amonr the Inmates on t0 sacrifice onor tha other, tha
was an old woman who boasted of hav- church had thaaauDerior claim on him.
"y taxing eacn mue amy trivial oeurooms ana sei in spacious ana dcsu- ing aancea wun mm wnen ne was run- As 'regards Lady Alrlca it has been
coTpJIoY ja i nt ejiakcc oj vm icrt kbeps the bishop pooon50.oooaye.
Victoria Park. .. We alwaya have a chat he patronised the "third class" compart
a1d, ometlmes hurts the toes. wnen w o u ..V0.1,, m "h2 ments. Just as his humble parlahloners enough in itself, perhaps as the great tiful grounds. Another mansion in St nlng the Oxford House settlement he hinted that devout and kind hearted
VacUc.- KaCb2Tnen,cnC Dr MfUlir& Instead or "going first" and more and Insistent concern of the day." ha Jame souare which would rent for ln.ted on seeing her. Clasping the Souh Se undoubtedly i. .hTdit
gram does both. He believes In tee- 1,1 do. or at all events, he fancies he's often than not carried his frugal lunch- answered. "If I go to a workhouse ser- $5,000 4 year was added to his Eplsco- hands fpiscopal she reminded him that covered that she yearned for something;
Inrr am
totallsm for Itself and regards U as sn
Indispensable qualification in anyone
who wishes to advance the causa, of
temperance among the Intemperate. At
a meeting or worxmen one aay ne waa
uu i, buuii iiichuh iniuw tun wun inra anu oupiicnea ii oeiwecn tico, ana xne aeir uia iiimnica uuiiur ui pat aomsin. nia w laioau w n1- a. ftrmt m h. different from tne me OI a miniBienna;
and there is a lot that is good In him." stations. In fact a ''Punch" poet once with a seven-fold amen. I am content 60,000 a year which is the highest f6.,cm"a "ot f, r,r" XR young El ot the slums. A few years aga.
And then, with a grave pause, he added: made him say: to regard that service as one of the salary paid to any bishop. He didn't ladles to give him a turn, and added, Bne married Colonel' Everard Baringk a
'And goodness can have only one .. . . central duties of the day. If one want the palace and he didn't want the adtnlrlne-lv. "Lor'. Mr. Ins-ram. ain't vmi h.nik.r nt 1jtA Revelstoka. .
.H. " p iir luncneon iwhiibw a unnw rn nr . . l . t . l i r . , -i . . , - A Jtu -m. w - ' ' - -
discussing the usual question when one ... . , ,
of the men shouted, aAre you a 'tofr Work Among the Poor.
Dr. Ingram worked harder than ever or- wlt axceUent appetite, I will dls
was the response.
said the workman:
"Of course I am
MA It -I V.
All 1 inv. iiicu, "iu . " " 1 . . CUBS
"fire away, if you waan x woutan i wnen in iavi ne was maae ouiiragan AJialfpenny bun on a Waterloo 'bus.
listen to you. Bishop of Stepney, one of the most pop-
i . . m m . . fid tahlii la annw with (I.TnasV fn. m
a wavHQHBn aaaw miv aav saw-ua tiiwuajiia
Dr. Ingram won the real affection of of pslng carriages or cabs hut did hla
nM. MAnl 'Mnvrn aaat" hv lila mi-Vtln .hnnt am . -, ,
v.. ..j ... .. ... . a The frugal repeat of this
manners wun mem, ana uj icuni bi- oj means ox me aemocrauc iinaer-
ways up to his motto Don't be afraid ground." In the latter' casej moreover.
liiuull Via. LI to ui UMiviiiB VA. -twaawsa swap lll(liniri. um uicv vvvruh niiii it J jvtkm . a nriJ a. Ik.. .V. a at
a. tv.'.t.i,. . a whole if one could see all the misery and he had to take them although he "-'"" "I " we iy
Vi . P f whUechapel and hunger, and wickedness, and evir in protested that he would much prefer bishop laughed heartily, recognizing a SnedHa
Or witmSeilW annatita. T .u du- one single flash of the eye why. one jiving in a simple flat and dividing his kindred spirit who was not afraid to be itlng Quebe
My cloth is the apron that covers m
No man-servants serve, no kltchen-
maias aisn up
And the At this writing tne aate oi ins oisn- i
op S UCUftl luie iiaa iiui v ou
mined. Ha will first to Canada, vis-
would ao mad. The thins is to take Income amona the noorer clerrv. That . . v. - . r.nDT)ioM .iMu - WhBi
each duty separately, to "believe that he could not have his way affords an he leaves Canada he will make his way
every word counta and to leave the illustration of the many anomalies that Leaving Fulham palace in his motor P? wJrtiiSonT stopping at varioua
rest In the hands of our Father. - discredit the Church of England and car the other day he encountered a cab- tti.. .n-V it ttuhlnrton on Ren-
B,,x..ya" L AK.PJ-J0?1:?1 i".?' render its disestablishment soma day lflAt wnn httI, ,.. finished a toh tember . he will participate in tha
at tha Knlarmnal raaldanc. remni- lurau M u wjrwi i u,.
a full-fledged bishop with the whole inevitable,
see of London to rule over and a seat
in the glided chamber aa one of tha
lords spiritual. It was a great change
for the frugal bachelor. In lieu of a
nlaln dwelling In the mhtst of the slums
now ao you manage to get tnrougn nis residence was now mimam paiace.
It allT" somebody once asked him. a great bis place with no less than 44
Gett Poorer Every- Year.
As a matter of fact, with mich need
lessly costly establishments to main
tain hla big salary does not suffice to
"Which way are you goingr vasked to be built there, and will deliver an
the bishop. address. From Washington he will go -
"To Poplar, where I live.' answered to Richmond. He is expected to re- '
the workman. tun to London about the middle of :
"Then. Jump In and come along with October. ,
After a Year s In
vestigation, Villiam
T. Ellis Points Out Strength and Weaknesses of a Great Propaganla--'The Present Campaign Not a War, But a Mere Reconnoitering of the Field Something Ahout Missionary Mistakes
liow recognising and yielding to It tant people who provide the funds, port cities of the orient Some of the Their feet have not yet found the hard Superficially, however, there are no pagan world is m yet prMtleally un-
By'Wllllam T. Ellla
(Copyright 107, by Joseph B. Bowlea)
Plainly, there Is no sufficient reason without being able to watch the use of criticisms made in this connection are
. - m wiiy mi iniBBiun worn ui lag z i uicniau i. iiiriu, wvuia ui Kraieiui ior lucn an aimuiy unanaweraDie.
Pwm, iiaiy. -ere in me center oi churches In heathen lands should not be agency. What is to be said, for example, in
- tha world's religious interest, done 'as one closely cooperating body. , defense of the woman missionary whose
homeward bound, I look back The avowed aim Is the conversion ot.the Some Serious' Shortcomings. flace at the table had to be changed
, , ., people, and not the perpetuation and three times on the voyage across the
Bk uver neany a, r '"- extension of denominational names. Two other important services this Pacific last month? In the first place,
her astounding meddlesomeness had
brought upon her a rebuke at which she
felt offended and changed her seat;
later, the DAssenaers with whom she was
Are . foreign missions worth there, for Instance, in establishing ports to the homeland and it would deal seated found her so uncomfortable a
... P0!"??' ; ;:"" vloroual.with tha ertttelsma whioh ara ?PAn,lo? "a-ftfT, cpPj?!"?". t0. .J1??
v. a- .ei a cnurqnes in; unina, wnere tne very-exis- - - " :: r. ; " wwra ana lnswiea on navuig eiuior
The answer must be in tha arnrma- tence of America is a nebulous matter 80 common on the dther side of the her seat or theirs changed. The answer
uve. uonsiaerea only irom me stana- to most of the neonle. and the fact of rlobe that thev constitute a aerloua bar- commonly maae to stories nxe tnis is
signs of the revival, although closer touched by the gospel. If Christians ara
search reveals an unusual earnestness determined to bear thir religion to tha
on the part of the handful or Christians, wnoie eartn, as is apparently meir pur-
How may these missionary exagger- pose, they must do things on a vastly .
not sea whv a Pacific mall captain atlons be accounted forT 1 have taixea larger scaie tnan neretoiore. rnus xar
Jjnt for
wrabais '
tion or christian missions in me creeds and authority upon the mission businesslike supervision would accom-
.fl.ZoT aft Pllah: It i would insure the sending of
the conclusion or tna wnoia end -ou-h what sense nr reason id sane, well-balanced and accurate re-
around of actuality. One of these un
wise missionaries can do more than a
hundred sensible ones can undo.
I must confess, however, tnai i ao
nut whv ii Pnrifin mall C8D'
should forbid missionaries to sing with many missionaries upon this only a mere beginning has been made.
h at tho niftnn nn the boat deck. Dolnt. The expectation of the boards Instead of a war. it is only a recon-
had except on Sunday, and yet allow other that the workers shall send in favor- naissance in force a brave, brilliant
passengers to maxe tne nign vuuu, auio reports, me neueeeiitjr lur uuuw- miu BwcHitii ivwiiimjiBaiivv, ii. ib iru ,
on the same spot, with the latest ing successes to stimulate gifts, the but nevertheless, only a reconnaissance,
"popular" songs, or why the mission- natural human tendency to enlarge The real fighting can hardly be said to
eries should not be permitted to hold upon the favorable side, all have been have begun. . ,
a Draver meeting In the saloon, while given as reasons. "The fact is," re- . j 4
a noisy, drinking coterie Is uproarious- marked one missionary, "when a man
ly gambling In the smmung roomvx 1 gets home and begins to maice
freely criticise much in tire conduct speeches he finds himself saying what
ihi:l m n i nr. liim.l iiiky runmiiuifl a awr 11111. im i v.'...iii.ii. , ...u . t um itn nau wi.o j : . . . . . . , . r . ... . . ,
point of humanitarian and phiUuithropio tha civil war iaunknown to . person. r,.r to mlloty .UOCe.s. Criticism. "a'&S? ?' fiiS?. "iTT e.outrea deal" P' TehOThe fa'cT. of the 'field" I know TS.
service, tha entire missionary enter- rr,.V Xim XU'SSSS which are even partly true should be 'ut'rimA men who drinks whiskey on shipboard I have caught myself doing . this. I ::.,"-"- --
prise justifies
these great works
Liin i:n.r 9 iur lhh . uruumirii aLiifi li it . - . - . . -
4B.V.. soviauy.u aiivuiu inftt miflgionflnefl r - imtrCcaDi: ana
it. existence. Add to-t have visited . wouM . iTot be lon i itLXSr!i'. a charitable rejoinder. In this case, the should be given no a
of healing, education formln K onaXhrtatlan ehorofc and !enced. . "V.0. pm'"e"! Xtn?Vl(n? eauaL nor
u . , .i. . a. uioiir BueviuuD iiikl inn maiurea rc- v.a nufiM mam .a.. i, .AiM.aiAi ...v-. ivn uun.iiv. a. ..uiv. p- ...
,t..j .i i , .. v v m ....,i-u. , - k vimif h.ri hMn ttAnHn- a sramDies over tne man
The Tasmanlan Aborigine. ,
Hobart correspondence Indianapolis
News. ;) j -Taihnanta
can have an
needy, tne penenciai lnnuence wmcn the way of a union ; for which
has been exerted upon the characters of founder of Christianity prayed.
v thousands of native converts, as well as -toa..
the more general, though none the less Business Metnoas Needed.
unmistaxaDie innuence wieiaea in De
" half of civilization, and it will be seen
that the missionary agencies which the
: churches of Christendom maintain at an
annual expenditure of many millions of
dollars is one of the tremendous twen
tieth century forces making for the
arnr nroareaa.
the to answer careful, definite criticisms, as
some which have appeared in this cor
respondence have been answered, by the
sweeping statement that it is ''morally
Fending tha time of actual union, wronx. is simply to put missionary de-
every possible form of. cooperation fenae beyond the pale of consideration
hould be adopted. The commercial aa- mi they amount thlsT Some missioSSr Unsubstantl-ted Claims.
' ruu uiiuoci. amu aj"j avvviiuina
series of missionary meetings in Omaha
just before leaving home, jtnd so could
hardly be called a hostile critic.
I could write -literally columns of in
cidents concerning the conduct of mis
sionaries on shipboard, whereby they
have earned the disfavor of officers and
Bummed up. though.
dyantage over have no hardships in my missionary experience mat is novel ne can can
water oiner worn, yet tne people at nome were vu on me last or tne native race ox w
the man who determined to make me out a martyr bv.-. i .i .v.. vaij.
who prays, nor that I almost came to believe myself ' , , . "
the woman who slnsra "rlsaue" sonars one before I left America." ii.uuu. iu tin caw
over the one who prefers "Old Hun- All the stronger men on the field re- tlonal museum. There is only the
dred." Plain words need to be spoken grst the contorted and misleading skeleton left, but judging from that .ha
to thet missionaries .ottep;; "eml"t8 ,J'taT .JLJiT1 wa a walT o?anlx!d llttl body of
wiub w v.. " y "J ....... ' , KOOUL TOUr I6L
nnmnnnlea aaneolallv the trana-Paclf lo cernlnar missions and missionaries:
lines. ' they are far-sighted enough to know
the conseauences when these reports
come back to the field. I have known
iraHtv nf tha .1. -hll. Vm. hir '1'?;"".??'" J"I 'IM'"" . i'" lea aeem inclined to flaunt their moral
---O"' C1RI 1I111CS1T OlHDULtJU A UCtU MIQ lIlBl t " . . .. . . .iV . I r " i T
a doxen expensive theologically-trained certain northern Methodist missionary '" "PiL1" '.".iSf iV.i,T i3L?h. .v,!
ty ana innuence to a r I '1 ' . ." . L i . C . 1 .
If a person has maintained a reason-
rr; nrrimrr to l ri. teraay in nis camp. Tne moae was un
S.JK. XL3FJJr t ar '?r men. shaven heads for wo.
The Tasmanlan aboria-lne was a clean
sort of a person, moving every day, ao ...
as not to have the dirt or ashes of yes'
business agents- in the same port city ha let(h,,".ab1!!LtI
Without ammifyina- this Point, which a . . corporaiion seeaing cu
has surely been made plain in the pre- "?,"v"-ww, vr p- the Chinese government
corporation seeking concessions from
the Chinese sovernment The board sec-
Aaullnv artiplea let ma ati ircrAat anma arate boards which could all be dona - retarr and certain denominational ia-
. general considerations and criticisms by one unordained business man does 5er? attacked me virulently for this,
which appear to be Important enough to not anneal to the wayfarer Neither aclaring that I did not know what I
deserve the attention of the general ".ol Ppeai ln": lrrarr- tenner was.Ulklng about. Then, to their utter
public, as well as of that large constit
uency especially, interested in missions.
Why Churches Should Unite.
I know of no other, undertaking any
where at all , approaching this one in
magnitude which is managed In such
tiaitar-akelter. 'disorganised fashion, or.
. , ... & ..... in AalrltHftn nt .umlaalrknAfHaa.
on aucn an unDUBinesaiii.e oasis. . .t ao -lo-oyr,, supervls- ; duce them to missions in actual opera-'
not nere aiiuutj w un wuiuwiniaviuu "Jon of missions on the part or sensible, tion. n win o grappie wun tne
'.k. in,la,Mi,a1 fiAara hut lA that nMna.nii ra Mil mam. n ai.thiritv- will Minll hroblem Of the moral and BDlrltUar COn-
as missionaries, rather than as quiet.
modest, well-bred ladies ana gentlemen;
they protest often in unseemly fashion.
against the Indulgence in tobacco or
ouaiv emnarasflea uv lh-iiik ureBeuinu . - , . .
familiarity with missionary re- ft.?" nd also on occasions tied a. string of"
v. , k - ". " iur am unn tne raivea or . thei- trm.
They seemed to get along very well with.
ports he goes to the foreign mission admirers at home.
field expecting to see evidences Of There is another side of the ques
tremendous successes. Has he not "on; dread of this sort of thing ha.
Hatf tha Mai Klantln MatW . flVk ...4 A. . - I Avk aaats U.
these outposts (often fn compeUtlpn "!?, ?PJ3KleJlLp.t WhZ a wVrTd out-fde the one tou
wlth.tiatlva'.hni-iVhaa whara ..n.n ii.r TOuiui.igi uui. - ' '
- . ' ' oneratina- tne missionarv irom wrona- .""'."
against the indulgence in tobacco or tremendous successes. was ne not "" "'rlutlro ;t(r train n3
lJSVtS: t0,d that Japan- Ch,na-Ind,a are tof?$ot&ZvS2i
sengers. au tnis may pe comprenenaea . - t. .v, .nHnram.nt An
u tha w.M "nmvtnetta Mam " 'I'nav mr. vyii .tin , v. a v& buuhv..iivv .uw . .j.. .uu ...
this even though the winters were cold
Then came the white man with his
gun and his modesty. Between the gun.
An miu tut uictiia , uiaiiKvi. ana some oiner
fl" clothes and the permanent shelter, there
' -- . - .k. v..j cromw na int m
Christian churchT There is a sudden L")a0'mM waa only one left in the seventies, and
jolt -to thla expectancy when he find. lUsVcM&'h 1 asked by the V1"1"!
a hiCdTfflcultle. .;15SSSf3 rVS MJ!J!?M7Z ,!':r wh.'wa WktrWthS and polished. "KJiZ
, eulte fewekV-When tnsr fronV aiid. at flrat aMUu 'seTttteM female education in the province, but han thtn fnot, hlk, '
favorable openings In the untouched i-VtIof 5' misiionw ? --tha, missionary circle. Sometime. , a. ever. He learns later of the sue- never &rXiajrJiFnX,yU f ellows" dTso'vd that
a ; terior. Moat oort cities. be . It :, re- furnish the traveling public with the fiV?rnou"i?w?e" "i -XSZZ tv. 2 Kai- enoush when I have actually been given ""e58,min,,"n aborigines were prob-
marked.. need a subtraction rather thaft easily ascertained facts of . the mission fltt' ""V?" -.i - '"".JU"-! . C!-ffiV3:aJZ.."Jai'.: the work." says this cautious woman. 9y specimens.. or tna
ganda as a whole. Sentiment, mood the.e'"no?t.'1 r matter were optional with him!
emotion, rather - than tested principle" oaj blunders-In the location of stations-main as they are the work of missions
and careful Judgment; aeem to be the and in the character of the work.:. Such Is bound to be seriously hampered. ,
aiupiaiiy. aa wnen a r.vmo mivr viuk ii.'1 - , iiivi., v. m iu uaio,
fleldi.,ad will put forth effort to Intro- SlSf?! jia-II tktMiMii? " wnh,n.0 Srarin?- i.r' who knows China; -therVsmany aUp, ?5?ifL JLihJ '.I
whereupon , the missionaries appealed in disappointment He" cannot but feel twm tne cup ana up.
other day. and save Sunday, as If the been overstated. At this point enters A Reconnaissance Not War.
tne neea ior oener supervision, as x
nave aireaay lntimatea.
covery came too late. The folk who
had mixed up with them were not of the
calibre to give the world a very good.
to sav nothlntr nt rallahla namj nt tha
The most serious of aU the untn-! I? oharactertstics of this extra prlm-
-v.t iHi, w viivir intuitional avcouni
foundation of most missionary activity: eupernsion might stimulate, tnr inrre-
if a man or a
oversealous .
.-Risque"; Songs Vs.TOirttundred. . ,,E J,a"? "i1 mlarepresentatlona ;made;by 0f hoCT-ck m
h?v S dZiaV eanlcS m.i-.onarV whhVffeuve: and Missionary Mistakes ,7
bodr eaa displar oaiMotal J"t. .far---oftener:-lay-!-. reetralntag-;.:. . , , .-., v. fc
K0V.U ml-sionarie. are -guilty, of mnnber tadTtt thererita e irpSll recolefT Uv
..c, v vmiii- wbw wM-.w.T - - . ... -. . flirt lint nrrv a -arM -arkfytb. I
. VnXIuZ Christian. raith, not facta, , u ; tha .my "bi reasoned that bald he.ui r "and
these things; far
China, toucnes
... . .. . . a . aa T r . - - oi "i,s . a S . . . . J - . . J -A .. V - , M . . a. IIUllUa.1
aVaf f aia. sti wi n aa Tna raa ITT oral nr rna ian ..-a-.,' hAaa .-. . ... a , nninra ihh v n tr iniis aiii ri isai-1 . mil air a-.a eein. aaatAii ami . -
tinm Annttuencv h or it can b Bur.1 -nrl thii- mittfn- nu f Arvir rnAn. itiak I. rather Bwe.Dinr criticism which . a. -i-l ai. --vt- .1 -"iV1 vtL- bas of common assertion, ; "Th gray halr fre probably not known l
of plerjlyof funds and a frw the Doard .hould hav dealt with long J1 7. ffrVduinV world U balnif Iron fot.:Chrt.v;.MaMn fl wh o granite
t wear them- tg0i It that an astonish! proper- due allowance for rhetorical fervor, it
.." 1 'i.i-..ia .1..1.. t.i . j txcepi amonK me itiw (unnstians. as still remains - true that a se
n. hv full- and tion , of missionaries display bad man- !.,. Kt ni.aiAn.rtM Imo thi tin. . riat thut "uu wua uii a
: fearlessly reportlnar-the facta to the nera and bad taste on shlnboard.. Tr? Z. i . . v , a nartaln rllv h. thmwn awav lta roneau. impression la-: left
. t v i . i . . . . a . .- . . . . . - iifiruH in mi ara aLin in alia lull i a ui a i . ; - , . ' ? . - - . .... .......
. hii--. unnssian puoiie, wouia put an ena la aeny tnis
upon the
the - day's
Stopped Paymnt..,
From tha Denver F""t
wnejg-rt win ana ao wnsi ii pieases in sionarie. are permittee
ttjjfiiigalon world. ' There Is at present selves out prematurely,
jsar auf flplent method of checklnar un tha Such atronar annarvin
..n.a a-n, mi.ainn. t
, w ia, . .. . M .LI a ...... a.!.. 1V-I..I 1. , 1 .. a a . , . . . , . . . . . - - " OUIUV1UIU BTB lllll alt Vlll. VI C.l' ...... ... " .7 . , . . - . . . , . . .... .
-i nil aiiri . i . inula niiti wui ' hub. i.nrmian nuiina wimin ti i , a... miiii w, nan- i nia nnar.p wnmn in una. t nr n,. . - - - iaai. . nil.,ia ahn-ni ana. p,rv a nfMB.ian nnniift'a Bnmn '. nu
taken, are In Brood nart due to tha helD-r the not uncommon nractice lndulved in annfhar haa hMtn mada tlmea wlthnnt tatlon Created by their farewell meet- a a anl.r,hi'la(an a. ava- anrf tha nnlvi . . A . . : Tha Danvar Mntlnnal. bank (it
yourself fashion in which the denomina-v by- some independent missions, and by number,' Is to turn one'a back ; to the tings, 'by tha glorlfleatlon.- of their basis for the tale, la the fact that one , J, viT7j, ,7: P ' . ' r ; aa-n received the following ! "
lions work. - Only tar; the mora recent certain of the sects holding "peculiar? , facta - The conduct of some mlssioa- frienda and by the role of aaint hero 1 temple discarded its old idols for new. For a first-hand Study Of the field'. ilT' J.ii t,.n in , I
fields has there been an apportionment tenets of planting their stations .under aries aboard ship is one of the most pro-- and martyr with which they have been Here ; a great revival . is reported to reveal, that, with an occasional notable "tivntlemen ri' iw r;i
of - territory among tne . cnurcnes, ai- tne snaaow tir eataniiiihed worK- pros- iifiw- sources or the antl-missioharr invested, t. For the time they are in a Jiave swept over the community:1 tna exception like Korea, heathendom" has the check 1 wrot- out I - ; 1 '
though everywhere the need for thl. is t elytlng the converts of the . latter and spirit which pervades passenger, ships . crusader mood, and they-have not yet westerner naturally, thinks of this In scarcely- been budged by the mission- dentally burned It u;.
uung. in proportion, terms oi a uoooy and JsaoKey campaign, aries- wora. -xna great mass of the i -
r fr-
t n
m urgent that .the denominations are buying up their native helpers. -The die- tha world over, and practically all of the learned to view aU th