THE .OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNALS PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1807. I! ' anyway, with your permission ' I'll trjf It I'm not afraid of , curses ftnd tra dUions." .'....!,' ""V. ,.- .',;: . Bo Pendergast went on hie knees ftw' triad the key after aoma vigorous ef forts on his part tha lock yielded, anJ tor me nri ume jor neany tnree sen turles tha lid wai raised and tha oon tents revealed to tha light of day. ounaiea ox neauy uea jip aoouments "Now It la for you to am these documents for ft soliift to th mystery.'' Pendergaat saiKrisina-' t. his feet "It tha bags 'contain-, gold there la clearly a fortune hera.,r3 . The documents proved to b moitl; private lettera belonging to John Cam lorth, of no Interest or use to tha pre K- mJI nnilHrl ItiA ' TUm a4-l - UUk luv IW mu mmtmmuMj vua., t.iw Alio pili pwim 1iliUIi line onto tha reel until tha action was you know thatt" aha asked. ' ' ' CHAPTER T. ; ajpOHN Pendergast could hart sworn , I tha door bad closed with ft banc I a ha opened his ayes. la fact so ' J eonvinee& was ha his sense of hear S tag had not been deceived that ha Jumped to- Ms feat and swiftly crossing - tha room turned tha handle of tha floor and puUed it. But It yielded not to his atrength, and tha next moment directing , - hia attention to tha key, ha found It ; was even as ha had felt It an hour bs ' lure when he had locked tha door , Wgalnst possible Intruders, i. Unlocking tha door, ha opened It and, '! urolng into tha passage, ha stood Usten v jlng. The house was as quiet aa ft tomb. ., ;He turned Into his room again, closing 'the door behind him. and. taking bis oat at tha table, picked up bis pen to .' wontlnue tha writing of a atory of which tie had been eg&ged before lunch. But his thoughts would not run, ex ... ept to tha dream that had troubled his fflesta. It waa a strange thing he bad v dreamed. Aa ha slept In hia chair he saw In a vision tha form of man In the - eeat opposite him, the quaint-looking ," .figure of aa old man, with snowy-white locks framing a cadaverous wrinkled face of parchment-like hue, which lacked tha right aye; and the man was dressed according to ' tha fashion of tha first ' .Charles, : .- - "You must go to Bradport'' he had ") Mid. leaning forward in his chair, "you ' must not change your tnfnd. There la work for you at Bradport." Then Pendergast. feeling sore at so - unwarrantable an intrusion, had asked what the old man was doing there, how lie got there, where he came from, and f what difference it made to him whether lie went to Bradport or to Jericho, "And what am I to do when I get there T" had been his query. 'i "Things will work themselves out" Than the dream had become mixed up - as only dreams-do, and Pendergaat saw himself fishing on the bank of a stream, , 'from whoa waters faces peered up at Mm, faces young and old, of men and i -women, pretty and ugly, pleasant and (unpleasant; aoma laughed and some 'cried, and some swore terrible oaths of vengeance. , Fists were raised our of ;the water and shaken threateningly at .himself, ha thought, until ha looked (around and saw sitting at his aide tha .name queer-looking Individual who a moment before had sat In the chair. He asked tha old man what It all gneant "All those people ow their deaths to 'me," waa tha answer. "And many more ;muBt die because of me unless you go to Bradport. There Is one I want to wave; she must be saved. She is too .stood, too youni nheT" and he g, too pretty to die isn't had pulled a miniature from his neck, to which it waa attached by a blue ribbon. ... . Pendergaat gased on ft sweeter face than ha had aver aeon before the beau tiful face of a, young woman, in lha bloom of youth. "You will save her? Ood Mass youl" And then suddenly the old man had risen from tha chair and made hla exit, closing behind him the door with auch a bang that It had recalled Pendergaat from the land of phantasies. CHAPTER II. A matter of ten dsys had Pender gas t been at Bradport, enjoying such good sport that ho determined to stop another ten, and ao a week beyond tha period ha had promised himself, If Importunate editors did not call him to town. Often as ha sat watching hla restless Una and float his thought reverted to his strange dream, and the face of tha girl haunted him In the smoke rings which rose lailly from hla pipe and hung in tha summer air. Things pursued tha even tenor of their way till one morning four daya before that of his departure. Ha was trolling by tha side of tha stresm won dering where he should cast his line, when, with a start, ha came to a dead atop. Although ha had never been at thla particular apot before, he could have wagered he had. for he was familiar with every tree, every bush, every blade of grass; and looking across to tha opposite bank, where there should lay an old. square, rusted biscnlt tin to complete the scene as he had gazed on It before, ha waa not surprised to find that article reposing there. He asked himself how came it that he knew this place so well, and like ft flash he found the answer. Hera was the spot at which ha had sat in his dream two weeks past He remembered it with ft shock. Could it be that things were going to "work themselves out"T He looked about him, half expeottng to see the strange old man approaching, and had that Individual made his , appearance Pendergaat would hardly have oeen sur prised. But not ft soul waa in sight - Admonishing himself as a supersti tious lout, he dropped on to the grassy bank, determined to stay. His first op eratton waa to replenish his almost emp ty pipe, hla second to fix his rod and oast tha line. The girl's face was framed aa usual In the smoke rings as he watched them slowly ascend, and his thoughts in this direction absorbed his whole attention until the thread of them was broken by the distant bellow of a cow; then he dropped his eyes to the stream to find that the float had detached Itself from the line and dis appeared, while the latter had run to the ' bottom. With an exclamation of disgust he atonned unexpectedly. 'weeds, I suppose." Pendergaat growled; "have to lose line and hooka as well," and ha was agreeably sur prised to find, on pulling persuasively, . that his anticipations were Incorrect for whatever It waa that tha hooka had attached themselves to roae readily without offering resistance when he again turned the reeL In a few minutes It was on the surface when he swung it on to the bank, where It revealed It self as ft small, - Irregularly shaped packet. Closer examination showed that tha outer .wrapping waa ft kind of (kin bound round many times with wire. Wondering what would .repay him for his labor, Pendergaat aet himself to re move, the wire and covering, to find be neath the latter ft euriously formed key. and ft small leather bag, from which he extracted an oval-shaped min iature, . "This beat anything X ever heard of." said Pendergaat aloud, putting hla find -In his pocket "Seems aa though there ia something in dreams anyway, in thla one, after all. I'll pack up and return to the hotel to elicit Information which will throw some light on the-matter." and suiting the action to the word, he He smiled and continued! "Not ex actly ft Christian gentleman either, ha gentlemen go now, at all events. People he didn't like disappeared mysteri ously." The brown eyes were filled with sur prise, i . "How do you .know thatf" -; "Judged ao from his manner ftnd what he said when he visited ma" "But he'a been dead ft few years," aha laughed. "The evil that men do," said Pen dergaat "You know the rest. But It's shame to mystify you so. Still, the atory Is too long to tell here. I am going toward the village, If Z might intruder' "No intrusion. Jump up, please." - "First I must get my rod and bag," looking down the road to where they lay. 'I'll not be a minute." Bhe watched htm fro and return, and then making place for him beside her, drove on. "Now you must tell me your story," she said. John Pendergaat did aa requested, re lating his wonderful dream and the conversation. 'But of course," ha concluded, "I disjointed his rod and pecking the sec- never thought there was anything in It tlons together sUrted ftlong the dusty until I" , y. -. "Until r ' "Till I recognized that part of. the stream and fished out this packet, and i forgot to tell you, but there waa a ey In It"- ' - He held it out and aha took it In her hand.1 1 "And you think now?" she asked. "I don't know what to think," he said road.. 4 it ever ft man was destined for sur prises that day that Individual wag Pen dergaat He stood and rased with gap ins; mouth at an oncoming vehicle, for . the driver was ft lady, young and pretty, . the lady of the miniature) 8 he glanced down at Jack aa ahe aped by and looked back when ahe-had passed. He stood In the middle of the road, speechless, gatslng after her. . For a moment surprise had paralysed him,. robbed him of apeech and action, but only for ft moment; the had dronced rod ftnd baa- and wasv renin after the tran ahoutlne- hla loudest Rha laua-hed, heard him presently and stopped. When, . "Pendergaat," he answered, "Christian out of breath, he reached the vehicle it name " waa some seconds ere he could find "Pendergaat!" she cried, and her eyes speech, and then for the first time the gased with' terror into his "Good dlffloultv of exolatnlnar himself struck heavens!" and ahe moved awav from him, for be recognised that although the nlm along the seat "Pendergaat of story he had to tell was wonderful Trelowenf . -"" enough from hl point of view, the . ' "My great - great great grandfather woman would proDftDiy regard him aa a uvea tnere, i believe, and bis ancestors naamu. - ,! , ' "You washed; to speak to mer she asked, finding he said nothing. "I am' In a great hurry." Pendergaat found his tongue. "Yes," he answered. l have seen yon before that is. I had ft dream an old man came to me I oh I can't ex plain here," he stumbled on, "but look here, does this not belong- to your' pull ing the portrait from his pocket and handling it to her. Bhe looked at the painting long and steadily ere she spoke, the color mount ing to her cheeks, and the light of ex citement filling her eyes. "It is strange," she murmured pres ently. "Where, did you -find itr "In the stream over yonder," Pender gaat replied. "Stolen from your place recently?" he suggested, interrogatively. "No." she said, ,: "It's not me, nor mine," "But." the novelist expostulated, "the likeness almost, almost" "Gives me the lie." ahe laughed. "I know." She examined the miniature, carefully turning, it over. "But look here," bending out of the trap and Indicating the tack, "it Is dated and signed. The date Is still visible, 1031, but the signature la too faded to read." Pendergaat looking saw it was aa she said. "Still it suggest some ancestor," said he. "Your surmise la right," was the an swer. "Time of Charles I." he went on'. "Daughter of an old gentleman with one eye right eye missing." V"v S ' iff " j laughingly. 'There Is certainly more lighted ft wax match to gaae upon the isted between our families? Y6u nevr ll "m. ntiiBt-eri?roui1 portrait of the old man of his dream, knew of the curse that was brought on FtVwL'?1? counterpart, and the one eye our family by my ajicestor-a ftetTon ia 2E?Jr Tou K hvwl 1 tola 9 Jrour seemed to glare into hla face defiantly, kuijng the huaband of one of your n- "SK.'! u- Tha match Vent out and he lighted an- cKr .eteaJlng his birthright" ' And I don t know iroura" aha wn. v . m la all n t mm' m d Patiap. w ULIltfil . BJKI IUfn Wllllfl I1S9 WHfl BVLJ1I " ' - v --- -.- -w. other, and then while he -was U11 regarding the picture the girl's voice broke the silence. "Will you please come with me?" she naked. ".., , He turned swiftly round with a guuiy iook on his n from i ent generation whatever, and many were gone through ere they came to one paper signed John Carnforth ftnd bear ing on his crime, the curse It entailed and his Intentions to make amenda for hla misdeeds. The bags, it stated, con. talned gold representing the value of the estate he had stolen from the Pen dergast family. He directed that should be returned to them, for then the chair. "I'm afraid you'll think Jna. awfully "f P Jtom his couch, his sleek hand fer rude," he commenced. cjjlstwtohed ed trembling, he cried: ber" h'ra-; 5t hy thia uroriser'. aWered without- ft trace of dlspleaaure In ember of our family Should die before j "jr-"2,r'.7r,'"7 t " ",,uwrL ner voice, ana ne lea tne way from tne r7,i';"4 wl e"i . she answered. ", "He wiU answer your room down a long passage to a door. . hve all. died. , I ftin the next, and then HA " . Bha ' 111 V BlflLBl. Question," vn., in ki, . .. mv sister. Ana since you Know my name, tell .aia- d Duttina- her hands on his . . Pendergaat rising ma voura" ha ajalrnd. jTJon't ak ms," she replied, "he will tell you. i If you knew when you know you will hftte roe." CHAPTER IIL waa not a cheerful looking mftnsion shoulders, and "You will have you would- be cruel. Oh- ft.- A, ing in, closed it behind gast, astonished. "And as for curses" "YOU don't believe in them, I see." Pendergast laughed. "Not when they are centuries old' he answered. "WelL listen to me. When John Cam- ace, and got down Pi. fV?X ., . 7 u.r. A?" he felt assured the terrible curse would voeiwi us a- w a v iUi awu mbs iiih sawoai - avtriAn "So," said Elisabeth, who in the meantime had entered the apartment, "ail these bags are your property, Mr. s "Nonsense!" .said h. "It's too ab surd 1" . , .. But Howard Carnforth waa of the same opinion as his sister, and insisted from look ng into hla face; M . r felt his flesh creeping, lon hI "' tnalated mercy? I don t Uiink "I cn't believe It; it's too inhuman.' at Pendergaat would have to accept rue!' ' . '. , t "V. " '3ut it is truej" persisted Cranforth. his wn. . ' ' - e door and John, walk "I ft 29; Elizabeth, my sister, is S3. It is your duty to take this money, o uuor, anujuau, Wilis" t .-. -JL...-i , il ....... Xte Pamlornil " E-)lnhoth M '.(Vim aim. ai iae .... . u ..jil. ....... !,. it - lo.l A ,. farther end his eyes fell -on the form of cav . my predecessors married out tnir. nnM .. & man stretched on ft cdueh. in the "-. BUt Bon" "r "wmw ui . . vuunn nu. r......k, n,,iyt ..i,. ... u wnetner ne waa young or oia, dui as ne must take it; Indeed you must. "Well," he said at length, "If it wilt rive von anv aatlafaf lion." looking from "well, eandldlv." said Fandera-ast. "I one to the other. "I will accent the . .. . v " ituduiw iid c w uuiik u. j 1 1,. lui n i.Q . - ' . " - . - - - rrom tn exterior. Ha saw thia a they innkoH at him ha thftWhf mivht h don't believe in curse. I reckon tney inoney, &ut"- annvrkajlthafl It hV thai ArtWat V M t aA ..m . . , t T " 7 4nat m . MthtAn vk.maalvAa Aaka Vi UAevat4 vtanal .am n VU bftft fti a it v7a kiiciuavi w vss vw uvwvii Aivnniu n 1 wnfM vt ill a uanug Q-I1U du are doing the same." Elisabeth the other, their eyes looking uarnrortn was not to oe convinces tne tnantcs tneir lips reiuseo to speak, i don't bear me any animosity?" "But," he went on, turning his ga apnroaohed it by tha drive that led un .i.v... ui. ... k j irom the road. PlntnH anrl hn InnkM Ilka a man anf. e,,i nfltfth 1 nt5- iT 72 ?ot S10? cheerT f erlng from some wasting, incurable dis ful. It waa dark and foreboding, and ease tZ,JZ V'??A?? PM"?? !! Pendergaat took the chair the other sound of their footsteps seemed to fill indicated:, th?Wm0l-)UI1,Jln.?' i v "Mr. Pendergaat," said the Invalid, 'JT1. walVhere, please?" she "my sister has told me everything said, admitting him into room that your strange dream, your visit here, smeHed musty with ago d want of your strange find, and your stranger fresh air, an Ill-lighted apartment with meetino- with her.'; furniture in keeping, so far as years pendergast nodded. must prepare my brother; he Is in Ill health and any sudden shock might prove fatal. You won't be impatient? I must explain everything to him." Pendergaat, left alone, roamed around the apartment and examined the fur niture and the pictures. He found one with its face turned to the wall, and wondered what or who it could be, and curiosity getting the better of him he determined to find out Dragging a chair beneath it he mounted and turned the picture round. It was in the shadow and he could not see It well, so he You don't know my name." re marked the other. "Our family name is Carnforth." "Year '"You don't seem surprised?" I've never heard it before, Mr. earn- he Inaulred anxiously. "Not in the least" answered John. "I think it is a, bit rough on you. And there's no way of obviating thla curse?" inquired Pendergast with humour in his voice, "I don't know," was the answer. "Sometimes I think there must be, I think that box there could solve the mystery, but no one dare open It." Pendergaat turned his gase on an Ironbound box of oak which occupied the corner Of the room and gsxe on Elisabeth, whose hand he held more tightly tn hia own. I want you to be my wife. I know it seems sudden, this request, may be unreasonable, seeing we only met ft few hours ago, but I have loved you, Elisabeth, from the moment I saw your face in my dream. "It la not for me to say anything, my dear, Howard said. "I believe Mr, Pender gast joves you. i like hisv race it is Open and honest a his speech. You itnew your own heart. Do what it tells inaulred you, Elisabeth." 1 y nBYsr lionru li uwui", mr. vol n- h . . , . "Anrf mn X viva vn,'- ha- " .u. iVnTl rCP "WhrBnould "Well, the tradition 1. handed down said, "I love you. I felt It when my i ica v oii v viio wuu i v wtou a v w im' die within a month," Carnforth said. "Has any one tried?" "Not in my time. I did not think it right to Imperil one's life. And the key is lost" "Perhaps the key will unlock the box; Howard Carnforth rose on his elbow. ft look of disbelief on his face. "Never heard it before!" he repeated. Then you had no knowledge of your ancestors?" John admitted he had not. - "You never knew of a feud that ex- eyes met yours on the road today. "And now, knowing your name, I do not nate you," answered John, taking her in his arms. "You have proved a oaa propnet, Elisabeth," and laughing, his heart filled with a great joy, he kissed her on the lips. 100 YEARS OF HARD COAL-Continued ifrom tke First Page of Tkis section A curious thing it ia to note that. twhile the real birth of this continent (was at a town called Plymouth, in ; Massachusetts, so the birth of this great commercial world of anthracite waa In a town named Plymouth, in Pennsyl vania. 1 Yes, the analogy goes farther. When coal was first mined in this little Lu serne county village. It waa loaded onto .an ark and the cargo floated down the ner were very much like Franklin's. This Is gathered from the tradition of the town and from an old silhouette the only picture of Judge Fell that has been preserved. As he bent over the grate, he held conveniently behind his back, ao as to be ready for use If needed at any moment, hand bellows. But as he stood there a few minutes, and the wood embers died away and a tons; in 1880, 28,437,142 tons; In 1880. cite coal mined in the world come .from Pennsylvania, but from ft very small part of the state. The anthracite fields are situated, about the middle of the eastern portion of the state, and Include the counties of 8usquehanna, Luierne and Dauphin, in cluding an area of about 490 square miles, And from this small area there has There are blacksmith 'shops, stables, and the mules that once go down there to toil rarely again see the light of day. They become so innured to the darkness or the flare Of the miner's safety lamp ; THE GOOD OLD TIME jS Andrew Carnegie bays Problem ot Uur Age Is the go'biinr"1 10 the Burface Tr Administration of Wealtk Throucrh vein after vein of coal the miners burrow their way with pick, 85,615,459 tons; in 1900, 48,107.484 tons, has been mined in the lifetime of an powder and drill, and as fast as the coal ah the coal in those early days was uowsenarHm a nui ouuon gross tons mppea in arics, eitner aown tne Xenign T , ictream to Columbus, Lancaster county, cheerful blue flame leaped from the where it was gold. And at the point (where that ark was loaded, curiously enough, is a beautiful rock, overgrown (with mosses and verdure, which the .more poetic residents knew as "Ply mouth Rock." The New England rock received a new :llfe from abroad; this in Pennsylvania 'grave out a new life which has made Its ipresence felt in every corner of the nation. The name of Abljah Smith has not found its way into the school histories of the United States; neither has that of Jesso FelL You might search through all the encyclopedias printed and not find a reference to either of (them. And yet both were benefactors 'of the human race of not much lesser luster than Edison and Fulton and IWatta. , It is principally In the local records 01 his own town ana county mat smun has been honored. There it has been black stone and ud to the flue, the bel lows dropped from the old man's hands and. he broke into a surprised, pleased exclamation: "It burns! It bums!" And so it did. The Whole town was soon apprised of the fact, and crowds flocked Into the Fell house to witness the unheard-of "phenomenon." Many scoffed and went away declar ing the whole thing a trick, and refused to even consider the burning of the stone; but gradually most of the houses in the town came to using it Great difficulty was met by those who undertook to introduce hard coal Into general use. The people of that day were acquainted with the merits of soft coal and did not take kindly to the new-fangled thing. . . . So opposed were they to it that the mineowners found it necessary to un dertake an advertising campaign. For Instance, in public places in nH- In this comparatively brief SDace In the .world's history America has ad vanced from the last to the first coun try; in the world in the production of coal. From ft strip of land which the pro prietary government purchased in 1749 for $2,500, there has been realised $4,000,000,000, the value at tidewater of the coal mined. small Quantities of what has been cauea nard coal told with pride about many a winter adelphla there were erected two grates, fireside in the cheerful light or the hard coal which he discovered how he river or the Susquehanna river. There were several sporadio attempts to mine coal for profit after Judge Fell's discovery, but the only operators of that day who stayed in the business were Abljah Smith and his brother, John Smith. They continued the business down to the time of their respective deaths, and their children conducted it after ward. So here you have the first of that lordly class of men who made such rninradn Kw Mevicn an impression on these latter-day times Island and Massachusetts, me uuiu uueraiuro. ao not agree tnat - From that self-made hole that Abljah the fuel is such as smith opened up in 1807 coal was be ing taken in 1872. Yet how miserable, how archaic, It appears beside the mam moth coal breakers of today I The price of coal land in Smith's day was f S an acre; now it is far in excess of $10,000 an acre. Untold were the sacrifices' made by these pioneers in mining coal. There waa used no powder, which is the chief agency of mining today. Pick and wedge were the tools used. For mining ton and a half of coal in a day this was considered every good days work the miner received about 75 cents, " The coal was transported from the mine to the place of shipment in earts and wagons and deposited on the banks or tne river to do piaoea in ante. Is mined it Is loaded onto cars and taken to the surface, . . Many are the hardships and dangers of a miner's life. At any moment an avalanche of coal may topple down upon him and crush him to death. The pow der and electrioity employed also hold constant peril to life and limb. Frequently a lake of water breaks away from restraint of the ' pumps, which are going night and day to keep tne mines ary, ana nooas tne worxings. T -&y Andrew Carnegie, HB problem of our age Is the the whole stof It applies to combinations tt human inrfnati-w firnnei lulmtnfatrAtf nn nt WMLlth. . .. H . niiiuiawq ana enlarged ny t n i jr r that the ties of hrotherhood mav tlons of thi aMonttfi? ujSlr r rormeriy articles were rtTvinufacturel at the domestic hearth, or In small shops which formed part of the house hold. The master and his apprentices worked side by side, the latter living with the roaster, and therefore subject to ithe same conditions. When these apprentices rose to be masters there-was little or no change still bind together the ftchi and .poor in harmonious relationship. The conditions ot human life have not only been changed " but revolutionised within the past few hundred years. In former days, there was little differ ence between .the dwelling, dress, food uiuiTiiiiiK LUUDD wiiu uiiiuuL j. crvuii Li I B ,. . m .. m . . Ill LI1RI r iriflflH fir 1 1 in sinn inotf in fllKn 1 vfteU tmLE heights or swim through the .darkness ana environment or tne enwr ana tnose educated succeeding apprentices In T the ht a-MioeHaM wuaiy. , . " -. u uuu w- mine routine, mere was, substantial- out geologists ... Carve-ina often block a man's wav and hi ,mii..i mm tvt. lv. social - emmlltv .n to antitfa it to hi Jeat hlI? to slowly starve or suffocate visiting the Sioux I was led to the wig- iuallty. forlhose engaged in Industrial to entitle u to be m hi, dismal grave before his friends warn of the chief. It was like the pursuits-had little or no voioe in tho called anthracite. The Pennsylvania anthracite field is divided Into five fields, which, however, for trade purposes, are grouped In three, named the Wyoming region, the Lehigh region and the Schuylkill region. Of these, the Wyoming region produces CO per cent of the coal output Ninety-five pen cent of the anthracite coal lands in the United States is owned or controlled by the great railroad transportatlonv?oompanles operating in the state of Pennsylvania: the remain ing five per cent is still held by private r land. ' unuueu Thftn 00nje fearfu, fl, hu towftra th When you are stared In the face by J?f?;towaI thJ 'I'v.ftt0&. t0ZYA enroty coal bins, tha onlv knowledea.n air shafts, where, if. one;; be outck hard coal you need positively have la K". VStSS can reach him. TheVeoal at times others in external appearance, and even catches fire and imperil those who are within the -difference was trifling be near, explosions of powder tear men tween It and those of the poorest of to pieces ana strew ineir xiosn aooui uis hi braves. murky . ... , . .- - The contrast between the palace of statei The Inevitable result of such a mode pf manufacture was crude articles at nign prices. Today the world obtains commodities of excellent Qualities at But most dread Of all the perils Is the the millionaire and the cottage of the prices which even the preceding gener- btack damp or fire damp. To prevent this it is that the great fans at the openings df the air shafts are kept con stantly working; ; but sometimes a fan breaks down, or from some other subtle cause the ventilation, becomes defective, and the deadly gas forms seemingly in instant. bought an ark for $24, loaded It with 60 tons of hard coal, and floated it from Plymouth tq- Columbia, Lancaster county, where t was used in a blast fur nace. That wks In 1807. . ' The important discovery of burning barelv eecaDed . fue! without an air blast came in the postor and swindler. xoiiowmg winter on reDrunry u, iu, to be exact at Wllkes-Barre. Luzerne county, which by virtue of its coal bus iness has become one of the largest titles in Pennsylvania. - . Hon.. Jesse Fell was a judge of the rourt in Lucerne county; and waa a man of practical mind, always experimenting ftl eomeimng. Now, from far down in the bowels Of the price and else, ffou must know the maZ u nd before they and stokers were hired to give. oontin- . -- ..M.-tMi Aa Af thai niivnins? UUUn UJ31IUJ1BIJ ailUUO V s,evi I . " VV , AtVlll !.' UVHU ill IUQ UVVVIH V. jjvjw a4va Miami avu '"UOl AIIUFI UIIV qualities of the new coal. Handbills the earth, the coal la loaded Into oars, difference between buckwheat, pea, nut, Y1?????: invited citizens to attena. wmcn are run on suoterranean raiiroaa ess ana lurnsce sixes ine sizes When in 1812, Colonel . Shoemaker tracks to an elevator, raised and trans- into which for convenience and commer attemDted to have anthracite coal in- f erred to a 'surface railroad, over which ial -purposes the great chunks are troduced into use in Philadelphia, he they are taken to the breaker, where the broken at the mines, the process which arrest as a common infer coal is broken, assorted and dumped has given its name to the "breaker." ndler Into railroad cars. But It is well worth any one s while Abijan smith did more than begin coai to go runner to tana a trio down into from defective lam n -is almost certain to reach it There is a terrible explo sion, which kills dozens or scores of ...!S LSSi edr? ,nAmntha "ouaker thtotagT ho" originated th'i Tmethodol a coilmlneW see how the" product U Wn,' which .dislodge- thousands of tone-i wai ri'-,rtPT iinotiMlnr the colonel 5'ast mining when, in 1818, he hired oug rrpm me eartn. how treated, how ?' "? ""5 J-"Z.I"I.SZ ""i.. as "a knave and a scoundrel" for trying jona iaigan. o t uonnecucut snippea. , rnrt. for ; oaL tp come and experiment for him. . k Most in ItnnnM tinnn them TOCkS Tor COat, And he had given them the coal for nothing at that, just to get them to use It! After several months of this kind f PThSy Vver 'So this man Flanlaan waa the : first form of drifts or slopes, ftolnar horlson man who ever bored a hole and applied tally or slightly downward Into the side a blast of nowder in a. coal mine in of a hilt u u airrerent witn tne antnracite, In mines. They sometimes begin as slopes. tha fugitives unit imnedtnf tha woi-lr of the soft coal mines are in the ' rescue. The average price of hard coal ations would have deemed incredible. In the commercial world similar causes have produced similar results, and the race is benefited thereby. The poor enjoy what the rich could not before afford. What were the lux. Hv Jjv become the necessaries of lile. The laborer has now more com forts than the farmer had a few gen erations ago. The farmer has more lux uries than the landlord had, and is more richly clad and -better housed. The landlord has books and pictures rarer, and . appointments more artistic than the king, could then obtain-. . The price we pay for this salutary change Is, of course, great - We assemble in the fac tory and in the mine thousands of operators of whom the employer, can know nothing, and to whom the em ployer is little better than a myth. J All intercourse between them is- at an Anrl.. T?1M MaatfA a. fnr-mmA It Is easy to see how the chatige has as Usual, mutual Ignorance breeds nat- come. -. One Illustration will serve for urai aiatrust. almost every phase of the cause. In Each oaste is without sympathy for the manufacture of products' we have the other, and ready to credit anything ;i .i .. - ..- - disparaging in regard to It. unaer tne law or competition tne m laborer with us today ' measures the change Which has come with civiliza tion, and IS not to be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneflciaL It is well, nay, essential, for the progress of the race that the houses of some should be homes for all that Is highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of - civilisation. Without wealth there can be no Ma cenas. The "good old times" were not good old times. Neither master nor servant waa as well situated then as And then comes something; more terri- would he disastrous to both not the ble. Although every miner is required least to him who serves and would to carrv a "aafetv lamn. when the gas awnen awav civlliaatlon with it :, becomes dense enough spark of fire But whether the change la for good or for evil, it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be ac cepted and made . the best of. It is a waste oi time to criticise tne inevu- WelL 'On that IPeoruary oay. . Judge advertising there win cut iff WHO h,a.. tin wkh i Knt niiJi i m nr intn ti,, Fell built wood Are in the grate of would buy it. . , " ft profit of 5 to the operator. At one often hundreds of feet. his home the ; house largely - altered. Indeed, so alow were .the people to time the price went up to $15. . . Down there you find TOUrself In & la standing yetAt Wllkes-Barre, and give the coal a chance that It was not These are some of the qualities : of "subterranean city, excepting that there after It had made pretty S.Progress until 1820 that the shipments became "anthracite coal which were claimed by are no residence or abodes such as make lie poured on to It- a heap of the "black big enough to be considered worthy of ; the early operators and are still claimed the surface habitation. rnna" which the furnace men had been statistical preservation. ( ! bv their successors, as reasons why it From the center where the shaft is cl.ia to burn With the aid of a powerful . In 1820 the total shipments were but . should be considered a perfect fuel: ' there are avenues going- out in all di- tliows. - ' $85 tons. .-.', "it gives great actual heating power; rections, crossing, and criss-crossing, A he did so, tne oia junge mmav a ine louowing figures' snow how tne i is easy to Kinaie ana ourns rapiaiy; ana traversed Dy cars o raw n n.,!nt nictura tbare rn the old-faabioned conaumDtlon inrrunmaA urinar enaAln ontnlna little earthy matter: contains ' or. in some Instances, ore oo tn with its colonial furnishings. deead-ss In 130, 174,734 tons; in 1840, little or no, sulphury does not crumble electricity. These cars go to the utter In this manner ". thousands Of - men have lost their lives in the anthracite mines of Pennsylvania. A 1amI aA4ii1 wrmalrtvk a vtlaiMSft s1inftsi great rats,; many . times as .large as loyal, more enthusiastic American dtl- plover of thousands is forced into-the tnose - seen on . tne euriace, snare tne sens.-' n - v!'. strictest of eoonomleBj-among which the-- In efforts to gain higher wages and wages paid to labor figure prominently, to sustain th power of their union nd often there is friction between the solitude of man as he works, and that a-A nl w ,r a A t n iltv, InfA tllil InnAII pall if he leaves the coveV off for ft . to ameliorate social disadvantages, Uhe employer, and the employe, betjveen cap- moment - - ' The miner himself is just ft man like the rest of - us, aitnougn outside the anthracftetminers have waged tha areat. est labor strikes ever known In America. With the history or these battles the . A : Im1 w4V : Bai 70 na. u i.r. us finft I I. ,1. blowing i.ibii, and his huUd ftnd man- I860, 8,518,128 ions; in 1870, 18,182,191 . Not. only does nearly all the anthra- the avenues, are thousands of feet long. minina- field there is a tendency to re cutilio' is pretty well acquainted. Han- rnrd him as ft beln anart - till v. no more conflicts like the memor-' by mules , No occupation Is ao cosmopolitan. A able ones of the past are anticipated. In propelled 1 by mining town in the- anthracite field Is view of the existence . of concilation literauv mane up tram an tne countries poara, wnicn aroitrates grievances ana . ital and labor, between rch stTLnoorV rnuman sucieiy naa lost nomogen. v. - ' Foreign musicians sre to be lnve$T tigatea Dy tne American Federation or Musicians because, it Is said- they are to labor in violation of the contract lanor laws, it is said the matter will -most ends ' of s the workings -some of of Europe, as well as from many states all questions between tha operators' and be brought before the commistoner of o this country, Few classes ftrft more workman. immigration.