I II tlAGA?iriE JSECTJON TIIHEE mCAZIIlEiSECTIOIl TIirE PORTLAND. OREGON- 1 SUNDAY, MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1907 . I ' 1 - J " Q y n pay I I II AVlias ' contributed to America's history- on 6 'of vs , most i romantic cnap' ters.-J century ago" the ; - . - anthracite trade rose in a curious manner, and flourished increasingly ,y im i became one of the greatest forces '. all time. Now it ts said to be doomed ! to extinction in seventy-five years, I J omj f w century ago this year that 'Abijah Smith took from a jagged hole in . . the ground at Plymouth." Pa.," the first , DiacK swne -inat s vrnat mcy cauca u -t . . . ji !i y or industrial consumption: ana n - o February i, j 8 68, that Judge Jesse r ; I at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., placed" some then-. was Fell, rri Maf if woi burn without a bellows. The first year's : anthracite trade ' amounted is? fifty tons; that of J90J was 69,339,152 long tons, with a spot value of $141,879,000. Th production of last year was 63,645,010 tons. ' Anthracite coal has made one of the busiest industrial regions in the world that portion of Pennsylvania where almost the entire hard coal product of the earth is mined; has given employment to hundreds of thousands of men, has made immense fortunes J has given to mankind warmth and comfort such as had never been attained before, has contributed to the development of railroads, electricity and manufactories has, in short, been a potent handmaid of progress. - " It has also brought about the greatest labor strikes inAmerican history, has been developed at the expense of thousands, of lives, has caused suffering and distress to workers, s No other industry so directly ifitrtt thtt liiiftlitsr nllv tW fircsiilpini ,au cusses vr Americans, yne can naryy bftrring miraeuloustliiB cannot be. ...conceive. of. a : condition of life with hard -Amont those studenU of the iubject who coal eliminated. , have recently placed aerenty-five years aa the hard .L . t tne mwiinMni im nnn United States ueoKwical JSurvc volves about the question, what is to keep Perhape.onei'ofe. the 'highest authorities !, op . . : vt nvirm nnrf thb fuel ti vont f ' coal mining in the United States is William Jasr . Fortunately, ingenious minds are ac- P NichoUs, M.Ani,'Soc. a .E.; of;Pennsya tive along this line, and there 1: little hkeh mm . .. , . r v iiif iU r ,4" 1 mi i 1 . . 11 m , 1 "Si ' J nJ vtfMa seventy-five years more 01 antnraciwa pe is ear Aomirai imokj u- 7 t nM. nf D- Evans, of the United States Navy. Another . coz wav f a memory. Une of rjmj w p,w, -nBi ,rt. f th. hood that we of today or those who suc ceed us on this planet shall have to freeze. sia, who has written the only history of Ameri can coals and other works bearing on the subject. Mr. Nicholla was asked to give, for this article," , his opinion as to the future of anthracite.', i , "Based upon the present rate of conaump- . . tion," he said, "the supply cannot last : over seventy-five yeara. This U not guesswork. v ' ; "Jt is not like the soft coal situation Bitu minous coal exists in many states of the union, . and in other countries. The supply may last fo . centuries .' "But the only bit of real anthracite coal, ofl commercial value although there are othez coals miscalled anthracite--lies in a long, nar row strip extending across a part of Fennsylrsy ' nia. ' We have drilied; under and over it ha v poked drills all through it and all around it. . We know just where every vein Is located," ita length, depth and composition. In fact, we hare practically, accoun,ted for'every pound of.it iht remains in the ground. V v "It is estimated that less than 5,000,000,0001. tons of anthracite coal remam unniined, which, at the present rate of increase' in' raining will last not, m6re than seventy-five years. '. "But, in my opinion, the demand will nofi keep up. It can only be kept up while people are willing- to rpay the high and growing -price for anthracite as a - luxury in other words, it can only last until the 'people of the United States learn 'that they 'can burn soft coal at half the price of hard coal with just aa 'good 'results. Tarn is the only city I have visited where the people eat their meals in their yards." ,' Yet, in Paris there is hardly any hard coal burned. Smoke-consuming .appliances there eliminate, the dirt nuisance. 1 ' . "In-my opinion, the price of hard coal hae reached tho zenith; people will refuse to pay, more. Then must come the more general intro , duction of bituminous, which contains the same j number of heat units, pound . for pound; aa anthracite." "And must we all have our stoves, our chinv 1 neys and our. factory furnaces made over-so as ' to accommodate them to the use of ..oft.eoall'. f V )ot .ne8sarily.VIt is ? contrary to 'ordi- .. tnary-'-logio ta"8uppoflethat fifty; years from now ANTHRACITE'S STORT IN BRIEF. First mined for market, Plymouth, Pa...... 1807 Fuel utility fully ' demonatrated, "Wllkea- Barro, Pa .....1..... 1808 Output of mines In 1820.. 165 tons Output In 19U6.. 63.646,010 tona Estimated amount remaining -; - unmuided In 1904 6.000,000,000 tons Supply will end about 1883 Employe In mines, over 166,000 Annual loss of Ufa, through accident.... 600. to 600 AT Wilkes-Barre, Pa., next year, the cen tennial of hard coal's entrance into the world's, industrial history will be cele , brated. For, although coal had been used prior to 1808 and was first mined for the " market ii. 1807, it was not until Jesse Fell's dis covery that people learned they -could burn it without using bellows. ' Very few persons, probably, can find any thing comforting in the prospect that there will he put this one centennial celebration of the dia ry of nard coaL for there will be no celebra tion, probably, when the coal itself has passed -sway. Most people would hope" that it might be otherwise that a bi-centennial and tercenten nial, and many more might be witnessed. But,' f- .... Sf III 1 . " .V. . mmwm .,: j'!?' i ' f V' .... . - - "f - ... , .- .. . . .. T? .5 we shall be each maintaining our own fireside as now. "The logical thing is to have a common gas plant, from which gas for beating and lighting : may be supplied at moderate rates to every house ' in a city. And this gas plant, understand, may be run with soft coal in such moderate propor ' tions that the present known supply may last for many centuries." - Mr. Nicholla was asked about the prospects of manufacturing electricity at the mouth of the coal mine and supplying it by wire to the large ' cities, as suggested by Thomas A. Edison a plan which might extend the usefulness of pres- 1 ent anthracite supply several hundred per ceit." "That would be impossible," he replied, "for f the reason that there isn't enough copper on the market to make, the mammoth wires that would be necessary to convey this power even to the nearby large cities of the East. - The only; alter native, so far as at present known, would be to construct a system of relay storage stations be- ' tween the mines and the cities, and this would prove more expensive than the present system of conveying and consuming coat" - ' Mr. Parker, the coal expert of the United States Geological Survey fully agrees with Mr. ' Nicholla that the supply of . anthracite will be exhausted in seventy-five years. ..-, - But these matters really do not call for 'ie "rious consideration.', Nature has had a way of always supplying' heat to mortals, in accordance with their .needs and ingenuity, and it may safe ly be assumed that when hard coal goes there wi'I be a substitute of even more practical utility.-'-1 How interesting it would be to know j ; 4 ;what this substitute will be, and whethf-r .t'.'i story of iU-development will l t aa tragic, as inspiring 83 that of anf.hr -i-