THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1007, PopuIarTahts FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE!. X HAVE BARGAINS FOR YOU. CUT out ana past in your nit. cottages and lots front $560 to f !, !!lliiiibr of houses from 11,100 to ; . til.wA clo to car Una In center ad I r - aiuoiu .. . JUL. ''-:. lhto ,-V ' 7. co Popular Wants ltloiiW On trr, haarlnr fruit nt all Kinua. . oigntiy location, gooa T-room v noun;' well, cistern, - and ' Bull I . , i; water, close, $3,600. " On acre good soil elos In, $1,100. - V4 acre does lh. 81.100. ' '. 4 aorea, aroall fruit farm, T-roora oue. cios m, is, 700. - Ana other . nronertlaa not mentioned. Take Montaviila car to offle at 1440 .; igaet Gllsan street -Com week days, i Tressler. ' - - f hit owner-new". m6dern J-R66W ana room nouses, Honaasy , dltlon." Phone East 2411. R. B. Rica, . 690 Wssco at; - ' - - ' " y ' ' ;P6R flAtH ... ! 19 . aores. moatlr in 5 cultivation. ' New . houae . and barn,. houee not , flnlahed. . good well, plently of water. ' one acre In atrawberriea, two aorea In potatoes. A rood bur. Half cash, bal ance to oult purohaeer. For term a see Geo. .Hamallton, at Oatea Crossing, O. bewIfuL. m6dern BuKLSiNd, . In live, booming country town, near , Aberdeen, Wash., auitable for hotel, atore or saloon. Will give long lease to . responalbl party. Inquire of B. 3. Richards, 19th and Pettygrov. city. ' SttR " SALla-CiHEAP, BY OWNErTT 7-room hou new 7-room house, neatly furnished, I chicken how y'.: FOB BAIJSFAltMS. V ' j , ClartelCd.Farm StO acres of rood rich land Itt miles from Vancouver, 100 acrea under fine state of cultivation, 40 aores of fin green ' timber, baianc in pasture; lair 4-room house, Darn 40X40. woodshed and all other outbuildings, all fenoed ana crossed fenced, 1 U miles from church and in a good neighborhood, running scream ana spring; mis is on or the best stock and dairy ranches In Clarke county, rrioe omy iz per aora $10 acres of good land IS miles from Vancouver and Itt miles to country town. 160 aorea under fin state of cul tivation, oaianc paatur and cord wood timber fair 7-room box houae. barn 60x96. woodshed, chicken house and all other outbuildings; all fenced and crossed fenced, living stream ' ami spring; on a good road and In a fin neianDornnoa; ramuy orchard of as sorted fruits. This la an ldaaJ hhmm anil cheap at $35 ner acre. Terms. 167 acres, f miles from Vancouver ana i mues to country town on a good road; to acrea under cultivation; fair nwm, s-siorv nouse. oii Darn rair WOOdshed. fruit house anil all ethar outbulldlns, good family orchard of asunea iruits; i.ouu.uuu set or gooa green timber, timber alone worth what is anted ror niaoa. a min at ii.eoq. Terms If desired. r 70 acrea of aood land. IS arras under cultivation, baianc good paatur; good Popular Wants PopularWants FOR SALEFARMS TDJEEB. .v;v ise, barn 40x80: woodshed. ) l-ivvill ut,uaw, l,, ... 7 ,ui u.ndvu. I v".w.. . v u du, ,3 i i a, i , VIU., aula,, luu- I lots 60x100; nice fruit trees, berries Uy. orchard of assorted fruits, H. F. D. and roses. Fin location. Address and telephone by place: one mil to Journal. FOR SALE FARMS Farms for Farmers k and Speculators One of tha best farms In the state, over too acres of fertll sell, well fenoed. Buildings cost over 1 1,000. Sit uated In the west part of Yamhill county. Prlc 120,000. . Willing to exchange for a good east ern Oregon or Washington grain farm. 40 aorea at railway station, conven ient xo city, electric line in proipKi, nd will be built within a year, soil oi . the most fertila character, aood for onions, cabbage, melons, cucumbers or any variety or garaen vegetaoiee. am In fine state of cultivation. Comfort able buildings, splendid water, oholc xruit. for a lew aaya, omy ts.uuv. A ttO-acr plaoe. half mile railway station, tO miles CorvaUla, on of the beat farms tn the state. About 60 acres good stsndlng timber. 60 of pasture, balance fine state of cultivation. Good s-room residence, fin larg barn, choice variety of bearing fruit A charming trout brook meanders through the place, several fine springs. We will wager our reputation thla Is in, uesi iirm in ins aiaiv lur iuv uiumoj. Only $20 per acre. Must have $2,600 cash. 1(0 acres, 1 mile from Ames, along the line of th proposed MtV Hood rail way, all good farming land amall house ana earn, uooa orcnara or zvu Deanni trees. Several fine SDrinra, Woo nough on th plac to pay for It Price omy ii.zeo. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. , 14$H First St FOR SALS. Farms and acre tracts, Portland real estate and suburban property; lots In Capital Hill addition; business chances. OEO. W. BRANT. Room 40, Hamilton bldg., td it, bat Alder and Washington. Phones A-254S and Pacific 1146. FARM BARGAIN. - 60 acrea good land, part Improved; good 6-room house, barn, orchard, run ning stream and well water; fronts on good road; good community; conveni ent to school, near Washougal, Wash., and Columbia river; snap; only $1,800, & - Henkle & Harrison t!7 Ablngton bldg. 60 ACRES. 48 CLEARED t MILES n. w. of Beaverton near Salem lines; good buildings, on fin road. $125 per acre. 10 acrea 44 miles from Portland on Canyon road; 12 acres under cultiva tion; fair buildings; good spring on plac. $6,000. Terms. C. H. FRT, Beaverton. Or. COMB TO HARKET VALLEY IF YOU want homesteads, cheap lands, ranches, town property: get In ahead of the railroad. Smith it 8 week. Burns, Oregon. couver and IV, miles to oountry town, on an excellent road and in .a fin neigh borhood. Prlc only $3,600. 21 acres, 12 acres Under cultivation, 10 miles from Vancouver, and miles from railroad station; new 6-room house, good barn, 14x40; woodshed, chicken house, etc; young orchard of asorted fruits, all fenced with board and wire fence, M miles from sohool, on a good road and In a fine neighbor hood. Price, If sold soon. $1,600. THOMPSON ft SWAN. Cltlsens' Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. A 6NAP IN FRUIT LAND. 120 acrea of fine fruit land at- Th uaiies, uregon, with valuable Improve ments. Surrounded by flourishing fruit orchards and vineyards. Equal to fa mous Hood River fruit land at on quar ter th price. For terms, prloe and rea son for aelllna see owner at Waka' Granite Works. 4 th and Columbia sts Portland. Or. 80-ACRE FARM. GOOD U61L. WAER, fruit and buildings; water and phone in house; It miles east of city limits, t to R. R. and sL..unboat Will tak amall residence near carllne, balano easy term a 'What hav youT M. Kic ks rt, R, 2, Troutdale, Or. '. FOR SALE. 20-acr olace. 10 mllaa southeast of Portland, on ftn county road, R. F. D.. In aood nelahborhood. near school ana church; t miles of carllne; 1U miles of railroad station. 7 acres In different vaxlatlea full bear ing grapes; (heavy crop this year); t acres pasture, with creek runnlna through. Plenty of all klnda of fruit for ramuy; balance all In cultivation; I greenhouses, on 16x100. on 26x60, heated by hot water system: good 6-room nlaatered house: oantrv and bath; hot and cold water; all supplied from welt bv aaaollne eneine: house U heated by hot water radiators upstairs and 'down; good barn and wagon house and chicken house. Reason tor selling, I hav other business which requires all my time; will sell a part or all. Place is divided In half by the county road: vineyard Is also divided: will sell 10 acres (beautiful, sightly and a choice place for suburban home; lays In square w'th 1 acres of vineyard) tor $3,000. The other 10, with Improvements, for 4.000. Or all for 17.000: can make terms on a part: might consider a trade. Address C. P. DIX, Clackamas, Or. Washington fi- Orcgon : Rcalty Co. W f fer you vry advantage throng? W' ystera of expert examlnatlona Which enablas von to datarmln ti aui. ability of a tract without spending tlm r nionay, our ganerai report lnai eat that w hav what you want our 100 aores lttt mllaa from Portland, I eatimatea by two and a half aores ax siiy veniiea, TRY "THB LACKT WAT." In Waahlnartnn codntv. t mllaa South-1 easily vrlf aat of Reedvlll In th Tualatin Valley; 46 aores In cultivation! several, acrea gren timber; balano aailyk cleared; small oreek near nous; on ear bear ing orchard r on acr grapes; nsw I story t-room house: fair barn; on JAMK9 n I.AMtT a. nt 11$ Chamber of Commerce, Portland. t07 Lumber Exchange, Beattle. auarur mlla to school and church; fin 1 1.. .VA'r:. r.wuV" 4fv location; peat of soli on main county n th, und grant - of the Oreaon A road; b!. F. L and telepbpn: prlo dkllfornU wilrSad In southern tffton 62.00 pr aora, Investigate this bfor -an seoure the sam by acting quickly, uylng. ,; V . V , ,..' Loctl- faes including all neoaaary at- . ,. v-'V ' . Itorners fees are reasonable. AdJraaa rrom roruina. m j. e. y.rdln. Grants Pass. Or. Droa ? r!l?oVi yyER LArtos BUQHf xKt 66LD v road : R. F. D. v'? buyers only; w hav a few i4q Aoroa IT mlloa from Fortiana in j. e. vpiin d... . wraf wvunii rvKsiKiiii road to Portland; S ml tation on main county nil tanKoiii' Ani mil acraa haarlnr orchards fin soring near fnlM 01-3-t Buchanan h An M! all laval varv beat of SOU, no rock or gravel: fin location; wtll dlvld this piaos in smaii tracts.' w w ay price tor woow irwi o,uv, w. pare in exonange tor -m-iiam xutr yvy erty; wui give gooa terms. 110 Clark cultivation: aores green timber aDrlnra: 3 aores bear: house; fair barn; fin dairy Have detailed estimates by forties. O. bfdg. GOOD TIB PROPOSITION: ii.noo 6ofl feet On railroad! alan wnnA hnma. stead. B. Wolverton, 403 Mohawk bldg. WHJ CAN SECURE YOU FIRST AP Dllcation nn valuahla T n wuu. rvm io. uill 407 Buchanan hid acres I mils from Vaneouver, A pgy bpeCIALT V norm tfi inW county. Washington; 71 acres n bi ciiims in WrS?,f. lb?, "2. 'S"? 1)0"2S.B4iid be' located at one. Columbia ' Trust PopularWants : i MTSICAIi INSTRUMENTS WANTED SQUARE PIANOS AT - once W need at one several squar pianos, ana wu a now n Derail y tor same. Call or' writ. ' Ellers Piano House, th house of highest quality, 161 Washing ton st. corner of Park. '' VICTOR TALKlkd MACidME AND reoords; Stein way (and other) pianos, Shemran. Clay Co 6th and Morrison st a. opp. ' poetof f lo. ' tnortaaae. yours for balance due: cash or terms. Phon Mr. Brown, Main 6204. HOm AIII4. PopularWants PlArJO BArGAiW-jLIVB BRAN& new noiicht piano: never been used taken on deal; will sell for $116: $21 down, balano $ per month. E-443 Journal. . - . FOB BALE-.5IISCELLANEOUS. L. KlhiVdS -- Co., Couch bldg.. 4th St.; near V, .WrF wd4 Ztook Hi AOttEfl "flMBER LAb IN Columbia Trust Wash. ranch; fin creek; plnty of watrs can wn Co, under too per thousand, Q-4 16, ... .Aii.A iaa.Mc A DA-4iand This i aiournat. iTotui T of tht'best 'buy. onThrmarket I vyiLL LotiAtri Y6U 6M A HOME- ana est ox sou. ----rr-co oniy ? f r I . tui -ror fto. uooa tinoDer. J. MU aor. If you are looking for a dairy lor, toth and Wygant sts. stock ranch, Inveatlgat this bfor buy- VVAktEb-A GOOD tlMBSR' rElICT lng. On can hays a milk route In Van- quishmnt BUt location and nrle. oouv.r only miles from th city; M-46. Journal W"n "n P"C-- half cash, balanc good wrms. fMBriife wtet.WhmfiiiViB-Ktf mhh BMapwaBBasaa , I . " "SJ uuiAmin A a MSJJJ 10 acres of fin swale land: all ley . Y?7. cneen. AOflre.s several aorea cleared; several acres first tf.V"???" n-xcnange oiag. -non P. EtEfiTAtfi Hrnhur n nftft on county road: R. F. D.; capacity mill, 8 head fine horses, full cronii a I mm vinm, f." . 7 Main 4QTT class hardwood; small creek: log hous. g?JJJh .... . , There is no better land Ir. Ih country. SAWMILL. NEAR O. W. Black beaver dam swale, and very eas- lln. 10.000,000 fet 4., .,.MJ on half mil to school: good1 location; iis1ng outfit, etc. 17,600, 4H miles to boat landing; 1 miles to 1 306 Ablngton bldg. railroad station; win sen ims piw ii sold in 20 daya, for 11.400; rive good terms; 91,69, inciuaang neo oi C C. Shay, FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE Two Bargains l-roora bouse, nle porch, bay win- 160 acres, miles from Washougal, Clark county; 10 acres In cultivation; all fafiiuul with I vlrai: hous ltxll. barn 16x40; tt mila to school; 18 acres I dows, hall, parlors, pantry, bath, larg seeaea, on main county roan, dpi "' irsunu, gooa iswn, ornamental trees, Pr;c only $12 per aor. This Is a snap, roses, flowers, fruits, berries, chicken ' . Prk: near Brooklyn school; sail cheap. $1.200 160 acres, !H I1S from 6 larg rooms, larg reception hall, Washougal, Clarke county; 46 acres la beautiful fireplace and mantel; also cultivation, 100 aorea easily cleared, furnace, large pantry, china closet, full som timber; small bouse, 1 acr An basement; plumbing first-class; large orcnara, nn aou: ru . u., .vu.., yuraiin, run lot witn nice Darn, lawn terms, H cash, balano I years. 4 1 per and flowera, well located, near car and cent; will tak H In exohange for Port- school, surrounded by nice, new homes; lana property. i m iwo ouy, 4t,zvo. HENKLBJ A HARRISON, e,vo es kto is uiu i y. in Aoington mog, iana. in wssninaion cuuiu, " I DOUBLE-OVEN BOARDING-HOUSE- ranae. uaed 1 vears: worth new III price, til. ... ' . . . . . A . . iv seoona-nana npnoiatarea eota, worth $1.60 new: $1,36. 60 damaged kitchen cablneta, hard wood, see our regular ad la today's paper: i kitchen safes, damaged, regular ft, for 14.00. 1 lot Dorch chairs: sampi una at two tnirds or regular price. 16 roll matting. (40 yards In each) ner roll. 24.91. Lot of caroet remnants and linoleum remnants at cost; bring In ths sis of your room. EDWARDS COMPANY. A good plac to trade. 186, 1 87, It I, ii ist sc. casn or credit. BARGAINS - STEEL RANGES, stoves. Iron beds, springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, dress, oheffeniers, oar pets and linoleums, new and good as new, at loweat prices. Com and sse us; It will pay you; your goods taken tn exchange. Fox at Brower, II N. Id. Phone Main till. HOLDEN-8 RHEUMATIC CURB flURB cur for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SALE WELL DRILL: OAgO- C. W. Stephens, Orient. F5R line outfit Oregon. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RINO UP Main 420 or call 213 Vt Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW T. Marshall RANGE. FARM INVESTMENT. 120 acres, all first-class aoU; 67 acres high stat o) cultivation; som fin garden land; good large farm houae, 2 good barns, woodhouse. granary, chick en nouse, store nous, root houae, ram Uy orchard, berries, nice yard with larg variety of flowers; 8.060 cords of good wood on th land; water by springs, stream ana weua. This farm is well adapted to dairying, orchard, berries, truck farming or hM; a good Investment as It lies well toaubdlvlda and oonvenlent to electric carllne; only 8 miles out from Portland and no mountama to cross; it is well worth ine money now asxea lor it Henkle & Harrison 217 Albington bldg. A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY. One-hundred-acre farm adjoining munuiuuin corporation limits: o norses, 12 goats, 26 stock hogs, 26 fat hogs, 2 fine Jersey heifers. 200 chickens; well equipped with all latest Improved rarra implements; fine 8-room house, barns and all out-buildings; fine ater, splendid soil' and near rail faculties; we have eight differ- enreSaLritORranhs taken on this farm al different Dlacea. Come in and sea tham All atock .and crops are Included in the .remarkably cheap prlceo of only 17,600. Good easy terms. Com In and see the pnotos. ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAN, Room, 101 Buchaqan bldg., 286ft Wash- Ington St. SMALL FARMS FOR SALti tit B. & COOK A CO.. 251 ALDER STREET, PORTLAND. mmw i Ravanraan anraa nto-hlv with hous and barn, small orchard producing iz&o or crop each year; 6 acres of as fin hopyard as in the state. The hop land with one acre of garden is level, black, loam. , the remainder a gentle slope to the east; county road on eaat; dally mall, and phone; In a thickly settled locality; one mile of R. R. station and- two miles of North Yam hill. Price $1,750. 41 acres; 16 acres in high stat of cultivation, balance of 40 .has been cleared of timber, and would be easy to clear tfp ready to plow; one acre of timber; splendid barn, with nine stalls on one side, floored, and all In good shape ready for cows or horses; main part has good floor, with double gran ary and driveway for wagon; the house la five rooms, with woodshed attached by porch, with pantry for milk and fruit; onicaennquse, pig, house, black smith shop, and outhouse; soil-Is strict ly first ciasa and produces big crops; nice orchard, with' variety of frufta. suitable for family, with picket fence around orchard and garden; a water avatem. with 60 reel pressure and nine a to house and barn; this is an Ideal fruit place, or especially suited for a small .dairy. Price $40 per ere. Is six miles of R. R. station, and two miles; of con densed milk route. Hood River Bargains 1700 cash will handle an ideal little place or 24 acres, ail in berries, or chard and garden: 4-room house, barn, good well and fences on place; 2 Inches or water ror irrigation; nneat aina or soli and lays well, on the main county roaa. only two mues rrom Hooa Kiver; If you want a model little place In thla beautirui valley at a bargain, better see this before It Is sold; the price is only $1,600 and It will go to th first party seeing It Investors Attention 22 acres of the best apple land In the Hood River valley, lays well and partly clear; can be put fn orchard for $60 per acr; a 20-acr 6-year-old orchard near thla place recently sold for $20, 000; w can sell this 22 aors for $75 per acre and It Is one of the best bargains In orchard land In this beau tiful valley. Inveatlgat at one as It will not laat long. Devlin & FIrebaufch 601-609 S wetland bldg FARMERS INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS: $2,700. Beautiful 40-acr traot, well Improved, with nice 13-acr orchard, M mil to R R station, good build ings, running water; an ideal home and moneymaker. $1,600 cash, balance 6 per cent It, 000 10 acres first-class soil, good buildings, good roads; easy terms. $10,000 120 acres, 70 acres In culti vation, balance fine paatur and tim ber; very good buildings; t hours' drive to Portland, excellent roads; stock and Implements; very well lo cated. $4,000 cash, balance to suit $65,000 For one of the best model farms In Oregon: 266 acrea in high state of cultivation, over $10,000 worth of improvements; notnlng better; good terms given. if vou want a rood farm or any size. see me, and If not as represented will pay you $10 per day and expenses. - F. Fucns 221 H Morrison Street FiNB FARM, 146 ACRES. 80 In OTL- tlvatlon; fine house and barn; fine at tn aoor; gooa orcnara, an from railroad station; It acres In fin FOR EXCHANGE GOOD BUSINESS f .,iivatinn ha.lan varv easily I property on street car line, ahnrt ,1 la- cleared; all fenced, all level, small llv- Jan; from Portland, with 1 acres of lng stream, fin new g-story s-room, iana, aii ciearea ana in high state of hard-finlshad house, cost $1,600; new I cultivation, good buildings, etc Price frame barn, rustlo. 60x60; fine location; $4,200, for good residence, clos In, not K. f. Jj. ana teiepnone, near scnwi, mum i to cq ,uuu. Aaaress r-4os route past door, best or biacK son. naar th Tualatin river; inveatlgat this be- ror buying. i $2.800 to acres. T miles from Was- nougai, uiaras county, rv tailing uyn . ' - w, acres In cultivation; some green tirabr; In fin condition; ampl room to build good houae and barn; good family or- another house or flats; will exchange chard; email creek good spring; good this property Into an apartment house. team, B neaa or cows, x wagons, ont uw vr looming nouse uunainr. Exchange 100x100 around. cholea InMHnn. North Portland; 10-room house, well constructed, modern conveniences, all heavy, one light; mower and rake; all kinds of farm machinery; oream separa tor; best of soli; this Is a snaps good terms. Th above plaee ar an guaranteed as advertised. HENKLE A HARRISON, ii aoington oiag. TRADE - 6-ROOM MODERN honse and two lota, for small farm. A-ftt, journal. To" I HAVE- $4,000 EQUITY fST GOOD stock ranch, all stocked, for sal a or Abov bargains ar but a few of th exchange for city property. Ill Spring. farms on our list We have the largest list of farms of any firm in Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $20,000. Write or call If you ar la th market for a farm. Washington & Oregon Realty Co. 101 Second st, Portland, Or And 100 Main at, Vancouver, Wash. Phon Main 1404. spring kinds Thre acres, right on Oregon City ear line, 10-cent fare, and a delightful home .site; fine oak grove for home place and balance practically clear; has spring water and the- best of soil; station rlht at the place and is a bargain at 1 3,000. pa,..,., , : . en-aer tracts: 60 minutes rid' Into e center of the eltr: all In cultivation .Snd the beet of noil; Is calculated for especially desirable home sites. In a thickly settled locality of . little homes; has fine school and good neighborhood. Prlcfe only $300 acre. .. v ' , VEGETABLE OR CHICKEN FARM 16 acres fine rich loam soil; close to tear lln, only $1,100. Call at 821 Cham ber of Commerce. Malt) .ItOt. , jar of fruit: some aood timber: only 10 miles from Portland: a real bargain: $80 per acre. Fine 40-acre tract all In cultivation; fine house and barn; good orchard, run ning water; 2 fine horses, 2 cows, 6 hogs, 25 or 20 tons of hay, oats and wheat, all farming implements, waeon and harness; everything goes for $8,000; 71 C38h. Fine 100-aeri tract nesr carllne. 20 miles out; 86 or 40 acres In cultivation; wood enough to nearly pky for place; running water; place lays level and on good road; $6,500; one third cash; bal ance l or 9 years. Tl .A mama 9K In .UI.,.tlnM good 6-room house; fine spring; good orchard: a real snan: 13.250: M cash. This place Is only 12 miles from Port land In a good neighborhood. Fina 20-acre tract. H cleared: level: no gravel: 12 miles east; $66 per acre. -Fin 10-acre tract near Eagle creek; level and running water; $70 per acre; I zoo casn. l.M a u ...... . 1. JV1AA. . . two carlines; faces east on E. 27th; is a good buy; $3,000; H cash. Extra fin new, modern house; lot 80x100; good neighborhood, near Sunny side and Mt Tabor carllne; $3,650; easy terms. , Fine lot, 78x100. E. Ash, near 21d; a food buy; $1,400; $260 cash. Lot 74x100; E. 10th, on carllne; $500; H cash. CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial Bldg. Phone Paclflo 1196. Bxchana for cltv property and som cash, on agreed time, per cent Two larg well Improved Wheat ranches. 1.000 seres each, for sal or exchange for valley or city property. 10 acres bench land: tO in good tim ber: 12 or 16 acres nearly cleared; one half place can be cut; place has 4 acres In orchard; small hous and barn; 660 prune, 48 apple, t cherry. 7 pears; good niii iJ a wmlvi vn fiM,v, um luiia ,uu. v , plac partly fenced; prlc $1,600; $860 down, balance 6 per cent 80 acrea, 60 In cultivation; crop In; barn, 46 to 60 tons oat and vetch hay, a good t-room house, woodhouse, smoke ana root nouse, a nn Bearing orcnara, fine water, on milk and mall route, phone ltne, half mile to school, I miles to railroad etation, 10 cows, i norse. hogs, chickens, all kinds farming, im plements for such plac; a good payer; price ft.zov. 80 acres. 45 to 60 In cultivation: land mostly level, good buildings, fine or chard, will bo tons of fruit this year; on county road, milk and mall route, phone line; place will run 26 to 80 cows; fine water, springs and well: price $3,500; part cash, balance agreed time, 6 per cent, or would take good city property. 120 acres, 76 clear, good orchard, good buildings, good water, S miles to good town, Yam bill county ; trice $1,600; $2,600 can Stand, 6 per Cent 40 acres, half clear, good buildings, orchard, fine water; prlc $1,100. 186 BUYS GOOD ttUBBER-TIRED buggy and lioo pound norse: will take rood cow in exchange. 885 E. 28th st W-W car to Kenllworth curve. GOOD TEAM OF YOUNO PONIES TO exchange for larg norse. Phone wooaiawn bsj, and second-hand. ' Jaa. Mfg. Co., 289 Couch St. FOR SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 271 1st st ORDER YOUR PEACHES DIRECT from th orchard. W will deliver anywhere In the express delivery dis trict of Portland t boxea of extra fancy peachea for 16; 6 boxes fancy for 16.76; b ooxes cnoice tor t.u. in lat ter grades best for canning. Send money with order. Satisfaction guaran teed. Merlin Mercantile Co.. Merlin, Or. FINE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE. $26; views. 10c; films for rent Mo tion plctur machines rented, bought sold and exchanged. Neumans, 14 ft 6th. near Alder. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, CER ttfloate worth- $40 on any piano or or gan at Reed-French Piano Co. J. Carl son. Shedds, Oregon. ONE 10 H. P. DONKEY ENGINE. RUN nlng order. One 6 H. P. 210-volt mo tor, $40. M. Bard & Sons, tta and OU san sts. 100 TONS BLACK AND GALVAN lsed sheet Iron, any else, cheap; would do for roofing, siding, eto. M. Barde A Bona. 8th and Gllsan sts. PIPE. BOTH BLACK AND GALVAN- lsed, any amount of any size. 100 tons black and galvanized wire, cheao. Miscellaneous lot of second-hand elec trlo fans. Largest assortment of pul leys, shafting, etc.. In the city, at very low prlc. M. Bard A Sons, Ith and Gllsan sts. A HOISTING THE ORIGINAL 'AND ONX.T . Br. Ian lane; Formerly with ths X-Radlum Medical Institute, has severed' all connection with that Institution and oaa now b touna witn tb Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where she will be pleased to sea any of her old patients. pISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHTL- - arm a specialty; surienng women win do well to consult me; consultation rree; correspondence solicited. Rooms t to 14. Grand Theatr bldg. Phone Main tltlT Correspondence confidential. Th original and only Dr. Wary Lane Lady physician, with the old established X. Radium Medical institute and Sanitarium For years Is still at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Late superintendent of Chicago Wo men s Hospital, treats diseases of wo men and children exclusively: ladlea needing Immediate assistance will con sult their best interests oy communicat ing with me: no fee for consultation: correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Resnectabl arrangements made for the adoption of Infants. The finest equipped sanitarium In th northwest. ntftnm tut A Mar nnrnar Id. Portland. Or. Phones Main 171. noma a-i7b. DR. BINO CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- nese root medicines: sens cninese tea. certain our for all diseases, ill la st, between Yamhill and Taylor. bvm pressed WHiLto y6U wAft too. Ladles' skirts creased, too. Gil bert 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle, Phone Main 2088. BALM 6F Flog FOR ALL FEMALli d seases. 621 E. Belmont rnon East 4014. tR. i. PiERCE. SPECf ALlsV. DlS- easea of women: all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by malt Office 181 1st st, corner Yamhill, Port land, Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S1 CCX Savin and Cotton Root Plus ar th only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall 12 per box. Dr. Pierce, ltl 1st madam VashtI Vapor and tub lOltt baths, massage, alcohol ruba. id at MANICURING. BATH AND MESSAGE. competent attendants. 110ft 4th, or ner Washington. CURE YOURSELF WITHOUT DRUG or knife; consult Dr. Burry by ap- iuUtnl. 11TU. Vlfth a PORTLAND INSTITUTE I60J4 MOR- Popular Wan! CLAIRVOYANTS AXD PALMIST:" ParlorsGrdwded HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY, ' -SEB)'-,;r: M EL YIN ' , TOR invrnr twat wtt.t. Tvi TftTT OOOTi. HE HAS DECEIVED NONSt ALt" ARE PLEASED. ' r ' Tha rt.AAia 9tA inn n r lutiiim vfiv Strang and mysterious powers of Pro u.ii. ths warld.rannwned clairvoyant Th crowds whioh fill his parlors every day ar undeniable proof tn annanlt a aranlllna navchlo. MelVln Is here to help thos who need help. If your heart la heavy, .If la troubl. hav in luck, bad health or misfortune. call on this gifted man at once. H la a clairvoyant by nature, m mdiom by dlvln gift No matter what your trou ble he will help you. HtUa rour nam, whom and whn you will marrr, with nam a and data: rives rellabl ad vice on business, deads, patents, wills. , friendship, love, marriage, m divorce, chances, travela. salea and la faot every question of Importance to th -human rac. . H reunlt frind la hnnila at lnva and affaotloa and Cause quick and happy marriages with tha one or your cnoice. wny no to th realisation of th fact today that Incompetent clairvoyants, miaieaain statements and unbusinesslike proposi tions to thos In troubl and In need, of help ar but straws that will alnk you deeper and deeper Into th sea of despair 7 As for others, let them grasp at straws. If you want help and ad vice you should consult th clairvoyant with th reputation, one ;woum know will treat you fair and honest and who is competent to perform your work. I have brought aoout mor mar rlaares. reunited mor separated than any medium In America. 1 point with pride to my record of successful work th paat year. Thousands' hav received inestimable blessings; many whoso homaa were, discordant with etrlf bow llv In harmony and love; hearts that rlson st. room t-11. Lewis Bldg.: w cure iheumatlsm, nervous and stomach troubles bv electricity: nana rubbing and electrlo sweata. Trained nurse in ttendance. MASSAGE AND BATH. Ul ALbBB hrVn with "uTruUed st. room 4. Miss Marcella L Roy, I k. ia mDtly throuah the .cwimiF Hiiw mists of uncrtainty ana maae nmppr fmA.iBi iiusruAUi nuiuai tun in tn realisation oi ur unfortunate gins: gooa care, s aau- sire. Ana nunareaa oi ewer ner bldg. such as business speculations, lawsuits LADY S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN nl tranaactions Of all kinds "cc"a at 14 4th at: will teach t respectable fully completed. Cures drunkenness ladlei i the . trad. respactaoie &mtH fj,,,, Mnrous prostra- MANlCURlST I ,,on- ueveiope meuivuna muu wwum , Special notice All work reduced this week. '( EWdlNti FOR SaLB cheap. It can be seen at work E 2nd st. and Morrison. F6R SALE - CLEVELAND RxNOlfi and Famous Oak heater; good as new. ?86 East Couch street ONE BOATHOUSE AT ONCE TAKE5 WILL EXCHANGE M? GROCERY for real estate; nice cash business: lee -cheap rent; living rooms; located on corner; about $2,000 required; cast side. Owner, E-469. Journal. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHo 'Want8 to move west be owns $100,000 worth of good city, farm and other property which he desires to ex-chap g for Oregon froperty of any kind: give description n first letter; writ today, B. F. Loos uo., ues Moines, xa. 160 ACRE GOOD STOCK RANCH; ALL rencea; gooa nouse ana earn: spring or water on piece; pienty oi out rang; xchange ror wnat you hav. Fulton car. ten foot Nebraska at, turn Mien D,mcu au. Ann,uiuoi aT na.n.Mim and chiropodist haa returned from bar Merfi,1,mi vacation; win be pieasea to see oia ana new patrons in room i, ioim Mor rison st. kRd. J. I LWDSEY. CLAlRVbYAN'l and magnetlo treatments; nours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.. evening 7 to 10. 13 North 6th St.. Room 6. YofiNG RfiiKtirmV MT55TE312 gives electrical, alcohollo, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh Bldg., sixth and Washington, MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MA8- seuse; cabinet ootn, salt glow, aiconoi LOW FEE 50 Cents 50 Cents 50 Cents TWO BAND SAWS. ONE LATHE, FOR sale cheap; nearly new. J. Simon uro.. Z4 r rom st. 100 TONS OF CORRUGATED IRO... painted and galvanized, all weights, practically new. J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front st. 100,000 NO. 1 GRAIN BAGS IN ANi1 quantity. . Simon A Bro 244 Front THE LARGEST STOCK OF SECOND- nand pipe in th Paoino northwest; all sixes, In any quantity. J. Simon A Bro.. 844 Front st. sell, or Horn Land Co. AUTO IN" 146U GOOD 1st st CONDITION 100 aores, 47 tn cultivation and crop, good orchard, good buildings, good water; price $3,600; terms. APPLE FARMS. Headquarters for Hood River apple farms. Give us a call before buying as we have some bargains. E. R. Mark ham fr Co., 209-210 Commercial bldg. BARGAIN. 180-acr tarm, Timber fcll off. Land all tillable and 'fertile. Good 6-room houso. Fine stream through place. This must be sacrificed at $850. For partic ulars, E. R. Markham 4 Co!, aot-.lO Commercial bldg. - 60 ACRES 20 MINUTES' WALK FROM Oswego denot; 85 acres under cultiva tion, good spring- water, orchard,' house, K. , .1, A H.AM. .n V. -. ir.rili an icmvou hiiu tivinviivm, vueau. Inquire 651 Union av. north. John Dick. SNAP. 4! acres, 20 In high state of cultiva tion, 8 acres timber: fine creek in rear of nlace. A new 9-room house, new barn, new chicken houso and other out houses; young orchard. Good team of horses, worth $600; 8 fine cows, 1 calves. 6 hogs, 2$ sheep, 800 chickens, all farming' Implements and crops. On mall and milk route and only 1$ miles from Reedvllle, 12 miles from court house, good road all the way. Price, $6,000; terms. A snap; Inveatlgat. 9 acres, head of Alnsworth Av.; fin to plat; a good buy; investigate. W. W. Espey Room tit Commercial Bldg. Corner Id and Washington sts. EQUIPPED 11.600. Own FOl? sale or will trad for real estate. Call 187 Union av. south, or phon East 1114. tO ACRES GOOD FRUlT LAND NEAR Portland, 126 per acr. Will trade for city property. Hatfield A Smith, isi4t in st. GOOD PLACER MINE for hvdraullcklng. Value er going east Will trade for real es tate. K-466, Journal. OREGON LAND FOR LAND IM MlCH Igan. The Alexander Land Co.. 61 H 6th, near Pine. FOR SALE OR TRADE MODERN 5 room house, Incomplete. Will finish to suit purchaser. Owner, Phon xa bor 42. FOR SALE OR EXCSriANdE FfNfi view lot on Portland Helahts. narllna all improvements; also some aoreage on east siae; win traae xne wnoie or oarts for desirable house and lot or other realty. x-4T, journal, PHONOGRAPH WILL FOR SALE THE BEST ENGLISH setter in Oregon, wlnnen of first nrlze Portland Bench ahow. Sired by the wan xnown neia trial winner "Bousa. For quick sale will take one-half valjie. E. A. . Parsons, 411 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2026. IF YOU WANT IN ON THE CO-OPER atlve wood prices, better call Monday morning. cooperative wood Co., ti Ablngton bldg. FOR " SALE A HARTFORD WHEEL In first class condition; prlc $18. O. Hlldebrant 80 Nebraska st. bicycle. Must hay Box 201 Oregon City. Or. NEW, TRADE FOR coaster brake. WILL EXCHANGE NEW. MODERN house ror some rood nulldlnr lnta c W. Mower, 204 Marguerite ave. Phone mast wu HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS NICE SMALL TEAM, HARNESS AND buggy; gooa ror express or delivery; one gray team, 7 years, weight 2,660, good to work. $326: 6 buggies, 10 sets single, 1 double driving harness; must be sold, can Peterson stable, 14 Union. corner Ash. HORSES AND BUGGHIS FOR RENT by day. week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 71. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st YOUNG HORSE, ABOUT 1,400 LBS.; good traveler. Inquire at 416 East Eigntn at., soutn. HORSE GOOD sale cheap. AND BUGGY 2(4 11th st "FOR DON'T BUY A FARM. WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he knowj where, to find them. Office. 803 Washington st Benton County Stock Farm 480 acrea 100 acrea under cultivation. 130 acres In nasture: C. 000.000 ft of good saw timber that can easily be logged on the balance; 80 miles from Portland. Plac well fenced and cross-fenced. There are two houses, three bams, out buildings, orchard, springs and several running creeks on the place; soil Is first class. This is a fine stock and dairy farm. The timber alone Is almost worth th money asked for the place. Th prlc Is $20 per acre. .t - - Devlins& FIrebaujh 4 ' t0t-(Ot 6wctland Bldg. lit! ACRES OF GOOD LAND NEAR railroad and Columbia river. Reason- labia at $1,000. A. J. Smith, Mayger. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP. NICE YOUNG horse, sound and gentle to ride or drive. 139 Portland boulevard. HORSES, HARNESS. WAGONS, 5e2 today. West 180 Water st. 1 to 6 144 Front St., all day Monday. FOR SALE NICE TEAM, BUGGY - and harness; will sell separata Sell wood 17. 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; A GOOD trade; fin location; lease. Alexan der Land Co.. 63 H 6th. near Pine. FOR SALE $20 twice fold bed, $11 parlor pool table, $14: gents' wheel, $7.60; dresser, $6.00. 184 Eaat 23rd. Phone East 1348. $20 OR LESS. CERTIFICATE WORTH $40, on any piano or organ at Reed French Piano Co. H. A. Shorey, R. F. D. No. 1, Lents. Oregon. FOR SALE 16-FOOT LAUNCH; MAKE a date to go out. T-468, Journal. ANY ONE GOING EAST CALL AT room 13 181 6th st FOR SALE TENT. 14X16. 10-OUNCE duck; good as new. Apply 1146 East 17th st North; A car. rub, cream massage; references. Park st. Paclflo 2611 EtECfRiC VAPOR BATH: 282 Hours, 10 A. M., ! P. M.; Sundays, 1-5. MAB- st, room sasa eleotrlcltv 146 Vt tt 26. DON'T bti DULL AND INACTIVE: 6xln Pills cur all weakness: 11 a box, 6 for 15: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, Port land, Or. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; seaisKin garments reayea ana re modeled; expert fitter; stlmats glvenj I lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phon Main Tina. MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hin. room 19 IT 11 ed- ner bldg, Phon Paclflo Itt. HOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. THE JOHN L. VESTAL - STOCK OF drugs haa been removed to 660 . Mil- wauaia eve., ztrooaiyn. M E t YIN THE BENSON BLDG., 191 Morrison St. cor. Fifth. J -a r . PHONE, MAIN 7146. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Free! NOTICE. HUNTERS! HAVE A FINE shooting proposition for this season; need two more members. Address C F. Richardson, 870 East 24th. PERSONAL CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modorn scientific methods; electric treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. L Howard. Com monwealth Diag.. etn st., cor, fine, TURKISH BATHS, 100 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladlea days, gentlemen nighta Main nos. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM- pauad; safe, speedy regulator: 26 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. ur. La f ranco, rniiaaeipnia. a. AN INTELLIGENT LADY WISHES T5 correspond with a middle-aged gen tleman: object, friendship. X-466. Jour nal. o"f a FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR, BALK BEST , BRED BOSTON terrier puppies on th coaat Sire, Champion Sportsman, dam Lady True B, ah by Champion Nobska II. Can be seen today In window at Beck's cigar store, corner West Park and Washing ton sta Owner and breeder, J. A. Beck, 610 Going st Phone Eaat 14. TWO THOROUGHBRED JERSEY oows, on fresh., 96 E. 10th. Phon E. 6606. FINE FRESH COWS FOR SALE AT 14 Front st, city. 1 FRESH COWS, GOOD' MILKERS. 46 E. Madison st rnone East 8991. FOR 6ALE YOUNG DURHAM COW, food milker, gentle, $26. 835 East h north. Alberta carv I Jersey cow, t calves, - 6 and . months: "extra stock.. L. C- Hanson. abov brick store. Base Lin road, Mt Tabor. Phon labor too. . WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE some nice lady that wanta home of her own: matrimony: don't uae liquor or tobacco. R-467. Journal. LADIES) ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known a best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chi chester Diamond Brand Tills are aold by druggists everywhere. ELDERLY LADY WISHES TO MEET gentleman over 60 iwlth home or in come matrimonially Inclined. G-467, Journal. MARRIAGE PAPER. PHOTOS. AD dresses. Complete; ready to corre spond. 25a Sullivan, 116 E. Market St., inaianapoiis, ma. Nemo Naganzi ' MYSTIC SEER. ' y'm y' Nemo Naaansl la th man of todwa. R la wnrlri famous for th manT Br dictions he has mad that hay coma to pasa Tells your nam, tell whan aal whom you wlU marry. Th test that thla man a-lvea la cosltlv DrOOf Of hi Strang and wonderful power. H la an enigma, standing alon tn a class by himself. He seems to reach th seoreta of one's very soul. Truthful ar th wnrda that coma from hls'llbSL . Would you like to know as to changes, travel, love, marriage, law, old estatea, will. dda. lost friends, minea real estate. patents, lnvestmenta. dlvoro, slcknees. as to whether you will mak money, a to whether, you wlU recelv a letter. i vnur husband, wife ar sweetheart la This la strictly a matter of business I im,t XV a will say. sea NagansL Ha An VAtir imrt tn Mali a mv ftfr imf, marrlaaraa aattlaa lnvara" . fffltr. , become famlilar with my SPIRITUAL re la, unites thos who ar separated. . v. ji. nviA. A uiu. ,u .u i u ,iui vv.nvs.M. FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE. On Of my CONSULTATION READ- IN US. Th abov CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free to every person who comes prepared to laae one oi my ceieDratea tfa.uu Jrsy chopalmo Readings for only tl.00) to aii who bring this paper aa. wise Is sufficient J? Because there Is no person In life that aoes not meet with trouble, in tne patn of life, which they cannot overcome without help. And you now hav the golden opportunity, WITHOUT PRICE, to consult one of the most SCIEN TIFIC OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS IN AMERICA this week. I know when I have demonstrated to you that I am en rapport with the MOST POWERFUL maa-netlsm. teaches th East Indian method of fascination. Low fee, 60c Cut this out and bring It with you. Remember th nam, 5 Nemo Nasranzi 141H 0RRI8ONESf:kCORinCR, OF Blm Bls-sarah of Bnara India, Gurtl of the Order of Branu Svarga and la- atrantnr nf (Wwliltiam. desires thOS in : trouble to call on him. Ha la a master SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE that can ad- 0?"Jh Invisible forces and thos who Zi'S Sfip.J21L .."- S U" epted tots -??r?l ?M?.J! iaii .r. -a. " ' . knowledge ns trorn miaery amyyi- cau and see -- poverty to plenty. No matter ' IE WMmit what your troubles mayba It wuiaost . iu riVMmmiiu you notning to consult oim t..a-r. I - inn u nriouTMnTnu m i1 . i tu, iiAouiiiuivi. w. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair- I essa ' 1 "as voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BU8I- A TTflRVTTVS xTTToa i vn itt. AWAi-oa rtrr i.tbtt. I aiJ,vnas whom you will marry, how to control r.l '.u. rI': "u. "vou" IK PIGGOTT. FINCH 4 BIGGER. ATTOR Vv,": .V.;aU. V.."- nevs at law. 4 Mulkey bldg, oorner cret power to control othera; no dlf- fHE PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL club solicits business from reliable people only: fin local list; strictly con fidential: unless fully of legal age don't apply. Mrs. ti. o.' wnour, 408 sa st. a car, Harrison LADY'fL RETURN TICKET EAST AS far as Kanaaa City. Good until Sept io. 18-47.- journal. WE WANT YOUNG LADIES AND widows to Join our social Acquain tance club.: Call on Mra Gray. 91 E. Eighth st, cor. Washington. S a. ro, to i n. m.: eunaavs. to i. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV English. French. Swedish and Italian diction ariea: foralm books of all kinds. Schmai Co, 221 First st . la tte.! MltrmiiL spanian. ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired resulta Tells you Just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain th best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; oom and recelv spiritual advice that wtll help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advertise to do, and a great deal mora. Office, Nos. 1 and 4, Grand Theatr bldg. '.,..- 352 1-2 Washington ot Phon Mala 1167. ' Th well known trumpet and trano mediums, wish to Inform th Spiritual ists and honeat Investigators that they will give spiritual consultation daily at their residence, No. : 111. Sixth street, from 10 a, m. to 6 p. m. . Trumpet se anoes and other personal demonstra tions to . privat parties by appoint mnt, - - ' - 111B1XTH ETREET, MAY ANDREWS. CARD RKADER.-AT v2S Main at 25a. Phon Main 751$. td and Morrison ta AUTOMOBILES . HOWARD M. COVEY, - Aaent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, CadiUao ana Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sta ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ' ARCHITECT--v. Plans and speolfloatlona; also building superlntendenca. - 1 '. - ' H. X kEFTt."ARCrittECT. Wfc' Exchange, room 411. ' - ACCORDION , DRESS PLEATIU MISS O. GOULD. tlT SWETLA1 bid --Accordion pleating and bu covered. - ART KmOi ldry h " ' - - THlfi NFf f'l.rf i- ; a. rr..v, a Wahir.t't st. 1: ' lns In' , i tO Qt:lvT. 1 t i ,' ' -. ,1k