The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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- E.1 feTrt & B . OK
MowmrsiM. mtapp$oa&, iv wowus.
Transfers Last Week Sur-
J passed Those' ol Sam
Week of Prerlous Years.
WMe Other Oowt Cltic Show Xe-
t ocmm la TrmmffTi Recorded for
, Sammer Seaoa PortlAnd Forge
: SteadUr Ahead oa Coutemtin
; Thla la th flull nhos ta th mKy
ntrlnt NrerthlaM the raoorfl of
; tranafera eontlnuca larga, aa thourh it
iwera th buaiaat and baa aurpaaaad
, the rtcorda of any prarloua year for tha
correapondlnr week. X let-up alwajra
- oooura at thla tlm of yaax, deaplta tha
. tact tbat it la tha moat farorabla tin
' to build. "
It la a qiiaer f act,", aald aa obaarr
lug bualnesa man during tha week, "that
Street work and building are alwaya
eavler In winter on the Ceaat I (up-
?oaa there are reaaona for It Perhapa
be archltecta like to reat and enjoy
themeelvee in beautiful weather, while
there la alao the faot that Oregon wln
tera do not, aa a rule, hinder contaruo-
- tloa a great deaL Indeed, it la agree
able moat of the time working out
doora la Oregon winter weather."
s , 1 Secreaaa Xa Other Oltlea.
Both la Loa Angelea and Seattle a de- i
. create in building and reoofde of trane-!
(era are below that of corresponding
tnontha in tile paat few year la ahown.
. Seattle , papera aay little about the
alump : that baa taken place in that
city during the aprlng and summer,
but XOS Angelea papera are not ao ee
cretive about real conditions, Saya the
Loa Angelea Times, Sunday. August 11;
! , ""While ; building operations in the
City have been going at a lively pace,
there has been a decided slackness in
this work, compared with a year ago."
Elaborate description of the clrcum
atancea which have brought on this
condition is gone in detail, but the
,' facts remain. ,
There is the additional fact that a de
V Crease in these statistics in cities grow
ing aa rapidly aa Seattle and Loa Ang-
lea ' U a serious condition. It is ao
recognised In Loa Angles and glvea
aufflctent reason for the papers to 'com-
meat upon it ao that real estate men
ma be aware of the real conditlona
and seek to provide a remedy Instead
of foolishly Ignoring the facta.
- r " Building Active to Portland.
But the story of building In Portland
continues. Something, lusts what, no
body . knows, i la , going to occupy the
Pennoyer block. . Excavations are in
progress for the new $160,000 Christian
association' building, on -Sixth and
Taylor atreeta. The gaa company baa
served 1 notice tbat It will . vacate its
quarters to make way for a modern
office buildings, while the big buildings
now underway are a revelation to any
observer. ' .'.'--v .
Handsome reeldencee are being plan
r,cd all the time- If one steps into any
srohitect'a ofnc;be aees eihibltd blue
i i ints of all ' klnda of . homes to be
J.iiUt in the near future. A glance at
I-.? r'l estate and industrial eltuatlon
ul rcvcftl rfany Indications that tend
to l'r out the prediction that tha ap
" r.roachins- f 'i will have many-wonderful
euriri-s for an already marvel
ous re;U e.!.-it rnsrkeL r f'- -
As lis l "n previoualy stated, . tha
r' irovem. t. us far aa resident prop--
j i- a i, U axjsU4 Utm
.j ii" K
? '
- h ;;j;'v.
the hills about the ettw Portland
heights property. Several companies
haa recently organised to prepare this
property and pat it on tha market
' Architect A, E' Faber- Is -preparing
the plans for a handsome nat to be
built at Halaey street and Orand ave
nue, and to coat 18,000. Tha exterior
will uresent the Snanish Mission af
fect The building will contain four
flats of six rooms each, Tha floors will
be hard wood. It will be completed
within SO days. Mr. raber la aiao draw
ing plana for another flat to be erected
at Twenty-secoad and Davis street this
aiae tne river. , , -
SpUsdid Ooraar Bay. V '
A 'local syndicate, com nosed of J. TX.
Hart J. H. Gibson. Charlea A. 'Mann,
E. W. Ring and Lewis Montgomery, in
reoorted lo have ourchaaed tha north
west corner or urana avenue- ana n.asi
Washington street from Joseph Healy
for 176,000. It Is a quarter block, on
which atanda a three-story erica ouiia
lng, bought by Mr. Healy three years
AM-n llrt AAA
, Work on 'the' foundation of a three-(New
story (trick building wita oonoreie oaae
ment waa started this week on Haw
thorne avenue, between East Second and
Eaat Third atreeta The coat will be
about $16,000. Construction haa also
been started oa the annex to the Holy
Names academy. . East oaa ana icasi
Twelfth street The annex will face on
East Oak and will coat altogether about
B. M. Thompson Is also planning to
establish a bank in Albina. It will be
S-atorv brick affair and will be jocaiea
in' tha rrawlni business district in the
vicinity of Shaver street and Mississippi
avenue. This will be the third bank for
Albina. which , la significant ana ex
pressive of the growth of business in
that part of the eaat siae.
The Swedish people are alao going to
build church on Rodney avenue and
Stanton street, in Albina, to cost st.vuv.
The authorities at Columbia university
are planning to erect a echool for girla
at University Park In the near future.
Two years ago tne rorusna xiaro-
wood Floor company waa Incorporated
for $5,000. The principal parti
ifrMtaH were F. Delano. Paul Ze
and John Olson, The company's plant
located at Montaviua. August , jr.
Ykaiann. . brother of F. Delano pur
chased the interest of Mr. zeawica
which will lead to a reorganization oi
tha firm.
HaVU Seoures roar &ots.
ParHsh. Watkins & Co., have aold to
Charlea EI. Hall four lots on the north
side of Market street, oetween rront
and Water streets, for $21.000.. The
nmnartv wu owned bv Mrs. Truesdale.
Tho nronertv la under lease and is oc-
cuoied by frame buildinga. At the and
of the leaae, however, the buildings wm
be razed and modern etructurea ereoted.
That will be within the next two years.
w4iii.m u riavia formerly city at
torney, has purchased a valuable corner
at Fifteenth and Ralelgn atreeta or J. c.
Ainsworth and John Bapk for $1$,000.
Knapp A Mackey negotiated the sale.
The property adjoins other property
Johann Poulsen, of the Jnman-Poul-
an T.umlwr comnanv. Will UU11U
7 nnn -...M.nna at Kamt Ninth and Eaat
Multnomah atreeta. Mr.- Poulsen U also
having a garage built on Eaat A entn
between Multnomah and Hasaalo.
Henry Friea, of Wakefield, Frtes &
Co., will build a two-stery mattress fac
tory Immediately at Fifteenth and Thur
man atreeta. The contract wasa to
WAK'oGLowUl build "a',f 10.000 -Jjss'tf
dence at Slxteentn ana toues ""
Dr W E Ewta brought the "W f, iMurfiWent to provide ad
raar ir Bast? Seventh and Pacific tely for the demands put upon it
t w OTamnM KOBDD f Of I SaCB oar. ;
streeta from. Mrs; Florence Knapp for
$8,000; Marlon Macjae ,, nf"
Ba V wm Improve guild lng,
Moy Back Hln, Chinese consul, took
out a permit to make repairs to bis
property on Second, between - ewunou
and Main streeta, to coat $ 10,000- -
Twenty-five lots adjoining CTkrlook
in the Or is wold tract have been "Wold to
R 1. Junr hv K S. Dalv for $86,000.
The property belonged to tha Espey es
tate. . ,-'.-
John Douglas, of Victoria, B. C re
cently purchased E. L. Thompson's resi
dence at 'Twenty-second and - Xxvejoy
atreeta, for 119,000. r;-;
-The United States National bank has
disposed of its property on the north
west corner of East Twenty-third and
Pacific streets to A. A: Shlelda through
tha agency of Matt & Von Borstal, also
the northewest corner of East Twenty
y h ad . f acuta atreeta, to , George
v.r.: ' cftitcott . suxday
' Mfp. i 1 1 1 nil ii i iMJMWHWBW"
1 nif
J&iz(p.j?imtzcD coxcms
Eesidence District Continues
to More Towards Hills
Back of Qty.
Chrtetlan Assoc tatlon Bnlldlnx
Wfll Prore Wedge of Progreaa ta
District Heretofore Devoted Ex
clagfreljr to Department House.
' . : i'
In the opinion of those who closely
watch realty and Industrial movements
and attempt to determine their bear
ing on the future of development of
the city, tha excavation begun last week
by C, J. Cook eo, at Sixth and
Taylor atreeta. Is an especially signif
icant one. Tha dead line of stately, an
tiquated residences that has so long for
bidden tha Invasion of business has
fallen to make way for the new, mod'
era home of tha Christian associations.
It is only a step but a premonition of
what Is to coma. . .
For a great many years tha district
south of Morrison and west of Fourth
street has been restricted hv these
tau apartment nouses defying the in
trusion oi tne retail oistrict, much to
the detriment of the eltv. Now bow.
ever, the first opening la made and a
continuation of the movement In that
direotion la earnestly expected, it is
true that tha Y. M.-T..W. C. A. build
ing is not a buaineaa block or office
building, yet It la a, start and consld
Sr,'? n important one. The Portland
Dally Abstract Wednesday, in speak
ing of this advance, said: 5,It will re
veal the steady encroachment of busi
ness and public building upon what
has been for yeare a residence center,
It will mean tha end nt n am an
and the baginning of the new." .
At Fifth and Yamhill streets on tha
property new occupied by a small build
ing in wnicn
are the offices of tha
Portland Gaa
comnanv a new nff tea.
ouuaing or tne latest type la to be er
euiou. inis is a buaineaa block In
every way modern and marks another
step toward -the Invasion of the resi
dence district an nearlv arf1ln ,Vi
wu.i,oo ivrnun ox -tne city.: - -
. For many months rumors have been
circulated to the effect that the block
Duunuvu oj r mn, - oaimon, sixth and
layior streets, now occupied by a resl
dnca la being held for a new federal
building. It haa lons been knawn that
the present facilities in the old post
office building opposite, the Portland
Aaalnlt la also known that tha
house cannot last many years and it
is likely that that structure- will ha
rebuilt on property farther removed
gron the present site to where prop
erty Is lees valuable. Thaaa, ao! ll
examples of a oroaress nnthv, i
the, steady evolution of a new Portland,
-li (ia ri J 1 1 1 i s , , :
4; i, Tredway , Leaves Weston. C'r 1 4;
(SpecUl mspateh to The Jnwsst I
Weston. Or.. Aua. 17. Th watn
normal faculty la to lose Charles .Tred
way, teacher of etenography and man
ual training, he having accepted a posi
tion at . the stats normal at
Kansas- Tho work here in stenogrsohy!
typenni-iiaL .u-viun;)in ? will OS
taken bJ Donald P. Mitchell an th.
manual training by John Mather. .-
Vnirtah .' and Turkish ., iftilni la
Szaacra haa-fialat4 aUiaa. Matagar'a.
jou:;:ut. i o:;tland. Sunday, morning, aucugt
J - ' -
Market Expected to Drop
Heavily With Increase
in Freight
portland mill owner
has Lowered rate
Decrease Expected to Beach Five
- '
Dollars Pet 1,000 Feet for Com'
xnon Kongh Variety Kerlval of
Home Bunding. Expected.
A tumble of t par 1,009 feet for
common rough and $5 to $0 for finish
lng lumber la the startling rumor that
Is going the rounds among builders, as
a result of the increase of freight rates
on aaatbound lumber by tha tranacon-
tlnental lines. A revival of home build
lng and a tremendous fall and winter
building movement Is being predicted
by archltecta and builders.
There are architects who declare the
people of Portland and tha whole north'
west ahotUd "ahaka hands with Hani
man," for tha lnoreaae of 10 cents par
100 pounds in tha aaatbound transcon
tinental lumber rata They declare the
? resent lumber rates or 40 ana so cents
o the ' eaat are far and away below
the rates on the earns commodity west
ward. Oak flooring and all hard wooda
for building from the middle west to
Oregon consumers pay a freight tariff
of $1.10. It la aald by local builders
that the more profitable the eastern
lumber buaineaa becomes for the Pa
cific coast manufacturer the more ex
pensive becomes lumber for the home
people on this coaat
The printed price Hats of the Port
land lumber mill combination for the
last three years are produced to show
that in proportion aa tha eastern mar
ket haa been built up for Oregon lum
ber, the manufacturer In Portland
have raised prices to Portland consum
ers to an enormous extent Common
rough lumber, the basing grade, waa
selling to Portland buildera in 1904 at
$8.60 per 1,000 feet and tha mills were
making money at that price
Cost of Lumber Xnoreaeed.
Today the same rrade of lumber Is
tig to the Portland builder. No. 1 fin-
ishlna- lumber, such aa floorlna. celling
ana otner varieties, wnicn waa aeuing
at $2$ in 1804, now costs the Portland
builder $33. No. 2 finishing lumber waa
$20 and now is $2. No. 3 finishing
lumber waa $12 and ie now $21. Shin-
ales that three years aeo cost the Pa
cific coaat housebullder $1.66 are now
is. Biabwooa wen, tne public la not
certain what, that luxury costs, but it
is around $4 per dump load whereas it
could be had in plenty three years ago
at $1.60 per load.
The archltecta and builders who deal
directly with the manufacturers and
keep in close touch with the meaning
of every rise or fall of the lumber mar
ket declare that the present hlah prices
are the result solely of the low freight
rate ox to cents per loo reet that the
Pacific mlllmeu have been enjoying for
the hauling. ox their, products to tha
abled them to dispose of their surplus
ie nricea to racine coast
consumers, It la said the local price
will be what tha eastern market oava.
minds the coat of transportation, if the
correct eoonomio prinoipie of supply and
uemana is xouowea.
Combine WU1 Be Basted.
If the freight rate for hauling this
lumber to the middle west market ia
raised- $8 Per 1,000 It will not-only
lower the pries of lumber to Pacific
coast consumers but will "bust the com
bine" that is said to have existed lo
cally for some years and there Vwlll i be
real eompeti..on between Portland and
nearby mills not in the combination.
Already one nearby mill haa quoted to
a Fortiana arenitect a sensational cut in
the scale of prices for building lumber,
and a crash of the market la imminent
that will make all prospective home
buildera get busy. This mill offers to
lay down in Portland first class lumber
at tne ionowina prices: nougo common
avtul lumber tl
instead . of the pre-
valllnr local orice of . $17! No.
dried flooring $20, instead Of the pre
vailing iz at iocai-muis.-.
Mr. X. O. Bead Bow WltP the Beed-
: yreaoh Piano Oo,:';'':,';.i'K--S
Mr, Bert Heed, for ' more than seven
years associated with the Allen-Gilbert
Piano company,, this city, has been ap
pointed by the 'executive board of the
Reed-French company their western sec
retary. - The Reed-French Piano com
pany within one abort year has demon
strated a first-clase piano can be aold
for a comparatively small amount 4 Un
til recently retatfere -asked $400 ; and
over for a a-ood ciano: Reed-French com
pany sell the same grade piano for $809
and make no bones about special dis
counts. - Their fall style Reed-French
Is a marvel of beautv and they ask 3210
for it 410 down and M znoath , -ji
Eicayatlons Are Besrun for
Unique and Costly Resl- -
dence for L. J. Wilde.
B. N. Bockenberry it Co, architects,
have been awarded a oontract for a two-
story double residenos for Louis J.
wilds, president of Home Telephone
company, that will be unique and dlf-
ferent from any horns la Portland. Thelrgc (inns that make castlron girders
Mnntln Vaa it.a a .v I anil haama that ara ntal In th. amallar I
foundataona are now being put la place,
It Is to be built on the site at Twenty.
second and Everett streets. Mr. Wilde's
plan ia so out of thr ordinary that It Is
worthy of special description
The site the residence will eooupy is
a full quarter block. 100 by 100 feet
The whole site will be surrounded by a
concrete wall with brick panels, sur
mounted with iron posts, connected
witn : neavy logging cnama painted
green. The style may be described aa
aouiaern lauuornian. x ne exterior win
be partly shingled and partly plastered.
with a finish la rough cedar. No paint
will be used - on the , exterior. The
plaster will be straw tmted.
. The chimneys and piera to the ver-
anaas win oe bunt ox ciihker brick.
Each veranda will be supplied with per-
goias, or open spaces,
hroua-h which
vines may be
a trained.
The floors- and
steps to the veranda will be laid in
raecolith. A combination of atalna pre
senting green, dark drab and silver gray
will be applied to the shingled gablea.
To complete the appearance the houae
will be roofed with boards two feet by
six Inches, laid It lnohes . to the
weather. .
There wm be 14 rooms, seven on a
side, and the house will have a concrete
basement The - kitchen will not be
plastered out sneatned and ceiunriesa
with exposed beam a The fireplace will
be of dull green tile The Interior will
be fitted up v with all modern appoint
ments. Including Are hoses - with out
side attachment and without doubt
Home telephones, A r ara re will alao be
Duut on tne property in tne same atvie
as the residence, all is cost in the neigh-
oornooa oi xs.vuv,
Till 1 1 Tl tlTTVOfD A T)T3,T I
Much Interest Aroused Orel" Public la
Announcement That Concern Will
i ? I
Vacate Present Quarters.
A great deal- of interest has been
aroused by the - public announcement
that the Portland Oaa company will va
cate its present quartan to make way
for the erection ' of a modem office
building on the- property at Fifth aad
Tamhlll ' street ' It has not been an
nounced definitely how large the' new
building. Is to be out it is expected it
will be at least six stories high and
perhapa eight -i f ;-,
The gas company, will move into the
present quarters of the Wells, Fargo A
Co., at Fourth and Tamhlll, while tha
express company expeots to move into
the Fargo skyscraper at an early date.
The inside finishing of the latter struc
ture will i be completed- - so that, the
building can be occupied within a few
weeas. ....--.
The Portland Oas company .will oo
cupy the entire lower floor of the new
building at Fifth and Tamhlll atreeta
when it is completed, it is not known
what ' the materials will be, but It is
thought that plana are now being dis
cussed ana woraea out oj axcnitects, - f
On the steamer Beaver, to Lewis river,
under auspices of St Joseph Aid- so
ciety, Sunday. August 25, 1907. .-Steamer
leavea Couch street dock at l a. xo.
sharn. Adult Uckets Ii eenta. t.
is ico7.
V' '""Hi
V- in
Few Realize Ontslde of Those
Actually Interested Just
What Is Going On.
f . m. ,
All steal beams and parte that go to
make up the steal JTrame of the largest I
buildings la Portland are shipped from
eastern points, usually Pennsylvania..
However, there are la, Portland several
J high-grade buildings such as the Ma-
sonib Temple, now nearly oompleted, oh
upper. Tamhlll streer aad the Lenox I
notei, tne iron xor wnicn was suppiiea
under contract by the Phoenix iron
worka This factory, located oa Haw
thorne avenue, makes Its own castlron
frames and employs a force numberlnx
aooui men.
. " . afhlpped ta Qaaatltles.
'The material for thla work Is shipped
In large quantitlea - from British Co
lumbia, although . some crude iroa is
shipped from the east Cement and
brick which : cannot be secured in
America must be had from Europe and
in oraer to maae up a run cargo cruae
iron ie put in. The iron industry in
Portland la really an extenalve one and
beyond the knowledge of many resident
In fact aa inspection of many industries
In Portland would reveal wonders worth
going to see. Many people know very
uttie ox wnat ia aone in roruana xac-
tnHeaaV :
Tae lnduatrr carried 'on by tha CItv
steei jron woncs is not a smau one.
They .make smokestacks for school
buildinga iron tanks for breweries, and
tne tire escape ousiness atone ia a com
prehensive one. Most fire escapes used
on Portland's tail buildings are made In
tnis city. , -", .;' ;!."
-' . atod Iron Xa
Local easting companies make a rood
deal of rod iron, but all the rolled ma
terial comes from San Francisco. This
latter is used In the construction of oil
tanks and. the City Steel A Iron works
nave manv contracts from the railroads
for oil tanks. These tanks are placed
In the tenders and carry the petroleum
usea now aunoat exclusively ror ruei.
Petroleum is also used now extensively I
In the office buildings for heating and 1
the manufacture of special tanks for I
the petroleum is no small business of a
company manufacturing xrom iron. i
. A , number of the most up-to-date)
glnes that burn petroleum and a special
fankfor- that kind of engine is neoes-
11.. tk. ..-4M... I
number of opportunities. The construe-1
tion or large conveyors tnat carry saw-1
dust to tha furnaces In th hi fnmhar I
mills, Is an Industry requiring consider-
able attention -and ia a large part of
tha bnslnnaa if aiieh flrma aa l(. nn..
nung & Fickr company, known as thelnlenees that will improve those offices
City Steef ATiron works. M. ? .."' I in the way of increased space. -
fiw iron ana cone is lmoortea almost i
entirely from Belgium, although some
iron comes from England and Scotland. I
it comes many times aa oanast in sail-
ins- vessels which call at thla, oort tn i
load wheat and lumber. It Is cheaper J which approaches rapidly as Christmas
than in the inland towns -and on that (grows near..'- -W--' - ' :" - J
account affords an -opportunity for al it la. iv a matter of lime when a
rood p:
ropean oroduot la used almost . .
Kliialvatv .. . , i-i-V. - i
!" : - '-.:"' - -v. j l
i i t xiAUifiu Mjjjii wxiia i i u -
; ; ERECT $10,000 ; FLAT
j-v'v f 'f ' -- .,4'irJw---.i'.
- -c-'k-
' -
Mra, Beames Bnlltog . Handsome I
. I. - . -
1AH1U1B JTlaVi tw VOSC,:90,UUU
'; When Completed. '
William laettsee haa begun the erec
tion of a $10,000 flat on Market street
between Fifth and Sixth streets. The
iimm wu.n'oii jivii wiwiwr una ug M oi the ieaerai-government m t
European produ JThen the Amertcan j city. ' Considerable Interesting epecu-
i.M, i t-virTVihJhW current regarding the plans
can pig Iron is very high snd the Eu-1 n ii,. .n,mni nH from time to
building wiU be a 'four series. L two-hial
story flat ad of frame eonstruotloa. '- igas blUi-.x3.v,.kvv-..,.:.:s. :
cSAlffCW c?7hr
Changes on Lower Jb loor of
-wej . - . v wa . a we. ttttii
Federal Building Will
Benefit ETerybody.
Langford Walker Secure Contract.
t Stamp Room for Corridor on Yam
hfll : Street Slde-New Mailing
Windows Abel Planned, v
Postmaster John W. Minto received
word last Wednesday that the bid of
Langford A Walker for alterations te
the first floor of the post office build
ing had been allowed. Work: of tearing
out partitions, installing new rooms
and 'adding other features that will
greatly facilitate the handling of the'
rapidly growing business of the office
will begin at once. It Is expected the
contractors will have laborers , ready
to perform this work as soon as the
bond has been accepted and properly
filed' at Washington. " "
Vew Stamp Boom. ,
There will be changes mads that will
not only be of .great help to the
ployes but also to the public
room will be built In the conarTbr on
Yamhill street aide -that wm greatly
relieve those who are now compelled
to wait In line at the only two windowe
now available for this purpose.
New mailing windows will also be
installed ' for the ' convenience of the
public. ' They will be plaoed on a hinge
arrangement and be used as distributing
windows on Sundays. The main corri
dor of the building will be available
for this puapose thereafter so that the
public will not be obliged to stand In
the rain should there be a desire, to
secure mall on Sunday.
More Boom Bjeeured.
The front nartitlons Irk tha reeiatry
department will be torn out and movea
forward increasing the ; space in that
ilarnrtm.nt In 1lttl fol, Thtrt Will
be many minor changes made in the
mailing aepunmom v mat wi s'"-'
exbedlta the handling of mail. There
will alao be changes made in the oiricea
of the postmaster and Assistant ust-
lmutM J, J. Bhinlev and Other COnVS.
There ware rour-otner contracting
firms who bid on .the .Work besides
Langford A Walker, The alterations
win post 14.800 and will be rusnea in
nrii t ta read v for tha busv season
new buUding wUl be required for the
..j ...t.t,i. ita" ar
unw iuiuibw wu,!"" . -,,
innitt ah tna niimuL .
' Mrs A. R
ture will col
000 and whei
A. Reames is building n ai-
doubie , nat on tne wmm v
nd Beech streeta -rne truyy
enat between 14.000 and $5,-
nnn ... iTinitii'wni be one ox
t.r..t.tVt.rM. - ita kind i
in that part of the city.
.A. 8, Kosenthal has oegnin tneerec;
tin,, a 14.000 residence on Marshall ,
street between Twenty-first an&iwen-
ty-second streets. - x vX-
mu. c nl ,1 Mrntmn nil T
en out a permit to build a coal dpei
on Eaat Water street, between Eaat Sal
mon and East Taylor. - The Improve
ment will cost about $5,000. -i .
"rt... .. .V. a ftlll, tt will : UA h. 'lilt -
t racaivl diieou a ut aide "