The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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" ( , , - t -V '
Women's Wash Petticoits, of a good quality , ging
ham, in assorted colors; made with deep flounces and
trimmed with tucks and'nntles; as, good a aQw
$1, value as we ever offered; special ....... . I j
Womenli.WMte Lawn
Aprons, made rood, full size,'
with fxckets and , lafrge ties ;
aprons that sell regularly at
35c each 5 ' , - '-v; OT.
special price . . . . . . . . f C
Children's Full Front Boh-
nets, an assorted lot trimmed
with lace, embroidery and
ribbon. Divided into two lota,
$2.25 qualities 39V AA
$2.60 to $4.60 grades .. 5J OC
i '
FiPTHv.Vfflsisimi knars
- -- - . - ' - -w- sj m sb M m s ss h .
Prevent catching cold and keep your body healthy
by wearing this famous sanitary Underwear. Absorbs
all perspiration and modifies the temperature so that
it is almost impossible to catch cold when wearing
these garments. , We have a special agency for the
men's garments, and are sole agents for .this make in
Women's Underwear. Ask our salespeople to show
you the advantages of the Deimel Linen Mesh Under
wear. Combination or two-piece suits. V
The Summer Housefurnishings
A determined, decided closing out of aH lines of snmmer house needs,
priced so low that it is a good investment to buy now for supplying next
summer's wants. Among the list you will find: ,
Refrigerators, sold reg. fan AA
at $8.10, special $O.UU
Regular $22.50, special . . . ,f 16. TO
Regular $25.20,special . . ..f 19.28
Regular $29.10,' special ,. . . .f 22,10-
All other sizes and prices redacted
in like manner. Twenty tlies and '
styles to choose from. ,y ,, ",'
Jelly Glasses, well finished,- clear
glass, with smooth tops, ' '
special, each
Paraffine, for sealing 1A.
and preserving Ivt
Mason Fruit Jar Rubbers, Ql
per dozen ...v. Oy
Mason Jar Caps and Rub- Oft-
bers, per dozen C3K
Ice Cream Freesers, Jem or Light
ning make, best quality, triple mo
tion models.
'2-qt size; $L90 value 9149
;3lt;We,-$2S value ...... f 1.05
.4-qVsixe,$275 value ...,..$2.00
.'A large stock of Mason and Eco
nomic. Fruit Jars, in pint, quart and
half gallon sues.
Xlbbey Cut Glass in choice cut
tings, extra quality. A superb as
sortment on display in our Crys
tal Room. '
Warble Statuary, French Vases,
HivUand China, Ornamental Bric-a-Brac,
several lines for fall now
on display.
There's insistent imperative need for quick selling now. We are right at the thres
hold of fall business. Immense shipments crowd our basement to overflowing, and
summer stocks must be swept trom the shelves to make room for autumn merchan
dise, of which we will have more to say later. Plain facts set to pleasing figures
speak eloquently here of our need for room. In nearly, every department in the
house bargains of unusual merit greet the shopper who comes to trade money for
merchandise, and these small prices are on regular, sterling grades that have made
this house synonymous with quality. And better than any of the lots here men
tioned are the other lines which are so few that they must go unadvertised. Take
this advertisement as a promise of what you will find, and come expecting more.
You will find much more.
Rare Savings in Small Wares
, -W : ;
Celluloid Dressing Combs, large
size- and all colors; regu- OA
lar value 35c, special, each..UC
California Cream of Lemon, for
tan and sunburn, value 25c 1 7.
the tube, special .
Willow Cold Cream, regular 1 0
value 25c a can, special .....IOC
St Regie Violet Talcum Powder,
special price, ti
the can..... JC
PinaucTs Sapho Toilet Water, vio
let and carnation odors; regular
price $1.00 the bottle,
Witch Haael, 8-oz. bottles, J
regular value 19c, special,.. ItC
O. W. & K. Linen Lawn Pound
Paper, regular value 35c 9fl
the pound, special JC
Linen Envelopes to match pound
paper; value 10c a pack- Jn
age, special I C
Fancy Crepe Paper Napkins, regu
lar value 15c per 100, 1 A
special, the 100 IUC
Wax Paper.' ip roll of 24 sheets
each, special price. A -
the-, roll ............. tC
Box Paper, white linen finish, reg
ular value 25c a n
box, special llC
Dress Shields, light summer weight,
sizes 2, 3 or 4, special, A
the pair IUC
Shell Hair Pins, 3 on the
value 15c the card,
Black Darning Cotton, on
spools, special, 3. spools for,
Stocking Darners, with han
dies, reg. value 5c, special ,
Pants Hangers of wood,
reg. 15c value, special ;
Another Unusual Value in the
Wash Goods
A Monday's sale of tremendous proportions ; a closing out of
hundreds and hundreds of yards of decidedly desirable wash fab
rict in choicest desirns. tint silk and cotton mixtures, fancy
prints, silk warp etamines, dress linens and fancy jacquarda.'
lneyre regular ouc, ouc ana voc quauaes; your unxc- JC
stricted choice, beginning Monday, the yard. 9C
Terry Cloth 25 pieces on sale
tor Monaay; comes in wmte
or cream: 18 inches wide, a
reg. 15c quality;
special, the yard
Table Damask Fine quality
full bleached satin finish, two
yards wide, regular value $1.15
5aft 90c
Fall, Goods 500 pieces of new
arrivals in Fall Flannels.
They're from the best, manu
facturers, and representing the
very smartest novelties; the
famous "Viyella" Flannels,
English Blousings, French
Flannels, Scotch and Domestic
Waistings, etc, in stripes and
check designs, or in plain col
orings ; price from 25c
a yard to . . , . . . ........ tDl
Ginghams Hundreds of yards
and dozens of patterns, plaida,
checks and stripes, worth 15c
to jloc tne yara;
special . .
' f
Galatea Cloth New "patterns
for fall, cadet, navy and light
grounds, in striped, figured or'
dotted designs, also in. plain
colorings,- the
we a Third to a Waff m lace Cartaim and Eortiems
PORTIERES Rcddt Ridiculous Reductions on all Tapestry Portieres in
one pair 1013. ouuic ui mc musi ucsuituic pdncius tuu 4 utili
ties, the very best on our shelves, but odd lots of one and two pairs each, and
rnust be sold at these unheard of prjees to effect immediate riddance. Not one
pair of these oddments to be spared." This drastic closing out takes in every odd
pair of portieres in our portiere department from the very modest ones up to the
richest hangings it is possible to secure. They came in many, styles, fringed or
corded, in beautiful plain colors or unusually attractive figured patterns in
contrasting colors and artistic blinds and shades. For-instance, there are sev
eral different lines of portieres regularly worth $2.75; one pair of a (IJ QC
kind; special y. . . ) 1 sO
Regular $ 6.00, special ... $4.25
Regular $ 7.50, special . .$5.25
Regular $ 8.00, special 85.50
Regular $ 8.50, special ...ftu.uu
Regular $ 9.00, special . . . . . .56.50
Regular $10.00, special .$7.25
Regular $11.00, special ..$8.00
J?eirular $12.50, special ......$8.50
LRegular $13.50jvspecial
Keguiar qio.uu,
Regular $35.00,
S 9.00
t $10.50
special ...$12.00
special . .....813.00
special , .814.00
special r .$15.50
special , $17.00
special $25.00.
Onnaltt Finish Gold Plated Clocks. 24 carat fine,
hand burnished; an ornamental little time piece
that sells refularlr at $Z50, CI fid
special Monday ....................... ) 1 OU
Pnrhaf Pfacrc
All leather covered Pocket Flasks, in crocodile,
seal and walrus leather, large or 1
small sizes, every one reduced ..AJ
IACF riiRTAING One and two pairs of a kind; come in Guny, Arabian
. , Renaissance, Irish Point and Brussels. On every pair
of this lot you save at least one-third to as high as one-half of the regular
price. There is a goodly assortment. They come in wonderfully rich and at
tractive designs, the mesh Brussels net, the richly patterned Irish Point, the
heavy Cluny patterns of exceedingly beautiful Renaissance and Arabian"
designs. The'; jrices:as:.foU9'wsi J ;; J
Regular $ 3.00, special
Regular $ 3.75, special
Regular $ 4.25, special
Regular $ 4.50, special
Regular $ 6.00, special
Regular $ 7,50, special
Regular $ 8.50, special
Regular $ 9.00, special
Regular $10.00, special
Regular $12.00, special
...8 2.00
...$ 2.50
...$ 25
...$ 3.00
. .$ 3.85
...$ 4.75
. . .$ 50
...$ 5.75
...$ 6.00
...$ 7.00
Regular $12.50, special ..
Regular $13.00, special . . .
Regular $15.00, special
Regular $16.00, special
Regular $17.50, special
Regular $20.00, special
Regular $22.50,
Regular $25.00,
Regular $35.00,
Regular $37.50,
special .. M ..... . .$13.00
special ........... 815.0O
special . . .'. .$18.00
special $20.00
$ 8.25,
$ 4.50,
$ 5.00,
$ 6.00,
$ 7.50,
$ 8.50,
$ 9.50,
And the two pah lots at prices like this :
Aft I T f.
special ,.........,$ 3.35
special 8 3.75
special ..;'$
special ....;.....$
special ...
special .8.25
special ....!! 8.85
special , , . ,15 9.25
special $ 9.85
Regular $16.00, special
Regular $18.50, special
Regular $19.50, special
Regular $20.00, special
Regular $21.00, special
Regular $23.00, special
Regular $27.50, special
Regular $32.00, special
Regular $33.00, special
Regular $40.00, special
Regular $42.00, special
Regular $45.00, special ......... . .$30.00
iiuiiiiv . i (11.00
, ..! 513.00
: 000
fit Mm . . .OAlJ.VV
(I.. ...v....,
A' Sacrifice
Shoe Safe
An aftermath of the great semi-annual shoe sale that set the
town a talking. A three days' sale that includes some of the
finest bargains of the last two weeks. Strenuous selling has
depleted many lines. We are left with broken sizes in nearly
all lots offered in the two weeks' sale. Tremendous price
reductions are imperative now that we may at once clean out
all oddments and short lines. Read well these details of
splendid savings. , - -
LOT l-Shoes in regular lines, but the sizes are broken.
, Any of our regular $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 low shoes included in
this offer. Choose any pair in the lot d0 OQ
ymd pay us only pOiJ
LOT 2 Women's Low Shoes, in $3.00 and $3.50 grades. Any
' the Pingree Glorias, your choice at ......... i. .... vfcOU
LOT 3 DuBarryphigh shoes for, women, regular $3.50 values, and your choice of any women's 61 AO
$2.50 Oxford in the store, your choice , i ..-,.,.. ...plVO
LOT 4 Men's Shoes, regular cut or Oxfords, a lot
that embraces hundreds of pairs and practically all
I and widths. A superb assortment, a grand
fathering of- unusually good shoes, OQ
1 90.uu.ana 90.UU me pair, spcciBi aw. Y"r
Boys' and Girls' Shoes Reduced in Like, Proportion
LOT 5 Men's Shoes, and, tan high shoes, worth to
$5.00 the pair and unrestricted choice of all our
$3.50 and $4.00 .men's Oxfords. 1Q
Save on these at, pair ..t,,,.i...;...,...PJl'
men's HovelfyXWaisfsMll
Here is a bargain that every lover of dainty-i)odices in Portland
should share in. Made by the best manufacturers in the country
and of the very finest materials. They are wonderful examples of
the highest type of Wajst loveliness. They are fashioned by the
iands of experts, decorated with lace and medallions and 'Orna
ments of various sorts ; come in pink, light blue and, Ml V F
cream. Reg. worth $6.50 to $28.50. Your choice at ... .
WAISTS... 5". D
$8.50 rfo OCf
WAISTS... 50, ZD
$10.00 wffiis. $11.25
$25.00 . (MO CA
$23.50 (tl J r
WAISTS. 5 l.Zt)
Women's Suits, in charming Eton
models, come in stripes, checks and
mixtures, neatly trimmed and regu
larly worth $25.00; .
Women's Dresa Skirts, in , Panama
and alpacas: come in navy, black
blue and brown. Very swagger models
and values that tell reg. - Unit
a KO ntal t-hnirm" ' .