The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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: SuclT Is Governor Chamberlain's Opinion or irngatca
Section, Notwithstanding Fact That There Is Crying
NeMfor Transrt
Dtntopmwt Crook eouatys irrl-
aated aaottoa. - handicapped u It la
through the erring s4 of traaeporta
,tlon faellltlea, has erarthsleas shown
tremendous impetus daring- the put
:sar. and the whola of that region
undMrmtn & rold. remaraahlo I and
sleaaln tmaavoaitloa. - -v
' This to stibstanee la tha' aoaolualon
reaohed tf Qorernor Chamberlain, who
returned Jaat Blast from aa extenaea
tour of tespeotloii through the dletrlot
In aompaar the tin with
United Btatea ZXatrlot Attorney snatoi.
T. a. Neuhsueen. Joha T. Whietlar of
' MAiamatlmi ' asrrloa. and F. 8.
fitinlsr. secretary of tha Peachutea Ir-
pan 7, w
riMt(aa A Powap soiBtiuiT. which la en
gaged la irnnunc iuu.ouu aoraa - ox
Crook eountjr'e aaml-arld plelne.
Omnan lint Ylstt.
la Oovaraor Chamberlain's am
1 Crook count r ainoo ha want
'with athar members of tha etate land
oerd laat roar oa aa impaction trip.
Since that time tha amount of tha Ilsn
hold aaalnat tha
tha 00m Dan?
land whioh la balnf roclalmad under
atata aupanrleion haa been ralaad and
It waa for tha purpoaa of thoroughly
atata aupanrleion haa boon ralaad and
Invaatlaatlna- condition to determine
Whether tha preaent Han la too treat
that tha tour waa made laat weak. Thli
Waa alao tha purpoaa of tha rlslt of
tha government omoiaia, .
Governor Chambarlaln earns baok to
Portland throughly aatlafled with oon
dltlona aa he found them. Tha araateat
harmony exists between tha Deaohutea
Irrigation A Power company and tha
aettiara under their canals, ana mateea
of bains dlarruntled are plaaaed with
tha Increase la tha amount of tha Ilea
.afalnet tha land.
"The oorhnanr haa spent a tremend
ous amount of money in building Ita
Irritation worka," aald the rovernor laat
night, "and ao far aa I found they hare
compiled with thalr atata contract to
tha letter. I talked with doasna of
aettiara oa tha Irrigated landa and
found that tbey wara pleaaed with tha
Inoraaaa la tha lien price. Tha com
pany waa doing ita work there at a
financial loas and tha opinion waa ex
pressed by tha aettiara that they were
Clad If tha Ilea nrlce had been placed
at suoh a figure as would represent tha
cost of th Irrigation .work.
WIS SftUA kaserrolx.
'In addition to ita canal work, tha
company haa selected a site abora Bend
where it will construct a huge reser
voir for tha purpoaa of storing water
during tha winter la order to meat any
am erg-en cy whioh may arise during tha
Irrlratlna- eeaaon. , ..
"Tha whole oountry la developing
rapidly. There haa baea a tremendous
chance and Improvement elnce we visited
the section last year and tha growth la
steady ana auosianuai. it la a wonaer
ful country, full of unlimited posaiblu
tlea and tha irritation oomoany haa th
hearty oooperatloa of tha settlera la 1U
undertaaings. -
Oovaraor Chamberlain haa spent near
ly a -week la tha central part of the
state. Tha party left Portland laat
Saturday moralng and after leaving
Bnanmo rode through tna agency plain
to Madras, tbanoe south to Redmond
and Band through tha Irrigated sections
upon wnicn tna ueacnutea irrigation at
Power company Is at work. From Bend
a trip waa made across tha Deschutes
nto tha Tumalo baaln, where tha Co
umbla Southern Irrlratlnr company has
Dean at work on a aeareratloa or 10.000
acres of arid land.
Tha Columbia Southern oomcanv be
came Involved with tha atata land board
over a year ago relative to tha terms
of Ita contract and alnoa that time baa
dona practically no work. Dlatriot At
torney Brtatol and other government
ornoiaia ara at present making an in'
veati ration of the latter company's fail
ura to comnlv with ita arreement and
action will probably result In favor of
tne seiners.
Oovarnor Chamberlain anoka moouraav
ingly of tha wonderful crop of wheat
which haa been ralaad this year In the
vicinity or Maoras ana tnrougn tna way
ataca oountryi it la tna largest crop
In tha history of that oountry, but the
creat rood wnicn would naturally ac
crue to tha farm era who have raised
it la atuntad materially bv tha lack! of
railroad .faculties.
transportation Vaedad,
"They tall ma that ona small etri
bushels of
of oountry la going to produce 1,000,00
wheat this year." said th
executive. "It la a ahame that the
country wonderful possibilities should
ia roreea to surrer tnrougn tna iaca
f adequate tneana of transportation."
Mr. Bristol and T. B. Neuhauaen re
mained la Crook oonnty, aa did alao
plata thalr Investigation, which waa de
layed several days through thalr In
ability to leave Portland at tha aam
tlma that Oovarnor Chambarlaln de
parted. It la expected, however, that
hey will return hare within a few days
Tha Deaohutea Irritation St Powei
mpany haa completed practically tOO
miles of main canala and laterals in
order to cover ita serre ration, and at
present ia at wora zo muna east 01
Bend on a main canal, which will fur
nish water for another area for which
application for patent haa been made.
Patriotic Brotherhood of Liberty Defenders Want to Ee
. yise Oregon Constitution and Eepeal Initiative
: and Referendni Measures.
comromv txzbo Jn covox na
. orm pat ajtd anaxr. s
Btaaat from 11 a. at, ta p. n,
. Chlokaa 8oup with Noodlea
Sliced Tomatoes .........
Salmon Salad Mayon'naisa 1 1 . 2
med Rasor ciama.....4
Pried Shad.... ...............1
rnea iiaiiDut.
Fried Tenderloin Of Sola, Tartar
Half Cracked Crab....i. !
Boiled Mackerel, Drawn Butter....:
Boiled Beef, Plokle Sauce :
Frloaaaaa of Chicken, with Dump-
flmalf Tenderloin Steak, Spanish. . .25
Fried Calves' Brains, Brown Butter 2 K
Stuffed Ball Peppers... 20
Cold Ham. Potato Salad..... 20
Veal ' Sausage, . Maahed Sweet Pc
tatoaa 254
Baked Pork Bpara BJba, sago
1 irs.iin w ........-...........j
Minced Ham and Scrambled Egg.
Stuffed Breast or veal.
Stewed Codfish. Family Style......
Corned Beef Hash. Poaohed Egg...
Beaf Stew and Vegetables
Pork and neane
Apple Dumpiin
Side Order Apple Dumpllnra
Half Sprint; Chicken. Fried
Roast Chicken and Dressing....... 3
a....... l
Roaat Pork ana pressing...
Rout Veal and Dressina?. ........ .
Roaat Beaf, Brown Gravy... ......15i
Roaat Lamb with Jelly....
Oreen Corn on tha Cob............ 5
Fried Egg r-iant u
New Potatoea la Cream
Sweet Potatoea
Siloed Peaohe and Crsam
Coffee. Bread and Butter and Potatoea
with all meala
Patron ofthe Sport and the
Grim Guardian of
the Track.
Friend of All Who Were In the Sport
for Sport's Sake, Whether Opulent
or Impecunious HI Death Sur
prise and a Shock.
AjanuoAjr KBTAtrmajrT,
Corner .Third and Couch St a.
Sinner from 11 a. ta. to p. a
Benton County School Fair
to Eclipse All Previous
(pedal Dtopatcb e Tne Tearaat)
Corvallla, Or., Aug. IT. Sixteen hun
dred dollara Is to be given away In
prisea for the big All-Bentoa county
school fair that begJna In thia city Au
gust 29, continuing three days. Thou
sands of people are preparing to attend.
A parade of all the school children in
Benton county will bo a feature. Gov
ernor Chamberlain and united Htates
Senator Fulton will be anions the
speakers. Thera will bs many- other 4
pienaid reatures mat wiu mini me
fair the area test event aver held In
Benton county. Thera will ba the best
merry-go-round on tha coast, balloon
ascenslona and Innumerable other
thlnga of interest.
The streets of this city ara to be es
pecially lighted with electric lights in
red, white and blue, preparatlona for
which, have been In progress for some
weeka. Tha Illumination will ba very
brilliant, as tha Willamette valley
company la donating tha work and the
"juice" ror tna display.
isveryone in Ben ion county, as wen
as many others throughout tna state.
will ba interested in tha splendid 11st or
prisea hung up by the fair committee.
HtgV sounding la name and revolu
tionary la tha objects it seeka to ao
eompllah, tha Patriotic Brotherhood of
Liberty Defandera waa launched upon
tha political aea of Oregon yesterday
Whan Ita trustees applied for articles
of Incorporation. Termed a political
society, tha members will endeavor to
revise tha constitution or uregon, do
awav wlthr the initiative and referendum
and wipe off all tha "prohibitive and
laaiva laws
avar paaaed by- tha
at 1
The trustees who applied
aeration papers ara
for lneor
Reld. who
presides over tha Portland Justice court;
Adoipa f. rrasu wno presn
kaloon: owned bv Prasil &
Fourth street, and Cecil Q. Applegath, a
& Co., at 149
aon-ln-Iaw of Praail.
Mot omy doea tna
eoclety aaek to
down all tha blue lawa and open the
way for unrestrained aelling of- liquor,
Jmt la antl-rellrloua In Ita beliefs. Re
lgion must have no place with tha gov
ernment, aay tha liberty defenders, al
though they failed to make clear Just
what particular part In tha government
religion at . present nlays. Patriotic,
liberal and progressive government will
result if tha voters of Oregon take up
tha burden of tha Patriotic Brotherhood
membera by
of Liberty Defenders.
"We will have 60,000
next spring," aald Mr. Prasil laat night
"Tha aoclaty will ba a fraternal broth
erhood and will carry alck and accident
benefit We will put an end to these
blue lawa and restore liberty to tha
"There la nothing that will ever atop
thia movement onoe It la started. I
have made a careful study of tha ques
tion for five years and know that we
have hit upon the right way of secur
ing.', the chan res wa want Tha people
ara tired of tha way affairs are being
run and - want to exercise their own
rights on questlona tha$ concern them
"This Is a political society." contin
ued the liberty defender, "and we will
stop all this foolish legislation that
has been going on in this state. Our
constitution la all wrong and the liberty
defendera will set it right There will
be no mora blue lawa and the Initia
tive and referendum will be thlnga of
the past"
Then Mr. Praail explained at length
and several other waya what he thought
of the manner In which legislation had
been conducted in Oregon In the past
In the future whatever measure doea
not meet with the approval of the mem
bers will ba repealed and the propa
ganda win iaae tne rorm or me irenen
appeal to reason as set down by Mr.
trasn last mgni.
(Special Dlfpates te Tbe JoarnaL)
Boise, Ida., Aug. IT. Word has Just
been received here from Denver that
George H. Shoaf, who represented the
Appeal to Reason and other papers here
during the Haywood trial and who is
on a statutory
wanted In thia city
charre. haa left the Colorado capita
and ordered his mail sent to Glrard,
Kansas. It was at first reported that
ha had been located at Denver and
would ba held thera till an Idaho off!
cer could go thera after him and bring
mm to uois
(Heant Vews ky Ltegeet Leased Wtra)
New York. Aug. IT. Robert Allan
Plnkartoa, head of tha famous detective
agency and ona of tha beat known d
teotlvee ia tha world, died on Monday
at aea, oa tha liner Bremen.
Tha news waa flashed over tha cable
from Europe today when tha North
German Lloyd steamer Bremen from
New Tork arrived off tha LI sard on
her way te Plymouth, Cherbourg and
The ahlo was naarinr Surona whan
"Bob" passed awav. He was bound
upon a long tour of the continent His
health had been bad for several weeka
and his physicians had told him
thought it waa not generally known-
that hla only chance for life waa to
give up work and ro abroad.
Ha tailed from here last Saturday
with "Florrle" Sullivan and a party of
politicians and sporting men.
He suffered from heart disease and
was going to Carlsbad and other Oer
man retorts in the hope of recovering
nia physical well-being.
It was hla 10th trln across tha ocean
Ha appeared to be In good spirits dur
ing the first few days after leaving
port. News Of his death came aa
great shock to tha thouaanda who knew
Friend of AU at the Track.
Especially did the race track crowd!
mourn him, for he waa their protector
and friend. There waa no more fa
miliar figure about any of the great
courses than "Bob" Plnkerton. He was
tha associate of millionaires and of
"pikers" and was as fair and cordial to
one aa to tha other.
Mr. Plnkerton't chief business in tha
laat few years had been to guard the
race track against crooked dealing by
trainers and Jockeys and to secure
safety and comfort for the crowds by
barring pickpockets and other crooks
from the stands and betting ring
But that work did not prevent him
from aotlng, with his brother, William,
aa head of the agency that bears his
name and keeplns in touch with its
many operations throughout the world.
Robert Allan Plnkerton was the son
Of Allan Plnkerton, acknowledged to
heve"been tha greateat detective ever
known. Hla mother waa Jean Carfrae,
daughter of a refugee from tha French
revolution. He waa born at Dundee,
Illinois, in IMS.
Idaho W. O. T. U. Convention.
(Special Diapatek to Tbe JearnaL)
Boise, Id. Aug. 17. The twentieth
annual convention of the W. C. T. U.
of Idaho will be held at Blackfoot be
ginning October 9 and continuing three
day A number of prominent speakers
will be present.
Tuesday, the 20th. will be the last
day to receive discount on east aide
gas bills.
' is.
THE A. B. CHASE is Sovereign among PLAYER PIANOS. It,
has surpassed other players, and gone far in advance of older and
. highly advertised inferior makes..
THE A. B. CHASE is unlike other players. It is different. It is more easily oper
ated and produces better results than other players.
It is different in appearance.
With the A. B. CHASE you ait in a restful position in an "easy" chair and enjoy
the music.
It is different in that the mechanism is all below the keyboard and the music roll
is near the expression levers, enabling the operator to watch the roll and giv.eVerfect
expression to the music.
Don't pay a big price for an old-fashioned player that has not passed the ABC
stage, when you can just as well own the best, the A. B. Chase. This remarkable
player is now to be seen at
Sixth and Morrison
Opp. Postofflce
Sherman pay & Co.
Pacific Coast Jobbers Victor Talking Machines, Steinway Pianos.
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Bellingham, Spokane.
Flm Week's Specials
Manning Strikes Uncharted
Beef and Goes to Sitka
for Bepalrs.
r (Keatat Kswa br Leaasst Leawd Wire.!
Waahurton, Aug. 17. Captain Ross
f tha revenue cutter aervioe haa re-
jt eeived a telegram from Valdea, Alaska,
sarins that the revenue cutter Man
ning had struck an uncharted rock near
Taldes and had been badly damaged.
The vessel. It was atated, had rone to
Biuca, aimUi zor repairs. The Man
ning haa been watehlng the seal fish
eries In tha Arctlo ocean. Most of tha
cases of poaching- ao far have been
Charged to tne Japanese.
Tha Eastern Oklahoma Tndanimdmt
Cotton Olnnera association met rsoent-
for ohopplng and picking ootton.
ana issued a protest against the d ro
sed introduction of Japanese labor
n rr
1 w
f m 1
Eepresentatires of Pacific
Jurisdiction Meet at Com
pllmentary Dinner.
The banquet rooms of the Boaton
Palace preaented a perfect bower of
flowera and ferns laat night at tha com
pllmentary dinner given to the organisa
tion force of the Woodmen of tha World
now assembled in the city. George K.
Rogers, one of the most prominent mem
bera of the order In the northwest, c re
sided aa toaatroaster. The decorations
were in -keeping with tne woodmen
Ideals and the acene waa one of much
Toaatmaater Korers introduced tha
host of tha evening. J. S. Williams, who
in a neat aceecn welcomed the auesta,
Peter F. Oilroy. general organiser of
California, responded, paying a glowing
tribute to the hospitality or the Wood
men of the World of the great northwest.
Following were tne toasts or tna
"ImDresslona or the Northwest."
Thomaa J. Van Hooaer of Utah; "Rela
tion of the Fraternal Preaa to the Or-
Woodworth, edito
"Reflections of an
O. Woodcock; "One of
F. W. Bud row of Wash-
ganlzatlon." j. M.
camp and Circle;
rganlaer," F.
Mr rounrest."
Ington; "Those Who Dwell In Cliff a,"
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
' Boise. Ida.. Aug. 17. The labor sn
lona of Caldwell and Nam pa have voted
to attend the Labor day celebration here,
coming in a body. The union peopl
of Nampa will bring a band with them
and possibly the Caldwell band will
come also. In addition to Judge Perk:
ana u. w. uruoD or tnia city, Kev.
E. Helman of Caldwell will Sneak
the celebration. Hundreds of people
are coming 10 soise on tnat occasion
from the surrounding towns and the
event promises to be one of the biggest
aiiairs aver neia nere.
Japanese Boat In Chicago.
From the Chlcaro Dailv News.
While peaceful cltiaens on both sides
or me world are reading about the
troubles between the United States and
Japan, few of Chicago's 2,000.000 are
aware that a Japanese boat is here.
Tet nevertheless it ia true. A Ja
anese vessel bearing the formldab
name of Hoomaru is quartered in the
jacKson ifarit launching house and
needa only a few guns, a new motor
and a searchlight In order to take at
least some part in any hostilities that
miKnt arise between the two countries.
The Hoomaru, whioh la about twenty
reet long, Daionga 10 tne Japanese
f overnment, and carried passengers on
he lagoon during the World's Fair
in cunoeciion wun ine Japanese ex
hlbit It haa never been removed.
out remaina in aryaocK within
stone's throw of the wooded island.
Hundreds- of persona in rowboata peas
the curious craft daily and wonder
wnat it ia ana wny it is there.
Rfnns its falling out and positive
lr removes Dandruff. Keeps hair
-J ---- -- T .
and glossy. is noi a eje
. Philo H7 Spea. CO.. wewars, . j. ;
,50c bottle, mil drotftflt
James M. Kennedy of western Colorado;
"California,! W. I. Dibble of California;
ory Times," a. u. uurrowe or east
ern Washington; "Organlaer'a Corre
enondence." F. R. Pettett of eastern
Oregon; "The World That Makes All
Mankind Akin," D. J. Beakey of Port,
land: "Oone but Not Forgotten" W. F,
I Hagerman or Colorado: "Remem
brance." Albert B. Craw of San Fran-
eiaco; "Should Old Acquaintance Be For
got." J M. Price of Colorado; "Oregon'a
Welcome. H. X Day of Portland;
"Beautiful State of Waahtngton," H. D.
Moon of Seattle.
wymm n. .u.- 1 nu u, , ,. n.i mi f
flraat Rrltatn Awns mnm lanA a
North America than the United States
The railroads ef England and Ireland
of dtrrfcrf nt guage. Those of Ireland
are 6 feet m lnchaa and England 4 feet
8 V Inches.
English abeep are sometimes fattened
on snails. , .,
To advertise our new and won
derfully successful Alveolar
Method, we will do work at cut
rates for
A 10-year guarantee with all
work. Examination free. Silver
fillings. 50c; crowns (22k), $3.50
to $5.00; bridgework (per tooth),
$3.50 to $5.00. Plates as low as
$5.00. Everything first class.
Lady attendant
291 Morrison St.
- Opposite Postolflce .
zAny Man's Outing Suit in the
House - - -
Bovs' Wash Suits at - - HALF PRICE
Youths' Outing Suits at - - HALF
Any Man's $20 Summer Sack Suit in
the House -
Ladies' and Misses'
Coats and Dresses
All Men's and Boys' Straw
and Panama Hats, now . HALF
T?r 11 .TIrNf V1.00 We have now the initial showing of Fall
X ail v-lVtilO Clothes for men and boys at the store.
Tomorrow morning they will be placed on display in our windows
f V
' i
::. k