The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 18, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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;a m-v !f.r H,1 '!'?-- n:'?'-"
And yoei will find most anything in thU -
line you might care for. .
Elastic . Hosiery '.
Abdominal Supports
Trusses .
Bacteriological and ,
k Laboratory (V J
Equipment ';i ' '
'. Hospital Supplies , ,
Crutches - ':-'.'-'
Surgical Instruments
Artificial -Eyes ' . , '
Veterinary Supplies . ,
Wheel Chain from '
$25.00 Up . 1
For rent $5.00 per month. , r ' V
SUNDAY HOURS, 10.A.' M. to 2 P. M.
j V 2.0. ; These
Many sizes to select from, all colors,
tints , and designs. Our Jardiniere
Stock : is ' very( large, including the
most handsome designs.
60t to f 2.25You will find a fine
selection of Rozane Ware and Mat
Fern. Dishes.
T5a to 4.00 We have a fine as
sortment of Louwelsa Ware.
, s. SV wbn you wish to talk Jardlslere
ram am bar w hav the goods and at
'tb right prloe.
Wricks " jn Our
'Front Wonder, ; t':
See the Artist
rThc wonderfal Moonlight Shadow Pictures, sometimes
called silhouettes.' Made with water colors and bronxes.
These are not supposed to be what they, call lightning
,artists' pictures. t None made Jn less than ' 20 minutes.
Each series contains from-12 to Id pictures, made panel
shape, 10x12 inches. .,' ' "V: -a- ':'S? ;v -i'-?-f.Ar
' : v. ',v-;'' .vr'i '.';":',!.,;"';-v 'v.r'-,
T?r- We wiUgive one picture) with every $5.00 purchase all
thisjweek, or if you wish they .will be on sale at $1 each.
Artist worlds In 'the window every day from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.
' and from 3 to 5 p.m.
100 Cases of Wood to Burn
' Where are we going to put it? Here Is a list of only
a few pieces Jhat we hare already unpacked:
' Combination Hall Chair and Table, with 30-inch top.
Music or Paper Rark, 36 inches high.
Stand. 30 inches high, 16-inch top.
Table, 28 inches high, 21-inch top.
Hall Chair, 31 inches High.
Book Case; four, shelves, 4 feet high.
Writing Desk, Hall Chairs, Jardiniere Stands, Small
Jieces by the hundreds. We would be pleased to
are you visit this department and see our artists
at work designing. You art always welcome.
We hare a new Cyko, Paper
called Professional Portrait for
soft platinum effects. . Carried
in all sizes in dozens, half gross
and gross lots. This is certainly
one of the finest papers we ever
sold and know yoa will be more
than pleased with results.
If you could see the heat yoa
would wonder where it all came
from. They are certainly fine.
Heavy granite base, measure
4x6x6 inches. We will show you
how they work. y
Price Only $2.00
Swastika Vases
For $2.69
We' hare only abouVone dosen left, they
sold for $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $9.00. Mon-:.
day, to close them out, each ,;..f2.69
Another broken lot of beautiful Electric
Lamps. We hays just. 5 left. - '
One regular $50, now $18,00
One regular $25, now u.fis.oo'
One reg. $15, slightly damaged.'. f 5.00
Two at regular $18, now, each. , f 3.50
These are all made of heary brass,' good
connection, first-class In every way; " V
We have on sale also a very pretty -line,
of Japanese Waste Baskets. Regular 50c,
60c, 70c and 85c You can have your
' choice: ?( ';'...
.All 50c Baskets
All 60c Basketsv......;...:,....;;.iS
All 70c Baskets.. ..53
" Alt 85c Baskets '.r:.'.;.?.,f;i.6' ;
,;y;; here it is'-x- - ,- '.
Farhy Carburetor
A time and trouble saver for burners
of wood and leather. This little mi-
chine is a dandy. To appreciate its
value you should see It work and we-
will be pleased to have you call and
see it Jn use. It acts as gas tank and
'also enerates the heat for beating ,
the needle. We are agents for Porty
, land. ' .' '"'
Price Only $2.00
V); , .
Properly adjusted glasses are a comfort to the eye. Persons suffering from
defective vision can be fitted with the right glasses" at the right price. Our
State 'Examined Optometrist will test your eyes and prescribe the proper
glasses. v y ,
Deliveries made at a moment's
notice. When in a hurry try us.
Ex. II, all depts:, Home A1139
Sunday hours from 10 a. m. to
2 p. m. Help the clerks by do
ing your trading at this time.
i r j d
Peter Seltice, Graduate of United States Training School
at Chemawa, Making Strong Fight for Scholarship.
Blanche Belshaw Wins Votes Around Eugene.
' Tttw Soltlcc. the Indian boy recently I srtrls In the Willamette Taller dlatrtet
krulii&tl trarS th. TlnJtl fititM train. 1 Pt th conteit. Think of ltl An Indian
, .hM, rn.k-,. . i.-. beatlnr whit man at tha white man'
Jn aohool at Chemawa, aenda a larg 0wn Kajne of bualneaa competition.
pack of eonteat vote to the Conteat I Pater Seltice now atanda Mo. 4 In dla
FMtnr. , Tw Mm 1tt.r tMammntlnr thai trlct No. 2. He la ralnlnc on Harlln
, , . . . , ... I Ttlbert of Albany, and on Earl Hechart
"uu-v""-"u CorraUla. He aecurea new ubacrtr
alone fir rat .'Dont yott think ot - J Uona Try day and nearly all of hla col
Never did an Indian ret alone better I lection are from new subscriber. He
anywher, Thla native of the Coenr
d'Alen country has proved himself mora
than a match for. 15 white boya and
i r , i
. : ... '
4 , - -
"V' '
how th moat remarkable pereuaalve
MaanT Znaplr Oonndeao.
Althoufh a full-blood Indian, Settle
uaea excellent schoolroom and commer
cial English. He ha a manner that
Inspire respect and confidence. He re
flect treat credit upon the United
States Chemawa training- school and
will make an excellent student of the
Salem Business collore if he succeeds in
winning that scholarship.
Th business men of 8alm and vt
clnlty are encouraging Seltice In hi con
test work a una la on way to reoiDro-
eat the trade favors bestowed by the
student Indians and by th office of
tn school . ; ;
Most veoDle are arlad to heln Baltic
because or his own worth as a young
man senving xor ni own aavancement
ana trying to put hiroseir in a position
to take car of hi ared and widowed
'rne coeur fl'Aien ' Indian ra no
longer ward of the government so far
as roods and clothing are concerned,
They do for themselves except In the
education of their children. The United
State government provides common
ohools lust aa th state furnish gram
mar schools for th children of the
Daughter of Xim County.
An Item In th Euarene Guard aives In
rormation or remarkable success
achieved by Blanche Belshaw, the new
contestant at juue-ene. who entered the
contest only last week. Th paragraph
Miss Blanche Belshaw. accompanied
by Mis May Douglas, who la helping
ner in ner nernt tor a acnoiarsnio in the
Oregon Journal contest, will go to Junc
tion City tonight Yesterday they worked
In Springfield and succeeded in cap
turing 10,126 votes, the best they have
Peter SeltlCO, the Indian boy 'Who done at any one place. The day be-
" I fore they were at Coburg, but there
is Deauag nrteen palefaces in tns I they aid not have such good success,
, I owing to th opposition of one or two
'.- contest Samt. I people. Mis Belshaw Is now second In
th race In her district, having
23.VW vote.
ArTIWA,,A Rl fQCINflhix ' th winner. She has been In
. Abl f DLLOOlilOi the contest now less than 10 days and
nas gone right up among the htarh
Degun with
r leadership
To Those Afflicted With Eye
t Vnrv iwrton with Impaired eretlcht
fnffriB( from weak or ' dlMaaed eres ahouM
. writ for our latest free booklet, cntltlod
,-roiUTe Evidence."
- The record of phenomenal "eores" br the
, "Actloa" treatment, aa described therein, br
. grateful patients themielree names and ad
oreetes glreo will satiety the moat ekeptl
cl that "Actlna" li not only a remarkable,
simple and harmless Invention, but restores
realght even after specialists bare pro
twaneed eaees incurable.
FVulowina an a w
of the sneceaaes pro
duced by 'Actlna," bat
- ., y v awcrioea in
J oor rree booklet.
C , A Chicaae (entUmaa,
markers. If she 1 had
Alice Qrant. a fine rivalry for
in district No. i might have developed
between Polk and Un counties. If
Miss Belshaw. continues to gather votes
at this rate she may yet give Miss
Grant some concern. ; Lane county Is
rich, populous and prosperous and It
finds opportunity in this contest to as
sert itself.
nbsorlptlOBS Com Sasy.
The followinr letter from Miss Wes-
sela. who has been leadinar contest dis
trict No. 3, gives assurance that the
Gardiner girl will continue to be promi
nent in the score list:
Bcottsburg, or., Aug. s, 1907. The or.
egon Journal, Contest Manager, Port
land. Or. Gentlemen: I Intend to can
vans near Elk ton next week and hop to
get quite a lew subscribers there. A
yet I have had no trouble at all In get
If' K
North : Coast "Shows Symp
. toms of Seeking New
Edward McMahoiC , fcrlgHt boy who
declares he will come In strong at
the finish in contest race.
tins ailhfr1Ht rtA imi1t ...rvnii.
.J .-"t""0 monin seem willing to neip.
wiile5aili?fii?.,rb' " 1 hould win one of the eholar-
weekaT He ears ha Bn,pBV1 1ev".""!M, apie toinanK you
now see as weU nd aa far a anviuwiv
As Iowa lady writes that aftee belns under
treatment of sseclallsu far 15 years. "Actlna"
completely restored her ereslcht and aba bo
lunger uses glasses.
Astigmatism and art noli ted lids Impaired
the eyesight of a Hartford, (Cons.) lady.
f.;cUllts failed to core. As a last resort,
rculnut advice of friends? she tried "Actlna."
, i.e writes: "Tor many months I have written
situoet dally without glasses. No mora pala la
Mr ayes and drooping eyelid is resWed."
"Actlna" removed a cataract from th eye
of an Oklahoma , ladys relieved the elosur
i.t a tear duct for s well-known Chicago lady,
.-d la scoree of Instances people hare been t discard eyeglasses through the faithful
i - of "Actlna." . To get aa Idea of the es
t tolKtiin of our patients, the entire letters ss
mrii.d la our book ahoold be read. - -
"Aotlna" I' mad- common sense prln
r'i'1.. Its simplicity, effectlveaeas and last
I r qaliiis will appeal to any ot that win
lnv.tite. Let as send yo ens en two
v rs' trial, t e ft as often as yoa pleas and
If yne ar not benefited, or for soy ether
tvusna are J:ef i.d, send it back and ae
(...rra will ba imt'la. Writ today, Addrss
ah- Awll.noe to, PrpL SSM. fiUJ'alnnt
St., a saws City, lie. , , . , : v '
help to me and shall never regret the
short time I have taken to win a schol
arship. I wish to make the stenogra-
pners course in a business ooiiege.
Will a person have to select a. friend
to go to Alaska after on hear from
The Journal after August 1ST
hanking you again and hoping th
scriniiona wmnb I am flniHntr an
all O, K.. I remain, yours resDectfuUv.
bany boy, who work for honor and
merit Walker writes, "I Intend to
make the best showing possible even if
I do not stand at the head."
Miss Lulu Smith, of Inclls. has or
dered her address changed to Clataka
nle. She has taken a new start In thr
contest and bids fair to move right
up the score ladder of votes.
Nearly every suoscription aupucaie
reecipt arriving for Alice Grant bear?
her own signature. This Indicates that
this great leader or tne contest perso
nally ask for nearly every subscrip
tlon which add votes to her score.
Olivia Reeder, or sauvies island
oompetlng for a scholarship in a bus!
ness college, has made a good report of
subscriptions, tier closest rival. Cecil
Spicer, also has made a harvest and H
Is a question of careful count to de
termlne their relative standing.
J. Percy Head, or Albany, nas nad e
lift by Olive Baltimore. Miss Balti
more sends subscriptions In favor of
Read. Some rood ladles give a contest
ant advice, but fall in furnishing sub
scriptions, the real thing they are look
lng for. Miss Baltimore Is practical
and she gets out and works In a cause
she esDOuse.
Mrs. A. carroi, at Nortn rowaer. Ore
gon, has turned in so many subscrip
tions for her grand daughter, Bessie
Gaylord. that the clerks in The Journal
office begin to wonder whether North
Powder is not th metropolis of' eastern
Oregon. In Pin and Eagle valleys,
Bessie Gaylord has secured a subscrip
tion for a year from nearl- every fam
ily living In those valleys. There Is no
doubt but what at the present time
The Journal leads all other Portland
newspapers in circulation In Baker and
Union counties.
Th Jonas Tamfiy.
LUlie Jones, of Suver, is helping her
deserving relative. Miss Mlna A. Jones,
of Olds, Wortman & King. If all the
members of the numerous Jones family
win stand together and back up Miss
Mlna A. Jones, the department atore
girl will end the contest with one of
the largest bags of gold. Here Is a
change for the Jones . tribe to place
theiy name at the top of the? scroll of
"Bill, th Bustler."
True to his work. In order to secure
a year's subscription. William Russell
spends an hour every morning In tak
ing orders for a grocer. He is building
up a line Of new customers for the
grocer, too. Tne work he is doing for
This Route Would Give More Direct
Line Than Northern Paciflo and
Would Penetrate Heavy Timber
Government Trail Builders.
(Special Dispatch tm The 7owmal.)
Tacoma, Wash, Aug. 17. From what
can be learned here North Coast en
gineers have turned their attention from
Co wilts pas to Whit pass as a means
of crossing th Cascades from the
bunch grass district to th Pugat sound
region. A party of IS North Coast
engineers that went to the Bear prairie
region in Lewis county last week Is
now working on a line running from
the prairie In the direction of White
pass. ,Jast Sunday the party had got
10 miles down th Skate creek trail,
and leaving the trail were cutting a
.ine eastward toward th pass. ,
The party Is one of the best equipped
iver seen In the Cascade foothills. It
ias a pack train of 28 ponies, belong
ing to Sam Russell, a mountaineer llv
ng east of the Cascade divide, who has
wo daughters that are as expert In load
ng a pack pony as he is himself, and
me of whom is assisting In handling
he pack train. .
Beport Direct Zrom that rial.
W. Q. Goble of Randl. onfth Cow
litz river, arrived her last night. He
passed the engineering party on Skate
creek. If the party find th White
pas route feasible the North Coast
will have a far more direct line from
the sound to North Takima than has
the Northern Pacific. In addition It
will traverse a much more heavily tlm-
1 1: I
( Piano Seeker's Greatest Chance to Save
But Only a Few More Days Remain
f We hsve been forced to continue the San Francisco Emergency Sale a few days longer. Practically sH of
I the 117 pianos received in the previous shipment have been disposed of, but the letter below, from our San
rrancisco store, tens oneliy the story of another week's sacrifice selling. In addition to the sensational
price cut to 57 cents on the dollar, we shall make the purchasing terms even more liberal on these addi
tional 44 instruments, and will accept as low as 50, and even $25 en some of the less costly grades, aa a
first payment
bered country.
f i
Henrys place and Yelra. Gobi says
surveyors also believed to
A party of survey
be sent out by the North Coast, Is oper
ating in tne country between
PS- My sister Helena has canvassed
smith river and received subscription
il "5arlT vry farm. Thanking you
for th suggestion. Cecilia Wessela.
Ballot Box Vote. -.
. .Mrh!and and Westport, Oregon.
tanle? L,ulu.8mIth, of Ingils and.Clats-
frt,ll!!ftfCbwn! Utrtct tfoVls
that merchant Is worth the price of sev
eral new subscriptions. When William
Russell starts in to do anything he
makes himself felt a
- Th other day the Contest Editor us'
gested to William that his surname
very appropriately could be ensiled
Rustle, as ne nas proved to be one
of the most' active l4vote rustlers of
th contest In characteristic and laco
nlo manner, he replied:
; Don't giv me another nloknam. I
am plastered all over with them now.
"Mother call m William,
r Father calls me Will,
Brothers call me Willie,
And the fellers call me B1HT
"Bill, the Rustler has a champion in
Miss Alice Courtney, of 1S Kingman
avenue. : He has had a,llft, also, from
Vernon Gradon. ;
1 Wideawake ,. forms Xdy.
' Audrey Russell, of Grants Pass, has
gone Into Th Jounral conteat and tn
a few days has mad adyanca eolleo-
party la surveying th connecting
iinx Detween tne souna ana tn mis.
qually river, the right-of-way of the
road from Bear prairie down th south
bank of the Nlsqually having been sur
veyed last spring. There was too much
snow in the 'mountains then for the
party to blase a route across the sum
mlt for the road.
Oovsrsment 'XraU Sows Houatala.
Mr. Goble also brings news of a trail
five feet wide that the government will
construct beginning next Monday from
the summit of the Cascades In Cowlitz
pass, down the Cowllts river trail 80
miles, to the point wnere the wagon
road leading; up the river is constructed.
A fore of men will be put to work
sufficiently large to complete th trail
In 90 dava Work will beam on the sum
mlt end of the tral so that th part
traversing the high altitudes will be
constructed before snow files In the
pass. The work will D in cnarge or
Henry Blanklnship, a pioneer road
builder, wno live at Hanoi. This
Cowllts pass trail Is much used by
miners and stockmen. A nerd or si
nonies was driven across the moun
tains by this rout a few weeks aao.
From the summit of the pais eastward
the country la ooen and travel asv,
but the tangled forests that cover th
west slope of th mountains compel
the construction of a better trail. The
present trail Is rought and works a
great hardship on persons crossing the
Tp-to-nat Train arrrio,
Th traveling' publlo appreciates the
fact that the Canadian Paciflo is th
up-to-date Una .
The attractive feature belnr:
The .new 68-hour service Portland to
St Paul via Spokane).,
The Imperial Limited service.
The Trans-Canadian Limited service
the fastest train across this continent
Tuesday, th 20th. ' will b the last
day to receive discount on east aid
gas bills.
tlons on subscriptions so as to giv her
self S.635 votes.
But Miss Bussell says that she has
Just begun and that she has many
more people lined up as her supporters
already. Bhe will send In another
been tfsked
budget of subscriptions
Her photograph, which has
for, will come in th next mail. No
doubt It will reveal th fao of a very
wldeswak young lady.
New, Splen
did Choicest
Perfect in
as sxsaV
XUre Slaa
I fMNCBCO, CAVrassalSlfOr,
fl save fotrnS 1 sees
these lastrvaeat
oMsuaing rorty-f ear plaaos
la eai
'sen titer tkr. aresMra?
. I snail have te aa yea to take sal
in a kuii. .vIIZI - wu a
t -z, r xor a atora aaveaiafsoaslv. e i
ana kit
, taeas.tfcr ear aa reeh yee sy tk XSth.'
tmmnwmrj vxuiy,
Biers Fam
ous Money
Back Guar
antee on
Every Piano
in this Sale
How any seriously inclined piano-seeker can afford to pass this chance to secure a splendid mum of Ion
Uv.vuaUwU men: sic mmuj vwu uuicu icaaing makes to select fronv, at a saving of almoi
one-half the retrular retail coat, is somethinar that sniiM V. trA i tm. . , ..
vi . t 7. . 7 M"V"-"L11U- very tact mat over
a hundred of these very same instruments have been sold in a little over ten days, during the dullest
season of the entire year, proves that the inducements are all that we have stated. We merely invite yoa
to come and see these pianos. If you are riot convinced immediately that their high character and worth
iness is sufficient to warranter consideration, and the saving greater than you have ever before had
an opportunity to embrace, we shall not say another word. We never offered a finer assortment of in
struments at any time. We never offered equal values before. We are ready to prove every statement
every claim.
Biggest, Busiest, Best
- (Spadal Dtopateh te. Tlx learaaL) '
Walla Walla, Wash.. Au. 17. Charles
Leach, a brakentan In th employ of
th O. k. & N was severely hurt at
BtarbucK early - yeaterdajr morning.
Leach was asleep In a bunk In the ca
boose. A switch engine bumped Into
th eabpos and Leach was , . hurled
out of his bunk and against the side of
th car with such fore as to injur his
spin. He was brought to St Mary's
hospital His injuries are serious.
David XJom KaUag a Stuoo of Clostng
. Out th Bostoa Stock. .
TDavl I.lnn. at tha Drsscnt tlms nan.
ducting th sale of the Paciflo Coast
Satvag Company at the Boston Store,
reoort that the present sal 1 the
biggest' success he has ever directed for
tn company. "Bince opening tn aoor
to th eubll last Saturdav morn Ins."
said Mr. Lion, "ther ha been no rest
Xor myself or th staff. , The atore has 1
been more Ilk' a fair than an ordinary
plaes of business. W hav had an
anxious, moving, impatient crowd every
minute." .
The Pacific Coast Salvage Company's
wivu u xiosion ocore is
uimjuo. rney must depose or the en
tire BOatOn fttftrm mtAoV In 111 n..- u.
Lion has the' keys and full charge oi
ujw autre ana starz. e may cut th
uiiucs jun an ne pleases, out ne must
leave the store bar of th present stock
within th allotted time. Mr. Lion a
pect to make a complete clearance in
a little over 10 days and will then go
back to San Francisco, ths headquarters
(SpeeUl Zntpateh s to T6e Sosrnat) '
La 0and Or., Aug. lT.Th a K.
A N. company-has revived the office
of traveling engineer at this place, and
Engineer Johnny Ehea has been . slated
for the position. Th offloe of travel
lng nglnr was hWI by J. D, Mathe
son some years, until about three years
ago, when It was abolished.- The prin
cipal duty of the traveling engineer la
CUMcmtdf, , jfwArt.
nrsa aumr rath .
Tarraat s Cxwsot f Osh s4
Oepaikaia I
TlsaasIW, mwltSmaiimmimfhtmimtmt
susatihaas, slaat, whltaa. JEaap
to taka, assvanlaat t eanrfw FUr
Mara saesssafsj tass, Fries SL h
SftW A Marti.'-! SI1 TTT V
l9 pPrJ?andl by mall from
fcTarraot Co 1, itudson et. New
OeSSSSSSSSmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJmmmmm '
t kep track of th working conditions
lno ourerent engines on the division,
to see that they ar all well irnt rM
ether matters pertaining to the.engla.
a. W Xennady, sranagey f tae
- f rreaoh Maao Oo.
Mr. Ck W. Rennedv. for-man,
. . , . . ! -w. (il-Jl J
nraowiea wim ma A li.n.r.HK.. T3ik
company. Is now th manager . of the
Reed-Krench company, th bia-
store: on Burnside stret - ,' - r7r
Tuesday.--the i loth ' wtn
day to receiv discount on east il "
gas Dilia . . . V "
; ;. v. -
Watches cleaned, . yrmj, .
w m
t -