1 1 1 1 1 i iissj Hi ED IT0M E1GE OF THE eJOUI THE JOURNAL AN INDEPENOEHT HBWSPAPCB. - result of that knowledge would be in electrical Influence to attract and settle the strangers who come among .And. if th:' Older generation ran tut, run. and Kambiii Mmu. Forms, or. not be made to comprehend, perhaps ft, S. Jtrkwa. .Patiltaber tgblUb(t avary erantnt (aTcept Bondr at Tbi Journal ouiio- TELEPUONB MJlIX rim ' A Tl Sanartnanta rrarbad hr thla rU Um aparatar taa 4apartaant ye weal. Kot-rrt it the poarofno, .t Porti.4 or.. r the whole troth about the state can Sur ou ,ytM!T-.!:TT W .Instilled Into those who are com ing on. That is why , a new, text- . . .. ' avbM. mook on agr.cuiT.pre ror use in the public schools is an excellent step. roaiioH jtBTiBTisiNa kp8K8ntatiti j a is also a reason , why a snmmer V7rlrBu!rd.n 1, ourM at tne State Agricultural col yi Tribnn. Buudiut. oiicm . )cge atlCorvallls to fit the teacher e0iNriptio; Tw;(f in.u to trr 4d for use of the book Is a happy move, dailt. m' The book Is to teach agriculture, and r:r'Vnffi "7"' agriculture Is Oregon. We hare f .. . ...IXDO I una moms..,..... A I thrtnaani astfca.. m...tm V.. DAtLf AND SUNDAY.,. una 7 pot. . , .... f .ao um Mania. I M all of them go back to the soil, and are corelated to the primal subject Though the book is the best ob tainable, if has subjects that do not pertain to Oregon; it has topics that need modification, for use in Oregon; and Oregon has local conditions that it does not touch. . All this, the sum mer course at the 'Agricultural eol lege is .to remedy, by supplemental training given by the experts there. THE ANTI-TRUST ORDINANCE. Incidentally, the local training will ' -. , v doubtless touch on Oregon posslbill- jORTLAND now ha. van. ' anti- tje. ln wleilltWt and that will r u-un orainance, ana n is aia open tTenueg tor the young people that this is the only city In the L. a. ,ut. to v. tr4lnM. on . toDlo Compared i with genuine personal advantages, such as - a great mind or a great heart, all the privileges of rank and . birth are but as kings on the stage to kings in real life.-' Schopenhauer. ! ' , country that has one. Whether in which ; the schools have hitherto in u.u.uauc wm a vaiuaui uue beejJ 8lent jt ,a M , Way for for the city or not, the future Must a nullf lmportant VOrk to be done, disclose. and;lf it should,, the fact a prlme essential being that the may not lie patently on the surface, teacneri ot the itate Bn0uld them- ror perhaps the very existence or the teXnt get tna ,Uppiemental Infor- oramance wm cause an oonoxious mation that the course at Corvallis business combines to dissolve, and wI11 affopd -. wlll b . n(SW ,.. prevent the formation of others. nuence set to work to teach Oregon wunout ever lesxing it in we couns.i0 Oregonlane. Perhaps, but not probably. How about that plumbers' combine, which The Journal showed up a few weeks ago,' furnishing plenty of evidence to make it 1 a criminal conspiracy firfatjf this ordinance? ;. The bene- flclaries of this particular piece- of EUGENE A DRY TOWN. E PORTS FROM Eugene all tell ot steady an! rapid growth. ' of enlarged : business, : ot ' In creased 'and broadened activity trust-robbery may now( change the and of brighter prospects Jthan the sysiem, dui me price cnargea wm town ever bad before. . Eugene bul R" mnt in the law and protto of this trade throughout th country. . Tortland has a much larger num ber of saloons In proportion to popu lation than Minneapolis or St Paul. In Minneapolis the proportion is one to about .700 people, in St. Paul one to 600, while In Portland we have pne saloon to about 400 people. ; It may be said that since we are to have saloons, and derive a revenue from . them, the larger the number the better; ther bring in more reve nue: and do appreciably , no . more harm than 100 or so less would do. A ' j ' 4411 , a . L . un: wuuravi . win I ror rlk whlfih vmm run In ...u.. to decrease the' rhtlo of saloons tolellmbinr of tpis and hirh buiidlnrs nnnnlaflnti onnflno MM) rtt . tham I In th arller day. Ho himself Imi rvv....vu . . . Lean on, of tha fnramna In m.bn. Rists Dcatk and Likes It From tho Chlcaso Bocord-llerald. If in tho pursuit of your life's voca tion you had seen five men drop from your side at a dlizy height to a terrible death below, would you oontlnue In that vocatlonT If you did peraiit la it. would you have sufficient confidence In ypur- ir to reuin your "nerve" under bll ciroumatanoes for St years T That has been , a brief part of the many excltlnc experiences In the life of Una and we disagree With srerr one u. F. "Riitr') Erans. ."Steeple Jack." of them. jurty Evans ia a type of the dare. I lie savs to young women. "Don't cry devils that are crowing scarcer each I ' career. Men do not like brilliant rar. T,he Inventions of modern times women,T have eliminated much of the neoeeelty I The , woman ' Intelligent enough to want to do something len t sitting up all night wondering . what ' men care about When Mr. Schwab went Into the steel business he didn't wonder whether women liked steel men or not The wo man who wants a career of whatever Does W oman Think ALout Notlung But Man? Not a Bit of It. But Many Ptfbpld Think She Doss Small Criacd miik) able By Arthur JBrlabana (Copirlfkt 1WT nr Amarleaa-Joarnal-XxaoiUiM) The genial Mr. Schwab has been giv ing advice to young women. Ills views written by Mlas . Angela Morgan for the New Tork American we find Inter- wlng. But It Is a mistake to Suppose Perhaps we're happily mlaalng a 1 e a sucoeearul candidate muaKm to run well for what he standi for. . ' : i . ... a . i ' - Poaalbly Mr. Fairbanks might com- tirlnclcallv to - rmmimj wr. rairDanire might COI rn theft aocks Proml " e vlce-prealdency again. that woman waa created Ilil men's atomaohai darn and knon Anmtn . . Kllla Wnman aliould be good hftuaekeepers, because I 1 Who would have auppoaed memenger ine rave got to be good fcouaeMeepera i wuju mure iai enougn to atrlker saloons absorb in a year, most of which id literally equandered. , Within ' a limited district, and raise I the business of thoae who must work at the Ucen.es. sUU more. jThe saloons tZJ!r Van.'. fhM,r of Portland pay the city a large reve-1 Sff.LiAH, .OTC " hU kind should go at her career, not waste nne, It Is true, but think what a vast great height to carry up a foP , oi W0tTi"f FlUVTbl- vl.. .... . . . t . 1 anirn tn tain, a aurn J .um im w amount, ot money mese hv or w l ....iiV7 ; vr" I" I or a mother, if a. woman can mwmm rwiauu n l li o .r l (i l cumuin..'in,T . . . . . . cerform their dutlaa with aafafw or tu' ooa "ons woraing to ner .V tneir OUlies Wltn sarety. I honor and a orr. that aaama tn na hattar man competing more or lea wltn some stner woman's individual son. it is dl vine to De a creator of men. But if a woman wants to cut a figure in the material world, that Is her bualnese; what men admire need not Influence per. , ,. Mr. Schwab gives "don'te" to girls. Says be: '"Don t adopt a business or nrnfaaalAnal Ufa. X4n liw. Am mmm Kw the quiet borne body who can cook apd darn and waah the diahes." -.. - While It is true that man's love Is won by a home body, Mr. Schwab's Pittaburg friends can tell him that man's love Is often lost subsequently There are Dlentv of men who work at great heights as nonchalantly as dos t ha tvtriM nafann rt.. vMnnrf VM. ' Thf CUrrenttQUarterly dividend Of tloally any painter In Chicago m'uat be fit an I or1 All la nnl 4t m, ... cuui-uoaaea enougn to go hundreds or btanaara OU IS Only I per Cent, agfMt In the air without a tremor. Car- against 10 per cent per Quarter last Pnt,rA n0" other buUders muat , . I have the same contamnt for tha illmxl. year. Twenty-four per Cent IS little Inene that affects the average peraon mora than half of 40 er cant Vatl wl, ,,oolt down trom great height mora wan nan ox w per cent, yeti But ve th. w k . B h th. it IS a pretty good dividend Itself, I palss before the aocomplishraenU of especially, if a man ha. mllllona of ofiikr" ivii1 91 dollars Invested In stock that wllH.V. wr neoncs climbed at night Without ropes, ladders or anv othar v" iui uaua, uw impia 01 bl jo i vy mai noil ijuiet noma ooay woo can m m vuuivu m iijuiiiuBii. iiwu frwi iiu uarot , ' , . on the topmoat part of the cross sur- The gentleman who gets tho mlllons mounting tha steeple, set fire to two I and has married "the bom body who nawananara ha had wt txA wrl.W VIM ln Iaih orrLr mnA Aavk im Mill, a ant A u maybe this will be CUt in half a few j hla pocket and dropped them, biasing, I Interested la some outdoor body who yield; that much. Rockefeller, Rog ers et al. will not starve to death on 24 per cent profit a year. ., But more times yet. on either side of the steeple, to prove loan dance and sing. A paragraph ln an exchange says: .The biggest gambling joint ln Amer ica, the Tonopaa club is closed, the owners having made all the money I den of th Maaonlo temple down a rope tney want. The retiring millionaires I r enure v iionu to tne ground, at- to the man with whom he had made tho wager that ha was at the top of the steeple. -The wager was for $50, and the time allotted mm to accomplish tho w aa uaui an liour, . Us Is the same man who a few vaara ago slid twice dally from the roof gar- For further details ro to Plttaburr. -A -woman ought to know all that she can about housekeeping, cooking and for their dillrtran'a baltl Hut thev should, devote to the development of their brain, to thalr power of thought their best and strictest attention. - Mr. Schwab and other men who say to women, "Don't study Greek And iAtln, don't study eoulpture and mualo, don't talk about Beethoven or Maeter linck." -ars the first mnn to be bitterly dlsarpointed if their sons and daugh ters do not turn out to be Intelligent . The more Intelligence a woman has, the more her children will have. If a woman will . rrl Ini.ninntU that wonderful book, "Th Life of the Bee,- by Maeterlinck, it will do her brain more good than to read all of Mr. nonwiui advice about sewing and cooking. . If all women living could hear often mualo of Beethoven, and hand on to their children the lnaplratlon of jthat wonderful genius. It would be a very great thing for the human race. The people of Oermany are happy In the fact that they hear, ao much good friuslo, and the people of the United States are unfortunate haaauaa ih.v hear so little. If. Schwab says also, "Don't cult! "Fulton and Mulkev seem to act i each thought the other needed watch Preachers are lucky; they can tale up collections on Sunday while on their '' vacations,,; . . . . - - ':" -,.'' There are far more deaths of men than of women In Chicago. They worry mors over divorces.: . But if most drutrs wars so hlrh that by Maeterlinck, it will do her I nobody but mllllonarles could buy them, mo una migov oe oeiier mil. s . , ,-. ' ,e v. ." ' - Now Seattle ' claims ' that th ' tela. graphers' strike started there four years ago. Is tners anything that .town don't claim?. v , .. . ' . - . i - , v . e i 1 ,; : V '. ' , It is probable that the North Pole Is keeping cool In spite of the Wellmaa -and Peary expeditions . , . . . - . ' .. e a . V.V ,Vv:.v If hop growers plow up their yards they Will wish In a vaar nr tarn -that : U 1 1. 1 - . . . . . - w - mm vate aggresalvs quaJltles.,, That's poor ,VL II V aon tIlaIn' advice to give to women Who work as wUh that ey had. t . ; 7eW achool teachara. and that tra awlnillarl I ': - ' . e . e ' ' .ts by unequal pay. j Boston' Old Home Week was not aa"v ii la poor aavice to give 10 , success as was expected. For th women that are compelled to earn I (mr Boetonlane don't Ilka to get chilled iiiuir iivtnar, ana ui are almost in-1 wm auiumw tune. vanaoiy, underpaid because they are I ' ' . . women. , Men have nniv : nrnrraaaa aa thaw have developed aggresa1veneas It was aggressiveness that changed th serf into a land owner, and tha Slavs into a free man. ' . it waa arsressiveneaa that rave Mr. Schwab his large fortune, and hla large nvuM, ana ine opportunity to xaiK to Angela Morgan. Aggreaalveneas of th mind, which means Intellectual fore. Is Just exactly what women need. And they ought to develop It , , Tte Haywood Trial 4 : t A Newport Diary never earned a . cent" never . produced an atom of wealth, never rendered second's useful service, but th foolish j miners of Tonopaa poured hard-earned I gold .Into their laps. trading at each performance crowds that congested th streets, making them IIUFHHVia " From Th Commoner. i Now that th trial of William D. Hay. I wood Is over. The Commoner can with-1 H Is on of th men who ar often I out Impropriety comment on th oaae. "n. Pajn"n Tiu,7M -foot in th last issue satisfaction was ex- town akT.cfTn.rV H. hTI iimh P"-d at th verdict but as th c The only thing doubtful about Pp""rvry stpl of any prom- auittai was announced Just as w wr this are the etatemeste In the first w steeple. SoIhinV ?WTO irt ;.7LrZ "Z"T.,. ; x ".By Wsx Jonas. " - Monday Mrs. Trout gave a dinner last night about which all th crowd Is talking It was a fish dinner, and th guests wore bathing suits and swam j around th swimming pool, seising the rood off th steps as they passed. Must sentence. : I he has gone with only th aid of bis vi via jriniiy, m neigni 01 no reel. An estimats based on the city directory HV,.,R,CL Population of UlT.OOlf. ; It will take Seattle two or thre years to reach this number. V " ' v. e .' . -.v.- '..; , Whenever a man comes back to Ms old wife, after having clayed the Am. sorter for a long, time, It U called modern Enoch Arden. , -i .. Z a . s . . - S . J- -. What a strenuous reformer President Roosevelt muet Intend to be, If. a re ported, h -wants to go to th Ban at. There's a Job fora moral Herouleai W should think th sulUn of Mo- " roopo would regard Raiaull as his great v and good friend, If It be true that th bandit stole J00 of th sulUn's wives. , . ,T . ....... , y , . " vWs suppose that If not a-atnal. air graph key waa clicking th companies' managers would tell us that their busi ness was going ahead Just the same a usual. : , . - ;, .- . .. , .... ... ... e-e . . . ' Raving bouaht a lico.eas nti far perhaps Senator Bailey is planning t5 do something to offset this. . t- Tneadav. flava a hint itlnnaa aar. I lend his rood friend Bt&ndanl nil v. 4 no case Deserves a piac among ins i day. ' All . th guests perched On , th I i vm, gwa tura oeserves celebrated trlala nf tha nation an1 It a I h.nk. f th.i. .t,.i; 1. tt....i. I anotner. , r. , "pi.t.x m.. .r..j: i x : v . . 7 : ' i i,,u..uui , . v , , A loaded, rifle was kept In Iton at rVeT height frmthVT " ovr and cracked hi. skull worM I wn"Jbly th.boy "Of the f utnr wfil n. jr. v.Vsswa wtiM wtuvugaguw veaav i ,I1BQ UOturVt i PWfUlin i PriZlCej OOmini I "T " - ii wvrv wvm assssjH W JSAaV show pretty clearly' whether they ness men and property ownerg seem county farmhouse where a 12-year-1 ioVad'aSTeorta0! id Z!anV bahi' "d ability. . Th an Tinva fn rnnil faith enmnltail' with t v... aI..j . ii..- jijIaM fin nf tn fomllw nnnlA ....) I loonlat of - than natlnnal ranntatinn I Senator Borah for .. , -j I uy V"7 UBIBf um I ' J v. . rv IV"" riarani. rwm.. . . w ... i Deiore 10 ineir opponuniuea ana aa-1 . uww uvt a"o, ut w i uissy s" nomei the ordinance. good for anything, it ought, to. be tantate,V'iMid to ' hT t: tecoTered return. There le eympathy with the able to smash that combine so thor- that they are largely masters of afflicted parents, of course, yet oughly nd punish it so severely that their own destinythat the way to well, the lesson of each of these It would not dare to . hold up get desired things la to g about the many tragedies le plain. people v for unconscionable ; proflU WOrk , of getting them themselves, J i''-'-M'-.. - , any longer. : : - f instead of waiting and calling for . It 1 reported 1 that when rument. mad by hre. next week. Hav John at work Z?tZl .SIV.'" St th etate. and by In Washington to get him for aa Inform- mTm to m. .? r"Srr? tha dnfenaa mud I al nartv. Pm.nl.7au'. n... u.-1 SSrnej lO a man Who robbed tllroad. : in forca and alo. thaf th, nrinrm mn ! 1 not Z . 1-I5 ""CiWOI" Of 10.000.000. . . 1 1 'I '"ssBBasW ). Mrs. The Blabwood. business needs Ipjok- outsiders to -bring thenr wnar tney I iworui mi ; uu? a nun spnng w';Wne" li. . to th nd f tha "urprising if th jury 7 had disagrMd. around after awhile to give ', it his doing other things paving attention. But :. opportunities fori for one thing, that attract attention testing the ordinance are likely to land people and capital and business. occur, account "bust" a few trusts, it will j region of country all around as a add to its already favorable reputa- great and 'sufficient base of opera tion. Nobody wants to prevent bust-1 tlons. It Is reported that : Jtxrd Sholto It Portland can on its own And of course they have a splendid I Douglas, well known on the Pacific ITa nmmAmA ann.ar.na SCarCelr b .UrDaSSed to -ao wlthth balloon. . In whir. h ha I Quenc; all was don that earnestness I to visit any house allied with tha nra- wu waing uita down the rope tha anohA a landing was made. This wa. to Tnat..!h? ,uh' bould Jiav so speedily J their sails, or whatever theey are, mov "Rlaky's" liking. He , took the lob. !9u,tted w?f triumph which even the! lng along. Qult reluctant to leave the When th "professor" wanted to limd. 5el,e.n co,uli narair, expect. When the veranaa, engaged Consul, the trained "Risky" was hoisted over the side of reelli,,.xUtta'.,n Idaho is-considered I monkey, for a dinner party. Great soo the car. Down the swlngins roD be 7 Be"n 'causing an unconscious bias e"s. Dr. Niefelkraut the German sci- tlrht around If h.nri 1 . .wr "' minora in uie mioas i jninai b uur,, uui xnea everyoooy asxs iiiur nnu, vverrone taugn. He toog Algy for Consul, and complained that he wasn't nearly so well trained a. h had been led to expect Algy quit corn pllmented, he said breeding was flult out of dat. . ,v Thursday. After ordering 10,000 ros es at I J. SO each for my dance, I found a place where on mor Could hav been put ' Exceedingly annoying. Dismissed my aeoreiary. na mad quit a scone, saying her sister or aoma nna waa starving, and that ! hadn't paid her last month's salary. Told her It was her own faultthat she probably stole more man . xnai anyway, and . that a slid, len grinned tlrht around 1L hand 'V.or "gainst in miner, in tn minds over hKd: . - . U hand of honest men It would not have been "tov-- t .v i.a -a ' . surprising If the Jurr had dlaacreed. lng Into, though it seems on the aur- want. "-A large Instance of the manl ; Teltowstone ; park Nick did not and sat down a-straddi of th anctr i imo.t MtmuJ m0i?th rlt r baTiot face that in this there le some genu- f estatlonof this spirit was seen re- offer to help her out, but laughed f.B tbHtorrfa' -tb vindication more noteworthy. ine competition. If there Is a lain- cently when the, people of Eugene immoderately.. And yet only two "5 twtop to grab th anchor to... w. not ilw choi th puST of triaL bit . i ' . i ... . . i l..v v.a aaaaaaa .l. ...... ji. I ilinrf . . a am -. ' Wm. . -. v.- I yiia vr ww ana 4 osa my I kldnaned . the defandanta In aruitha. oer truoL, ifc i. too Dig ior one town i ouuBuriueu ov,vuv tor me ouiiaing i nwuiu ub,i ciomes torn into to tackle, and Uncle Sam may, get of a local railroad, Into shreds and rot afi 1...??!"' .'IL'""":" '"V.T' And they are Plunged in, even at the risk of Ws ?'c" "ui "- out opportunity to contest th xtradi. HntUii.'a;'-',! ?;,'v.. . nWaAZitn rih-Tnr-. -n 7,?Z V9 ". suprem k " . , . IZ,..:a ' professor, and the landing court held th kidnaping legal th de- ciaion can not relieve tne authorities of Oregon SicleliLti '"AJbany'haa its' first tpum-'y'r- 'i ' Wallow county is becoming a. great fin stock region. - - A Milton man captured a monster por- ' euptn ln aa outhouse on klg premises. j Astoria messenger boys ar going to form a union, with a view to striking. ' : v ' : Y" ' ' ftalrr : liichoof district bonds to th amount of 11,60a brought a premium of .: $120. v ;i,. i : (,i .4'?Mi'if '. iueven noraes in a pasture near wail - W4uia n ess people from making good, lib eral profits, but the robber combines must be broken np. - ' Incidentally, It . might be aslfed what those people ' think, now who predicted that, Eugene would dwln coast some years ago,' has become I a7drijmmer for a Detroit "Jewelry . establishment. , ; And not a wordi about dear Lady. Sholto. ; f Think It -Over. ' : , ; By Joaquin Miller. Is it worth while that we jostl - a oroiner, . . ... , . Bearing his load on th rough road ot HIST the charge of enaarinar in a consniranvi uuwurinv ui b la i.a oriicisua. Kill n wood may well rejoice that he was kid naped for ' the clandestine deportation adds completeness to his triumph. ou. ma veruici is more man t per- glne. wer all killed by a railroad n- The wheat crop of Wallowa eounty. i . ... . . arvai vianiiinauvii W a a. II wgiiaajia navwunil is it worth wiiii that w jeer at each! waa connected. It would hav seriously oiner, . embarrasses th labor movement If wa in blackness of heart that w war to ful murder could hav been- traced to . th knlfeT . labor officials. The - American people t3od pity us all la our pitiful strife, wlll not tolerate conspiracies to commit crime ana all friend, of labor hav rea- sonal victory; It .is a , victory for the "Ahi bad her put out. -labor organlratlon with which Haywood L.VlJf C$.7?lh ?r-Pa comin- to check In full would b mailed her next t this year will exceed that ofall prevl- month in due course. She flared . up I fr-vS,))j. . ; c ; ; ; and cried again, and f ' was quit re-1 iVH""'-"""'-' . 1 '7 "vi ', NOT A GOOD ANSWER. t A PRIZE offered by a "buslneBS r men's association," kind not stated, of St . Louis, for the '. best suggestion as to the way to Improve that city was won by a girl stenographer,' who said: "Take the lid off and let It stay off for ever. Permit racing,' saloons and all that will help to bring business here Instead of driving It away.' Let all business keep open day and night. Sunday and every day. ' It,1 will give employment to many 'and increase revenue for St. Louis.". ' s . We' suspect the "business men" British Northwest Territory, that W4V7 , t in 1870 had a white nonulation of 0od 5"' ,f? le ch thrj io5tJolo that VjuryTf disinUreit die and wither 'and nearly die be-m i'" wnue population or God pardon u. au for, th triumph we led men ha. rejected th videnc pri cause it went dry last YM;f TboniT i''' naa lasi year a popuia- feel . .p-' ' I SSnted and daa-.aral tha AmfmnAmn t f , TCThan m atla Mia. Jam faaal. .VI. ImiHw mu. a.i.i a.- l . . v. revenue Of Its dozen or more saloons t,on Of 808,683 ,The 'Sister Of the load pn th heatner, the suspicion cast on Haywood by Or- .. . . ... . .... - ... Knnai" la an In a- rn na a nla rfrnra I w ..w ... n viu was lost to ine town, ana tne Dniia-1 " - -r - -.v Intra thev oiM-nnlftd wr laft. vacant I Ft. T ' - - ' and It was dolefully predicted that us for luncheon. I thought I could foil some of th stuck-up. While op-j nau w m napuDiicsn iorm 01 govern- went. I think this Kosefelt or is it Roosfeltt does the beat he can In the sand absence of a monarchical spirit j """a iiiaaaoa, who nave unrortu natteiy, a voice In thi. government iv Baturdav-Mr. Trout has got the prince after, alt I am . too prostrated i Pierced to th heart Words ar chard', confession wlll be a. warntn tol "?u.T"Vn!..' bard, ther was keener than steel . . . . I labor leaders tn aM ..av.i.ti.n .ith I " out cnuron. And mlahtler far for wo than for I those who. Ilka nrnhard ia.r.i ' ' . Th majority of wheat fields around Freewater and Milton yielded from 10 to so ousneis an acre. , .wi , , . t .,.-' , A herd of cattle running at larg broke Into an inclosar at Dairy aad destroyed a vn-load stack of bay. -r 'zx.'-- Forty head Of band of sheep In Union county were killed and th herder nearly, frightened to death by lightning. :.v'.'--;'.'.--j.a- ': '.- --Vv A-;--'''- Artesian water was found at a depth Of ISO feet near North Powder, but a th flow was not sufficient boring will weai. ( , . -, wageearners py suggesting violeno as , .ikisg JUevil Worst Of AIL 1 i t conuaueu. - a ?- . -, nnaa- Were it not wen la thla brief little low. MqumaJ J"lnola, Dispatch , ln New Tork OnUrlo Is taking out ioal fronr a Koose- ney, as a vindication of , the Jury system! J. . " VforUl' L rixJ'-r - prospect on i pry creek, is mile from V t. Tet On over th isthmus, down into th Her wer 12 disinterested men who RevvD. L. Bass, Whose sermon on th th townj 10 ton" having been taken out ; . the town was a "goner." But all i are is a larui revisionist. me DUliamgS rormeriy occupied by vr 7; , 7 v" . tide. r bon tbemselve. bypath to do Justlci evil, of klssln7ls ringing throuata all 2' , "-foot tunnel. . Ifi. said to buii) vuiiuiui auaw midcu tv puyyi ' I ' i wi luiuuii tuv iiauvs iu v kiiu svuiav I wuucoacB, it wwyeri ana lO IneJ jUuge I growing demand, and we have ob- 11CDB l? anow wicu way io jumpi served no complaint of difficulty about raising enough money to run av- ..... I Pnnnsvivanla Is: "Thon shalt not I Man, and man only, makes war on his Judge ia. is reposed In a iurv. and iu Bweriiiuau.vu sxien- --: j 7. v7" " ' brother . . Judge might well shrink from thedls" Look at the rose saluting each other: The motto of the Democrats- In AiO0K,,!,VM nero u l peaca. on. forever ana ay in oust at m iwit inn men iney reiirea to tn Jury room n bin ty, r and, recognising their resnonal turned a concrete definition of Justice, which a nation approves. No such con fldence could be reposed in a slnrle niA nt rnitrallta aaama tn liau hun I Bleat UI COUrSO mey nave HO repeated in Eugenei its dry year has &ace of electing anybody In that been its best year. Thl may be8iaie.on piaworra Ul.alJa.ia1l . .a A A m.m-mmJm - A. . ft. . m ..n .s U1UHUT ULIllitJIUeUiai. UUL 1L BUUWI siust ur comyosaa woi - w,T,to ,B. Senator Bourne etfll considers the nte " AMI V tramhlAM tV selnnn' I v aav ably, renewed his stuck on th kiss demon today. The Misses Gertrud . Relly. JSdlthi English, Maym Sanderson, Eliiabeth Powell, Fannie Franklin , and ' Ethel Walker, all of Cairo, express strong Th Portland-. Journal Will hav to quit poking fun at Salem about paving talk, very soon. Th period of talk l almost ended. Action henoeforth. -8a lem Statesman. But didn't you talk th same way many moons agof . a , l at hi. Peri! fhaW aaiiu ifnui. .i ... . . . w jm. j .i r itoi ivilltcu. 1 . I Llia ouuion III nirniaiinn .... 4 Rhamed h tha haaata that mn Anrrn I A ludsr would havA fnrtnti. A. tiifn.al ,,. . . ..... . . . , . . . v on tne plain, ' w comraer, ana pimiio opinion f"'Bu wwgm wiin mm. 01 I. it worth while that wa battle in I men had onlv thla r.aan tn thlnV bumble . I arter administering justice they horse-racers, gamblers and saloon- men, most of whom will agree with this suggestion that ' a wide-open town ia sure of prosperity. But the large, majority will not agree to this. 'Most business men, and their em ployes,' and mechanics, and average male citizens generally, besides all good - women, do not i wish an all- : week, . all-night, ' - wide-open ' town. They prefer orderly streets, care for public safety,' and public 'decency dispensable to a town's growth- and primary law and statement No. 1 prosperity. REDUCING THE RATIO. SALOON the most important political matter ln Oregon. How does this strike Senator Fulton? Some poor fellow down into th dust? God pity us all. Tim too soon will : tumbl - '. . -i? . v, AU of us together, like leaves in a - -. gust , Humbled indeed down Into th dust three of Klamath's Annular vnuna, la- The kls. devil is doing more to fill i dies, each of whom laid claim lo th from nubile view Th nanij . .vT I Of Calvary BaDtist church hra. "ti. a freedom which n judge , could feel ef" should, never kiss each other until! and it is thi. very freedom to consider I they ar -mamed. In the day. of urj eacn case on.it. merit, that furnlshe. I "prntj in tne souuiern state, at one or tn Stronreat inumnnta In av.. 1 teaav an aiiemnt ro kiss a srlrl waa -j ne inenas i Choice Language. , From TlWBlt. The number of obsolete word, that exultantly, says th Express. . 4 Haines Record i A' littles rqfrCeVneck Ing of tha "butinsky" order over the telephone In Baker two weeks ago re sulted In th martiar of th two nris- ctpals tht. week. They bad never mat but got "sassy," mad up, mad a data, and it only remained for Cupid to do It Is announced that the president fa a a a aa M m S ' ' ft I ''' fUV UUMIWI . Vfc VVUVlVVf wytUI SUHa INNBAPOLIS, that In 1900 had te oln to 71814 CaPe Cod- perhP ar to b found in th complete dic- 202,718 population and nowwm,s nere,ne win investigate ana i tionary of th English languag is con claims 800,000, has 417, Ba. ee K that name isn't a nature fake. .1 . 1 .., 1 if.."., j.',' Shoa and loons, and a councilman of that city has introduced an ordinance Meneliklt. . . w . .,,,..1 i.,,..M -a ,. jueneiiK ii, .omperor ,; or and . the suppression of vicious "WJ" Abyssinia, wa. born Augu.t 17. 1844, in - " r - .Ihav) Ann MiilitniarAM re "tAAttm rrnal I . . ' temptations: i Discussing ...this ones- father", kingdom of. Shoe, Hon tha New York WnrM well av- yltX' Itt SL Paul wlth - Profligat living and reckless snend- ' Perhaps 240,000, the lng do not foster sound' business con-1 ealoons Is limited to 400. rightly considered aa areata a wrnn, a a of tha ' daranitan . h. I could be committed- acalnat her.- Such friend, of labor and the friend, of trial I n attempt wa. a gross Insult, and the bv lurv can Unit nnaa fw .ainiAt.. i I man Who Offered It and tha vnnnar wnm. th acquittal of William D. Haywood, I aj . father" or brother met with, pistol, j the rest & Transnortation WHllai';: i. "V,0"1! lovers bold each other's " A farmer near Laldlaw tells of th . xransportation facuiues. , . ; ; hand. In token of . their pure affection, presence of dew on crop, where in pr ,l JYom : the Chicago . Trlbuiie;',V'.v5' And when they part th man may per- v',u yars there . was none. On hi stderably larger, than th people bar ' Th declaration of th president of ffaJ" If?"iL"f5 Au&mV .VJ- JlrJim ,2;.,rii"",25 any Idea of. Ths following letter, writ 1 h Southern railway In a talk at Louis-1 ful pressure. But that ihnmA. all ,.1 water artlflclallv anniied thla aaaann. ten by an alleged poet to an editor who vlUa Vat'oftl:r a narrow minded vie of f ' 'Ther i. something wonderfully mag-1 h dew is so heavy each morning that bad .treated hls.' poetry with derision, hi. Interests could lead a railroad" tnanl?uo urtn juss . When Z7y coma wa.n your nand. ; in . it. furnishes some idea of them: . h .... tn mnnLr.i..Z. JI. "?tB co.n together It I. like Which hows that Irrigation Is. filling Mflir You hiLV behaved llk an im-l r Z"?"" wmtw? i lwo cioua charfed with electrtcityg tha J Jh air with great -amount of rooia- tSAt larinntiM i-tro.ri.fwi I Itji thAaa vrhA ,Um i wv m as Kit auuiubllioii dc in b i wiw uuBiiivB miu i,na otner nflmivi sini i ui Wiai vioua or any moral celaltuae, carry theJr anrt or present tnought. It ia clear that i19 wVi " certain caaeap an mo- I.iu.iu. v.iu.iuk auiu . viuuuuuns ox ex cessive passion and ecstacy. 'A kls. goe. straight, like the shock of a aal- I a . . . . a. . t W V - V j w Bv wa vauvak V " aVU Vllioi - uaBDH IUB I f L.l. x 11 1 x m . -ThA dfl. m Bnoa ft"er nvln "Pw nis youtn abllgat the tongues of the weetlesal time element In transportation 1. com- iul In' all ail"ta mvflA1 ailvaatn.aa aurf I filr. VOIl hav firftlfilT flftraillMl MV nam na. I RArfltlvalv .linlmnnplant T IK. MllMaJ. dltlons,' but crime, vlolence, vie and I sign 'in these cities, and Others OS I when King John of Abyssinia died in I word though they wer trangamed. I will I could b relieved of much of thi. mo. social and political Immorality The I . - K- , ,!. J89 Menellk marched to Abyssinia, had 1 not coascervate reproaches, . j will oduce I ond- class ..of freight ther would, be a nwa, a,vvu. v w. . , ; yv nunn cro wnQ i emperor or aoy ssmia l veil over . ia au-ameniai ingratituae Mjn iw argrjruuujr. . . in raniw pans or ine country tnere . nis lamer. Kingaom . ,i duos. nu viou. or any moral ceisituue, oarry tneir i present inougnt. xt i. clear that a population mother wa. a beggar whom th king ungUolty to .the -height of creating ym- freight I. of different grades.: Som of i number ot took a fancy to .nd mimed. .Jh ruled .ST t& political Immorality. mining camp ha. Its place, - but it Is manta ahnni If lota., --.a ... .;l.l..- .( 4 I . uiun iuu neeus. nnj tiukuiug, vk 1,110 uaiiu vutj u vu tne tnrone is a Doy t years 01a, called While, the lid" may restrict pleasures tha nmmnnltv th aalonn business Jr8U. "on of Menellk'. daughter. The and 'opportunities for a certain typ. of f 8aIoott ."tuation in Abyssinli bowser. IS un, busines. men. it t. an institution wnicb 18 overdoa9 in Minneapolis." iffeSl ?Cii?: f -Tnt:. ! rhe si or.! ! 1 c:cz:-3 ' la developing Oregon; into common wealth, such aa It;. The enthusiasm to rv7.here rreralent as a And the St. Paul Dispatch says: Whatever b th Unal . . proporUon screed upon as to saloons and popula tion, it Is ' evident that tho , feeling Is growing mor and more ; general . that the sale should be restricted. .The dif ferent quarters tf the country are all undergoing some crystallisation: of opin ion In this regard. ? : Ia th astj ;ther Is a tendency toward regulation, similar to the one elt ln the northwest, al- tnouga th spirit of entlr protest Is pernapa stronger her than ther. In the south, there is a strong tendency iuwra proniorang the .al of lntoxl- is probable. - i- ZZT.m . . .7 saloons on Sunday and Dart of the nd 8h0 "d proclaimed himself king which has chamfered even my Indisoerp- on the border, of civilization. - If St 8aloon" on OUBUy na P ut Lflw nf kinas. H mi anablad to dn thla I tlhla heart. I am allent on tha rft. Louis or any other city of Its sis were night, but to limit their number to I with Italian interference, but h - later I lation which my coadjuvancy must hav to advertise the fact that It hainar . .naiA tka .Afini.fina nung asiue mis aiuance Because, as ne gtven -wnen 1 orierea to oecom your .h Z ; Tha l.nfft . iS' - certain' ratio Of the population, .aid. Italy desired to absorb bl. king, fantor and aMmlnicle. I will not speak run on th principle of ileen.Ing the fha Minneanolls Journal savs' Aom' The country h rules is very rich of th Uppltude, the oblepsy you have classes usually kept under restraint. It lne ?llnneaDO" Journal says. n M luxuriant in vegetation and ln shown in exacerbating me, oSe whose would soon m delivered over to th el- rora vno unanciai simuvuuii. ivi "f ao'Vnn nnn mi. i popu-1 gonius you .nouia nave approached And yet all these words ar to be zouna in tne aictionary. H?-v;Kv.-,h.'.;,;. )' This at In nistory. K '- V". " t48S-Edward V r& his ; brother, Richard, duke of Tork, smothered in th Towr.' , : .. : ; - ':''-y-:'"--'ti lB86CapltuiaUon Of Antwerp. l(s-vCromwell defeated th Royal ists at battle of Preston. " ' ; 1657 Robert Blake, the great admiral or tn uommonweaitn. aiea. Born 1598. -1781 First issue of the New England Courant. , - 1788 David Crockett, the Jhero of the Alamo, born. Died March (, 1838. 1788 Peter Hunter appointed lieu tenant governor of upper Canada. im r ounoauon lata ror Nelson s the normal American community will never abandon. TEACHING OREGON TO ORE GONIANS. : 4 . - T IS of the utmost - Importance that Oregon people should come ((3 know thefr state, and what it ran That la a fundamental can bejio method of transportation to rival : me rauroaa. in otnur iunt nn rivers, lake, and canal, can be used to advantage. There 1. no evidence that there would be any appreciable shrink age in railroad income. If waterway, wer. developed. It 1. far more reason able to suppose the opposite result like ly, to toiiow. ine true attitude to be taken 1. that which welcomes every conceivable addition to the facilities wnicn in country nas ror handling its raw material and Its products of many eaasauspa - Thatched Roofs fn London, r.v v From th London Evening Standard. .Every cabman knows that ther Is a thatched house in 8t James street although the nam is a bare tradition or a lonir departed roollna. ... L.ika wood. cn houses, thatched roofs are rare in London. . . There is a neautirui specimen tn Cam berweil Grove, not. far from Camberwell Green. Standing back from th street, it 1. embedded in the richest foliage and clad In lvv. .The thatchlnar ia r,f ancient date. In good repair and evident-1 monument In Trafalgar Bouare, London, ly the work of a highly. Skilled that-1 1843 Cardinal Rampolla born. ' - cher. At the beginning of the rov is cants altogether. Tha Birt tan , I ve.r o1.? j,nn 0'lB5. the Plough, whicn .m ... , ,,,. . . - . I retatna au ine main reature. wltn which "Pid and posltiV develop-1 la wa Invested imt 800 years ago, 1S&S Uionnin walked at rnna .arrnaa Niagara. - v I 1870 Julia Marlowe, American act- Too Young. - .. ' V" , - x .From th Chicago News. ; V 1 , H was a beardless youth and the peachy down- was on his cheek. i'TMrllng.!: hvwblspored. "I beg of you to giv me just one kiss. They ar intoxIcatIng."';.'''-'6ttv.ir, , But the beautiful girl Shook her bead and withdrew, to the far , end of the sofa. -c ; ' h- .. "No,' Freddy,' she replied In tantalis ing tones.. "I don't want to do anything unlawful.' v - "Unlawful, Mis. RoseT ' -' "Tes; you know it is aaalnst tha law to glv Intoxicant, to minors." , And then, poor Freddy melted away like a tub of ice-cream at a Sunday school plcnlo. . .. , vanlo battery. to the heart, -and tha weaker party is always paralysed under th blow, whether for good ox 111 or for weal or woe.-, . "Nothing has mor of heaven's ' f lro or the fire of hell In it that the kiss of a lover or of a villain, and the first step of the fiend incarnate- In order to de stroy the . innocent ; but deluded 'vic tim ln hi. clutches la to cat his Una tn hers. The lips ar often the gat to th citadel of virtue in tha vnnnar an' loving heart, and thousands have sur rendered the fortress of character tn tha thrilling kiss of the licentlou. libertine, who well knows its psychology nd dynamic Dower when , affections a.mi confidence have been won ln a, woman's heart Great God deliver us 'from the kissing devil!" The Rev. Dr. Bass, though a south erner, nas runun diom in his veins. He la a -descendant of Samuel Bass, who settled In Massachusetts in 1880. , "Will They Dare Do It? . From the Kansas City Star. ' ' From time immemorial, so' to sneak. the price of a spool of thread In this country na. Been o cents, oometlrne. it has been less; but "a nickel a .pool" has become a rule sanctioned by usage and by fair dealing. Can It be possible that the rage f riches ha. become so fierce In this country and has so stifled the lnstinots of eaultv and humsnttv aa tn permit the formation and existence of a trust which, has set out to extort blood money from- helpless women, who are atltchlng away their poor lives to aaln subsistence for themsalvaa and their: unfortunate children t .. j Bast Bids Bank for People. , East Sid Depositors of This Bank .; Are shown every courtesy and ac corded th most liberal treatment"" consistent .. with ' conservative i ' banking. We mak no. charge for' giving j advice regarding Investments or any other information pertaining to money matters. Savings accounts and checking account, of all sizes ar invltedw . W invite correspondence from . thosa desiring information, a , 4 Per Cent Interest 1 Compounded i semi-annually. Will be paid on savings accounts. Commercial Savings Bar. XlTOTT AlTD WZUJAKS ATS. "Oeorge W. . Bates . . President J. S. BIrrel..,. Cashier t