THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, 'AUGUST 17. 1C07. 4V SBOMB OF mm DAY HiDFM ii nv nunc niur Ai mvcm ' Poor Work of Each Is Ee spbnsible .for Two Runs : ':-,: Secured by Seals. i long ioi FORCES IK i V vri-fnty BY WILIONES - Thai Pots Ban Francisco Ahead, and Vl If When 1 PortlandV Third " Baseman Lets Ulldebrand Get Away From Him the Interest Ceases, y ; '."; ' Ban Francisco. I: Portland, J. A JjtTlnnlng by Bobby Groom and a put Portland far to th bad In a ram which, for a tint, looked destined, (or th Beavers' market basket The scor was I to '1 In favor of ' Portland at the beginning of the aev- .nth, when Lone Bob went on his perl- ' odlcal balloon ascension. , Hlldebrand, first tip, was given a free pass. Pa lr , win aaortfloed and Nick Williams came ' along with a single. . Ksola was wiwm , and the comers were all taken, urooio -was as wild as a. March hare and only by the cleverest of backstop work was If 'C 1, ' I J T fJEET OF TRACK ATHLETES All Sections of America Are Sending Their Best Ken to Jamestown. ' BEST IN HISTORY AS INTERSECTION! MEET IClnbt Which Stand Beat Show of ' Ism ding Largest Number of Points Are - New Tork, Irish-American, Chicago and Boston. , On ths left la snapshot of Jack Joha--jion, the black terror, who knocked; out FJtxslmmoni - la ; the second round In a abort battle, In; Phila delphiarecently.V.; Oa the right li shown Bob ritrslmmoni in a char acteristic attitude. , ,V 'jV';' ; ' aisfir E&rjssT sass misshotchkiss to - ?EAftL,! : PLA Y . HERE .MONDAY aay money, Groom couldn't . gt them pear him and "Silvers" was also given ; Spe'nSr 1EUJrSt WotaM Tennis . Champion" Wfll ApJ a to i The score was not so bad, even then, , but Mott's bonehead work In the elghtn rut na too far In the hols to allow ny hope for a crawl-out Forgets to Throw Ban. Wheeler began the Inning by -swinging acalnst the air three times. HUde v . brand doubled to center and Irwin came s along with a grounder to Mott Hlldy . had started and Mott did the proper thing, fired the sphere to Casey. Hlldy . ran back and forth In his net and there , was no excuse for letting him out. But Mott's senees suddenly left him and he forgot to throw. When his senses came . back to him Hlldy was safe on second, , while Irwin was running back to first - from second, whence ha had cone with - the full confidence that the outfielder ' would be caught. Mott turned to throw ' to - first, but nobody was there, of course, and the Seals were safe all - around. Nick Williams, the next batter up. Struck out. It would havo been three cut but for the poor play of the mo ment before.- Kaola came to bat and ut one' In center field, scoring Hllde irand and Irwin. Except for six outs n the last inning, the game was over. i There will be a double-header again tomorrow, the first game to begin at I o'clock. Yesterday's official score: V-i'-: BAN FRANCISCO. . s. r,X ' A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Fpenoer, cf. 4 .11 10 0 w newer, as. . . ; s o o l Hlldebrand. It ...... S Irwin, lb. .' f WlUlams, lb. 4 FJsoIa, & t Ptrelb. lb. I Willis, rf. 4 ' Henley, p. I pear In Exhibition Games at Irvlngton Club. I 0 s s 0 s 0 4 Totals r w xmmmj, u ...,. Burdette, of. Bassey, If ...... ponahue, a ......... MoCredle, rf. Atherton. lb. Motl8b.',r.'.'II!.'!II t Oroom, p. t JO I I 17 IS 1 PORTLAND. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. B. ' Totals ...St I I 17 It 0 SCORE BT INNINGS. Ban Franclsoo ... ..0 0 0 1 0 0 2 S 06 Hits 0 1 0 S 0 0 1 2 04 Portland ...... ...1 i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 S Hits 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 8UMMART. Struck out By Oroom. 8; by Henley, . Bases on balla Off Oroom, 4; off flenley, 8. Two-base hits Casey, Wll lams, Hlldebrand. Double plays Irwin unassisted. Donahue to Mott Henley to Williams to Irwin, Btrelb to Wheeler. pacrince nits irwin, Burdette 2. Ather- . ion. oioien Miss Hasel Hotchklss , of . Berkeley, California, who holds the woman's ten nts championship of the Pacifio Coast states, of California and of the Pacific northwest will bs In Portland Monday next and will play several exhibition matches at the Irvlngton club Monday afternoon. Miss Hotchklss will stay here only one day, as she Is on bar way horns from Tacoma and Vancouver, where she carried everything before ber In the women's events. No schedule of matches has been ar ranged at the Irvlngton club, but Miss Hotchklss will - be given every oppor tunity to show what woman can de velop in the way of tennis shots. It was thought at first to match her In singles against one of Oregon's best but the commute decided not to do this, as none of Portland's lady players I ceuid make It interesting lor ner. Btie win play in mixed doubles and in ladles' doubles and possibly she may . be matcnea asainst one or tne male . ex. certs. Miss Hotchklss game has often been compared by California players to that or May Button, tine goes to tne net like a man, smashes like a man. and her favorite back court stroke la a drive. In cleverness of stroke she would robably compare favorably with any male player in Portland, but, of course, she cannot oovsr court like a man and, unless her game has improved a great deal since the writer last saw her per form, she would stand no show with the cleverest men players at Irvlngton. In California there is nrobably only ons woman player, in addition to May Sutton, who can beat Miss Hotcnkisst That is Miss Florence Sutton, the sec ond Sutton sister. Since May Sutton allowed the coast championship to go by default it has been won by Florence Sutton until last year, when Florence did not compete, and it was won by Miss Hotchklss. Miss Hotchklss is said to be constantly Improving. She will defend her title at Del Monte this year and. as Florence Sutton will probably be in the tournament Miss Hotchklss may turn the tables on ner oia rival. Miss Hotcfcklss is only about 20 years of ago and la a student at the Uni versity ,f Callfornla- PAYNE TURNS TABLES ON TYLER AT TENNIS r L 4k LITTLE SPARKS FROM M0T0RD0M ' Even dogs suffer from motor heart according to one of King Edwars vet erinarians. They enjoy the swift mo tion of the car. but in time their hearts enlarge, become flabby and generally weak. The only cure Is total abstinence from rides. . London's streets at last have been in vaded by a big automobile of the American "rubberneck" clasa. On with a capacity of 40 passengers nas been put in service by a company in which several American residents of Ena-land are interested. Rev. Martha Bortla. a Waahlnrotn club woman preacher, In a recent ad dress at th Chautauqua Woman's club. Chautauqua, N. T., declared if she had her way she would erect the finest churches in' the slums ana bar automo biles from aproachlng them. , Nasarro's double victory of the Grand Prix and Kaiser's Cup races was a triumph for the four-cvlinder motor. In the two events he met and defeated two Eugllah, one French and one Swiss eignt-cyiinder cars and an Italian six cylinder, none of which won any honors. fSrnHal DUoateh to The ' Joornel. I Vanrnuver. B. C. A US. 17. In the bases Spencer. Burdette I nnan ainiries tennis tournament- yester . . T Til. I 1 I . " - M m . . m. , flay, fayne or itcoma oewuwi ir Of Seattle; 7-6,- . f-o. rwna piaya Schwengers of Victoria for the main lnd ehARinlonshlo today. . I Wlckersham of Portland and 'Miss Hotchklss of California defeated Card Inal of Sussex, England, and Miss Beck' tt nt Vancouver: 6-1. 6-4. Miss Hotchklss beat Miss Beckett, in the ladies' semi-finals: 6-4, 10-8. Miss Hotchklss and Miss Ryan, both of California, play today for th main land championsnip. ; . - ... avimuHOk u w , i ai ' Mit av LS VIIUU balls Streib, Burdette. Wild pitch Henley. Left - on bases Portland. 4: San Francisco, 4. Tims of hour 45 mlautcs. Umpire--Perrine. DARNELL TO TRAIN SPOKANE ATHLETES pkane. Wash.. Aur. 17 Qeore M. VarUBSJkcf Chicago has Just been elected eAKwalAarllMAimi a4 V a OttAlfAn Aa &If.Slu FAIR MANAGERS WIN dr the , direction of Cisco Bullivant chalrmaln of th athletic committee. The appointment was made upon the recommendation 6f M. G. Martlndale, vice-president of the club, who recently vlstted Chicago. Varnell attended . the Chicago two . years and Is. a member of I tha mom durlnar the Inter- the Chicago Athletic club, -,, Subsequent! tt fair. September 23 to October 8, P00LSELLING FIGHT ' i- ' ' ' (Soeetal Dbpttcb te The loo real.) Spokane, Aug. 17. Acting Mayor University of I aeumg ordinance permitting the selling to his attendance at ChlcaJro he was a student at the University of Kentucky from which he graduated lit 1906. He played on the football and baseball teams at both institutions and was also on the Indoor teams and the track teams. He coached th University of Kentucky football - team last year, and showed his ability in that direction. t An expert who ha been compiling data on BiriKBB aeciares mat tne great est number of strikes - occur In the building trades and that the. second greatest number is in the textile trades. ianr i Thta ,itrM the fair.' The board of -managers declared ns fair would be held if pool-selling on races was prohibited this yean, Th amendment applies to this year only. In the following years no pool-selling permitted. v-.- To Obviate accidents from backflrins when cranking the engine place the thumb against the index finger and take the crank handle between the four fin gers and the palm of the hand. Should a back kick occur tha hand will readily and no Injuries will result As a result Of tha rovammrnt'i nro. test against the holding up of diplo mats by Marshal Collins, the "terror of uien jwsno, tne Washington suburb, Collins has agreed to leave the foreign envoys alone, provided they will display some mark on their cars to Identify them. , While speeding at nfcht south of San (Hearst Hews Barrlee.) . " New Tork. Aug. IT. On of th great est meeting of athletes ever held in this country will be the championships of field and track athletlos at Jamestown, 8 pet em ber 6 and 7. - Not only will th United States send Its best athletes, but Canada also will enter, which means that ths meet will bs one of the greatest intersections! meets In A. A. U. history. It Is certain to be In the nature of a long step for ward in th right direction for such sport Aa a result of th great inter sections! gathering, the men of the New Tork A. C. and the Irish-American A. A., the two leaders in local champion ship seising, will have to go the limit if they do not wish to be outclassed by their opponents. v lxt Xvents on last, VT For each of the divisions of athletes the juniors, who are the men without senior championship to their credit. and -the seniors the proaram will be the same, consisting of sixteen events calculated to test every muscle in the body. The prises offered for the con tests of skill and brawn and endurance are the most coveted trophies In the amateur world in this country, for a man who can sport the gold medal em blematic of the championship of the United States is shown to all men to be an atheiete of great ability. The program's events are as follows: Runs at 100. 2Z0. 440. 880 yards, one mile and five miles; hurdle races at 120 and Z20 yards: running high lump, run ning broad Jump, pole vault for height throwing 66-pound hammer, putting 16 pound shot and throwing the discus both free and Greek style. gome XJkely Competitor. Outside ' of "the New Tork clubs the strongest competitor in the games will probably be the Chicago Athletic asso ciation, rne wearers or tne cnerry circle won the national championship games at the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion in f oruana two years ago. California, too. is going to make a strong bid for a place up near the fore In the final list of winners and has picked a dozen mighty men to struggle for th glory, or the ooiden state. The Olymplo A. C. of San Franclsoo, which. is to send the team to represent the state, has many good men. Of the eastern clubs, which are te enter the lists, ths Boston A. A. Is ex tremely likely to rive the leaders close run for the majority of points. - otnr wsstera aaietet, Of other westerners who are to come on for the games, it is understood that Dan Kelly, the wonderful sprinter of the university of Oregon, will be among uiem. The Missouri A. C. of St Louis, will send a zormidaoie team, and the south ern A, A. of New Orleans, has a number ' , ' : EDUCATE YOUR DAUGHTER AT illlliwiiiLLE 4 . PORTLAND, OREGON Her future success as a cultured, true-hearted vroman of the highest intelligence and usefulness depends on her education and environment during these early, f impressionable years. ' x ''X.-'''r: St.' Mary's Academy and College, now in its 49th year,' offers every possi ble' advantage; the very best mental, moral and physical development,: ideal home life, refined associates, the highe st grade training in music and art, a splendidly equipped gymnasiumbask etball and tennis a magnificent cam-' pus, and every opportunity for laudable enjoyment in the way of daily walks, excursions to nearby parks, and trips to the seashore; also, with the. parents' consent, the best singers and musicians are heard, and libraries and art mu? seums visited, in short, students receive, care fully chaperoned, every advantage of life in a met ropolitan city. ; St. Mary's has a national reputation; its students come from many states, including Wis consin, Montana, Nebraska, Idaho, 'Alaska and Oregon. There are the two distinct departments academic and collegiate each "equipped for the most thorough work. Both day and resident students are receiveo! 440 having betn enrolled the past year chiefly young ladies. Term opens in September write at once for booklet giving further information. ST. MARY'S: 'ACADEMY. PORTLAND, Oregon. ' SISTER SUPERIOR: l; Pleat send me fall Information and booklet Respactlnllj, .- . . ' . :"' ' '" "" Nara....,......,,,,,,,..,,.,,,, Address , . ............. , , ; ,.. , , IDS AD HONE LIS TO BE BUILT orest Service Engineer Ap proves plans in Southern Oregon Reserves. (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Orants Pass, Or., Aug. 17. W. C Herring, chief engineer of the forest service, has Just completed sn inspec tion of th southern Oregon forest re serves and has spproved the several Im provements proposed for this district He has instructed Superintendent M. J. Anderson of the Siskiyou reserve, who has headquarters In Orants Paaa, to pro ceed at one to build teleohone lines, roads and trails. Several thousand dol lars have been appropriated for this purpose,, and as a result, many hitherto Isolated sections of Josephine and Curry counties in Oregon and Siskiyou county In California will be piaceu in close communication with the outside world. Several telephone lines will be strung this fall, wire being now on the way here. One line will extend to the Ore gon caves, another to the Blue Ledge mining district of Siskiyou county, Cal ifornia, and another to Kerby and ex tended to the remote Chetco mining rlon of Curry countv. I'he proposed wagon road down Rogue SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO The Largest Training School of Acting in America Xr. OEX80V has rZJMOYAX eharg of Sam Tnneisejo sekool . Term Opens Monday, August 19th. - f Students Can tnter Aay Time Processional xprtsme wfcOs studying;. rosraoas secure zor graanais. f " Graduating cows limited to six months. TMrnrtt CIAS fo those employed dnrlas; ths Oar. ..AOlass and prlvat lessons. ITO Jong ma. . .' ELOCUTION ORATORY -- ACTING OaU o write fo oatalogwa, rani Oersom Sramatts Scbool, ' tTattva Sons' Building, Henry and Oongn sir ta, san iraacisoov 8 : ADVANTAGES I of good men who will win nolnts. The entry list from across the border win contain me names or some or the best athletes that Canada can boast of. A team of more than 0 performers will compete, and the Dominion men have hopes that they will figure well up In th list when th tables are flni region Of Curry county. Tha DrODOsed waron r river to the Bear Camp region received tv I is now being surveyed and will be built as soon as the route is selected. A good trail will be extended from the end of this road to Gold Beach. This will give the Isolated region of the lower Rogue river country a more direct route to the Interior. The mall will no doubt be carried over this shorter route In i preference to the long mountsln trail from West Fork, and in this one re spect will be a great convenience to the people of that region, as more than a week is now required to make the round trip from urants rass to uoia Beacn. ODnnr UllUUI ISHES nslllv tstfea 1 sari sin That HaAia wll1 Mateo, California, the headlight on tha I comneta under . the colors of f ho Mon. fV 1. ,1,ari3r ' San Francisco motor- treai A. A. A., which la the leading TWA AT?"F! TTTTiT"RD TK Ists disolosed a heavy timber on a rail-1 club In th new athletio federation oil A "v a-JJ!i li-lMUSUU Xil ruaa iracs. i ne motorists had barely I uanaaa. mmuiwi . ma oosiruction. nresumabiv DV wfenlcera vh.n an .t. I ttttt t rr- in ftiri miin , " - I 1 J III. Wju-Alll V II I'liUVI iu i TV IIJIJ Lll'Jll If L1JI I I II Lt f l I I 1 llll ii inn EVE OF HIS WEDDING Youth of Excellent Habits Disappears and Foul Play Is Feared. I LL MILITARY ACADEMY placed there press thundered nast Tha Massachusetts ' Stata association has decided to enforce the law which requires cities and towns to maintain sign posts along the highways. As a failure to comply with the law car ries with, it a money penalty the cam paign of the moxorfsts is expected to OLD ORCHARD BLAZE TO JAMESTOWN MEET (Journal Special Beniee.) Old Orchard. Me.. Aug. 17. Later estimates show the property loss In the fire at the summer resort here to be nearly $760,000. There are two dead Multnomah Club Will sen ted Despite Adverse De dslon of Dan Kellj. Rj pn. I and five Injured as result of the con no .Pre- fiaaratlon. The dead are: BOAT CLUB PREPARES FOR ASTORIA REGATTA i (Special DUpateh t Tae Journal.) Astoria. Or- Aur. 17Th. a.tni. Boating club organised last evening with a membership of 60 and elected the following officers: . PrlH. n.. Jackson: secretary. E. Rosenberg; treas-lclub directors last night Forrest Smlthson will be sent to Jamestown to represent th Multnomah club In place of Dan Kelly, who chose the University of Oregon colors In pref erence to those of the Winged M. tdis action was aeciaea upon oy the Hmitnson left Philip Partridge. 14 rears old. of Pittsburg, struck by train enroute. to fire. Unidentified man. killed by explosion or soaa tanK, neaa torn on. The injured: Melvln T. Merrill. Salem, Massachu setts. Samuel Emerson, of Old Orchard. Two unidentified persons. All the Injured were hurt by soda tank explosion. (Journal Special Service.) Los Angeles, Aug. X7- OPVom ths moment he left bis Intended bride at the door of her home Wednesday night, having 1800 In hia pocket William Breunie has not been seen. M was about to acquire valuable property as I soon as he married. He did not return home. His present to his Intended I bride was In Bis room, as wer his I vaitlnr rntthea and all hlB Dersonal effects. Detectives can find no trace of I him. Breunle. was a young man or ex cellent habits, and did not drink. The nolloa are working on th theory that n was mo ftcuui v, tviu PORTLAND' OR t. A Boarding and ' Day . School for Young Men and . Boys. Preparation for eol- - leges. U. S. Military and Naval : Academies. Ac credited ; to - Stanford, Berkeley, ; Cornell, Am herst and all Stat Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train- .. Ing. Business course. The principal has had 19 years experience la Port land. 1 Comfortable quar ter. Best environments. Make reservations bow. . For - Illustrated catalog and other literature, ad dress ,. .,. J. 1Y. CILL. U. D., Principal aad Proprietor. Herican ' , Mustang Liniment JAPANESE MEDICAL t COLLEGES RECOGNIZED urcr, iiiariea Anet. A. Lnkan and fl I fnr th tmmt DVIlav anil PniMnt Un. A . . -w a wirKKaia were elected captains of crews. Mlllan will wire him to go on to James- ii ne memDers wm engage in a number town and be there for th big field of contest during the coming regatta, events, which take place th firat week " ""-"" map single snen i in cteptemDer. in explaining the action races. . lnf .-a ltih. PrtlMnnt MnMlllu mxIA this morning: First National Is Champion. "fJK that w? b,rp- or tne Bankers baseball leas-ue. Th Ii.h tn gmiik,nn tv nnai game ol the ' season was played yesterday on the Multnomah club dia mond by the two leaders, the First Na tional and the United States National. The former won by the score of 2 to 1 The percentage of the. chamninna tha, season was .717. that Smlthson is as good a man as Kelly and that he is as much entitled to go as Kelly. Had we sent Kelly we probably would have sent Smlthson, anynow, .Forrest Smlthson has been a mem ber of th Multnomah club for the past1 BENEATJ1 THIS LID (Special Dinoateh to Tha Journal.) Aberdeen. Wash.. Aug. 17. Chief1 Schneider has been Instructed by Mayor I France to see tnat his oraer to tne sa- loonmen of the city to keep their places of business closed from 12 o'clock on Saturday night to 12 o'clock on Bun- day night Is obeyed. The saloonmen all seem ready to obey and the mayor authorizes the statement that there are ! no protests whatever, Attorney-General of Washington In timates That Science Knows No Racial lines. fiMsqalokiyteths) vary or sf ths ) . Haaaas aad stops th mast SMB-tMt, xarwsiatlng sains almost Instantly. , Mexican (Spteial Dispatch t The Jearaal) Olympla, Wash., Aug. 17. Ths attor ney-general's office holds that a Japa nese medical college. If of proper grade and classification, Is entitled to recog nition bv tha state medical board of Mustang Liniment protests whatever. Washington In the granting of certifl- It Is understood the order does not u to rractlcs medicine fn this state Carbonic acid gas and attllances. Bllderback A 62 First street. . . soda water Crane Co., seven, years. He first made a record as ZTZL. ZXMinJ2r XZTXZmZA under the general rui or w ooroi conaucting NORTHWEST LEAGUERS BELIEVE ' ,, THEY CAN BEAT COAST CHAMP a sprinter at the University or Oregon. For the past two years he has been at tending Notre Dame university and last year at Chicago ne tied tne world a rec ord In the high hurdles. At Jamestown 8mithson will compete In the 100-yard dash and in tne high and low hurdles. 'Kelly Is to have a try-out this aft' ernoon at Eugene and If he travels as fast ss 100 yards in 10 seconds, he will leave Monday for the east There la considerable rivalry between the two sprinters and the friends of Smlthson believe tnat ne can Deat Keiiy, stores, which eliminates the principal i Objections to tne closing law. Tha annual convention of the Trades! and Labor Congress of Canada Is to be held next month in Winnipeg. Advices received Indicate a large and represen tative attendance from all over the Do minion. DELAY FEEDS IT artaa&UtaUU - SOZODONT Dentifrice." Through sixty years no honest effort has been spared tot give 4o the public a Dentifrice throne teeth require. It is an 'TiUcaime, slightly astringent, de- liciously fragrant deodorizer and tonic for the. tooth and mouth structure. It is your loss if you are not using it. ' . . . , . Supporters of ths Northwest lesgue believe that thA.Nortbwest teams are su perior to-the Coast league teams ana are anxious ior'.a poi-oaun between ' the winners of ;the two base ball organisations. More than thaCthej riTun tn wum their hard-earnec masumaor at least they say they are that the Coast league will com out second best In the mix-up. Thursday's Issue of the San Franclsoo Chronicle contains a uiapatcn irum biw Iran . in which v the noat-season -. pro- Th 1 Hnnet pooal Is discussed at lengtn. t says: K nonestl r "fOW that the coming; season has brought about such a Dig strengmen Ing of the Northwestern league and a weakening of the - famous old Pacific Coast league which, In its dny, was the fastest minor, organization in national baseball,, such a series might rrov far more of a fighting . proposition, than Callfornlana might b willing to-admit And those of this section of the coun try who have seen the teams of-both leagues in .action are refldy to stake their cssh on the team that 'manages to win -out la the Northwestern league race and feel confident of the outcome, if any one of the leading clubs comes out on top..' i -, " . , ' , "Recently George 8h reader, owner of ths Tacoma team, ; after : witnessing a, SlsOToVtffi t. li i ;V'ni'neariy asrasti rtTTOTT t T TD mfwrnrrm its examination and grant- lug certificates. vwt ' Accoraxng to mo rui v thoaa who have been out of a medical school for 10 years or over ar re-' quired to make a grade of only 70 per cent and those who have been out for less than 10 years are required to make a grade or a per oanu One applicant for a diploma mads over 70 per cent out less man to per nant nrt men nroaucN & aiuivai iiuiu a medical school In Japan dated In April, 1907. and on tnat aiptoma ciaimao ine right to a certincate. rh attorney general points out that the statute does not require an appli- Oaraa svry allmal f ManarBsast L. that 0e boosst Liniment saa sure. ' Nonabsttsr, Hone so goo it, i ""lhey. aren t. ban in the coast league as we are. They haven t th hitters and they haven't the pitchers. They depend . -alone . -on the unrp tioiuing io save, in games, and 0,y;";uia',wP.ect,':am I willing to uniii uiai, iney nave even the aught c . nuv,iiinj(Q vii 'UB, Just a little mild kidney disease don't amount to anything, but let It run for , citisen of this state. a few weexs or months and you have TO LAY C0RNEBST0NE ' . OF TBAINING SCHOOL - (Special IMapateh t The Joarnal) Chehalls. Wash.. Aur. 11 At Washington Training school this even ing the cornerstone of th large new building which is under construction will be laid under Maaonln nunin.. Grand Master Ralph C McAllester of (Special IMapateh te The Jovraal.1 Chehalls, Wash., Apg. 17. Governor Mead ' and family and the governor's Ann thAt'a .., n.1t,.t. ..f.tarv Milnf TTranlr n.1 ,m slim, ,ln, the series I saw the fielding, and his family are spending a few days tOO.. Was Verv DOOr. hilt I linns II 1 A, .v.. W.ahlnrtnn Trolninir .hnnl 1. below th Coast-league grade, .Tou can! the" guests of Superintendent and Mra. got Just what has baffled medical ael- rrkVArri?C! TV T.iYli! ence for over 40 years and wax inounbi. WlUiU" xai up to tne discovery or Fulton's Renal ;ompouna. ,",; Hometimea it. is siow. but to show l how fatal It Is and how futile the old-l time kidney medicines you. have been I taking let us tell you that the deaths cant to be a citisen of the United States I Seattle will officiate and th local Ma vuuiu ,wu-wui u present in force. Several hundred Invitations to th exer- ALARM SHEEPMEN i,v, fn,. m. thai is .v. . m. l ,w--j mi. i - . . I . , . . . . " i rreaEina in nr.NB i r 1 1 m wRnin v u r TnAiM,,oi -- rn . , n i , t . , -. . . . . that time. lowSjUilnK they have anything on us (deliver an address this evening at the "v oi- rive -or .seven : opera house on tne suDject or penal and fsrnes for a side, betof any thing from I reformatory Institutions. A reception WM,Yz , . --1 , ' " 1 wu oe tenaerea nim at i - rxesiaeni vw.-n. uvrn or the North western league - saw a- few games be tween -Oakland and Portland, and Is of the -impression that the Northwestern Is playing faster and stronger ball. He think, especially, that, tha Northwest. em league is stronger in brilliant yeung , "The Coast league season Is shorter than--K 'Used to be and ends. within a week or 10-,uavs after tne Northweatarn lesgue schedule.' j-Just long enough to give the pennant winner of the North western league a chance to rest up a little and then make the trip to Califor nia for a couple of weeks la November weather." , , ? A Talnahls lesson. "Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant of Magno-1 and the mild cases and that is Fulton's na, . ina. i tnen oegan - taxing Dr. (Special Dispatch te Tne Joarnat 1 Eugene, Or., Aug. 17. -Coyotes ar in creasing in inia oouniji juubiiibt iruiu nually-overlTO per . day. KnTt a"hou;ty Ji'hers have thei? figures, but they ar taken from the U. I ir.T.k... ,n hohr that win aniv. thm 8. census. ,; Lnhim of extermination.' for tha cot. The way to prevent this mild kldnev! i. innin . whanvm , it mama disease becoming chronic is to treat it regardless of bounties and campaigns from its very first hour of appearance 1 vtrmlnRtlon. They are, heo.omlnv as if it were chronic. There is but one very bold, attacking sheep In daylight as thing known that cures both the chronic! well as at night , t a . - v - , .,. , v Goats, too, are. Just as liable to their else have been issued. wkt nurv Jun wo&xt when your child kas a sever cold, Tott need not fear pneumonia or other pul monary diseases. Keen supplied with Ballard's Horehound Svrurv nn.i.. cur for colds, coughs, whooping cough and bronchitis. Mrs. Hall ot tnn?, Falls, 8. D., writes: "I have used your wonderful Ballard'a 1 Horahoiinif r,,, on my children for flv years. It re sults hav been wonderful. Sold by ail druggists. King's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them.", .They piease every ooay. s uugranteea ai Ked Cross Pharmacy. SSo. . , Cn.kjvs flJtXn Nrj Renal Comnaund. i- , . I HanmliiHnna though thav H a nnt "From developments In 8an Francisco I to be herded, since they come to their and conn fra ing facts In this city it Is I shelters of their own accord. - - evident that not alone relief but cures I " . g -n.m , , ,t..i:: can be effected through this treatment."! - win,iM fhnrhin . nnii.t Kanaas City,-Mp , Dally Journal. -1 has entered politics and who was a can. r. you a- awney wpubie, startjdldate for governor of NewVHnmo.hir. right with Fultorfs Renal Compound, the only thing that publishes no testi monials except In supposed Incurable case. v .;...', .-vv-. last year, has developed strong pollti- u twiin-uuiu, nu in, irienas expect him to figure nromlnentlv in national affairs bef or many years go by. It la UUtOU IViauN ?S Ar.-h St.. 4 liKOWN T't. ' ! lii.ta mi it ft. V ovdrtl, t a V