THE OREGON EtAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUS? 17. UZ7. , .1. . mm say MM MRCH r-, j-'f, t.i'i 'iv' ' y :v ,.-'..''-C'' ''' ,J; ,' ". .' . IS s- , Portland Building Opera- Reduced ' Quotations by One 1 ."". ; ; ' ir . , . n - - ' , . . . ' . ' C0IIUUG m : DUDI IS GOOD -' ' 'BjBBaxSBBamSBBWSBMBSSBSBBa , ..... tions Press Steadily ' Forward. KEALTY DEALEBS AHE y ()rripany;Have No E feet on Others. Manufacturers of INTITINO THE PEOBE Record Show That Development If Outstripping All Competition, Polntmf to Continued Growth and rroperitr Home Material Used. Within ths past It months building i operations In tbln city havs been Uttls ' short of phsnomsnal There. U small realisation among thoss only generally ' Interested, of the extent of tha growth Jn Portland during this period, without takinc Into "' consideration " tha im mense amount ,? of " malarial and sources i from - which tha mate rial la obtained that goes into tne structure and tha beautl ful home. . For not only has develop ment been enormous within tha retail .iiatrict. but those familiar, with tha suburbs will tall of aa wonderful growth there in both imtu nomee ancr magmii , cent reeideneea. : ' Realty dealera and othara interested In the Industrial progress of tha city invite comparison, for Impartial inves 4rktirm nvnli tha truth. Fire Marshal Roberts the other day made publlo tha semi-annual report of the Fire- under writers' Inspection bureau; When ' tha Inspection was made Portland had el . hniMinra tinder construction aralnst 47 in flaattia. II In Bnokana and t in Ta- coma. In Portland during tha half year ' 1 buildings were inspected, against 851 In Seattla Electrical changee dur ing tha half year showed Portland. ist; .. Timmi. sol: Seattle, tl. and Spokane, 70. In tha past year Portland Installed i pti, ninilium nlanta. Seattle f 1 va The advance Is aura and conservative. It Is not the blustering, boasting and "atarnat nuah" kind of Droeress. but nat ural advantages that will eventually build a city where Portland standa. Ma terial Is handy and easy to obtain. Port land as a seaport town has advantages over Inland towns from the fact that materials are cheaper. The great Item In modern construction is Portland ee ' ment and the only reliable Portland ce ment is European coramoaiiy, . Bast Cement Zs Sought. 1 ' Portland cement, so named because It was perhaps first manufactured In . foruann, jngiana, is aa riK:i taai ib being put to new uses every day and more of Its wonderful properties are being- discovered each year by students who rive their wnoie lime to n. weexiy - ; . , ' if - ' ' '' . . '-' " . . : L ' : 1 i ' ' ;.: 1 ' ' ' - ; " " 1 ' ' .'.' . .' "! I j V '-j ' ' j"'1 "' ' ' maraxines and trade lihed all over tha world devotln fiapers are pub d devoting their whole spaoe to the possibilities of Port- It la a product brought ibU- rope at a cost much below what It can lonif cement- to this city In tramp steamers from be delivered to Interior cities. That is one reason why reinforced concrete structures are more numerous on the coast than in the larger cities Inland, Portland cement Is manufactured In California and in Kansas bnt tha Ameri can product is not of that grade that Is trusted In tall buildings. Oenulna Port land cement is mined in Belgium. This Is designated as natural cement This cement is not reliable and la only used when imported artificial cement la not available. In this city the American manufacture is little used except when the imported cannot be obtained. ' Other materials such as fire brick and rlra clay are also European. Firs brick and firs day comes from Newcastle and Scotland. A great deal nomas from ths continent Because outer materials such as pig Iron can be uaed to make up a cargo ana tnese tnings are not avauaoie where ths best; fire brick is obtained. ' Very few times could dealers sea their way clear to handle a ship load of firs brick, and exclusive cargoes do not come - to this nort often. , Tha lime that Is used lrKPortland Is mined on the Islands In ths Puget sound and Its quality depends chiefly , on ths , way in which it Is prepared. It is . heated, In large kilns and when ths man ufacturer la well up on his formulas and , is well experienced ths grade is better. very lime jirae is imported. Brlok Ttam. Yswfeor-r. . The handsome pressed brick used la : finishing ths exterior of the very nicest , buildings In Portland comes from New : berg, 2 miles from Portland, In Tam il 111 county, and Is a high grade article , In every respect. Ths demand for whits greased brick has been large. Common rick of local manufacture Is only a product.. The European common brick -, la better but most builders are satisfied - with ths American article. Local man . ufaoturers of brick pay too much atten tion to an aecessibis location, it la al leged, ; and neglect ths . quality, of ths eiay. ' , Ths J. McCraken company and Oeorgs B. Rate Co. are extensive dealers i in thess materials. Those companies import mo iounaauon material ana ais ,trlbute it to contractors. It Is an ex tensive Business, . ins cement anq con ' . crete . department alone demanding; the - attention of considerable ability. . , , . In government work specifications re garding, this material are submitted ': to bs closely followed and only ths best 1 Is used and that carefully handled. ' The government will not permit the use of natural cement, for instance, and speci fies exactly tha per cent of water In pre paring concrete for ths smallest publlo building. The choice and preparation v of materials In ths construction of a modern skyscraper Is a problem re garding which every engineer has his IdeaS. ' r-rr . . ;r., ;..r- ; - - ,v.;: ' PORTLAND LEADS if A Till' flTH Elf. :TTTTOB j- siiii si m k. - -MM W tOCAL BUILDING CAUSES BIO DE3IAND I Tblngg Are Looking Up In the Cali fornia Field Romor lias It Mlljg t Gray's Harbor Hare Commenced ' to Bun Night and Par. . Pespito ths fact ths Inman-Ponlsen Lumber company reduced quotations on lumber to ths extent of II per 1,000 feet a few days ago, mill men In gen eral declare the local market healthy and things looking up In ths California field. ' Ths eastern market, they say, is good, and Inquiries rrom ro reign countries, especially the orient, ars up to ths standard Nons of ths other man-' ufaoturers In ths city havs followed ths move of ths largs concsrn la southeast Portland, alleging that conditions .do not call for a reduction at this time. Busy rming Orders. A areat deal of building In In progress hers and ths mills catering particularly to the local trade ars busy filling or ders. The Inman-Pouissn juumosr com pany IS disposing or every uit m i . th. mtttn flrures recently announced and is not suffering from I larse oversupply. although It practlo- ally ceased ship shipping to California when the market went to pieces in ins sariy M I! i S ii H H li H II II H II N H II II H il 142 Gas; Electric and Combination . Fixtures . , ' t ' 1 - , The Largest Stock in-the Northwest r Conduit Electrical Installations Nv in i-argc uunuings a specially , v M Show Rooms, 408, 410 4l2 Morrison St , Factory, 166 Eleventh St ; Telephones M' 12 and A 4154 ' 'COMPLETED STEEL EJWKBc OPCOnKE3SCl AL OlJS WILDING, PlPTli AND OAK T& : OLI EEOUIPf.lI IS CAREFULLY STUDIED BUILDING TAKES UNITED STATES GREAT STRIDES TIU SUPPLY nfflTiv Pnrt.lflnHI .. flonfifirns " . , .i 7., I : ii i ' -r. . , .1 ... ' mm , 1 Make a Specialty in This i'oruana in ifront uanKs 01 it is liiyen as a . Torn ati- m. sf Line of Work. . 1 The Portland t Railway, Light and Power company's Bulletin says: "Port- land leads all cities in the United . States north . of San , Francisco and west of Minneapolis In school popula tion, i postal receipts, wnoiesais trade, . exportation of wheat and flour, distri bution of agricultural implements, and assessed- valuation. : Increase in build ing permits places Portland . among most rapioiy growing ciuea or the world. Leads ths world in lumber pro duction. Lowest death rats Of any city in civilisation. Commands the super lative in every variety of ! American scenery. The city of opportunity for Industrial enterprises, because or the cheap electrlo power abundantly avail able from the mains of ths Portland Hallway, Light and Power company. The Immense Increase In : ths use of electric power in Portland and Its sub urbs can bo traced directly to the eco nomic and other advantages afforded manufacturers bv this company." .4. For up-to-date 'appointments to equip ths most elaborate - horns Portland Is well eroTlded. Ths firms that make a specialty of this work In this city hays gons to considerable expense to pro vide the best and knowledge of What they can do and xurnisn lor tne noms Is a revelation. The John Barrett com pany not only merely sells fixtures but makes a study ' of every room . In ths residence which It furnishes In the en deavor, to blend walls and furniture In I on harmonlalnr affect. Tints in furniture ars adjusted with tiling and fireplaces. High priced men I Cities Showing Greatest Growth for Months. nual Value of Over $1,075,000,000. MILLIONS SPENT IN Bulletin IT of ths forest service gives tha following aa Uncls Sam's annual - CONSTEUCTION WOEK r? Lumber, board r. ' . . . I Trmt ... IB.OOO.OUO.OUO S DOU.UUO.1l UU Birr Line of tne Ulty of Ilosea is Firewood, ras ioa,oou,guo part of summsr. It lssrgueo. in taou that tns crasn in tne " 1ii1iihu1 Maasrs. rouisen maa uraiu ...h kii hill and rlra their fel- low-cltlsens a slice of ths profits of ths lumber manufacturing ousinesa, wnicn profits ars said to bars been sad still are quite comforting. . 6! nee ths mill workers' strike early In the-spring only a few mills havs re sumed operating ooudis iau L"" of course, hss cut down tns total out put very materially, but tw sven up things largs quantities of thsJumW .nA ahinnMi tn California has been drawn from the mills along ths lowsr Columbia river. - , Boa Might and pay, hmIvM in lumber cir cles hers this morning to ths effect that thm tniiin on Orave harbor havs com menced to run night and day. which Is .ir.n tn rmm that tha California mar ket shows a decided improvement. The Grays harbor mUls depend solely upon wster transportation facilities, for dis posing of their output end it is not considered likely that they would bs operated day and night unless thslr niim tiav imti a nrettv Driiiiani rar of hope emerging through ths oppres-1 durability and economy In repairs. SITS ClOUO tnat naa own naucni vin iim nn svanclaco market. An sariy Improvement In the California market I surfaes than contained m t furnao of ions which are now said to bs some-1 u surraces ars curved, whJcn. pre- F(QX F.yCPdACE Matchless jStel late " Furnace tSSJf SJ ' Btrapls la oonstrweOon. Guaranteed psrfsotly amoks, dost and gas prooc . ' Avxtra large firs pot, ash pit sagfrats surfaoa Tha tils-lined flra pot tasmrsa great If or direct : and Indirect radiating will have a. wnrtenr to strennen in. UJf oth,r itTt of oonatruotlon. local market considerably ana quota-1 ,1 . -ki.i, n now said to bs some-1 AU surfaces ars curved, wl what chaotic will then become firmer. I vents ths buckling of ths stsaL or ths body and tha radiator ars Rapidly Becoming aa Metropolitan Hewed cross- ,. .-- . ties ....... 70,000,000 as Sister Eastern Cities of Much Cooperage, stk.. ,... ..,.. . Turpentine and rosin . 1 iPulpwood. Cds XimDer export ed (untawa) Older Standing. WlU suggest now oest to Plena imuoi 1 v. I Vln timber either w"th sun light or srUflclal light : Unprecedentsd, hardly expresses s Mine timoer and will offer, every detail to the mi- j wonderful building r activity ; that baa well prepared ana tney nave taaen an important part in 1 ins. svoiuuon , 01 1 of growth during ins past is montna the new Portland. . ;. ' lfu,Mmn M. rlaina- itarlcllke. atrua- or tnis kina nas nvsir , ' - : -- : 7 . 10,000,000 10,000.000 16,000,000 15,000,000 2S.000.000 10.000,000 10,000,000 posts, eto.. Total annnal value...... $1,078,000,000 Ths total Quantity of wood out to obtain these nroducts was not less than fl 000 000 000 eublo feet. Lumber consumotlon In ths United States has Increased mors 'rapidly than population. From 18ev to 1000 -the pop ulation increase was 62 per cent ana the departments devoted ,to .fixtures exclu-l tures reprs'senting all ; tnat , is best la siveiy ror tne nome. ine concern uoei 1 architecture ana' construction, ars ns- not carry xixiurea tor anyinins eise out 1 , . .mi... 1 : : " : ths home. - One department is devoted n V . T v " i?3P?J 2??FZ-,Z 11. Vnn o tiling, another toi lighting, chandei-1 ana tne sna is no ( yst ;tn signu , .1 " v.. . " f. . I era. ate. anoiner to aiuaio crooiBry,i Pn.ii.' .wnni- nnidiT.Nuvim.i ---- - -,v-v ."T m. t .IHn. fnr ll.rhtlna- .nrl th. fifth I -- - " ''TT' .' WIS SVeragS IOr JUUrODS IS BUI SU test to r hannmsda orniSentS"for hiTiome: Ing most metropolitan,, it; such a term per.capits,..,- of what Is possible in tillnar. tiling is neooming a ravorits rmisning 1880 J8 years-i-trnele 'Sam's aggregated 706,713,000,- an asionisuina auaoutv and sufficient to -make a floor 1 Inch thick entirely, over the states or Ver- waMMt - u VCa sisiaiKii siatt r as PAnnantltnt Absoluts ; lack - of . labor difficulties Rhode Island and Delaware, an area shd-the competency displayed-oy tne 1 or z,ouv square muen. Producing Btates. Thlrty-fivs men are employed who are I can be aptly employed,' and ;local rest- ' ,,nfa xna tiie uaea is or manv.arsaes dui i wm '. -- - - - - all of American manufacture. -Most of ductions of Ootham's akyscrapera It MlmH rmm Jlhln If. 1stn lahM at l. . various prices. Thle Is , the material lnga being one of the beat examples 1 contracting firms' havs been two of' ths oanltary 1 most pswnnacMw. m riii uvuauuu- tion In this city.' 'The letting of con- material and is studied bv architects I tracts for 176.000 buildings , is now a more and more each year. ' ', , I matter of dally occurrence 1 and indloa Flxtures for offices and banks is an-1 tive of ths prophecythat the Rose-City other Industry quite extensively devel-1 is destined to become the New York oned in .Portland. ' tha Lutka com nan v. I of ; tha Pacific. i .: k Sixth and Hoyt streets, havln-- exten-l. The Wells-Fargo building, at the cor- sively engaged in the business. clal lines. tures ars also sold: ner of Sixth and Oak, will cost nearly 1600,000. Ths Tveiia-Fargo. ana o.- K. flhn PI fnnatttllta nnm r f thai while bank and store fix-1 & N. officials will occupy quarters by All- wood! and com. Dinations or wooa ana glass nd com-1 September 1, and the cther. tenants will fixtures I tnnva In ' a month later. A. W. "Morris are keDt In Stock. . The materlala for I 1- tha ...hli.f - v. thess corns from the east but little of The Corbett building-, on ' the south the wood beinc nrenared on tha hoaat. ...nrrimn .mrf mrth although there 1 are 1, some '.factories that atresia, will cost 1660,000 when5: com- Ths tour : principal , producing states were: Per cent of Board feet. ' total cut Michigan 98,436,000.000 18.1 Wisconsin ..... 70.647.000.000 10.0 Sennsylvanla , 53,689,000.00 7.6 innesota ..... 88,174.000.000 S.4 'Total, 4 states. 255..46.000.000 86.1 ; Says ths Bulletin: '"The northeastern states reached their relative maximum in 1870;- and the lake states In 1880. The southern .states are, .undoubtedly, near their, maximum today., with about 25 ner cent of the -total product, and ths timet of ascendancy or tne .pacific states is for use in -ueaks and-counters. ELECTEIGPOWEE IN CONSTEUCTION Owing to their simplicity, reliability and ease of operation, electric hoists for use In building operations.- havs rown steaauy in xavor for some years. ne increasing use 01 electric streets, will cost 1550,000 .when com- rapidly approaching. Since ths census ploted." It will bo r-ady for occupaftoy of 1900 the lumber product of the Pa by January 1, 1908.fandj Is owned by the Umo states has risen .rom less than 10 H. W. Corbett estate: Whidden A Lewis I Der cent of the lumber cutout of the ars the architects.., ' iAv ' ' I 'country to 80 "per cent," There will be J. R. Bowles & Co. are tne contrac-1 no- mora shiftins- " after the Paclflo tors . zor tne..Kotncnua ouuaing, v -on 1 states- - take iirst piacs since therev is the northwest . corner ,01 rourtn ana 1 no new region (except tne rnuippines) wasninston streets, jl. j. n. .super-1 ox-virnn umoar to turn to. Intending the construction of the build-1 : : - yaottla Btates Supply. r "Jf V" "1 r. .X" oV" I Aceordina to nric Tioor win dh occuDiea kuuui doi- i ; : 1 a temhar 1" but ths office rooMSvWlU not ?r.-, W be .completed before 'November l.-Wia 1 Ygita'-r XW: Board feet;1 r use or electric nowerfor 1 k.,iii 1. ,.tA ait-.ii r- a.v.r. ? building construction , is, signfficant . of :; Z"h 2S:v"r " QX? .XZfcOo,000,wo Utudinous-ways in which else- Tha f NeustadterV building. .Fifth , and SmoTSSl ' ' ' " ilgo'oooooo 000 nay bo adaoted to th. mimnuil 1.1 it - .i.k. I L-aiirornut ..yiBu.yuu.uyy.yoo ....100,000,000.000 the mu tlltv mav h. I . . iniu..wivu. 1 . '. . indni.1 -JSWtT r"':: .L 'fb. iM'HSftJ Idaho, and Montana. Is clean. quick, always ready, -and ep- brick. Th 3. Gki Mack Carpet company Total t L plicable i to any. kind of apparatus used occupy the buildings now used by I - 211111; In bulldlna- construction. ' Tha ' .ltr) I 5i"SSiXlS2S i" . I-" - ' 3E It IB flimCUlt tO KT" CTITOl nra- a.M.. . tva ber-qnotation- Jurt now.- said a dear f whlls - others Incllns towards reduced I perpendicular and unbroken, nresentlns fZ,WSnS K no obrtructloa tatta fras etroolatto. of rivers and bays and depending on water I ths heated air, transportation only are not nearly ail Both the b rirm as moss in enjoy wu- nsctions or notn." . , . Tutors Qnotatlona, ' Ths outcome of the fight against ths proposed increase In freight rates from this coast to points yast of the Rock ies will have, much to 5o.,'h future quoUtlona because it Is said that if ths freight rates ars increased to the -extent of l per 1,000 feet,ths sastsrn business, now estimated as.mrgs as 70 per cent of ths total cut of ths rail road mills, will soon be cut off, In which event thsss mills will either have to close up or operate at a iowr ,pr unless ths loggers can be prevailed on -to absorb tns loss or a part at least constructed of extra heavy gtasf plats; closely riveted and caulked and wai raatsdVaot-tO'Crack.1 " ,:.. ; Xztra largs casings '.. prorlds ' . ample frss air spaoe, prevsntlng tha a-rsr-heating of ths furaaos and Injuring g olums of psefsotly warmed air. Ths feed- door and ash pit doors ars of good proportions and elessIyJflttsd. 'All furnaces ars equipped with draft regulator, chain and pulleys for rg-u Utlnff the jflrs from ths hall or living) room, and ars easily aianagsd by tha aTaraga psrsoa. Such wars the points) briefly stated for consideration by 3. J. Xaddsrly, when seen In his salesrooms thla morn- - lag at 110 First street, next 'to tha O. w. F. waiting rooms. .- ; i wnicn , isve to i. profit, led up- I, tpf ft. ASBESTOS INDUSTRY GROWING 0I2E HE Used Principally in Portland for Covering Steam Pipes. Process Is Secret One. v mm HERE r&K:-m A PICTURE OF SATISFACTION V "aaHaBaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaM . I the man vthoae hardware ' biffing la accomplished here, j j The variety, quality and price that , prevalla , affords t greatest returns for least ex penditure and we - Invite your inspection to prove it II AXTTrHV C nf 40 Third Street JsJLX .Xj J- V Ws BeL Pine anrl A h w on sasreasj An Industry that proportions aa a direct result of ths building operations of the last fsw months is ths manufacture of asbestos conducted by ths Portland Asbestos L.: THP AHAIU AMT r.r 9 DM Miiimn m .M., M a af . . a Jk t B ATM d "VJ - , Xa a mmo wax nAvrtma ars ths nest -bmow , aUaAJsO". (halr-flberSd). WOOD HIBRB PL-ASTER f inioniiNu riiABitn (unnbered). lbmpany and the Olllen-Chambsrs com- oflloo, Worosrts Bnllding. rnone xala na, pany. The business or tha latter, nay in so'develoned that a large factory la being built In St Johns to handle their Increased business. Ths Portland Factory, Toot of nth St. Vaoao Kate tlOS, Asbestos company is also completing a j new factory In Albi bins. THE J., McCRAKEW COIilPAWY Aahaatna In Portland is used Mincloal- r tn rnvar ateam naatinar Dines nuiiitocni uunor tiima ausen s rartiana t:emanr waniii BnnAi. -- -t- tnero in oiiwr uava wmvu uu. i a tth uvi ioaw( luiyui wu rin oriua, iinportoa ana JJOTTieStlO Firs Clay TTalr- put-to. - It is prepared by. a secret pro- Flbered Hardwall Plaster, Plastering Hair and Fiber, Allunlted Stssl Studdlnsr. cess and asbestos Is only Ons of ths Herringbone Expanded Steel Lath. Boston Sheet TMeUl Lath Btwaamg. materials that goes into tno proauct tor 1 831-830 ran btjubxt. i n noas Mala 870. . lOitllri omxaow .v700,000,000,000 wo. in a rim i economy ana conven-1 4a U ienca of niflnln a iam.nttV..' k- I ",J.'r'S"l a, sarfflafctrSWm H strated. Electrio,vholsts assist horses Uontraet has been let' to' ths Construct- wnen neaviiy Duraenea on steep grades. a can - ue economically 1 usee ror 'Hit' ing building material or anything else. The electric rock drill is rapid and reli able in operation , and : economical Hn cost. Exclusive Novelties.' Scotch and English woolen Hol- contract baa been let to' ths Construct-tna-Ensineerina' 'comnanv and-wllh bs completed about 'October 1, 1808. Ths VISIT OLD C0MMAOTEE Wonrnal Special Senrlea.) Philadelphia, . Pa. Aug. 17. It was a bulldlns- the Masonic Temple.- has alao brooK and Lcveen, Couch bldg.. Fourth! Just finished erecting tno three- property belongs to - the Alnswortb I happy lot bf aged veterans that boarded ?&bn jttiiwoo -Masonic !.,t Tem Die bulldlns. at West . Park Jind I "uu wuy. u . w "" wmu Tamhlll streets, will bs completed. The I Ths veterans, some 100 ' In numbers, building will, bo a-six story steel 'and I are ths survivors of .the Fifteenth Cav- brlck structure, a. Jynas, wno is I airy or Pennsylvania, rney at nouna and Washington atreeta THE LUTKE MFG. CO. story brick on Ninth and Flanders. This ut oe occupiea oj , At East Thirty-flri rnds is srsotlnsr th It Is a three-story frams den Horns . bulldlns. The Commercial ciub building, at the ataaafacTBrers of-'- S 3anlc and Store Fixtures r .if roatxuuro, oxxqov," northwest -corner-of Fifth and -Oak streets, - will - bs an eight-story -steel buildin g and ' will cost 1 26 O.ouo. It wm be completed Marcn i,-i08. . The con tract has been let to several iflrmav The contracting ' Engineering com pany has charge- or, tne erection of ths I Board of Trades building at th- south-east corner of Fourth and Oak streeta I The building will bo of re-enforced con crete and . will cost, f 804,000.- It Will completed Julg V19QI a .. for Colorado Springs to attend a re union as suests of General . William J. Palmer, who was ths commanding offi cer of the Fifteenth. - General Palmer, who Is a former president of ths Denver A Rio Grande railroad and a man of wealth. ', has invited ' his comrades to -4 spend a. week at his house. Glen Eyrie, at coioraao npnngs, sna nas reservea for himself 'the privilege of paying all the expenses of the. veterans from the time they leave their homes until their return, i Missouri hss had thirty-ons ' gover nors, but singularly enough only twenty six lieutenant-governors. - Six of tho lieutenant-governors afterwards became governor, two by death, ons by resig nation of the' rovernor and1 three bv aalacUoa OS tha Psople. - , MagnesU Is an Important Ingredient This is a mineral tnat comes irom Cali fornia. 'The magnesia used In Portland Is shipped from Lompoc California, As bestos Is mined in the eastern states and ths raw - malarial la' taken from the earth In Immense blocks and slabs liks tnna Tt la then around db and an- pears hi the commercial asbestos as a libra: The longer; ths fibre In the com pleted product the better tho Quality of ths asosstoa.-''s'-' Asbestos curtains, such as ars used In theatres, ars a cloth material woven from threads mads of this purs as bestos. Ths curtains ars yory nara and durable. Tiles for roofs somstlmes called asbestos, lumber, are also manu factured In the east under a patented procesa These tiles ars mado of pure asbestos, are hard as steel and very aurabie. - Tney ars oeing usea extens ively in ths east on account of their ab solutely .nreprooi qualities. Ths Portland Asbestos company turns out about J.00P feet of commercial as bestos a day. The capacity win bo in creased tnhs Alblna plant EUEP INCLUDED IN IMMUNITY C0NTEACT (Jos ran 1 Special Berrlee.) sSan Francisco,. Aug. IT. Desplts the ibiections of Heney. Phillips was forced by Delmas to tell that he believed Ruef was Included In. the Immunity contract under which the witness was testifying, yesterday afternoon while on ths wit ness stand in the Glass trial A lively row eusuea Between tienev uimu. but the attorney . for tha def enaa won his point, i ASBESTOS Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co. (too.) Office and Salesroom, 272 CHsan Street Fhons aula 4711. joa HORNTING XL FISCHER noans hazv nss CITY IRON WORKS ; . BLACKSMITHS, MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS Tanks. SawdustConveyers, Hydraulio Pips, Orating, Iron Doors, Fire Escapes, VVUOlOi ,VOSViilU, woxxs, tos noir it. FOBTTAJn, Oavsaosr. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, ; WTachlnists and Boilermakers, ouuumi ana niructurat . wont . " -i I PHOENIX IRON WORKS. EAf GlJ( EERS Offlos and Works. - Hawthorne Aysnns aad Cast xnixaatree. FhoneBastts. yoKTTaaaro, oBXOOaT. Phpnss: Main 111; Boms A-t81. ;CSM ENT- A CarSO Of J. BWhita A T?rna TTnffllah ramant tiia Chamber of Commerce and other well-known buildings In Portland.- X83 KMitom S rorUand. Orajoa.. n