OliLGOH DAILY JOUUUAt. 1 ORTLAHD, SATURDAY .EVENIIJp, AUGUST) 17, 1S07. Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants ular Wants PopularWants Popular Wai Pop PopularWants ' ' BUSINESS CHANCES. ... THBJ COAST REALTY CO, '14 Morriaon at Headquarter for real aetata and - htialna.a Annartunttlea Skf U kind; also cholo homestead and 7"br,cltme located for email fee. TJttttBffl FEW SPECIAL VAH- ioJo GAINS. FOR BALK -REAL ESTATE. 4 tlKTMPnftVKn LOTS FOR BAUD. 11.200 Buys ll lota In Columbia, Heightsriots 50x100; ; bargain. - , ' $200-4ceoh. lota, 10x100, In SU- W MOO-A : beautiful JoV 10x100, Wil liam a addition. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE. Realty' Company ; 101 Id at., Portland, Or, buy ona of the finest hoosee I 11,000 Each, I elegant lota, 19x190, I v-t ' It.bis (ion. a.ROOM flTRICT- 4 and lota OB Portland Height; other all Wild Ros addition. . , -,. r v ; I - ly modern paw house; never laan o- : Realty Company .; 101 Id at, Portland. Or. . II AOS K .am . lfn,mA4 land naar Oregon City. Good buildings, ?P0 'lt ato. - Easy terma Other Il.tOO. U aasfc. Ktiva saw modern T- . room honaa, nlo - lot, now' modarn ' T I room bouaa. mnA Int. flna view. I block from cerUn, worth orar $1,000. Baa 1 100-ACRE FARM FOR BAUD; 'll wr axoiusiv agent. ,. ' . . I aoree resay tor ma piowj ia Una fruit , Il.tOO, U cash, buy I acre level I traea; 10 aoraa fenoed; amall houaa and land, all in cultivation tn Montavlllaj I barn; baautlful oraak running through ay term; other acreage at yartoualth land; a fin a apring raised above tli i imi, v. 1 . .... i. . uuui vh in imna uiaa nouga to irn 13,100 U ash: buy HO toraa 11 rata half tba land or mora. .An Idaal "Wheat land. Muat sail. Wa hav v plac for poultry, fruit and vegetable, ral hundred farma for awl at vartoua frio $4,000: 1600 down, balance to autt prices. , .. . i w;s swmw as Mru, as ju. Morn- U kaa a ' inmina'' hum tmai Tiarln I aon atA rocar of ha alaa In Portland, aw felattfLY hEfelfijJCa Lo 86x164, beat houaa In Portland for Uta lot 7xl00, irvingxon: wrrai H.flOO Htrlotlv modern, with eamant baaement and floor, furnaea, atatlonary tuba, eto.;iot aoxioo. .tiawxnorna rar4 larroa. : - ' 16,000 ura a baautlful t-room mod are houaa on wins at.. HollajOara ad' dltlon. Lat ue ahow you thia loreiy noma ana you wui want u iq wxiuw. 11,000 -room eottaa-e. Id Sunnyalda) baaement. Bull Run water, bath, toilet. etc; atraet Improvement in aoa pata itnni. nioniTua tiu unurl ivn IT1L 11,000 Beautiful T-room boma with I flreplacea; atrlotly modem; I lota: nloe yard; aoma mm; aiegani nai7ipornooq uoaa to oar; aaay lerma. iinr mi aiur atio irmaa uiavr rw i nun khr vt.v. otm.nf .iki i mmbii int, rinu Tn fr izna ou ,i..."CerUa at varloua orloea: alao reetaur-1 enrba all nald for. anil ihm im ihm mnnthlv navmanta. . ania,. ciarar atorea, oonieouonery ararea, i diockb rrom canine, only li mlnuteal 11.100 4-room cov oottare; moa houee, eto.; ; on Eaat una ax; . aaay term a, m. - ' ijrvni own oi Tiiy. ou, erma. . CO . 4500 buy larra confectionery Wlthllumbla Tniat Co.. Couch bid;. ' thro or four flna Hying rooma at ba- F5r' 8ALfc L6T8 In ONk of 'TK3 ' 400rcoVt,on.ryUh tnr IMn, nrCTTuTth ...... iutwicti iiv i I "" journal. ij,vuw pun out ox niwni ana 1310 Oood cub, balanoa ifififL TMna' lot 'on Belmont. alaa fao- inar on Xorrlaon; Juat the thine; for a houaa or flat for Investment; haa aawer, water and faa on lot, ana lot; h block o, car; iw II par moutn. ; .' - F. J. Stelnmetz & Co. Tha Womallra 11 Uorrla'on Bt tlon: 11.(00 caah. balanoa 110 Dar month. I ),.. i mnmm. rinaiv finiahad. nlcalv 11.000 buya 10-room elegant now hifh yr- w; rh Mt B." .cr- . . . arranaed, modern. In every way on car claaa roomlna; houaa. Wa have aeveral FOR SALE NICE, NKW. k6t)E!RM i-1 na, beat rvlc In city. In block of flna beat paying blah elaaa rooming houaae in me cuv. , uinera at ail prioea. 15,000. H caah, buya 41 -room, new .modern In every reapacC . Long leaee ana cnaxn rant. Hot ana old water in ' . k. . . - . . M , . . . ight Party going away. Clearing "r" v"UJla HOOHJti r tDOae I i un, on car una; aiswiri uout $100. per month. Only., tboa Wfl uVd-t BtLL 6Ufl K6m, LoT 6 1-1x100: alley; modern aeven room houaa: half hlook from oar: Tint. rerelty Park atatlon; fruit traea, roeea: barn; price 11.000. Can glv aome tarma. Addraaa li-Ht, Journal. 1 ata- meaning bualneaa need apply. honHeBtwl A aalan faAin . I PAArn AV t aVA let aA attlai 1 11 ka ava 1100 buya well-paying rooming houaa lahed in two weeka. Eaat Main, naar near Washington at. Long laaae, oheap 41d. 1111 Kaat Main. re.hi"a v , ii 4. MOO NSARLT FINISHED 4-ROOM 00 bnya U Intereat In well' paying modem bungalow: $300 down. $10 real aetata office on ground floor; old monthly. 41d, near Hawthorne. 1L III. . ..u,uum tnwiiay uiinir, rviimnm rw- I jjr. leaning, jamDNiire Blag. AlllrArf ' .ntka. kii.ln... Min.rfii.lttM I s .J ' ' . x i n . f houaea, $4,000. Can glv tlm on part. No agenta. Firone Eaat 4. . L6tb w6A baLi4 6r6aDWaT ILLV tion; 00x100 on Schuyler at, corner Eaat itn; cement waiK ana cuy waier. A anan at 1774. Lafayette HeeJty Co, lint waaningion at. VlWSWtt R BAtB-ONB LOT, t0xl6o; fiib i-room Hpusm , I lots, ,NKwfiim "Vine VATS K'it Wcvr location; E. 7th N. Phone Eaat 071. ." frU.itr t"I 7 MODERN 7- Johna n.. ii H Lu.. lift Arrvle at LO ' w wa uuvow ,jubi ivut a- THE COAST REALTT CO, v iiih Morriaon at. - . iufeT tHE W06t) tRl'ST CHttATfiH wood; now ready for bualneaa,-. Co OperaUv Wood Co. Call 11$ Ablngton V6r saLb! - CHeap. fCrKITUrM ana muaio store, in growing town tfloae to Portland; tnuat aaU quick. f ' ' T-4 , Journal. , I'OR SALE Sawmill at Amity, Or; I ' mllea from railroad, lota of timber; good contract on hand. Box fiv It F. D. NO. i. tj FOR SALE Oreenhouee In mining ;,f! town, doing good bualneaa; well . atocked ; can take charge at one. Ad' , ores -, journal. MAKE ME FOR SALE HOUSES: room nouee on lnataiimeat; your own term a: beautiful con large houee; price reasonable; room nouee, au ruruiana piano Included; you will look thla op; for particular vroooiawn in. alao a- ly lawn, with Voaca and ahrubbery; . complete; r"X "'ri" :r " "V. 0 Well tOI'uw C4LU uaianoa aama m rwnu isvn t '! phone mlaa seelna thia baraain. 141 B. Ith N. naar Falling. Phoo Woodlawn 1117. fa,? JSlto,a 0PJ& fiil-iS house Under A6M- from car, one from church, excellent . atructlon; 40x100 ft lot:' pnrt ash. soil. Bull Run water, easy paymenta. balance $4 per month. Take A oar to R. V. Belford, owner. Phone K. 4788. 14th at, then block aouth; Inquire on OWK'ER LEAVING TOWN MUSt Premlaea. Bell at once modern oottaav. lot KOx 100: SDlendld looailtvt reaaonabla. Ilia Weldler at. FOR SALB FARMS. I a--aawavaartwwr'avavkaavaniw . I Iitfuftori if t Atifl1 in a Wri" II I m" tillW I - AH OFFER; EITHER CASH " Vbunclv TImv i.Vhi-Vnal.n I TH n-Hr A1 Tr ICrT. TKTmi eetat for two household ne- on vaarT on fnitalrrTan.- Ti rr III .Hy( H rH. U . B. Ffl H H II : patented In U. B. and forlm I Y. V wT ?i I vaimva vvro u wwk wa : no meana to market fhem: I ..k . I ... . . , , nu 17 Ail A or real ctaaltlea; countries must aall at once; no reasonable offer reruaed. a fortune ror right party m m.'ii. lj n l . .... .... .. . : .. tvVB fcAfrv-.wSli bAATilArrctr. gn.' . in City limits, v bauu n-nvwiJ w . AASuasv 1 I a 1 1 f)n 71 HI HTn MT TrolTl fA 11 tit LvL'ir , 1." fMkdbERM -RObM H6ug& flA3 AND GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN $.000, elactrio light, bath; 40x100 foot lot. center or logRing camps ana w- ill Height ave; $1,400. Inquire 881 muj ciean stoca. mpaern rixtur. w wuiUms ave. Phone Woodlawn 1111. w T T T d T t v ii iftira f& I fmm Vannonvar. 100 aoraa under fine land altuated in on of tha best real- atat of cultivation, 40 acres of fins V FOR SALE FARMS . Washington & Oregon Realty Co., J. .100 acre ll mllea from Portland. in rraamngion county, muea aouin- east Of Raadtrllla I th. Tualatin Vallav! 41 aorea j cultivation; aeveral acre green timber; balano easily cleared; amall raak naaa nA,i.. aha Uin, Ing orchard; on acre grape; new 1- aiurr ' a-room nou: lair barn: ona quarter mile to achool and church; fine location! beat of aotl on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone; prloe '" var aare, invugi toi Dior 146 aeraa IT mil., fm Mtl,nil fn v.umraa county, waanington! una gravel road to Portland; I mile from railroad lb i ion on mam county road; K, jr. l. and telephone; one mile to a good coun try town: 10 aorea In cultivation: 1 aoraa bearing orchard; fin spring near noua; ail ivv very beat of aou; no rocs or rrmvei: nna loeauon win oivina this plao In amall traota. 10 to 10 acrea; VtrlAA tn, .hAl. ftlKAA. wilt part In exchange for Portland olty prop erty; will glv good tarma. , .yf?: Jl"11 a,, F6R saLe-ood Income BtsiNEgfl awu iiMi-iuoi.xAi Biuv;jt.a property, by owner. 0-401. S.r:r.u,n" w" ' a BUCHT1L KERNS MAKE A Co., Ill Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 1351. . IF TQU WISH T6 BUY OR SELL. SEE us. Wo glv you all - referenoee free ef charge. C S. Arnold at Co., orlgtnsJ hotel brokers. 111V. Morriaon, Phone Main 7811, ' Wk HAVE WiiAf totJ WANT. Roomtng-houaea, raatauranta, hotela. grooery atorea, meat marketa, real ea- 1M h6tel'anB r6adh6iJsh to LkaiTiJ Old-eatabllahed, with or without sa loon: furnished: newly remodeled: $11: also 7-room house and orchard, $10; and iiaie. i rooms. j;.au on weat aiaa, C H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4. I and I. Mulkey bldg. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DATS I MUM sell furniture and fixtures of Sprlna- Jieia notet wild iesa on ouuaing; good ocstloD and paying bualneaa; good en: claltv of east side realty. loana, eta 861 El Morrison t G-468. JoumsL BPE- rentals. C R. DonneU & Co. green timber, balance In pasture; fair 4-room houee, barn 40x40, wood ah ad and all other outbuildings, all fenced and croased fenced,- 1 miles from church snd In a good neighborhood, running stream and apring; thla la on of the beat stock and dairy ranch In Clark county. Price only $21 per acre. 110 acrea of good land 11 mllea from Vancouver and 1V mllea to country town. 25Q acrea under fine state of cul tivation, balance pasture and oordwood timber; fair 7-room box houa. barn all other outbuilding ; ail fenced and crossed fenced, living stream and spring; on a good road and in a fin REAL ESTATE). Room 11. 18 Stark at HAVE Y6UR ABSTRACTS MADE BY neighborhood; family .orchard I of aa- Beourlty Abstract A Trust Co.. 7 I "yrvou irun, ia n iu uu Chamber of Commero. "ffP " J" fLl-.'11! town on a gooa cultivation; fair old barn, fair and all other r . hni n.Ni .mam. i n..a, n. .nt. . t . ' ' r - v i inula t. vuuum j RSutv cr rm l i ."!"' Vrjjnit. I road; 10. acres under H-Waehtngto-rst., Buchanan bldg. .T"-" ,r.T.T. r0"-. -"?rT. n.tu"! , K. ..... .,BUV-, i wooasnea. iruu nouse plaster; 3-mlnute car ssrvice; all new. Inquire 208 4th. Tel. Main 1900. Van aJ L P. PALMER. PALMER- VJ REAL E M. VAN ALfiT ALBTINE CO.. 'ATE, INSURANCE, TINE 221 r .-.iina mam. Mai.. fiV A.lnol iwthahv tr.PTW HtTft An 7-ropm ho una, barn 40x10; woodahed. rir"'i"Vr"'r.r: chicken house, gran i . . j ..m. . ... i 78, Sprlngfleld. Or, for price and par- FOR SALE A FEvV NICE HIOH LOTS. bvaivv, ttvv, a DiuuM iuuui ox nmw- thorne, on 44th at Owner on ground. f-none Taoor .at. tlculars. A 1 4-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE IN THE best business district- St Johps; do ing a gooa Dusineea. ixw rent. A snap. o or sartlculara call or writ Clave? 210U Russell at Phone E. 1428. & Mo no agent. FOR SALE Caah; general merchandlae outbuildings, good family orchard of assorted fruits; 1,600,000 feet of good green timber, timber alone worth what im oaava xur piava. a d&ii mi t,vw. Terras If deaired. 70 acre of good land. 18 acre under cultivation, oauanc gooa pasture; gooa liy orchard or aaaorted- rrulta. K. jr. u. and telephone by place; one mile to achool and church. 10 mllea from Van couver and lVi mllea to country town. on an excellent road and In a fine neigh borhood. Price only $3, 600. 2$ acrea. 11 acrea under cultivation, 19 mllea from Vancouver, and mllea from railroad atatlon; new (-Mom Lots $80 and up, $6 monthly paymenta chicken house, etc; young' orchard of 110 aoraa mllaa from Vanaonyer. Clark county. Washington; 7$ acres tn cultivation; 110 acrea bottom land: 40 aorea green timber: aeveral food aprlnga; 1 acre bearing orchard; amall houae; fair barn; fin dairy and atook ranch; fin reek: nlenty of water: oan uae gasoline launch to Portland. Thla la on of th beat buy on the market and best of aolL Price only $21 per aore. if you are looking for a dairy atock ranch, inveatlgate thla before buy ing. One can have a milk route in Van couver only I mile from th city: am half caah, balance good tarma 10 aore of fine swal land: all level: several acre cleared: aeveral acres flrat claas hardwood; amall creek: log houae. Triers la no better land Ir. the country. Black beaver dam awale, and very eas ily cleared: on county road: R. F. u.i on half mil to school; good location; miles to boat landlns: I miles to railroad station; will sell this place. If aold In 10 daya, for $1,400; give good tarma; f Lew, including neaa or catu. lit acrea I miles from Wsshougal, Clark county; $0 acres in cultivation; all fenced with $ wire: houae 11x18, barn 88x40; tt mile to achool; 10 aore, eeeded, on main county road, nna aoiL Prloe only $1$ per acre. This is a snap. $1.100 110 acre. IU mile from Washougal, Clark county; 40 acrea In cultivation. 100 acrea eaally cleared, aome timber; amall house, 1 acre fine .Mh.d Ama anil. D W n .. . ahwil terms, L caah, balance 6 yeara. I per eent; will tak ft in exchange for Port land property. $8.800 18 acres. It miles from Port land, in Waahington oounty, I miles from railroad atatlon; 16 acrea In fine atat of cultivation, balance very easily cleared; all fenced, all level, small liv ing stream, fine new t-etory i-room, hard-flnlahed houee. coat $1,600; new frame barn, rustic EOxflO: fine location: R. IP. D. and telephone, near achool. milk root peat door, beat of black aoll, near tn xuaiatin river; investigate mis om for buying. $!,IOO-M0 acrea. 7 mile from Waa hougaJ. Clarke oounty. Waahington: 20 acrea In cultivation; aome green timber; good house and barn; good family or chard; amall creek good apring; good team, i head of cows, 1 wagons, one heavy, on lia-ht: mower and rake; all kinds of farm machinery: cream aepara tor; boat of aoll; thla Is a snap; good terms. Th abor plaoas are all guaranteed aa advertised. FOR SALE TTAIU13 ONE) OF THE CHOICEST FARMS . IN th Willamette valley; 176 acrea level land, 1 mile irom gooa town;-nae i larra house. - with cement basement nleaaant aurroundlneai cement walka on tenant house; $ barn a, walk from houa to barn; good school to' 12th grade;, ther are about 60 acrea under cultivation, 0 acre in timber, oak: aah and fir; It la well fenced, has a cholo lot of fruit berrlea, beat of neighbor hood; - place would alao b adapted for nay una Brain; novuini lur laiiinuuf ( would also male an elegant dairy farm on account of its location: eould bs di vided In amall tracts and mak elegant chicken and fruit rancne. ir taaen in whole. $40 oer acre: If divided, from 1.0 to $60 per acre, we aiao nav I lai-g list of smaller ranches in th vat ly near, Portland. ' Otto, Crockett & Harkson 182 H First at. v Two Barralns l-room houaa nlc porch, bar win- a .aa . . . . . aow. nau, parlors, pantry, nam, xargs grounds, good lawn, ornamental trees, roeea, flower, fruits, berries, chicken park: near Brooklyn achool: sell cheap. I larre rooma. larr reception halL beautiful fireplace and mantel; alao furnace, large pantry, china cloaet full baaement: plumbing firat-elaas; large nniwh riill 1a with hIm ham. laarn and flowera, well located, near oar and school, aurrounded by nice, new bomea; a good buy, $4,200. HHJNKLE & HARRISON, , 117 Ablngton Bldg. Fruit Farm 100 acres. II acre In apple. I acrea tn neara. .4 acrea In cherries, peaches and aprlcote, 4 acre In aaaorted varie ties, 40 acre cultivated tn mixed crop. iv acrea in umoer; gooa aweuinr nouee and barna; good water ay a tern; situated 4 mllea from Jacksonville. mllea to Medford, 1 mllea to Central Point; will tak good property In or near Port land as part par; this Is a good orchard. HENK.LE ft HARRISON, 117 Ablngton bldg, TDZEER. FOR SAIJaiSCEIXAJTEOUS. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. CER- tlfloate worth $40 on any piano or or gan at Reed-French Piano Co. J. Carl- aon. Bhende. Oregon. ' ' " ; ONE 10 It ft DONKlsT BNdltNE. RUR nlng order, Ona 6 1L P. 110-volt mo- r, 40. m. Bard Bona, Itn and un tor, san sts. ioo i0Nfl 6Ua , aKd oaLVan-- a muwn irn, any Bias, cneap; would do for roofing, aiding, eto. M. rarua pons, awi ana uiiaan ta VipB, 66TH bLaCk: Ind ALVaN. Ised, any amount of any slae. 100 tons pise ana galvanlad wire, oheao. Miaollanou lot of seoond-hand lo trlo . fana Largest aasortment of pul ley, hefting, etc. In the city, at very "7 pnea. ju. caras si eons, am ana uumniti, A HOISTING oheap. It can ba aean at work m inA st and Morrison. for Sale CLkvtLand RAjjAs ana moui uas heater; good aa new, vie rji voucn street. 6NE BdAtHdtJSE A 6hCB TAki vuton car. toot Ntnrutt at. inn mi. TW& BANfc saWs. One LaIHe. f6r sais cneap; neany -new. Bro., 144 Front at J. Simon at 100 T6NS OF C6RkUdltED lRd painted and arslvanlsad. all walahta practically new. J. Simon ft Bra, 144 Front at 166,000 N6. 1 6R1IN1 BAGS IN Atli quantity. . Bimon ft Bro 144 Front THE LARGEST BTOCI 6f BEC6ND- nand pip in th Paciflo north weat all slaes, in any quantity. J. Simon i Bro., 144 Front t PERSONAL. TUB ORIG Br.l RIGINAL AND ONLY ary Lane LOOKING FOR TIMBER? Wa offer you every advantage through our ayaiem or expert examinations which ensbles you to determine th suit ability of a tract without spending tlm or money, lr our general report ain al catel that we have what you want our eatlmatea by two and a half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY ft CO.. 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 807 Lumber Exchange. Seattle, timber Lands. Intending purchasers desiring to b located upon lsnds with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad in aouthern Oregon can aeour the aame by acting quickly. Locatl- f:ea Including all neceaaarv at torney'a feea are reaaonabla Addreaa j. K. vera in. uranta faaa, ur, Abov bargains are but a few of the farma on our llet We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $80,000. Writ or call If you are In the market for a farm. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to Umber buyers only: we have a few choice tract for aala which we own. Have detailed eatlmates by forties. O. F. San bourn ft Co., 401-2-1 Buchanan bldg. GOOD TIE PROPOSITION; 18,000,000 feet on railroad: atead. B. Wolverton, also rood heme- 402 Mohawk bldg. Formerly with th X-Radium Medical Inatltute, ha avTd all connection with that Institution and can now be round with th Dr. Mary Lane Institute Wber ah will be pleased to a any oi ner old patients. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a apeclalty; Buffering women will do well to oonault me; consultation free; correspondence aolloUed. Room I to 14. Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 1118. Correspondence confidential. WANTED If ROM OWNER, 8,000.000 timber relinquishment. Addreaa v-, journal WE CAN SECURE YOU FIRST AP pllcatlon on valuable R. R. timber land. Fee 826. Call 407 Buchanan bldg. A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW pine claim In Wheeler county; muat be located at once. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg.. 4th St.. near Waah. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK.; , realdenc and bualneaa lota water front and factory altea; farma and tlm- per lanos. FUley Park atock. about $$.000. In mllllns town of 1.000 Inhabitants, with excellent farm ing community; cheap rent long leaae; good reasons for selling. F-46S, Journal. 1-8 tNfERES W A PAYING HARD- ? Water mains laid, streets graded. umce i Limor ex. Diag. Second and Stark ata Phone Main 6854. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR AND get off at O. R. A N. R. R. crossing, id visit Hancock street addition. For asorted fruits, all fenced with board and wire fence U. mile from school. on a good road and In a fin neighbor hood. Price, if aold Boon, $1,600. THOMPSON A SWAN. Cititens Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. war business. $18,000: In progressive yalley town of 1.000, about 80 miles . from Portland; all cash not neceeaary. inquire Room 802, Ooodnough bldg. idR" Sale confect!6nery and" . Ice cream parlor in suburb; good loca tion; good trade, with ona year leaae. Address D-467. Journal. , CONFECTIONERY and cigar store . and ice cream parlor, $300; sacrifice, os owner must leave city. B. W. cor. Williams ' ave. and Alberta. Phon Woodlawn 1041. FINE CHICKEN RANCH. $ MILES OF courthouse, to exchange for confec tionery or good rooming houaa. Address Lewis ft Pugh, 7H 1st st particulars apply to Thompson ft Og- den, 848 Mississippi avenue, or 883, Sandy road. Phone East 1086 or Wood lawn zoz. FOR SALE IViAL ESTATE THESE ARE BARGAINS. am 6-room houae. lot 10x100. , ftKAnSviA Jt V. . .AA . f iivv, ,,vv uu w ii. iimuvf e-v xwr xnu. ,6-acr tracts, 6 miles from city, ,4 mile from car line; $160 per acre. 16-acre tract I ft mllea from Portland; 1H miles from carllne, $100 per acre; $300 down, $260 per year. We have good bargains In farmland amall acre tracts. L. H. FREELAND CO., Room 7, 141H First St. $1200 NEW 6-ROOM,"MObERN C6f: .tage, all furnished; owner going east: must sell. See Joe Nash, at Millard ave., on Mount Scott car line. KEW. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE; nlcket fence, shads trees, concreta 1 (foundation: right at car line, must have tne casn. ii.bua. Abstract and warranty deed. See , owner. Joe Masn. at juuiara ave, on Mount Scott ear line Farm.Barealn READ THIS OVER CAREFULLY. 620 acrea, all fenced and. cross- feticad: all .aood anil tia atnnaa nr FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMAlX I gravel; 600 acres lies nice to cultivate; i4u acre cultivated; iso acres more can be put into cultivation at small expense; balance of land in pasture and oak timber; 12,000 corda of oak wood at very low estimate; house, barn, out buildings; fruit and berries; watered by excellent springs; beautifully located In th Willamette valley, 4 mllea from a prosperous county seat town, 1 mile from railroad shipping point mile to school; has R. F. D. and telephone. You can pay for thia farm out of tha timber and have on of the best all round farms in the valley left for your profit Will take some other good prop erty aa part 'pay. Price $20 per acre. It lie well to subdivide, HENKLB A HARRISON. 217 Ablngton ranch, close In. 80-acre tract 22 under cultivation; good houaa, barn and all fenced; 10 tons hay, 4 cows, 8 hogs, fine spring; 20 acrea fine timber: 7 miles from Oregon City; prlc 13,000. is. p. jsuiott, uregon jiiy. HELP! HELP! 'HELP! Want you to buy an abaolutely mod ern, first-class 6 or 8 -room frame dwell ing, rnone Main vsos. FOR SALE A BARGAIN, LOTS 8 AND 10, block I, Fairfield addition to Port land. I will sell my two lots for cash for $600. Address Lanada McFee, N- halem, Or. ' PHONE OWNER ABOUT BEAU- 1800- tlful residence lot. Eaat 888. , SPECIAL. $2,600 New 6-room, modern cottage, In Sunnyside. This is an Ideal home; half cash. $1,100 New 6-room cottage; cash. $1,600 6-room house, $ iota; $200 cash, $20 month. $660 Good S-room house, elegant lot; $100 cash, $16 month. $4602 rooms, nice lot; $160 cash, $15 month. DIAMOND REALTY CO, 263 Alder St, Room 10. MODERN I-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN1, frutt tree and ahrubbery; Highland. Inquire owner, 1187 Union ave, or phon . juam it, FINE NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE' H DlailmAnr IiIaa lawn 4 4 II A ID" vi v, saaw ia. TV 4a, A Ul v VI VJTJaJ lllg shrubbery. See owner, 1117 Union ave. IN., or pnona im in "EotT ISRA ri9B. I7fln ON TIMR 1 100, with house, In Woodlawn. quire at 40 f lint st 60g in $1,800 NEW - 4-ROOM BUNGALOW; modern: $300 down, $20 monthly. E. 430 snq narriBon. , ur. uarnny, n 4oO ana riwiiiouii. , ji, -iHriing;. FOR SALE LOTS 1N'"6NE OF- HB . mot prosperous towns In Oregon; -price, $46. For further Information ad. Sv... fl.iflX Journal. - ' $160 DOWN, $16 PKBkbMf ti' BtjTS A , a-room nouse, nuaivu 101. bv jnanon l'ave. Take Sell wood car. i ? - $,66o 60x6$ IN 4HEART""6f EASf aid bualneaa district, with buildings leased at $40 per month. V. Page Har ris. Phone East 386. - Healey bldg. Grand and B: Morrison. Ji,660 100x100 EAST FRONT Iti CEN- tral Alblna; lays fine. 1 ' $l.626For five full-slaed Iota south ' of Kllllngsworth ave. . - , lijrr-Biore on union ave. . :. ... ' ? av THOMPHUW. 4 -UOUKNf ' i Mississippi ava - Phon .Wood lawn zuz. $?,000 WILL BUY I WJ ; altuated. in on of t 1 ACRES OF LAND th. best residence localities,, within th city llmtta. , Call on 71 E. Ith st. from Ho I m. - NEW, MODERN BUNGALOW, COR. ner, 4.boo: $600 cash; iso monthly. ai Phon Eaat STRICTLY MODERN, UP-TO-DATE. 6-room house, corner lot, with or without carpet and ranges: $600 cash. balance $25 per month. 669 Union ave. ivortn . Washington Oregon Realty Co. Ill Second at, Portland, Or, And 100 Main at, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. Exchang for city property and aome cash, on agreea time, per cent. Bldg. Polk County Farm 840 acrea, all well fenced. 161 acrea cultivated, 40 acrea timber, balance in pasture, no waste land, good buildings, orchard, watered by at ream and springs; no rock or gravel, but all fine soli, con venient to school and church, fronts on good road. 7ft miles from Sheridan. A cheap farm and might trade for good town property. $10,000. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. 4 8IGHTLY LOTS. CORNER BORTH- wlck and Btanton; rine building sue close tn: convenient to two carlines ant two ferries, or walking distance. For sale by owner cheap if taken quickly. Phone East 6626. Snap $1,100 6-room house near Hawthorn av. South; park land. By owner. Room ,206. MonawK Biag. On Mt. Scott line; lota from $100 to (low; acr tracts xrom ttov 10 Call at once for best selections. Gun demon A Williams. 205-6 Mohawk bldg, GREAT BARGAIN. f. . 1 n V ....... u ..UL. ' vuruor lui, I wuui uuun. mw am, i- borhood, cement walks, Bull Run water, electric Hunts, flowers and shade, first ciaos condition, ia, duo ir laKtn at once. B-4 6 7, Journal. ' COME 'AND SEE THOSE MODERN buncalow barar&lna: real , anan and close In; on for $1,800, one block of Union avenue car: nicely 'finished; five rooms;, full, concrete , basement; all modern; this I tha real bargain. We have soma good bargains in lots. See us before buying, Horn . Land - Co, 148 H First st 7: " : - - LOTS FOR -; SALE WILLAMETTE, : 100x100, facing west on Atlantlo st. 1 block from Willamette station, on St Johns carllne, $400 each. See them. Lafayette Realty CO, 813 , Waahlna- ton. - - 1 --------- - - - -: --. : - FOR SALETWO SPLENJJID LOTS, suitable for home, center - of city, near car, cheap: terms; on or both. In qulr 14 Hamilton bldg. -. - - Cieap Farm 160-acr farm: 65 acres cultivated good 8 -room house, large barn, all out. buildings, fruits, berries, garden, watered by two springs, two wells; one- thira or crop ana rarm implements; near Monmouth, Polk county. Oregon; $3,000. HENKLE A HARRISON. , 217 Ablngton Bldg. Two larre well Improved wheat ranches, 1,000 acre each, for al or exchange lor valley or city property. 10 acrea bench land: 10 In good tim ber; 12 or 16 acrea nearly cleared; one half place can be cut; place haa 4 acrea in orcnara; amaii nouae ana Darn; oou prune, 41 apple, 9 cherry, 7 peara; good apring water on place; near mux route; place partly fenced; price $1,600; $360 uowu, iMuanoB per cent. 10 acre. 60 In cultivation: crop In; barn, 46 to 60 tone oat and vetch hay, a good 8-room houae, woodhouae, smoke and roothouse, a fin bearing orchard. line water, on milk ana man route. phon line, half mile to school. 8 miles to railroad station, iu cowa. 1 norae. hogs, chickens, all kinds ' farming Im plements for such place: a rood payer: prlc $4,260. SO acres, 46 to 60 tn cultivation; land mostly level, good buildings, fine or chard, will be tons of fruit this year; on county road, milk and mall route, phon line; place will run 26 to SO cows; fine water, springs and well; ?irice $8,600; part cash, balance agreed lme, I per cant, or would take good city property. ' 120 acres, 76 clear, good orchard, good buildings, good water, $H mllea to good town, Yamhill oounty; price $3,600; $2,600 can stand, 6 per cent. 40 acres, half clear, good bulldinga. orcnara, line water; price 11,300. FOR SALB BEST BRED BOSTON terrier puppies on th coast Sir, Champion Sportsman, dam Lady True B, she by Champion Nobska If. Can be aoen today in window at Beck's cigar store, corner Weat Park and Washing ton sts. Owner and breeder. J. A Beck. 610 Gi'lng st. Phone East 184. FRESH COWS RASTER'S PLACE, Lenta. THREE FRESH COWS. GOOD MILK- Th original and only Dr. Wary Lane Lady physician, with th old established A jtaaium Meaicai lnatitut ana Sanitarium. . For years 1 still at tha old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Lata superintendent of Chicago Wo men a Hoapltai, treat a diseases or wo man and children exclusively; ladles needing Immediate asalstanc will con sult their -best In tares ts by communicat ing- with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Respectabl arrangement mad for th adoption of Infanta Th finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest Office, 268 Alder corner 3d, Portland,-, Or. Phones Main 1786. Home A-17II. Da BING CHOONO, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chine tea, certain cur for all dleeasaa 111 Id at. between Tamhiii and Taylor, en Two -646 E. Madison. ' Phone E. 2861. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY cows, on fresh. ' 86 E. 80th. Phon fiUiTs pressed While yoU wat. 60a Ladies" skirts pressed. 600. Gil bert. 101 H Sixth st, next to Quella Phon Main 1088. . FEMALE Phon ATTORNEYS PIOGOTT. FINCH ft BlOai St. at r, ney at law, 4 Mulkey blUg, eom.r Id and Morriaon ata AUTOMOBILES , HOWARD M. COVET, Aawnt Flare Great Arrow, Looomobrie. Cadlllao and Knox. Temporary location Club Oarage, Hth and Alder sta ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER, ARCHITECT Plan and specifications; al building superintendence. - - ... iFTT, ARCHITECT. LUMBER nrr. Exchange, room 428. ACCORDION PRESS PLEATLNQ MI8S a GOULD, lit WETLAND bid.;. Accordion pleating ana bottone covered. ' ART FKJB LESSONS IN . Cmbi -Idery Every Dar. ' ,! ' THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, i s 111 Washington St. " A. BElRdEfl' ART STUDld. IUL Washington st High grade oil paint In aa In landscapes and portrait made to order. ' . -. - ASSAYERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEU MINING EN-, rineer. metaiiurgiat and asaayera, V4 Washlneton t - . SArVIn CVanIdb EitRACflo'co: and Montana Aaaay Office. rlaon at 111 Mor- DLAXK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM. 101-111 ID st Blank books manufactured: aarent for Jones' Improved Loos Leaf ledger; sea th new Eureka leaf, th best on th market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD ft CO, 104-101 XV- erett st, largest butcher supply houa on th coast Writ for catalogue. - - B'JTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPrf " Al ' Dlrvm. 111-111 1st at., carries a full line and or plte assortment at lowest market prices. - ' CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTt Free! FOR ONE WEEK MORS. Leave Yonr Money at Heme BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FUER. On of my CONSULTATION READ- Thla la strictly a matter of business on yonr part to call at my office an become familiar with my HPIRITITAI. and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to th wis is sufficient Why? Because thara la no narann In Ufa that doe not meet with trouble. In th path Of Ufa, whloh they cannot overoome without halo. - And yon now nava tha golden opportunity, WITHOUT PRICE. to oonault ona of tha moat HT-TITM- TIFTC OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS IN AMERICA this week. I know-when I have demonstrated to you that I . am en rapport with th MOST POWERFUL SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE that can ad vis and help you. When yon ar In need of such advice and help you will call and see E. 6506. FINE FRESH COWS FOR SALE AT 248 Front st, city. , FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE GOOD BUSINESS property on street car line, short dis tance from Portland, with I acre of land, all cleared and In high atat of cultivation, good buildings, etc Price 14,200, for good residence, close In, not to exceed $8.000. Address P-468. TO TRADE 6-ROOM MODERN house and two lots, for amall farm. A-467, Journal. I HAVE $4,000 EQUITY H5 GOOD atock ranch, ail atocked. for sale or exchange for city property. 141 Spring. $H BUYS GOOD RUBBER-TIRED buggy and 1100 pound horse: will take rood cow in exchange. 836 E. 28th st w-W car to Kenllworth curve. GOOD TEAM OF YOUNG PONIES TO exchange for large horse. Phone Woodlawn 83. WILL EXCHANGE MY GROCERY for real estate: nice caah business lease; cheap rent; living rooms; located on corner; about $2,000 required; east siae. owner, is-ey, journal. baLm 6f Mgs For ALL disease. 828 E. Belmont East 4034. DR. T. I PIERCE. SPEClALlof. DiS eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by malL urrice isi 1st at, corner xamnui, fort ianq, ur. la Dies dr. sanderson-8 co. Savin and Cotton Root Pills ar th only sure remedy ror delayed periods by mall $1 per box. Dr. Pierce, 111 1st 0 madam VASiiTi Vapor and tub baths, mas age, alcohol rubs. 101 ft Id St. MANICURING. BAtri AND MASSA.dE. competent attendants. ner waahington. 110H 4th. eor- ifAwv' T.aMWl MftW AT Vit Lane Inatltute, room I to 14, Grand utui. vm.. V "viii.il children a specialty. Consultation free. correspondence eonoiiea. CURE YOURSELF WITHOUT DRUG or knife; consult . Dr. Hurry by ap- pomtment. Aaoresa atta girtn st. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day.. week and month: special rate to business houaea tn and Hawtnorna East 72. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. Ith st. 100 acres. 47 In cultivation and crop. good orchard, good buildings, good water; price $3,600; terms. A SNAP IN FRUIT LAND. 120 acres of fine . f rujt land at Th Dalle, Oregon, with valuable Improve ments. Surrounded by flourishing fruit orchards and vineyards. Equal to fa mous Hood River fruit land at on quar ter th price. For terms, pries and rea son for selling see owner at Weeks' Granite Works. 4th and Columbia ata., Portland. Or. Farm. 110 acres all lies nlce; good aoll; all fenoed; 26 acres cultivated, 30 acres V3, J VO. J .U rl3Vi , UVUD U.I 11, lift, nlng water; lays nice to subdivide; on main county road and proposed electric road, 10 miles west of Portland. $10,000. 117 Ablngton Bldg. SNAP. 48 acrea. 20 In hlsh state of cultlva tlon, 8 acres timber: fine creek In rear of place. A new 9-room house, new barn, new chicken house and other out houses; young orchard. Good team of horses, worth $600; 8 fine cows, 2 calves. 6 hogs, 28 sheep, 300 chickens, all farming Implements and crops. On mall and milk route and only 1 miles rrom Reedviiie, 18 miles rrom court house, good road all the way. Price, $5,000; terms, a snap; investigate. I acres, head of Alnsworth Ave.; fine to plat; a good buy; investigate. W. Espey Room 319 Commercial Bldg. Corner 8d and Washington eta. Dairy Farm Farm 40 acres, all nice land: Ilea well to uuii.if.ici . nuin iu vu.ut.vivi uvun, barn, orchard, running stream of water. nice trout stream; aooui i.uuu.uuu teet Of good fir and cedar timber; H in lie to sawmill. 8 miles from electrlo.tear line, at Eagle Creek. Price $2.600. . - ; : 117 Ablngton; Bldg. ' .t" 80-ACRB FARM. GOOD SOIL, WATER, .fruit, and buildings: water and phone In house: 16 miles east of city limits, 3 to R. R. ' and steamboat. Will tak small residence - near carl in a balance easy terms.- What have yout M. Rle- kr. Mm a, xroutaai,. ur. A fin dairy farm on tld water tribu tary to '.ower Columbia river, small town and boat landing on the farm. 293 acres, about 90 acres of which Is rich bottom lana; some gooa uraoer on tne upland. $ good houses, hot and cold water In each; fine spring water, largo barns with silo; all outbuildings, or chard, achool 9 months each year; new cream separator, new churn, butter worker, mower, rake, tedder, harrow, hav press. 8 hogs. 20 fine Jersey cows, chickens, everything that goes to make up a - first-class dairy farm; adjoining bottom lands are held at $160 to $200 per acre; will sell you thia- farm all complete, and if. taken soon throif in a $460 span of Missouri mulea for 111.000. ' ' HENKLB ft HARRISON. v ' $17 Ablngton bldg. - HEAVY HORSES. YOUNG. SOUND; good workers: also mares, bred to 1,900-lb. horse; give time to pay. 1004 Mllwaukle ave. -. ' good traveler.' Inquire at'-416 East Eighty st. South. HEAVY TEAM, WAGON AND HAH ness oheap. 638 Market st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records: Stelnway (and other) clanoa Shemran. Clay & Co, 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postorrice- HIGH-GRADE PIANO TAKEN ON mortgage, yours for balance due; cash or terms. Phone Mr. Brown, Main 5184, Home A8Z4. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves, iron Deas, spring, mattresses, tables, chairs, dresseraj chef fenlera, car pets and linoleums, new a and good aa new, at lowest prlcea Com and see us; It will pay you; your goods taken In exchange. Fox A Brower, 82 N. Id. Phoae Main 2111. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SALE WELL DRILL: GASO- C W. Stephens, Orient FOR line outfit. Oregon. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. - - SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Jas. T. Marshall DON"? : BUT A FARM. WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk . with Turner, he knows where to find them. Offle. 101 H Washington at Mfg. Co. 28 Couch st. HOTEL for Sale one ' Inquire 271 1st st RANGE. ORDER YOUR - PEACHES DIRECT from the orchard. We will deliver anywhere In the express delivery dis trict of Portland 6 boxes of extra fancy peaches for $6;- 5 boxes fancy for $6.76: 5 boxes ehloe for $6-60. Th lat ter grades best t for canning. Send money with order, v Satisfaction guaran teed. Merlin Mercantile Co.. Merlin. Or. FINE MOTION vPlCTURE -MACHINE. $26; view. 10c; films for rent. Mo tion picture machines rented, bought old and exchanged. Neumans, Ititt 6th, near Alder, : 1 , r PORTLAND INSTITUTE Mo H M6R rlaon at, room 1-11, Lewis Bldg.; w cure rheumatism, nervoua and stomach troublea by electricity; hand rubbing and eiectrio aweata. Trained aura in attendance. A GENTLEMAN WIflHEd ft HEAR from a lady 18 or 40. with aome meana. A-464. Journal. MASSAGE AND BATH. 191 H ALDER at. room 4. Mia Maraella L Roy. accompnsnea raassuese, prIVaTe h6spitaL, H6ME FOR unfortunate girls; good car. I Mil ner oiag. LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 64 4th st: will teach 1 respectable ladies tn traae. MISS ETHEL WARD. MANicURiST' and chiropodist, has returned from her vacation; will b pleased to sea old and new patron In room 11, 161 ft Mor rison st. MRl J. LlNDSEf, dLliRVdYAW and magnetlo treatments: hours. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m, evening 7 to 10. North 6th St.. Room I. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE give electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh Bldg. Sixth and Washington. WANTED BY YOUNG GENTLEMAN. acquaintance of respectable young lady; object company. H-468, Journal. MRS. O. BROCK, GRADUATE MAS ". seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; rererence. ZS1H Park st Paciflo 2611. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS MA8- 26 sage, electricity 145ft 6th st, room DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Bexlne Pills cure all weakness; II a box. for $5; full guarantee. Addreaa or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist Port land, Or. ' REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter: estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phon Main 7308. MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS nair removed, no cnarg to taiK it over. Mrs. M. . Hill, room sso llea ner bldfr.PhonePlfle186. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, Nov els, etc.; German, English. French. Spanish, Swedlah and Italian diction aries: foreign books of all kinds. 8chmale Co, 229 First st Greatest living astral dead-trance cTalr- . voyant of th age; ADVISER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: . whom you will 'marry, how to control : the on you lov even thoagh mil4S away; reunite th separated; give se- . cret power to control otnara; no air frnc how close or how far away, you . can always obtain your desired results. Telia you Just how, where and when to invest your money to obtain th best ' possible result. If you are alck, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to reoelve HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advert! s to do, and a great deal mor. Office, Noa.,1 and 4, Grand Theatr . bldg. 352 1-2 Washington 'Phon Main 1217. ' ' See lelyin j For ADVICE THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. Melvln has made thousands of dollars for Portland people. H haa deceived, nona If your mining atock ar a fail ure be will tell you. If you hav money to Invest, do not throw ft away. Melvln rill guld you and ahow yon a way to suocesa " , : He advises In bualneaa Tra not bur . or aall real estate; do not Invest In any- IU1U UUUIV VWUVU.UUK USUI, .Vfc JIW1III be your guld and you will alwaya be auccessfuL PROF. MELVTN TELLS YOUR NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION. -WHERPl YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUR HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION. Without any prevloua knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who, you are, whence and for; what you came. He tell you of friends and enemle. who la tru and who is false, tall you whom and when you will marry, giving name, dates, facta and locations) taking no fe in advanc and accepting non unleaa satisfaction is given. LOW FEB. 80c, 60c, (Oo, 60a. : MelYln - THE BENSON BLDG, I91H Morrison st, corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN 7246. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Bold by all d ru ggi sta CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; eiectrio treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com mon wealth bldg, Ith st., cor. Pine. TURKISH BATHS, 10 OREGONIAN bids-. : ladles days, gentlemen nfa-hta Main 1951. . - ':. -,j-h LADIES I DR. LA FRANCO'S ' COM pound; safe, speedy ' regulator; 26 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. AN INTELLIGENT LADT WISHES TO correspond with a middle-aged gen tleman; object, friendship. X-466 Jour nal. ' ' - - : -, WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF some nlc lady that -want- a horn of her own; matrimony; don't us liquor or tobacco. R-467, Journal, NemoRaganzl , MYSTIC SEER, Nemo Naganat la th man of today. He la world famous for th many pre dictions he haa mad that hav com -to pass. Telia your name, tells when and whom you will marry. Th teat that this man rive la positive proof of his strange aria wonderful power. - He 1 an . enigma, atandlng alone In a class by himself. He aeema to reach th aeoret of one'a very aout Truthful are the words that com from his lip. Would you like to know as to changes, travel, love, marriage, law.' old estates, will. deeds, lost .friends, mine. real estate, patents, investments, divorces, sickness, as to whether you will mak money, as to whether you will recelv a letter, if your husband, wife or sweetheart is true? W will say. see NaganiL He hastens marriages, settles lovers' quar rels,' unites those who are aeparated, develops personal magnetism, teaches the East Indian method of fascination. Low fee. 60c. f Cut i thia out and bring It with you. Remember the nam, . ; Nemo Naganzl ' I41tf MORRISON ST, CORNER OF - .;'.m:Mi. SEVENTH, v- - v ; WANDA.' THE FAMOUS PALMIS? and clairvoyant at the Oak evening., MAY ANDREWS. CARD READKfCAf 815 Main at, 260. phone Main 764. CLEANING" AND DYEINO CLOTHES CLEANED AND TV ' $1 per month, Unlqu Talion. t 109 Stark st dyed - a specialty, '. sot -Jo- " Main 2611. F. THOMAS, !''. AT' feather boas cleane'l, v" work cnlled for nn,i at Water st, Portlani, Or. 1376. i A. I 1 C - i. A: