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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY . EVENING. AUGUST 10. 1007. Men Deserting Keys '..Before Given Permission i Which Is Now Being Considered by Executire Board ; of if Commercial Operators. JAIL FOR HUSBANDS SWHO DM'T PAY ALI Judge, Oantenbein, -Who Presided Over Divorce Court, Granted Seven Divorces and Threatened Imprison-' 4 : ment of Men Who Refuse to Obey Rulingsl ; v MY ;.-,,V (Jborsal Special Service.) ;- , ' Chicago, Aug. 1$. Following the gen eral strike declared by President Small thla morning the executive board of the Commercial Telegraphers of America la now In session conferring with the Vep , reeentativea 'of $04 broker peratore who threaten to atrike unleaa .contract are algned today with the union by their employer ' ' . :' Reporta Indicate that, I. per cent of the broker operatora who were auppoaed to remain at work refuaed to report for duty tbla morning. Thla waa the case '.all orer the country. Including thoaa at the Standard Oil United States' Steel and other big corporation offloea. President Samuel Oompera ; of the American .Federation of Labor and United Statee Labor Commissioner "Weill KTBsct to leave for Waahlngton today, There 1 bo hope for peace negotlatlona yet and they do not expect to return to Chicago until there la a chance of ending ,, the trouble. - Prealdent Small and Secretary Rueaell of the commercial teiegrepners ana Quick and Perham of the railroad telerranhers have been appointed hoard of strategy 'which will have charge of the strike. Small addressed the biggest . meeting held ao far thla i afternoon. Small aaya ha will talk arbitration 1 the reaueat comea from the right eourw but will not listen to the companlei proposition Nelll. Oompera and Small . entered an arbitration conference thie morning. KeUl told the officials of the union they must take the whole ques tion of arbitration to Mew York, where . the officers of both companies are lo , cated. Small aald: , V "Ths telerraDhera are striking for their Juat right We are not aeeklng revenge and are not trying to incon venience the public We are willing at ' any time to listen to propositions from fair and honest men but are not willing to accept dowry's buncombe called ar bitration. We have had enough of that We realise the atrike means business paralysis and heavy financial lows. Members of the union Intend to make the most determined fight ever waged . by labor. We have the money and num bers and we will win." , Oompere and Nelll leave thla after. , noon for the east, Nelll to confer with Roosevelt, and Oompera with the ex- ' eoutlve board of the American Federa tlon. A a a consequence It Is expected an arbitration conference will be called Monday in New York. ... EZRA MEEKER TO SEE AT PRESIDENT iior.i E Oregon Pioneer Drives Ox Team Up Great White ; ' Way in New York. tlooreal Special Service.) ' . . v New York, Aug. K.Kara Meeker, who la retraclnr the trail he followed to the far northwest aa a pioneer II years ago,' waa In Poughkeepele laat night and will leave early thla morning for . New - York. He expects to drive down the Great White Way with hia ox team and original prairie achooner, to night about theatre time. Thla ,7-year-old pioneer of the west haa traveled all the way from Puyallup, Waahlngton, with his ox team and prai rie achooner and la on hla way to Oyster Bay to aee the president and Interest him and through him the. country in making a grand boulevard of the old Oregon trail. The old pioneer wants the trail which he and eo many others fol lowed a generation ago perpetuated from the Missouri river to Pacific coaat aa a monument to those hardy ploneera whose sacrifices and enterprise made the settlement of the west possible. After seeing the president Mr. Meeker expects to ask the next congress to pas an act appropriating money for the pre liminary survey. - For nearly 11 months Kara Meeker has been on the trail. Hla original in- Jail confronts' huihiniia' h nfuu i'itnft.a raniiMi Mrs. Wagner. Her at to pay alimony to their divorced wlvee torney explained that he did hot mean when they have been ordered to do eol lodge and aha then aald a he kept rooim- - . . , .1 . . . L. 4 IIhIm- Oh 'Wl. by Judge Qantenbeln. In the circuit court thla morning Judge Qantenbeln, who presided over the dlvoroa court and granted 1 aeven divorces, ,' declared - la granting alimony that It would have to be paid, 'is '.y' '' , Chria Wagner, a blacksmith, was or dered to pay to hla wife 120 a month for the aupport of their three children. Mrs. Warner's attorney aald he doubted whether Wagner would pay It, and the juoge aaia: -If he does not par U cite htm to appear here to show cause why lie tiae not done so. ir be has not an excellent reason he win be placed in )u xor con tempt of court." i . .t . 1 .Mrs. . Warner .was -ranted a divorce because of the cruel treatment and be ing called vile names. Her testimony waa corroborated by that of her 11- ' car-old aon, - Mr. Wagner aald aha had o earn a living by cleaning houaea and doing waahlng. o you have any iodgerer" asked her attorney, . xea. i oeiong to tne Laaieawr wooa- n tA heln make k living. She waa granted a divorce and alimony. ; Forced by a drunken husband to hang from the window ledge by her linger tips In the rain on the night of rcra bsr 27 while the husband hunted for her in tha houas threatening to klu her, waa the etory told by Mre. Ada Dies In' aeeklng a divorce from Frederlok Dies. She aald that while ane nung rom the window In her night arees Die came- Into we room ana ugniea the gs Finally a neighbor came with nd assletad her to the around. hey were married In August, 18JS, at ewlevllle, Illinois. ' . Fred W. Scheurer waa granted a di vorce from Anna M. Scheurer on the ground of infidelity. They were mar ried at Vancouver, Waahlngton, In. De cember, 1J04. Paralee B. Cave waa granted a divorce from 'John R. Cave because or cruelty, iney -wsrs marrimi at Sweet Home, Oregon, In December, 1I7S. The following divorces were rrantad on the around Of desertion Eff te C. Chase from Fremont R. Chase, Sarah Stein from Sam Stein, and Ellen F. Davia from James M. r. uavis. ElffllKIIC ON RESOURCES V1' i1'.. " No Country on Earth Sur passes Southern Oregon, v Says' DrWilson., MKUTION SCTEME i IS 'tVEALTH PRODUCER -A Minister Drove 23 Mile and Waa Ijnpreaacd ,!Vlth . th ;VaJu rroperty KTerywbere, He i Went Waa on Kllaaloa rroject. . ,7Ci wwm of FOR SHOW Pure Food Management Get ting Everjthjng in Shape 'for Big Exhibit The committee of the Pure Food ahow began thla morning" the distribution of tickets to the S0 different retail and five wholesale grocery atorea of the city and Monday morning the building of the boothe for the big food ahow will be begun at the. Exposition building. Nineteenth and Washington streets. Much interest I" - manifested in the show and it Is believed ih-t the booths. which are to be erected under the au- ervialon of the expert - booth builder, obn M. Bnvder. win sumasa anvthlna attempted In eastern cities. There are only a few reservations atlll unclaimed and any manufacturer who wishes sDace ahould at onoa com municate with the Pure Food commit tee, 107 Alisxy building. Mr. Snyder will be at the (rounds Monday morn ing and will assist any who wish to consult him regarding the design of a booth.-. - - - . - ' The 1(0.000 tickets which are belna distributed to the different grocera are for aeneral distribution. and house- keeners may obtain them by asking the grocer xor mem. wun tu Ticaei ana 10 cents admission will be given to the show in the afternoon. In the even ing the ticket and 16 cents rives ad mission. Without the ticket the admis sion la 25 cents. This crocer'a ticket must be exchanged at the box office. The committee desires that crocera will - wait , upon the members of the committee aa soon aa they enter their reapeouve stores, tnua saving much time. The official distributers of the tickets will have a algn on the aide of the wagon. 'The Pure Food show will open September I, continuing until Sep- UIDHI II, .'...v.- . -s. TRACTIOi'J COMPANY MUST LAY1RACKS Company Censures Railroad People May . Proceed Against Franchise. ATTORNEY ACCUSED OF If the Portland Railway. Light A Power company doea not prosecute ita tracklaylng work on aeveral atreeta at a faster rate than at present, it etanda liable to loaa Ita ; franchise on those atreeta Contractors have been com plaining from time to time about being delayed In finishing their work by the inaction of the atreet railway company. The matter came to a point In the meeting of the executive board yester day afternoon when aeveral members of the atreet committee censured the com pany for its alownsa on Orand avenue. Grand avenue between Belmont and East Stark atreet waa the street coming la for rreateat criticism, although other etreeta were pointed out on which the work had been delayed. The contrac tor are ready to go ahead with the work and do not feel that thev should be penalised for not finishing their con- trscta wiinin ins auouea time, wnen in truth, they say, the streetcar company la responsible for the delay. IL u. Sabln la In favor or nenaiising the - contractor - and then holdlna the streetcar company, liable for the man a loss. ' ' City- Attorney Kavanaugh gave It aa hla opinion that the franchise of the company contained no clause which would compel them to proceed with the work at a faster rate than at present, but believed that ; he could proceed against them on the single atreet fran chise. - '. The atreetcar offlclala maintain that they are unable to get enough men and material to lay . their tracks as fast as they would like. Steel rails of the heavier class are aald to be unusually hard to get and labor la ao scarce that tney are compelled to shift the gangs ity Rev. Clarence True Wilson haa re turned , from , the Klamath country, where he haa been for the past ten daya. and la enthusiastic over;, the re sources of the southern part of ' the tate. ' .. ;$."' , "There la no country on earth equal to It." aald Dr. Wilson thla morning. -Its agricultural resource are wonder. ful and the irrigation project haa made it bloom like a rose garden. 11 I drove the entire length of the government's irrigation canal and was Impressed with the way people have taken up with the wore x "The reault of the Irrigation scheme will be almoat illimitable In producing wealth. The canal ooat one million dol lar a and will Irrigate a spread of coun try 40 mile square, Altogether I drove 325 miles and was impressed with the value of the country everywhere I went.- . Dr. Wilson waa a member of the commission appointed by the Oregon and California Methodist conferences to decide upon the advisability of estab lishing a mission In the Klamath coun try and northern California. It waa the RAILROADS' TAX RAISED jllEtllll . : , - . .- V . ' ... 1 Montana Board Lifts It Amid Protests to Grand '.Total of $53,000,000. i ' . . , . . BOARD RULES TO HOLD FIGURES ONCE MADE -. V Valuation Baaed on Roada Own Re ports of Earnlnjr-i-Granl Aggre- " gate of Property, All Claaaea, Esti. i tiiated at Three Ilnndred MJlllona. ," (Bpecul Dispatch te The Jonroil.) Helena, Mont.,-Aug. ll.The railroads of Montana, will pay taxea on a levy In creased by approximately 10 . per cent over that of last, yea the atate hoard of equalisation havrrfg determined ' upon thla raise at Ita regular meeting here. August it la aet aa the date for hearing proteeta, , but it la considered Improb able that any reduction will be made, thla being agalnat an unwritten law of the hoard, aaya where gross Injustice can be shown or errors are to be recti fied. ... The main line assessments of the transcontinental lines waa fixed at $17, tiO m mile, with greatly reduced ratee i for branches and spurs. The different linea will pay taxes on about the fol lowing auma: Burlington, 11,000,000; Northern Pacific, $20,000,000; Great Northern, $16,000,000; Butte, Anaconda as Pacific, $m,000; Oregon Short Line, $2,160,000; Montana railroad. $150,000; Tellowetone Park railway. $80,000. Ap proximate total, $$,000.000. Vearly Three Koadred XUlloaa. The value of all other property In the FRISCO Willi Oil TIME TODAY For Fourth Time This Week Bay City Passenger Is . " On Schedule.- TRAVELING PUBLIC i r IS WELL PLEASED Hotel Clerks Agreo That Arrival of . - s Train on Time . prer Soathern Taclfie la Dne to Articles Appear lug In The Journal. . . !.r)v t ... ... . ... :-, , intention to set apart a mission dlatrlct , ,ut it Js umated. will bring . the consisUng of parts of Lake and Kla math couutiea in Oregon, and of parte of Mod oo county In California. After thoroughly canvasslne the altuatlon the would not be feasible that the scheme would not be reaethie, ana recommenaea appointing Rev. R. E. Dunlap, presiding elder of the Klamath Falla district, in charge of the work to be carried on in tne proposed mission. Those who accomoanled Dr. Wilson were. Rev. W. a Hollingshead and Rev. R. . uuniap, rrom uregon, ana nev. n. M. Williams Of Sacramento, Rev. Dr. Kvans, presiding elder of the Knaftta, California, district, and Rev. Dr. Mc Creary, presiding elder of the Sacra mento district FIRE LADDIE STOLE LUMBER THEY SAY Captain; William Hansen May Have to Appear Be fore Executive Board. all over the eft to eomnlet tha nxitxl RT7?rRTNIr OLT) MATV Mmprovementa Most of the' men were D1IIJJV1IU KJHU JUAly taken from Orand avenue to place on me wura ub rirni strvei, ana mil nas assisted in causing the delay on the eaat aida v. CapUln William Hansen of Are engine company No, II. atatloned at Sunnyslde, atole enough lumber from houaea in the neighborhood of the Ore atatlon, accord ing to hia neighbors. to buUd a cosy cottage on hla little farm a few miles from the city. A month ago complaint waa lodged with the city officials against Hansen and Chief Campbell be gan a etui nunc ror eviaence. mere were plenty of people who -were willing to appear against Hi ecutive board, but none tention was to go to Waahlngton and in terview the president there, but the trip . haa taken longer than he expected., and . he haa had to seek out the executive at the aummer capltoL , At every point along the old Oregon trail where Mr. Meeker could gather a crowd he stopped to explain the purpose i f hia pilgrimage, and already monu- ments costing from $100 to $1,000 mark many historic points along the old trail. i i t i i i. ) . i DOGS TRACK WAHL i TO ITER'S BRINK : - ' . SP!ll Dispatch to Th learaaLl :. Moscow, Ida) ; Aug. 16. The friends and relatives of Ed Wahl, who dlaap- ' peared Monday, believe ha haa com nutted aulclde . while demented, by drowning in the Clearwater river. Harry j-mtyerm oiooanounaa nave lOHOWed his xrau xrom me rarm or his - brother. to the river; .,:!'!,. .- On Monday he drove from Genesee to the farm, of hla brother. Here he drove nis lean? in a circle around the barn two or tares times, then unhitched. Going Into the house nothing unusual waa noticed In hia conduct , He aat ( uown mi a tapis ana , wrote something, shortly after which he disappeared. This writing waa later found in the shape of a note which gave hla frienda : ma i irsi indication mat nis mind waa unbalanced and that he contemplated suicide -It Is as follows: "Collect a note of $600 owed to me by fhere the name was givenU -take care of the crops and the Clearwater river will take care f me." Thla note waa addressed . to nis wife, r-., Some surmise that hla failure to get a loan which he desired for the purchase of some land .might have discouraged him and might have been the contrib uting cause which mentally unbalanced him. EIGHTEEN LIVES ARE LOST IN SHIPWRECK NEW IVORK OF ART WILL BE UNVEILED Frank. Melvln, an attorney in the Chamber of Commerce uulldlng, waa ar rested thla morning by Detective J. H. Price on a warrant charging him with assault and battery. Issued upon com' plaint of W. T, Linn of $$4 Clinton atreet. ' The accused barrister waa re leased on derjoslt of $60 cash ball and the case will be heard In the nolle court Monday morning. . i According to Linn's story he went to I C f v : -f t weivin s oince mis mornma to inauire anout an attaenment on lev coras or wood near or the fuel was attached for payment of $60 for the construction of a road to haul It to the" railway and Linn, who owna the wood.' waa desirous of aecertalnlna sometning soout me proceedings. The complaining witness, who is 73 years of age and almost blind,- declares that Melvln called him a "liar." and struck him on the nose without any completed will M unveiled and blessed nlAVnBTlAn. . . I Mm nT vntin m I I used to be or there would havs been St. . Michael a church. The picture a different story," declared Linn aa he I waa executed , by George De Pyro, the let i uiv station, . I famous artist, and j-enresenta t TCHm. beth, or the Visitation. , In front of an arched opening, giving a distant view of aea and fortified town, Mary stands leaning over Elisabeth, her handa on the elder woman's shoulders hnn full nt. B. C. Schmidt, taken Into custody by .neMOlorM, rflh- -,fth ... rmA Patrolman West at the St George ho-1 and white head-dress, leave little more an attachment on 160 cords of . ,r. . , of w.rtp.n Tt ap'pr. uSt g. St. Michael's Church Congre gation Will Bless Not able. Painting. : . ..4'" - ... , ' On Sunday a notable work of art juat SCHMIDT IDENTIFIED AS QUILT STEALER (Journal Special Service. 4 Buenoa Ayres, Aug. 1$. Four- ten passengera and four sailors l,i their Uvea in the wreck of' the Americaa bark Pruscla In. Eildoro Bay, according'', to re- w v ports received here. 'Detatla of the dtsastfr are lacking. , , r.t 4 tel thla morning on a charge of drunk' ennesa, haa been identified as the "quilt I thief who haa been systematically I stealing Dea ciotntng rrom various rooming-nouses. It is alleged that the prisoner car tied away two quilts from the house of Mra. woodlarit, becond and Jeffer- than her profile exposed to view. Mary's dark blue mantle la caught together at the breast by -an enormoue brooch, but her rauay head-dress of ruffled muslin does not hide the soft hair, which la drawn down over the eara There Is a gentle, wondering melancholy on the face of Mary that auaaesta the Botti. celll type, though without the strain aon atreeta; two from the Wyoming and-tVeas so eariivyi i indrins--houHs. ona from the St. oir ana " generally leit In that hotel and two from SOS Main atreet ma suspicious actions in trre wt. ueorge caused . the proprietor to summon the fiolice and Detective Price at headquar era identified the fellow aa the man he has been looking for for several days. Thirteen quilts have been recov ered by the detective from various pawnshops of which aeven . have been Identified by the owners. A charge of larceny la to be mea againat Schmidt BOOKKEEPER BULGER mas- r . .... ter'a Madonnaa. The Danel measures 11 ft htmh . T'feet wide and was donated to the church by Joseph Marablttl. X MUSCULAR BRITISHER JUMPS BOARD BM r1 T atll .41.. ..ML. "Enallsh Olant" waa arrant A tmlii, h ts. ...1..- -j . ' ww"'" rnce on a warrant cnargmg him with defraudlna- an innkeeper. It anaen before the ex would admit of havlna seen him. xne cnargea were , Kept quiet owing; to the lndeflrateness of the allegations until a contractor appeared before Mayor Lane several days ago and In formed that official that he had kicked Hansen out of the cellar of a house one night when the latter waa trying to make off with aome boards. It is alleged that Hansen doea not confine his operations to one building, but takes a small amount of building material from aeveral houaea under con struction. It la further charged that he has stored some of the lumber in tho engine house until he could transport it to bis country place. Several people have been found who wish to take the stand against Han sen and If the - evidence ia conaldered sufficient he will be given a hearing by the board. The executive atreet committee yes terday recommended that the bid of A. C. Myer of $7,897 for the construction of the Portland Heights' engine house at Twentieth and SDrinv streets be accept ed. The Did was S3 below city engineer Taylor's estimate. Two other bids were submitted, A. F. Squires for $8,400, and Yelguth Pierce for $8,700. . Fire Chief Campbell waa given SO days' leave of absence to attend the in ternational convention of fire chiefs at Washington,' D. C. October 8, and 10. The city council will be asked to bear the expense of the trip. . . j BURGLARS SECURED ; VALUABLE BOOTY total assessed valuation of the atate, including the rallroada, at $ll,000,eoo. a substantial increase over last year. All of the railroads were represented at the board meeting, either by their tax representatives or written Commun ications, and au easayea to prevent aa increase. The board baaed ita action en tho earnlnga of the railroads aa ahown by their reports, statements made by com petent pereona before the Interstate commerce commission and" other data of an assumed incontrovertible nature. Of the twenty-seven counties in Mon tana, only four ahowed decree sea, and these were alight Of those showing Increases. Sliver Bow county led with $11,000,000, owin to increased mineral output In Montana, mines are not taxed, simply their net proceeds. STRONG INSECT CAN EASILY BEND STEEL Goliath Beetle From South Africa the -Strongest of Bugs. During the night of August 14, burg lars effected an entrance to the house of B. H. Levy, 781 Lovejoy atreet, by prying up a window in the lower part of ' the house. The robbers made way with a valuable booty, which consisted of table sliver, knives, forks and spoons, a diamond ring containing five atonea. a brushes (Special Correspondence.) ' London, Aug. it. Vlaltora to the Zoo Juat now are taking an lntereat In the Insect house, where aome very wonder ful new arrivals are being atudled by naturallate. The Goliath beetle from South Amer ica would aend a house made into hys terics. - Its body, arrayed almost cler ically In black and white, la nearly five lnchea long. Can Bead Steel. It la not notsonoua. nor la it Inten tionally ferocious, but there is a spot between the neck and ahouldera which acta like a viae. A finger placed in this anerture would be broken at once. and on Saturday last a keeper who in serted a key in "the Junction" found that Goliath" had bent the key merely by shrugging its ahouldera Tills great beetle is an inexpensive guest as he only feeds on ruit which is absolutely rotten.. . Close by the Goliath beetle are two newly arrived bird-eating spiders. One of them halls from Central America. For concentrated wickedness It beats any known living thing. It keeps dis reputable houra and attacks everything it meets In It midnight prowls, from fledglings to mice. Ita bite will kill a man in leaa than half an hour. Peccary Xe Bora. - Tha Zoo authorities are not indulrlna- Ita tastes for the blood of small birds and mice, and are feeding It on cock roaches ana worm a 11 ia lour incnea long and ia Juat changing ita hairy coat 1 wmcn ia a rusty Drown. A very rare birth is announced in the gardens. A collared peccary waa born a few days ago in the awlne aheda, Tha baby Di la about the else of a kitten and yesterday waa making strenuous efforts to grunt . like its mother. ; ROCKS WERE THROWN BY CHARIVARI PARTY For . tha fourth time thla week tha Southern Paclflo train from Saa-Tran- cisoo arrived on tlmo thla morning, and for the first time within tha memory of one of the oldest employee of tha road, this week la the first week In the hla tory of tha road that the company haa been able to get four.tralne from the Bay City to Portland on tlma within tha period of aeven daya - ' " ' . How it haa been accomplished nobody knows. The traveling pubno ia happy, business men are commencing to lose their frown and'Poetmaster John W. Mlntofa "kick" Hat haa been reduced to about one, third of ita former proportion' I Hotel clerka generally agree that tha arrival of the traina on tlma is due to tne articles mat have been appearing In The Journal from day to day detail ing me tate arrival of the traina; how auch action haa been viewed -by tha public the effecta upon the commer- ciaicentera ana ox the deiaye in hand ling the mall. Whatever the cause. the Improved service haa created a most favorable impression with persona who have to travel over tne rauroaa. Btrangera txjm- ins to ronitna ior tne nrat time com ment upon the long and weery ride trum un rrancisco, out express aat' lafactlon because thev arrlva an tim. ; A decided Improvement has been noi tlced ale- in- the service- of tha Or R. tt N. traina coming into Portland in the paat worn. in overland train from the east has been on itme aeveral daya Jhia week, and haa 'never been more than two houra lata until ' today when wa merasa P 10 arrive at 1:26 o clock thla afternoon. The train la due at ocioca in me morning. mm- w POISON ""aeaBBeeasaaB !,. " ' i . ... i . .' "''' ' 1 , ' e. 'f ' ' ' Miss Pitra Louritz Takes Bi .Dose of Poison While, Suf fering From Temporary, , Mental Aberration Left ' Letter for Sweetheart : FIN on IDE BY SMOKE T. BLAZE "Goodbye. Hans: and don't blame' ma for doing dile. you've been good to ma for a long' time,. Hans, and I love you with all tha love a woman can' give: but you are better oft without, me. , Please ' don't grieve over me, dear . T f After writing , her proiipectlve ; hue- band ; affectionate farewell. Mlsa ? . Pltra Lourlta, a zO-year-oid Norwegian ' girl, while temporarily deranged through ' nervous worry, drank enough strychnine sulphate to kill 10 men and erVr.d la : rhe arms of her friend. Mra C"dle, 772 Grand avenua at e:10 o'clock iVv For aeveral monthe the al rl had tun engaged to marrv Hans Rroten. an am ploye ef the Enterprise planing mill on : Kast TamhlU street and waa often In . hla company. Several months ago Bro- 1 ten noticed that aha waa affectsd with mental trouble and Anrll 7 aha hwm . mo violent mat ane wes taken to. the Cryatal Springe sanitarium for treat-. ment After a month at that place she waa discharged and returned to the city ' to seek employment A few daya later , ' aha waa again taken violently insane, and thla, tlma became a patient at tha McNary a Williamson sanitarium. Three weeks ago ahe was discharged -and haa since made her home with, Mr. and Mra Kile. Before taking her Ufa tha girl wrote ' letters breathing affection to her lover " and Mra Ella They were disconnected w and conveyed "little, showing that aha. waa laboring under acute menial treu- 1 Die when writing. . . ' Mra. Kile Status that aha had been in good aplrita during tha tlma ahe had atayed at the Kile home and yesterday ' . went welkina with a airl frland. Diir. , ing he- abeenoe from tha houee aha In ' aome manner procured the vial of' irycnnine. iasi nigni ana aeemed to be In rood health and area aarlv this morning. She came down ataira at :S0 o'clock, after Mr. Kile had departed for work, and Mra. Kile waa in the yard, She secured a cup of coffee and returned .A k&a BAAM. I. .k. I . IL. poison and drained the contenta of tha cup. She then -descended tha stain and met Mrs. Kile in the kitchen. Tha lat. ter noticed har increaalnr n.rvnuan... but thought little of it until the girl Department Had Trouble in Quelling Stubborn Fife, in Liquor Store. raised bar hand to har haart anil alr vac a ware ... Although aid waa aumomnaA Imniedf. ately the girl died in five mlnutea Cor oner Flnlev waa notified of tha anlnlla . and the remalna are now at tha Flnley undertaking parlors. . A sister of the girl Mra. Watra, re sides on rortiana ueignts ana an uncle, O. ' Matson. la also a realdant of Pnrt. Ona of . tha mnfe atHKiutn Mm. I land. She haa two brothers In British department haa bad to contend with lnJV.olumDl many yeare broke out at o'clock laat night in tha .basement under tha liquor atora of Arata Brothera and the whole aala cigar esUbllshment of Campbell aV Kvans, 9 and 71 Sixth atreet. "Before the flames ware finally axtlngulahed five firemen : were overcome by amok and at leaat 1,000 damage entailed. The flames had their nrirl. In tha basement of Arata Hmther' ainr. n-.-- tVnfW.Var.atnuiS Prosecutor Declared Benson by crossed wires or sponUneous com uuauvn. , s - Tho bartender !n th llntiAt at- new ttced a dense volume of smoke leeulne; iivm un GBiisir ina inmnnnnawi in iha firm Amnm rtman . 7w -t. responded and In the meantime Deputy j Sheriff Parker turned in an alarm from CLOSING ARGUMENTS III LAND FRAUD CASE and Perrin Are Convicted ; of Conspiracy. box 111. bringing engines I, I. 7, truck S, chemicals 1 and 1 and hoaa 1 and (7mul Special Sarviea) Baa Franeisco. Aua. If. -Cloaln ar guments in the Perrin-Benaon case be- San thla morning. District Attorney evlin opened for the government and prosecution , had enough string of gold beads, silver mounted brushes and toilet articles, a lor set with amethyst and other valuable PLEADED NOT GUILTY fflrlte tens reiused to mv hii mii and ..-- Tirmi ni 1 - I rDtl tlOUBl V rtmSVM hla ha vara m- frnm vy imam u. jsuiKtsr,' w iiu was arrcBtrai ih . : " e--o - " " several daya ago for opening lettere i"", 0hBiJry' Aa. h,? ?UK11 not fu"'h belonalnr to hla amnloverVL. P. Booth. ba,1i? u?cular BrIOsher waa locked waa arraia-ned in the local United UD ,n CIly rwon' fitn tai A iutrlnt aAtiv4 . thla , mtrt I n CP ha. J URtJIiS mV&VBmiNlW MEN WILL forth in the Indictment which waa re turned agalnat .the young man by the m . ' a las. xeaerai. rrana jury. SUPPORT THEATBE GEO VER CLEVELAND ' AGAIN TAKEN ILL, At a meeting of the East HId Wni. nessmen's club lest night the east side theatre plan of . W. C. Farnham who win uuvii bq east siaa tneatre Tnniirhr was discussed and approved. The club decided to lend Its assistance towards the maintenance of a theatre on the east siae or ; tne river. ,v Tne xirat open ing of the play house will take place tonight and it is expeoted that a per manent llet of attractions will be kept running at ! the new house from thla tune forth. - - , t j iSumtl Soectal Service.) Princeton. Au. , 16.Kornier ' Presi dent Orover Cleveland is again 111, but nas not been rorcedto tane to nis oea. THREE THOUSAND ARE ; HOMELESS BY FIRE Flw c" . 1 no nre aepartment was caiieo out thla afternoon bv an alarm rVrvr h.. (Joofnal anall genrfea.l ,: 1 SK tha mmmt nd rtf tha A IVIn- Old Orchard III ln The flraln'ha rra.. mnA pnhhiul. hal, rn ihl w.iH iiiKucaiiv oestroyea tnie . city i river in mat vicinity nad wen aet anre was tinder control at 8 o'clock this and It was feared for a time that It morning.. Three neonl ' irNlsMilil arm hvm1 iMtrAl mrA Inl.. ,- ,uure.a -i ne nrst or zo reuei trains I nouses in tne peignoornooa. The prompt h" arrived, The lose la nearly $1000,-(arrival of the department removed any 000. articles. The uol ice were notified and detectivea have been working on tha case, but so far have discovered no clue either to the ourgiara or tne pooty, SUPERVISORS TELL ' OF BAY CITY GRAFT . (Joeraal gpeeial- Bervloa.) San Franclsoo, Aug. 16. In the Glass trial today Mra Charles Box ton testified that her husband gave . her . $6,000 shortly before the Home Telephone fran chise was framea. . jux-oupervisors Jennings and Shillings told a story of grafting similar In every respect to those told by Boxton and IOnargan. Bnlldlnir Permlta. 1 " Alice Schng. -Repairs, dwelling East Fourteenth between . East Couch and Eaat Burnslde, $400; Caslato & Ragnl eto, repairs dwelling, Fourth between Baker and Sheridan, 1709; ; a. wai dele, one-story dwelling, Leo between Eaat Ninth and East Eleventh.,- $$.000: H-JT. Hess, one-story 'dwelling. Mobile between Bryant ana uurraio, iu: j. n. Nolta, two-story atore and hall.. Kll llngaworth avenue between Albina ave nue) and . Mississippi, . $3,oeo; ' one and one-half story i dwelling, "Eaat . Fifty second between East Belmont and East Morrison, $3,700: A. H. Solomon, repairs dwelling,, Lake near Nioolat $400; A. L. Howard, two-atory dwelling, McMillen between Crosby and Margin. $5,600; A. E. Velguth, : repairs . dwelling, Tilla mook between Union ' avenue and East story dwelling, East Twenty-alxth be tween Eaat Yamhill and Belmont, $1,400; O. Bly. two-story dwelling. Eaat Eighth - between Brooklyn snd Beaoori, Eaton two-story concrete 11.7001 B. O. block dwelling, j East Market;- between East Thirty-seventh and East Thirty- Charlee Kelk Ia Arreated and Albert Kelk Givea Himaelf Up to Police. - Both Are Beleaaed on Bail. -..As the result of complaints aworn tcj by Ernest Pape of 1004' Clinton atreet, whose home waa bombarded with rocka by a charivari party last . Wednesday night following the marriage of hia daughter to Julian Dutcher,' Charles Kelk. alleged to be one of those con cerned in the; affair : waa taken into custody laat night on a charge of dis orderly conduct. Albert Kelk, also al leged to have been Implicated in the bombardment, surrendered - himself at once headquarters 'mis morning to eraeant Batv. Both men have been re leased on ball to appear in the police court tomorrow morning. . , i Fred Relnsecker of 607 East Thirty second street, who waa one of the- wed- Owlnar to tha suffnnatlna- vti-x. Ing smoke the firemen had soma dir. I declared tha ficulty in finding the exact location of documents to convict the dafendanU and the flamea iHolea were cut In the that if all tha oral testimony waa '1 oi each atore and circulating thrown out there la etill plenty of evi- J1 loweredl toto the basementa Sev- dence upon which to base a verdict of .as ifi I 1 1 naves wkvat. laM a . , ... m . . , - . . . A .iu. ' T" . . u ""voin tne Blue-1 guilty, hi aaia tne actual crime waa SLevtor .oPfnine and the fire committed when the defendanta entered wae under, control within an hour. I into an agreement to secure the land un. xne Smoke nrovaA (aa mn.h I a... mui ...niiM.iAn. - . . l. . . , . i?ir 2S "JS,-?. .'nr,n? Lieutenant unnecessary lo prove that they bad Back Of truck 1. actio lieutenant nt antnallv aannra.1 iha lanA , ' - engine 1. and Hoaeman Spickelmeir of i . ' " cnsmicai ana captain Heath of the aZTJ.a r iv .?r,ut lno ve men were dragged from the basement in a seml- " tsuiiaiuon. urs. urn, Bmith and Rand, who were among the apec tatora, ministered to the Intrepid jflre f'gntera and the men were quickly re- Deeplte . the danger. ' lodgers in taa Knickerbocker hotel occupying the on. Pf ' ora of the bulldmg. were Sot at ail rrlghtened and several SX' Woman Ne ta ,:i V .yvr system on tha THEY HADE GHOSTS TO TERRORIZE WIDOW vmn vi tne ponce in handling the crowds attracted to flrea waa again S!!?"'1?'!? .n,nt Althoughthe viaajia UOMUQQ QT UetDCAIB KlraVdtr ". "uuing so tne firemen wilulA not be. h,unPered in their work, yet the crowd wae allowed to encroach within a hundred feet of the bSrnlng structure ind anm a w-. 1 "i,; r mw uuiaor on Distraction and Robbed of Property. 31 in (By a Staff ftrretpondenf! Berlin. Aug. 16. A remarkable case, which a haunted house played a PERSONAL ding party waa struck on the head with a rock during the melee and la now suf fering from concussion' of the brain.' After the hoodlums had entered the house and carried away all of the beer and cigars, jtemsecaer startea xo a near by grocery to secure anotner auppiy or tooacco ana waa assauuea. The missile thrown by one of the row dies struck him behind the left ear and rendered him unconscious. . Dr. Hick man,, who is attending the injured man, stated thla afternoon that hla patient, Is Jreatly improved and unless compllca iona occur, will recover. . - . BIG SALE OF LOTS IN, THE GRISWOLD TRACT The aala of 28 lota in Crlswold tract adjoining. Overlook, has Just been closed, i This property waa purchased by E.-'Jaeger from the Espey estate, the - consideration being $8,600. The sale waa made by W, . B. Streeter and M. J. JJaiy. . : " ' ' : - . Thla nroDertv overlooks the Willam ette river nnd Is beautif ally, situated. Mr. Jaeger intends improving same and offering for sale n lota for high class mhnA tin tiifni i kukl : . . . . . . was drawn un In 1-. -"'"prominent part, nas just oeen neara my Contrary to tfie custom In other cities Mun,cn- ' ' V - . of .keeping all persona, not provided I . A family named Wolf hired a farm w thinPXerf?45,ffn8e.or .htarin5 b"-&?? houae from an aged widow living near from the acene of the fire, the patrol- Amme""- Tho house suited them, but men, owing to the. fat -that l.. v,..,- I tha nresenee at ttia M tail In "tha hnnaa never, received proper Instructions, fall ud not, and they began to auppiy the to take this action and the firefighter premlseav with a number of ghosts, as consequently work at a disadvantage in lheV knew the lady waa most supersil- thiB',,cTty. ; , - , r.-c,M,Y? tlos, and in dally and nightly terror of .i wi roe8om guest at the Hotel aupernature.1 beings. , -V - Portland, reported, to the police after . wolf with hla wife and two daughtera. the fire that a nlntrnnnlrat In InatallnJI ,WN.)h.. 1 1 .hA.t. . . ITIvat had "'led. his pooketa of $20 in gold they tried wicked spirits, then angelic and a $50 draft. " .v.. ' ones, with the result that the wretched wjaow was nearly driven crazy by ner nightly visitants, The spirits injure the cows, killed cocks and hens, stole, eggs and butter., and made unearthly Charles R. SllgV formerly Candida f nldnlght noises. Then Wolf offerervtof for governor, of Michigan. Vn the dem- hlP, cleanse the house of aplrita. for a these -cleansing operations coat over lOOO marks. ' . .. ' The widow was robbed of all aha had, and was In addition suffering from brain fever when the police began to take notice. The result was that Wolf waa aentenced to five years' penal ser : vitude, and to pay a heavy fine and to ; auffer 10 years loss of civil rights; hla . wife and one of hia daughtera to two , years, and tha . other slaughter to It months'' Imprisonment This precious , family had reguUr rehearsals of their nocturnal swindle before practicing it on their victim. ; . i 4 ' Senator , Pettae' IJbrarjr. ; . , : ' ' From the" Indianapolis Star, i ? The lata Senator Pettua of Alabama, was a "'forty-niner," going overland to California In th early daya and engag ing in placer) mining. He took .with him , on that long end tedious tnurnnv thraa books, the Bible, Shakespeare and Burns' ; He aald of them at ona time not long alnce: "l read the -Bible from cowr t . aii-K i"c.Keii '?at atn .Oregon. Mr. : H w"tr , lurniture manufac turer in Grand. RnnMa. M. C. Dickinson, manager of the Ore gon hotel, I- entertaining his brother end aister-in-law, Mr. and Mra. H. ll Dickinson, of Bellingham. Waahfngton Judge and Mra w. lUfemiT Pen dleton, are atthe'Imperial hotel. " J E3. DanahtrT wealthy timber man of Detroit. Michigan 4a .f tv,-. J i hotel, ; . " 7 - ; " , , Postal Change at Rainier. (Special OUpatch to The ' Jonroal.t Rainier, Or., Aug. 1.--Frank Alvord, who has been popular as Ralnier's post master for the past two years, has re signed and R. Farrls succeeds him. The Rainier office waa recently raised from the fourth to the third claaa. m T Artlclea Lef t , on Cars, - The following articles found on the atreet cars August IS can be recovered by the owners at room 4, O. W. P. build-1 hW tUi tY ntmJt . A Una. ft I . . . aa neouapackae, two baskets, one YlshlfiV haakat "il captions of the chapters; I learned grea coata, one pipe tester, one pair of gloves. During the bast year great strides have been made In organising the build ing trade mechnnica of the southern states. The old . unlona v have been strengthened and many new local or ganisation brought into axlatenca. - parts of it by heart. -and I haven't for-?kW Vikttftll " tlidm : Vat T I...... . - a .. urns' poema by, heart and - much of Shakespeare la the same way, too." Such reading of these three books waa an ed ucation In itself, -it is not likely that many miners engaged in that search for wealth spent thelr-lelsura la as profit-"' able a way- ..... - ..... -