The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 16, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Town Topic
vcrlbr ean have The Journal de
lvaicavat the reaular rataa at the fol
, lowing yeeorta by notifying tha aaents
at tha various places mentioned. Sub-
sonpuona by . mall ar payabls la aa
vanos , . ; t
Hot Lk,,. .iiot aka Sanitarium
AVUnolt Spring T. W. MoCarau
, wmb sprints. ... .i ........j.. .
Boyd A Son and Mineral Spring Hotel
Cascads Springs.,., ....Thomas Moffatt
Collins Springs C. T. Belchar
; 1 Xlwaco. ..Louis Cohen
xng Beach
Marshall Pottsngsr and O. A. Smith
t Naheotta. ....... ....... '....H. J. Brown
Seavlew .Frank BL Btrauaal
-' ne Breakers Tne ureaaers nevaj
s Marquam Q rand... "Are Tou Mason T"
' . -Grand .Vaudeville
Lyric... ......... .'The Two Orphans'1
- Star. ..S. ....... "Tha Scout's Bavanga"
Ths Oaks, O. W. P. oarlins. First sod
'(' Aldar.
. City Park, ooncert.....De Caprto's band
We Pay 4, Interest
GOMPOUNDED twice every year, ind all the
interest U not lost if withdrawal is made bev ':l '
' fore the regular compounding ' dates. . f.lH ; ".
..." .. Vi. ..... ... ....... ,. t .!... J, , , ;
OW a dollar will grow, if you set it to work
earning interest, and it only takes one dollar '
to surt an account with us. Come in and see us.
. . 1 . ,.' f. :'" '
Firs completely destroysd ths honss
of C. O. Anderson and Edward Gordon
St Klrby street Md KlUlngsworth STa-
Rsslstanes to an officer may havs
coat Wj u. MoCorquodals of MoCor-
min&jr A. TTaovar. eommlaaion march.
4 pretty penny, bad not ths of
spsotOF bean rather lenient. Ths inspeo-
tor was called upon by a buyar of zrlut
.to compel the Arm to pay back tha
amount paid zor soms ary-roi peaones
which had been sold contrary to law.
According to ths official It took some
time to convince Lhs manager of ths
concern that there was a big Una 1m
poaed on all such transactions before
ths parties agreed to pay back tha
money. "This occurred only," said ths
InaDector. "after tha eommliilon man
had thrown tha buyar Into the street
Ms was so angry that I thought it was
my turn 10 go, too. "
Great sxcltemsnt was occasioned at
-ths horns of L. H. Tarpley, 8(4 Ma-
"'V vj nn m .-wvi ..Il.t . v. M ..ill-.-
inmate of tha Poor Farm,-to affect an IIZ"' w ..." ".".V- -III.
antranca tn tha hnnaa. Ynrmr TInltad aiuon mnu un iiwi
States District Attornsr Hall, who hap- that hydrants are few and far between
oremen upon arnv
nr effective work.
the arrival of Patrolman Endloott and I The flamaa vara flrat notlead bv 1
Vanable In the patrol wagon. Lewis, IF. Mlllhollen, a drugglat at Mlssisalppl
who saaaned from tha Poor Farm about and KUlincsworth avenues, who notified
a month ago, is believed to be slightly ths firs department ty talephona The
lemented and when hungry and tired I flames broke out in Anderson's Boms
rrom nis wanoerings tried to roree nil
way into ths Tarpley home. He will be
sent back to the County hospital today.
Dr. Lockwood, recently returned from
Japan, was sleeted superintendent of ths
Portland sanitarium ysstsrday at a
meeting of ths board of control. The
sanitarium la under ths management of
tne (seven u Day Aavenuats or in a
northwest. Dr. Lockwood will enter on
ma auuea next nonoij. na " m -tj TA,w i. a Ann mllaa awa an I
nlB vartaUbt hv Tr. Slmmona who rn- or '0("' BllieS Sway SnQ
signed soms time ago. Elder W. B. years is a long time." said M. C.
White Of Walla Walla Drealded at the nirklnann manaaar nf tha Orarnn hotel
conference yesterday. Several Improve- tn,r0,n. t rMon,.. m COu-
manra svAPai Miannasjavi ir war ai riawiiswi -- -
-J VZZ k-iV JsT.w. Bin. Mrs. Daniel W. MurpUy or i An
w uiaw uui vf a aiiw uuestuveaea v aiisaii a- i .u -V. a W kal
aa.. 1 M a l...a. 1 a i. I IWW. W 11 Sjn BUfJ VeUUO IU Hlv UVIOI W
in- hiW. XinH.,;ri? i- AiTf8i. M"rdT deaplte the fact that our laat
now being conducted in California. meetina- waa In the country's metroDolis
Arrival of the new refrigerator cars 3. 1h.aabU binifVe. commenced
built for the Harrlman railroad com- musing. Memories of oaat eventa flick-
panlss will lead to withdrawal of ths " thrufK his brain In rapid suoces-
, ...... ,, , ston aa he tried to graap them all at the
Armour fruit car lines from regulsr ,ame time in a comprehensive review of
operation in this territory. Ths new their bearing upon his life. He gave it
cars are expected to come in conaid- un after a time and told about ths
rerabje jtumbers in time fer handling the strange meeting.
zau appie crop, ana tne Armour lines "Mrs. Murpny rormeriy uvea in uen
are reported to be getting ready to re- ver when I lived in New York. Her
iinquian tne Duainesa to tns rawroaa
company by October . Ths Armour
company at the present time maintains
an ornce in the Lumberman s building.
in cnargs or a. a. Herring.
Two of ths former priests of Colum
bia university of this city. Father Hen
nessey and Bev. Father P. J. .Carroll,
have been promoted to more important
work. Father Carroll, who has been
president Of the Sacred Heart cnllnirn
si waienown. Wisconsin, nas been so
Oregon Trust Saving Bank
Hath and Wasbisj-toa Streets, Portlaad, Oregosv
W. M. Moore, Preeldsat. , ' . ' B. Xytls, ' Tloe-rreelde&i.
' 1 W. Ooopes Xorrla, Cashier. .1
v': "k Ar Ton MMBonVr '
'At tha Ma re. u am tomorrow there will
oe a matinee performance of Are.Tou
Mason. on ot best'fsrces on
the American staaa Thia la a hnwiina-
stiooaas and one does not hsve to be a
Mason or member of an imni n... A
r- y "Second la Comnuad,' . . y
"SaconA In fVimmanit m 'Virf.l.w h. 11
. -, w lull.
itary Comedy, will be the attract inn ait
next week at tha Uirtimm with ,!.
nees Wednaaday and Saturday. . This is
m mar anuinr wiu Ufa in fh. ni.i,ih
J?'0- after the Boer war.
w ia now in progress.
Th Two Orphsais,M
iu, unu nrriri ita lufnui. a
treat this Week In tha ahana a7 S n.ln.
drama that has stood ths test of time
7. a w cr"cai juagment of the beet
Judges in he world. "The Two Or-
PhajlS' IS OnS Of tha' araataat
w a ivvsu, t
"The Girl From Albaor,
"The CMrl From Albany" ia ths mar-
i,i ivu iTir uw. ann vah'ii iiira h..
She is the heroine of the dellchtful
ned-T WhlCh tha T.vHn h.a mnrA
from New York and will oroduoa next
u. ii aooraa a nit in tha aaat a
should do so here.
"The Tie That Binds.
Hal Raid can alwava ha ..lli .
furnl, Intereetlng human interest
Story. "The Tie That Rlnria " th. lata.
oi mis notea author, will be pre-
"" r m aioca company at the
Star theatre next weak, ft ia uM tn
i?w vaiier waa "Human Hearts."
Em Kendall Coming to Heilig.
Ths scenes Of "8wall Rlarant Jnnaa
the rural comedy which Kara KandaY
has found such a successful vehicle this
seaaon, are laid In MartinsvUle, the
Indian health reaort Mr. Kendall
tomes to the Helllg theatre Thursday,
Friday and Saturday nights, August
12. It and 24. A SDeclal nrioa tnatinaa
wiu oe given oaiuraay.
and quickly spresd to the Gordon real
denoe, despite the hard work of a num.
ber of volunteer nre nghters. i vr r .U. JTin.
Anderson, who is a motorman on the bcuA.u h .PUc
"U" line, and his family, were absent
atthe time snd hs dtd'not arrive until
flnrilnn la amnlnirat aa a onnn'lirtnr on 1 BOlllSOn glVC
the St. John's Una Ths lose on ths An- toursd Europe.
deraon dwelling is 11,200. fully covered
by insuranoe.
Oordon values his horns and furniture
at ll.ion on which he had si.zoo insur
ance. The burned structures represent
ths sntlrs savings of the two street car
Vaudeville de Laze.
Manager Krrlckson of tha Arand
has selected the trade-mark, vaudeville
oe luxe, Because it is ths policy of ths
nouas to givs the best acta obtainable
This week is an especially notable one
at me paiace or pleasure. Hanan and
a neaaiine act which
"The Scout's Revenge."
The Scout'a Revenae" la Dlarlne- to
pnenomenai ousinaas at tne star thea
tre this week. The daya of the Indian
lighters sre rapidly paaslna away, but
interest m tne men who camped on the
trail of the aborigines and biased ths
way lor civilisation will never die.
v 5' I f
, c lJ
.. Baa
' V. I
find It strengthens and for
tifies them to withstand the
trying duties of their occu
pation, and exposure to all
kinds of weather. . The
ideal preparation for the
day's work Is to drink
fv breakfast
a cup of ...
family visited with mine for soms time
when we became acquainted. These
visits were frequent and I came to
know m v cousin well.
"Finally they ceased when my cousin
moved to Los Angeles. Then I came
west Jumped clear across the continent
to Belli nit bam. We have never seen
each other in 25 years. That is a long
time but I was mighty glad to meet my
cousin again.
Mrs. Murphy la the wife of Dan W.
Murphr, one of the engineers of the
Klamath irrigation project, and is ac
companied by her children. Mr. Mur
pny na been a rreouent visitor in rort
land since becoming Identified with the
southern Oregon project. Mrs. Murphy
will be Mr. Dickinson's ruest for sev
eral weeks.
(Special Dlipttcb. to The Journal)
Brownsville. Or.. Aug. It. The brick
yard's first kiln is being burned. The
oe or excellent
product is expected to
the coun
quality. Thla Industry la something
ntry is oaaiy in
this part of
need ef.
The new store at Shedds that is belna-
bullt by Davis A Shedd to replace their
large etore tnat was destroyed by lire
will be of brick. Their order, however.
had been placed at Salem.
The Express Delivery company of
Brownsville has again changed hands.
Thomas snd Clave Harrlaon of this
place are the new owners. Mr. Hayes
was ths owner.
J, P. O'Brien, general manager of the
nvTT.i, m 1.WII.IU, ii a ubqo an I - ....
pointed president of St Edward's col- Oregon lines or ths Harrlman roaas, nas
lege, Austin, Texas, and Father Hen- rone to San Francisco in company with
nessey succeeds to ths presidency of
Sacred Heart college at Watertown.
membered by students of Columbia.
Daniel W,
Mr. Harrlman, whom he met by lnvlta-
Both of these gentlemen will be re- tlon at Salt Lake for a conference last
Tuesday. It is said Mr. O Brien will
return to Portland about Tuesday of
next week. Whether or not Mr. Harri-
Lewle. ths father-in-law
Ot W. C. Chanln nf thla oltv a I -A
terday at his home from a stroks of "u company him is not known
anODiexV. Mr. Lawla rnrmarlv M I. ' "
iii. . Chamber of commerce, which endeavored
facta of hia life that he
juiiu orvwn wnen xnat sea lot was a
fugitive from federal authorities. Mr.
Lewis was 57 years of age and hsd lived Dunsmors will preach at a union open
. -n .this city from 1880. He leaves a air service held in the City park. Ore-
"'"u7' v"" uaua;m.or, xara. w. J. cnapm, gon City,
and two sons. Carl Lwla anI V it
Jewls, both living in Seattle. I Count Judge Webster and Commls-
soms days ago to get a telegraphio mes
sage over the wires to Mr. Harriman in
viting him to come to Portland for a
business and social meeting, does not
know whether or not the dispatch got
tnrougn. or wnetner jar. Harrlman can
come. It is expected that as soon as
telegraph wires are available something
win De neara in reply in tne event tnat
the Portland dispatch reached the South
ern Pacifies president.
It is hoped that after a brief outing
in uaurornia witn nis sons air. Harrl
man will be able to take the trip over
tne onaata route to fortiana, ana again
enjoy tne line climate oi tnis section.
For ice call Main 114 or A-tlif.
Delivery company. SSI Stark st
America is held responsible for ths
May day unrest and troubles in France.
A Paris paper lays the Labor day dis
turbance to the door of the united
States, declaring that May day and
the consequent strikes are purely aa
American invention.
Coroner Finley has decided not to
sioners Llghtner and Barnes will leave
iiol an inquest in the ease of Ous Monday for a three-days' tour of in-
-hi.Mt.i . ... .i. . I anartlnn of all the roads and bridges in
V" - ',: l 'a'n Un" & country. They will go to Greshaml
rr" J """-" " "cnvaiion on by street car ana start irom mere oy
Tenth near Stark street yesterday team. County court will not convene
morning, on tne ground tnat death was again until Thursday.
aue 10 an
Unavoidable accident. Tha
fact that the bank started to crumple
un previuue any seems to indicate
that proper precautions were not taken
Perkins, secretary of the St
Johns Commercial club announces that
an illustrated booklet of St Johns is
soon to be published by that body. The
manuscript has been prepared and pic
tures or pudiic buildings and institu
tions secured. It will be put out to
secure ' home-seekers for the rapidly
ajruwiiig nine ciiy.
The Oregon Cheess company will sell SfSwed.
jvu aiuuu vroaunery ouuer bdc a roil:
dairy butter 46o to 60o rolL We have
Water throught boso for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porohes
or windows must bs paid for in advancs
and used only between tne nours or
ml a m.. anil C and n. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will be. shut off.
- -
Ths Waverley-Blchmond Improve.
mpnt association will meet this evening
at the home of M. J. Mores. East Twen
ty-eighth and Taggart streets, uenerai
Improvement ana the location of the
roposea new soaooi ouuaing win pa
. thousands of pounds of cheess In stock
Ktto 10 .00 pouna. uorree a specialty.
126 Fifth street
Messengers will not strike Tha maa.
seagers employed by City Messenger A
Delivery company, are not on atrlke
and all business entrusted to them will
pe promptly nanaiea. i'eispnone Main
29. Home A-2929. .7 ......
Hev. H. Charles Dunsmore, D. D., is
supplying the pulpit of the Anabel Pres
byterian churSh Sunday mornings, dur
ing tnis monin
The Begulator Line sxourslon steam
er Telephone will maka the round trip
to Cascade Locks and return Sunday,
the IStn. leaving Aiaer strset aocK at
a. m., returning about 6
for ths round trip 11.00.
p. m. Fare
Meals 50a
Amusement Council Crest park every
evening. Take a car ride to this most
beautiful spot Music, dancing, movlna
nicturea. illustrated, songs, etc. Voca
and instrumental muslo by ths "Ha
waiian musicians."
in the absence of the
. Arms, who la taktn
Next Sunday evening. Dr.
pastor, ev. . Arms, wno is taking Delivery company, sre not on strike and
F.W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
tii...... (Main 16S
xrMCB (Home A1185
First anH Oak
Massenaers will not strike The mes
sengers employed by City Messenger A
Delivery company, sre not on strike and
all business entrusted to them will be
Eromptly handled. Telephone Main 29.
lonie A-2929.
For liquors phone the Family Liquor
Store. J. E. Kelly, successor to Caswell
I A Kelly, 854 Morrison street corner
I Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 18,
I and Horns, A-2803.
Shoe Repair company,
1 Portland
Yamhill street between
Fourth streets, for good, quick and sub
stantial work. Best oak soles, 75c. Phone
Pacific 2228. Bauer et Stopper.
Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas.
wasnougai and way lanainga, aaiiy ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 1 p m.
Best Grade CrOTirnment-Xnspeetea Meat
Tallies 9178.
On the market page will be found
tne details; tnese prises are worth work-
ing zor, or ratner reading for. as one
has only to read an Intensely interest
ing little blue book, and then do a little
Last week's rains did but very little
damage to the wheat "We told you so."
Woman's Exchange, 1SS Tenth street
tuocn u:su 10 , Dusincas men g luncn.
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal on snd
fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007.
.. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 105 Aider
DrE. C Brown, Bye-Ear. Marquam.
D. Chambers, optician, 119 Seventh,
( Berger signs 14 TamhUl phona
Bark Toalo for rheomaUem.' .
America's Choicest
Makes of
New, splendid and absolute
ly perfect from every stand
point at
57 cents
profit now, as
hope to later.
once, and
you cannot
VL. jmM
SaaaaaS v
aTlaaanaapa a
' The Houie oi Highest
. - . Quality " ,
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Beer is brewed as a
temperance beverage
not as a stimulant
Aa the consumption of
beer increases, the sale
of strong drink decreases.
Beer is primarily a food,
and its regular use satis
fies the natural craving
for a mild stimulant and
prevents the desire for
intoxicating liquors.
The Beer of Quality
is richer in food values
and lower in the percen
tage of alcohol than any
other beer. The Pabst
Eight-Day Malting Pro
cess retains all of the food
values of the barley, while
the Pabst Perfect Brew
ing Process transmits
them to the beer in their
most wholesome and di
gestible form.
When ordering- beer, aak V .
for Pabet Blue Ribbon.
Made by
Pabst at Milwaukee
v And Bottled only
,-: at the Brewery. J
, ' Charles Kohn aV Co..
Third A Pine Bta, Portland.
first Fall Showing
N. X. Cor. Morrison and First Sts.
' A
Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry
Sold on Easy Payments
And you wear the Jewelry while paying for it
We Sell at Prices Less Than Others Ask
When You Pay Them Cash
Standard Jewelry Store
m. uu m. iii a kin SE7SEB. tici . siriirii ib Mnn h vi av
B w sssv v
I 1
Piatt end Information, J. J. IXeid & Co., 26G Ctrli St.
. ' " (I'hone Msin .)
Tonlfht, ' Saturday Matlnea Sn1 K'... t
and Sundnr Nlsht Last Four
Xf you don't want to laufh, stajr tr.
Rvanlnaw-SOa. fsa. 18a. Curtain l.i '.
Net W aaav "The Second In Command.'
Burkhard Bids;., XL BarnSlde Bt. Between
. . , Orantf and Union Ana
Qrand Union 8toca Co. Presents Sydnsr
i ' . orunari WBtflTi
' -nm imu ion ,
In Three Acts Thres Nights, JTrldsr,
Saturday, Bunaay. s:l p. m. enarp.
Prices 100 and lOo.
UPTCtlT. rrirtar avenlnc. An rust 18,
107. benefit accident SMnd. Carpenters
Union, Local Ma SO. Tickets tic.
The Grand
This Wselt.
Xatlaa . ft . BolUsoa, . '
Xuropean NoTeltr Aet
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers,
Ms Otbes Blr Aots. .
Thraa ihnwi dailv-at 1:19. 7:45 and
This Week ths Allen Stock , Companr
"TH TWO OBT-Ur," " '
Mauneea i neaaay, i ounw. 1 " -day
and Sunday. Prices, 0, 10s.
Evarr avanlna- at 1:11. Priossu 100L lOOL
and lOo. .... .
Reaenred seats by phone. Main nil.
Of floe open from 10 a. m. ta 10 p. m.
The Star ;;;m. ,.m
1 11V NEW... A KM
Matlnaea Tuesdays. Thursdays. Bst-
urdays and Sundays at 1:10 Prices, 10a
and 10c. Every evening at 1:11. Prices.
10c, lOo and 10a. '
Next week, laat week of New Star
Stock Co.. in "The Tie That Binds.
Oorme Tanfaa aad Twenty-fonrtk. '
August 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
dams ealled at 1:10 p. m. dally.
Qemee esiled at 1:10 p. m. Sundays,
Orandstand 15c Children 19
Boa Seats JIo. , .-
lt Week o Bmjor
, Mnsioal SsaMtlon, , .
SchI!zonyl'jHanarIanHassar$ Yt
See and hear tha Trumpeter
of Saklnren," the famous oo- i
tatte In "Semper Jldells," that
dramatle drum eorps in tha I S
stininar Hunjarian marches,
and the descriptive musical X )
battle pieces. ,
Psiiloas Ascents on Spiral O
.Tower.-.' r j
Ths Comic Supplomsnt ot ths 2 '
- Park. -.. .!-.' I :
In ths Big Rink, Thursday
Eva, Special Music
m omionrax sba t !
South African (living-) Dragons ft
la Stuhrs Zoo. if
Chutss. Bowling Alleys, Mile- Vt
a-Mlnuts Figure 8, Old MM, I .
Dancing In the Big Pavilion rl
Every Nicht. and Best Swim- J, I
ming Tanks In City. . , - si
; k Tabor and Ankeny now trans- f
if fer dlreot at First and Morrl t i
son strsets. ,
mo vxuu justs. m a as.
sro cooaxsx. : ;. ,;'
We Set the Pace
in Painless Dentistry
Nervous people and those afflicted
with heart weakness can now have
their teeth filled and extracted
without the least pain or danger.
To introduce our painless meth
od until August 31 we will do all
kind of dentistry at one-half our
regular prices. A protective guar
antee given with all work done by
Lady in attendance. Open eve
nings. , -.k-.:mM
Chicago Dentists
Suits 3-4-5 Raleigh Bid
Sixth and Washington Sts,
Phone Main 3880,
r A Boarding and Day
School for Young Men and
Boys. -
Preparation for col
leges. V. & Military and
t Naval Academies. " Ao
,? credited h to Stanford.
Berkeley, ' Cornell, Am
herst and aU Stats Uni
versities and Asrloultural
Collsges. Manual . traln
' lng..,' Business' eoursn.
iThe principal has hs4 ii
- years' exparieno in jfrt.
land. . Comfortable o""--tra'
Bst envlrorirrn"
v Make rearvaticiu ;
For Illuatrt.l t
and other liter to '
drass .
j. vt:it.r.2..
Jrl7ir'".t ' I y ---