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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1G, 1CQ7. 1 ' . , r 1 The PACIFIC COAST SALVAGE CO Disposing of I .ifeJillIE mmi TOSTORf STOffi WCI I Rwssurrs Say, fellows, I hare taken 208 of the Boston Store's best suits for taen, such as sold for $15, $18 and $20, and have thrown them all out ontwo counters and this is the card I have hung over them. .Take any of these suits and pay the sales man only . . . '. $J5 COR. FIRST AND SALMON STS. I believe I am today" the most popular man in Portland. One woman actually Hobsonized me, claiming that she and her husband worked hard for the few dollars they earned thanking Providence and thanking me for this unprecedented and matchless buying oppor tunity. ' -J ' . Well, good people, there is going to be no let up while I have charge of the store. You're going to buy two, three, four and even five dollars' worth of goods for a single solitary dollar. I may be merciless toward the storekeeper, but I am surely favoring the people. , Yours very truly, ; v i DAVID LION, Manager Pacific Coast Salvage Co. t The men and women who want style, quality and economy combined can't afford to miss Saturday and next week's unusual bargains that jam this store. Remember, every garment is strictly this season's style and hundreds upon hundreds of new fall goods which have just arrived. Be on hand Saturday you will never regret it Bargains of a lifetime two suits, three waists, two skirts at the price of one.; SUITS, WAISTS, SKIRTS, WRAPPERS AND KlMoiNOS 'flllJlf! The Salvage Company's Price Pruning Knife hs made it ssiblc now to buy Silk Suits for what you woiild expect to pay for calico suits. But read the list, it tells the story more in detail: Salvage Sale Goc3 Newsw for Kisses Salvage Sale "Good NewsMforthe Boys $1.50 boys' Hack Serge Suits. . . . A9 j $2.00 boys' heavy Melton Suits. . , . .Be $150 boys' strong Worsted Suits. $1.45 $3.50 boys' worsted and' assorted pat terns Hfl.TK $4.50 boys' Melton Suits...... "... 2.45 DO to $6.00 boys Melton and Worsted Softs ...f2.95 $6.50 boys' Serge and ass'td Suits. f 3.45 20c boys' strong Suspenders ....... . 8f $175 boys' Shoes, sizes 2 to 5.'...95 $1.95 boys' Shoes, sizes 2 to 554.. $1.25 $225 boys' Shoes; sizes 2 to 5.. f 1.35 $2.50 boys' Shoes, sizes 2 to 5. .91.45 $3.00 boys' Shoes, sizes 2 to 5K..f 1.05 Salvage Sale "Good News" for the Men 75c men's House Slippers ....35e $2.00 men's Romeo. Slippers 95 $3.00 men's Oxford Shoes fl.35 -$4.00 men's Oxford Shoes 1.75 $2.50 men's Working Shoes .. . .5e $3.00 men's Dress Shoes fl.35 $4.00 men's yici kid Shoes f 1.85 $2.00 men's felt Hats .T5 $3.00 men's felt Hats ..fl.35 $4.00 men's felt Hats 52.50 $2.00 men's leather Suitcases....... 9&4 $3.00 men's leather Suitcases fl.65 $5.00 men's leather Suitcases..... f 2.45 50c men's balbriggan Underwear.. .29 50c men's. Swiss rib Underwear.... 29 $7.00 men's Outing Suits $7.00 men's Tweed Suits $8.00 men's Flannel Suits $10 men's English Worsted Suits $13 men's black Suits. . . . ; $4.00 men's Corduroy Pants...... $3.00 men's Trousers ............. $4.00 men's Trousers $6.00 men's Trousers 60c men's Work Shirts 75c men's Golf Shirts $2.00 men's Silk Shirts 50c men's Silk Ties UHc Eagle brand Collars, 4 for.. 50c men's silk and lace Hose 25c embroidered Hose. ..... ..... . ...95 $1.95 $2.95 f4.95 $6.95 $1.95 $1.35 $1.75 $2.45 .;25 ..35 ..85 ..16V ..25 ..19 Salvage Sale "Good News" for Ladies $20 ladies' Voile Suits.. $ $25 ladies' Panama Suits.... $9.50 $1 ladies' embroidered Shirtwaists.. 48f $2 to $3 ladies' white Shirtwaists... 75f $4.50 Silk Shirtwaists 5 $3.50 Silk Shirtwaists $1.95 $4.50 Taffeta Silk Shirtwaists.... $2.95 75c ladies' Corsets .......35 $1.50 ladies' Corsets -.75 $5.00 Silk Petticoats ..$2.95 $10.00 Silk. Petticoats ,.$4.45 50c lawn and dimity Kimonos...... 25 e $2.50 long Kimonos, assorted. 95e $2.00 ladies flannel Walking Skirts. 95 $4.50 ladies' gray Dress Skirts:. .$1.95 $7.50 white mohair Skirts $3.95 $1.60 ladies' white canvas Oxfords. 59e $2.00 ladies' white canvas Oxfords.. 95 $2.50 ladies' white canvas Oxfds.f 11S $2.50 ladies vici, kid Shoes ..95 $3.00 ladies' patent leather Shoes. $1.15 $3.50 ladies' 2-button patent leather Shoes , ,,...$1.45 $2.50 ladies' vici kid Comfort Shoes, pair .....$1.75 $3.50 ladies' patent kid Oxfords.. $1.75 $3.00 ladies' patent kid Oxfords. .$1.60 $2.45 ladies' patent kid Oxfords. .$1.45 $2.50 ladies vici kid and gunmetal Ox fords ....$1.15 $12 ladies' silk Bolero Coats..:.. $4.95 $8.00' ladies' silk Etdn Coats..... $4.95 50c ladies' Lisle Vests.... 25 75c ladies silk Lisle Vests......... 35 $1.00 ladies silk Lisle Vests....... 50 $2.00 ladies' pure silk Vests 75 $4.00 misses' Short Coats, reds and other colors ..........,.,.$1.95 $1.65 misses' vici kid Oxford Shoes. pair .A ..75 $2.00 misses', vici kid Oxfords. . . . . .95 $225 misses' vici kid Oxfords.... $1.15 $2.00 misses' vici kid Shoes...:.... 75 $200 misses' patent leather Shoes. $1.10 $225 misses' dress vici Shoes.. ...$1.25 $175 misses' white canvas Oxfords.. 65 $1.20 misses' white canvas Oxfords.. 50 $1.40 misses' white canvas Oxfords:. 65 ' Misses' Skirts, Collars, Ties, Suits, Un- " derwear and Hosiery at less than the -Boston Store paid for it. In Fact. Anything Yon Ask for at , 'A and 'A Elsewhere Prices-To This I Pledge Blyself-Dayid lion STATE'S CASE III 1 Oil VALUATIONS "; ,i.'V; 1 State and Great Northern "Only Forty Thousand- a Mile Apart. ? (Special bliptcfc to ,Th JoarntL) ' - 1 4 Olympiii, Wash., Aug. 16. Th mem ' ; bers of the state railroad eommUalon ' fcav returned from Bpokane. where they TEA m4 "Qt lingers longr over v tea; if theteais fine.Slt is1 ' 1 : : a gfooa time ana piacc io; linger.,. - -, A SchOlinf & Company Saa Francisco ; have been all week Investigating rail road valuations in the atate and alao the cause of the Great Northern wreckf at Miian Baturaay. . , . -? ' The direct teatlmonv on the vAlimtlnn hearing waa completed at Spokane. The railroads have yet to croaa-examlne the commission's engineers, and will then put in tnetr testimony as to valuation. At the bearing at Spokane the railroad attorneys continued their efforts . to snow tnat , the ' commission s witnesses naa piaoect too low valuations on rail road right-of-way and terminal croD- ertles. The commission engineers and right-of-way experts, together with real estate men called in Seattle. Tacoma and Spokane by . the commission, have given a total valuation wntcn is now estimated to make f 60,000 per mile on iae ureat ixormern in tnis state.-; " Koad Waata Xnadred Tboiuaad. The Great ' Northern . a ttorneva im maKing strong errorts to raise, this val uation to $100,000 per mile tor rate- commission, will return from New Tork City the latter - part of September for ms cross-examination, ana at tne same time the railroad attornevs will rout lu their own. testimony on valuations. , . .The investigation- into' the Great Northern wreck at Milan Was not com. Dieted at Spokane, but win be con eluded at Olympla Saturday. - At that time the railroad comDanv will offer some additional testimony, and the com mission, is expected to render it find' lngS. . " . ,,v i sr.- i The hearing on the' Daasenger rules and regulations, affecting all the rail roads doing business la this state, which was set' for Olvmola on Bern t ember S has been postponed.- till Monday, Sep tember 16. The same date was set for the hearing against the Oregon Railroad Navigation company regarding Its failure to construct a depot at Toucbet. in waiia waiia county. ' . v . TIEED OF CASHINGF CHECKS IN SALOONS - (Special . Olapatch to The Jooraal) Seattle, Aug. 16. One of the demands made by the United Mine Workers, who have asked an Increase in wages from the operators of the northwest, is that either banks be maintained at the mines by the various companies or the miners be ttald in cash. At oresent the men are-paid by check. They are unable to get the cnecics casnea except t saioons and as they must patronise the bar In order to get the checks, cashed. It prac tically amounts to a reduction of wages. Borriiura and lose U Interest when help ! within reach. Herblne will make that liver perform itr' duties . properly. J. B. Vaughn, Elba, Ala,, writes: "Being a constant sufferer from constipation and disordered, liver. I have round Herblne to be the best medicine, for these trou bles, on the market. I have used It constantly. ' I believe It to be the best medicine of Its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know the good Herblne has done me. Sold by ail druggists. - . . -s, ; i NCREASE STOCK TO DEVELOP RICH MINE Great Northern Company Capitalized at Million to EaiseHore Funds. (Special DUpatek to The JonmaL) Eugene, Aug. il. The Great Northern Mining company, with headquarters In this city, increased Its stock yesterday afternoon from $100,000 to 11,000,000 for the Durnoses of development. The ftrooertles of the company are situated o the Blue Klver district and are very vaiuaote. - -1 For some time the miners have been running a cross-cut through a mountain to the main hoAv of ore. Three weeks ago they struck the ore body add Im mediately started to run a crosscut through, it So far they have not got through the ledge, having gone 15 feet. . Ever alnce they struck the ore the oomDanv has run their mill, the ore av eraging nearly 110 per ton. n .-j,-v- ! - rrererrea artoca vaaaea oooas. .' Allen Lewis' BaSt Brand. BENNINGTON DAY IS V OBSERYED IN VERMONT Moeraal Special Srrte. Bennington. Vt. Aug. II. Bennington day, the anniversary of the battle of Jiennington, was observed as a legal hoi' lday throughout Vermont today usual. aiags were raised at many points, oanxs ana puono offices were closed and appropriate exercises were held under the auspices of various pa triotic and historical societies. This was the 130th anniversary of the historic event which is commemorated here by the highest battle monument In the world. The monument, is an artis tic monolith 308 feet la heleht. and was erected Between wsi ana J8l. j There s notninr so gooa for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclentrie OIL Cures It In a few houra. Relieves anv pain in any part.. NOTABLES ASSEMBLE TO SEE APE'S PLAY , (Joaraa) Special Serrlce.V : South Bend. Intl., An. 16 fieldom has there been gathered in a city of this else so many notables as are here for George Ade'a the purpose of wltneaslne- the first pro- auction tonigni or four-act new v. managers and nlavara anil authors and artist of - national and international fame have come from Chicago. New Diseases of Women I A HI PC FEMALE WEAKNESS GENERAL DEBIL-' L tAUlCZy ITY, NERVOUS TROUBLES, UNHEALTHY DISCHARGES, PAINFUL OR IRREGULAR MONTHLY SICK NESS, safely and speedily relieved. If in trouble call or write. 'DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Medicine sent verywhert by mail - or express in plain wrapper, free from exposure., Dr T II Pierce JY t ftJ JL 1V1 WW PORTLAND, OR. Tork, Indianapolis and other points to lve tne new piay a rousing sena-orr. fter two performances at. the Auditor. lum here . the niece will be taken to Chicago and put on for a run. t , PERRIN THOUGHT HIS . PARTNER WAS HONEST i . (Journal Special Serrlee.) ' ". ' San v Francisco. Auar. lfi. xrini Perrin again took the witness stand In his own behalf vesterdav aft the Benaon-Perrin land fraud raa. Tha aged defendant declared that he thought and other drug habits are positively nr-i t t HABITINA. Ferarpedeniile orlnte" i u Sample sent to any dmt habitue r-r mall, Regular price $i00 per lxt t yourdnif elst or byineU in pi i Uelta Cbemlcal Co li- Tot sale ky gaMmm Brsg Cj-' 1 1 ' BU yarUaaa. Oroa. all the deallnir "f Tn urtll the latter twan.e the federal govern ,,. nation of Din i". . atica ef le ai":!. l- i.' . ' ' -.r-j--..- V.