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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST IS," I 27. Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants! ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page II. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS San francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market SUt&. 3d 4 th AormTmnrrmB aitd tins. ,CHOMMOUTn. " " Oregonians when la San Franelaoo ea have their mall sent la cart of Tat. ' Journal oOoe, f-,s , J;-.; y ARTHUR L FISH. Representative. NEW TODAY.' , Our Bargain Counter . . See. f 15,000 A, fine 20-foom flat on Madison near 13th; rental $125 per " mo. 1 it" - ; f 12,500 A Tery fine 14-roora flat, llrthmear Mill at; good rental f 5,M0 A good ' 11 -room modern - roust and bant on ground 100x145 ft on Bain it near Williams ave.; terms lpuO cash, balance easy, 97,509 An exceptional good house, -9 rooms, well located; on west side; easy $1,000 less than actual value lor quick sale; terms easy. $5,500 A well -finished modern house of 8 rooms in Holladay Park addition;, large grounds. sood modern - 8-room dwelling on Commercial St. corner of Beach at; nearly new; on 50x100 ii,, very easy xcrmij, 1 3,000 A 6-room house, NW cor. - Central ave. and ' Nelson st, near Alt labor car, on lot 50x100; terms i,UUU cash, balance $25 per mo., without interest . n f 2,650 A 6-itoom modern house at 937 Rodney ave. near Skidmore, on 40x100 ft.; $500 cash, baL monthly, f 2,800 A new 6-room - dwelling, . i modern, at 534 East 32nd st, near Clinton; terms $1,200 cash, balance mortgage. Set this. 2,800 A new 6-room bungalow at . , 1579 Hawthorne ave.; very easy ' payments. Come with us and tee. Some excellent buys in vacant lots. Title Guarantee & Trust Company Portland Realty A Trust company to William 'H. Britta, Jot 18, block S. Wood me re. 8. W. n ' X.W. Walker to Martin Burgee.' beginning at point 80 feet west i of northwest corner of block a. City View Parle addition, thence 4 S 40 feet, tlwnce want ISO feet thence .northeast 03.7 . feet thence 44.3 feet W A " James M. and Annie L, Davis to wiiium l. oner wood, 1 acres commencing point II rode, . Line road, t chains, 26 links -eaat of southwest corner, of section 14, townehlp i north, ranee 2 aaal W r " . Emma N. Swift to Victor" V..'r.Ji - oompwjy. lota 5 and 4, block 11, P. J. Martin tnur ' ,. . FredT. and Mar Lsco to'fcmmi . . Aiiurvwi. joe 10. block k Wwt Piedmont. W, Kv.!T... The Hawthorne estate to Freder- C.?i?4wAi1.niu.r? M"t M tlon w D Hawthorne's addl- Warren I. and' idi B? Burden to Leander Lewis, Jot I. block 2, WlrlamL W. p. .,....'..,4.4..: J. P. and Louisa M.- Menefea to 8am Manerud and W. D. Comtia, lot 14, block If. original townslte of Alblna, w. D . . . Bertha M. and o. W. Hoeford to I. T. Hewitt, lot 4,'block l,Vt T"J?r viUa. "'. W. D... , ... H. T. and Inei r. Clark to Charles Crogster, lot 1, block I, Willamette Heighta addition, W. D? 4. ........ ,7 Mary Eetelle Clarke et al. . to. Charles Crogster, lot t, block I, Willamette Heights addition, F. A, and M'lnVla'B.Knapp Vo W. 0. Nelson, lota S and 4. block 1, Myrtle Park, W. D. 8.. Milton H. Stevenson and J. R. Holllster to George P. Dekum, lots 1 and f. block 68. Wood stock. W. D Hlbernla Savings Bank to. A, Mo ser, lots M and 14? block 41, Capitol Hill, deed Mary J. Graham to George M. and Myra H. Gllnes. lot I, block 14, Hawthorne's flast addition, Trust company to Mary EL Ben- neit. joi o OIOCK 8, JKOSS City Park. 8. w.U. Earl C. and Grace I Bronaua-h to George Baumann. lots 7 nd 8. block t. Bronaugh's addition, M. B. and CTara O. Thomnson to Elizabeth an V Grimm, lot t block II, Central Alblna, W. v. ..............',.,..,, , Investmant company to Henry P. !? Is: M- H- 81 " d 25. uiwk t irvingion rare, 15. w. N. F. and Jennie Noren to Lini. Blsemore, lota 18 and 14, block f7. Point View. W n Point View Real Estate company to n n. ciiemore, lots st and 30. block tl, Point View, 171 LOST AND POUND. V 411 LOST 4 RETURN , TICKETS.' SB A' view, Tmig wj rorunnii, .r. return to 48 Mlsslaslnnl ave.. or 10 Mrs. M. E. Thomnson. Beavlew, Wash., and receive reward. -- , M. "Teddle." S mnnthe old. from 711 B. Brooklyn, Aug-. 14. Return to prem. Isee or to WUlls Maaulre. 140 Washing ton at., for reward. v HELP WANTED MALE :r. 700 to t.QSO 100 too 1,000 POSITION OPEN, OUTSIDE OF PORT. land, for a well oauiDpea ary gooas. man. with eitv exnertence. for head of department; a good place for ona who haa a thorough knowleda-e of dry sroods. And who - has had some experience in Duyinar. is able to write a as. oress win dows, decorate the Interior and direct helD under him. State, former employers matter will be treated a confidential alary fill per monthu' M-465, Journal. HELP WANTEDFEMALE FURNISHED ltOOMS FOB RENT. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE A LADY FOR, HOUSEWORK: PLAIN jrnR RTCNT in THIS HEART OF THE THJ0 HOAHT REALTY CO., i. 9.0.Vn' .''; Plaoej only two in the cltv. between Courthouse and City J2g 14 Morrison at. Headquarters for 7J.5?5. 1 lr the right party hall. 274 8th st, nicely furnished I real estate and bualneee opportunities 1 W la.?r nvestlate to rooms in thoroughly renovated house, of all kinds; alao choice homesteads and T . e-wMwe-eav saa lOiDiri UOt rBa I Trnfll II IS II nt WMV Un. ' I limDOW lalma AnSMfl mr urn n 11 ana roinTENTolWEL tiBAU . Hfc-'SE FEW SPECIAL BAR- room. 484 7th and college. - l . . . , uaiwb., ' . eiv.uuw Duys one or tne iinom and lota on Portland Haighta: pthera all V&kWifrS dS&liK JMag: NwliALL, WJtLbm JjB t m buy. r Ui improved sltions for rliht oaonl T. nT V" a-.ii I openea, running wmwj tn . rw...-, i wna near Oregon quired. Address. K. F. I).. Journal "SvXbi ed exFerienced WHAPT i"" " n pncKers. Moaern Uonfeo- and nakers. tlonery Co.. 18th an(j Hoyt. A Co., 101 N. 6th at. WOMAN TO HELP , lti , K mornlna: and evening for be near Oregon City. Good buildings, i 11,000 0xl00, ON KILtlNQSWORTII ave.! fruit and walnut trees. 100x100 Good 4-room cottnae. Ant mm xrees, near KUUngsworth v.. Modem -room house on Vancon K.une in.i rice S,Z60, 3. SIMON. . "SI Kllllntrswnrth lu.T ' I'hone Woodlawn 1177; ' ioO-ACRB FARM VUr HaT.- TV acres ready for the plow; 25 fine'fruit ITCH EN nd oarit m.Hi nira, ti jeirersnn. . , , WANTED BY" yOUG fifeWfLEMA m: rooms ana up; cnir. I r-nr .i. it... rrr,m i nthera I tr E..t ..II., 401 ; E..t; Waahin.. : barn beauUf ul ru nll,? fWO F0Rkl3Hffib BOO.MA ALL roini"hbu?e. TSce Tot. new modem f house-on the land" high enou.S0?, "iB "phone1 ton st, acaualntanea nf lady; object, rem puny, - H-468. Journa young l. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. MALE AND FEMALE HELP, 110 1.800 4.7001 150 Stare Bolt Cotters Wanted $1.50 per- cord, timber ycl low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns bid?., Portland, Oregon. 800 Wanted salesmen ; MAirir liAitti I 8100 to $160 per month; some even 400 2.800 400 715 422 1.775 more; stock clean, grown on reserve. iion, xar irom oia oronaraa: eash ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad ! Washington , Nursery Co, Top. p . wssningion. Union Hotel ' v oiAAn OA, run x win u, un. Free emoloyment to aH : hoardees' tea per week: room. S5a and un! ana. oi mommy rate givea Anderson, proprietor. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE! " W the aovernment aarvl(a. PnalMnm fnr nr. man cierx, let. carrier, etc. Let ua ' prepare you for exam. Call or write, Pao. States Schools. 511 McKav bid. WIDE AWAKE. ENERGETIC MEfl waniea on rood aalarv and rnmmli. slon for city and traveling. References required. 107 Couch bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN" too wanted at once to auallfv tar fall xaminaiiona. cau today. Information "ee. eat coast acnoola, 116 Oregon ian blda. Oren tontrht. . Wanted boy over is yrara hir FOR ARXTWATa T1TLB 1MB IJTt ' I - l " ""lr" ,om traa- 311 lBt- ance or mortrira loana. ll n x.m. MEN AND BOYS WANTECL LRABV iiu. at jnim jo.. idm.i.7 fi nrhM ihuohjmii. piasierina. oricx anna: also GET YOUR INSURANCE AND au2 . '.v ""1?5,". araugnting: posi- tr to ...... .wT i,'..?. m:ulra. oy ana nigni classes: Guarantee at Truat Col iVa T wm-, ir"LAV'i Z2" welcome, coyne St., cor. Id. a-ond lot. CI rrom canine, worth over tny exclusive agents. 11.200. u. ' Ah a THE MITCHELL ' HOUBEKJEJEPINO na, an in .ounivatlon and transient rooms, reasonable. Itn I aasy terms; other and Flanders ate. iprioes. . TO mi WiciEtf ItP-LBlKf. frtfRNYfiHEri .H-MC M cash a. at. i - ' . . r. i witaat I rt $2,400. ( Sea Place for poultry, fruit and vegetable.1 , v ouu oown,.ba anre to ani level buyer. Buchtel & Kama, 862 & Morrl. acres Ivatlon in Montavllla; son st. ; r aoreages at various A SIGHTLY IikSlwENCE. ' L6f ioxiSJT . ... ! ' " . ' i Bull Run water, ceroentalka JwA . buy- 110 acres level curbs all paid for and less than twl W A KTT 17!T .1 nnit UAD.TJTitrwvi a ''Z,nZV;.?''?l i WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED I -v,. .."S? L EKPJ. il P",a. nd than fwS ..f j : r r v ' "i housekeenlnr-rooma. parlor. bath. I . nave nr. uiutu iruiq canine., only is mim.,.. g'ona"?, WWW kAir.nik ftt VM,0U' toabTru.?' ul r maaiiinni' ffwm,M ,tmw h...M I . , : i. . .An , I . . . . ei "i" ji i i i r miisu.nuti.4 nnhnna oouMXHDini-roonia WUD .1 tlful camping ground.' I acres bathing I ?1ry.,"nd. bath. 184 Sherman U, aouth, I crlai E "MprLv' ",on?? Si?: JrBA.4t -iL -fciMK il. fJ confectionery atore-, I pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our special train. For further particulars Biyy l8 jtvreDe joros.. six mara at Phone Main 1220 2500 bujrg large confectionery ' with Portland. Or., on or after August 17. noma a-iids. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALA XUi female, aood noaltlons ooan with beat firms; no charge. , . Underwood Type writer Co.. SS Sth at. ( . . llrst-class furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas; free tale-1 three or four fine living rooms at yimiig ana uaio. - THE IOWA FURNISHED ' HOUSE keenlng suites and single rooms, 12.26 to 21.60 per week. 878 H E. Oak. TWO MflELY FURNfSHEb R6dkfl: gas; also single room. -.272 Montgom ery st., corner 4tn. .htt-161 6tibi OF TlllJ' &: lL lnXorm.ti.ra: low Invoice. 1400, confeotlonery with rooms at Invoice: rent III .11 AAA k . i &. . .-"" iujr ui in newest anal" uiut irom'carr Unl best paying high class rooming houses J ??r,.t' Far..",tAUoJi Iru,t tree. roses; ln..h2U?J 0tr" Pricea , - ; s rJiSf',? .000. Can give some term-I i 16.000. 44 cash, huvs ll.rnnm. ' naar 1 Address L-4S2. Journal - T - . s ear v sar. nnpnap air n. -.-,' a a i- t i r .fV jlT-ffP 'jtQ- -QrFtyQP? 1 OiTfiEkKltkA faflhifS; tSWfe I ad a Mn.ti'ftfLy.tiy?- I "tit., llff 9? H6U8i;'""I vW wavea,su nguta UIS VMVtl W h three living WE MVATJtlLL 6Vlk HOME; L6T ' 15' ' rJl' 2;100i." .f1!8.' . modern- seven- . la newest and I room house; half block from car: rrni. . k si IS.0C 42, Tlraka. vrasnmnon St. fsciric lS7t. . Wanted hop pickers ' " for large yards; long seaaon; fin picking; ct prices. Apply Andrew. Kan ft Co.. 287 Morrison at- 1 hofpickers WikTEb piciC- by Merlin Harding, Gervala, In. the room. KlaeVn .,rU,,,.; Han i1 Vnn V..u i?!.?"!?1? eluded.' 801 H Water st. ' all light PaMv Voln--air. Vr'fcl V.A3Z?.-P' 9n,y those fur SALE NiCli NiiW. AnvTtr' measure. Oregon. WANT SB-AMATEUR I'ERFRMER; I .'"aT'lOTlth'st- coVneV VTrk. FRONT? PART 'OF C6TfAGE. Wltli , vara ana poron, rurnished; gas; sis; otner lurnisneu suites, 9 per montn; 4-room house, with barn, tl per month. Apply 884 N. - 26th st, Willamette Heights car to 28th, then south H block. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and three unfurnished rooms for rent. meaning business need annlv. . 88.000 buye 80-room elegant new high j ciaaa rooming nouse. . we have several hundred to aelect f rom. - 4 v 800 buya well-paying rooming house nw nHmnnoo il i lions' laaaa. nhoan 1 VII (. SALS NICE." iNfiSW." ivrbT l".n.ea .'"two weeks. East Main, near 42d. Jfft East Main. FOR . SALE BY OWNER; iH, .A. ''"L.? !10. on Blendena at, near Willamette boulevard; eaay walk long engagement Call 1S0U lrd at.. Room 64. between 1 and 8 o'clock. I LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BOT, II YEARS OLD. WANTS OFFICE worn. G-4S8. Journal. POSITION WANtED-BY 1400 buys U interest In well paying J,Td iSu??n2r SliiT 'hop. Port- gilt'. w h.rK;iLo7ttieV ! iLy .... .1 van, wrue or prions Main 1688: A-4160. 1 r j-a" 'V. TTVimnvisuKn nnnus 4r THE cOast Realty CO, . 5 tli UNFURNISHED ROOMS fireman Journal. and water tender. m. i K-48S, (bust wood tny, Morrison at is week on J v. - .800 NEARLY FINISH Kl l-nnnvf modern bungalow: : 8800 down. ?n Hawthorne. E. 528. ftatf WoOb TtmStCHfflAPER DrnbaVyilng'teHe ; now ready for business. Co- 1' Z Iva Wood Co. Call 111 Ablnaton 9 BALE ONE LOT. 6O1 A.1AA. .vVfrK Phone East 675. EMFIXmiENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICH 4FOR MEN. 28 N. 2d st Phone Main 1826. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, j 206 H Morrison at.... Phone Pacific 289 27 N, 2d st .Phone Pacif le 1200 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp ana farm bein a spe cialty, zu in. za st Phone Main S28S. we pay all telegraph charges. I AND S ROOMS, 840 H FRONT ST.; " I rvneratlva WnnA til iu.u.. FOR RENT 421 Vi DAVISTUm Bldi ' " "T. p" '""",:", location: E. 7th N. furnished room a . or Ilo-ht houaakaani I w 1 1 -mi - I IWs . t'u. ua.ia' 1. . . j T, m.'.r fng. " r , " ' UVOJJ RKAL ESTATE OFFICE DOING aai 14UUBH.B; MODERN 7 taken at once. Address M.4S9 Jnumai FOR FOB KENT HOUSES ACME EMPLOYMENT CO.. FARM- VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE ana pianos moved, stored or ablpped. Phone Main 1618. We rent and seLL pianOA sher." man. Clay eV Co. - - . SIX-ROOM HOUSE, M6DERN; S88 First 8. Portland; rent 114. Inquire 288 Hamilton ave. 6-ROOM NEW MODERN" COTTAGE. inquire at 88 isaat S4th st SALE CHEAP. s-ttrtkiTtmH and muslo store, in rrnwln. town Close to Portland: .. mu.r a. 11 nnllr T-469. Journal. " w FOR SALE Sawmill at Amity, Or.; 3 miles from railroad, lota of timhar rood contract on hand, Box 68 ft R. F. D. No. f, 1 ' FOR SALE Greenhouse in mining town doing good business; well stocked; can fake charge at once. Ad- 6UARfER AND SlJC n. im St.. one block ers" and loggers' help a specialty. 4 fa.;,. uAiran' ' CtiKJfj. Vitl 'C I r9 .,. JQ"i. - 5 'b frfL ?;.! 141 1 Snf HrenLU1' M orrstt: Wther Cash: dv. . uuiiv 01 a, 11 ,1,1. block from car. I Call 685 Clay at Telephone Main 4611. WANTED AGENTS t UNDERTAKERS Washington Trade schools. Ban Francisco. j EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash & Door o., E. Taylor and Union ave. MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 STH ASSISTANT .MALE STENOGRAPHER .Main In 'wholesale houaa: advnnconaent: statti aaa and aalarv at. B-mT.ttV A. ariKH . In jf t1"--.. uarews a-i, journal 1 sts. Oflca of county coroner. WANTED SALESMEN St.. ODDOSlte Melar aV IT rank'. 7110. PT on Phone Main 0. 840-844 WasTilng-ton St, Ooraav geoond, . rosxziAjni, ouooi Save That fen And Buy a Lot for IN- RAILWAY ADDITION, ; . . .Montavilla Improved Streets, , ffc Carfare Easy Terms . $10 Down,-$5 Per Month ' , i , '''7? v- '. ' , Come out and see these lots. Take MontaviUa Car, Get off at Hibbard St, corner of Villa, or call at office. lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department 107 Bierlock Blda;, Oor. Sd and Oak Sts. Union Ave. Price $15,000 nJll?S-fn4 two f buildlnsrs there- " tt. iajr monthly rental; aituated on Union avenue, northeast ?".73fvl" treet- We can mako terms at 6 per cent , .:. tlAlL & VON BORSTEL 204 td Bt and 39a Xaat Bnrnaide St 2Acrcs-8Quarter Blocks One mile from Morrison at; for factory warehouse,, wood w coal yard; Income 1110 per month 37,000. X. KOOKE, tJ04 Goldsmith at. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. JamcsGeorge" and" Caroline Pet- '"'"'"V S ty to Llna Ewlng, lot 11, block 1 8, Arleta Park No. 4. W D....8 1078 I. A. and Kittle U Webb to Carl H. Webb, lot I, block 4. York, ' W aa.kaa '' a ' e i" a- : JlJ Ivor and Charlotte Williams to" " H. I. and Annie D. Gules, lot 6,, ' Mm it 2, Story's addition, W, ' ' 1 2,600 , , 11 !! Fisronl to George Masset '.- . iuhI i fMiik A r! glil. Jots 8 and 4, ' 1 i.n-k Zi. Tllibetla' addition, Vf., ; 2,200 T.iiervlew Onietery association 1 1 fir!,"" J. Pennicard, lot 28, mu It a id, cemetery, W." . ' J.UJXI jiA.jLO.j.jaaAAi . 110 AND RlSl.Tfl 4ora for best proposition ever made to 59 to 276 per overlnrtlr fhta In every detalL Seventh and Pine. Main r".u .teJ. 7 P m- New Occidental hotel, 4lo"Cdy ashaunt 1 lut nd Morrison, room 212. P. Kramer. DUNNING. M'ENl'EE A gILbaUAH: week tfl"lt I.W ejJl undertakers and embalmtrs; modern wf.. .5af" I mae; n5 V A. B. HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL Di-: WA.NLED""tA FgTAL TINNER rwcior. r,ai iin una umaiiiUL A'nona ' - " w"v" jCiUK--n--, ur. Sellwood fl. Lady assistant OFFICE ASSISTANT; OMR wwri tt. fcELLER-BYRNES C0.L FUNffiftAL DK drtands lumber business and stenog rectors, emoaimera, its RusselL Ra 1 '"vy. journal. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL good st 11 ao outfit free: ca choice of territory. aery company, Balem, Or. or real estate for two iiouaahnid n. ceasmea: natanf in it . w anrf fni. FOR RENTFURNISHED HOUSE. 8 eountrles; no means to market it; must rooms. Call after 6 p. tn. 864 E. I sell at once; no reasonable offer re Davis at. I fused. A fortune for rlaht Dartr. Phona we need you complete FOR RENTGd6t) 4-RCOM HiiiSsEi East 6180. ... sh weekly. Vrttefor on quarter block; 20 aasorted fruit FOR SALE-8MALL R6oMtNa flOtSE 1&iQA ..K ?UY , tory.. Capital City Nur- trees, barn and chicken park, on E. Mor- and restaurant on InsUllmenta a. if4 ,ltu, lB.on.B WE WANT 20 LADIES TO INTRO- duce aome new goods, perfumes, etc. Plummer Drug Co.. 8d and Madison. nson St.: I2U oer month. Title Ouaran.!Room S3. X88 id st. ... a. n ... I 1 '" " ! I .i- , . . mm room bouse on installments: maka your own terms; beautiful corner with large house; price reasonable; also 6 room house, all furnished complete; piano inciuaea, you Will do well to Joo this up? for particulars phono Woodlawn 1826. HAVE FOUR half acres at from car. one from church. ?,olW ul,L Ri,n w,tr, aay payments, R. V. Belford. owner. Phone E. 4788. OWNER LEAVlNtf "' TOWN1 " MUST sell at once modern cottage, lot 60x Weid'ler1nd,d locality; reasonable. SUBURBAN LOTS. 880 TO ttU. BUlf a bunch. They, will double in value In one year; on Instalments of 86 per jiiouiu. ju. a. raiterson, room n, as Stark st ACRES OF tt . h. r..l. d en ce. local I ties within tha lt limit. tee Trust Co. fDR S ALfcU-ROOi ' ' farti thottw it ? t " " " n ITOm to 8 p. m. MODERN 6-R66 6TTAQiii FUR: ft OllTallrf ?8 WANTED TO RENT nlshed complete, bath, phone gas; be it canines, inquire 134 jraillna. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT- 4ea awaken flast as BlPnraaBl futt loeaa ffvutmtna?. f , m. , (wva a. .avat waaiaaan I houses, eto. Landlords . will do well to "tore. tween Williams or Union ave. $10 MONTH, car. 4-ROOH HOUSE, Ol4 Li aal A n ! ittwH Kalk A inn ,.. l GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN 1,000, 818 Height ave; 82.4"00.. Inquire 892 wilier ui auk k 111 sjeiinuv ana uw i w u nami ava PhJin ivnAit AUIM use C. v.iv i " w-l wmmms ave. fnone woodlawn 1185. call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON. Phone Ex 72. 8. E. Cor. 8d and Oak. slsslppl ave. loans, etc. rental Vjo . " r'-.-Y. " "rr . property, by owner. G-465. Journal. BoTthwick at lsnhw":. V" MI.NE:A GILT-EDOH BUCHTEL. ft KERNS MAKE A, SPE atore. Thomtum ft7i.: T. v .K.',TS''.. f. . ciaity or . east side r - - nuo & ivbiddo. laano. ' MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS ROOMS AND BOARD. . apondence Invited! H. W. Donahae A -I Co.. (12 Buchanan bide Phona Main realty. 882 E. Morrison st C R. Boon ell & Co. 1088. Lady assistant 15WARD . H0U1AN. UNDMTaKER.' 220 8 et ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND embalming. 408 Alder st Main i. juaoy assistant. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 810: family lots. ,10x16, for 100, and upwards, according to else; the only cemetery la Portland which perpetually maintains and , cares jfor lota For information annlv tn w R Mairan.i. Worcester block, w M. Iidd nraatd,r ROSE CITY SINGLE! GRAVES. i6; ui t 10 io, Buperintena ntM ?J .cm"tnr. corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full Information spply to Frank Schlegel, i 402 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2828. i WANTED MAN TO TAKE EXCLU sive territory and . handle ini tn new article. See Wilaon . i!.. ? n m Occidental hotel. 160 1st. Wanted AH oiFiCE Uxit com petent to handle a large business In cny; requires aome money; salary; an swert rive phone. C-486. Journal. SIX FIRST CLASS HOUSE CARPEN- ters wantea; Jong 10b: 88.60 and 4.00, L. M. Bentley, Hood River. WANTED . RELIABLE MAN" ' FOR iarm work; steady job; good wages; uciuian pruierrea, MBJr, room 4, tii'k Washington st ; . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET . , mi. - , Tha under al an A1 fnMmm-tl.M n .v.. Portland Country Club A Live Stock association, desianatad h. a n.H of such Incorporators to open books and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the corporation and to fix upon , a time for a meeting of the sub scribers . tO the BtOCk of Bald Mmnr.. tlon. hereby call a meeting of the sub scribers of th; stock of the Portland Country Club A Liva Rtni-V uunlitlKT! to be held at Commercial club rooms in me uiy or roriiana, uregon, on Tues day the 27th day of August 1907, at the hour of four O'clock n. m . tnr Vi purpose of electing not less than three directors, of said corporation, as the stockholders present shall determine, tha adODtion Of bv-lawa. and en. lh. transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting Portland, Oregon, July 26th, 1907. f- OT A. WESTGATE, ULIU8 L. MEIER, OM RICHARDSON. incorporRiora THE INTERNATIONAL ?' CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL8 Can train you for a better position; you can keep right on with your work and study during apare hours; our courses make odd moments valuable. Portland office, lis sth at. rii a. write for descriptive circular. v ALL ROUND MACHINIST OR MA ehine hand at The Dalles Iron Works, aiiv uwiep. ur, WANTED A RELIABLE CARE TAK er for duck lake: one with experience preferryt. Phone Main 4048. SOBERtNDUSTRIOUS MEN WANTED" . bet of wages. v Apply at L, E, Kern's mmaynra, c. ain and J uiamooK sta. WE WILL BUT. YOUR HOUSEHOLD . goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. S. J. A L. Rubensteln, 176 Front st. opposite National hotel. pacino i4ui. CASH FOR HOUSEHdLD GOODS. SAV age A PennelL 246-847 1st at Phona Pacific 860.. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Mam 6606. zii iat st. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE Second Hand Palace, ttigr.est prices UK aid for second-hand gooda 267 Flan- era. Phone Main 8618. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL .union goods. Front st Pacific 1431. kinds of second-hand Exchange, 282 DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. EL Karleon ft Co- isi An- aeny si., main vtav. - . v WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- hold good of every description bought. - sold and exchanged. The I. 282 1st Main 6174. Home A-282T BEFORE SELLING YOUR FUR- niture. etc, phone East. 1087 and save money, - - : ' " . ' 26,000 WORTH OF FURNITURE wanted at western aivage uo., ozv Washington. - Phone Pacific 723, Home A-3793. - :" v---. -: GOOD STRONG , MEN TO C4TT II.TPV1 Tor united Statea lettercarriers and ' 1 ' wwJSKi l"JLcl".k."-..f.or ,rtiai?..a"1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT S" ua louay, west uoast schools, 81S Oregowlan bldg; open evenings. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MW W.I tm. m.M tr 1 , . .. " t. i a. XV. UUI UUU, lias lerv my bed and board, and I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by VSl: J?.? Jh,5 I4th day of August, 1807, Portland, Oregon. F. H. GORDON. MEETING NOTICES. PROFlTa'FRrtui io tmn kift 'Hsri .ff.av? ?9U amount of money? Will atart you motion picture show. For particulars call room 2. 146 U 6th. cor ner Alder. ' ; u , ; . - ' :'' , WANTED MAN TO TACK UP SlGNST jtptiiy ruoni a, iai iat St. FOUR-HORSE TEAMS TO HAUL lumber by day or thousand. Apply 1.Ablngrt0.n D,,i- Office phone Main ?oiu vr reaiaence pnone woodlawn 1J57 WA NTED A FAMILY OF 4 6r 6.' with tent, to go 7 miles from city to pick prunes: goodpay; also 8 men to w,Srk ,I,..d,r'ei , p00n 411 Buchanan bldg. 286 M Washington t OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND 7668. ave. ana hj. Asn: rurnianed room a. atn. gle or en suite, with or without board. REAL ESTATE. Room 13, 268 Stark st." East 661. FURNISHED HOUSES IJT YOU1 WlSH- 6 BUY OR SELL. SEE HIa ZWliJI? MADE us. we give you an reierencee free 7 ' .run -u.. . of charge. C. a Arnold A Co.. original Chamber of Commerce. - L01.1"' ,BlJ Morrison. Phone FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES!' Main 7311. -- 81,0004 rooms, plenty of fruit WBj HAVBi WHAT1 6d WANT : 11.500 to ll.00l-Wom modern, full Rooming-houses, restaurants, hotels. ! plumbing, gap and elect rio lights; fiber grocery stores, meat markets, real ee I P'aaier; i-minute car service: all new. tate. business chances, investments. I inquire zog 4tn. Tel. Main 35 FOR RENT NEW T-ROOM HOUSE; .furnished: 86 feet from ear track: Flrland: only 325. 212 Allaky blda (l-HUUM HUKN18HED HOUSE, LARGE f uf.-vi . t I' room eiW, rAL,lvi rrouiHu,- east aiae. reasonaoia, ni i am.Mnq wag. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled; J 36: also 7-roona house and orchard, 110; and iiais, i rooms, ao; an on west side. Marguerite ave. lard r Naahvill: ilfi. 11 Micr 1 112 1 m. van alrtine: PALMER-V AL8TINE CO.. .REAL E 'ATE, INSURANCE. ' 122 Filling Bldg. Mai 6661. A-26S3. ANTHONY FOR RENT FLATS HARDY. LlNNTON. Alt A. W w iiu,m,o .iiu uuiin.ii loia, water S5, J?-,2f1,I,lGti' own'r lwyer. 4, 5 and front and factory altea; farms and tlm. 4. Mulkey bldg. I ber lands. v. JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLATS BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUfti MObERN i-R66l iot Ta6e FUR-' of 7, and 4 rooms: walking distance j-J!. i?,! l!4 fuJf.f Sprln. nlshed complete, bath, phone, gas; be. 200 feet aouth of 23d and Waahlngton I SSldi52t't J5V on building; good tween 2 carlTnes? Inquire 184 Falllnft i. .... r... mi r I location and paying business: nxwl W am. n. rrninn FOB RENT STORES-)FFICE8 ; FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts, Apply R T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A' NICE1 OFFICE fiulTfi FOR RElJtT Madiaon bldg., 3d and Madison ata 343 FRONT - ST., WITH SHELVING ana counter, ana two living rooms. HOUSES FOR REXT FURNITURE ' FOR SALE F6R SALE-AWELL ESTABLISHED &?boV V WMr B grUnN . newspaper in uregon; caan required, 1 ' ' 1 Journal. - , 12,280 6-room new modern bungalow, A 1 4-ROOM ROOMING H6USE ft HH tkiLlPim nest business district St Johns; do- ZTk. ... IV T'. ." lng a good business. Low rent A inapl ?.rmm,0JLthi. , bl0clt rJom lin? For particulara call or write 8. mS Hamilton A Holman, 204 Goodnough Clave. 280U Russell at Phona E. 1421. piog., opp. u. on stn st Noagents. THE RICHELIEU, 83 N. 6TH SX Elegantly, furnlahed; steam beat and natns. THE BUTLER. MODERN . HOTEL. rurnisnea up-to-aate; gas ana eleo' trio lighted. 409 Washington. CORNER THE CURTIS, UTH AND MULTNOMAH CAMP Nn 77 will entertain Portland camp, their prlse-wlnning team, and Webfoot camp tonight, in their hall, 113 E. 6th St.: visitors In tha city especially invited. All members or w. v. w. weioome, ".. E. L. M1NAR, C. C, J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. CARPENTERS' HEADQUARTERS' corner E. Fine and Grand ave. meera every yuesaa-r nignt. Phone Bast 8279. aTevergreen CAMP, 6.466 Allsky M. W. meets . Wednesday , evening. Diog., 4 a ana mornnon bis. . . W, A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP No.' (.075. Mondava 17th and MarshalL Visitors weloma - x BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT . , AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co., 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. ' C. HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS. and opticians, 284 Washington st NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 I0TH St.; docks loaned at s cents the day. SKELLt Co.." i4tH and Flanders? nour, reed. hay., grain. Phones A-161L Pacific 611. LOST AND FOUND. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED TWO DEMONSTRATORS, one to demonstrate the use of elec tric flat Irons and the other to demon strate the use of electrically driven sewing machines at the Pure Food onuw, exposition Diag., . two (2) hours each afternoon and evening fro;.i Sep- iiuuci liu lu l.lll. Apply to W M Hamilton Onnra XT O.'T ' i.V . V, way, Light A Power company, 1st and Alder sts. . LAUNDRY HELP WANTED NO" Kit perience required; good wages; steady Fuoiiiuu. jauuur7 v;o. iUl i. wa i mi . i uiKLiH WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East mr H. FAMES' AGENCY, 443W aamiipwn mi., comer eeventn. un ttU phon Mal I'- Female help GIRLS WANTED APPLY factory No layior sr. STlNlimll 2, Grand ave. and East help wanted union laundry company, WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ -Well shirts and Boss 'of All overalls ni a isi at. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR - mattresses renovated and returned same day. , 228 Front at . Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- 6FAI nwinal A ' .. .S?AT SEASIDE, A CHAMOIS i fin containing several valuable jon'ai?1?,!?' P188 return to cashier Journal; liberal reward .. . . . SJWA RED MILCH C6W, white spot forehead.- 248 Front st P!?.0R STOLEN NEAR SHErT kA'r0KE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT to Uke management Sept 1. AddIv at a. .; . riHv... m ... T . . . - ---. ' WANTED YOUNG ; iwrn wmpnana operating; good Salary short .hpura, pay whilelearnlng, luncheon served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms in connection. Apply chief operator. Telephone building. West Park and Alder ets. . , , fnreh.d i ..1 ...'! y. -. . jenr mn ward finder. Oregoo, .' colt: atar in Ownpr will ... F. F, Tooae. fihtrwood. BUSINESS WOMAN WITH STkON3 personality, good health and selling powers requlred.v One who -can leave the city preferred. ' N-462, Journal. OFFICE ASSISTANT;' ONE" WHO U derstands lumber business and a.nA.. raphy R-462, Journal. , . WANTED LADY TEACHERS? 146H lt st, 6 to tp. m. APPLY WANTED GIRLS IN TiIIii'snnn Commercial; over Danslger'a clothing store; gooa rooms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria, ur, THE AVALON ' HOTEL, FURNISHED rooms, modern throughout ; Cor.. 11th and Washington. ;. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. a i um st. THE GRAND, 45 M. N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. 31.25 per week and up. The newland house good rooms, single and en suite: good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $3.60 per week. 806 H I at Phone Main 7810. A FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; suitable for one or two gentlemen. 427 Third at . PLEASANT. CLEAN ROOMS. QUIET house; very suitable. Rent reaaonable. 450 Yamhill. Phone, Paclfio 346. FOR SALE Cash: general merchant!. a i afAi-lr aWrnt 11 AAA I. a.11 a - ai I A COMPLETBTORNISHED COTTAGE ,000VrAhbitants.w with I ' iZtZZr w... 'JtAVTn . I 0?a.t?eMona yr:. aeuing. n-iw, jour- Bcnaerer, pi t namoer or commerce. . Fllleyfark Lots $80 and Vp, 15 monthly payments. Water mains laid, streets graded. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg. Second and Stark sta. Phone Main 6864. r, 317 Chamber of Commerce, . i'ntfreht tN "a pa viva riihT " PCB" ' IS ' F6R - RENt FURNiTUrM l!SSMitoVn TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR AND HOUSES for salt cL"hi-; u." Aa Inqulr5?fl! s!venth I Jrom Portland; all cash not neceseary. v a.w..v " i i iiu u iits xvuurii oiu. uiiun fi on be Ti iiincr COMPLETE. NICELY FURNISHED RESTAURANT; EXCELLENT OPPOS: cotiage oi l rooms, rent a iz; walking - tunlty; sickness cause of sale. See unianit. ii. r-tjo, journal, i owner, a fa uoiiaaav ave.. east aida atani lbc . OPhoneSHRDLcmf wyahrdletaolnn bridge. - - ,- - - FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND ice cream parior in suouro; good loca tion: good trade.' with one vmp Iaaaa AUireB u'wt, journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH moaern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. SUMMER RESORTS LOCKBLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR- DR. - P. L. Austin, nronrietor. assisted bvL. A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per weak up: rates ana reservations may oe msae now witn ur. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. SHELBURN HOTEL NICELY FUR- nlshed rooms: evervthina- flrst.claaa home cooking, Mrs. T, P. Hoare, Sea view, wasn. II KsTalltllSaftKKatttatafiatt TO insure insertion under proper classification, on the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue ol The Journal advertisements' Bhould be presented at the business officebefore ' " , I 9 o'Clock Saturday Evening Office open until 10:30 Saturday evening' Phone your ad if you cannot bring it to the office,' Phones:" Main 7173, A1510. ' si ii 18 II and visit Hancock street addition. For particulars apply to Thompson A Op den, 848 Mississippi avenue, or - 883 Handy roaa. .f none cast loss or wood- lawn zoz. .iiilifcn laiia iihliMiiiiiaMiaAe.atM NEW, MODERN BUNGALOW, ner, 14.000; 8600 cash; $30 Phone East 675. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALL ranch. flnit in fifi.nArs ire Q iin4a- CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE cultivation; good house, barn and all . and ice cream parlor. $300; sacrifice, fenced; 10 tons hay, 4 cows, 8 hogs. i'Mf''t.iy'l"6.,.Wj-wr. fine spring; 20 acres fine timber; 7 Williams ave.. and Alberta. Phone miles from Oregon City; price- $3,000. Woodlawn 1041. E. P. Elliott. Oregon City FINE CHICKEN RANCH. 3 MILES OF HELP! HELPT HELP! counnouse, to exenange ror conrec- Want you to buy, an. absolutely mod tionerv or good roomlnar hnusa. Addm.a i 4ip...i... a . . j n Lewis A Pugh, 7V 1st st lnr! Phona Main 7RKH FOR SALE A BARGAIN, LOTS I AND 32.600. JNewlV rurnlshed hotel. ZS Mnmi and 1A .i..ii ..ji.i . raining room, in a prosperous vauev land. I will sell mv two .lota for cash; .W.,,, -'.OI IHMQl IVW I TT II L. riHUfl Ulfina' a fine businesa Good, reasons for eel-) ling. Louis Salomon, 233 Stark sti FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY, 'icB cream, cisrara. tobacco and arnoarl.. Wife sick. Snap If taken immediately. Good location; rent $20 per month. Price 1400. ' Sell at Invoice. No aeeata. rail at 204 Base Line, Montavllla. BARGAIN; GOOD CHANCE ClGARS! tobacco, confectionery , Im - AnAm books, magaslnes, papers, steady trade, new stock. i 3 living rooms, low rent: must sell- at once. 829 1st st. ' f for 1600. Address Lanada McFee, Ne-: naiem, ur. $660 CASH, $700 ON TIME, 1 LOT, 60x 100, with house, in Woodlawn. In qulre at 490 Fllnt at FOUR-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, ' ' two full lots, one block .from car line; . nice lawn, woodshed, eta; splendid bar- ' gain at $1,600. Chambers i Farns- inard ave.; Mt. Scott car. FIVE-ROOM , worth, Millard ave.; Mt. Scott car, IF TAKEN QUICK: FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A BEAUTIFUL HOME AND LOCA TION. 11.000 down and about two mnr. in two years buys first-class modern S-room home, with bath, full ' cement basement, stationery tubs. " eto. Lot lvuxiuu. juaaniiicent view or ,; 1 block from carllne: v 20 v mlnutaa rida Beautiful : line of shrubbery; must be seen to do appreciatea. Aiacuonaia, 304 iwsurn Diag. $6,60050x68 IN HE!arT OF EASi! side business district, with buildings lenaad at 140 ner month. V. P,v. ris. Phone East 886. , , Healey bldg.. Grand and E. Morrison. . $800-PHONB OWNER ABOUT BEAt?T tlful reeldence lot. ' East 886. $1,650100x100 EAST FRONT IN CEW- irm AiDint, mya line, 'i 31.626 For five t ull-slsed lota south of KUUngsworth ave. - $l,oo wtore on union ave. n. , - THOMPSON A OGDEN. ... 841 Mississippi ave. t Phone Wood lawn soi. $7,000 WILL BUT H ACRES .OF Land' situated in -one Of the bent miihaaa. house. Chicken hnnaa. ViaaHntf friillL trees, full lot, 3 blocks from car; all In good condition, for 2860. 3S00 cash will handle it We have also a long list of other good buys. It will pay you to sea us before purchasing elsewhere. Cham bers & Farnaworth, Millard ave.; take. Mt. Scott car at 1st and Alder sts.'' A. GOOD BUY SIX-ROOM .'SlODER home, new; full lot, near car line; terms; $1,300. Take Mt Scott car to Mll lard ave. Bee Chambers & Farnaworth. $ 1, 800 NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW ; rnoderni-800 down. $20 monthly., E. 43d and Harrison. - Dr.' Dnriinv. FOR SALE LOTS . IN ONE OF THE most . nrnanerniia tn.n. in . n,.ffnn . price. 340. For further Information ad-. dress 8-468, Journal. , - : $160 DOWN, $15 PERMONTjCbUYS' X . 6-room house, 60x100 lot . 607 Marlon ' ave. Take . Sellwood ear. j- FOR SALE FARMS ; . A SNAP IN "itWttTT .tawt.JL'Y'- 120 acrea of fine fruit i.n o'l TX. I Dalles, Oregonr with valuable lmprovev i ments. a' Surrounded by flourishing frultit. uivu.iu. au, vinBjrnros. iliquai to fa mous Hood River fruit land at nr.a n.,.r. tar the price. For term; price and rea son for selling see owner at Wanks"