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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
lU.; OREGON DAILY JOlKUiAL. i O.iiLAUD, bUWAY VVMlUiQ, AUGUST 13, 1C07. nurs OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT NOT IN THE HIGH PRICE . CLIQUE The CHICAGO The CHICAGO Of This MammpthCLEARANGE SALE Even Sharper Price Concessions Now Prevail v : n I "-.. I i.. I . - i . l : f I ' ' 1 1 " $1 II r LOSE LIVES nmiiRin now ma VII II I III I" ml v hi - The culmination of a great merchandise season one full of energy and interest is now drawing near.1 :' But ten more store days now remain before the closing of this memorable clearance sale. Only ten short days in which to take advantage of the greatest saving opportunity in mercantile history. It uiyv4hv uiat w uiojov wi wj 4 uwawi v mm um r w iiavc uucvicu cvciy cucrgf as uicsc inconiparauic prices, wmcn set a new standard in true value-giving, will attest: . - $22.50 and $25 Suits !.50 Now $12 . . ; - These are complete lines representing " the product of some of New York's f are most taOors. Includ ed are blues, blacks, grays, fancy mix tures, stripes, over plaids, checks, etc. We have your size and can please you. Single or double-breasted. Clearance Men's Straw Hats We offer you the choice of any Straw Hat in the house, all the latest, shapes and braids in cluded, at Value $2.50 to $3.50 10mm- A $25, $27.50 dnd $30 Suits $15.00 Not just a few pat terns or fabrics to choose from, but hundreds. This im mense collection of suits embodies .styles for semi dress and business wear or outing. Sin gle or double -4 breasted styles, choice at Here Are Values Extraordinary Broken Lines of Men's $20 and ;$22.50 Suits Now at $7.50 We are Also Offering for Clearance at the Same Low Price All Our $12.50 to $18.00 Suits 1 Jm'-! In the Men's furnishings Section We Give You Two or Three Articles at the Pricerof One Men's 75c Underwear at 35c, Men's $1.00 Underwear at 65c, Men's $1.25 Shirts at 65c, Men's $1.00 Shirts at 48c arid Men's 25c Sox at 12c AH Neckwear up to 50c and 75c at 25c tomorrow only. If you care for dimes and dollars you will surely make them by buying all your wants at ' ' All our regular $1.50 and $2 Cluett, Star and Griffon brand Shirts now on sale at 5 See them in our windows "Horse Shoes Over Doors." In the middle of tne block, be- tween Oak and Pine Sts. Satisfaction or your money back. All clothes pressed and repaired free of charge for one year from date of purchase. Men's $5 Oxfords Now $2.85 Here's a rare offer worth tak- N ing advantage of. There are over 50 styles to select from, all leathers, also $3.50 to $4 Shoes go at this Jow" price Instructors at California Military School Drown in Bay While Trying to Ees cue Cadet Overcome by Fight With Waves. v eiHtwd (Jonnul Bpeelal Icrrfc. Ban Mateo, Aug. At the cost" of their Uvea. Professor G. W. Smith and Professor John T. Brooks of Brewster Military academy' here breasted - the breakers of the bay late yesterday af terltoon in an effort to save a drowning pupil. The 'two teachers and the pupil, Clarence Dell of San Francisco, were drowned. Yesterday young, Dell out of a large was the first in the water and he struck out for a raft some dist&noe lMv. When some distance out he was heard to call for help. Professor Smith cue of the pupil. He reached him but imahiA ta brine him ashore. He In turn , out for the pair. All wera exnaustea with their fight r against the angry breakers,1 however, and went down be fore any further ' assistance could be ent them. - - BAE ASSOCIATION OF ; . jriTn tit. i -atrt rtncictTrkikT l in a i r, n a ran nriAniu v , . (Jonrsu spcui midn.; : . - Portland, Me., Aug. 10,--The eminence of the sneakers and the timeliness of the subjects ' Scheduled v for - discussion combine to give promise of an unusual ly interesting meeting when the Ameri can Bar association comes to Portland the latter part of this month for Its thirtieth annual convention. The sessions will last three days and will be followed by the twenty-fourth conference of the International Law as ocintinn. The Asaocatlon of American Law Schools will meet at the same time and there will be sessions also or tne sections on patent, trade mark and copv rlKht law. The several meetings will attract between four and five hundred of the best7 known lawyers and Jurists of America wltn a score or more or le ral authorities from abroad. Two of the Important features of the American liar association meeting win be the president's address by Alton H Parker of New York and the annual address to be delivered bv Rlsrht non orable James Bryce, the Britis!: ambas sador. Judge Charles P. Amldon of North Dakota will speak on "The Nation and the Constitution," and Charles A. prouty of the Interstate commerce commission will be hear a on "A Department of Rail ways; Its Legal Necessity." Oriental Excursion Personally conducted, will leave Seat tle Septerooer'l. for a 70-days' tour through Japan and China. A month will be spent in Japan visiting en route the Toklo Industrial exposition, ' Kate $00, which will cover all expenses,- For particulars call or address W. W. King. Oriental Tours. 14 Downs building, or agent Canadian Pacific i itauway. ,-.. TEXAS BOOSTERS MEET AT EL PASO TO TALK SWIFTWATER BILL WINS URGE POT Notorious Alaskan Sits in Fierce Game of Draw Poker at Keno. f Jonrnal Smcial Service.) ffil Paso,- Texas, Aug. H.- "Boost Texas" Is the slogan of the hundreds who gathered here todav In attendance on the meeting of the Texas Five Mil lion club. Delegations, many of them accompanied by bands, are on hand from San Antonio, Houston, Galveston. Beau mont, Dallas, Fort Worth,- Waco, Sher man and numerous other cities through out the state. .The delegates will snend two davs in discusslnr ways and means to increase the population or Texas, at tract immigration and otherwise aid in the industrial development. The local commercial organisations , have made great preparations for. the entertainment or tne visitors.-'" , wxt nmv in wosbt . when your child has a severe cold. You need: not fear pneumonia or other pul monary diseases.- Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup a, positive cure for colds, coughs,: whooping cough and bronchitis.' Mrs. Hall of Sioux falls, S. D., writes: have used your wonderful Ballard's Horehound " Syrup on my children .for five years. Its re sults have beta wonderful. Sold by aU f Uggjlsts, , . : . .,, o (Journal Bpedil Bervlee.) Reno, Aug. 18. A fierce game of poker occurred at Hasen last evening. Thousands of dollars changed , hands during the progress of the game. The stakes were high and at one time $20, 000 In a pot was raked in by "Swift water Bih ' of Alaska fame. There were others equally as game. McCart ney, a prominent mining man of La Tush Island, Alaska; a wholesale liquor merchant or Covington, Kentucky; Bray, a mining engineer oi prominence; representative or tne O. K. i.. and well known caterer of New York occu pied seats. Twenty dollar gold pieces were used as freelv as if the game was nny ante and it was a common thing see xio.vuo in a pot. SICK HEADACHE If PosltiTelf eared y these JLittle PUla. They also reUeva Dis tress &om Prspcpsuv, In dlgestianajulTooBearCgr Katlng. A perfect ren edy toe Dtalaaea, Nausea, Drowsiness. Bad Taste In tho lloutli. Coated Tongu Pain In the Bide, TORPID IJYSR. Thfly regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE NE4W YORK OUTFITTING CO. NEW YORK OUTFITTING CO CARTERS iflVER PILLS. I CARTERS rjirriE IflVER I pills. REQUISITION ISSUED , FOR JAMES CAMPBELL i Salem. Aug. it. A requisition was today Issued from the governor's office tor tn arrest or james campoeu tor whom a warrant -ira been issued in this state on the charge of burglary. It is charged that he entered a saloon at Burns, Oregon, belonglnsr to the Harne Valley Brewing company, and took a ring valued at $26. He fled and took refuge in Washington. CASTORIA , , In r Infiuiti and Children. Tfca Kind Ycu Haw Always Bought Bear tha '(rmmamm mm n Genu'ma Must Bear FaSimilo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. BOY IN DANGER OF THE REFORM SCHOOL (Special DU pitch to Tte JoarnaL Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 18. Oodell Seaborg, considered almost an Incorrig ible, la in danger of the reform school. The latest offense charged Is the open' Ing and spilling of a quantity of oil In the North Aberdeen shingle mill. The oil ran upon and ruined a heavy and valuable belt. A companion named Mo- araw is charged with mm. He is on the truant list at school, and has been charged with netty thievery. His father has deserted his family, and his mother upports herself and child by taking in washing. His mother pleaded so hard that Judge Fox, while declaring him rutlty of the charge against him, de- erred sentence. MAYOR FRANCE MEANT TO LID ALL ALONG (Special DUpateb 't Ths Joaraal.t - Aberdeen. Wash.. Aug. 16. Mayor France is showing that he means busi ness In the matter of Sunday closing, by quietly going around to tne various sa loons of the city and giving them notice that, they must not keep, open on Sun day. The mayor hag frequently remark d that he Is not In favor of the saloon business, and that he would be glad to see them closed. He was Interesting himself in e-ettina- the dance-halls to close their doors and go out of business, when the Ill-advised interference of out-. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HI 1 B&M;: ii i if s mi ' im www i IU 1 1 HI LM I mm WSM H sja Mill ill ff Hi I ill : tfi oil um if in i . wm, . inn - 1 Our Clearance Sale Is Playing Havoc With Clothing Values We're not in business for our health or to give goods away, but when it comes to an emergency we can be as game as the rest of them. We're just a little overstocked with goods at this time of the year and our clearance sale is one of the biggest bargain events and stock reducing efforts of the season. We bought heavy we've sold heavy but 'we're in for a heavy August business. To show you that "we mean business here's a sample of what's going on: v ALL OUR $15.00, $18.00 AND $20.00 Men's Suits Reduced to All Ladies' and Children's Wearing Apparel Proportionately Reduced. It's the biggest chance of the year to save money CASH OR CREDIT Suit yourself about paying for, your purchases. We want you to pay as it is most convenient for you. A dollar a week suits us. ' , 1 ' . , $1230 NpYdr!( Outfitting fe ' 165-16754 first Street, Near M: side parties put a ston 'to his plans. He baa always aald ihat ho would. chse the saloons when he was ripe; ana he is now thought keeping the time that promise." It t'l.'.ucht t!.t will be obeyed wHiit " i : X.-' - M. - L IKS?: