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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
V " ' . . . 1 ', THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. , - AUGUST 13. IC37. IWJS, MR mm City Water" Committee Goes on Eccord as Opposed to , Extending: the Supply to YOU CAWWOT KILL DEER NOR SHOOT CHASING DOGS ?. :.i': : 11 ' 1 ' J Stafe LaTTr Passed. Because of the EaVages of Wild Ani mals Upon DomesticHounds Will Better Protect ' , Deer Even Though They Chase Them. Deputy cut gam wardens are proa outing farmers In tha Willamette val- Assist in the Sale of Heal '; UB t"'?10 18 -fcs'ww vi HIV &U '.IU INI Estate. Jut u im u the legality of the ' I,00,000 water bond lasus Ja affirmed by tha eourta and the aale of the bonds ' netotjated, , the water board wIU begin laying the additional ; Bull . Run water V main and tha extension of malna to take " In the outlying suburbs. . .;' i - The board lit Ita meeting-, yesterday afternoon decided that It would begin work Immediately, and. under the pro ' visions of the charter tha water as- seesment plan will ' be Identically the . aame aa that carried out In aewer eon ' atructlon. Thla plan will enable the ' city to prooeed much more rapidly -than v at present, It being poaalble now to lay ' water malna only to tha -extent of the - fund appropriated each' year by the ' . council for tbla purpose. - Heretofore thla fund haa always been exhauated before the year waa half gone and dur ' in the laat alx month a practically no work can be done in thla department Under the new ayatexa of procedure A provided la., the water amendment to the charter the . realdente In any por i tlon of the city may have their districts a networa or water maina proviaea tney take the Initiative and pay for the lay ing -of the malna.'' 1 . 1 The board went on record yeaterday ' aa oppoaed to extending water malna to assist in the aale of real estate in any ' portion of the city, when ex-Councilman ' - John P. Sharkey aaked the board to lay Sharkey waa Informed that a number of BAND CONCEKT AT . additlona bad laid their own malna ' Sharkey maintained that tha laying of the maina would not only benefit wav erlelan realdente but there were aleo dlstrlcta beyond Waverlelgh which ' would be benefited. Paving work on Grand avenue from Bast Everett to Belmont street will be held tip temporarily until the water - board can lay. a larre main on that thoroughfare. The contractor appeared before the board yeaterday and aaked that the pipe be furnished so that work could be prosecuted at once. Tha city Islature ao amended tha game law that It la not a crime to run bounds any where In the atata except In Coos and Curry eountloa, Q. T. Kelly, a prom inent ranchman of North Tarn hill, vis iting . Jn Portland, tbla morning aaid that aeveral of hla nelghbora bad been heavily fined because their hounds bad run oeer.' Justices of the peace who Imposed the flnea also are In Ignorance of the change made by the legislature. Under the law aa it atooa previously 11 waa a misoe- meanor to run deer with dogs, out this provision la now restricted to Coos and Curry counties, and in any other ooun- ties in tha atate bounae may oe run at pleasure. . - xne new law proniDii toe sunns; vi any aeer Being cnasea vr aogm ana w kill a dog that la running a aeer le under the new law a misdemeanor pun ishable by a fine of 160 U 1200. Tha provision of tha new law which la part of section S010, found on page HI of the 1007 session laws follows: ' - "Any person killing any deer being pursued by dogs, at any time, -or hav ing in possession any deer or carcass or part of a deer during the season whan It ia unlawful to take or kill auch deer, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonvlctlon thereof ahall be fined not leaa than ISO nor more than 1200, and any person killing, maiming, or injuring dogs in pursuit of any deer ahall be, deemed - guilty of a misde meanor , and -upon oonvlctlon thereof ahall be fined In a sum not less than $60 nor more than 1200; provided, that In the oounttea of Coos and 'Curry it ahall be unlawful at any time, to hunt any deer with dog or dogs with Intent to kill or injure auch deer." Thla section prohibit! tha running of dear with doga only in Cooa ana curry counties, but it prohlblta tha Wiling at any tlma of tha year of aeer oeing run by doga. The new law alsat protects the dors that run tha Thla law waa passed, said Kelly, be cause of the ravages oi we wuu h. ! u thir domestlo anlmala. en .nin inmm tA the farmers of the Willamette valley of at leaat a year. Tha hounds run these wild anl mala away, eavlng the farmers' stock. But under the old law, If hounda were act after wild anlmala they invariably ended by running some deer, subject ing their ownera to fine and rendering the oogs llama to oe kuibo. im t.ui; waa tnat tha doga could not be uaed and the wild anlmala bad thinga nearly their own way. ' "I waa put out of the sheep and goat huslneaa under the old law because I could not turn my hounds loose," aald Kelly. "The hounda would keep away cougar, coyotes, wild cat. lynx, roxea and wolves, but I couldn't let them go because thev mtrht run deer. When I ault I bad leaa than half aa many sheep and goats aa when I began. "The runnlna of hounda and forbid-1 din man to kill -the deer they run. la a better protection to tne aeer tnan tne old law waa. Hounda will rarely-run a deer down and kill It, and unleaa aoma hunter snoots it tne deer will escape. But while hounda are loose they will clear the woods of the anlmala that prey on the deer. In tha aprlng a wild cat will kill nine or ten fawna to feed ita klttena and the number of wild cata la ao great that they destroy mora deer than the hunters would do. "But tha game wardens and Juatleea or tne peace ao not seem to Know sdoui thla new law. and tha farmers do not want to be fined for violating a law that haa been repealed. And they want to run tnair hounda to protect their BIOCB. -....'(' Ill DISCUSS , FREIGHT RATES .'.v.: ,;'' ;v.v-; Lumber Manufacturers'. As- : sociation Plans Talks ) ;;;-Vf at Banquet. " , THE CITY PARK haa enouxh Dine on band to comolete a portion oi me wora ana in tne mean time will provide mora. It la not ex pected that tha work will be long de layed. - Two 20-inch malna will be laid to tha north end warehouse district In order to give better fire protection. Tha pipes Following program' will be rendered by tha Park band at tha City Park thla evening, tne concert to oegin at a o'clock: March, "Rose PlesU" ....... .Da Caprlo Overture, "Siege of Rochelle" Balfe Valti "Naila" ellbee Grand aelectlon, "Arlele".,,,..... .Bach Paraphrase, "Lorelei" Neevadba Intermission. Southern Plantation Songs. .. .Conterno "TheCharge of the Hussars". .Splndler Selection. 'The WUard of tha Kile,,. . Herbert Reverie, "The Wayside Chapel". .Wilson March, Trailing; the Trail". . .Spaulding ,u A. de Caprlo, director. wUl be laid on Lovejoy atreet from DAVID PETEftS DIES Tenth to Fourteenth and on .fourteenth l T AAJ X Xjx XiXlO ASAXiO . from Flanders to Thurman. AT HOME IN POLK COPPER ( HISS ROOTS Josephine County Mine Paid Expenses From 13-Foot ( ; ,v Depth. OWNED EXCLUSIVELY BY A. DSLE BOY l ';'-' j-: .aBaBaBawasBBMsaBBaaBB "YeUow Jacket I Nam of Pro ducer Oro Bona $200 to the Ton m Agjainst Total Charges for Min ing, Etc., of $12.00. f I Bpedal Dtopatch te The JoeraaL) Dallas. Or.. Auk. K. David Peters, an old and highly respected citlaen of Polk county, died at hie farm home. Same nine miles north ot DeJlaa, laat night, aged about TO.yeare. ,.idr. Petere waa a wealthy and Influential German and left much property in this county. He waa a widower and leaves two chlV dren, D, D. Peters of Dallas and Mrs. uernaro Kempie or jrerryuaie. SOUTHERN PACIFIC IS WASTING GOOD TIMBER (Spsdal Dispateh te The tonal.) Eugene, Aug. H. The Southern Pa- clflo sawmills at M areola on tha Mc Kenale river are wasting alabwood and timber which could be cut up Into lath and various kinds of lumber, to tha amount or 910,000, because aa a corpor ation" they can not aell timber or lum ber. While they have a great deal of demand for tlmbera and lumber, tha aupply must fit these demands exactly, and whenever a piece of timber cannot be made into anrthlna for which thev have use, it goes to the burner. una man a anort time ago orrered the company $100 a day for their waste, btft thev could not sin it in him. Cin h basis tha Southern Pacific la losing 130, 000 a year at leaat on three aawmilla. C. H. Cooper's Third Stroke. ' (Special Dispatch to The JootmL) Astoria. Or.. Aug. U. C. H. Coooer. for over thirty years a prominent dry roods and clothing merchant of thla city, baa bean taken to the hospital suf fering with a paralytic stroke, and hla Ufa despaired of. Thla la tha third attack during tha laat six months. Mr. Cooper ' retired from business about three months ago on account of ill health. 1 At a banquet ta be given at the Port-1 land Commercial club , tomorrow even-1 ing by the Oregon and Washington Lum-1 ber Manufacturers' association, thai question of a 'proposed raiae ot frelfh.t rates by the transcontinental rail Unas will be discussed. Loggers and mill-1 men generally have bean 'Invited.. The association olalma to bava 101 members, and a mlu capacity of 1,100,- 000,000 feet of lumber per annum. Tha I committee In charge of the rata oon- troveray has prepared a table showing I the present rata charged ion lumber I hauled from Oregon to tha middle west I states. Tha present rates are 10 cental oer 10 oounaa to Missouri nver. aiia- alaslppl river and Chicago common I points, SIH cente to St Ixuls common points and 40 centa to St Paul common I points Measured by a comparison with 1.000 feet of lumber The increase aliased by the committee will be f 1.(0 per 1,000 feet to Missouri river, ft per-1,000 feet to Mississippi river, SI to Chicago, 1121 to St Louis and ft to St Paul common points. . The rallroada claim that they have been hauling lumber eaat at ratee much below the ratea charged on other prod-1 ucta of tha country, and that tha pros-1 ent ratea are below coat of operation I when the empty ear movement la against them. They assort that thai lumber mills bava multiplied many I tlmea and their output has so largely increased that the lumber mlllmen at-1 tempt to monopolise all cars available I lor eaatoouna anipmenta. . M'INTOSH NAMED AS NEW SECBETABY , ' r - " " " , . YOU CAN GET .tv Men's' Outing Suits at HALF Men's Straw and Panama at HALF 1 4 Youths'Outing Suits atHALF iBoys; sE Ladies' and Misses' Wash Coats and Dresses Former Deputy Sheriff Selected to Bacceed McPherson bj Civil Serrlco Commisaion. W. W. Mcintosh, formerly i' deputy sheriff and later employed in the county I asseasor's office, was yesterday se lected by tha civil service comrnlssloa to succeed Otho X McPherson as sec retary of tha commission and assumed bis new duties today. . Mr. McPherson, who resigned to take a position with I the Oregon racging company, win re-1 main at tha office a few dayw In order I to acquaint Mr. Mcintosh with the de tails of the commission work. Mr. Mcintosh is a Arm believer In civil service reform and announces that I ha will maintain tha free merit system brought to such a high standard by Sec retary ucroerson. The new secretary resign eo rrom the sheriff's office some time ago because ho waa not aatisfled with the conduct of the office affaire by Sheriff Stevens. His resignation caused much attention. aince he hinted at a scandal in ma let ter of resignation. A bury liver leads to chronic di sia and constipation weakens the whole ayatem. Doan'a Keguieta (Zt - centa per box) correct the liver, tons tha stomach, cure eonatipatlon. Preferred Stock Csnne Ooeaa. Allan Lewis' Beat Brand. Men's $20 Summer rtj-fl (Tt Sack Suits for Men's Outing Trousers GREATLY REDUCED NOTE You are invited to inspect the new Fall Fashions for1 Men and Boys NJN SlaJL r ' ' NC LEADING CLOTHIER , ,t-'.Xf any evidence has been lacking to ' prove that Oregon Is a great copper state final oonvlctlon comes from Jose- ' phine county, where A. D. lRoy haa developed a copper mine fhat paid' Its own expenses "from tha fgrasa roots.' At a depth of It feet Mr. LeRoy struck ' rich copper ora and began shipping. , His total cost of mining, wagon haul, sacks, freight rata from Merlin- to Ta coma and smelting charge aggregated f 12.00 per ton and nls ore baa averaged gross better tnan azuu per ton. '-' ' The mine has been named tha "Tel' , low Jacket" It ia owned exclusively by j Mr. lefloy. ' who - haa no intention - of .incorporating it but wlU keep aola pos- aesslon and operate it He said: "I have been mining for many years, in different states and countries, and I know of no state that haa greater opportunities or richer resources for the mining man than be can find in south ern Oregon. I am constantly wonder - ing at the amount of advertising that other mining regions receive while Ore gon gets practically - no publicity along thla line of industry. This state has ". some of the greatest gold and copper ' mines in the world and haa only been scratched. It needa only capital and development to make southern Oregon one of the richest and moat proaperoue 'mining dlstrlcta in the country. - "The 'Tellow Jacket' does not need , money. It is able to support itself and v . pay its own way. Including all develop ment - work, machinery and operation, , and . furthermore, it has already reim- bursed me for the purchase price of tha land. Where can you find a oountr that will beat this record for a copper miner v Mr. L.eRov's first purchase waa 160 ! '. acres, three miles north of Merlin and on the Southern Pacific railway, where ' 2r 7'8r Pople had been passing by , afoot and with, vehiclea and seeing noth v ,nf -''H1 th acenery. Mr. LeRov de- elded it was a good copper prospect, and he sank on Ft and struck pay ore - at 18 feet depth. He then sank a work r Ing shaft and drifted into the hill. From the first, strike hla ore valuea ran 60 per cent. copper, tis in gold and 12 Jir.S8" .of ?." th ton- The vein filling is about five feet wide, with 12 inches of the higher grade ore. i ? '"-oot ievei. at a point about 100 feet from the line of tr- ahatt LeRoy cut a cross vein of almllar rock, . which waa blind on the aurface. Thla vein Is ill feet wide and carrlee 4 per . cent pf copper. Beyond thla vein the tunnel again encountered the rich vein struck at the beginning, showing that the two veina intersect in the hill at a depth between 0 and 100 feet Indi cations are that the n.ain lode has been struck.' - ,.. y-. . The owner hag purchased' t0 acres In addition to the first lo acres, and to date baa driven- and timbered 200 feet of tunnel, all out of the proceeds of the ore sales. Hla plan Is to elnk 600 feet on the rich vein, with levels evpry hO feet and put In, hoist pumos nn,l all necessary plant for a first rl:iK8 mln. He will build a amelter thMra to treat Gallce and Picket Creek r.res. nnff- It Is -his Intention to make t he m-lter "of -sufficient earmclt- -t liinle Ore ' tonnaae of tli . . ': n.mihfrn Oreron district.-. Prvr!?i. 1, .re tint tii Yfilow Jacket will prove to nna tt the areatest corner producers in the rw!ii(ry and If Mr. LeRov' plana j tit of the smelter industry i t ?,!(r!ln re carried out the project, will t. r ;n mfrne value to southern Crc.ia i. : s latere t, -.. Jj Third Special Sale in 10 Years Patent Leather, Gnn toll. Etc Reduced From $3.50 to $2.95 Reduced From $4.00 to i3.35 Reduced From $5.00 to $3.85 swsis sorosis BlflCtfS!drcn,s VAIU1 U3 (X Q N5 Sizes 8 to 11 to 95e Sizes 11 to 2 to,j 1.15 Sizes 2V to 6 to ' 1.45. ICMIGH - -pr r .t-i.vj' -i-. .. . . .-'V---- i' . -v. All Around the Northwest Corner J : -.Third and Washington Sts. V'. 1 1 HOP PICKERSATTENTlON SPECIAL SALE OF HOP PICKERS' SUPPLIES AT NEW EAST SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE 36ft-3S0 CA5T M0DCI50N 5TDCET Near Orand Avenue "OFF FOR THE HOP FIELDS." Undoubtedly many of you will be going. We have arranged a special "Hop Pickers' Sale" at our store tomorrow enabling , you to lay in a supply of everything needed at prices astoundingly small 200 DOZEN 1.000 JM PAXXt WOIIieh'S CANVAS Mexican Foil Sized Shoes GLOVES Sun Hats, Cotton Blank'ts Ud, ptteat ti, " -i Hand 'made, beat 25c Blue or pink atriped In .Oxforda or Bala Large and amaH aiaea; qoajitj; tomorrow, aU bordcra, splendid $1 JO and $US quaHtlea, best 12tfe quality, pr. Uea, weifbta, the $1 kind, pair s ;i mammmmmimmmmmmm mammmmmmmmmmmammKm 100 DOZEN 2.000 YARDS 10 DOZEN 100 DOZEN Women's Dress N Women'sWhile Cotton 25cStock,gs Calicoes lavvn Waists. -Towels Plain or lace, liale in- Beat Equality American Best $1 and $1.50 qual- Bleached hack or Turk steps, best. 25c grade, prints, light and dark ities, slightly soiled, ish Towels, generously all sixes, , , patterns, yard while they last, each abed, each lOc 5c SOc i4c mmmmmmmmm.Lmmmm mmmmmmmm-mm wmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Women's flA :KeDnens ;:- J? . Soap Sale 4 TnnrA Women's Sunbonnets uaoas ncaeny TalcnmPpwd r wnfot ... ' ,''-e ' Laundry Soap We : ! ' ' . , - All-colore, Urge or guarantee it auperior to Good for aunburn, the Black and white lawn, email shapea, 25c and any laundry soap on 25c aiae and 'quaUty, JS-V i5c quaUtiea, choice 1 the market-tomorrow, we aeU it for, box -J ij naiMc..?a? . -r . 14 BARS , . - . :iOo-. 25c 12q ': ; :2S'cj ; i)