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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
THE' '"OREGON DAILY JOURHAE, PORTLAND, FRIDAY 'EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1S07. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be bund on pp. 16-17. NEW TODAT.. Palmcr-Vari AlstineJCo. $3500 . "t'Ty --- - - . V - , ' ft I New modern ; 7-room houae, ' large J iHnfr room, now,be jng completed, dose in on east tide. V W" $5000 if P-Vi Modern 8- room houie; furnace, fire place, laundry, tub i , etc.; ttrmi; on East Burnside treet HELP! WANTrav-FEMALn nr i wrirri. II BdCPBmraNCKD CHOCOLATB AND bon-bon dippers; www"" lpp'J candy department Faolflo Coast BUmil Co, ilU and Darin,.-' ,.;-';.. , ,, ( WAMtfcB CiUMbKMi-IP urn waltreef, at th Barr Hot!, Ith and wSaYWa Lad? caPaBLB V of kaaolnr book and writer. Addree, C-461, Journal ualng typ pany and can go to aohooL Call at N. llth and Front at Mrs. J. M. Bowie. fibst - class i , hair WaISteST dresser ana manicurist tienee an lry. B-4H, L0"! Btat exp- bCHddL 6ihL : t6 Ahklkf WIT work for room and board; two In tarn liy. - margin ax. MALE AND FEMALE BELT FIFTY . BOP PICKER WANTED oooa - yara. beat accommodation, Writ for particular, Address Luke Liemery. woodburn. Or. ftALfcSJrfAN 'OR flALjfcfiLaBY WANTED 1 A arood nroDoaltlon. rueqner Piog. Call at 101 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE SALESMAN and collector want work: gllt-edg reference ana oona. M-4IS, journal, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, Atf ONCBWsiw' I-RQOm! strletly modern, tnuet be mod loca tion, near carllna and not over 10 minutea" ride; oaah. D-418, Journal. FOB RENT STORES-OFFICES. 1... Palmer-Van Alstine Co. ' 222 Falling Building. M 5661. A 2653. i! WEATHER REPORT FOR RENT New corner grocery a tore room, feed lore room ana wooa yara. ail lor mommy, see owner. Joe Na.n, at u I " v'' on th Mouot Scott cap line. FOR RENT HOUSES Th htrfc mi nvar thai Wuh!nTt011 1 ww 4.ju aa " ' " - . " . I alj vveaa,- A a r ilVl VOIBMU laiik B J v toeet yeeterday mornln Miirtea uKni- wooj Btove; I block from Fifth at. car, jy io ui norinwara ana in niuinmi i icq Lincoln at. V iBiattn II W B , J SIX-ROOM COTTAOE. ( ROOMS TO rent; part furnlahed, modern; phone porcelain batn, aa or vertay, Vancouver laland. It wa iowif aiminianina la attars r, uuv ua rthelea malnUlned a controlllnf In FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 1(2 Eaat 11th at Call 625 Stenhena A NEWLT FURNISHED e-ROOM houae; hot and cold water, bath: rood neignoornooa; rent ize; at 117 roweu tOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. . Pcif lo ooaat and Intermountaln realon. clear klea Mint Dorted from theae ectlona of the country except along I at Take Brooklyn car. if.'JTISlii, cofhw lUrZi Vm-! FOB RENT BUNGALOW; on room Jit.. V"; I: . "v " JI1 I..T .ki- I xurnianea; uitatiiizor man. iai morolna: over northern Michigan, and P1?0". Ea,t 10g' ., moderate rt heavy rain were reported Jrom the lake region, Ohio valley and ' Th. l.anfiAnttlNI MM Mint. what over Orearon and aouthern Idaho FURNISHED HOUSBKEEPINQ durlmr the 14 hours ending wUh thll room, very cheap. J40 B. 6th, report, but elaewhere over tnia aection rnone mami txoi or can iti Maaiaon. o marked thermal change occurred. Indication Dolnt to fair weather to night and tomorrow over thi entire fortcaat dlatrict It will be warmer to night eaat of the Cascade mountains. Max. Ehlcag-o, 111 It nver, Colo 0 Eureka. Cal t Freano, Cal. ......101 lxa Anrelea, Cel.. 74 New York N. T.... 78 -Pocatello, Ida,- .... TS Portland, Or It fled Bluff. Cal ...100 Reno, Nev It Roaeburg. Or. 14 Sacramento, CaL...100 Ban Diego, Cal. ... 71 Ban Franolaoo, Cal. It fpokane, Waah. ... 71 Tacoma, Waah. ... 74 yuma, Art. .101' Mln. 61 14 S3 l 60 ! 44 60 62 84 62 61 ti 60 64 10 Preclp. 1.28 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 BUSINESS CHANCES $0 CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM ana tobaoco a tore: eatabiiahM: a-ooa trade; good location. Thla will bear In spection. Diamond Realty Co, 161 Alder, Room 10. 10-ROOM HOTEL; GOOD TLACB FOR Swedlah man and wife; 28 boarders; good location; rent 150; new aaie, cost can gee leaae lor nve year place. . Thi will go for 1175. Con Bee Dement aV King, 141 Madiaoa. ', MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Mathla Carlaon, 711 Alblna ava, II; Sophia Berg. 10. M. William Johnson, 207 llth st, II; Mel la j3orgn- ii,. -OaSar-lT Jdhnson, t07 llth st 11; Clara Borram, I-- dolfo LallL 115,. 14th st, 21; Be- ItMce Mirtello. T7. ( CR Jones, 672 Delay at. 72; Cyn the A. Barnea. 62. F. J. Stark. St. Johns, Oregon, 20; Beaslet Flower, 18. Charles E. Knlpe, I47H 1st ave., 22; ttta L. Manning. 21. William A. Blehn CHJlaei- Charles ton, 24; Pauline MaaoM., tiJ J. E. Lang, 464 Gideaxr'st, 21; Ida VT ajUUlflB afaVIU IF YOU WANT TO BUY AN 1-ROOM nicely furnished houae, now Is your chance: owner leavinz town: well lo cated on Washington at.; furniture In sured ror 1800, paid for one year: bring ing In 176 per month; will sacrifice for 1180: half down, balance 25 per month. See Dement ft King. Main 1202. Auto matic A-1681. FOR RENT. New torner grocery store room, feed store room and wood yard, all for 116, monthly. 8eeowner. Joe Nash, at Mil lard ave,. on the Mount Bcott car line. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, bulldlnr. furniture and lease: beat paying propoaiUon on . the market; big returns for your money; 11,600 win handle It: 1100 can be made each month. V. W. Hellman. 806 Ablnrton bid. FOR SALE ONE HALF INTEREST IN a grocery; good location; good trade. E-468, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. W. O. Bmlth ft Co.. Waahlngton bldg., corner 4th and Wash- mile from car line; 1160 per acre. -THESE ARE BARGAINS. Modern 6-room house, lot 60x100. 11,860; 1800 down, balance 120 per mo. b-acre tracts. 6 miles from city, H 2 5 -acre tract, 6tt mllea from Portland. I1H mllea from carllne, $100 per acre; $300 down. $250 per year. A Avi nt.,. nr .,.,,. All we ooa . oargains m larms ana re.""' r.. r.V ' I small In a ton st. - Wedding card the beat. 100 for $6, Aivin a. niwx, lit i a st. 128 6th at Bros., Florlata Fin flowara ll kinds 1 Clark and floral deelgn. 281 Morrlaon at ' Full drea au'lta for rent, all aiieaT tTnique Tailoring Co.. 101 Stark t BIRTHS acre tract. L. H. FREE LAND CO., Room 7, 14m First St $1200 NEW 6-ROOM. MODERN COT- tage, an rumisnea; owner going east: muat sell. See Joe Nash, at Millard ave., on Mount Bcott car line. MODERN 6-ROOM lsEW. picket COTTAGE. fence, shade trees, concrete OCK August 6, to Mr. and Mra. Yon foundation; right at car line, must Chong LiOCK, Chlneae, Park St., a nave me caan. i.uuu. Aos-raci ana ODa I warranty nceu. ow vwnor. jw to Mr. ana Mra I Xasn ai miiiara ave., on mount ocoit Montgomery I car line. BC LUDER6 August 12, . Samuel M. Luders 111 St.. a eon. DEATHS JEAN August 18. Wealey G. Jean,, aged : 81 year. 1 month and SO days, 681 Tenino eve.; valvular heart diaeaae. HERE ARE SOME GOOD BUYS IN one of the best auburbs or Portland. 8-room houae and two lots, $760. 4-rOorh, modern houae, one lot, $1,200. 7-room house, modern, except tub. tvo lots, $1,460. These are ail close to car line. A. FUNE :ral NOTICES. For a long list of equally good bar gains, ae Chambers ft arnsworth, Mil lard ave., Mt. Scott car line. SPECIAL. $2,500 New 6-room, modern cottage. You are requeated to attend the funeral in Sunnvalde. This Is an Ideal home; t our deceased neighbor, Fredeiica Mac- half cash. a. from Bt. Francis cnuron, &. mn nw -m cuubo, nan. and JMt at a,. Baturaay morning ai io ii.duu o-room nouae, i ioib; uu i clock, INI. 17, ivui; viaiimg neignoors I caan, iu raonm. nvltea. wervicea at tvone ir cemetery i bou uooa s-room nouse, eiegani lot; $100 cash, $15 month. i4o z rooms, nice 101; iibo caan. iio month. DIAMOND REALTY CO., 268 Alder St., Room 10. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN. mmr t. mwwwk A aM A.a w aw.m wn I 11U1L k I W (hi I VI (Sill UUUvl J lilsj UIO-llUi a w a tlT Inquire owner, 1167 Union ave., or phone V-.jk.Jil AK.-Tn?522lai Main 814. TO THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of Oregon circie ro. in, w. j. w. 9 Invited. -Service conducted by Oregon circle No. 171. By order , MARY 8TEEPY. Guardian Neighbor. Attest: MART RANDALL, Cleric MEETING NOTICES FIST FIGHTS EliD ''' J!! ; . )UR DEATHS Two " Encounters .Result In ,: : -Ufis ot Life of All PMr' Combatants; MEN QTJABBEL "VVHILE IN TOP OP BREWERY One Xa Hrld to Ground and Other Takes Same Fta Ffauffe in "El- . fort to Save Him Enemlea Drown . In Each Other'a Anna. (jMrsal apeelat Bsrvlaa) London. Aua. 1$ within a few daye of each other two fights have ooeurrad as thrinina- aa anything depioted In mel edrama and each terminating la th death of both of th contestants. Th first traglo encounter took plaea on th top floor of a brewery fronting on th Thame. To this floor sacks of malt were being holsud by means of a orans from bargaa In th rlvar below. They war deposited oa a platform from whence they war carried through a loophole Into th building, and there atored. Thro men war ongagedV on the work. Two of them were brothers. Henry and Thomas Middlobrook, and the third was named John Bsnlamla Cox. Cox was 60 yeare old, the two brothers ware muoa younger men. xney ware doing th Job on nleoa work. Borne dispute had arisen beoauee th older man did not work rast anougn to suit th brothers who were bent oa making all the money noaalble. l nomas aiiaaieDrooa was caiiea io ino ground floor to attend to soma acks there. Exactly what transpired after he left 1 of course, a myatery, for "dead men tell no tales." It is auo- ooaed that the quarrel was renewed b wean Henry MiaaieDroox ana cox. uniy i minute had elanaed after xnomas Mlddlebrook had left them, when shouts and crlea war heard by the workmen below. Even at the dietano of fifty feet the eounda of blows and th tramp ing of feet plainly told that a fierce fight was In progress above. The lust f battle seems to have driven from their minds all thought of danger. Btcga Oat atoopkoU. With dramatlo auddenhea cam th final a Reeling backwards from the ef fect of a blow, the older man came taT gating out of th loophole, made a fran Uo effort to regain his balance on the little platform and then fell headlong to the river beneath. In his downward flight his head atruck the side of th barge and he was inatantly killed. Hia body was still In mid-air when his an tagonist, Henry Mlddlebrook, rushed through the gate of death to th plat form. In the brief fraction of time that had followed the blow which had hurled hia opponent to destruction hi feeling forward over the platform with hand had evidently undergone a chance. Ter rified at what had happened, he leaned outstretched, urged apparently by aom ope tnat ne roigni yet aav the man. HI remorse cost him hii own life. He lost his balance, and with a piercing cry fell to the foreshore be neath. When workmen rushed to the spot he was stlU alive but terribly In jured, and he died a few houra after wards without navins; regauea consciousness. Subsequent Investigation of the top floor showed that the fight though brief, had been a desperate one, for. like all corn porters, tne men were pos sessed of sreat pnyaicai strengrn. in thru nlacs on the floor were blood a tains, one of them within a foot of the loophole. OB DSOX oi imwiar. Th dc.k of a steam trawler was the aeen f the other deadly duel The vessel had left Grlmaby for the North sea fishing grounds. When the vesael waa off Spum point two of the crew, irriwani Tnsn tr ana James iaitid buu- rianlv enrared in a fierce auarrel. What It waa all about nobody knows, for few words were uttered ana were rouowea it blows Immediately, xowniey waa ha taller man. but Lamb, though much ahnrtar waa the sturdier. Rushing to olose quarters he gripped his bigger an tagonist around the waist, raised him off his fast and tried to hurl him over his head. ' Townley fell on the trawleys bul warks, but h clung to Lamb desper ately. Locked together the two men olsed for a moment on tne veaei s siae. 'hen a wave caused to lurch sud denly and th two men toppled over into the sea. They sank still gripping each other. Townley never came to the aur face again- Lamb reappeared after a few aeconda and began lo swim, though evidently much exhausted. The steamer was stopped and a boat lowered, but before It could reach him he, too, sank. Neither body waa recovered. MINING AND LAND INCORPORATIONS (Special Dispatch to Th Joarnsl.) j Salem, Or., Auf. 16. Four companies filed artioles Of Incorporation yesterday, all to have their main of floes In Port land, i A summary of theae follow: Tha Oregon Eldorado company, incor porator. W, B. Phelp. Daniel Calkin ana w. bj. tuer; main object, prospect ing for and mining- precious metal In the atato of Oregon: oapitaJ, $500,000. The Prudhomme-Janlta company, In corporator, Albert "janlta, B. H. Prud homm and Henry C Prudhommei mala object eonduotlng books tor a; capital. Th Caaadero Real 'Batata company, incorporators, Frdrto V. Hoiman, ueorg F. Hoiman and A, A. Ham peon capital. 110.000. The Roa City Park Improvement company. Incorporator, T. B. Wilcox, Waller P. Burrell and E. L. Thompson; main Object, dealing In and Improving reai eaiaia; casual, izoo.ouv. MONEY FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES IS EASY Mlnlnmm Tax Greatly Exceeded In Moat Caaea and Voluntary Con tributions Are Many. aeial ZMapateh to Th JoaraaL) Salam, Or., Aug. 16. Th greater part of th order for book for school Ubrarlaa for th different oountle ara now la tha handa of th library com- mlaalen. Th sum allotted for as In school llbrarla In moat casaa greatly xods th minimum tax of 10 cent par head or acnooi population, required ny th law. Linn county lead with an oraer ror i,.b. a tax or 20 cent Dr canlta of achool DODUlatlon was assessed In this county and much was also raised by voluntary contributions. Th Linn county order was very large laat yar and the large amount of money assigned to thla purpose thla rear'' Is considered an indication of at afadtlon as with quality of the bOoka Many unique ways of raising money for the library fund have been reported. For examole in certain dlatiicta In Cooa county the pupils did the Janitor work of the school and the money saved thereby waa devoted to the library fund. The amounta expended by the coun ties that have pot In their order up to the preaent time are aa roilowa: Marion, l,t8.75; Clataop, 1446.10: Benton. 280.11; Wheeler. $101.80; Clackamaa, 811.18; Union, $547.81; Waahlngton. 641.18; Baker. $626.18; Gilliam, 1146.17; ,lncol, $121.41; Wallowa, $267.66: Linn. 1,681.68; Lake, $82.11; Wasco, $677.08; matllla. 8644.70: Curry. $66.86: Polk 877.66; Cooa. $600.14. FIREWORKS EXPLODE LN MIDST OF CROWD Hnndred and Fifty People Gathered About North Beach Bonfire Two Women Badly Hurt. (Special Dispatch to The JoamaL) North Beach, Waah., Aug. 16. An un fortunate accident occurred at Long Beach laat night and two women whoa names could not be learned were quite seriously hurt An immense bonfire had been built on the beach and a large box nf fireworks had been brought down. Th intention wa to set theae off later n th evening. Tne box containing me rirawnrka was Bet too near the fire. Without warning akyrocketa and roman candle went whlaslng through the srowd. On woman waa hit by a sky rocket and badly burned and the other suffered severely from the explosion of roman candle directly nacx or ner ear. Over leo people were snout tne bonflr. bat fortunately but rew were hurt. PALOUSE TO HOLD HARVEST CARNIVAL (Special Dispatch to Tha joaraaL) Palousa, Wash., Aug. II. Arrange ment are being made for a four days harvest carnival to be held here In Sep tember. The business men of th town are enthusiastic over the matter and will contribute liberally. Makes the skin I like yon want it ) Does it in a moment. HAGAjTS Magnolia Balm A liouid oreoaration for the Face. Neck. Anna ana Hands. Cannot be detected. It ia neither sticky nor ereaay. If a harmless, clean and refreshing. Two colors, Pink and White. Use it morninsr. noon and nieht. Serine. Summer, Fall, Winter. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO., 44 Sooth Fifth St., BaooxxvM, 24. Y. on PRECIPICE III DEIISE FOG Miss Winona Bailey -Escapes 7 Wltlx Life as If ly v : ; v Miracle. FALLS SEVENTY-FIVE IET IOTO AN ABYSS Gets Lost, With Party of Mountain Climbers, on Mount Olympus While Retreating, Exhausted, and Almost at Camp. (Special Dispatch t th jMnat) Seattle, Aug 16. Miss -Winona Bai ler, a teacher la tha vrtt jwaooia. who went to th Olympics with tha Mountaineers' club, lies la camp In 3 wha baaln suffering from th affeotg Of a fall over a 71-foot preolplo of to and anow. while endeavoring to oamh Modnt Olympus. That Miss Bailey la not dead em little hort of a miracle. Th party of blch aba was a mmor naa spent swv- era! hours In the ascent of Olympus, whan they encountered a blinding snow storm. Battling against th anow, driven by a 10-mll wind, Mia Bailey and three other women became ex hausted and were sent back to camp In car of a party Of men. They bad to be half carried dowa th mountain. They had almost reached camp when a heavy miat wa encountered. Tbe little party became loat ior a lima, insmn vi coins down th irlacler which th larger party had ascended, they started toward a precipice of Ice and mow. Ml Bai ley atumoiea ana leu 10a iu m wwaiini was over the cliff. . When he waa picked up It was found that no bones were broken and ah had ustalned no serious Internal Injuries. A 'temporary hospital was improvised and she Is now there under th oar of Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, a member of th party. Aside from thla on aocident th trip waa th moat successful th club has ever undertaken. Every peak of Import ance In the Olympics was scaiea witn the exception of Olympus Itself. A score or more of the Mountaineers re mained behind for the express purpoa of acaling Olympu. Th rest have re turned to Seattle. BOX CAR JUMPS AT BLODGETT STATION (Special Mspatch to Th JearaaL) Albany, Or., Aug. 16. A small wreck occurred on the line of th Corvalll A Eastern running from Yaqulna to Al bany yeaterday noon. Traxno was ae lsyed for a hort period and th regular passanger train from that place did not reach Albany until about 4 o'clock. A box car Jumped th track and a wreck ing crew wa Immediately sent to th seen of th wreck at Blodgett There were no serious injuries to anyone. HAVB YOU MONBV TO INVEST? READ THIS ! Th Alder streets, West Light!' ;.5'capWVnuout IIMJoT and ad-dlUonalaulerlbd atock of bllltle lea than on third tha ata Doing a a,ln"" f. T' 000 a year. Unsubaoribed capital stock la for sale la "0U"tfJ'. : Up 10 per ont interest or dividend guarantd--lo JraA dlaoount aJ- ( lowed atockholdara oa all good purohaaed by theto ia th ator. jln connection with th department store la Bo tapering and wooiana; alao a grocery store . You can av enough on your rooary bill to eloth yourlf. Th company own th fir-story brick, its ladle a" gar- meat factory, man' clothing and grocery depart aaanta ar located In. Vary good aaaet isn't it? ahibaerlpUona aaa b mad for weekly or ; monthly saving payment. Call, drop aa a card, r Ml In thf following subaorlptlon for th amnt you desfr and bow you wiah to pay tha jV am and mall it to ua sad w will call and oomplsto your oonnactlon with th eompany. , tf ..-v-'? J. M. AabMon Cowpanyg hi ator and r piaav ran M la ooaeeded to b th best aquippM aaa prwuw u nm s, svm riMap.i r:v,z?z,y a 1 aaatsaaWaW AT 3 Dl 1 Uaaatmn I UU IMU BV W Pa fawiv- aa -a J, tba aadeivlgned, ha ah smawatka fo. Of tha Oaplhal ghook of Th jr. said Oaplhal stack la th par vain of On partoe aa foOvwai lit fete Off One rha iaooTsevahed OavMal Bhooh of Tha 9. . ASiaa Itfty Vkaaaaad (laOyOOO) shaa. no a aaaisaaai load -- M4ltlMvHl a aaa , a aw ) Mttatovomai . a R. PBAK38 A. J. FARMER J. U. ACHE80N ' . M. SL THOMPSON jr. T. A PICTURE OF SATISFACTION I th man whose hardware buying is accomplished her. Th variety, quality and price that prevail affords greatest returns for least expenditure and we lnvlt your Inspection to prove it AVERY . CO 40 Third St., Bet. Hne & Ash WE CURE fc MEN FOR o ZgTABXXBnS Sf n POkTTATh. Consultation Free WX WILL UU AWT gxxaxji irooiirtiDATJe AlV FOB SPECIALIST. ABSOLUTE CUAHANTES NO PAY UNLESS CUOllD Jt UM.LOXC CURE FOR .. toon Foaov. cxrjr T""- sokxs, ttloeu. sruo. nrmn. YAVOOCXXX KYDaOOXLB, XmT0TTS OZCXXJTZ, wuma OOaOUSOIA. CKaOXTO DTITitTS Of TXS kXDVXTB AJT9 rBOSTATB, AJTS AU BSOXAL PlTttlTg. sf setose la eer trestavsat mU. aV.. mrm Mhvwtsg tmt th ptaaa t Mtosae la er traataMi .k. .lrfU WV rillr lavlte all dm attUeta with ehiwile na MllataUltv as4 flaandal Standing IB aasesriBnea an neas tau-iaa, .ua, 0 ijajuity aaa aB4 will find that we at an we rials, to ha, C nN-Ut.I?U-d th. ola-t spedsllata hi tbe alty. aa this lastttsttea LjL-lilTad has aa aaraproaeaabke r-patatloa. It win not eeat yea aaythlag to ameh tine aad a isiy. baeauao 17 we toU re as, and roa win sot be aadai ah at oar efnea, aad by ae 4om K May aav re aamat aim roa w will Booaathr aad fraakly foutor any fiaaaclal ebngauoa to as. I ITe want every man la tbe country who Is afflicted to mite os about bis aihseiL ITE CURE YOU AT E0UE. BLOOD POISOB Thar the health raaorta, aprtnsa, tlase ia roar nrs auais, ir jt-j wi au gIT Bp au DO pa aaa si uuaa rai auaaiitax i"A .-TTia.-r-V MtiiM 4 esl of tooeey trylag to he reMaved ad yet hav rlna aa raiolt We wfll eor. yaa f dreaded maUdy aad by ear jnjtboos we aoot a-7 aaVao tUt UcMiTaay (ad affMt or dee troy roar eonstituttoo, Cal aad ae aa before Itla too lata. . - ITOTOWJ DXBXUTY-I- ef eae-gy. wffl power. ft??m'fi. lose of nwsMrr. which weakeaa rear entire eratoa. toeatol aa well aa yDJtctl. aaia uTLall rtSufr at tha asrvoaa aad phyatosl eawlltla is atvaagthaaed a that U . iSorThaV r7 will haee erll-.l . t re m! he yoararif a.s. awinrsiTiiu-Jatt aeata or chroaie. or varied toroaa, eared to stay eared to Ufa, Oar toethnds are oaexaalled aaa cienaii. wssTruvrsi. u a siaaased eoodttVai of the eeroUl vh. It may be blowa. klcaa, tan, heavy llfttag. araasps, arly ladlseretloa or may he a by sraiptoia aly .inns th aaa i ... mm. anaallal auk The proper treatnvent eonaM ef loJ arle. lar the f fPf flaunt blood sad eantrsetlBg fse saB yalos, as, well a fatoraal BMdisa atreagthea the asrvea which govern the blooa sappiy uaa "ma. Thooch eaaalns yoa so troable at the preeeat time, yoar Yarlcoeale will, tt perauttod to iTwlthStUe per tnataat, larpair aad destroy th ele-enta vlUUty. HOTTRg I a. m. to p. nvs Bhraainga, t to 8:10 Simdays, I a. m. to II aoon. '' St. Louis u&a Dispensary CO nrxnrs An x. ZA BTUXTS. VOBTlVUtD. OBXtrOX. Thi OREGON DAILY JOURNAL MWIPAFIR WOK ALL TH PIOPLC Tra Cjiitcs. for evening, 8 o clock, Burkhara V m V Y. bhlldinkT. E. A. degree. Vial tors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, SCO, PSYCHOMETRIBTI CIRCLE TONIOHT. Written questions answered. 801 Alls- Ity bldg. Readings dally. LOST AND FOUND LOST ONE OOLD LOCKET. EMBLEM in Piedmont nice lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery. See owner, 1167 Union ave. N., or phone Main 814. . FOR SALE FAIIMS. 80-ACRB FARM. GOOD SOIL. WATER, fruit, and buildings: water and Dhone in house; 16 miles east of city limits, 3 to R. R. and steamboat. Will take reaidanea near carlln. balance W. O. W. : initials on back. B. u. S. I . ttK.- i r. m v. in li.. : i w7 itijiia. nun nao fui xiiiuo. "'"A"".'0::,.'.l l Kert, K. , Troutaaie. or. HELP WANTED MALE. TIMBER. BOYS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY . factory, raomo i-oasi rtiacuii -o, 12th and uavis. I HAVE 120 ACRES OF TIMBER AT Estacada. I will sen ror i per tnou- sand. See Dement ft King, 242 Madison WE ftAV" SECURE YOU FIRST AP- pncatton on vaiuam k. jk. umoer land. Fee 125. Call 407 Buchanan bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN - to collect and solicit city work. Salary to start $18 per week, with extra com missions, Bond and reference required. Apply at once. 411 ADington bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FINE FRESH COWS FOR SALE AT 248 Front st, city. .' .ifeijV TiroaT .it md vtssr l ivn giuut-iiitoviiiuuan uuvo. TV A 1 ' -r? 1 jf, I - m.,., ar line. vk ni iinr w aiuuauii i .1 . . . . . A MOIBIIHO NUlNlt run BAliH tailors, mm snu. . Cheap. It can be seen at work E 2nd WANTBl A uinn i aiv.- st. and Morrison r I I -L.U v ie,jnJllth XJrienc TICKEtS TO NEW YORK, VIA CHl- piTJtWIUi v '""i "I" . WANTED A OObD HANDY MAN FOR A-461. Journal ', .:'! rtr ai-mini hntl. Annlv at Union - . n j oago, two, male and female, cheap. v! TtTK 1 ?h bM9L APP!7 Unln FOR SALE TENT 14x16. 10 OZ. DUCK; hotel. 81 N. 6th at ' , I KonA .w AddIv at 1146 E. 17th y AXN L HjU rjA.rzi.ri t. pava St., n, saieamsn. rtooens proa. MENjjfO QUAtlFt 'bOA tl. fl. RAtL- - MENTIS C mail clerks; also letter,! carriers PERSONAL postal clerks 'for Portland potof-1 TICKETS TQ NEW YORK, VIA CHI i. Call todav. Manager Pacific I cago.' Two. mala and female, cheap. gttea schools, 111 McKay bldg. HELP WANTED -FEMALB v Chief ' fitatlatician Pldrln ; of ; th FOR I Massachusetts Bureau of Labor, made a aa. - " : ii. wTim ttnirflRK'iiRPnR . U-l.ii --1 1 a ai.l.a. m.t Ka naotlnfitlHit a ISiillatlff. ,wint1v thAvlnv that '' and competent to tak full charga Tele-j the Increase in tha coat of living for Fairview Fruit Farms SALE ON AUGUST 24 Opportunity Knocks at Yocr Door Today No development work is necessary the rich soil of FAIRVIEW FRUIT FARMS awaits your crops all improvements already made deep rich sail and an abundance of water. YOUR FIRST CROPS WILL PAY FOR THE LAND. Located at the gateway to Portland, whose markets will take all your products at good prices. No tracts sold till Day of Sale on the ground Should more than one party desire the Same tract, they may bid for choice. TRACTS N0S. 1. 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, $250 PER ACRE TRACTS N0S. 4, 5,6, 11. 12, 13, $300 PER ACRE TRACTS N0S. 9 aad 10 $350 PER ACRE TRACTS NOS. 7 and 8.. $400 PER ACRE - Five (5) per cent reduction for cash. THIS CHOICE ACREAGE TO BE SOLD IN TRACTS TO SUIT BUYERS ONE, TWO, FIVE OR TEN ACRES JUST, AS YOU WANT IT ON EASY TERMS. ' LET US KNOW TODAY i you will attend sale. Telephone Main 4526 OR CALL. f 1 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN will leave First and Alder streets on SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, AT 1:45 P. M. for Fairview. Fare, 40 cents for round trip. Tickets' for the excursion can be i purchased of and information, prices, etc., concerning FAIRVIEW FRUIT FARMS obtained from . , W. P. KEADY or; W. E. BURKE ROOM IS, MALLORY BUILDING, 268 STARK ST, TELEPHONE MAIN 4526. t . ; , No Cheaper Treatment on the Coast MY FEB IS ONLY $10 In Any Uncomplicated Ailment No Better Treatment . in the World Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength Do you feel that you are not th man you once were? Do you feel tired In the morning and easily ex hausted T I your hack weak? I your memory falling? Do you hav difficulty In fixing your thoughts? Are you losing : ambition? If you have any or all of th above symp toms, you surely do not desire to remain in ' your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of rebuilding tha vigor Of men, and refer you to the thousands I have cured. The Only Diseases I Treat Spermatorrhoea, lat Tlror, Tari eooels. Unptnre, Ml, Hydrocele, Orgaaia Weakaa, Contagious Blood Dlasaaas, Acute aad Chronlo Ure thral aad Pro static inflammation. BE TAYIiOa, Th XraAdlag Bpoialurt. I Never Guess Experiment or tak chance of any ort I attempt to cur only those diseases that I hav been curing for the past 15 years, and feel sura I am Justified In saying that I hav learned all about them. Wer I lacking In knowl edge pertaining to my specialty j would never hav attained my present success, nor would I to-i day be recognised as th leading peclallat treating men's dlaeaaea. If afflicted, you can" depend upon It that the service I offer you la the srvlc you need, and ta service such as can bo rendered . by ne other physician. , 1 Pay Me When You Are Cured This U My Fair Offer to Every Patient , FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION ; - X lnvlt ovary weak or diseased man to ealj for frea advioo, and ir aaairea A win make a free oxamlnatioa and dlagnoats, but-tha Vlalt will not obligate him In any way to become my patient., oinc nourav m. to p. m.; sunaaya 1(18 a. 1 0 to 1 onlv. ataiit. ii.ri. mi. nf tha p Itv a.ni1 esmlnf to rortlana Tor treat ment will be furnlahed with fine room .free of charge. Check your trunks-direct tov.134 H Morrison a trot. . , . .,- ,fe iyK,;w ;i;CV VARICOCELE An average of on man in fiv ha varicocele. Most man that hav thla dragging, draining weakness ar not , aware of it until ft has wrecked their live. Varicocele cauae oongastioa of the blood In aom of th moat vital blood vossela of man. t It aue a dull, heavy, llatles feeling which 1 often, mistaken for nervou d blllty or gnri dcUn of power. , .r My cure of thi1 disorder ar par i, man en t aad lasting, v Mo toaloa that i atlmulat temporarily, but thorough : ly clntlflo treatment for th re moval of condition respoaaibl for ; th functional derangement "Weak neaa" 1 mrly a symptom, of in flammation or oongeatloa in th . prostate gland, and under my own ' original local treatment this gland is promptly restored to Its nomnii, ataf and complete f naotloaal aU. w ia th. lasting mult ; , :The Dr. Taylor Co. -i ' taH 'kowtisojr gxsrsi , i Cora ataooad,- '.' " " 0TXA!?3. CI'1 . ohone any aay f.M, Vouraal. ohone any day after 1, : . I- e-..'-V . v;