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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
13 THE t OREGON DAILY ioURNAX; , PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. r(JGUST ' .lb, 1C07. ', v; NEWS SPORTING SiFMinO : IIS SI'IIFESI Teams Hit Equally ; Well, . But ' Bearers Errors ; Are More Costly. CALIFF IS KNOCKED , . OFF MOUNTAIN AGAIN "I JUron Shrimp Schlmpff Takes Ills place and Does Well, Bat I Poor ly Supported Mott Hitt Well sad v. Throws Wild "Sate of the Game. i San Francisco t, Portland 67 It ni an old-fashioned swatfest. In I " which ths Beavers did not coma out . second best by anr means, but In which, I somehow, the other fellows succeeded In I landing a large majority of runs. It was the same old story -errors at bad time. ' Mott to the glad surprise of htm- self and the fans, got his eye on tha ball and lined but a' couple of safeties. But I 'When Mott hits well he tnrowe wuai a t laakt that coincidence was repeated yesterday. Twice he sent the leather I low at critical times and eacn time it 'meant at least one more run for the visitors. Mott'a hits did less food than Ms errors did harm, for neither of the Iilta counted 1 the run-making. singling neflM Xsrly. The came started with Jones and Ce. Jiff on the rlng line and both teams be gan their slugging early. Spencer, first up, put, a three-bugger past Burdette, but two lucky plays by Fay and a high fly by Wheeler retired the side. Bassey. hit against the right-field fence for three bass In the second naif and scored on a footle by Wheeler. Hits by Esola and Strelb and Mott'a wild throw of Henley's grounder tied the score. Then Callff went Into the air and walked two in succession, forc- ing another one over. , B In "the third Callff soaked Irwin and after Williams and Esola were put out Btrelb singled and Henley doubled and both Strelb and Irwin registered at the Jiome station. That . made the score 4 to 1. and Callff was very properly put out of the game. . ,. .', ' Atherto Makes Tlmsly Kit. 1 Casey, Burdette and Bassey all beat out. short shots, filling the bases with out an out. Donahue, hit a short one : and Casey was retired at the plate. Then 1 , i j , :' . ... p f t ; .':i,-rv - v W nMWs sWiiaewwWX gaWiMftaWiij.4-wiL-nfc'aJJ ' . v v. y.. ' 1 - ''.r"Sk3sfc ' .': tenslrely In the deserts of the Rocky mountain regions, ne says, as a means of commerce and travel. There Is. no place probably In the world." . aald he this mornlna. "where the automobile haa reached such a high state of practical service to man as In the desert regions of the southwestern part of thfa country. Railroads are few and far between, and the distances between the mountain hamlets are great The roads, nevertheless, for autos are excellent, and la fact In many parts of ine country it is ail road, and the cnug- onug cars can go in I stilt Inill ew s ke,a A "In fact, the automobile," probably! OrbTS Breakdown TAli. more than anything else is opening upl PUU n U -JJIJ- tnose oeaert counlrlea. Before the time or the auto these great desert distances could only be negotiated with much hardahtp and eoraetimes even at the risK or lire. Many of -them were too long for horse, and the Iron horse don't SPORT GOSSIP OF UIE ElieUIIID M.irou anyVAction' wuS"May Sutton on "Way Home - or hasard. I . . . . . r Dy 7s JireaKdown Lip ton Challenges Again; 5 . By Richard Dahlgren. (8peclai Cable to Hearst News Service.) ilea a dav is made h v I r" " i"""- snips as one young woman shouia be permitted to carry on board ahlp, Mlas May Sutton Is now en route to her home in America. Miss Sutton won the wom an's championship at Wimbledon, the mixed double at Wimbledon, the Kent ana weisn championships and a number of other mixed and single championships ox minor importance, in ract, ir there was anything the young California ten nla expert did not take it waa simply because she didn't want it That she Is the finest woman tennis player who ever raced the nets in JCnt-land la the unani mous opinion of experts. She Is like that other California product, Jim Jef- ines, in a class Dy herself. I ew vaisu eo Willi CUI llfir Ul r.s.s WnllLll I rewBASi'ai ThUm -vS. fv and Hawthorn. 7 ? "TA ..w"""r Vr' "n I More courts will be constructed as the club grower and a more beautiful put In an appearance until the way la opened sufdclently for at least the I promise or a paying business. But as mucn aa us miles a dav la it autos, . which would have "been pretty ww tram umm many yeara ago. NEW TENNIS CLUB 18 FORMED ON EAST SIDE Twenty-eight ) young people of the least side, who for various reasons pre fer to spend their vacations in Port land, rather than -elsewhere, have or ganised a tennla club for the purpose of wiiuinsr away me long summer evenings. Mrs. R. L. Hawthorne hna (mwii kind enough to give the club the use of Hawinornc rarlc, and a splendid hard surface court baa been constructed in the Odds and Ends in Suits, Former. Price $15.00 Now $10.00 If you ' have . rievtr ' -visited our store we ; ;v ask you to give, us.. ' "' ;'call.'.-:- It may - mean' HbdoATT Hats, Suits, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery,' Neck Tti 208 MORRISON ST BET. FRONT AND FIRST received with much regret by the entire horse-racing world. It la honed -that plaoe epulS hardly be" fSund for the pur- be,orV?hVnd of th.' In f? suit of this delightful nort than nn. I S.10!? I"? f th aeason. In fact. der the great treea In the park, familiar . 55. T?mt 5!S5 u,mSSR a??t V,? to all east slders. The entlra nark haa wn, but th Opinion Is that It will recentlbeen closed to" the pubTl? iSd ?t$ffifr the club considers Itself verv fortunate i. a.m assured of one thing, that Mr. kroner win not permit blm to be sent to the post until he Is thorourhlv fit. The British turf Is beginning to wake up to the fact that the former Tammany jo ua,Te sec urea ucn beautiful grounds. It 4s expected that more members will be added from year to year, and that eventually a large club will result The Infant organisation has been named the nawtnorne Tennis club, since the mem- oars are an irom Hawthorne addition. ine president is Miss Gertrude Hlckok. who haa Jon almost aU tha org anliln wuri. t xier lerm or t howTr to alz weeks. S6 Joii Tyler, Who Will Now, Try for .Tennla Championship of Pacific 'v CoMt SUte-1 JOE TYLER STRIPS PAYNE OF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP At Oresent the numhae a fnmur, la umuea to is, out as there are some 60 boss has some other pretty good horses which avre uaeiy to win Dig races. The klns'a colors are aaraln ahnwtna-l in irani at tna races, ana it reaiiv looks as though the luck had turned for his majesty. For several years the king aa noi won out, out mis season ne has a iixeiy looKing string or younsrstera. Xa sooth of the month of the CohnnbU rirer ea and is readied . . . Pacific ocean , WA A. & C . It i?..thwwU,n'wllBt y,rT probable some of which already have won some that the Creased. number will soon be In A (Special Dispatch to ,Tba Journal.) Vancouver, Wash.,, Aug. U.Woe Tr ior, the 19-year-old racket wonder, of Atherton came ud with his first timely I Seattle. Is now tennis champion of Ore- kit In ages, and.agea , It waa a right KotL 0r , pacific northwest and of the field fly for two bases and scored both bassey and Burdette. Fay was walked and both Oswald and Mott went out on dinky fouls, the aide being retired with out' a tie. ' v '' n- -, t Baron Shrimp twirled in better form than did the has-been, Callff, and there was nothing doing until the sixth. Then lie walked Jones and -the bases were filled by scratch hits by Spencer and Wheeler. Hildebrand ., hit one past : Caaev and Spencer tallied. Wheeler and Hildebrand then pulled off a double Oteal and the figures were 7 to S. In the seventh, with two out, Dona hue and Bassey rang the bell again on . a double steal. Both - sides soored In the ninth, San Franclsoo on Btreib's double and Mott's wild heave, -and Portland on Donahue's single, epeneer s error and Atherton s long fly. The official score: BAN FKANCISCa ARR.H.PO. A.B. fipeneer, ef. ......... 8 1 2 0, l "Wheeler, ss. ........ 5 1 S t 8 1 Hildebrand. If. S 0 1 t 0 0 Irwin. b. .......... S 10.2 I I Williams, lb. 5 0 7 0 Ksola, c. l...f , 6 118 9 0 Ptreib, 2b -,. 6 I S I Henley, rf. , S 0 2 1 0 , 0 Jones, p. 4 1 0 0 0 0 Totals .40 ( 11 27 I 2 : PORTliAND. . AB.R.H.PO. A.E. Casey, fb. . 4 0 2 ISO Burdette, ct 6 Bassey, If. ,.,.. 5 Ponahue, c , S Atherton, rf. 4 Fay, ss, . . . ..... 4 Oswald, ; lb. ,...... 4 Mott, 3h. ............ 4 Callff, p. r-..- 1 fichimpff, p. S Northweat International association. Yesterday he added the third title te bis n&mo by defeating Frank Payne, of xacorna, in tnree sets out oi tour. Last year Payne won both the north west , and international championships, Tyler being his strongest oponent. xyiur Is bigger, stronger,, faster and more learned in the game this year and suc ceeded in carrying everything . before him. After his victory he announced that be would try for the Pacific states championship, which will be contested for the first week in September, at Del Monte, California. Three of the five sets played between Tyler and Payne In the final of the in ternational tournament , yesterday went to deuce and ode of them required 22 1 'The score was 11-10, MOUNTED BROADSWORD CONTEST IN PROSPECT A novelty In sports In Portland is soon to do put on, in the shape of a mounted broadswords contest, the prin ciples to be Cart Nelaon, a member of vne .national uuara, and Major R. F. Reld, of Philadelphia. Articles of agree- inoui nave una signed Dy ine pair, DUl the place and date have not yet been fixed. The affair is to be under the auspices of company F, and it is -reported that over f 1,000 has already been wagered on Nelson by his friends. representing tna National Ouard or- P Lines to decide, a c a Both men played great tennis, Tyler being very brilliant and Payne as steady as a rock. In the third set with the score S-4 and 40-love aa-alnst him. Payne made a wonderful rally and won ganisatlon at he meeting of arrange- Jhree straight games and the set. But ments were Captain W. B. Odale, Lieu- Tylor proved too strong for him In tenant I B. Grouch and Corporal C. T the next set and captured the champion,- Alden, the latter having been selected "ny" - ' i .v . as manager of the contest Alex. Smith. yesterday's poors In the open tourna- manager of Reld, and F. B Shank, anJ ments follow; Wen's singles B. P. earing In the same cananitv fnr N.i.nn ) . . - 1 1 IT . . . , ' races, and unless all signs fall will win many more, it is naraiy llKely that his majesty will be amons- tha leadlna- win. I ners at the end of the season, but he win not te at the tall end, as bo has uecn oi late." Of course everybody who la an-rbndvl has been at Cowes.thls week. Next to the Derby this Is the great sporting function for society. With the king and pracucauiy aji ini rovai ramilv hn I could possibly go on land, all social England and all America now In Eng land went to Cowes. The racing; while sjuuo, au no special leaiure. I learn that the clans for Rhammov IV are practically complete, and Sir Thomas Upton's challenge for another American cup race Is all but written. He will not send it, however, until the last moment permitted by the rules, as I he sees no particular reason to give hfs friends, the enemy, any more tima fnr I preparation man is absolutely, neces- oary. SchwehtfoTS beat W. A. Burnev. br de. fault. D. Bellinger beat E. L. Klwood, -1, 8-4. Andrews beat J. Balllnger by default. 3. B. Farquhar beat W. E. Burns, 413, 4-8. Veterans' Blncrles H. Ivckwood beat Major Williams by default D. O. Mao Donald beat H. R. Rhodes, 4-0. Ladles' singles Miss Ryan beat Miss tioDson. 0-u, -. Mixed doublea-r-B., P. Schwengers and subscribed their names to the artioles as witnesses. The men are to battle for ow per cent or ine gross receipts and are to furnish their own mnunii Major Reld claims to be the champion I 'ng. viuwiwviuimu or ine unitea states and -Canada, and is many years the senior of his opponent He has appeared In every city of any sise in North America during the past two decades and has defeated all comers. Nelson Itch! Itchl Itohl Sorateh! RnratMit I Scratch! The more you scratch tha worse toe itcn. xry juoan a Ointment it cures pues, ecsema, anv skin Itch aii nruggists sen it. . Only few hours ride, paralleling the Columbia rlrcr. Two tiiroaxt. trama daily, leaving Portland 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. SPECIAL TRAIN SATURDAYS, 3:10 P. H Thla ia the -most attrmettre beach 'resort north of Californias thousands go there to spend their summer outing; H has many at tractive features to please the visitor. - ; FM SUBF MTfflli Modern hotels, good fishing and boat riding, dancing parflioea. skating rinks, bowling alleys, and many other attractive amusements. You should not miss this splendid opportunity to spend your vaca tion at Clatsop Beach. " , t Round Trip Season Tickets . . .$4.00 Special Saturday to Monday Round Trip $2.50 CITY TICKET OFFICE, THIRD .AND MORRISO& STREETS. R. H. JENKINS, General Passenger Agent -,.- ,"y "u i " u.iwira an comers. Meison Miss Jay beat Major Williams and Miss lays claim to being the champion of the Jenkenson, 6-3, 7-5, 1 S 1 0 e o o o o muff and Fay recovered the ball and threw in time to catch the Seal between the third sack and the plate. Strelb, the new Sea from the Califor nia state league, Is proving himself one or the rastest mrieiaers on tne coast. Several times already this week he hss gathered in grounders that looked mighty safe when they left the, bat Oswald. Portland's new first baseman, did not do so well yesterday. While his performance in the field would about average up with that of Atherton Pokorny, he looks like an even hitter than he was at bi Ing retired on poorer sterday bat four times, each time be- Totals . . .......... . 6 11 27 1 t , " SCORE. BY INNINGS. ' Ban Francisco .v.O 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 a Hlts . ...,,...1 t 2 0 0 S 1 1 111 Portland ...1 0200010 1 S Hits . ........ ;i 1 4 1 0 0 2 1 111 SUMMARY. Struck out By Schlmpff. B: bv Jones. 1. Bases on bails Oft Callff, t; oft fichimpff, 2; off Jones, 8. Two-base hits I Atherton, Burdette, Henley. Wheeler, Mott Strelb. Three-base hits Spencer, i jriaunrT. eioien Dases L'onanue, Bas sey, Henley, Hildebrand, Wheeler. Hit by pitched balls Irwin, Jones. First . base on errors Portland. 1 ; San Fran cisco, J. lxrt on bases Portland, 10; Pan Francisco, 11. Innings pitched j jy vaim, , oy Bcmmpn, e. Base hits Off Callff, 6; off Schimpff, (. Time of game two nours. umpire Perrlne. NOTES Or THE GAME babv fir. He doesn't swing on the ball with enough vim to hurt It, even If he should happen to hit It square In the jeye. , Groom and Willis are scheduled to twirl the ladies' day game. Jack Huston, scout extraordinary for the St. Louis Nationals, left for the east last - nlirht. His next stoDDtna? place win be witnin tne western league circuit, where he will try and find tal ent to tne satisfaction or the Kobisons. The only man Huston thought anything of was Jack Bliss of the Oaklands, but he didn't pav any $2,500 for him. Speak ing of Bliss,' Huston said that he had the making of a. good man and he was of the opinion that BllSs was as good as Chance was when he first went into the big brush. -San Francisco Chronicle. . .... Rube Waddell. the famous pitcher. Is all but down and out. Waddell always was unmanageable and Intemperate. If ne nadn t been tne ixis Angeles team of the Coast -league would never have had him as an attraction, aa It did for some months four or five years ago. A dispatch from Philadelphia says that Waddell has just been on another long debauch and throws away a game ev ery time he pitches. The dispatch says that the home fans are thoroughly dis gusted and would rather see their club finish the season second without Wad dell than first with him. LITTLE SPAEKS FE0M M0T0ED0M world, as he ha never been worstad. Hotn men nave gone Into training for the strenuous meet and a sensational contest is expected. Despite the abund ance or jeison money Major Reld is re ceiving heavy backing, but it is yet too early too determine what the legitimate UUUI W1U DC The Automobile Club of California, a San Francisco organisation, has retained an attorney to go through the state and fight against, the enforcement of local motoring ordinances which conflict with state regulation. 1 ; G f i . " A road much used by motorists In driving, from Philadelphia to the sea- Good Hones at Auction. (Journal Special Jerries.) Saratoga, N. Y Aug.' 1. Many cele brated racing horses are on the list to be sold at an auction which opens here today. The horses are 21 In number ana mug up tne string or C. E. EnirnelL the chief figure In the greatest plung ing stable of the turf. Durnell for some i lino bu oeen a partner or John W. uates. Bince. Mr, Gates went aoroaa tnings nave not gone well with coast resort, of southern New Jersey Is S.iHT to do improved at its worst stretch by fi.hv , the expenditure of 276.000 bv New A." 5 DI?mI""c ' ?m of. horses Jersey county authorities. Motorists or tnester county, Fenn sylvanla, will organise, with a view to will 'contribute annually toward tht establishing local magistrates amicable and relations wltk constables, and they! Jn"ip: tt WINNEES TO iPLAY tuner nAN rwian tn hat lust 11 - Six lilts for Burdette in three games new fielder ' times, so his average is .600, " Fay. saved himself from error twice i,ln,2aJ.vnt!:7r"4i,n,I?sor: " put out a runner. Hildebrand hit him New Torki A,ug- 1 Interest of lov- fly, which he dropped. It would have erB of tennl J now 'centered In the counted aaralnst the shortstop, but SDen! sectional matches which began today on cer who was on third, tried to run home ! tne courts or the crescent Athletic ciud, and Fay grabbed the sphere and shot it I at Bay R'dge. Teams representing the to Donahue in time to nab the runner ! east, west and south are contesting for In the other case Fay dropped Irwin's I the honor of playing for' the national grounder and the runner was safe hut I doubles championship.' It la the first Hildebrand -tied to e-o home nn in. time that a southern team has competed wun represenutuvBs , im i mat ana Mexican Mustang Liniment . Goes anloklyte the vary sore ef the dlaaaaa and atopa the meat deep-set, xamolaUng palaa Irnaat Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment t Cares every ailment f Baa ar Deast that a pood, honest Liniment aaa Rone better, as so coei, west for the sectional doubles champion shin The southern team ta made'' -up of Bryan Grant and Nat Thornton, who won the doubles championship of the south at the Atlanta tournament last month. Alexander and Hackett are the western representatives and Little, and Wright make up the eastern team. The pair winning the sectional tournament will have the honor of competing for tne national championship at Newport next week with Holcombe Ward and Reals C. Wright, the present holders or ine title. . ... 'v. ;.. . . Team for Palmar Trophj ; (Jooraal Special iirvlee.) Port Clinton. Ohio, Aug. 1. Prelimi nary competition for places ' on the American team, which, is to go to Ot tawa. Canada, Tiext month V compete for the Palma International trophy, be gan today on the military rifle range, at Camp Perry. . From, the aggregate of UJw ' naae " this preliminary competition the team will be selected--Sita .nh?KbBll cI the highest aggre K! ;hr?e by the executive com- ifih NfUonal Rifle association tLt -mc&. m,kln . la alL-.ot whom l?JZt w'"1"- Ot is. the eight men to shoot ... ,n, selected by the eantit- ZZ- JI! nary practice an tba Canadian rajse to be disposed of led to marked Interest in me occasion ana a number of well Known horsemen were present at the opening; oi tne sate. COOS COUNTY LEAGUE. Sunday's results In the Coos County At MArsh field Coonilla 4. Mr-ifi field 0. Batteries Collier and Pevalta. TV 1011 v SMIU ViUWWl, v At North Bend Bandon 4, North Bend 0. Batteries Hahn and Rhosa, Foote tuia j-iyons. Standing of clubs: Coqullle 00. Marsh field 600, Uorth Bend 400, Bandon NCtRTHWEST LEAGUE. At Taooma Taooma 11, Vancouver C. Another Regatta, Chairman. - fSpeelal Dlapatch to ne Jonrs.l t Astoria, Or., Aug. 16. uanantlne Of ficer Dr. Holt has accented the chair. manshlp of the committee In charge of tne nignt marine paraae, ine second day of the regatta. He will have full au thority to direct its details and appoint nis own aaauuuiis, unaer xjt. Holt s di rection this feature of the regatta iiuuiu c.i uuuir um mi ouiera. "i. 1 Sullivan vs. Flynn. Denver, CoL. Aug. Iff. The Denver Athletic ciun nas arranged a good card for its boxing show tonight, the wind- up to be turnisnea by jacK (Twin) Sul M van ana Jim f lynn, oi fueoio. lynn TO BE EASTERN STARS &&J$IJ nara tussie. , ine articles can tor a 10- rouna tout. maintenance . of highways which use. Aa the rules governing the Herkomer trophy require that event to be run in Oreat Britain for the next three veara. German - motorists already are arrang ing-for a somewhat similar contest to take lta place In their country, It Is now believed that one of the three men who were thrown from a Car in Paris along with a young woman and about whom the police have thrown a vll Af mv.t.1. la a nflnna A .n . of the German ruling houses. "Hurrv ud Lally." New York denutv lire cmei, maoe a aownrignt vanoer- biit cup race dash while speeding In his runabout to the recent Coney Island fire, making a little more than 10 miles In a shade less than IS minutes. As a result of the introduction of American metnoas, ijonaoners are begin ning to hustle. .Motor conductors, 11 is I gravely saia. - cannot arrord to tarry and many of the younger business men are learning to jump on motor buses at full speed." It has now developed that when the auiomooue or tne? uerman empress' re cently broke down and she was forced to seek refuge in a-tavern, her royal highness was chaffed unmercifully by loungers, who little dreamed of her lden- iy. . "HEINE" AND "GAVY" (Journal Special Berrlce.) San Francisco, Aug. 10. There is a well-connrmed rumor that Jack Huston has bagged two more PacMo Coast leaguers. Heine Heltmuller and Cravath ar,?th? two wbose names are . linked with the eastern .scout who has been watching with a critical eye the dia mond performances o the najMra fit the leather-covered sphere. Both of these outfielders are chunkv iniiiMn.i. who tin the beam In a . kv,,i.hi class. As Huston has more than once declared. "The free awlna-ine- are the ones that the big league man agers want," the tact that Heine and ooin mam .tne oaii on the pro boscis with terrific force and a sweep In motion that carries their antira weight behind the swine: mailt a fivnr. able Impression on Huston. , AUTO MAKES OPENING OF DESERT POSSIBLE ' . (Special - Diapatcb to . The Journal.) ' '- Tacoma, Wash.. Aug. 1 Judae Wil liam- H. Snell, of the superior court here, nas juai returned xrom an auto mobillng tour of Nevada and California In which be covered hundreds of miles of. desert country. crossing the Sierra Nevada chain and other ranges of mountains.. . ; . ; , ; , T During his travels Judge Snell was surprised to meet, numbers of automo laUea, which are belog usadi yerj; ex- Potter Schiedule for Beach. JThe steamer Potter will sail from Portland, Ash-atreet dock. Saturday, l p. m.. Get tickets and make reserva tions at city , ticket orrioe. Third and wasnington- streets., u, w. Btlnger, city ticket agent. Carbon lo acid gas and soda . water appliances, Bllderback & Crane Co 62 First street . v. ; "Tusv eotrv euca ao outcs." m . HsvsantOCOBZr eyelet battoDbelea' II Xaay to bntUML .... Btroag to hoM. : D j I ' aiO. r. IBS CO. Wsaars TBOT,H.V. I ?PT F TT TT "n -Ti r jl our nr nL II ; 'lull I i I 1 1 " It i ini it 1 in II ' i iit - ' I j 1 II . i I J: llll 1 ! ',, II . H .11 ft I I niil I in I . , IIIM B ... JSVJT X : II Mil II I l I ii m i ll M.i iif in i urn i lBl ".nia I 111 I 'I IHCeillllli ii iitvm izseiaait. Aa-ifHy . II . 17. U .1 M IP M , , A I II lJ WaWaWaWVtl ! f 99 Drink Bccr jn the right quantities and 'twill be .much better for you. ' But see to it that the Beer you drink for Good Health is GamMnns The Beer that is brewed by the Best Brewery on the Pacific coast The Beer that is al ways properly aged and never causes bilious ness. ; - m Learn to 'order the Beer that you know is the purest made. ' Bottled in amber-colored bbf- -ties and will keep longer than any other. If you wait till Saturday to phone in your order we can't : promise to deliver it till Mon day. Phone this afternoon : and tell us what your wants are for the week' end. Phone MAIN 49 A 1149 mm Brewing jCo. PORTLAND- 1 ft i J