r THE OREGON DAILY -1 JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 1207. "5SS9BWM Popular Wants Popular Wants ular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Pop Popular Wants Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion In these pages will be found on Page 13. too BOO San Francisco Office Oregon Journal; 789 MarketSt, betid t 4th DT-T1I!b1MTS AITS ' MUM- ojurnojrfl maoaiTxn. ' Oregonian when ta San Franclaoo nt liar their mall sent la car of The Journal offloe. , , - v ARTHUR I FISH, RapraftatatlT. NEW TODAY. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .. - Herman Metier (trustee) at al. . w v Ihm uuncanson, joto 6. 7. Wock, Wv. Reservoir v parlt ,0l2Li05,,on-3d Annl Johnson . Fred A. and Loulaa Rllva.nait west half of lots 8, 10, block 13. Central ilhim w -r. ' a u L"nr " -' I'omana Branch The Christian and Mia. , IS feet of lot 7, block 89., Stenh- A J"."kMS,,u W. R-. ... . J.700 ir Ji.-".. 'I11 "" xverison to , lot 6, block l w,uta Cloverdale Ann aw w . . . . u. J.,1UU v, w. jtioioroog to J. i B. Holbrook, lots 5, , 7, g, , 10. block a. Walkers, addition' 8 -Ptti J l.vt ............ 5.000 "" w. ana uue Bowiand to ' Neattia 1. nu lnla a v a n to MoJk . North Villa, W. D... 1,800 vurpani to Aaron II. LOW ifj Lot 10. .block 90. Sellwood. wV.n 1.200 v-oiu.um b. ana , m. Lombard to Oscaa A. Olson, lot 8, block 7 Rroadwatar AAlHnn io n K P. J. Mann and A. M. E. Mann to , . W. A. La Id Jaw, lota I, 8, block . . 8, Massilloo: also fraction lot 8, block 18, Smith's subdivision, . D . ..,,.,,., .. 1.000 Security Abstract A Trout com pany to Mildred D, Williams, Iota 8. 10. block 108. Roie City j Park, & W. D. . . t 1,000 neas state investment associa . tlon to Mattla E. Palmer, lot 1. block 01, Sellwood. W. D. ISO K. Bterena (eherlXf) to Fort- land Hallway company, north 3 JO feet of block 10S, Fulton -Park Tl jpeter HELP WANTED JUALE HELP WANTED FE3LILB ! WiA,TrVTIRL8 JN TAILOR 8HOP. MALE AND FEALiLB HELP. IRBENlV-JIOUSEKEEPINa. POSITIOK OPEN. OUTSIDB! OF PORT tana, ror a well eauippea ary vooae man. with clt-r axoerlence. for head of uparimfni; a rood haa a thorourh Tcnow And who , haa had mmi buvlna-. la able to wrlta ada. dreaa win dowa, decorate the interior and direct neip under him. Bute former employers; matter will be treated as connaenuai; salary 1125 per month.' M-406, Journal. WANTED 1,008 HOP-PICKERS TO P'jf0??1.- tnlTi? modatlonai rrooery etore, bakery. I Iede of &tj irooda, er ,hop. barber shop, dancing- pa. rVd'.rlt.ln" iJltK' Lh.?-nJ- P?!iV. Stave Bolt Cotters Wanted Dick tit aores of hops: bla erom iara, I M . . . . . 9mi ana oesi eauippea nopyara in Ore son: an oa treuis wire; perfect acom butch pavilion, m. beau. tlful camping around, 1 acres bathing w, rwiurani, pruiiunn aoioj ai fort and tirlces: we tiar ll.lt ntr ion pounds. Reduced excursion ratea on our special train, ror further particulars lpiy to ureas roa., in ttt&ric at, I'oruand, or, on or after August Phone Main 1120. Home A-S1S3. - STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MaLK AND lemaia. good positions opsn with best firms: no .i-harga, Underwood Type HELP WANT E lND " 8"OPpLltED7 -mate or semaie. n. u. uraae, soeM vraaniniTTon ei. raciria 11701 WXWFKbiiop and Francea Each to Charles J. Schnabel, lot 1, block 1. Wasco addition. 8. - W. JX 10,000 C C Church to H. D. Sandstone, Iota 18, 16. block 18, North Irr- Inrton. bond for deed RSK FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE 1N8UR ance or mortgaga loans, call on Paclfle Title eV Truat Co.. )04---7 Falllnabldr. GET TOUR INSURANCE AND Art atracta to real estate from the Title I Ouarantea A Trust Co, 140 Washington l, cor. ta. PICKERS vcrS $1.50 per cord, timber yeHnnrM low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns IW WZZoSSr taar9W co- Md? Pfirtland (Irim bo hop picriT wanteX good D1US rwUaua, UlCgUll. y,rd heat accommodations. Wrlta for particulars. ; Address 8. Graham, , AuJ wi a. vr. WANTED-iiALBfeltEN; MANy UaAJS llOPPICKER WANTED 1100 to 8160 car month: some eren mora; stock ciean, grown on reaerva tlon, far from old orchards: etih ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad. dreaa Washington Nursery Co. Top. Mck! Bf meaaure. Marlln Hardtnar. OarVala. Ore (ton.- .'(;..-....... v WANTED AyATEt'R'ERF5RM ERST long engagement., can 10H rd at.. Room 84, between 1 and 8 o'clock. Union Hotel tl f ftTTU Of tVDff A Mft " A A OAa vt A UAH AVa VAV. Free employment to all ; boarders' rates SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. NEW YORK STATE LAWYER; XI; 8 years- active pracuoa, inoroucrn ana 11.60 per week; room, S6o and up: spe-1 capable; desires position with corpora- rates given. Anderson. UNDERTAKERS IMIWAY Montavilla Improved Streets, 6c Carfare . Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 168 6TH si. ODDOSlte Meier A Frank's. Main I p." finLet a aoa. 8d aNd WaLI- son sta. Ofnoa of oounty coroner. rnone wain a. t DUNNING. W'EN'tEB & (ilLBAUdH. Undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and pine. Mala Lor assistant. A. B." UteMafftcig. FUNERAL ftl- rector. Eaat llth and Umatilla, Phone Bell wood Ti. L-aajr aaaistant. rectors, ambalmera. 878 RuaaelL Xiaat ions. Lar assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN, UNDERTAJiER, f 0 Id at ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO, AND embalmina-. 400 Alder at. Main Come out , and see these ia, Lady assistant. Take Montavilla Car. Get off at CEMETERIES Hibbard St, corner of Villa, or river view single graves, ho: . ' I family lota. 10x16, for 8100, and cau ai omce. Bowarda. accordlna to else: the onlv cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares ior lots. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block, w. M. Ladd. president. lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department 107 Eharlock Bldf, Oor. 8d aad Oak Sta. i ant at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road, Phona Tabor 800. For full information apply to Frank Schlecel. 808 Commercial blK. Phona Main 1S2S. ' SNAP That strictly modern home; No. ' 804 fiast 20th street near Taylor, excellent , location, near 8 car lines, walking die. tance to town: lot 80x100. 7 fin rooms, reception halL pantry, closets, gaa and electric, furnace, fireplace; everything complete Ma a genuine Bargain. Price $5,000 . One halt cash, balance to jiult Comaoawealtb Trust Co. SXXTX AJTD AJTZOCVT. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8 Kenneth and Luella McKenile to .. Joseph Parker, und, ft of Inter. , i in ana iu iv-acre tract or iana In section 81, township 1 north, rang 2 east, bounded and de scribed as being on the north line of section tl at the cross on top on a stone monument lOx 12x14 located 29.60 chains east .;,; ."'): of the northwest corner of said 'section, W. D.. j,000 !Anton C and Carrie Teller to Oeor? W. Brown, lot 8. block 16. Paradise Spring Tract, W. . D. ...... .7 1700 ' J8.rlet Land Co. to Josephine R. fhp. lot 8. block 16, Elberta, m D. W. D.. . i ...... ; ..... , JjJ : Morris Senosky to Aaron and 8a- , . rah Goldstein, lot 4, block S, Ca- .Wllliara and Marie Waacher to John A. Bell, aouth 81 foot strip ' WJiot 1. bloclc 28, townslta of Alblna. W. D.. , 4,m A. H. Breyman et al.. to Annie La. xfll v.ot 2 loclt Beacon .Heights, W. D. BOO Ell s G. and M. L. Hughes to Wil- .- 11am Mackert, lot 3, block 32, Ifvtos-ton. W. D L2B0 - College Endowment association to -1 US4"?." ,V"e l0lB 8 ani 4, klock ?2, College place, W. D. , ,W. D. and Stella D. McNalr to C. Hammond, lot 9, block 1, - j woodmere park, W. D. O, A. and Mary A. Covell to Fred- rick Bornstedt. lots 1 and 2. ' ,b,oclc Mt acott Vlew. W. D. William M. and Edna E. Lancas ter, to C. E. and V. D. Howlett, :;c-v! lot II and north H of lot 14, . block 10, Mount Tabor Villa Annex, lot 12 blrvlc n uti Tabor Villa, W. D ' 3. E. Sorbin to John Downey, lots : 7. I. S. 22. 22 and 24 hlnxlr 17 ' wuuamette addition. W. D. . . . . Point View Real Estate Co. to plof Olson, lots 11, 22, 83, and 84. block 29. Point View, W. D. VlPaaquale and Carmela Saccoman to Sophia Koonts, west 22 feet of the west of the east of lot 4. hlvlr 1A1 H.t . - una. w. b:::::... .'.r7. ,:. . , The Title Guarantee & Trust com Py. t? Carrie R. Taylor, lota , i 11. 12, block 4, South St Johns. deed C, H. Turner and Hannah Turner ' ' 1? jrt?.hn w- Stattord, lot 6, block . -89, Tremont, W. D . Conrad and Catherine Green to C. U Pomlinaon. lota 11, 12 block 5frPrlt-Vlew RPlt addition, B. ). and Mary Holbrook to J. B. Holbrook. lots 11, , block 2; .A b.l0:k f Marengo addition ' to St, Johns, W. D.. VII. L. and Alice E, Myers to Al bert A. Mead, west half of lots 1 1. 1. block 4. Linn's additinn W. D.......4 r. M00 Kirk Hoover to Larkln J. and Jen- , nle Shell, east half of lota 7, 8, 4. Mock 118, Caruthers addition. - W. D. jj. 10 JCelHa V. and W. H. Markley to John Schlappl, lots 8, 4 . block 8, Ina Park, bond, for deed..,..,.. 1,000 Alander Oliver to Edward R. ThomS, - lOtS : DIOCK v. S3, AVoodlawn, W. D. , Socurtfy Havings &; Trust company lo M. F. HrHdy, lots 1, 2, block 25. (jnMm-tilth's addition, deed., Girn F. i:;rrlnger and - Clara Uarrlnger to 11. Greenthal, -lots 14 IS. tio'k 18. Mount Tabor w. jl.. aso NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET The undersigned Incorporators of the Portland Country Club A Live ' Stock association, dealanated bv a malnritv of such Incorporators to open books and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the corporation and to fix upon a time for a meeting of the sub. scrlbers to the stock of said corpora k. .Ml., n 11 J - . .1 L scrlbers of the stock of the Portland country Club ft Live Stock 'association, to be held at Commercial club rooms In the city of Portland. Oregon, on Tues day, the 37th day of August, 1907, at the hour Of four o'clock n m . for tha purpose of electing not less than three oirociors or saia corporation, as tne stockholders present shall determine, the adoption of by-laws, and for the transaction or such other business ai may properly come before the meeting. Portland, Oregon, July 26th, 1907. a A. WESTGATE, JULIUS L. MEIER. TOM RICHARDSON, - incorporators. olal monthly proprietor. OPPORTUNITIES T6 AhVANfAd " 1W the aovernment aarvina. Poaltlnna tnr tty. mail clerk, let carrier, etc Let us prepare you ror exam. Call or write, Pao. States Schools, 618 McKay bldg. Wide awake, energetic men" wanted on good salary and commis sion for city and traveling. References required. 107 Couch bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to qualify for fall examinations, call today. Information free, west coast schools, 316 Oregon Ian bldg. Open tonlaht. Wanted boy over i years of age to learn some trade. 271 1st MEN And b6ys Wanted. LeaH plumbing, plastering, bricklaying; slso m vim pattern araugnting: post tlons secured: dav and nTvht pI.him free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyna j raa acnoois, Han rTancisca tlon or firm where eners-v and braina win count; best or references furnished salary no object J. M. II. W.. box t&l. Newburgh, N. T. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE SALESMAN and collector wants work: e-llt-eda-a reierences ana nonest. m-ibs, journal. BOY, 18 YEARS OLD. WANTS OFFICE work. G-468, Journal. 8186 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED nauaakaeoinavrooma. pariur, , laundry, furnace heat, yera. iv n otau rnn air . mmw it kit tofrfrV" " tlP-LARQa. ' CLitAM furnlahed houaekeeplns-rooms, laun dry and bath. rortiana. 184 Sherman st, south. HM' HEELER. WU.ORAND AvK.: flrst-cisss furnished housekeeping rooms, electrlo light ana gas, tree twe- pnone ana rata ' - - - mumcEmm Rooks d.Aj stove, bath, phone. N. 12 th st .: Main. 1011. 378 TWO FURNISHED . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, at 443 bin st, THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO rent. I0 ltn, near wasnington. THE IOWA FURNISHED HOUSB- keeplng suites and single rooms. 31.Z6 to 32.60 per week. 872H B. Oak. UNFUIINISUED ROOMS AND 8 ROOMS, 340H FRONT ST.! -room nat i Maraet. FOR RENT- HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1818. We rent and seLL pUitosVsHER. man. Clay tt Co. FOR RENT TWO fc6f a6ES, 10. 14! and 149 16th st, between Hoyt and Irving sts. Apply nest door. SIX-ROOM" ' HOUSE, MODERN: HI First, S. Portland; rent 814. Inquire. jbs i am i lion ave. ROOM ' NEW BUSINESS CHANCES. '1 ' THE COAST REALTY CO.. 828V Morrison st Headquarters for real estate and business opportunities of all kinds; also choioe homesteads and umoer r a mi kmihim rnr small rea. READ THESffl FEW SPECIAL-BAR. GAINS. ' ' 810.000 buva one of tha finest houses and lota on Portland Hala-htat othara all prices. -, I i , ,., . 22.00A : nil S-r ..m. 1,m! Imnmn land near Oregon City. Good buildings, fences, frulta atn. Ru tarma Othara all prices. .- ..tV-:. ll.SOO. U euh. bnva new modern 7. room .house; nice lot, new modern 1 room house, good lot. fine view, 8 blocks from carllne. worth ova- 22.000. , Saa ny k'cluaiva agents. , , , 82,200. W cash, buys 8 acres level land, all la cultivation In Montavilla: easy terms: Othar irrum a . varlnna prioea. ,, . . ,. . ... . . .. (vP ,.; v, , . V; ... , s.aoo . cash, bnya 820 acres level ana. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOOK THESE UP. AS real bargains. ' Two atrlntlv THEY ARE aiows, one block from Hawthorne jL l,;.1.9::. A.h",J111 Interest aX when uoiri3,oooe..cr,crtt hou'M J IT T A Kirv -lab..."' i"i ' HIMJ K., I4BM. 1st St.- t brldaa Mil. 8800 FUEL" LWWITli'' Eif.fr 11.90 07 'HvT-rOom nT.",!?yJ JU - . ... uvii Mat 7a wheat, land. Must an wa h. -a. Oral hundred farm a for aala at varlm.a PriOeS. : ....-.., ,, '. , ... 11.600. at Invoice, buva ttaai navlnv grocery of Its alse In Portland ave nl" P 'or agin 3126 dally caah trade. Other gro- weoaiawn 1126. oeriea at various Drieea: . also reataur. I IIAVra nts, cigar stores, oonreotionery stores. to. ' v- . ' ' 3606 buys largo confectionary with mraa or rour rina iivina rAnma a uw invoice.-..- , ... - 8400, confeotlotiery with three living rooms at Invoice; rent 318. . 311.000 buva one nt tha n.nit am4 best paying high class rooming houses toAh? 0,t-. Others at all prlcea o.uuu, caan, cuys 41-room, new room ' house on in.t.n,.,... 1 ' .'" ur own terms: beautiful corner wi iniinummT.' i.- ii beautiful corner with lea ranannaKla. . room house, ail furnish , iZ.."?.."''; P.no ..lncluded;vyou will do i i h partloularg Ph0n i-ii -v., una oiociG kviu . var, one xrom cnurcn. imii. Car. On tmm ohnnh RU47 BhU,,V ' w"r. ay Payminta, R. V. Belford, owner. Phone 10. 4788. ; owner leaving MUST Mil sic Anna mu1ain .a - Suburban JMA.' ik U Hit Bt a VUHVU.yiUO MODERN COTTAGE. Inquire at 488 East 84th at f Wo-story" Mouse. MONtAVlLLAi about. 3300 EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND A Door bench hand. Pnrtlan flaah Co., E. Taylor and Union ave. ASSISTANT MALE STENOGRAPHER in wnoiesaie House; good chance for advancement: state are and aalarv ax. I'cvimi. Aoareaa a-ioo. journal. WANTED SALESMEN AND Hflt.tri tors for best proposition ever made to ootn scent ana dudiic: I60 to 175 dm ; 'mmj niuua, aa not overiooK tnia Call after 7 p. m. New Occidental hotel. mi ana anorrieon. room ziz. f. Kramer, WANTED at once. ' A PRACTICAL TINNER Long te cross, Euyene, Or, OFFICE ASSISTANT: ONE WHA UN. derstands lumber business and stenog raphy. R-4 8 2, Journal. WANTED BOY, IS OR 20 YEARS OF age to learn mattress trade. 240 WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED" conj minora AQdress B-466, Journal. Wanted a good bot to f5 w,"iVK uunng oay; good place. Apply T-466, Journal. LATHERS WANTED ELLA AND wasninKxon ata.. or nnona Tannr ina iw i p. m. K.ittei xatner. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT my wire. Flora K. Qordon. haa laft my Den ana board, and I will not he r- sponsible for any debts contracted . by Jer. Dated this I4th day of August. IT. tl. GORDON. , This Is to Certify that T. A. V Hark man. 828 E. 86th St. will not ha ra sponsible for or pay any bills made by my who, Airs. A. n. arKman, rrora date. MEETING NOTICES. A. L. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 85, Woodmen of the World, - meets Friday night in W. O. W. hall, 10th and Washington sts. All members . re quested to be present Visitors welcome. G. MORROW, C. C BARBUR, Clerk. 10 100 840 2,000 265. 400 A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NA tlonal Copper Mines company for the stockholders for general information Will be held on August 16. 1907, in their offices, 806 Couch bldg., at 8 p. m. All stockholders please attend. J. J. RICHARDSON, President CARPENTERS' . HEADQUARTER corner E. Pine and Grand ave. meets every Tuesaa-" nigot. pnone East 8279 M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. S.4S8 meets Wednesday evening. Alisky mug;., .a mu numaun MATTRESS MAKERS 98 M6RRIS St. Take L car. Wanted man1 TO take excLW- bivb territory ana nanaie agents for ww ariicjo. Dee wuson alter T p. m.. Occidental hotel. 160 1st. Wanted an 6ffic man" c6m- petent to nanaie a largo business In city; requires some money; salary; an swer; give phone. C-466. Journal. SIX FIRST CLASS HOUSE CARPEN- ters wanted; long Job: 33.60 and 84.00. L. M. Bentley. Hood River. WANtED RLiABL kAl' FOR farm work; steady Job; good wages; German preferred. Meyer, room 4, 828 Washington st WANTED YOUNG MEN TO PRE. pare by mail for positions its trav eling salesmen; experience unnecessary; salaries 8100 to 3260 a month and ex penses. Positions guaranteed with re liable firms. Write for particulars to day. Address National Salesman's Tralninar Association. Rufta kko block. Kansas City, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR widower or bachelor, by competent. intelligent iaay. oeez, journal. WANTED POSITION AFTERNOONS only, 1 to 7 p. m., clerking, chamber work, housework or anytmng. r-4 6 9, journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICII FOR MEN. 38 N. 2d st Phone Main 1628. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 U Morrison St.... Phone Paclflo 339 27 N. 2d st Phone Pacific 1800 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. a spe help Locrinr cams and farm ctalty. 20 N. 2d st Phono Mala 6298. W pay-all telegraph charges; ACME EMPLOYMENT COT; FARM- ers' and loaaers heln a SDecfaltv. 24 N. 2nd st, 19 Vi N. 2nd at. 841 Davis st rnone Main 437. block from car. Call 815 Clay st, FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. y Will doubla in valua ir modern la every respect, Long lease ii,?er1n lnstalmenta of , It pet and cheap rant. Hot and cold water In H,.?ih'.. P'tterson, rofe. 11, Hi the VOOma Kla-nt farnltnra- vnn a I 51". Ot . S. , all light. Party going away. Clearing 1 .7.U)6 WILL kVY 2 ACRh roonto, . uniy rooms. Davis st Bar month. ftnlv , thoaa I land Situated In una tha K... Telephone Main 4611. meaning business need apply. . j?,"n,c localities within the city Umlti a,vuu Duys eo-room eiegant now itigh ' a tn at. rrom to p. m. hundred to select from. I electrlo lighta bath: .o.oo fAVt Call after 6 p. m. 8(4 "1 ROOSI3 AND BOARD. 3800 buy well-Darin- rooming hnnaa near Washington at Long lease, cheap i ll V. f i . . 8400 buya ty Interest In well paying OSP.ORN HOTEL. CORNKii nmwn r.1.11' omce on ground noor; old va and . Ashs. furnished rooma, AlVllhV'' "TOS.T CalL write or phone Main 1668; A-4150. gle or en suite, with or without board, f.aet sen. Large THE COAST REALTY CO., no ft aiorriaon st i . 118 Halaht ave: 22.400. , Tnnnira itt Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1168." ,' speg-IaL." ' furniture and elegant piano; only 82.600. Fine lot same neighborhood, 660. 8 lots and 7-roora house, 83,000. These are splendid buys. We bar diOMFoRTABLE FR6Nf w?.m.Ior a,w5 - Jnu?r.?n: Btist Tmrf Wo6d TRftfat-titi'lMrft prtvTt.T .U convenlernce.rrea.oi;abl.r n ;rtf an?ft.l V6A UOOU lNCUMEi BtffllW53 ,1 fifi l iUVXJiX' r?J?urnat WANTED MANAGER ' nice location. Paclflo 2497. ifiiTviiicuues 1 rvti 3S2 N. 19th at FURNISHED HOUSES FOR - RENT NEW" 7-ROOM " HOUSE; furnished; 86 feet from car track; nnana; oniy fie, in Aiiexy Diqg. i-RbOM FURNISHED HOUSE, LARGE" AUFlr?.VgfiJi BTtAttTlnBl a bbi Mr Ina aa f W i A A 4 I - - - - - BRANCH AU. tomoblle salesroom: reanonaibla man with first-class references and 85,000 caah to manage branch - automobile salesroom; b tab-class machines; posi tion pays 85,000 per year; highest bank I and commercial references furnished. a-rounds. east side: reasoaabla. 401 Marguerite ave. NEW 7-ROOl1. FURNISHED: illL lard ava. Naah villa: 126. Call lit Allaky bldg? FOR, RENT FLATS JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLATS I k'OR SALE Sawmill at Amity, Or.; 3 GOOD REAL ESTATE 6FFiCE t)OIN(T . good ouainesa. . wiuoeli cheap, U uiKen at onoe. Address M-469. Journal. FOR SALE CHEAP," FURWif L'RB ana music store, in growing town close to Portland; must sell quick. a-o. wournaj. R. F. MOZNTOTT B 605 Commerclsl Block. V.is finnn tvAiLrc fiTi -JVirlr by owner. G-465. Journal BUCHTEL KERNS MAKE A 8PB- olalty of eaat side realty, rentals, loana. eta 812 B. Morrison st, C R. Donnell h Co. r REAL ESTATE. . Room 12, 888 Stark at " ' HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE"! Security Abstract Chamber of Commerca Truat Co, WANTED- AGENTS v v atuu v iwuia, wwajiii uawiaiiiw. 200 feet south of 23d and Washington sts., Green ave.. Cedar Hill. FOR RENT 8-ROOM MbDERNVMAO- nirieent view or citv and mta. 441 llth street Corner College. Rent 320. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPE- tent and reliable nursery salesmen for i tne Bitter Koot country. Montana and Hood River country, Oregon; exclusive agency given to party qualified. For terma and particulars address Oresron Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTED CAN TOU SELL rood ST ir ao wo need rou; complete outnt iree; casn weeuy. write ror choice of territory, capital City Nur sery company, eaiem, ur. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: Dries very low: supply limited. R. M. Flummer. at drug store. zoo ta st FOR R KENT 8' RENT TWC TORES-OFFICES FINBACOTTAGES LOWEST PRICEd! 21,0004 rooms, plenty of fruit 11.600 to 31.800 S-roora modern, full plumbing, gss and electrlo lights; fiber fleeter; 1-mlnuU car service; ail new. nquire 204th. Tel. Main 8990. " - P, PALM ER. M. VAtt AL8f LNtf PALMER-V f ALSTINE CO., REAL B 'ATE, INSURANCE, 312 Failing Bldg. Mai.. 6(81. A-2658. ANTHONY HARDY", LlNNTON.' 6rT wu puainBBB iota, w star FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RETT Madison bldg.. la and Madison sta 842 FRONT and counter, miles from railroad, lots of timber: rood contract on hand. Box 66 M R. r . u. no. s. FOR SALE Greenhouse In mining town doing good business; well stocked; can take charge at once. Ad- AVaaa H.46ft .tnnnitl kAKE ME AN OFFER; EITHER CASH" laSSL 'actorr mXttm' Uxm na tlm- cessltles; patent in U. S. and foreign I LARGE MODERN BUNGALOW, COR- coun tries; no means to market it; must sen at once; no reasonable oner re fused. A fortune for riant party. Phona East 6260. dCTvlny TOaru "-,o living rwma Room 38, 888. 3d at. ner: easv monthly rmvmanta E. 676. ' Phono WE WANT 20 LADIES TO INTRO- duca some new a-ooda. perfumes, etc yiummer urug tjo.. a anq waaison. t WANTED TO RENT HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE A COMPLETE FURNISHED COTTAGE of 6 rooms, hall, bath, gaa, etc, con venlently arranged, very reasonable In rent and price: ' west aide. George J. Schaefer. 817 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES FOR ' RENT FtTRNlf tfRfi! for sale: furniture or a 7-room house: close in: west side. Inaulra 208 Seventh or rnone Main zai. COMPLETE, NICELY FURNISHED cottage of 6 rooma. rent 812: walklna distance; 3300 takes it P-466, Journal. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT taxes, fiats, stores, orricea rooming- houses, eta Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 73. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED COTTAGE "AT SEASIDE HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH I FOR SALE 4-ROOM " BOATHOUSfl: foot of Clay st Inquire 188 W. Park. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MOORE A KEENEY. Suite 82, 868 Stark. Main 148. If it's right we advertise It, If wo advertise it t a right . . Fine modern home on Larrabee at; unsurpassed view, large lot, excellent lo cation; reasonable. ftwnap mil at aall fina mndara Mat. lbC . OPhoneSHRDLcrafwyshrdletaolnn ,nce; large grounds, highly improved. " 7 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. close to car and school. home, see this. you want a or Long Beach, about August 20. Ad dress with location and price, 805 1st st Phone Main 4970. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY man with children, aees 4 and 8. R- 466, journal. . HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED TWO DEMONSTRATORS, who m wiuuniiriis ing use or elec tric flat irons and the other to demon strate the use of electrically driven sewing machines at the Pure Food ShOW, exposition bld-.. tWO m hnnra each afternoon and evening from Sep tember 2nd to 14th. Anniv tn w mr ..cuuiiwii, a.wuiii ai, rwuuo lull- way. Light & Power comnanv lat o,. jtiuer bib. modern conveniences. Phone Main 18(9, 'FOUR DUCK LAKES TO HUNTERS. Call or write P. E. Walker, ataamar America, Lumsden's landing. SUMMER RESORTS LOCKSLEY HALL SEA8IDE, OR.. DR. f. 1m Austin, proprietor, assisted bv I. A. Carlyle; rates from 112.50 per week up; rates ana reservations may oe made now with Dr. Austin, dentist Raleigh bldg. 6HELBURN HOTEL NICELY ' FUR WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WILL BUT YOUR " HOUSEHOLD gooda and guarantee best prices. CalL phone or write. S. J. A L. Rubenateln, 176 Front st, opposite .national noteL t-aciiic itvi. Fine acreaaa Dronertlea suitable for platting; cioee in. Some Iota at Arbor Lodge dirt cheap. 100x100 Ockley Green; exceptional buy. If you are homeless, come and aea na I We have just what you're looking for, and at your own price. i i Half block on Holladay; good invest ment. Corner on E. 6th and Couch also good. . 1 feSfAPs iii k6usfed. 83,50060x100; four rooma Paclflo 800 WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS Main 6655. 211 1st st. BUSINESS CHANCES. LAUNDRY HELP WANTEn Nfl rt perience required; good wages; steady uiwuivii. a ivy auiiury vo. vl , Wa- GIRLS WANTEDOPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3484' Washington st, corner Seventh, up. stairs. Phono Main 2693. Female help GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. Taylor st 2, Grand ave, and East HELP WANTED UNION company. LAUNDRY M. W. ATOREGON GRAPE CAMP NOT 6,975. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES 3,800 S00 860 886 300 800 ,10 INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Fliedner piag. Mam znsi. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWkLERS' ana opticians, za wasnington st. NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131s 10TH st ; books loaned at a cents the day. SKELLY CO.. 14TH AND FLANDEftST flour, feed, hay, grain. Phones A-ltll, rnvluc 9 Li. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND a PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and txeturned same day. Z28 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Meta- ger, proprietor. LOST AT SEASIDE, " A dllAM6lS skin bag containing several . valuable rings; finder please return to cashier journal; noerai rewara. LOST A YOUNG FRESH RED AND wane spotted cow: nice horns and big long teats; reward. A, Brugger, aiJilsuaitr fundStray" red MrrM cow: white spot forehead. 248 Front st. STRAYED OR STOLEN NEAR SHER ,w?1. dark, iron-gray colt; star in forehead; year old. Owner will re Oregon ' F F T00J'o fihrwoo HELP WANTED MALE ,JSU?.JNTERNATIONAL Can ?.8?ONENCB SCHOOLS S i?MVer,,ht on with your worlc - uuiiiib- BDara, hnnra- . nur WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ wen shirts and boss of All overalls at ta ist st MATURE WOMArt AS ASSISTANT T5 take management Sept. 1. Apply at un Auureaa -ia, journal. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO icarn tetepnone operating; good aalary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon Served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms in connection. Apply chief uporaior, ieiepnone puiioing, west JfarK ana Aiaer sis. BUSINESS WOMAN "WITH! STRONG v personality, good health and selling powers requirea. one who . can leave tne city preferred. N-4&g, Journal. 6FFICE ASSIST ANT;ON WHO tfN derstands lumber business and atenog raphy. R-462, Journal. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENER al housework: small family: good wages. Apply 611 Mississippi ave. WANTETLADY TEACHERS. APPLY nuyi ibi at,, e to v p. ta. OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING machines. 98 Morris st: talca I. p. A LADY FOR HOUSEWORK: PLAtN cooking; easy place; only two in the .milyia. aOOd noma for tha rlorht nrtW would want the lady to Investigate to her own quired. Address. K. F. D., Journal. WANTED EXPERIENCED WRAP nra and Aaf.lraa ' Unn.. n . . , ' - - w - V. m w vmwm VUUlffU tlonery Co.. 13 th and Hoyt. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE W3. ' Second Hand Palace. Highest prioea paid for second-hand goods. . 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 8618, East Couch st. 32.90060x100: East Davis st 33.10060x100: I East Flanders. 34,260 60x100; Holladay park. -oil five rooms six rooms alx rooms modem; modern; modern; modern; 34.70060x100: eiaht rooms, atrictlv mouern: xrviiiKton. FOR A SUBURBAN HOME TlLif aluts you will you pay 86.000 cash f Sea the owner of an 8-acre Improved farm In Mllwaukie, at office of Oregon Realty A Trust Co.. 601 Fenton bldg, 6th and Stark. MODERN H-R66m! 'cdTTAGid yfjR niahed complete, bath, phone, gas: be tween 8 canines. Inquire7 334 Falling. Williams or Union ave. ear. FOR BALE-A FEW WCE HtOH1 LOTS. auxiuu; i6u: z diocks south or Haw thorne, on 44th st Owner oa ground. Phone Tabor 264. ' FOR SALE FARMS FARMS FOR SALS. ' 61,00010 acres 2 U mllef aouth of Hlllsboro, 7 acres clear, balance timber. smau nouse. . . 83.80020 acres near Reedvllle. 14 acres In cultivation, 4 room house and barn, soma stock and farm Implements Included. 82,80080 acrea In Washington county, in cultivation, good house, barn and other Improvements.' 1 acre In orchard, H cash, balance 6 year - 83,00080 acres in Washington county. 32 acrea in cultivation, balance good timber, 6 room house. 83,600 160 acres in Washington county, 36 acres tn cultivation, balance gooa iimDer, nouse ana Darn, orcnara, running water. Terma given. 12,0007 acres all in fruit t miles east of Vancouver, house, barn, and other improvements. Easy terma 84,00040 acres 8 miles south Of Hlllsboro, ' all in high state of cultiva tion, with good improvements. Terms 34,000 80 acres In, Washington county, 22 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, soma stock and farm Implements included. cash. 36.600 100 acres. in cultivation, 18 acrea hops, 80 acres saw timber, good 10-room house and .other Improvements. Plenty of fruit of all kinds. , R. L. CATS, 226 Stark street , GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN 8,000, center of logging camps and saw mills: clean stock, modern flxturea W. v- wmss. """tn peno. wasn. , 35,00060x100; seven rooms, strictly HIGHGESy PRICES PAID j'ORALL i iprowgithn for investment W I moa rn; 1." . A SNAP IN FRUIT LAND. fn&ZS.TM TAT Ruble. Weippe, Idaho. COMMONWEALTH RUST CO. Dalies. Ore'gon, with valuable imiroVe: MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS '"n ana Anlt,ny' enta Surrounded by flourishing fruit order. K. E. Karlson Co.. 351 An. --nT inT.""xi -tw I .', i.'.VlL-.,""li" " I " ,V"V;- -.-J-ii-.-rT:. .X. Kenv SC.. Main 000. f IPn HI Rnrhunun hMr Phna TbTain I IAAvIAa flnA a.Amm ma.. lti tha nrra. ITnt- forfVi nt-Irua an I rn S! ii'! U..' ...I 1' . .'lil aju .1 l I 'T' W -"W a"- MN I A V Vi VV VS VUHl WliaKg. IlUfl I " " " . - -W- 'I r - www vw- wanted furniture AND HOUSE-1 7B. fruit trees, near Killlngsworth ava: loa 'or- selling see owner .at weeks' hold bought, 282 1st BEFORE KOia 2' -,T,"ry 5e8Elptloi1 1 If YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, SEE 81,800; easy terma. tLrtA kYha rt ba. Tha 41 Main 6874. Home A-2327 YOUR SELLING YOUR FTTH. niture. ate, phone East 1067 and save money. 36,000 WORTH OF " FURNltURB wanted at Western Salvage Co., 827 Washington. Phone Paclfle 793, Homo A-ZW8. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU, us. We give you all references free of charge. C. 8. Arnold & Co., original hotel brokers, 861 H Morrison. Phone Main 78ii. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. Rooming-houses, restaurants, hotels. grocery stores, meat markets, real es tate, ousiness cnances. investment. Western Realty, Company, room 610, tovy vYBBninicton st., tiucnanan bias. HOTEL AND ROADHdUSB TO LEASE oia-estaDiisnsa, with or. without sa- Modern 6-room house on Vancouver I ?0rMand, Or. ave., ciose in. price is.z&o. 3. SIMON, 83 Killlngsworth Ave. Phone Woodlawn 1277. 100-ACRE FARM , FOR SALE; 1? acres readr for the plow: 2E t ina fruit trees; 20 acres fenced; email house and son for selling sea owner at Granite Works, 4th and Columbia ata.. barn; beautiful creek running through tne iana; a una spring raisea above the house on the land high enough to irri gate half the land or mora. An 1taai HE RICTHSLIEU t N. 6TH m loon; furnished; newly remodeled : $38 : RLI ITnfo-tVZi ZZL 11,.V'e.tablel': Elegantly, furnlahed; steam heat and also 7-room house andforchard. 310; and & i- S.sa1 w 'Ji ths. 4 flats. 18 rooms, 825; all on west aid Kerns, 862 E, Morrl- baths. THE BUTLER, MODERN HOTEL." furnished up-to-date; gaa and eleo- trlo lighted. 4U Washington. THE CURTIS, CORNER llTH A.W15 Commercial; over Danzlger's clothing storeji gooa ruwrns-, central location; transfent trade solicited. Astoria. Or. THE AVALON HOTEL. FURNISHED rooma modern throughout Cor. llth ana wasnington. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR- nished rooms, electric light gas, bath . .uvula, ...j n.n vu west Blue; i ft & H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4, 8 and P?""; o, rauiaey Diag. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUftT sell furniture and fixtures of Snrlna. field hotel, with lease on building; good i location and paying business; good Private reason for selling. Address box 75, Springfield, Or for prices and par ticulars. A BIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100, Bun Run water,, cement walks and curbs all paid for, and less than two blocks from carllne. onlv 18 mlmitu jronx nean or cuy. v iau, terma. Co- lumon iniH uo., woucp Dlag. WILL SELL OR TRADE MY eery, good clean stocK, aoing casn pusiness, gooa location: a GRO. a fine money and phones; situated next to City park. 87 USK st. THE GRAND, 46 H N. 8D ST. ROOMS EAST SIDn RKAT. KfltfATTO Fine residence lota on all ear lines, irom Duo to i,ooo. Homes sold on easy payments. V. JfAUHJ HAKRIS, FOR SALE A WELL ESTABLISHED for gentlemen. 81.25 per week and up. I Ann. K.YitUiJ.. Ai-n?. ',.". THE NEWLAND" HOUSE GOOD of' sorts atfd type. Address V-462. rooms, single ana en suite: gooa, Clean I journal, mk?I Xi" ?7i?,-W0 " I Healey bldg . Grand and ' VS. Morrison cottage; oatn, gaa, eiectrio wired, fire- GIRLSWITH TALENT FOR BURN- sltions for right people. D. M. Averlll or vu., iwa in. otn Bt, Ladies to teach, m. e. Chinese mBBion, evening scnool, x 247U ?,taf k .Vs. Applr 292 Cla" -Phone Main (784. ' beds, electrlo lights; 1.25 to 13.50 per wee, iubm ist rnone Main 78io. OWEN APARTMENT; NICE FRONT housekeeping rooms; reasonable ratea. 230H Ruaselh - - , TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- veniences. i w. para st FURNISHED-ROOM IN fcRjWATB family: suitable for ; one or two entlemen 427 Third et. OR RENT IN THE HEART Ot Tk city, between Courthouse and Citv hall, 274 H 6th st, nicely furnished rooms in thoroughly renovated ' house, irom .i.ou per weea up. PLEASANT. CLEAN ROOMS. ... QUIET iiuun; very nuiia-oie. nent reaaonaule. 450 Yamhill. Phone, Pacific 846. A 14-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE IN THE beat business district St. Johns; do ing a good business. Low rent. A snap. Far particulars call or write 8. Mo. Clave, 230 H Russell at Phona E. 1426, no agents. DO place; new: price $2,700; terms. 336 E. 34th st Furniture also for sale. FOR SALE LOTS. IN ONE OF THE prosperous towns In Oregon; iu. iur iunuer inturmation BJ1 most price. $4 dress 8-483. Journal. We must selL ouii'-Hb-E; 1 L6f oo . aney, moaern seven- room nouse; nair block rrom car; Unl YOU WIS TO BELLf WE HAVE KiM Oo'oOan'Eve soma t' jyera for confectionery stores and Ad7raEJ tIJIs Jo.AiK ,om tem"' 11 cottages. Send us your price, we Address L-4a, journal. bu small cottages. Send us your price, we ao tne rest. - uiamona xteaity wo., 2bg Alder St., room 10. FOR SALE Cash; general merchandise $2.!0CgGreat Bargain 6-room house In South Portland. Call . stoca, aoout s,uuu, in mining town or soon, hud-b, Monawa piag. 2.000 Inhabitants, with excellent farm. FT ina- oommunitv: cheat) rent lona lease: '"4"?" V V" good reason, "for telling. F-46J. Jour: tionrVoo cV) bXlanCri20 peTiJonth: cigAr WANTED . NURSE GIRL WILLING to assist in housework. 219 Tiiiamwir st. phone East 8068. ' "r?5?a,n"he d1 moments I WliU for dea-O-inrlVr 4V".ifr WOMAN TO HELP IN KITCHEN morning and evening for board and room. 442 Jefferson. valuable. -Call or GIRLS 'TO OPERATE IRONING MA chine, experience not neceasary. Ap ply to Paclflo Laundry, SSI Arthur at.' LARGE FRONT ROOM, EVERY CON . venlence, rent reasonable. 208 6th vt.i near xayior. FOR RENT ONE WELL FURNISHED ruinn. tai nn ana college: FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, . rates reasonable. - 442 Jefferson. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooma,. reasonable, 7th and Flanders au, v- , FIXTURES.. TJFOR eixtn et. STORE sale cheap. 11 6-8 INTEREST IN A PAYING HARD.' - ware business. 816,000; in progressive valley town of 1,000. about 60 miles from Portland; all. cash not 'necessary. Inquire Room 802, Goodnough bldg. RESTAURANT: EXCELLENT OPPOR- tunltyi sickness cause of sale.,. See owner,, 2.43 Holladay ave.', east side steel bridge. - , . FOR Mrs. W. R. Farrell, Mt Scott car. BALE- lca cream CONFECTIONERY AND parlor in suburb; good loca. Address D-417, Journal tlon; good trade, ; with one year lease. FOR -SALE NICE, NEW, MODERN1 5- room cottage; large attic; will be fin lshed in two weeks. East Main, near 42d. 1229 East Main. FOR SALE BY OWNER; $3257 A good lot, 50x100, on Blendena at, near Willamette boulevard; easy walking-distance of O. R. A N. shoos. Port. lnnd Flouring mills and . other indus tries; easy terms; low interest. Calif IMS Missouri ave. irnone woodlawn 814. This week only.- $ 1 6 6 penkTsuLar staticIn, stT Johns oarline: lot ; for "vale. F. IL Lewia, 868 Morrison St. $52.60 PER ACRE WILL BUXaflOR 100 acres; 8 clear; oreeit; sjiiced; 20 rods to Bethany store and blacksmith shop, 11 miles to Portland, 2 miles eleo. trio line; pnone, milk route, Jtt F. D. A bargain. 81 acres; 10 clear, 21 pasture; bouse and barn, well and creek; all fenced: phone, milk route, R. F, D.: 14 miles to Latnrejl. 11 miles to Hlllsboro. Price $2,000. - 170 acrea; 40 acres clear, balance pasture; house and barn, orchard; all fenced: 1 mile to railroad station, 8 miles to Hlllsboro. Price $45 per acre. KURATL1 BROS., REAL ESTATE, Hlllsboro, Or. FOR SALE TWO CHOICE HOME stead relinquishments. The Alexan der Land Co., 63 6th, near Pine. -DON'V BUY A FARM. WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he knows where to find them. : Office. 803 Washington st. ' TIMBER.. LOOKING FOR, TIMBER t Wa offer you every advantage through ,1 our aystein of expert examinations which enables you to determine tha suit ability of a tract without spending timo , or money. If our general report tndi- , cates that we have what you want our . estimates bv two and a half acres are easily verified. , i TI fXMJ" ACy WAY. . . JAMES D. LACEY A CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. . : 807 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. . TIMRER UNna Intendlna purchasers daalrlns? to be located upon lands with heavy timber In the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure the same bv atlna- aulckly. '. Locati- foes including all necessary ai- Jorney's fees are reasonabla Address . E. Verdln, Grants Pass. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale which wa own. Have detailed estimates by forties. ' G. IP fSanhmi-i-k rV, JA1-4.I X3...U.m.m bldg. 3 v. GOOD 'TIB' f'ROPOSlttON;' 'l5t50" reet, on- rauroad; also good hJH I stead. B. Wolverton, 402 Mohawk bid WANTED -FROM OWNER. 8,000.000 . timber relinquishments. Address V-469, Journal. 'NsaJ ma- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FRESH-COWS EASTER'S' eauB, - i PLACE,