1 . THE OREGOII DAILY JOUTvIIAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY ' EVEIHITO, AUGUST 15, 1S07. 11 It This Page Heralds the Mok Phenbm Offered in Oregon Tomorrow morning at 8 a, m. the doors of the well-known ana popular people s iraamg mart-me PORTLAND'S NEWEST and BEST DEPARTMENT STORE '" Phenomenal Values la fY. 1 Men's Summer Suits At $5. We than offer full and fret choice of all our two piece summer Suite that remain in the atockat the best $8. $9 and $10 valuea In the city; neat gray effecta in all the newest materiala, amartly tailored -and . made in ' auperb, .. Vorkmanehip by mr tailor, containlna every touch of. that trie ao dear to correct dressers fr. QC your choice on Friday and Satnr- M0J day f or; . ; . . ..;;...t.. t . Doors Open at 8 A.M. Etrmz clock c:i yamkiu. rcca zzd to irzx The , Same Goods for a Little Less Money . Than Elsewhere 200 Extra Salespeople Wanted A Trio of SHU "Buys" Vahtea that ahould keep the yardsticks and acis aora flying busily all day.. Read: . 4 , 27-lnch Jap Silks, In all wanted colors, 65c valuea. vard ...............43 27-inch rich black Taffetas, fnaranteed allka; an. exceptional value at $1.10 the yard, in the eale lor .69 Raatittfnl naniraa RtlV-a Iti Anlrm mtnVa aaaa r f mmm y a,. creams and browns; splendid - 75c values, aale 1 iwr .....w. ...' jg g ;A;Cm a Coimterpart in lite Aimals ol Modern Mijij E MERCHANDISE AND PRINTED STATEMENTS OF THIS STORE HAVE ALWAYS MET ITS STRONGEST CLAIMS. THIS HAS INSPIRED THE PUBLIC'S CONFIDENCE, Thousands of Wise and Prudent Men and Women Will Attend This Store's Muslin Underwear in the Sale WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS AND DRAW ERS FOR 29c Cambric and muslin Corset Covers and Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed, good full rises: our regular 39e and JOc values, special, each. .29 CHILDREN'S $5c MUSLIN SKIRTS 19c ChUdren'a good quality muslin Skirts, agea 6 to 12 years; regular value 35c, special each , .19 HOUSEWIVES WILL SAVE BY THESE B, a Ban aha a. aamaa alBk aa. AWt A W mmm BB W W 1 Wf Bj ino:he Crodierv Shops The china and glassware section reminds one ol big exhibit and fair, ao vast ia the collection of beautirul ware, ine pncea maze royaii vupvim - tive witlf prudent women who have a niche to fill - in the china closets. Kxampiea ox Dargaina m the aale: t&ia DINNER SET. FOR 8IX S3.9S A beautiful semi-porcelain cottage Dinner Set, 40 pieces, complete tor six outers, oesi grww porcelain; pretty deaigng festooned edges, em- bossed scroll pattern, newest and most artistic shapes, all full size pieces, double heavy and single hair-lines ot ongnt rcn goia. acwnwa m realistic floral border designs of tiny red rosea and scroll of little green leaves, inis sec con tains 6 dinner plates, 6 4essert plates, 6 saute niaa ft Individual butter nlates. 6 cups and .. 1 afh nn vairatahla Ainh. meet olatter. slop bowl and cream pitcher: best .regular $4.50 - a a a .a U .. . . f at M 1 M B 0 SaV value, special in tne "Keorgamxauon mm Cupa and Saucers, semi-porcelain, in fancy dec orated designs, special in the sale at, pair...5e Fancy decorated semi-porcelain Dinner Plates. each 4 vn AfnrmtmA aami.noreelain Breakfast Plates. Fancy decorated semi-porcelain Sauce Plates. each a HAVILAND CHINA DECORATED WARE. 12c EACH. Choose from a beautiful collection of Havlktnd vnina ainner piatea, aesseir piaics, o tract dowb. etc. 'Genuine French Haviland China, light and ' a a m . M 1 I aJ 1 transparent, witn testoonea eages mna maucutj embossed designs; dainty floral decdratione in a kAAMa. Mf maftarna. Theaa ftricee are exceptional value $3.50 the doaenj apedal In aa a a .a.. a. . t "I JR all hta si at at. nrtitin tnev jbbt i.iSMcn SJfc.PIECE $30 TOILET SET AT $1 M. 1 aAla.a aaml.nArralain Toilet Set. full Blza I "V"-w. . r . -. ,7 tt- pieces and gooa snapes; very auraoie, in piiuta, bluea, greens and grays; prettily decorated in floral designs; aet ia composed of 1 large pitcher and bowl, 1 covered chamber, 1 hot water pitcher, 1 covered soap dish, 1 small mug and tooth brush holder; best $3.50 valuea go in this aale i at , f"" 13c AMERICAN CHINA PIECES 8c Pretty atrawberry patterns, select from aauce plates, olives, dessert plates, breakfast piatea, pie plates, dinner piatea and oatmeal bowls; all of American China, in fancy festoon edgea, heavy stippled gold border; exceptional value at 13c. in the sale at, each, .i :T. 8f 15c ENGLISH COBALT BLUE WARE 8c A line of fancy English decorated ware, rich co balt blue coloring with heavy gold borders and fancy gold design encircling the center of rim; in this lit are bread and butter plates, dessert plates, oatmeal bowls, sauce piatea, etc; a big value at 15c each, in the aale at, each...... n (. Um .Mirr. vm PF.fYROANTZED GOLDEN EAGLE MERCANTILE COMPANY to dispose of every dol A V ASM MV fStaV W VaM Va 'w-" e w 1 - w m lar's worth of present stocks, no matter at what cost or sacrifice. Decks must be cleared at once in preparation tor autumn trade. New Stocks for the New Season A Sweeping Drastic Clearance of All Present Stocks The plans of the new organization for the coming season are on a scale never before attempted by this house. The tremenaous smaes oi uic pasi oi uic vuiucu xic xcpui.tiisiit uwic w oujr Bu.jwav j THE NEW GOLDEN EAGLE future cannot be disclosed now. but. believe us. 11 UIC lllUHLlia W WWlal. IIUOli TTW W ... ivinvii w w m ... - -- ' , it will be a delightful surprise. What we shall have for you in the great sale which opens tononwa partially, but i-ii.. 11 j uY Tua w,At. i. "PVUPVTHTNO TM THE HOUSE REDUCED! ' EVERY DOlSTwORTH OFeRCH BE FINALLY AND ABSOLUTE- t t nttmrvn niTTn tu-. u...:.. m awpaM. Amiia4 rVi vraliiM nvM- rtaralllM I Evervthinp in the house reduced. NO RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS. Sweeping reductions everywhere. The page of printed mentions of r t?: j j c.a..... AMMta. i... t tli. .la o r. m- liinfi rf harcraln flnrls throtichnut the store. Read prices o rnuay tuiu uttiuiuajr -wjvituig uao v mv oaiv wv ..... v. 1 o Sensational Bargains Abound in the Garment Sections A Notable Suit Sale iSfSS $35.00 Suits for $9.98 Think of it! You come and choose not from a meager collection of antique or shop-weary styles but from a vast convention of the new est, brightest, smartest models of the present season. Take any one of our summer wool Suits, pick from jaunty etons, tight or semi-fitting modes. All wool materiala, handsome mixtures or plain effecta, all k..HfH11 .21mvaJ Km l A. aarnrlal ar aAma aaflt11v trimmed In silks, braids, strappings and clever stitched effects; others i . r, ij 1! I ... .A til. . av puun Tsuorea: ius or uu unco, tiiu up i av- CUU. rnatTi m XOO aauo, iur (jiuvs vjcaiauto, at l euects; otners $9.98 $6.00 Shirtwaist Suits $1.98 Choose from any Shirtwaist Suit remaining in our stocks, any material, a splendid choosing, latest summer styles, stylishly made and smartly trimmed in dainty embroideries and laces; a full as-zta "g fQ sortment of colors in the choosing; valuea up to $6, your X I Mf choice at. ... r.'. V A S vJ at. $3.50 Linen Skirts $1.85 An attractive and tempting con vention of dainty white linen and duck Skirts, all the neweat models, in plaited styles, also with strap and button trim- mines : .valuea up to $3.50, aale price... Walking Skirts: $10.00 Values for $4.85 The most wanted article of wearing apparel at thia season in the wo man's wardrobe. For the street, for shopping, for vacation wear, for the rapidly approaching rainy aeason; a lot of smartly tailored Skirts, in checks, stripes, smart plaids and plain colore, trimmed in strappings, stitching and button effects; a large and tempting cnooa- ing of the best regular 910 valuea in tne aty, in tne sale $4.85 .WH MM $1.85 $1.00 Kimonos 49c Pretty, serviceable Kimonos, in attractive patterns and plain colorings of flannelette, sailor or kimono atyle collars, trim'd in plain colored gooda to match materiala; the beat $1 Kimonos ever offered in Portland IQ. this sale... t7C, Shirtwaist Dresses $1.39 Of pretty, aerviceable ginghams and percales tana, navys, grays and light colorings, neatly piped with white embroidered yokes, all sixes in this lot and gener- oua choosing; $3 d OQ ysivv valuea. . Marvelous Values IN THE REOR GANIZATION SALE Untrimmcd Shapes Hundreds to pick from at f each. CHIC AND TAUNTY CHEV3ENNE HATS 25 I Jjgood selection of white and colored Straws, Vrettily trimmed with quills and sash, in the sale at ..;............. i' 50c BUNCHES FLOWERS Sc. ' " . To dose immediately we ahall offer Friday morn lng a lot of flowers, all that remain, consisting of rosea, wreathe, crass, violate and grapes j ' valuea to 50c, choice for, bunch. , . .. ,8f RARE VALUES leather Goods and Jewelry WOMEN'S $1.50 LEATHER HANDBAGS 69c Solid leather Handbags, with drawstring top, in LI I (.irfaa nata.aa M CI (A special, each , WOMEN'S 69c LEATHER HANDBAGS 39c RnlM laathsf Handban. with coin nurse, riveted frames, extra silk lined; splendid 69c value, spe cial, each.......... 38 BEAUTY PINS. f 100 dozen new. neat Beauty Pins, in 20 different atylea; regular values 19c and 25c ipedal set, or 3 for............. . ... ,v.;......t5 20c HAT PINS 5c SO doaen fancv Hat Pins, latest effects In cut arlaaa and gold plated; valuea to 20c, apL each 84 25c AND 50c HAT PINS FOR 17C An assorted lot of fine Hat Pins, in filigree, wood, sterling and pearl tops; sold regular at 25c to 50c special, each.. .......... ............ .17e BXO BARGAINS AMONG THE IN THE NOTION SHOPS. e Wire Hair Pin Cabinets, assorted slaes. spe cial : . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 5c spool Glo Silk, all cofora, apeclal..M,.....8 3c spool "liinene, special. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ... ? 5c and 10c grade Skirt Binding,-assorted colore. special, yard........ A LIVELY BARGAIN QUARTETTE. HOSIERY 'KERCHIEFS BELTS RIBBONS A bevy of rare valuea sure to interest thousands of shrewd shoppers. CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE 12$,c Children's black ribbed cotton Hose, good quality Maco yarn, double knee, heel and toe, aiaea 5 to 10; regular value 25c, special, pair WOMEN'S SILK BELTS FOR 10c A lot of silk Belts, in black, white and colon, all sixes and atylea t values at 39c 50c and 75c "pe dal, each ,.... WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 25c DOZEN. Fine quality 14-inch cambric hemstitched Hand kerchiefs; regular value 60c special, dozen. .25 WOMEN'S 20c HANDKERCHIEFS He Cambrjt and linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in neat all around embroidered effecta; regular value 20c special, each. .11 WOMEN'S 25c AND 35c NECKWEAR 12,c A fine line of fancy embroidered and plain Neck wear in atocka, coilara and string effects; our 25c and 33c values, special at, each.. .lzjif RIBBONS AT 9c YARD. Pure Hk taffeta and satin Ribbons, 3 to S inchee wide in plain and fancy effects; our 12Ho arid 15c quality, special, yard. .-v. . 11 FANCY RIBBONS 25c i A lot of Ribbonc m fancy and changeable effects. to iu tncnea wtas; vaiues ro 91, specuu, y. u Women's Knit Underwear Hosiery, Gloves All Underpriced Radisally la the Great Re-Organ Lxation Salt. WOMEN'S 39c VESTS 19c Jersey ribbed lisle thread Vests, low neck,. sleeveless, lace trimmed, silk ribbon finish, all sizes; regular value 39c, special, each 19 WOMEN'S 25c HOSE 13c A line of women'a black liale thread Hose, full fashioned feet; regular value 25c, sge- WJeN'S ' LISLE "AND TAFFETA GLOVES FOR 15c One and two-clasp liale and taffeta Gloves; in black, white and colore, all sues; regular valuea 25c, 35c and 50c special, pair 15 SHARP PRICE CONCESSIONS IN THE DOMESTIC AISLE Outing Flannel, suitable for use in making com forts and for many other purposes, dark shades: regularly selling at 6C aale price, yard. . . .4U 27-inch Teasledown Outing Flannel, 15c 2inch colored Outing FlanWi 12&C grade. yard 10 Cotton Challies, the 6Mc grade, yard 4 Blue and white striped Feather Ticking, 25c qual ity, yard lf Galatea Cloth, splendid 20c quality, yard IT 18-inch Russian Crash, the 15c grade, yard.. 11 10-4 Cotton Blanketa, big 75c valuea... 89 Feather Pfflowa, the best $1 kind 65 Laces and Embroideries IN THE "REORGANIZED- PRICINGS LACES. 1orchon Insertions. 1 to 3 inches wide; regular value 5c to 10c yard, special, dozen 15 German and French Valenciennes Laces, with edgings and insertions to match, to 2 inches wide; regular valuea 50c to 75c, apedal, dox. 30 EMBROIDERIES. 39c and 50c Embroidery 24c Cambric and Swiss corset cover Embroidery, 18 inches wide, in open eyelet and shadow effecta; regular value 39c and 50c apedal, yard 24 12c AND 15c EMBROIDERY 9c Cambric and Swiss Embroidery, edging and in sertion to match, 4 to 8 inchee wide, open and shadow effecta; values at 12&c and 15c Pl 7i A GREAT REORGANIZATION SALE OF $1.00 Corsets at 79c American Beauty and "ContiT Corsets, excellent quality, well made, white and gray, every pair warranted, sizes 18 to 20; regular value $1, speciah pair .T9 WOMEN'S 694 GIRDLES 39c Women'a Girdles, made of fine, duality batiste, neatlv trimmed, all sizes, in white only; regular vahie 69c. special, pair . . . ? -f " ............ .SO House keeping Necessities THE HOUSE. KEEPERS' SHOPS AGLOW, WITH RARE BARGAINS ' Thousands of econ omies here for the rdent housewife the Great Reor ganization Sale Couch Covers 50 inches wide, 3 yds. long, Roman striped patterna, fringed all round; best English tapestry materiala; IU0 valuea.... 98 Window Shades, real opaque, 3x6 size, 50c grade. 34 German Smyrna Ruga Reveraible, in nandaome orien tal and floral de signs at half price; ruga 6x9; regular $14 valuea... f 7.00 Size 7x10 Rugs, $15 value at s)7.50 Size 9x12 Ruga, $22 value at.... f 11.00 Commode Scarfs, size 18x36. applique and em broidery patterna; beat 50c kind, on aale at 29 Bath Towels, size 22x44, fringed both ends: best 25c grade at..... .17V, Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, heavy quality, with cut corners and fringed or, plain hemmed styles; best $2 grade, aale price .....fl.50 Swiss Curtains, ruffled, 2tf yards long; 50c grade ST Brass Curtain Rods, 36-inch extension, 10c grade li IIP' for 36-inch English Tapestry Stand Lovers, in a pretty combination of colorings, red and green and plain solid colors, reversible and fringed all round; 50c qualities at 29 Nottingham Lace Curtains, in handsome designa of point d'esprit with pretty centers and borders, each 3J4 yards long and 54 inchee wide; $3.50 valuea, apedal at f 1.98 15c Pillow Slips, 54x36, special :10 Heavy huck Towels, 18x41 size red and fringed borders; in the aale at .1.. ...... .9 PRICES DEEPLY CUT AMONG THE DRUG SUNDRIES Newbro'a Herpidde, $1 bottle... .......... .v.65: "Ed Pinaud'a" Eau de Quinine, $1 bottle.;.. 65 "Ed Plneud'a" Vegetal $1 bottle.... ...... ..59 Park ft Tilford'a Bay Rum, $1 bottle........ 59 Hind'a Honey and Almond Cream, 50c bottle. 85 Espey'a Cream, 50c bottle 29 Ethymol Tooth Paste, 25c bottle. ....... ....IT Crown Lavender Salts, 50c bottle. ...... ......33 Kirk'a Tooth Paate, 25c box. . . . . . . ......... . . T Mennen'a Talcum Powder, 25c box.......... 12 Gillette's Talcum Powder, 25c box ...T Tap Rose Glycerine Soap, 10c cakes.... 6 Savon "Duchess" Violet Soap, 10c cake..... ..6 Swift ft Co.'s Castile Soap, 4-lb. bars. 75c val.45 "Golden Eagle" Transparent Glycerine Soap, 5c cake .3 Gillette's Shaving Soap, 5c cakes 2 Dress Goods in the Sale 284nch new fall fabrica in wool-finiahed Suitings, just received from the mill, patterna embracing stripes, checks, plaida and the new amber shades: splendid 25c value, in thia aale at.. ...19 Short lengths in wool Dress Goods, In the wanted shades, 50 inchea wide, many pieces contain full dress lengths; good 75c value, special at.... 45 36-inch summer wool Dresa Goods in an abun dance of pretty light ahadea, in neat checks and pretty plaids and other handsome effects; a fine value at 60c, in this sale at.... ....SO ; Wash Goods ' , vat.ttt?.s a i.i- vatm Values up to 35c in beautiful new Wash Stufs io in the Reorganization Sale at, yard... ...8 1-3 Toilet Sundries: :dmc:: 25c and 35c Nail Brushes, 10 styles, a-t e 25c Hair Clothes Brushes, solid wo -J f ; ' cial, each....... ;'"'" 25e bone handle Tooth BrusVi, r;l. ti. Children's 15c Tooth trmhfi, r; , f f .'. I , - " ' -- ' .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.