THE OREGON DAILY TOUKNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 11 1CD7. ZHH m , l i 'wwmmmmmmammimmmmammm ,- - . I - 1111 11 1 1 -" 7-r'r..". - " n. " ' 1 " 1 ""' - . L.' IHGI Suits $20 to $40' Icadin5: ' Jlen . of , Hebrew Trousers $4 to $10 Mth Hect to . Discuss Scheme for Ecstoration of yes Qfi fiSiio Wii 53 Only a Jerusalem Opposition : to ; JPIan Is Stronff.'.14;;-..'." t IJ T I'll . Va. .' M M 1 1 1 f i;.:,: I I ".II- V I ..,.'. 1 1 I y.'V I V. 1 i II BP. i I Ml I B li , I VS. S . , , , I I I 1 . .', I . . V ' J I I I I I , v.". . 1 " 1 1 1 , f v . S Trousers $4 to $10 1 I " 'a-.--- 4 ; , ' , i ' -J . ' .. , (Joarml tU SmtM.) i Tbf Hra Anc lt-Tt Zionist con- 1 hundred dlrt wr prant at th ' formal opnlor and many mor arc x- BMtti Th American org anlxaUon ' la ' veil rtpraaantML.s v. 1 Tba oMUtf which ban today ia tha I v tenth eonfraaa t Ita kind. Tba aathar ' Ins a Aava aJwaya attract" laadlng man ; f tha Habraw faith, and lta aomawhat - aantinienUl and romaaUo propaxanda ' tba raatoratloa of Jamaalani to tha aoba ( of AbiabaaHbut raally.. at bottonv al aUrn bualnaaa ana. puiantnropio propo- at Hon, baa attratad world-wtda apaou-1 ' latlm aa ta tba ultimata fata tba I f "Zionlinn," aa tha movement la oallad, by whlcn. IU proraoiora oectare, uie i la 10 oa aoivea tnai ia, Days We hare tha rlobeet rold aronad om tba faoa of tba aartb. : Ooldflald ta Hob. bat en ftaU la tea richer. Africa ponra forth ba fold, bnt wa will aver-' whelm lta rloheat apota, Onra axe plaoe salaea that require but llttla tavoaay ta eoulp them, ao that abowo era of tha praoioaa matal hall fall upom our paopla. Jewish problem tha future of tha oppresaed Jew of Rue-1 aiaand elaewhera la to .be provided for ia not without oppoaiuon on me pan i ; of aoma prominent man of tba Jawlah ' elarar and laity. .. a- vv. k i It la pointed oat aa true that al though tha leadera of tha movement f hare been laborlna aaaldooualy for many reara to rehabilitate tha Hebrew! in lntn a nation, and there have been V a number of oongreseea to tbla and, un til now nothing really definite baa been It ia aaid that la new of tha develop- "s menu through the present oonareea . thoe who hare hitherto - caet doubt I upon the acheroe will rally to tha atand- " ard of the leaders, creatine a solidarity 1 ' so powerful in numbers and wealth that j auccesa will be assured. ' The eonrreaa la to oonaldar a sr -' poaal for tha acquisition of a tract of 1 ' land In Palestine larser than any bare- v tofore - considered for tba purpose of Jewish colonisation. The land la not More ,..,,. ... I . .. '.'' ' '.V V'V ; ' -v ,',.-: .: ' .if you, want to take ad vantage of the :" v FREE EXTRA TROUSERS . OFFER ' - Youll ; have to , hurry Fall , goods ' are already. here ; in : wide i variety. 1 1 Lome . and ; have I first ' choice.-' - -; :, ' -. rt r v f- i '.rt 4 t: - '.. '" '. - ' " BBA9 mi UTMOWa ATmiATIT, ttaa that WWoh follows la tbla advertisement, aad If wo hars then aonrlnoed yoa that wa offer tba bast proposition yoa ever beard of ta all your Ufa, plaoe soma money la oar to foiio" Um wlt 1 iba yroflta which are aura placer deposits of the said company, and I know of my own knowledge that all of them are rich in olacer rold. Diir- "panned" with my own hands hundreds and hundreds of pans of these deposits, and strange as it may seem, in aurTJV out, ! haye never found one 'that did not; show color.Vl have made, a large sum of money in this way, .having far distant from Haifa, whloh promlaea la p . conatitutea one of tha principal grounds In future to atiDDlant Jaffa aa tha port of landing In Paleatlna Tbla proximity for booing for tha sucoessf ul exploita tion of tha croDertr. The land will. It I , la believed, cost, together with the laci- ' dental expenaea. eome 1600.009, and the I idea is to rorm a synaicaia ior uie pur : pone of rasing tha money, It baa been stated that One of the , reason for selecting Tha Hague as tha - meeting iplaca this year waa the dealre . of the Zionist leadera to bring their v project to the attention of the Interna- ' tional peace oongreaa now In aeaslon here. Bo far aa can be learned, however, ' there la nothing to substantiate this aa- aertlon, and It la regarded aa extremely . Improbable that the peace congress , would give the matter any official at- tenuon. . ' ., WILL PLAINLY MARK . RENOVATED BUTTEE ". (Journal flntdal Berrife.1 Washington. D. C. Aur. . I.'- Warm . factumra of renovated butter will not - be able. -to bide their light under a ' bushel sifter tomorrow,' whan regula- .. tions issued By tne bureau or animal ' industry are to go Into effect. j One requirement la that 'manufao turers shall keop a apecial tax certifi cate, coating i&o annually, in a con spicuous place ta their factories; an other ia that over the 'door of each factory shall be placed, a aign giving . me proprietors run name, ms pusiness :, and the registered number of bis s tabllshment, with tha words "Mannfao turer of Renovated Butter. , Every . package of the butter must bear ape : clal stamps representing a tax of I cent for each pound of the product It contains. All coverings or wrappers must do piamiy marked Wita toe words "Kenovated Butter.". . GRANT PHKQLKY, Mfr. Elks' Building Seventh and Stark WORK i Demonstrators for New Kind of Health Food Alleged to ; Be Dupes of Discoverers. : OPrORTUNITY WAITS , IN LINCOLN COUNTY CSiweial Claaateh te The JearaaLl , ' ' ' TJnvllle, Or Aug. 11. The south ern part of Lincoln county la now Inviting the homeseekers of small means. . There are a great number of persona of the less thrifty who would sen out Tor 4 than their improvements have cost them. .- wi nis is a line country, n naa av-xiae oil. mate and water, and fair faeimlee, con- i j sidering It is - a comparatively - new i country .: what i la now .wanted.' is I new blood and energy. TBe opportunl- l ties are excellent for the farmer... of : i even moderate means, who can get in on 1 1 almost pioneer terms, and yet find: a I great deal of the pioneer hardship baa, . vwa Dornt or mi predecessors. ' , 1 1 1 (Special Dtopateh to The ftmraal. Seattle, Aug. 14. Two woman aad a man are In the city jalL charged with operating a' bunko game, which bears aoma new features, Their name are Mrs. J. F1. Hoambtrr Mn. Vf . rtvnaa b n , XWT r . 1 . - u rr. n. aNgur. i am rirat named la the president, she says, of a company formed to manufacture "Our innuMn1 Flour," a kind of medicated whole-wheat uvur. aire, xynee says ana la the In ventor of the flour, and Maloney la a clerk In , the of floe. Their oompany, which the polloe aay waa first lnror. isd at $100,000. The Scheme, it la aaid. la ' f r, .t catchy personal advertisements in the dally newspapers, callln for iiemnn. atrators to sell the patent flour. When applicants appear they are told that in order to obtain emloyroent at III a week It la necessary for tham in hn. a certain number of shares of stock In the company aan a snare, the par value. ...,-t.. . A circular of the comnany aava tha concern la capiUUaed at . 1100,000 and the Stock la Of rar vilun Tf la mtmtA that the Object of the mmnui u in fe ni a jtavenna fark, a suburb, where the company Is declared to own 40 lots. f It is stated that it is the intention to bliv mora, mil that f Vi- ttoiiusiuury ox me oompany is the Dex ter Horton bank. ; - Inveetleation bv the nolle v.ii. that the company owna no lota at -Ra venna Park, and ia not known at the bank. . Several alles-a trlAtima j " " .... ..w t ready, been discovered. ; . ' TO ALt ,WHOM IT JMAY CONCERN: f. This is to certify that I, A. L, Raplee, have lived on the San Juan River n Southern . Utah,' for the past fourteen years, and am acquainted witn'the placer properties owned by the Gold Dredging Company'of America; I ani familiar; with the various bars and irig. these years I have "vast number I have washed many times found pockets of virgin gold to the, value of more than $1,000 each. The properties of the Gold Dredging Company yf America are especially rich in these deposits, and favorably located with reference to the bed, and wash of the river. ?? In myopinion there will be uncovered by this company, in its future operations with modern gold-saving machinery, an amount of gold that will equal many, many fortunes for it is my opinion that the estimate of $Lp0 per cubic yard 'of the property is conservative indeed; I have oft en panned out in the field back of my house and injhe wagon road by, my house a much higher average than the amount of $1.00 per cubic yard, and in the lower grounds where the river runs i through j the properties the iaverajBfe will .'ex ceed, in many places $25.00' per yard. ,5 After coming to this country I became so thoroughly interested in the search f of these riches that ti a l4f.a irfr4-i tlrmirrirt eliai nm'fiA i lira lia14 fnr m 4fl on11 1 inlaret sn(? flfl VrV nCCitlnn ' irrtr -T Vl 1 irai VlA eltA Ahnnn!i' ' I have talked with miners from other properties in different sections of the country, and I am more arid "more certain that, jtaking into con sideration the richness of these deposits, together with the ease with which they can be handled with proper dredging machinery, that .the Samjuan country will be the richest of its kind ever yet discovered.; ' I, myself, have over and over again dreamed of the" fcuhe which was here for me if I could only control and operate even one of the'great modern mechanisms which dredging companies with their aggregations of capital are now using in the various parts of the world (and especially in California, Australia and Alaska countries) to take from "river bottoms the sand and gravel deposits where is hidden treasures of gold. ' (Signed.) A. L. RAPLEE. ' v ; f I TOWN. OF BLUFF, COUNTY OF SAN JUAN, STATE OF UTAH: ss. - - , ; ; ' , ' w Personally appeared before me; A; L RAPLEE, on this 18th' day of May, 1907, who is known o me, and acknowledged that the above is his signature, and affirms that the statements made in the foregoing are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.' (Signed.) PETER ALLEN, Notary Public t - The , need to be soon filling" our counter ' with fall goods gives youthis ; chance.; -. ' . ' " ' ; ' 100 pairs" of fancy patterns, inflight, cool, fashionable ,trousers, at $2.85. .They, were! $4 , and $5. V - Negligee, Shirts 65a, ' worth $1.25. r:. '; ' , ; , r , 'Ichawk BIdg." K3 r : ! ie3 Third St, INTERNATIONAL LAW CONFERENCE IN MAINE - tJonraal Boerlil Sarrlna t i-urwa.uu. xa.e. aui; it. 1 na nrn. gram completed for the conference of the International Law association, which la to assemble in thla city two om ueovK . eauwe mtt ine partici pants will include ' leaai llrhta fmm many parte of America and Europe. (The conference will be in aesslon three days uoucr me prvaiaancy 01 mo itlgnt Hon. Lord Justice Kennedy of Court of in. peal, London. . ... The topics selected for discussion cover a wide scope.. Among them will be International arbitration. iiimru Jurisdiction, ' contraband of . war, dlplo- uiaLic uruiecf,tun ox euDjecis , abroad, double imposts, foreign evidence, com- P"? foreign Judgments 'and the limits Of active Intervention bv a itata to secure the fulfillment of contracts in javor 01 ita own eiuaena enteraii intn by them with other etates. included among those who are to present papera or addresses before v the conference are Dr. A. Hlndenberg of Copenhagen. Dr. Erno Wlttmann nf nudapeat, aaaton de Laval of Brussels, Cmef Justice Simeon E. Baldwin of me supreme court or Connecticut, Bv rltt P. -Wheeler of New York, J. H. Balfour. Browne of London, A. C Schro der of Zurich, Prince de Cassano of Rome, Dr. W. Evans Darby, secretary of the Peace society, London, and Pro- loaaor v. nooie uregory.t dean or, the wiuiy ox aw or xowa university. MEMORIAJLiXN HONOR ; - OP GENERAL SUMTER ' UNBELIEVABLY RICH IrtXhe, JTHtft i$, fur grpund is to rich that wudr.ot ex plairt the absolute facts, lest we be misunderstood and classed a Drairgarts or ffiven to extKcerttion. it is nara to have something too good to be advertised at its actual value and at tha same time una the tremendously rich results vawai merely, for the lack of a few thousand nreciselv the position in which we f have, in Southern f Utah, TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES OF AS RICH PLACER ' GOLD - MINING GROUND AS EVER .WERE KISSED BY, THE SUMMER'S SUNS, right On the banks of the reat San Juan river, 1,600 feet wide at this point,' containing a volume of water sufficient to op- erate all the placer mines of the world. These fourteen 160-acre claims of gravel bars contain gold enough to make wealthy every family in the state of Oregon, and if we had $50,000 at our disposal today this stream. fiot richness wonld be flowing into the coffers of our people within four months', "time. WHY DO NOT RICH MEN TAKE HOLD OF YOUR .'v.- v'-fe5;;- PROPOSITION? ;. ; .. ; We fancy we hear you. asking. They would if we would relinquish seven-tenths of our stock to them, so that they could reap all the immense profits. , We have, offer after offer of that kind, but it don't go with us. . We found these mines. We located them. We have tested them. We know that they will make us and the few that join in with us independently wealthy, and we will not surrender , them to any of the grasping, greedy ones who would turn ' around and bid us got A thousand times rather would we gather together a little band or company, of friends of small means, and our hearts and purposes knitted together, march along to prosperity by ourselves, than that we be dominated by some wealthy influences with hearts of stone and tentacles constantly outstretched, like the octopus, seeking to entangle another victim. Every Share' Is Fully Paid Up and NbpAsscssiblc V , OFFICERS OP THE COMPANY "jUmVBT BAHiET, wres. and Gen. MrV ' OOWBAO WTSa. Yloe-rrealdent. -. J. K. CXUMX, Beoretary-Treasurer. ' I. Mm W. BAUiiil, avasv. aagT. WE WANT MEN AND WOMEN OF MODERN MEANS To link their 'destinies to ours, then read with us the profits that sure as there is a sky above, will be ours tic bir to securcfrom,. it WWC1, uu WirX"Z """""l.A1 - ting its development. . ? the, i240ncres referred to, we have 160 acres. - dollars; yet this is , 5"Pnsing ll sanastone placer claims, i making a total Oi . . ind ourselves. We ' 4,000 acres of gold ground, which has hidden within it a My commission expires May 6, 1910 COPY OF LETTER. TO H. W, BAILEY FROM MR. A. D. BURCOYNE ' BLUtT, Viah. July U, 107. Mr. H. W. Bailey, Portland, Oregon. Dear Friend I shall now. answer your very welcome let- - tar, which wa received by me last week,-. in Blurt, Utah same up tbe . going back in the morning now, Harvey, I suppose fortune sufficient to elevate to a plane of magnificent opu lence every man, woman, boy or girl who has ever pe- , ruse4 the columns of The Oregon Journal. Beyond the cost of the mining property beyond the cost of ma chinery, beyond and above the cost of extraction from the sands and graveLWE HAVE A PROPERTY THAT WILL YIELD $365,904,000.00 PRQFITS TO OUR PEO- ' PLE, and then have enough sand and gravel left to oper ate the mines for another. hundred years. How do wt - .know? We have taken yards of gravel from here and there from' 500. different places on our claims and washed it out by crude hand process. We thereby ascer . fained its value.' It is 60 feet down to bedrock, and as tbe engineering department of a railroad figures out the number of yards of earth td be removedin an excavation,' so have we computed the number of yards of gravel and v sand bars our property contains. This is different from ' quartz mining, where ores may vary. , WE CAN TELL EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE AT THE BEGINNING, AND DO NOT HAVE, TO GUESS. A. D. Burgoyne, foreman at our mines, cannot clearly un derstand why it is necessary that we should advertise our , stock for sale. He js on the ground,' and knows exactly what we have. He is not guessing, either, and wrote us the other day as follows: am at present up tbe Hta or the montn ana am ling to the old grounds. ,. f . ose vou are getting ready to coma ' down bore very soon. You told me to write to your father, n X wllL but I moat have his address. .: , t " - I am certainly well pleased with tha property here. Our la very rloh. ALL KINDS OF GOLD HERB.. IT . 18 O. K. IT WILL BIB ONE OF THB BIQQKST FATING - PROPERTIES IN THB STATES.! I can take my pan and go to the river, each time getting large colors of gold. There is more ground here for dredging than we can ever work out The stock will surely fly up to the high notch when the first . machine ia installed.- what la the matter with the people up there in your town are they scared of the stock f . I tell you they won't be able to buy It la a year from now.. I wish yeu auccesa.- We have It at this end of the line. fverything la coming out far better than we expected.. Well, will draw to f, close. Tours truly, . - . v -,.- , . . A. X). BUROOTNB, Foreman. WE ARE SELLING SHARES FOR THE PRESENT IT TEN CENTS EACH ,,. . v.-:, 4, ... i , .-, .-. . ' . ' k We have sever advertised a share before. It ought not to be necessary to spend much money to sell our stock. Our proposition will bear, and we invite, the most search ing investigation of every statement we make concerning it. But 510,000 shares of our treasury stock will be sold. . It ought to go within a month. In fact, if every reader -of The Journal but knew the facts, we would sell every ; share we are offering within a week. If we do not have' unprecedented demand for our paper, it will be because the people have not knowledge of the opportunity we are offering buyers to speedily become rich. Write Us a Postal, and We WiJI Mall Yoa a Booklet Containing Complete Sworn-to In formation Concerning the Proposition of Which This Advertisement Treats 'Btateburg, 8. V.,- A teresUng ceremonies January display a fat In honor of General Tl Iaaraal Mn-l-l B..iu t . Btateburg. B. V., Aug.1 14. With In- -and' an ' elaborate handsome mamarlal unveiled her. IV "1": h."TO- Th vent was t tha tat7i.imi,f,nt representatives of iataii- L larr number of troops, iiZ&m the patriotlo SSfl2 fi-numerou other visitors. fHn M,T(Llontau" ot "Virginia and lion H. X Id. Umlih ot Cbarlestoa B. V. VlirSOK. Buperlntendent. 1 , W. V. UTAXTAWAT, Asi TKt at a, - Asst. Bnpt, ing company Rooms 26-28, 142 Second Street, between Morrison end Alder of Amerieal AAAA A AAA aak A A AAAAA A A A AAAtl Hagan's ; Magnolia Balm v A liquid preparation for . , Face, Nook, Arwia 'aad Handa. Makaa the akla ' like yoa want it. DoeaK : " A la a moment. Hlsaelth- s -ap atloky nap graaay. ..' Ifa harmleaa, elesa and refreshing. Oaanot be . i v . deteeted. Two eolora, ; ; Pink and White. Use It I morning noon and nlghV ' v Winter, Spring, Summer . FalU SAMPLE FREE. ( ' i LTONbfPOCO., ' " . 1 44 8. Fifth St., Brooklya,.T. e,AM.AAaAAAa,AAAaAA4 were the Principal speakers at the un- veuing. ' uenerai Bumter was the last surviv- ina- general officer of the war of the American Revolution and in his honor Fort Sumter, , in Charleston ' harbor, where 'the first shot waa fired, in tha civil war, was named. During tbe rev olution Bumter. waa one of the ablest and most active partisan leaders of the south. Like Marion be organised and fed biS own command,' which was prac tically independent of orders, from the American army, headquarters. ' General Sumter was born in Virrinla in 174. and died near Camden, South Carolina, - Preferred Stock Canned (foods. '- ' Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. - 'l Diseases of Women UADIES FEMALE WEAKNESS. GENERAL DEBII- ITY. NERVOUS TROUBLES. UNHEALTHY DISCHARGES, PAINFUL OR IRREGULAR MONTHLY SICK NESS, safely and speedily relieved. If in trouble call or write. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Medicine sent everywhere by, mail ;or -express in plain1 wrapper, free fronv exposure. V . y. ' Or T I Pierte'js JLI 1 Sjf 1 IVs'I WW PORTLAND, OR. BATH. POWDEft I I a RICE POWDER A Perfumecl Urxuryfor the Batlu I Best Toilet powder. Antiwlkdkr kXHicus i iaiu water, xjcucx i . pure, . iveueves Sunoum and than rcnume. 1 25 (VA CAN 25 cents. OR AT ALL STORES MAILED US. chafing. Best foe baby; A CAN VETERAXS OF-MEXICAN , WAE AT GEEENFIELD ;'"-v-.4 . j ' 1 1 . i ' " .;:.' ? ii'J Woarnai:" Bpeeial' srHea.l.' , '5 Qreenfield, Ind., Aug. It. What must be nearly the last of -the annual - re unions of the Indiana Mexican-War Vet erans' association bea-an here , tori a. v and will continue over tomorrow. ' The association bai now scarcely a handful of members and 'a' number of' these were unable to eome to the reunion on account of age and infirmities. Teiegraph Operators Wanted vby!Westem Union Good opportunity offered to young men and women with eome knowledge of telegraphy. Bonus aalery paid, ROGUE RIVER ipple QrcKard - TEN ACRES i fJO WA 7lbUt Sfteeva iiauwiMg. tllMMMlMt tl.l- Value, 1908. V. .... .$3,000 ,; ; Value, 1911;.,.. .$6,000 vT value, ivw..;..j.. 4,uuu . vaiue, iviz..,.,,; 7,000 Value, 1910.;;...,. 5,000 v;:Value, 1913.....7,S00 ; ' i5 Value 1914 ................',,.(.., Profits from fruit, 1913, ...... ;..v..;;i....j;:..iiv ,y Profits from. fruit, 1914. t,...,..,.;..,. ..,;:.,; ,;,'':;: 2,500 i f Profits from fruit, 1915 5,000 . Profits from fruit, 1916. ...... .4..,.. ..;? ,5,000 : Profits from fruit, 1917;,, . .v;; a vi ;. -i; i 5,000 .: $ 250 10,000 l,ow: s'Total,Value"ReceivedO:year dip Cost ;'-'. i ; ;; . ;; .V.'.-.;;.; ; . ;." Gam uvlQ years .i;;;; ;;;y;";;V.K $28,500j 2,750' V" $2550 Thla table la based on ,axistlna;"coniiUonsS;l)r;'f urther rparticata it RpguclRivOrchard tesk 4 ,r . MEDFORD, OREGON Midland Acre Tracts Knapp 2 Mackey atoom t, Cbambar r ef Commerce.- - Chapin & Herlow ' 832 Chamber of ' - Commerce. -mione btala 16S8. EflREfflEW-13 ?,n?r?,,iT naoits are positively enred by uAoixuiau' qt nrpoaermie or internal use. Dampie aent w an maiL t at yonr Welt Cb ess leal CoH St Lonla. Wo. y orug nabitne by ? (eguiar price tioo per bottle w dmreiat or bv mail In nlaln wrannar.