The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 14, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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. llEii
f ' I.
Oakland Officer .Kills Man
' for Refustog to Give Up
Bottle of Whiskey Put in
' Jail; "While Thorough In-
. Testlfration' Is Hade;. -
MaaraU Spteta! Banrks.1 .,
Oakland. Cal. AO. 14.BeOM hs
refu-aa to surrender botUs of whlsksy
h had In hi possession. T, A. Pumas, a
' railroad switchman, rsoently In tha am-
: ploy of tha Southern Pacific m shot
' ! and ? ktllaa yestarday fcr Pollcaraaa
Burks. Tha killing oocurrsd la tha Wait
( Oakland railroad yarda. Burko la ow
j la th city prison, ponding an invoaUr
1 gallon of .tho affair. ; -jIvV-'
Burko oamo upon Dumas aa tho lattor
I was loartng a boxcar, carrying a bottlo
of wblakay. Tho offioar damandsd that
tho switchman aarondor tho liquor and
tho Utter refused. A torrlblo atmgglo
, naued when tha officer attempted to
Wmi ma noiut imra aim twhw naiiw.
a A I . .. ,ilrai atnf-v - DltmftJ
' seiw-4 a pleeo of Iron which waa lying
; nearby ona aoaauiiea mm, woareupon am
-draw his gun and shot the railroader.
. Dumas lived but ten mlnutoa after rs
celvlng tho wound. -
Burko wao terribly bruised about tho
' faco and head In tho encounter, ana waa
In a terrible plight whert-he appeared at
' headquarter and reported tho killing.
'I After a hastr consultation tho officer
was locked within tho oUy prlaon, pand-
lag an In veotl nation.
Railroad men defend tho memory of
Dumas and fel very bitterly toward
' Burko. although there haa boon bo offer
of violence, - ; ...--'. - .. ;
month bo anon that the room will not
be continually nili1 'with coal cue and
one. ana inai a rainy equal tempera-
tu re be maintained la all parte of tho
1 Corrootioa of Boar. . I .
Tho oorreotion or tho hour of labor
ana me wiminmnn or tno companies'
poiior or nave driving which comptli
many of the opera tore to remain at
their keya for hour a at m. rlma iih.,t
jooaou upon as tho two prin
cipal leaiwroo os tno resolutions adopt-
ad. ! .....
nam tar V f-ftnrilHnna at Y1T. ..
- - . -. - v . V.l . vvl u
Union, too. It la said, have been the
worwi tnai . It Is Doaaibla ta . Mmwl
Operators to work tinrf.r , m vaginal
ana unroeauue change la demanded. It
Was Stated this mnrnlnr that r.Mnl
uuuiuun. Bre aucn mat l( is a constant
aource or wonaer that tho telegraph
men have escaped an eDklamlo at aim-
Western Union buslneaa durlns the
past i Hours Aas bean mora aarlbnalv
crippled than at anv time alnna the
iriKe negan. out of a daily average of
s.vuv w -iluud measaraa received ana
sent out, the office has only been able
to nanaie oetween 100 and 700.
Messengers are no where to be se
cured an J the business generally la de-
moralized. About 10. per ..cent of the
usual amount Is all that la being ban
lea. over the ; wires of the Faclfio
a P. Snell Attempts to Aid
Prosecution But Becomes
' V'.Badly Tangled.
Btatea TeleDhone aV TelearraDh enmunv.
however, the Western Union Is dlspstch-
ng as much of Its business as possible
and tho wires of tho. former are being
sop Duty. . '.,...:
Xea Chat Otber Joba, ,,,,
arge number of men who attended j
yesterday were
as y
not present this morning, having
cured positions elsewhere, and an-
f . .-; . ; . ;
" (Joereai ipeeUI Servfae.)
San yranolsco. Aug." 14-rTbo govern
ment's case against Benson and Perrln,
on trial charged with land ew indies, waa
badly shaken yesterday afternoon when
the defense cross-examined C. P. Snell.
Tho witness answered the questions put
to him by tho government very readily.
fell down hara wnn no waa proDea
bv the lawyers for the defense. Ills
atopv failed to hold water and iie wss
badly tangled by the time be left the
stand. .' " '
Lawyers for the defense claim that
victory la theirs alnoe hearing Basil's
testimony. This man waa supposed to
bring out many vital points In his tes
timony and apparently did so when tell
in a his story for the proseoutlon. .When
the cross-examination beaan. however.'
he was tangled on many of these and
the case looked much, brighter for the
accused men. . ,,
HATunE phouideo;
Fon sicit v;g;.:ej
'r;-:'l--.r ':'.-f". k ' , v;
a, mora potent remedy la tha roota
and herbs of tao field than waa evar
produced from drags.
In tta rood old-faahionad dava af
our grandmothcra few draga were '
vaad in. raadlclaaa and Ljdla E.
Pinkham. of Lynn, Uaas., in bar
atudy of)roota and herbs and their
power oor dlseaaa disco rered and
gava to tha woman of tha world
remedy for their peculiar Ills mora
potent 4 and effloaoioua than any .
eomblnation of drnga. ' ; : ,, . t (
. ... i ' -u'., a
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
: (Continued' from Pare One.) ;
" ators here who purport to have Inside
Information declare that Small will en
ter into conference with Labor Com-
- mlasloner Nelll at Chicago, determined
that the union shall secure complete
recognition . from - the companies, and
that he takes the stand that the agree
mant prepared by NelU baa been broken
by the Western Union and Postal com-
. panics, and that he la no longer bound
to refrain from calling aa official gen
eral strike.-
Assistant Superintendent Miller, who
(s acting aa the head of the company
because of the illness of Superintend
ent Jaynes, made tha following state
ment: .. ', . -.-..-'.
.. "The present strike of the operators
,' at West Oakland and 8an Francisco Is
In direct violation of our agreement and
they must accept tha responsibility for
"Since July II, . the Western Union
' . Telegraph company haa reemployed 128
of the striking operators; three refused
to accept reemployment, , aitnougn or-
f ered to them at the same salary they
received erore tno striae, ana rive ap
plicants have not yet, been reemployed
because they have as vet been unable
to satisfactorily 'disprove the charges
i ilea against them covering their con
auci since June u, ioi. ,;.
' Win Xot Beeogalae Union -
T wislf to make It particularly plain
:,: that the Western Union Telearanh com
pany didi not-enter Into an understand-1
: in or aareement witn any. -oraaniEation
.In-connection with the settlement of
the strike on July II, and this company
recognizes no organisation wnatever.
. The Western union ; Telegraph com-
?anys position la the same as on June
1, 1107, and no change Whatever has
. - been made In Ita attitude with respect
. :to its employes, j - i
.' "So far as the charges of dtsorlml-
1 nation are concerned, our oniy lniorma-
.'tlon comes through the press and no
i evidence substantiating such charges
has ever been presented to me. The
: i present movement is merely a part of a
' concerted clan to enforce the closed
. shop rule, and, of oourse, the question
must do xous-nt out.
'A -committee representing the dl
charged employes waited upon me thla
afternoon ana l ruuy explained to them
why It was absolutely Impossible for
the company to reinstate the operators,
' and they were further informed that If ;
-the remaining ODerators at Ban fran-
- - clsco and West Oakland left their keys i
4Jn sympathy with the discharged oper-
. ators it wouia ne in airect violation or
the understanding with the commission
er Of labor and the men must assume
: we responsiDinty ror it. ; ? ;
' "As to the alleged cases of dlscriml
nation, the operators against whom such
1 discrimination haa been practiced have
'.the right to bring the matter up for
' consideration under the provision of the
letter of June to. 107, exchanged be
tween President dowry and Commis
sioner Nelll, but so far as I am aware,
, no employe of the West Oakland or San
' Francisco office has aeon fit to avail
- himself of. this right." . ..
tha local union meetln
MAIinnamant mmrmx mt MaI. aa skaa aaaalon a
day that new place, had been offered to ENTERPRISE ENJOYS
aks eatal Irl rt m AMMfAfn I - , - -
day or two bi found at
Other occupations. ,
i Resolutions were also adopted this
morning thanking tha Messenger Boys'
Protective union for its . sympathetic
eln In the strike and tenderlna the aid
of the telegraphers In case It la needed.
The resolutions were signed , by the
committee, consisting nf i. i Prag, F.
B. Tracey. Clarence Olbbs, J. A. Mo
Devitt and P. D. Morgan.
Manager Wm. Dumara of the Western
Union . states that tha following mes
are was sent out this afternoon by A.
O. Sinks, local chairman of the O. R. T.:
Sfltl OteMtek to The Jooraatl
Enterprise. Or- Aur. 14. gvo ver-
formances were given la the Enterprise
opera house last week of. the Pirates
of Penzance, under the auspices of the
Enterprise Dramatic club The' result
was a oeciaed success.. Those takini
part la the opera were all residence o
Wallowa county. Professor Boyer of
la an honest, triad and traa remedy of nnquoitionabla therapautia alua.
Paring it record of mora than thirty veara. Ita long list of actual
enrae of those aarious ilia peculiar to women, entitle Lydia B. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound to tha reiDoct and eonfldsnoa of a vary fair minded
paraonaad avary thlaldar womnowv1.. : -- y; ..v. '..-t"y-:,
When women , ara troubled with Irregular or painful functions,
weakness, . displacement, ulceration' or inflammation, backache,
flatulency, yanarai debility, iadireatlon or nervous prostration, they
should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia . Pink
ham'a Vegetable GomponndV ;v (,: ' -s
- No other remedy In. the oountry hag each a, reoord of eurea of
female ilia, and thousands of woman residing in every part of the United
States bear willing; testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia B. Pink
ham'a Vegetable compound and what it haa done for them. ,
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write bar for adrioe. 6he bag
raided thousands to health, for twenty-five veara aha haa been advising,
aiek women free of ebarre. She U the daughter-in-law of Lydia S. Pink
bam and aa her assistant for years before her deoeaae adviaed under her
immediate dlreetion. . 'Addreaa, Lynn. Maaa. ' "
Portland oonduoted the rehearsals with
eminent satisfaction to the participants
.j...-. biMiiuwu v& tuv w. aw a,, im um uyvra, lum iwiivni finu nm men-
"All Telerraphera. Lines In Ore son larement of tha onera houaa. . It la tha
Ton are requested to observe strictly I Intention of the club to put on another
our agreemet with the Southern Paoiao
company: perform the same duties now
tnat you aid oerore tno commercial
Telegraphers' strike;- - nothing more,
nothing less. ' Railroad company asks
nothing more. A. o. SINKS,
-1 .- r. ' '.'(.,- Tiocal Chairman."
State Senator in North Idaho
Takes the Possibility
Lewis ton, Idaho, Aug. 11. '1 believe
Governor Gooding will call a special
session of the lecislature te meet early
In September, though I have received ne
statement to that effect from him,"
said State Senator Elmer Waldrlp, who
was this morning a visitor In Lewiston.
"The matter has been agitated, and a
report sent out from Boise to sound the
people and find how suoh action by the
administration would be taken. At the
last session we provided for the nay-
ment of the $54,000 deficiency warrants
and 150,000 for further carrying on the
prosecutions. All of this fund has been
exhausted, and It Is my understanding
that the banks of Boise have refused to
cash the deficiency warrants now Issued
because of the uncertainty of the next
ierlslature maklna appropriations, to
meet their payment." -
(Special Dispatch ' to The Joersal.)
Chehalls. Wash..' Aua. 14. Denutv
nnerirr ueorge King Tuesday arrested
two youac hoboes, who save the names
of Charles McDonald and Frank 'Fost
and state that their homes ara In Axi-
sona. They give their ages as IS and
17. respectively. They are wanted on a
charge of pilfering the workmen'a quar
ters at tne sawmill at uiooe. A smau
sum of money and a silver watch be
longing to one of the employes were
found on them. Sheriff McDonald of
Facirio county came after them yester
day and took them to South Bend, the
offense having been committed . In Pa
cific. The capture, was the result of
the active efforts of Oren Armstrong of
uiobe, who louowed the pair Xo Che
hails. . .
opera thla fall.
(Continued from Page One.)
a e;headquaetees
- ajajasssaoaasBaaBB .
(BpeeUI Dispstck to Tbe JeeraaLl " '
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 14. Tsn thou
sand dollars of the 1600,000 needed to
construct the proposed $500,000 Chris
tian Endeavor headquarters at Boston
has been raised by Seattle Endeavorers.
The amount hss been pledged to the
board of trustees by a Seattle oom-
mittve or three men who are prominent
In Endeavor work here. These three
say that 160 could be raised aa easily
as 110.000. It Is pointed out that If
tne .rest or tne country should do aa
well 'as Seattle eouid ha
raised for the new headquarters.
-v-' (Joeraal Special servkeJ
Lon Anreles. Aur. 14 Under the
terras of the agreement between the
boiiermakers and the Southern Paclfla
railroad terminating the strike, all for
mer employes are to return to work
witn one exception. The one man who
Is to be removed Is a helrer who re
fused to Strike. The union's demand for
ma removal .win oe met. ,
(Special DU patch to Tk JoeraaLl
Seattle Auk. 14. A move calculated
to drive Taciflo Coast shingles out of
tne maraet east oi umcago wao made
When the Central Frelaht association
announced an advance In loading re
qulrementa from 4.000 to a.000 a car. tha
advance depending upon the car lengths.
l ma will raise rates ana win Kill tne
business held east of Chicago by west
ern manufacturers, -
William J. Bulwr. the vouna bonk.
aeeDer arresiea vesieraav ror ononin
letters belonrln to bis emnloyer. I I
Booth, waa arraigned this morning be
fore Judge Charles E. Wolverton, in the
local United States d 1st riot court. Bul
ger waived the reading of the Indictment
and asked . until . Friday mornlna to
plead, 'x ne order waa granted.
:'- !-i aaaaiaBBBJBlBBajsBjBnBjjaauaa ( ,-.
"'" it, ,.. A ' '.): .. 1 J S -' 'I - ..' .f1 "
Fisk Will Improperly Drawn
So Court Befused to Ad
mit It to Probate.
Legacies amounting to 114,000 will be
received by B. K. Fisk Inatead of going
to his two children, Norman, aged 13
years, and June, aged I years, because
the win drawn by the children's grand
father, 1. H. risk, was' not made in
strict compliance with the Oregon law.
The will waa offered la the county
court for probate, but It waa learned
that neither of the witnesses to the will
had seen Flak slrn tha document, nor
bad they signed It In the presence- of
Fisk, as required by law, and Judge
Webster thla morning made an order re-
xusing to aamit tne win to proDate.
The result is that all the Drorjertv.
or an estimated vaiue or szi.oo, de
scends to ths son. B. EL Fisk. who waa
appointed administrator tnis morning.
By the terms of tha will, which was
drawn July 14, 1066. the property waa
to be divided equally between B. E.
Fisk and the two arandchlldren. each
of them to receive one-third of the es
tate. '" "
It Is crobable that the erandfathar's)
desire will be carried out, as the two
children are the only heirs lot their
father, B. IB. Flske,, and the property
will eventually decend to them. J.
H. Flak died at Naples, Italy, -May 19,
1007. The lrrearularlty In framina- the
will was not known until the attempt to
probata It was made. -
To feel strona. have rood aonetlta and
digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy life,
use Burdock Blood Bitters,
system tonic ana ouuaer.
the great
The Brotherhood of Railroad Freight
and Baggage Men haa established Its
national headquarters In Boston.
Trial ox .Louis mass, is mmg
Expedited by San Fran
cisco Court. :
jr "i n r n r r m
Have vou investitrated this sale of splendid new and well
( known pianos offered to you at an actual sacrifice of 57
Cents on the dollar? ' ' ' " "
-. - . i , ,
Do you realize that the list of makes; is composed of the
V: very best to be found in the piano world?, - ,
. Do you appreciate the fact that instead of $500 you pay now.
only $285 Instead of $400 you pay . now only $228; instead
' of $300 you pay now only $ltijrinstead of $200. you pay
' "now only $114?, Do you fully realize that these values.
' have never before been duplicated in the' nistory.of piano: f: J
felling in this city? , .l:VOlferi; : V
,nuu viv jruu i.xni.i utab .iic oaic v lariuty iicaim ito 4
; Let us once more emphasize these facts: " v
k M M S4Ji L M I '
I . ... .. 4
1 t., 11
, : ' . 2 "
rranclaco, JL'-.g. 14. Trial of
Louis Olaaa, vice-president and general
manager of the Paelflo Telephone and
Telegraph company, proceeded -. today.
The Jury was secured yesterday la less
than six hours. The men who ara to
bear the case are; -
Johnson Elliott, retail srrocer: John B.
itnuae, president or a naaery corpora
tion: Richard M. Collins, bar and a rain
dealer: NUea C Mortensen. contractor:
James Galley, carpenter: James Glass-
ford, wholesale grocer; Frank W. Brown,
lonashoreman: Qeorre - w. Far!
Dicycie repairer: Joseph C. Queen, adver-
tlslng agent; Dr. Phillip H. Flood, retired
au j bi,obu. uuvraaau Tv waaauajsj jwa
Tranklin Riffle, hardware clerk.
Ih conclusion, let us impress with greatest earnestness' the
advisability of investigating this opportunity immediately. ,
Come this evening or tomorrow., ! You will find, without .
any doubt, that this is jhe chance, by far more favorable
than any you could have anticipated, whereby your musical
hopes and pleasures may, now become realities-; t"
House of
and Best
353 Washington St, Cor. of Park
San Francisco Seattle , Tacomi Spokane
Ban Francisco. Aug. 14. Tanakl Taut
utl, the Japanese spy. captured In the
PhlllDDlnes while sketchlna- the forti
fications, was-brought to thla city yes
terday on the transport Thomas. He
will be taken to Mare Island for ex
amination. .,'- ;". ' '.
when your child haa a severe cold. 'Tow
need not fear pneumonia or other pul
monary aiseaaes. H.sep suppnea with
Ballard's Horehound Syrup . poslUve
cure tor ooias, cougns, wnoopug cough
and bronchitis, Mrs. Hail of Sioux
Falls. 8. Dvwrltes: "I have used your
wonderful Ballard's Horehound Syrup
on my children ror nve years, its re
sults have been wonderful. Sold br all
Humiliation, embarrassment, chagrin.
and loss of business 'are caused by the
surname Mosovitch. and all these Ula
would be Oared were the name changed
to Rendel. according to the petlUon filed
In ths oounty court, thla . morning by
Joseph Mosovitch.
Mosovitch says that he has been In
the tailoring business In Portland for
flv veara. and that the cumbersome and
aimcuil pronunoiauoi
greatly humiliated an
ana nausea aim
of his name haa
embarrassed him
Iderable lose of
Midland Acre Tracts
Knapp & Mackey
Boom a, Chamber
: of Commerce. 1
Chapln & Her low.
833 Chamber of
Commerce. ..,
Phone Kaia 1608. v
Often In social and "business life "his .
name la purposely mispronounced, 4ys
Mosovltoh. and at . such times be la .
more or less chagrined. He believes that
if his prayer Is granted and bis name
changed to Rendal he will be relieved
of all his distress and that bla business
wilt grow and flourish like a green bay
' (Continued from Page Ona)
log the periods between tin. and 6:3 0
, p. m. :io p. m. and 8 a. m. and 13 mid.
; night and I a. m., respectively, provided
that early night tricks shall not begin
, iaier inan t p. m.
. -'That no telegrapher te compelled to
work more than four and one-half hours
' consecutively, without being allowed
; : luncn reuer. - That reasonable time for
, necessary short relief be allowed. That
, all operatora sending Aasoclated Press
reports 01 s.ouo woras or over shall be
paid a first class salary. That lady
v; oneratora aha.11 bA nalit at tha mm
ratio as men, accoroins- to their ablHtv.
"That there be a 16 per cent Increase
";ln the salaries, or confmlpBlons, as the
' case may be, of all operators. . That the
company shall supply necessary type-
,-, writers 01 stanaara nuute ana Keep saia
lypcwniera in .repair,, vV V
: , Begulatlng Extra . Servloe.
f k- TVMVtw oak oj yiuv 19 t OtJ LUI UU IU1U
if vjtia . fi-iUQiiaJ'MVIB ' OlTI B V DkliaulO IUI
such service, that they be given prefer-'
. kucw ,,ver imegrapners reguiariy em
' ployed on day, night, or spUt tricks,
.and that both regular and extra tele
graphers employed by the Western
: - iiuon ana roetai ueiegrapd companies
' Da arlven tha nnfArmiM at.f 4aia-.n.
,ers employed by other firms or corpora-
1 "That the diarfrraeefnl nnti.n nnAt.
1 tlons of the Western Union local office
ve unprovea and kept good by renova
tion of the toilets, provision of disin
fectants, necessary repairs and the fur-i
nishlng of towels and soap for the bene-
: fit of the employes..
; "That heating facilities during winter
a aettlement may be reached and says
It may last a week and maybe six
months. Mr. Vincent Of the Assoef&ted
Press thinks it may last three or four
Only two circuits In the Associated
Press system are not out One of these
is in New En aland, the other a small one
in tne middle west. There is no con
nection in. Portland with the. Associated
Pmu ltnttrm At finn Wo TtiMirt ami flail
? I Lake City, although some dlsnatehes ara
arriving irom eeatue over western
Union Wirea A few Associated Press
dispatches are being delivered by means
or tne western union irom Tacoma,
Seattle, Spokane, Helena, Chicago and
Old Operatora Barred.
Mr. Vincent stated this morninar that
be would take an operator if he could
get one, but will not take back old oper
ators. Associated Press operatora are
eonfldent of winning, ror operators suit
able xor newspaper won are few and
far between. Out of the total of 400
press operatora less than 100 are at
their keys.
Should tne uraer or Kaiiroad Tele
graphers join the other operators the
position wouia oe critical. Dut local of
ficials of that order deny that there haa
osen even a consideration or a sympa
thetlo movement by the operators In the
railroad service. . This organisation is
31 years old. .. while the commercial
operators have been organised but about
seven years. Tne zormer nave already
fought many battles with the rallorads
and at present nave no grievances.
A. O. Slnch. local director In tha or
der, stated this morninar that there had
been no orders received from the sec
retarv at St. Louis relative to the
situation and that In all probability the
same conditions : would orevail as if
there were no, critical conditions,
Our work is altogether aenarate
from the commercial business.'r said
Mr. Slnch, "and the Western Union busi
ness we handle is very small., . The rail'
roads must oe saieruarded aarainst i
sudden paralysing of the despatching
service, ana we are in honor pound to
Keep our contracts witn the railroad
companies. Therefore, 1 cannot aee that
Plana for the construction of tha
bridge across Sullivan's gulch, at East
Twenty-eignia street, nave neon com
pleted ana the Diana for the structure
serosa the same gulch at Union avenue,
are practically completed. Estimates
show that, the former will cost about
170,000 if constructed of reinforced
concrete, as intended. Estimates of the
cost of constructing the Union avenue
Dnage win not oe completed ror a da'
or so. The Grand avenue bridge wori
la almost completed. .
14. The work of
Albany. Or.. Aur.
rebuilding the Sanderson bridge Is pro
it is ex
verr satisfactorily.'
acted it will be ready for travel within
oected It
three weeks. This Is one of the laraest
bridges in the county and crosses the
Santlam river on the road leading to
Sclo and other points. This bridge we
pariiauy destroyed Dy nign water last
winter. It Is on the only road bv which
the people In the Immediate vicinity of
Sclo and across the Santlam river can
rencn Alrtsny rendu v,
there will be any sympathetic movement
ordered in our organization, we nave
enough business of our own to tend to
AILS ). I .
Call hcn yoa rue
2"TL :re' a R.eaibnM
jlenA t.'ifl little book, "The Road
to W " C.'e," la 1'kgs. '
i without handling commercial messages.
anyhow." . . : ; . ,
(Continued from Page One.) f 'y ?
husband save enough money to buy the
iuue cottage. ' n.-v-
jar. campben is a nephew or Homer
C. Campbell, secretary of the Pacinc
Brldse comnanv. He Is ncnular with
his fellow employes who regard him as
an estimable young man. The .mar
riage was performed : by Rev. Daniel
?.UT' J,for First Congrega
tional Church. -- v ' - ,
' ' ' i m i ' ' i i ' i V'''" ,"
.Wages offered to lmmigranta at To
ronto for emDlovmaat mi ,rai, Ihrnn.HJ
hlgVw&MVu!st r lkb0tot 19 VW ceat
The Best Teas
arc always packed flavor
tight to protect the del
icate leaf from foreign
. Golden Gate
Teas :- .:.
0aaa ,
powder c
DlcK Is
, Creia
are . packed flaror-tight
in, dut proof cartons: '
J A Folder b Co.
;e"-t; stasa atrajalsoo vt
I. laaporteira Wf Pwe T .. ,
'Are the "Eclipse" Range and the Gevtirtz "Special" Sewing Machin
this house. We wouldn't exchange them for every other range and
These are the exclusive property of
chine in town. They are the "best"
and what's best is the only brand good enough for us and for ourpatrons. Most ranges are good and
bad in spots. Some ranges "when they are good they are very, very good, but when they are bad they
are horrid." . The "Eclipse" is the only range that never is anything but very, very good and when ' it is
good it is perfect And the same is true of the GevurUpecial,"the smooth, easy-going, rapid, reliable
sewing macmnc.
The Gevurtz
How can you sell a $60.00 ma
chine for $25.00? We have to an-,
swer this question a number of
, times each day. The machines
are made expressly for us and are,
shipped to us in carload lot di
rect from the factory, and these
- cars don't stop along the road to
pick up agents. The small pnrc
constitutes but two elements the
exact factory cost and our small'
selling profit Not only is the j
Gevurtz "Special" a $60.00 ma
chine, but it is the very best of
$60.00 machines. If it were not
we would not give it the name of :
"Gevurtz "Special." .t Come in arid
try one of these machines. : Our
lady is pleased to demonstrate
their, superiority. t
$1.00 DOWN 50c A WEEK
The One "Best" the
The "ECLIPSE" is warranted for
fifteen years. It is put together
. by- master mechanics, Every
piece of steel, every screw, every.
fitting, has been thoroughly test
ed and must respond to the tes
of perfection. There's not' a lo
of old iron and steel, polished t
to last a year or so. in -the
ranges. ..There is no other ran
on earth could be guaranteed fo
so Ipng a time as the , Eclip
; Why?-, Because there is no oth
, range that can stand the wo
and , the. strain. Other rang
-may do 1 your cooking. T
"Eclipse" cooks it : The s b
. cooker and baker in the best
at the least expense. fRemem!
the neighbor who sent you
lovely light ' rolls uses '
."Eclipse" that is the reason.
f f.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEE
You Will -Profit' More, Each Day by Raiding the " GEVURTZ ''Ads
- Uail Orders '
filled CS. Shipped
" Promptly., .
i .uid7
' With Cart ' .
I ft "
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rf ' f I ' " - '
v m . ,) aa r w v , -aw m ui m
SS , f3Nen 1 .Z-- 'fy 1 t i a ,
ST m.r- .m m n - - .jgmST, 1A
W,m Kl s
qti M7ifr ffmiVRLW ia r
tide i;a3k rrr
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We WiU Rent
Your House or.
CFlat ForYou
' and Charge You '