II- - IPORiir iSTBiDY grout! I r -jj TM I U I U 1 1 1 U U U THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, 'AUGUST . 11 1B07. Only in Union Labor Party Did 'Old faction rjrevail . at San Francisco Polls - Yesterday Jlcrrin Loses . Eailrj)ad Candidate. - (Josnal Special Servies.) San Francisco, Aug. 14. Onir in the Union Labor party did ths old faction fcrevsll at the primaries yesterday, both Democrats and Republicans eIeotlne; reform delegates. : The ' official . out coma shows that tha McNab. .Demo- erstlo, Ryan, Republican, and MoCarthy, labor ticketa, vera victorious at tha polls., v .vt ;) ' --i ."' -, .-..'' , ..! "'The aeleotlon of tha MoCarthy ticket fey h. Union. Labor party. la a decided an and Beonam who did tuef and Bchmtta. Michael of the teamster's union. of IctojaFljf El witn ) ghttng; ror the reform vote the party but lost out ' , . . . xnere -was no lasua on rerorm in the Demoo ratio racks, . both aldea ha? ing . declared themselves . favorable to tha continuance of the graft proaecu tlona. V- . ' . . , . .. , A severe defeat was administered to the Herrln and Southern Puerto political t orees in the victory of Ryan on tha Republican ticket HIGHER SALARIES JX) UMATILLA TEACHERS Financial stringency in East Has No Effect on Con ditions Hereabouts. ; '-.s''.f EVERYTHING IS NOW i i FIGURED BY MILLIONS Enormous Amount of Outside Cap!- uu in Aaaiuon to ureal at&uadio Resources . Rollins Through In eatmant Channels torLocal Use. Tha feature of the local financial bust- neia situation continues to be tha In creaalnc amounts of caah capital that are being- expended in and around Port land for development work, embracing railroad and bridge building, steeL brick and wood conetructlon of all kinds. and timber operations. Millions of eublo yards of earth are being moved. mlUlona of feet of timbers are being, used, and millions of tons of steel are called for. Everything Is computed by millions nowadays In Oregon. Mo stop la, Growth. Zt Is a remarkable fact that while a financial stringency has prevailed in tha east, money has been scares an'd hard to get In San Francisco ' operations, bank clearings, construction work and realty prlcea have been on the down hill at Seattle,, and there has been a let-up of tha forward paoa at Los Angeles, Port land la atlll trashing steadily forward. apparently without an efort and aa far as anynoay Knows it would be practic ally Impossible for any ordinary ahock to ehnir thl Mtwm n.wK und. J I r 1 . w- Cost of Lirtug Compels Them to -"inoS. -to.. rvi. iital. In addition to tha great available Splendid August Record So ; Far, in Real JEstatoT ; .Circles.-;'..;;'1 GREATER MOVEMENT i ; EXPECTED NEXT FALL Dealers look tot Brisk Trading in Quarter ftlock Holdings Aar Rel toO Plstiict-No Inflation J of Valaci to Hart BaViog nd Selling. old wheat remaining In their blna and they are In a hurry to get their portion Of the yield to their mills ao that Tinam can be started with Joaat pos sible delay. Of course , only a small mount of new wheat can be used until It apes somewhat, but millers will use all they can, for rhey have hut little old-crop Krajn to blend with It. oeing m ao much of a hurry to secure Ing with pr anner Is recelvtna 70 cents a bushel NEW NAME IS CHOSEN FOR SOLDIERS' SCHOOL "V -': 1 : .' . . (Jonraal BMelal Barrio.) Leavenworth. Kaa, Aug, 14-On th opening tomorrow or the new terra or Infantry ana uavairy sonooi a Opet the. K .,, inraniry ana cavalry kihwi i in! whWh T5l..n4ller WJy-trSi; Kort Leavenworth, the name will be pay for supplies urs oyer what they shall I rhflmii to Arm' School of tha Line. ,11am fin art MVAvatfA Ih. I 1: . m - - - j a . ... .. - t -w- v-iTh i aonooi is ine orincioai one 01 in three military service schools stab for hla VrmT Vi.k T wl .Tn. ... I three muuary service icaovn "o If.!UJ5J2!f.l PK he s'M VboC ?ung from' 1 ply is beln secured by millers at centa to allow them to start tha aea- This will be4he third change In name -on'.-work, with no fear of a shutdown ""J ori Iaa'n"". I18L it -was neaignatea Bohool of Application for Infant for several weeka. ,v' Costs Money to Xorei aii or tnis wheat costs mone move, and the banking the Signal school, sprung i started sa 1 was organ designated ry aa It was changed ahortly af aro. May, Demand Increase and Boards Are More Liberal. V, (SpeeUI Diipatefe to Tb TeataeL) Pendleton. Or.. Aug. 14. 'An Increase of nearly 16 per cent in the salaries to be paid the teachers of the county Is ahown by ine contracts that have already been filed with the county superintendent Last year the salarlea were considerably In advance of the previous year'a and an equal If not greater increase la now shown. In 1806 the average salary paid male teachers was S48.0K, while for female teachers the average was 151.81. Con ' tracts that have now been filed for the coming year ahow an average of S74.6S for malea and $58.75 for fe males. When the contracts from the Pendleton schools are filed thia aver age will be greatly Increased, alnce a iteneral advance In pay was given by the board. That better salaries are now being paid than In the past la attributed to the advance In tha cost of llvlnr. which makes better pay imperative, and also to the greater liberality of tha various districts In providing money for tha operation of the schools. resources of this city's wealthy popula- ni ment. di extenalon, which always carries with It iion, is rouing tn rough local c: or investment, partlculai annels rly Into railroad 'DID W1XMERT0N JUMP INTO THOMAS CREEK? Disappearance From the Zysett Farm May Be Explained by Evidence of a Tragedy. (Journal Special Berrle. ) Albany, Or., Aug. 14. Mrs t dry sur rounds the whereabouts of, R. H. Wll roerton, who a few days ago hired a livery team ln Salem and left it at the farm of John A. Zysett of Thomas. Sheriff Culver wen to the Zysett farm after the team and believes there is something peculiar about the matter, as Wllmerton made no effort to sell the team or dispose of It In any way whatever. It has been learned that the mlsaing man was in the employ of the Albany Lumber company at Lyons and on leav ing that place went to Oregon City and Portland. On Monday the Albany mill manager received a phone message from Wllmerton In Salem asking for a lob in the new mill at Albany. This was granted and it la thought that the team was engaged with the Intention of driv ing to thia city. Zysett says Wllmerton was under the Influence of llauor at the time of hia arr rival at the farm and he was per mitted to aleep In the haymow. Thomas creek runs Immediately to the rear of me oarn ana it is tnougnt that possibly he commuted suicide by . Jumping into un creea. . Since he left the team at the Zyaett farm absolutely nothing has been heard of. Wllmerton. j CHINESE GIRLS TO BECOME NEW WOMEN Twenty Coming to America) to Be come Teachers, Nurses or Physi cians for China's Good. (Special Diipstcfc to The Journal.) Seattle, t Aug. 14. The Minnesota when she arrives in Seattle next month will bring a score of Chinese girls of prominent Shanghai families, who Will enter various American institutions of learning. Most of them will go to Mas sachusetts to take speolal courses In finishing schools of that state. A few may remain in Beanie to enter the Uni- a rising realty market and solid values. In Portland's present case these values, while steadily advancing, are still low, and will probably remain on a very con servative basis. There seems to be no way of Inflating a boom here. Port land learned her lesson early In the '90s, and has committed to memory those familiar and feeling llnea "Lest ws for get." The Oregon Electric railway, opening a practically new territory for SO miles between Portland and Salem to imme diate electrical transportation, will be completed and In operation within the next 40 days. It means the exDenditure or iz.uoo.ooo or ranroaa money In Port land s trade territory, and the UDward movement of all kinds of property trib utary to its course through the country from Portland to the state capital. It aiso means gie cringing or Salem within an hour and a half of Portland for com mercial and social conveniences, through fast time schedule with liiTurinna electric coaches. Social and commer cial Intercourse between prosperous communities means a stimulua to Indus try and trade, and then mors prosperity. pending-Thoaasaads Konthly. The United Railways company la steadily pushing construction of its city lines, laying heavy steel and building a first class road. The company's ex penditures amount to many thousands of dollars each month, and In the aggre gate will reach more than $1,000,000 In the course of the year. This line will probably be extended to Hlllsboro and Forest Grove, and to Salem via the east aiae or me Willamette river. Its power will for the beginning of operations be purchased .from some existing electric power company. Construction of tha Mount Hood Rail way St Power company's plant and rail roaa is proceeaing slowly but unceas ingly. This company has from the be ginning naa ample runds to carry out its Plana and has been under the guid ance of a master hand in electric rail way promotion. Through the Union Trust company of San Francisco It has aireaay soia a Dona issue or is.ooo.ooo its plans ror development of electrical rower In Oregon aro more extensive han It Is Willing to admit, and tha future promises competitive conditions in eiectnc power and light that will prove to be a a-reat boon to Portland and the surrounding country. This city with the proper development of the water powers within Its reach for elec trical current will become the manufac turing center of the entire region west or ine hoc icy mountains. There is enough cheap power available here to manufacture all the commoditlea re quired by the entire empire of the Pa clflc and the orient combined. E. P. Clark, who is behind the Mount Hood Railway & Power company, has large iaeas snout ine aeveiopment or power In the region toward Mount Hood. He ft one of the kind of developers Who moves slowly but makes few mistakes. tie will take his own time, but will ulH mately Work out plans that will require mo expenditure or tne entire ift.ooo.ooo which be is reported to have brought to roruua xor mat purpose. Minions for Xsw Jtoads. The Paclfio Railway & Navigation company is building. a steam road of approximately loo miles, costing prob ably 13,000,000, from Hlllsboro to Tilla mook, and most of the money finds its way into Jfortiana financial currents. The road taps a virgin country so far as transportation facilities are concerned, but rich In all the resources that make a country prosperous, v The result is an upward movement in realty, an active market and more or leas money chang- 11- )each resorts are being purchased by lyndlcates-and platted between Seaside ind Tillamook bay, and a vast stretch ing hands every day as a result of rai road talk along this line. Many new Deacn resorts are s and of the seashore heretofore, practically unseen by the white man of interior Oregon 'Will be opened to the public's use and enjoyment. Tne Willamette vauey company is roJectlng further up the valley a ays em of electric lines that will reach Into the Santiam timber belt, and -tap a rich dairying and fruit region. In yeralty of ..Washington, and others to southern Oregon Portland Interests' have take special professional courses. ' Chi- ' neae in mis city nave Deen advised that the girls will be returned to their own country eicner as teachers or medical , practitioners. It is probable that most . of them will go baok to take charge of TAC0MA PLANS FOR , r CITY POWER PLANT ' (Special Diipatch to The Journal.) ' Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 14. At a spe olal meeting last night the city council decided to construct an electric power plant In the upper NIsqually river can yon of 10,000 horsepower. Providing . lie submits detailed plans and speci fications satisfactory to the council the : bid of George Milton Savage, $1,700,000, will be accepted for' the construction of the plant It is expected that it will be completed within a year. ' The plant Is to be paid for with a bond issue that will pe a mortgage on its receipts, the . city In thia way avoiding going into .debt for Itir It .Will be one Of the best; municipal power plants in tha country and will supply power at less than half a csn per aiiowatt nour. y ST Vp-to-Bata Train Service. Th traveling Dublin appreciates ths fact that, the Canadian -Pacific is the up-to-date line. .. . . .'. Ths attractive features being: ., The new 68-hour service Portland to . . Bt Paul via Spokane. , .:,,. The Imperial Limited service, v ' The Trans-Canada Limited service - ths fastest train across this continent. directed the attention of eastern cat tallata to the field for railroad exten sion and industrial development, and railroad is being built from the Blue liedge mining district to Mearord, Eagle Point, Butte Falls and Crater lake. Ul timately tha road will, it Is said, be pusnea on to me jracmo tidewater. proDaDiy at juureaa. . . ';' Xzplors Unknown Begioms. The Harrlman- and Hill companies go on expending millions of money In ex tensions. Improvements and bridges, and their engineers continue to explore the unknown regions of the state to find the nest grades ror more ranroaa construc tion. It is the hope of many that these companies will, despite' ths cynicism that has been engendered by their past inactivity, oestir inemseivea irora inia data rorwara ana ousn railroad con. struction into-the richly productive re gions or Oregon as never before. in addition to new ranroaa company expenaitures, : tne roniana . railway. Light ft Power company is expending an appropriation of f2,EO0,000 set aside last rear oy tne directors ror extensions, ictterments and "new equipment, this rogram will include ' the splendid flew ermlnai station to be erected between First and Second streets, ground for which has already been purchased. " It Is not exaggreated to say that, ex clusive of tha projects of "the estab lished steam roads, there are under way in ' and around Portland railway, sad power developments that will as fie suoceeaing months go by add i;s,ooo.o -to the-local circulation medium. If It be true that "money makes the mars go " Portland - Is reasonably certain to lag along at the head of the Pacific cout procession Xor soma time to coma. bespits r the fact that the month of August is counted the dullest in ths real estate world, transfers In city realty have maintained astonishingly high fig ures." Half of. August has passed with no decrease in tha records of sales over other recent months, and a very assur ing increase ever ths records of any previous August. Real estate men iook upon this condition as very encouraging and as a prediction of a heavy fall movement in roruana reu .. , Watonlsar rroperty. . Real estate dealers unanimously look forward to ths fall for a greater move ment in real v sstats than heretofore. There are scores of quarter blocks near ths retail districts that progressive real estate dealers are watcning wun ine Tn-tim that there will be interest ing outcomes connected ' before the winter shall have passed. Visiting real fiat t a dealers are astounded at the small amount of caah needed to move these unimproved business sues ana ine opportunities and anfound fortunes that lie la them. . ' There is also ths fact that real estate In Los Angeles and Seattle is not mov ing with the accustomed sprightliness. A close observer who has lived In Seattle stated yesterday that dealers there all say that real estate is noi moving in that city as easily aa it has for the past few vaara. Theaa conditions in the nolrhbnrlna- citlea thev Bay. tend to (show that Portland Is demanding the attention of thoae who actually . ouy real estate for residence and business purposes and which they iniena per manently to improve. California Decrease. Loa Ana-eles capers that closely watch the realty market, commented last week upon the decrease of real estate trans fers during ths month of July over tnose of one year ago. in a rapiaiy irnvlns citv. such as is Los Angeles, a decrease in real eaate transfers means considerably more than does an in crease. No apparent cause can be found for the condition except that values have arisen to that height where they cannot be maintained. Purchasers do not feel they can offer more so hold ings are not changing handa nl Portland there has not been the Inflation of values that haa been the case both in Seattle and Los Angelea Several Influential real estate dealers have worked conscientiously to keep this factor out of the local realty market, in a general way. This Is a difficult undertaking unless there Is a feneral conservative tone prevailing, uch a condition does prevail in Port land and always has, sometimes to Its detriment - It is freely expressed, now, however, that Portland will benefit from this conservatism In matters of real estate and tall buildings where other cities have overdone themselves. Some real estate dealers also freely express the opinion .-' that Portland's available residence sites situated on the i Vlk kill alJaa am thai PminI1 ItlS II UUl Bluesy PUil as v vM'wa Crest property wlll meet with a market during the coming winter. While local residents do not appreciate the fine viewa of the river and mountains af forded, eastern people do. As the num ber of visitors from the east grows larger each month this property is ex- Sected to be in the most demanded sec Ion during the next few seasons. . Several tracts of this hill property are under Improvement now in anticipa tion of the demand, that It Is expected, there will be for it A syndicate has obtained possession of a large piece in South Portland while those handling Portland heights property have been taking advantage of the summer to complete terraces, street grading, lay ing of cement sidewalks and other Improvements. "The ' and y to I Cavalry." . It was changed snoruy ai- fratMrhltv Ummsih va "infantry and' Cavalry kept busy providing funds so that no I School." There are several reasons for delay shall ensue. Whether wheat Is a I the new change In name, and one is ooa investment at this pries there is a. I that student officers from ail orancnaa urerenoe or amnion, but aa wheat la I uIm tnataaA nf nnlv lnrantry high so Is flour, and this allows the I an miller to pay the high pries without! Ths importance of the military ser- l ifrili r' V "i. -i I Vies schools hera IS increasing earn .Xhu tha cr0D non ,B tn"year. Ths rank' of ths student off 1 Wlllametts valley,-the greater supply 1 Mra a higher than formerly. Before grown this season In ths Inland Empire the Spanish-American war-only lieu ten- makes up for any shortage shown lo cally. There la evory Indication that tne eastern oats crop will be one of the lecona ' iieuianama. were the students. On reopening after the Spanish-American war, captains now majors are included for students. : , ' "'"m w I the spanisn-American war, capiama f."! ,n7..I!r i i aul: wers detailed to attend the school and Willamette valley oats on the other hand are of the best quality, and this means prosperity to that branch of the grain iraae. Rolled oats and cereal manufacturers will corns to ths west coast this season In order to get the best oats that grow received In this city from the Interior In the country. Samples of new oats show ths .quality to be the beat ever ain v. small oats crop In the east and lndlf- known, the gri large stse and heavy being of unusually! ooa With a I ferent quality there Paclfio coast oats goods manufacturers will have no real cause for complaint reaardlna the com petition of ths eastern made stock the coming season. Oregon Oats ths Best. As a general rule the oats of ths east -1 K 'I I HE local agent of an ontaide Bonding com- fianr baa the excuse that he Is merely the representative and therefore not respon sible in case of mis fortune. Persons RAflMnff Contract Judicial or In demnity Bonds of the Union Guarantee Association 'of Port land Oregon, deal directly with tne omciais: men wnose uueresia are local and involved in the wel fare of their company. This in auiiiar inaiancea way nave Deen i . . , - - i , . a-a- purchased by the government because of I ASSOCiauOa IS inerciurt) tuo balcx ins are brought into competition with. rnuippmes on a rs cheap on These eastern oats are not of nearly home product in the count of the former's rice. good quality as those grown at horns, but in soma Instances they have been lower values. This, however, will .ti nomla nnrl fvirv AAfit coming I au w6uu jwj.j j - ds xuiiy tai tit tr in TYrTn i ti m a avnRrnriH ui aa hlsrh In comparison as the coast v. 1 . , 1 likely b done away with the com the east will of the producers of ths Paclfio north west. season, for oats in product, and then there Is the poorer the benefit Of Oregon. Jriate ?ooVmoVrm.wC-. tiWcXttl Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and Accident Insurance. Union Guarantee Association Marquam Bldg., Portland, Oregon Thoughtful People DO NOT TRUST TO LUCK They deposit their money with a BAJnrXJTw UBTlTUTXOaT that has ample capital, stable re sources and progressive, conserva tive methods. Such an Institu tion is ths 0 "0OZST TBTTST OOMPAHT XV OBEOOV." In business over 10 years. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $360,170. Resources Over $f,ZOO,000. CaU for Our Statement and Book of XXJrtTSTXATXOsTB. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANY OOREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak fits. Phons Exchange 72. BENJ. L COHEN President H, L. PITTOCK... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. . . .Aes't Secretary GREATEST CROP is now noi SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. OPEN ON SATURDAYS FROM I A. M. TO 1 P. M. AND ON SATURDAY EVENINGS FROM I TO O'CLOCK. WE PAY d7f) INTEREST On Savings Accounts, Interest Com pounded Semi-Annually. ' we pay37qQM daily Balances of Check Acoounta. OFFICERS: J. THORBURN ROSS - - President GEORGE H. HILL - Vlce-Presldsnt T. T. BURKHART - - Treasurer JNO. E. AITCHISON - - Secretary 240-244 Washington Street (Corner Second) PORTLAND, OREGON Pacific Northwest Wheat On Its Way to Tidewater at Last. The greatest wheat crop in the hla tory of the Pacific northwest is now moving to tidewater. The two rainy days that stopped the harvest for ,48 hours last week did more good than In- Jury to the crop, for in some parts of ths northwest tha grain needed rain and the showers that came were quite wel come, r- Wheat Badly Heeded. To move this crop to tidewater is one of the annual problems of ths financial world. in tns northwest wheat crop aione this season tnere win in all irobabtlity be 60,000,000 bushels of the est auality ever produced in any nlace in the country. This wheat is needed badly by the milling fraternity of the northwest at once. There la no carry over atock to tide the trade over until the new crop movement la in full swing. Mosttninrsnavescrc "An East SJde Bank Side People." for .East A Reminder To enjoy the present and at ths same time prepare for the future Is the essence of correct living. A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT WILL MAKE YOUR FUTURE SECURE. Only $1.00 is required to start this account, with v .-.. -. . THE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK L nOR AJTI) WTT.T.Iaani ATX. - - r . . ri ' ' - i.m INTEREST AT 4 PER CENT . SEMI-ANNUALLY. , ; ' .George W. Bates.. ..... President J. a Birrel. ........ ......Cashier FRUIT FARMS The most fertile land in Multnomah county choice acre age to be sold, divided into two, five and ten-acre tracts to suit the buyer and to be sold on easy terms. There is a sure fortune in this land. The soil is a rich loam peculiarly adapted to the growing of celery, lettuce, peas, string beans and other choice table delicacies, besides the cereals, fruits and berries. For people of moderate means as well as those who have an abundance of this world's goods, Fairview Fruit Farms offer greater advantages as to soil, water and -abundant markets than anywhere in Oregon. The Fair view Fruit Farms Tracts are situated on the new Trout dale extension of the Oregon Water Power Railway recent ly opened to passenger traffic 12 miles from 'Portland in the garden spot of Multnomah county. Passenger service every two hours, freight trains daily; monthly individual commutation ticket 20 cents per coupon. This is the t OPPORllIMTYFORm WAGE EARNER for people of moderate means to secure independence and a comfortable income, to build a home and own an acre or two of highly productive land in a section that will within their oayn lifetime become a part of the city of Portland, and that is certain to increase greatly in value. : k Special Excwsion train WII Lcave First and Alder Sis. on Saturday: Aug. 24 ;At 1:45 p. m. for Fairview. Fare 40 cents for round trip. Tickets for the excursion" can be purchased of and infor mation concerning Fairview Fruit Farms : obtained from W.P.Kcady or W; E. Burlie Room 15, MaUory Building, 268 Stark St' TeL" Mate 4526 ?. r ,. .1 lVv: . ... V. - f . 1 Resources Nearly Million Dollars AND GROWING EVERY DAY in most tat. isfactory manner it the best barometer pot- i eible that our business methods are appreciated by: the public . Then . , ' ' ' - We Pay 4 Interest on Savings Accounts, compounded twice every year ,, and ALL THE INTEREST IS NOT LOST in case V of withdrawal before regular compounding date. - Come In and talk it over witn us. : ' ". ' Oregon Trust fr Savings Bank c Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland," Oregon W. H. MOORE, Pres. E. E. LYTLE, Vlca-Pre. fW. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier -' 2 on- Savings Deposits. Bankers and Lumbermens Bank Second and Stark Streets Portland, Oregon CAPITAL $250,000 C. K. WENT WORTH. President F. H. BOTHCHILD. First Vl-Presiaiit ' ? JOHN A. KEATING, Second Vice-President ana Cashier H. D. 8 TORT, Assistant Cashier PLATT k PL ATT, General Counsel Open Evenings ' '- A .. .;,"'- V.!"v ; From and after August 31st the Savings Department will be open for the accommo dation of its patrons on Saturday evenings from 5 to 8 o'clock. ; Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts. L 3 Merchants Sayings and Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID, . : ; .$150,000 . J. SVik . Wsttw R. L. Durham, ..,...,. Vice-President W. H. Fear,.i; Secretsrjr '.C, -'-