, ..'....'... ) i -... . THE OREGON DAILY ;, JOURNAL; rORTEAITD; ' TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 1C07. Busy Lady : Broke Again : Shoppers Xaa always ; find a moment to restVand hear, Caruso, Melba, Alice Neilson, vin . fact "all the : popular singer, or a good band,' orchestra,- "dialogue, or funny song. We have them all and would like to have you visit our Phonoerra oh Deoartment. fourth '. floor. All machines and records sold' c we can repair them at very little i i ... . .. iwuig yuu.ur wuca uic tense on easy terms. v .: . ,.; gcts broke Mve it takes but a moment to replace yit without an extra examination. . J Our Optical Department, on first floor, in charge of a state exam-' ined optometrist Well,' now let us show you how '4 it, vrw W " i tppoDA8ftru err tea y , .,. . v 1 You Are: 'r'' v,' M-r. a Known : j-- by ;the "V ' A", r-," ' ', . Stationery Yoq use. -. Some think that wrap-4 nine . oaoer is rood enouch. Trv a , box (50 2 sheets, 5 50 envelopes) of "Woodlark' b rench JLawrv ... ,.,. ' r t. Special Box. 29c . 111 Llr OUR GREAT RAZOR SALE sly. r C7I t SSsW I ' -a uraars I! I Ji60 AND $SXXJ IMPORTED RAZORS, 97c s i We hare still on hand a good assortment of , . all the leadW brands, Including: the "Wade & . Butcher," ;, " Wosterholm, Pipe," -X-U" " ' ; v "Brandt" . Your last . chance to buy one of unese i.ou ana $3.po razors for, each..,. V7f V'-:'--:;;'.:V;';;' NOnCE;- n Owing to the unusually largo sale of the cele brated . Brandt Self-Honing' Razor Strop we were completely sold out Saturday morning:. We. have another large shipment that wilt be v on sale Wednesday morning. We will fill all orders left with Mr. Brandt who will continue selling all this week in our large Washington ; street window at the same price; each, .. .07 Imported ; Japanese ana .a: 4 r-v rvii Bronzes , We have a larie and new assort ment in the Gift Room, Just what ; you want for the house or a pres ent; visit ouf Gift Room and see the many pretty things in Dishes, Vases, Pictures, etc 1 7 I r Package r mm. m . m. mm m m m. .m. ; Bedside Table Wnt Tn V aw AAA . " ' t t K Just a . Minute- Vi-S U-AR-DAS ) Toilet Soap Can't Be Beat Have " you . ever tried it r Perhaps, you never heard Put up in i y3 and 1 pound packages; ihey are always fresh, neat , and clean; Our fWoodlark" brand, of ? spices r are : our own J importations, 50 Jwe J know; j theyl 'are , as ): fresh as can be- out UO i ' inyi, ji and 1-pound packages ' at T ; 10c, 15c, 25c and 45c ; For the sick room are the most convenient.! piece of furniture that was ever made. Come in and see them on the second floor. , . Only $5 A little, wonder put one e la your , grip J IZouchia's Alcohol Gas; Stoves, r ' ALARM clocks:: , Why oversleep fo , v the moruinsr? We ' carry ''a large; as- , ' ' sortment of alarm -clocks. . Seethe ' ' 'Atito Alarmtv t1 7 Tatoo Alarm at K $1.50 Wewill lell you a Fountain s , Pen with- one . week's Free : TriaL If you don't like it, bring it back. ' V - . ) r WOODARD, CLARKE COMPANY THE LARGEST7 RETAIL, DRUG STORE IN tHE UNITED STATES of it before. It's dean,' pure ' and : sweet, made after one of our own formulas, to we know .what we are 'selling" and knowvou will be satisfied. Per box. 40 cake, 15 A few more of our specialties are: , . ; "WoodlarJc" Dermatic Egg Shampoo; .25 Dry Shampoo, for'oily hair ....M.;,.60f Luminousell wou flrid o -o r ww. "3 f it ova to siecp u you ever aura uie noise bpecilpjc ML Hood Cold Crtanj.'.;..50f, S5e, 15f . it. makes.; Special .....,....w, .OcV Quick service from all depart-' : ments. CALL EXCHANGE 11; HOME PHONE , , A-1139. ROB THE PUBLIC is their rjono nnroadi. and th hundllnr of th trf Iflo-lor tha Mm, wt men of r&t leapkoitr, and In nur cuti thy ara, but m s rul thT bar workod thir wy' up from efffe boy, which 1a to thu oradlL or hava ban advanead by mk) of a full," for. which thay taka oraatt, But ia inoai caaaa tneir oriron maat haa baaa agalnat tham, by abut tlnr tham off from contact with tha public CoaaaqaonUy thay hava crown llllbaral In their viawa, and reflect only tha araaplna; policy outlined by tha act ual heada of tha organisation, and that U baar." rA An 41, r rrf win a; .U(V ,OU AlUtUUh iiiu u iv in Ui UW UIKU WUI A t x V BCaiT, FOllCT Of IwllI- ' --preal In hla Immortal, utterance i , . -t, , I puuiio o otmBW. aaaina to oa me uia u. n. tiarrunan, py raaaon oi lua fact that ha haa overriden tha law when I ever It suited hla purpoaa, la responalbla for tha wleldlna- of the blr allele. Tha Interatata Commaroa commiaalon 1 was made neceaaary by raaaon of the pre ferred ratea and rebates siren to large ahlppera as asalnat tha imall ahlpper. wnereoy monopoiiea were 'created to ui detriment of the xieole: 'The arMtrtrx' I OFFICIALS DO NOT ! MINGLE. WITE PUBLIC Prom One End of the Country to nd .mad D.r th T""e.n? . . , i aeparunenia-oi u varioua rauroaaa ia fli Othi Krerrbodr la .Tjed to I reponaiDo ror tne two-oent rata.- una tne utaer u,TeryDoay u .uea to indifference dlaplayed In tha inter- PILE IS nOFfJOIIEV I Believe Knro4t( Are on Verge bj BjoikropteT1, the cats of tha ahlpper, who furnlahta thy ielr ! Kelly Butte Prisoners CrusliJ , - at Cost of Thirty-Seyen - At the Kelly Butta rook pUa durtec tha month of July, tha prisoners erushad 1,409 yards of rook, from which 1 mllea of tha bast macadam roads war built Thla "rflck waa ernahad at tha ooat of 17 cebta a yard. - voupRruf - tnia coat. " it oents par ird, with tha price quoted by. dealers B eruahed rock v In tha tAt-r. tl SO a. ard In their bunkers, shows that Kelly trafio from .- which they derive , their J Butta is a money saving- Institution for rraat ravnnua.. a riMnnnilbl. torn tha 1 tha COUntV. , V. asiiaiion ror aaverae rauroaa lesiaia- I aaumon 10 proving mat - cruaaea l Uob, and If there aver ahould ba sovern- I rock caa be produced very oheaoly. It Is ment oontroi of railroad a, tha railroads I provea mat pnaonera can be fad on tsemaaivas wju bs reaponaibie for It. I i. Thnmaa MifiiBkAr. OffloiaJs Arbitrary. Zf tha officials to charge of tha roads One would tmaglne that Uj railroads ara on tha verge f bankruptcy, from tha hew) they have put no, from one sod I learn their needs from actual knowledge of ths eountrr to tha other., over tha ! VfB4r" " oonditlona. snd report .,., .v., v.. .1... eama witn reoommanaauons tor Deuer- 4 Jegtslatloa that .haa already been , SO- ment mni u then the ownara of such f acted,! whereby la soma states only two roada were broad anough to realUe that cenU par mUe far. passenger fares' can u.c,c"?'. l Intaraats of the people , U. ..i.fas'.a. were ..Identical and aaaenttal t, their v. waww.-w, - w T , own. iz im varv noaaima .hat i lion along ths same una by other states. I be no need for adveraa leg ' Am a matter of fact, at aa time la thai una reveraa, however, la IT.. . 7 I railroad of fiolala aa a rule hlatory of tha country have their earn- : ngs been so great. v t Ths ; published statements of tha : Northern Paclflo ahow tha net earnings . for- tha year ending June 10 to be away In i exoeea ox any loroier partou. i Jnlon Paclflo ahowa aa enorraoaa in- aiva eL that la those higher no In au thorlty. the minor officials mingling wun xna puDiio ror nusineas reaaona when they want eomethlng, and reflect ing the policy of their auperlors when opportunity offers That thla Is true can be aubatantlated by tha teatlmony ' i fra, wtwlthstMdlng that . tha. .took E2tSaWfrZ' -nr nl- nvs fArmw VMPS ftf ones! 1YW m'JlinF IDnneA ,l WnC net ir&ia ovr former year ox on jiiiiiiUQ - irast stivutii, swu atv mwhwi ea 1 Paclflo .also ahowa greatly lncreaaed earnings, as In fact doaa every road In tha country. Notwlthaundlng alt thla. given before the Interstate Commeroe i this city, testlftad to hlrh tha Har. rlman avatem handled thnlr hualneaa refusing to furnish feara nnlaea tha bual. neea waa routed aa they dictated, and If may am not nave tna ears tnemaeives. eubetantial fare for cent a a meal. aespue tna statement or Bheruf Btev ena that he does not expect to profit by feeding ths prlsossrs at UU cents Bad tha sheriff fad ths prisoners at Kelly Butte ts July ha would have net- tad a clear profit of 9H2.it for the month, puring tha month 1,81 jneals were fed tha county prlaoners at tha ooat or I3U.ZI, or I.OSfit a meal. To the there would I thV r XS h 1v- . i niin me eouncv tna aoiuai eoai. ii.i. ia. true.. ThS I . Tha ahorlffa hill n tha Mntiiv it 1IU are an exclu-1 cents a. meal would have been Mlt.IS, lnateao or onjy iiu.zv, ana the bal ance of additional coat to the 'county, Ilil.M. would have gone ts swell the Sheriffs private bank account cruaning root at Kelly Butta haa been aiaea oy ue new gyratory erusner in a tailed early In tha summer, and aiao by tha . fact that a large amount of earth at ths foot of the wall of rock haa been moved out of tha way, leaving tha time of tha prisoners entirely for tha roc.'. they still refuaed to permit the ahlpper to route by a competing line, regardleea. whether tha delay occasioned - would i floodlns the country - with statements that tha adverae legislation will aerioualy cripple the flnanolal con dition of the country, and threaten re taliation, and In " many lnetanoes are puwing teto affect rtDtor jnrs 7.13 "1 'S?Skl?ZZ w " wmif a , , i tegiaiaiion enaciea inat win ao regulate The Burlinntoa snd ether roads have I tha roads as to give him a ehanoe to do cut off ail ehaiity rates, and other spa- I business i as free and independent cltt- ciai ratea that were formerly given xor I n w uim an finiDAM nr anrtthAr. inrt rhara aaama 1 tr y T ' to be a united effort on tha part of all I 80 long aa tha rallroada pursue their 'rorom puiicj, aa tons win mere DO a work Injury to htm or not. . Ia It anr wonder.1 than, that thara la . feeling of hostility. to the rallroada, or QUAKKEL AT SPOKANE OVER ANDY'S IMAGE (Soeatal Dtepatck to The JootaaL) Spokane, Wash.. Aug. M. The library , oommiaatoners are having a big fight to I ir oust or Anarew uar- negie, which they are counting on put- the roada to Inconvenience the bubllo much aa possible by running their trains behind schedule, by improper equip ment, and by shortage of cars for hancu ling cropa, sad the axeuaa Invariably Even is tna agitation ror adveraa agis tlon. ' ; . - . Ths opinion prevailed at one time that tha man responsible for tha operation of I them. Icy. a e term lned flsht asalnst them, and tha not mat may attempt retaliation, or even carry It out, should not deter the people 'irom oemanaing wnat in jusuci ia laeir ngni, ana they ara and tha sooner .will they receive what is due ting in the library, is to be made at I horns, as ths chamber of commaroa would have It. or mads in tha east. Tba aaatern ories la 178. sad tha "horns maae . pnoo ia uu fn" iBiT TTim ct 1111 in yth tVJlK HAVt 1 1 ? ; ODD FELLOWS' H01IK E't?;!:s"s1ASK'Y01JRSELF. THIS QUESTION! Alpedal Dwsateb to The lonroaL) Helena, Mont. 'Aug. 11. The commit-1 Row can people with kidney trouble j expect to get wall on ths ordinary pat ent medicines when ths census deaths from kidney disease show that II out If Yotj Have, tte--Statemttt-'of h"' poeea om mowr . iw. jioiM, wiu curable no to tha diaoovarr of Pufton'a t ; Thls Por land Man Will Interest Yoo. X Ever have a 'low-down" pain In the i backt i' In ths 'tonal." right over ths hlpsf J That's ths home of backache, s- ' . It's caused by sick kidney a. That's why Doan's Kidney puis ours 1 F r Head a. meet hers Thursday to consider nro- Renal Com nound. posais from Helena, Boseman, Living- There were 68,000 deaths the last aton, Miasouis ana uouiaer. - Helena I census year from this form of kidney offers 18,000 cash and a land grant. wnue tna otnsr allies nave maae gen erous proffera...ii. '.;-".''.'-'.' - .-: If Helena la selected, tha site will probably be on the ahores of Lake Huaser, an artificial body created by tne secona aam serosa tna Missouri river, which has created a monster lake trouble and it Is so prevalent that ths ivnoue lt. juoomis ox jsetievue os-1 pltal declared that hla autopsies show! tnai nine-tentna or ail have It If vou. have make no mistake start right with Ful ton's Renal Compound, i Ifc. la new In (Boeelal DfaDatsk' to The loonal.l ' Astoria,' Or- Aus. 18. A Cherokee In dian named A. Benson was arreatod at Portland people endorse this. of ttt ; Portland. Or, brick madn, contractor and builder, says t "A constant soreness , acroas ths small ; f tha back, which , bothered me when stooping or straight ening up, and was ooompsnisd with, a . weakness of tha kidney a. oartleulariT . kldnsys war no iwrforatng thetr unc-l tempt to kill J. ' V. Clark. After a ,-uons propony, j. saa xor. ysar,-as-l heated wrangle Benson threatened to spits an my enaesvora to get -relief, un-1 kill Clark and later aecured a .rifle. . til one day I. read about Doan's Kidney 1 5Puaw ms man ano toox a all Derate aim. , mil. un - . . ' I Two men who ware atandina- naar aaixad , tryrV before it was dj.charwd na , -v. v.ii. "Jocaea ins carrel up. sotnat, tns DU1- ,lng to tha, rpotof tha disease and thalle went over Clark's bead.11 'Benson ts in rontmuatiou , 01 tneir ;:uae; jo- a. .aaort time removed the pain from my back and corrected ths kidney secretions. 1 1 bave another box- la- ths' , house, and ,:! ' 1 necessity' demand It I shall cer-t..'- ' v- rort to ths uss of Doan's Kid- iZfhmlSZ ths -oltT Onth: th! tremenduouafy Important particular enea as wail aa t harora tha flrat .. tn cure In the chronic fatal stages. - , "That these diseases are now curable by the compounds diseovarad trr Will. ipn " , eeuiousnea nere as wen aa in waiiiornia. ' uunaio, n. t.. Daily Times lllton's Renal Comnound la tha nnl. thing in the world that nubllahaa nn leaiiraonuua accept in toe suppoeea In curable forma . ..-.-... 1; building a beautiful atate home, and the Earlea. who have obtained a tract of tana, are conaiaenng sucn a project. VENGEFUL CHEROKEE ALMOST DOES MUBDEE Does Allen's Foot-Ease l.i im . ; r t-y all dealers. Price fd-teata rn Co., Buffalo, New York, ; r the I nlted tate." .' r i he name JDOAN'S and Jail pending a preliminary examination , wiain sum uiem 01 injones. ?: tBpeelal ;9tepatek tsl.Tha '.JoorBaLJ kr?,?.10 !!-.. Aug. 18. U P, Barr. Cool the Blood? i.- y nmniown hardware dealer, - who I and oulets tVi."i.wAthout regaining consciousness. and "li fJ? IraCt"''d in tWO place. and he ia believed to have sustained in ternal injuries besides, fioms doctors have said so and manvl inamauais nave saia teat this dainty, antiseptic powder, shaken dally Into the shoes Is cooling to ths entire svatam. Scores of nerves center In the soles of i ths feet ana Alien's Foot-Ease soothes these nerves. Uss sverr Coot and avoid beat nrostratlon. Try this simple, nonular remedy yourself and " see If it is not I Imstaatly eoollng , and refreshing. Sold I by all drusfista. I60. i ;: Out Comes the Curtain Window! becomes necessary in order to carry out the promise of a great three days' Curtain Sale. Wednes day is the third and last day. Such cmtalns as are entirely sold out will be replced by aa good and even better grades from our regular selling stocks- Every pair means an absolute money loss to the house, 'and a positive gain to you of from $1.00 to $4.00 on every pair. I actually believe that no other store In Portland has sold as many curtains in the past three months as we have sold during the past two days. ,No other store ever offered such curtain values. Be on hand Wednesday. This sale is meant for your celebration .. .. V '.V-', . V, ' Cll Vor. Arsbian Nett, ePaOU narked $&25 and worth more. A K( 'or Arabian An sptaUV pljque Nett, marked $7i0 and worth more. t ; J Cii For ' exquisite French r4.jU Nett. marked $7.50 .and worth ' more- :Xf Z I X Cil CA For Freneh Net Bat ttDXJ tenbergt marked $60 and worth more, i - ; tO.OC For fine Ecru Corded : iuu Cuftaint,. marked ! 4.50 and worth more. 4 . ;i (JO OC For beautiful Nor PasaaseJ elty , LAcea, marked $4.00 and worth more. " 9C For dainty Notting--ej)&W cam Laces, marked $3.90, and wprth more. , : Fo ofetty two4oned PasaaWal Nottingham, , marked $3.90 and worth more. . 'V " d0 OCFor g-orgeoaa norelty yuUtO Applique, t m a rk e d ' $3.90 and worth more-j -t9 9C" For choice , Arabian p.W Noreltiet, marked $4.00 and worth more. . I dont care hdw much of a lota the houte mutt etand on thla Cur tain Sale. It has already acquainted lota of new frienda with the store, 'and one friend will outweigh an awful amount of money' lose4n real worth end to any buaineaa house. - s OT- , For a pah of e7 1 C pretty and - good No tingham Lace Curtaina. Such a alr at you would consider a argaln at $US (our regular J trice); not many of these left) ait enough for Tuesday buyers. $1 W Multiply the price by two then add a few cents, and yon hare our regu lar price on thit great curtain ralue, $125, and a rery modeat Talue, since other stores would ask and demand more. - Take Elevator to Second Floor and Drapery Department Concerning Women's Wearables and Early Fall Styles . It Is unusual to hare quoted such special prices on the rery newest of fall garments; we do it for the purpose of acquainting J you with our metropolitan ladies' shop. , , Automobile Coats, Values to $16.50 at $8.95 These coats sparkle with an essence of newness being just ar ' rived from the eastern style factories; full length in covert and; black doth. - , . $15 Black Silk Dress. Skirt $9 95- These are in handsome trim, with' embroidered panels, etc; strictly new and stylish. . . . .. n r tr-..-a--1 New Sweaters Values to $2.50 at, choice f 1.65 .Values to $1.50 at, choice, .65 Biggest, snappiest and best line in Portland; new styles, . new colors, small prices. . . - "ECLIPSE" the Range of Reason We handle no other range. 7 If we : carried 50 other . brands, we eould not, and would be ashamed to try to sell them beside the "Eclipse." It would indeed cause the "Eclipse" - to , blush if we were to - offer -any ' other ' range as a fit :-. substitute. There is no other range on the , quality road within miles and miles of the "Eclipse.". Warranted : for - 15 , years. The "Eclipse" Is a part of this house and the envy of every other Portland furni ture store. ' You hare never seen a perfect range unless it's been "Eclipse." $1 Down $1 a Week 73 r2S f" mi 1 rmr:x iS-.j j , :rV . .Vij, i ..(,'. x-:' BabyFumiture.PleaisethePareht Baby Can now have a carriage of her own and see more of the world in a day than she has yet seen, A folding1 0o-Cart . is about ' the easiest, most graceful piece of furniture yet Invented. I am going to help Baby to a Go-Cart--and surely a great many parents will respond to this "boost"; for baby's , cornforv Here are. three numbers; with plenty of -each to. go round and still leave us a few, for selling stock. Carts are folding, of ' course, .with rubber . tires. , , Good - springs and . good; looks r- v4 Regular $3.B0 ' Go-Carts . .1 . . , . l, . . . . .8.25 -Regular $7.50 Go-Carts .";... 14.25 Regular $11.00 Go-Carts .............. $0.50 Bring Baby to in Make Her Selection Most little ones ' .have ' a little pliyhouse somewhere hid ia . the back yard, and in many cases ; this ! little - playhouse isn't just furnished as it should be. ' When 'callers come, there isn't a chair to -offer and grown 'folks know this Is ' embarrassing.- ; Of ' course, these little chairs are nice, for real ; big houses, as well. ; Here are two chairs that 1 are almost ' necessary for baby's home furnishing. : Chair that ar decorative as well as useful; . . SolI1 oak Chair, f bow back, i. $1 value.;;. ...i ........65e Solid ; oak Rocker, , cane' or - oak seat,' and fancy back; . regular $ 1,50 values, ,85e Reliable Mail.Order. v Service ; Gevurtz Sons - 1 : ' GOOD FURNITURE DEALERS : ' " a " tt thcRangebf x Clifjft