The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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City Council Will Take
Baker's Much-Heralded
Matter Up Wednesday.
Speeding In straight Ctmrse Will Not
, Exceed Eight Miles an Ho0 '
' Sonreatlon Become ' Law Stop
J - Clause Incorporated. v -
; Councilman Baker much-heralded
orainano. regulating and licencing th
-' running of utomoblie witnin ma city
limit U now ready 'or Introduction
to the council at It meeting Wednesday
afternoon. Th ordinance, whien is. an
extensive on., covers avary detail .' of
th operation' of automobile and the
regulation ar trlngent Perhaps the
four prorlaloni which wlU be felt moat
by auto enthusiasts are thoae governing
the examination of drivers, the speed
limit, the rules 01 me roaa ana wo sp-
f proach to street care. -.
The ordinance ssy that no sutomo
Mle shall he propelled or driven along
any street or oiner puouo way in tne
rltr unless the person In control of the
vehicle shall be a person duly examined
by a board of examiners and found com
petent and qualified to operate or drive
a machine through the city streets
without endangering publlo safety. The
board of examiners shall consist says
tha ordinance, of the city engineer, the
city physician and some other official.
Just why these officials are named doea
not seem clear, sines neither of tha
present ones own or operate automo
' biles. . Drivers must not be less than IS
years of age, must not be addicted to
the excessive use of liquor, fainting
fits or have defective eyesight and
drivers must not be reckless.
The speed at which automobiles may
be driven when speeding In a straight
course must not exceed sight miles an
hour. When turning a corner the speed
must be reduced to four miles an hour
and the operator ahall observe the gen
eral rules of the laws of tha road by
keening to the right of the street or
publlo wsy. . In turning from one street
Into another tha driver must give two
successive blasts of tha horn and ahall
turn so aa to bring the automobile into
the right aide or ma cross or. inter
sectlnr street. .- . .- '
Automobiles approaching street cars
when passengers are being discharged
or received, shall come to a stop ai a
distance of not less than 28 feet, so
as not to pass tha street car. -
Violations will be fined In a sum o;
not mora than ISO for each offense. . '
Organization -of ' Portland Will Describe Oregon Won
Public Playgrounds Assb-
, elation Is Completed. ..
der in Prose-Poetry for
a Magazine.4
The first formal meeting of tha Port.
land Publlo Playground association.
created by tha last legislature to pro
vide and have charge of playgrounds in
the cltv. wis -held ' thla moraine- In
Mayor Lane's office." While nothing wss
done of a tangible nature outside of tha
election or Miss Isom aa secretary, the
plana for the future work were In a
slight decree Outlined. The board be
gins Us work without funds, but has
the power to levy a tax assessment of
one-fourth of one mill. It is expeetea
that at least 160.000 rsn be raised iroia
taxation to carry on the work. .
Owlna- to tha fact that It start with
out funds, tha commission aous not ieei
able at thla Urns to take over ths public
baths which have been operated by
Messrs. Holman snd Samuels upon their
own and other subscriptions. This morn'
(Special Dispatch ts' Ths JooxsaU ,
Grants Pas, Or; Aug. l!.Joaaulq
Miliar tha "poet of tha Slerraa." accom-
nia hT jr.fferson Meyers of Portland
and Judge C. S. Watson of Aahland, ha
returned her from week'a 4rip to the
great Oregon ve on Orsybacfc moun-
i-1 ... -I!., amith. nf thla city, sr.
Miner ui oreoara a descriptive article
of the caves for a magasine. The party
was caught In tha recent rainstorm, but
all .report a very pleasant tid. , wm
u-intr.fc. William, vallev. who lives
ih. .vaa and who la familiar with
them, guided tna visitors inrwugu ui
lahvrlntha ' V ' I
The caves are certainly wonderful."
said tha poet. "It la strange to mwm
th.. in n. better known, especially to
tha people who lira almost under them.
For the first time almost In tha mm
ory of any person living In tha present
generation, tha, Southern Paolflo train
from 8aa Francisco and tha O. TL N.
overland train from the east arrived In
Portland on achedule time this morning.
Employes of the railroad at tha Union
depot atod In amassment aa tha trains
rolled Into the big train shed. Old,
gray-breaded employes, who have been
with the railroads since they were
started, told stories of tha days when
tha trslns arrived nearly on time, and
one old fellow who remembered beck
many years remarked that unless "his
memory - failed him,' No. )i arrived on
time ona day In ths winter of '97."
"But X ain t aura," ha added guard
edly. ' '
These old fellows tried to assign soma
reason for tha train arriving on time.
Vsrlous sxouses were offered, for pleas
antly disappointing ths traveling pusllo,
and all finallyagreed the "range feat
had been accomplished solely becauss
& H. Harriman. was somewhere In the
west That Is, all save ona man, who
Insisted that the arrival waa -due to an
act of divine Interposition caused by tha
fining of tha Standard Oil company by
Judge K. M. Landls. -
This reason was demurred at by many
of tha oldtlmera because they have been
mitn ih. mail so Ions they generally
agreed that experience had taught them
the people were not so mucu .ujto i
bsnefloent acta from a divine providence
aa they were from klcka and rebuff
from tha railroad. ' j ' . ' .
. Tha sameoDlnloa waa held to ba true
of tha O-'R, N. company, . which also
succeeded today In making one of Us
trains arrive In Portland on time.
. . - ,
1 ' ' ' . v .
Court Permits litigants to
Diamine Property of Late
ivviv 'Billy? Ayers.
In the county coart thla morning at
tha trial of L. Belssel on tha charge
Th muiiitiiiii of chambers, caverns and
Ing a croDoaal to do ao waa laid over J halls, with their decorationa of atalao-
until later. 1 ! nt hum llmaatona are aa beautiful
Rnnertntendent Rlsler of the City i tha h.nt of flnA can make them. Wei a.m . .tm mttA hll.
Vk..- il liei .hortlr for a rr. wZ k rn.linf from 1 VL "'"."" . .
tripithrWiMiei aal. of chamber to chamber ball to hall, no and J dron Mr. Betawl tMtlfled that m u
playgrounds whicn win a ve.u-.ui-1 aown through narrow tunneia into great i obtained ciotne xor two nr u cnimmn
aid to the local commission. , The com-jopen j,, an(J tnwl bucking down and
mission is composed of the following qUeainjr through crevices thst were
si at rt rtas trei junvn a. ii. r i m. aeja . va i ..aiutaisi aavKejam annnvn in isar visa n i-aaii srn.
circuit court of Multnomsh county: Misa I u w-- B,roi0 worilt but certainly worth
. Lii. 1 1 1 -I. m nnpM HPMll.l 7. . . . . i - . i
i"ui, puunc ""-v"t ,i w Ii7.w. I n airortw 1 ne wooie rapunuun unw-
l.n. rM-nt nt ha Multnomah ClUDi I .w.w ..11 1, im hnn-w.
tfunennicnaenx tuiiir vi im
and Mayor Lane. '
Meetlnga have been aet for tha first
Saturday or seen mania v v.
. - j "" t
Harriman " and 1 His Man
' O'Brien Will Confer at
Jformon Capital.
;'. That a meeting at Bait Lake of J. P.
O'Brien, general manager of the O. 9.
& N. and Southern Pacific lines, and
E. II.Harrlman, to ocnr tomorrow, 'will
hava 'aoma special significance In rela
tion to Harriman railroad construction
and Improvements is the hope of Port
land and Oregon business Interests. Mr.
O'Brien ' departed yesterday for Salt
Lake. He was accompanied by J. D.
' Farrell of Seattle. '
It Is believed the Portland man will
endeavor to Induce Mr. Harriman to
visit Oregon at thla time and present
, to i him personally Important matters
i that are-pending here, along lines of
Improvement, betterment and expansion.
O. R. ok N. officials are retloent con
cerning the purpose of Mr. O'Brien's
trip to Salt Lake, but it is known that
he went at Mr. Harrlman'a invitation,
and that be will take up with ths latter
bern prepared for Harriman railroad ex
tensions. Including, tha Una to Fuget
sound. This particular project Is 1 in
charge of J. D. Farrell, president of tha
Oregon & 'Wasnington railway, wnose
headquarters at Seattle have been busy
for several months with plana and prep
' a rations for ths Washington extension.
, The plans include a tunnel through the
East Portland : peninsula, and both
Messrs. O'Brien and Farrell ' are jointly
interested in this project. That the Salt
Lake meeting will result alt rehln final
- decisions on some of tha projects that
' affect Portland and Oregon lines of ths
Harriman roads, or 4 personal visit by
Mr. .Harriman to this city. Is the gen
eral opinion- of those who have knowl
! edge of tha situation. , -.j. 4 -, . ,
So far as can b learned no definite
itinerary has been made for Mr. Harri
man' trip west of Salt LsJce, and there
- is no certainty that he will continue his
: journey either to Ban Francisco or Port-
. . A' sneak thief entered the home of
J. ..William. 494 East Twenty-third
street, yesterday afternoon during tha
temporary -absence of the family and
' stole a gold watch valued at $40 and
!, in casn." - s.
While Mrs. .Bass, Fifteenth and tl
vision - streets, was absent from home
yeiterday a housebreaker effected an
entrance) through the kitchen door and
from a dresser . in an upper room ' se
cured two gold rings, a gold watch and
' a feather bia. The thief was seen leav
ing tb premises by one of the neigh
bors, who described him as being 25
years of age. clad in a black, square
cut coat and light trousers. Detec
tives have been assigned to both cases,
but as yet neither property has been
recovered or tha crooks apprehended. .
Police Belieie Great Capture i
Has Been Made in
5 ' -c Viola's Arrest. V
tha effort.
comb of limestone. The entrance to tha
cavea U strangely fashioned Into tha
form of a great human face. Nature
has pushed out a great granite nose,
snd beneath thla Is tha mouth the
mouth of the cavea. To mak It all tha
more complete, a stream of water, fed
by subterranean springs, flow from the
mourn. , . ?
while an ths tnn tn rough ana rrom
ths caves tn noet met many or nia oio
time friends, tha ranchers and miners
of tha earv dare. Several of the "old
boys" wer at Kerby, Oregon'a pioneer
mining camp, ana an mrormai nut nap.
py reunion was neia, ana tn paimy
days lived over again.
"Tha moat cultured neopia I nav over
from tha city garbage damp. She aald
Belssel-had allowed bar tit a month
credit at a grocery Stors and, that she
did washing to earn money to pay tha
rent ,
Belasel had bought tha cnnaren some
clothes, she aald, but not enough, and
had bought tha baby a buggy and told
har that when tha baby had outgrown It
b wanted It rotttrnad. '.Thar ara.four
children, tna oldest 10 years ana in
youngest aged 14 months.
Mra Belssel aald she bad left bar hus
band in February, 10, because ha had
demanded of her what money aha had
and told bar If ah did not give it to
him she 'would neve to leave the bouaa
within tO days. Thar were other rea
sons for leaving him, she td, among
them being that ha ouraed her and tha
children. . : .
Judge Webster will order Belssel to
pay nia wire oetween izo ana saw a
month. The axaot aum will ba fixed
tomorrow morning by ths Judge.
Though a bearing waa had la county
court thl morning, th contest between
Mra, Mary X Hansen,' adminlatratrlx of
tha sstate of her brother, William
("Billy") Ayer. and Mr. Lucill Ayers.
who claims to ba Ayers wife, over some
property tord In a room on th fourth
floor of th Goodnough building ha
Judge Webster ordered that both tha
administratrix and th other woman ba
allowed In tha room to take an Inventory
of. th property,, and that tha ownership
of any of It that la In dlaput be later
determined by a suit Mr, Ayers was
enjoined from removing from tha room
any or tna nronertv mat sna Claims.
.An affidavit of lira Elisabeth Ogll
via, landlady of the four floor of the
Goodnough building for seven years, wss
presented by tha attorney for tha ad
ministrsmx, snowing tnat ins rent naa
always been paid by Ayers himself, and
that the woman nad occupied the rooms
with him for six months in 190J, but
was ejected early in 1901 and had not
lived there alnoa, Tha preaent landlady.
Mra. M. Allison, made an affidavit that
aha considered tha woman a trespaaser
and hsd ordered her to leave the -room.
She aald Ayera occupied th room alone
until ma deatn on June .
ra?nIonnthaafringeuof Martyr of DctII's Island London Society, in Throes of.
it s a scares
find real culture, anyway:
article In tha cities."
In tha person of Viol Klosterman.
who waa taken" Into uatody several
nights ago by Detective John Price, tha
polloe believe they have - apprehended
one of tha cleverest , pickpocket and
-ii arounii female crooks in the country.
The woman is accused . of having
stolen a purse containing tit from Mra
M. L. McQllvery. of 127 Market, while
the latter was seated in tna riu oiooa
:wD.taotiT wcVwho.w" Southern 1 Pacif ic Sends a
haa been paying rent for two rooma
ona on soutn rirst street sna me mw
at iSiU Hawthorne avenue. In the
Hawthorne avenue room sufficient
goods to stock a small alaed store have
been unearthed. Four or five good
necktie pins, an L O. O. F. charm,
Large Force of Men to
Work Over. Holdings. ;
- (Special Dlipatch to The Journal.)
Pendleton. Or., Aug. 13. A new fac
tory employing at least 10 men ia now
SnS"-i0fth''lm,neaUu Probabilities for
Pendleton, and a new manufactured artu
-le .which is destlnsd toiit with
hearty welcome will ba added to the in
duetriea. W. D. and R. W. Fletcher
have just secured patents on a dlah.
washing mop, which they have invented,
snd in a short time they wlU begin the
iiitiiiuiM-Luia vi nit mops. Tney are
now corresponding with eastern manu
facturers in - regard to manufacturing
knives and springs for the mop in 60.000
lots and aa soon as estimates are re-
. i ved the v factory will . ba opened la
tills City. ' -.-':-.?-V -V'?;..v"
Ora Dell Power Plant Sold.v :
I. Grnndo, Or, Ang 13-The Grand JMectrle company has disposed
it Its Ora Pell power plant to ths
allowa htercantlle company, and the
v . ilt of rf'novtng the plant is Ow Un-
. r v ny. in Hie sale is included all the
i .... Iiliwn'. The oapaelty mf the Ora
1 i .l ln' in nhout 100 horsepower, and
reinu: -.i st Wallowa it will be
u 4 to geauis power and light. . j
hrand new silk Jumoer suit, six nuraes.
several . rolls of hand-painted oil cloth.
a quantity of , unused women s under
garments and last but not least, an
ugly looking revolver, are aoma of tha
article recovered. .
An employe s , ucket nook or tn
Portland Railway, Light and Power
company, bearing the name of Adams,
several employe's brass tars and a con
ductor's punch were also found-in tha
woman s room, ana tne ponce are now
looking for Adams to make him ax-
plain his eonnsction with tna aueged
An effort 1 being made to find tha
owner of the curse and other good
seised and additional charges are likely
to be loogea against miss Klosterman
as toe result ox . tn investigation.
D. W. Butler, a salesman employed by
the Rlchet company, Front street com
mission merchants, waa taken Into cus
tody by Detectives Kay and Klenlln In
tha apartments of Mrs. M. 1 Gilbert,
280 Park street, last night and booked
at police headquarters on a misdemean
or charge. Mrs.- Gilbert was likewise
arrested for unbecoming conduct But
ler has been released on $200 cash ball
furnished by his employers, but his co
defendant languishes In Jail In default
of lioo. ... ,
Acting upon complaint of Mrs. Butler,
who resides at East Thirteenth and An
keny streets. Detectives Kav and Klen
lln were detailed to make an investiga
tion or tba wire's allegation that her
apouse was neglecting her for another
woman. Tha officers located Butler Id
the Park street house last night, and
the arresta quickly followed.
Mra Gilbert, who Is a masseuse, main
tained that Butler Is one of her pupils,
and thus accounts for his presence In
her rooms. Mr. Butler, who was pres
ent at the time of the arrest, mads an
attempt to assault her rival, but waa
prevented by the officers.
Detective Kay says that Butler was
ousted from the Congregational church!
at Oregon City eight years sgo for con-
auci unoecoming- a genueman. it is
also understood that the accused
? reached at- the Unlversalist church on
he east side a Week ago. Butler Is SI
years of age, and his instructor in th
art of massage la tnrse yeara younger.
.1S1lid; JOHNS
' . . A J MM T V . . .
ueputy oaenxxs . jo. wunes ana jaooo
Proebstel discovered a small hole In tha
Sunday closing lid at St. Johns yester
day morning and at one stopped It by
arresting- Louis Richards, v a - saloon
keeper; who waa arrested once before,
the flrat Sunday the lid was put down.
Richards has a saloon on the corner
which has two id doors, according to
Deputy Sheriff Jones. The two depu
ties saw a man admitted at one or tne
aide doors and when they went to the
door they found it locked. Peeping
through the curtain over the door, they
saw the man at the bar drinking. They
demanded, admittance,, and after a time
the door was ooened. i ;
Onlv Richards wss In the saloon, and
Denutv Jones believes the man who was
drinking had been let out through tba
other side door. Kicnaras was piacea
under arrest by ths deputies, and he
Immediately gave them a certified check
lor sou to guarantee nis appearance.
The arrest was renortea to Lustrici
Attorney Manning, and Deputy Jones
will awear to a complaint against men
ards thl afternoon. The district attor
ney said that Richards wouia Da vigor
ously prosecuted..
Thar haa suddenly appeared an active
awakening of the Southern Pacific Rail
way company in relation to Its Oregon
grant land, j: A fore of 2$ cruiser ha
been sent Into Polk county and 1 at
work cruising th railroad company claim that thl rank should now also ba
umDer lanas tnere. . rne same rorce ortnis. -
cruisers are also cruising certain con- His former protector, Ploquart, who.
uguous areas or timber, and it is re-1 in consequence oi me nennes reversal
ported that a large sale 1 in prospect by th higher court, was also reinstated
Dissatisfied With Treat
. ment Accorded Him.
(loans! Special genrtee.1
Paris, Aug. 11. Th French war de
partment liaa nat yet decided whether or
not to receive Major Dreyfui resigna
tion. . ' '
The famous ex-martyr of Devil' is
land 1 very dissatisfied with the man
ner in which his military chief haa
treated him. It 1 Just a year ago this
month sine he was reatored to honor
and all hi right and raised to the
rank of major from that of captain,
awarded the Legion of Honor, and given
the "accolade" or publlo embrace, by tha
assembled - regiments.
Then again, ha has received tne ar
rears of pay do him during his months
Of disgrace. -
Major Dreyfus think thl la not suf
ficient Those wjio wer hi junior at
the time of the Kennes courtmartlal are
now lieutenant-colonels and Dreyrus
a New Craze Originated by
Mrs. Potter Palmer.
(Jonraal Special Berries.)
London, Aug." 1J. London society la
In th throes of a new erase, which It
1 suggested owea It Inception to th
fertile brain of Mrs. Potter Palmar. It
Is called tha "photo tea," and hag caught i
Prominent Jrrigationist Is
Honored by a (Community
He Has Aided.
(Bpedal Dispatch ts Tss JeamaL)
' Ontario, Or, Aug. .11. Tha bualneia
men of Ontario gav Fred J. Klesel of
Ogden, Utah,' a banquet at th Carter
houae la thl city Saturday evening
a token of high esteem. ' Ha baa taken
a leading part in the development - of!
Ontario ana tnis section., tim naa givca
financial assistance to puoiio enter-
on because it 1 productive of ao much prises, such a th conatruotlon Of irri-
outhern Pacific timber lands in
southern Oregon are also being cruised
in various places, and, the air is rife
with rumors of sales. Tha belief is
growing that tha company ha planned
to make extensive sales or to offer its
lands for sale in large tractax A few
sales nave already been made.
in his honor and mad a general, is now
minister of war. The rrienas or urey
fus hav approached tha minister on
several occasions, claiming Justice for
the ex-prisoner, bnt Picquart will not
hear of giving his former protege pro
tection. He aaya such a step would
open up tne painrui -ureyrus aiiair
gsnulna amueement . . '
Each guest who receives an Invitation
la requested to bring a photograph of
himself Or herself taken before tha age
of five. All the DhotosrsDhs are duly
numDorea, ana a list oi names is sept
by the hostess. After belne collected
and shuffled they are distributed
among the playera. V "
The fun consists In endeavoring to
trace the identities or portraits,-a diffi
cult matter In moat instances, for time
and art play aad tricks in English so
ciety, i .
So many minutes are permitted for
observation, and then the number of tha
photograph and the guess at its identity
are written on a sheet Of not paper.
Tha clotures are then oassed on from
I ona to another, and the same program
Is gone through with. tha new subject
The result of tha second observation 1
also recorded.'- -'
This goes -on until ever rhotosrSnh
has passed through the hands of each
guest i Tha lists are then Inscribed with
the players' names and are collected.
Jatlon systems, which would have been
elayed yeara but for hi timely assist
ance, .
Mr. Klesel la a pioneer merchant of
Ontario, having been Interested In the
first mercantile eatabllahment started
here, about t6 yeara ago, and tlll ha
property Interests bare. : '
Among ,thoe at tha .banquet war:
Mayor J. A. Lackey, Judge Will ,R.
King of the state supreme court. Judge
J. T. Clement Q-U King. C & 'Ken
yon, B. A. Fraser, G R. Emlson, David
Wilson. Dr. R. O. PaynvDr. J. Prln-
lng. Dalton Brlggs, J. . W. Mccuiiocn,
A..-N. Sollss, W. H. Brooke, s. M- ureig.
C. W.'Msllett O. W. Blanton, Alfred
dniirieluir. A. TL. SnrouL H. C Wilson.
O. A. Candland, w. T. Lampklnr Pro
fessor XX B. , Conklin, H. O. lrana,
Frank Rader, D. H. Kerfoot, J. J. Cort
rlght A. A. Brown, H. w. Clements,
William Plughoff and J..R. Oregg.
: Dalton Bigg officiated as toastmaa
ter. aTossU were rjaponded ,vto t by
Maera.w Lackev.. O. L.-King. Mallett
D. Wilson, J. T. ament,Frassr, Blan
ton, Prtnsing. rayne. jncuunocn. riug-
fltmniFD srnnni
liiiVllla.ll UUIIUUI
jianer oi jasi siae Jiauca
vtional Institution Comes
: , V UpTonight. .
V i, . '-
City; la Dirlded. Into Three Part,
Each of Which Make Natnral
High School DistrictOther BlaU
a. " a a? a " , f - ") - -
tern oi moment,
', That Portland I tn need of another high
school building on the east aid haa
bean feJWor om time and .when a
three and ' a half -acre tract near KU-
lingsworth avenue wss purchased from
Congressman W. R.. Ellis of Pendleton
last fall it was With thla Idea in view.
It la understood that at tha city achool
board meeting tonight tha matter will
be brought up and probably disMsed of.
Portland 1 divided Into three paU by
the Willamette river and Sulli
guicn.' each of which makes a natura
man eohnnl iiatrlit. Rnlh tha .-r.t
and east aide high schools wsfe crowded
last year and - a great - many of the
advanced "students were compelled to
come long distances from the Alblna
district The board feels thst th Al
blna distrlot haa grown to such a alsa
thst it should bs given a high school.
..Whether or not domeatia antenna will
be added to the course in the publlo
schools will probably be decided by the
board thla evening. , Three members of
the board, Mrs. TL. ' W. Bltton. L N.
Fletsehner and H. ' C CamnbelL ara
known to be in favor of adding tha new
School - reopens In Portland on Sep.
temper II and preparation are now be
ing mad to get the new school build-'
fngs In .readiness. , . ..' . - . ..
vicrir.1 of RurAivAY
..- ..... -.-'. . i "' 1 '
Mrs. C. Baker Lies at St
1 Vincent's Hospital in
V Great Agony. 7
Alarmed by tha wholesale filings again and thla must be avoided at all
made upon their lands by settlers and
others who hop by some Interpretation
of th law to acquire tha lands at ths
statutory price, the-railroad company is
believed 'to have settled upon a policy
for the future In' relation to the grant
costs. Many unpleasant rumor are go-
hm Attn, wltl, n A thA'MllflAtl
snd some even hint that Picquart, alnca
he has become minister and has access
to- sources of information that were
not open to him when ho was a simple
The player who is successful In fixing I noff. Oregg, Soils Brown, Kenyon, Sm
th Identity In most cases receives 1 1" w "ft! vine- and Klesel.
th first oris, and the second and third I . ... nMiinuA tn Mr.. KieseL
"w w vv u u uuiuuvi v naming mm aa tne next president oi
W.UUIMV a " i vatiAnu irrigation conareaa.
All l . II . Wl UW WMVU 11J 1 LAI
ing rixeai:
msics up
cumulatlna evidence to aatahilnh a claim those who formerly occupied his POsl
that It haa alwava . atood raiv tA aeii I tlon. has conceived doubts as to the ln-
Its lands to actual settlers at a price of nocence of Dreyfus. But In any oass
$2.50 per acre, and that large areas of I he is not inclined td do -anything for
the lands are not suitable xor agrlcul- tne iamaus suoject ox so rouon neavea
tural purposes as has been claimed by 1 controversy.
alleged settlers. Another theory is that
the company haa in preparation a huge
plan for wholesale disposition of the
timber lanoa before tney are restrained
by an actual government proceeding
mat mignt ieaa to lotreiture or the
grant .'.-"'"'
player star-1 a ..ti.. k ur . tri...i was adontad.
y at each guest until he can pjSitfng Ontario to donate $50 toward
&E2lJZ& JiuJS? exhibit for Malheur county st
Examination . Showg Two Estacada
Bridge Site Involve Some Length
New Road Projected,"
Man Arrested at Caldwell Says He Is
Son of Senator LongGirl in
Case U Lucille Miller.
- Suffering with a badly swollen foot
caused by the bite of a spider, County
Clerk Fields was unable to appear at
Ms office at the courthouse today. Mr.
Fields first noticed his foot beginning
to swell last night, and as the swelling
and pain increased he became alarmed
and summoned a physician. i
The nhyslcian aald th. aw.nin
.5fS5rvth.'.bJta ?f n inaeot probably
J-'PS' ui that lt wa not so serious
f k-bfK?an-irerou"- Mr Fields expect
bl o goj to his office byto-
(Special TMipatch to The loarnal.)
Oregon City, Aug. It. Judge Dlmick,
on behalf of tn county court, made
an examination of tn two proposed
sites fcr the new bridge at Estacada,
o.i .11 ta a.. i i i caiuraay aiternoon. oi actum weaa-
under arret her on a 'charge of ab- 'urTen of tha.brldg if
ducting a girl at Colorado 'City, Colo
rado, givs hi nam at J. M. Long jr.
He claim to b a son of Senator Dong
of Portland, Th girl Jn ths case, it Is
said la th daughter of a wealthy
rancner wno is a neignoor or tn ixmgs.
According to young Long, tha girl iwent
with him from Denver to Colorado City,
hi wife following them to Colorado
Springs. The girl is a small attractive
Dionaer claims- to be is years 'old and
is caiiea Luciiie aiiuer. no other evi
dence is before the authorities but
Long's word as to his Identity but they
seem to believe him. --The officer re
fuse to state the whereabouts of Long's
who Dut it is generally Deiievea see is
at Colorado Springe, -r
' Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 12. The Van
couver tennis tournament will begin to
night on th McCredle ground on Elev
enth street, when H. McL. Dewart will
compete with Joseph 8 warts In the
mens singles. Both men ar strong
players and an excellent game la pre
dicted. Games will follow each evening for
probably a week, after which th finals,
both double and single, will be played
off during the afternoons. This tourna
ment has aroused considerable tennis
spirit here and lt is more than probable
that a permanent tennis club will be
organised before next season to enter
teams at the Portland tournaments.
tfoorsal Special Bervtre.) ---'..' .. ' , :
San Francisco. Aug. U. Th. flimr.m.
court beard tha argument thla morning
on the .writ ' of mandamus - aa-nln.t
Auditor Horton to compel the payment
of salary to the mayor's secretary, Wm.
McKanny. The decision was reserved. -
built at the downstream site, 'would be
the same as it would be at its present
location. As lt would require the build
ing of a new road to th bridge If built
on th downstream ait, th down
streamers agree to raise a sum suffi
cient for that purpose by next Saturday,
The question of th location of the
bridge will probably be settled today.
Judge Dlmick also went over the Una
of the nrooosed wagon road from George
to Estacada. At present, the only meana
of travel Between tnese places is the
road from oeorge to isagie creek and
thenca to Eatacada. a distance of II
miles. Th road from Oeorg to Eagle
Creek 1 a hard problem for travel and
In the wet season, paradoxically, the
softer ft becomes the narder it grown.
The nronosed line of the new road from
Oeorga to Estacada Is through a good
level country ana tne aiatance oy mis
roaa wouia oe oniyiive mnes.
(Special Disrates ts Tas Jearsal)
Oregon City, Aug. 12. The Daily Star.
boy In th velvet knickerbockers or the
chubby cheeked girl in pinafores and
plaits Is screamingly funny.. One need
not be much of a prophet to prognosti
cate the speedy appearance of the gam
in tne Btatea. ,- .
'-:';;-.'..: i -v.',-.-.-;
(Special Dispatch to Tb JoaratL)
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 12. Joseph
Bone, on of th best known resident
of Vancouver, died suddenly at bis
horn In thla city last evening. Death
was due to heart trouble "brought on
by his advanced age. While he had
been declining in health for several
months. It was not expected the end
would come so soon. The body was
removed to Kna-- Brothers' undertak
ing pariora, where lt was prepared for
burial. -
The funeral will be held from th
Christian church at 10:20 tomorrow
morning. Interment will ba In tb
Brush-Prairie cemetery. ''.
Joseph Bone waa born in Ohio In
1830, making him 77 yea of age at
the time of death. When a boy he re
moved to Hamilton county, Iowa, where
In 1849 he married Miss Rachel Bryan,
who died in 1896. Thirteen children
wer born to them, four of whom ar
still living. They ar Mrs. A. D. Klney
of Webster City, lowar R. H. Bone if
Prosser, Washington: Mrs. J. A. Snod
rrasa and Mra. M. B. Dietrich of thl
city. In 18 7 Mr. Bone waa married
the Kationnl Irrigation congress at
Sacramento. ..Four hundred, dollars waa
ralaed at th meeting, Mr. Klesel and
Mr. Fraser, manager or th ' Malheur
MercantU company, beading with $60
each. ,. ' "." .-f
- mmmmmmammmmmmmmm mmmmm tmmmmmmmmmm. .
. y--..; '"f;
Special pupates" to 1 Th Joaraal)
Payetla, Ida., Aug. 12. Shortag of
coal in Idaho haa reached a atag ao
acuta that a combined movement of tha
commercial cluba of tha southern part
of th atat haa been started In an ef
fort for reUef. An appeal will ba made
by Governor Gooding to the interstate
commerce -commission. -i-
Guy O. Flenner of Bolsa, secretary of
t amitham Idaho 'League of Commer
cial Clubs, has sent a letter aaklng for
information respecting tha coal ajtna
tlon to all. the commercial club of th
latter received bv the Payette
Commercial ClUD was. reierreo iof an-
... rt v. nralnard. who has nr.
pared a reply.ln th course of which h
Mr. C N. Baker of 208 Arthur rtreet.
who was knocked down - and seriously
Injured by a runaway team on th Flrat
treet brldg over Marquam gulch last
Saturday - night Has at St Vlncenr
hospital suffering great agony. An ex
amination by the surgeons shows thst
no - bones wsre broken but there are
alarming symntoms of Internal injuries
and her recovery la doubtful.
- Henry Frabosa owner of tha team,
who was hurled from th vehicle, when
th horses took fright and struck on
his bead 1 reported to be rapidly Im
proving at tha Good Samaritan hospital.
Frabosa waa rendered unconscious .by
tha fall and it was feared that hi skull
was fractured. .. v..
,ys: J '-"V""1' - . m ' IV I- J natural causes no inquest will b held.
IrlTnLaa aAmthina Can he dOn ImmM - Ctt .nrhn r..M. . Ant Uoll
a. ass w w -p- -. i -AseaiBFB-e tihw a wwawuu as a w v w ataii uvba
dlately by the government and railroad
companies to foster the development of
additional coal fields, many, of our best
cltlsens will be forced to remove their
families to tne coast or pmor mura
vored localitiea" . .
jr. - an ion mi. cuna wu marrieu i TA,.Tiif ' '
war. He joined the army as a drum.
mer in the Thirty-second Iowa infantry.
He . served -in the organisation for one
year and later tranaferred to tha' Rav-
enth Iowa cavalry and waa promoted to
nrsi lieutenant, in isia ha came to
this county, settling at Battle Ground.
Seven years later he moved ' to Van
couver, whioh was hi home -until hi
aeatn. .
.Portland and Oregon ar' to ba- mad
th subject of an extensive oorrespocd
nc in the Manufacturer' Record, ' an
old established Industrial Journal at
Philadelphia. The' letters will be writ
ten by th Record' special sorrespond
ent, Albert Phenis, -who, arrived In thla
city today, ; . ; -.
. "Wi expect to cover the Industrial
and commercial phases of the situation
here, also the- resources of the state,"
Mr. Phenis said. "I will try to bring out
VannAiiv.r- tvaah ? Snap nT)i. urn. I tha reasons for Portland s remarkable
gram yesterday, aa regard, th. Sunday H!a r?1:
aiasa s.v wis a.m . - s f wa -
'. V.'-
Through th. efforts of th Portland
Commercial club and tha chambar of
commerce Portland - will - ba mad tha ,
subject of a special article In tha Sat
urday Evening Post to appear early la
September, in tb ; series that la being
written by Samuel G. Blythe on "Th
Mastery of th Pacific. The Poet had
outlined a number of articles to treat
of the influence of various. cities on th
Fsoifio coast in the . development of
oriental trade, and tha resources of th
Psoiflc coast. Whan Mr. Blythe had)
finished with Los Angeles, Ban Fran
cisco and Seattle he waa called to Eu
rope on a special mission, and ths pros-
pect of the publication of a Portland ar- -tide
suddenly. faded away. The com- .
merclal bodies took ud the matter im-
mediately with Lorlmor Stodard, edi
tor of th Post, with th reault that Mr,
Blythe was detained until he had pre
pared the Portland story. .
' Roawell V. Pratt, ' secretary of - tha .
American Mining Syndicate and a mem- -bar
of Uncoln-Garfleld. poet of th O.
A. R., aged about 65 yeara, died at Ills .
desk in room 20 of the Labbe bulldlni
this morning at o'clock from heart
disease. The coroner has taken charge .
or tae ooay, out aa aeatn was aue to
bestjMT' ,.
LXSnej j
sumself - i
closing situation,; was slightly changed
from the three previous weeks; in that
'ImL Z. TkL r.Tina. h .7. .7. i7.H J' - Lewis, proprietor of Tb Palm con
wWch ha been running bra sine last facUonery and light lunch room, failed
faD, suspended publication with It to open. N. W. Scott who -with Lewis,
Saturday evening issue.
hof. V,8 Pny. at th Portland
boteL Mr. Allen, ia In -Pni.t . k...i
nsss eonneoud with iii aompaaJT .
: Fotlatch V Corps of Teachers.
Potlatelv" IdalABg'li. The first
town 1 completed. The school board
has elected the following as teachers:
Prof. Reese, Miss B. Otis, Miss E. Mont
gomery, Miss uwen, Mlas Annie Morris
snd Miss Grace Westloott The teachers
Tha manage-1 nM "een remaining open for several
wvuk , r- . -i it is saia. eniovea , tne largest
under Which designation th publication since th ban wss placed upon
.i. - T7...n.r.. iriw mA 4k I Sunday confectionery stores In this eltv,
"t."l'."Tr'3ll"l;i-.'.2."" The ususl course wlU r.robablv b. foU
SSSS't ro'm"k"r oJllSwav" iToTd lowed,. This evening or tomorrow, the
Thomas, recently from Troy, Ohio, who
na nod a long ana wiao experience in
tha nrlntlna? bualnesa The new nunasa.
ment announce that they will resume
the publication or tne uany star wnen
at large, and
bearing on Pacific coast trade.",
, Mr. Phenla la a former friend of Tom
Richardson, -of tha commercial club, and
thla afternoon tha latter took his vis
itor over the city. 8everal -days will be
Spent In investigating; manufacturing
plants in ana arouna r-oraana.
shsriff will servo a warrant on Scott
for violating the Sunday closing law and
one more case will be filed against htm
in the superior court The fall term
of this court promises to bs a' most
Liuu ux liiv viiir pinr . UDII- I. mm l... . i -- . . .
ever they are satisnea tnat tney can I - ' - "
sssary suppoi
vertisers to
publication of th kind of a dally
receive th necessary support from sob-1
scrlbers and advertisers fo warrant thfT.TTl VERY SNTTl '
mmiication or tne aina oi a aaiiy to i -
which Oregon City is entlUed. . ' m pT. k TQIT A XTTC
it .viJaAUJuuiuy
Postmaster John W. MlntO received
Ji dispatch- from Washington thla morn- i
ng- stating that' the salaries of 12;
elerKB .wouia ee increased zrorn vo to
$800 a year to take effect July L They
are:. James ti. uoirey, ueorger-s-. ijsvis,
James B. Falrchiids, Murray J". Gay,;
ar all normal school graduatea School I L. .Hassler, Raymond i Lanbon. Jerome j
wiu -open W w new ouuauic Septem- Msdden. Francis M. 0'Lfary, William
swr se. ... .ti x-,.f .- vf a)iumaa ana aucustu Avaurzora,. - j
iUUXMJ JJjvinui.uijw j v Cn Aa 1 TVl.
DECLAlliliD &VK lS' not
a saieonman couia ne rouna . in .town.
They had all taken a vaactlon.
Tb city council and the district attor
ney notn notinea tne aaioonmsn that
tny must close.
y. - ,.J"r"ei , ;1i ; , .j, t;i , 1. ,
." ; (SoIU Dlssatek te The 2eamel.V ' :
( Pendleton, Or., Aug. 12. The Umatilla
county -court haa voted $1,000 for the
third eastern Oregon district fair, to-be
held here in eeptemoer. - Umatilla and
Morrow oountles are included in this
fair district and already the different
towns are making preparations for big
exhibits. Morrow county will vote 1600
toward the funds. Last year th fair
waa th best ever held in eastern Ore
gon, and thla fall it will be even better.
" Journal Readers.
(Jnarca! loeelal Service. I - " S '
Ndblesville, Ky .AugvJl. Georgs W.
Mnrlwnn anil - wife- living TYi-r. . mil .1
"' The Journal's' friends, whan nalm. I tmm hre war miiril.r.4 rinrlns ,. I
ising Journal advertlsera will cnnf.r nlaht bv robbera who itnl ii ona Th. . i.h... mnmin . ,., . -
appeared at his offlcs In the
health .ana spirits at the usua
today. Shortly , aftsr seating 1
at - his - desk ; to attend - to soma corre
spondence he waa stricken with an at
tack of heart failure. Others in tha
room rushed to - his assistance and Dr,
Whltesidea was called. Upon examine
tlon -the physician found that death)
had occurred Instantly and the prope
authorltlea were notified. .
Nothing Is known of the relative of
the deceased other thai) that a daughter
resides in Seattle, and efforts are now
being made to locate her.
Jndga Charles E. Wolverton . handed
down a decision In local United State
circuit court this morning in the casa -Of
Henry ' Lund a & Co. against tha ,
French bark- Berengerle, in- which th
company waa awarded Judgment In th
aum of $857.10. ... ..
Th suit waa brought to recover dam
ages to a cargo of steel shipped by tha
plalnUff on the bark, t It was alleged
In the libel that because of the ship's
condition th steel -was badly damaged i
by the action of salt water which had
leaked -Into the hold on the voyage to
Portland. ' Judge 'Wolverton held that
tha plaintiff was entitled to recover
th difference between the vslu of tha
damaged ateel In Portland and the .
market price of th. steel in Portland
on the day of arrival. Ha nlaced -thla u
damage at $140 and also allowed $117.10
m, commiasiona, , making a total ! OS
$887.10. , . -. ., ;'. . . ,r-:v3l
p f Progress on Lewlston Bridge. ' 1 ' "
i (Special ' Dlapatch' to The Jdnraal.)
, Lewlston, Idaho, Aug. 12. The work- -men
employed on the last pier for th
new railroad bridge are now Installing a
piledrlver, with which , the approach to
the pier will be constructed. Fully Big f
week will -be required to complete tha "
pier, onf wnicn tne arawbrtdge Will
swing. The bridge is for tha antJranoa
of tne new Lewiston-Rlparla line, wHvV i
It Is now expected will be opened by tmwx1
UV44USJsse -
i Eleven Baptized In Molalla.
(Special Dispatch to The JoarasL)
BarlOW. Or.. - Aug.- 12. Rlaven nannla
uiiibu tfi tna Moiaua river yes-