The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Top Notchers Are Unnnlng: Up VeiyCrcditablo Scores In
Votes Changes Brought About in Kclatlve Stand-"
ing of Competlnir Candidates 'ixi Districts- Vk
" The thirteenth count, of ballots !a The
''Journal s educational contest la firea
. here and the contsstants are arranred
In seogrephlrar dlatrteta in their rela
te order of atandlng. Tha total nura
. bar of con tee t rotoa to tha credit of
very contestant in aown opposite
to tha lame and address . ' .
Tha eonteetanta are etrlvlnj for schol
arships - In leading Oregon schools, m
enumerated la a Hat in another column;
also for baaa Of cold Offered by Tha
Journal. Tha money will be distributed
to tha moat deserving, aa determined by
their relative standlnr and It will help i
?. a!r llrlna; expenses whlla
There la yet room for other youne;
people to enter tha contaat, aod there
la time for them to earn and win one
or mora or tha awarda.
Tha conteat for the free trip to
Alaska anda at mfdnlrht Aurust li.
Tha party will leave Portland under tha
auspice of Tha Journal on August 14,
and will aall from Beat tie August St.
Tha conteat for tha acholarablpe ,eon
Mnuea Into tha flret week In HeDtem-
oer. contestants desire that patrona
neip mem now
; ll :H V' ' ' "
Illumination of Nlacrara
; Falls Greatest Electrical
v Display Attempted. ,
to HFi boo,".;
Secretary Will Begin His
-' Own Campaign During
Coming Week -
free Scliolars!ip for Boys and Girls in
Leading Educational Institutions,
Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Indu
, , and Meritorious Students Who Participate an '
; ; ; The Journal Educational Contest, l .
, .
(Joans! tpeeUl ferric. I
preparation, are .bout completed f or I BriUljUU Al tULUJULJiUO
tna nihf illumination bf Niagara rails,! TTfTT T -brt ir-ntrxTAmrx m tt
retarded by anflneera as tha areauat I . XU-U XUUliWXs XJxUJx
feat ever attempted in alertHcal llluml
nation. Tha echeme caJla for nearly
' BTTJDENTf What art yoti coinf to do durinf racatlonT Have -ou decided what
acbool or college you will attend next yaarT If not. how would a echolanhlp
la one of the following exoallent achoola suit youf , . -
Xm Kllltav iMan am turn. ttfL
Ml ' AAriAiftren! ft
with board, room, tuition, laundry and
Tha projectora are to be located
falle In two batteries, one at I
" Conteat district Ka S oomprlaes the Willamette yalley except Multnomah'
; county (which forms a, district by Itself) aa fa? south aa Eugene. Contestants'
. la this district compete with one another and at, the same time with all
v eonteatants la all parts . of ' Oregon, . ' .. - .'
L Alice U Grant. Dallaa, Or.....,M, ;.......,...,'....,........ M
1 Ear! Heckart. Corrallla. Or....... ........... ,....,il,418
:,. I. Harlln T albert, Albany. Or '. .w..'.m..... ............. ....14,140
e Petar Soltloe, Chemawa, Or..,.,.,, v,h.,..,...h....1S,I0
I. Winona Ogden, Foreat Oroya, Or.... . ..18.870 '
- f. Jennie Boweraox. R. V. D. No. S. Co ryallla, Or. ,........,...,.. 17.110
T. Maud Holllnger, foreat Orore, Or.. ,.....,. .m.. 11. (71
t Qlena S3. Walker, .Albany. Or. ............,
V S."Lulu Smith, Inglla,. Or. ........, 1.100
10. C A. Bchrara, Oregon City, Or...... w......,, 7.T4S
11. lYancls Klverman. R. T, JX No. J. Cornelius. Or. .7,(60
V 11, J. Percy Read, SOI Walnut atreet Albany. Or. 4.011
II. Meda Caldwell, R. F. D. No. S, Albany, Or, ........ 1.880
14. Leona Plnckney, St. Helens, Or,..;. .....,..... i... 1,T5I
II. Emma Mohr. Hlllaboro, Or., ...... .. . ..,.. 1,440
It, Earl le, WateHoo. Or. ..................,...........-... ....100
: 1 T. Halbert Hawken, Lebanon, Or. ...... .... .,.. . 400
It. H. A Wood. Harrlaburg. Or........ ....... 400
II. Harry Chase, Eugene, Or,,.,......, .. 4....... ...... 110
. ; '. . , " ; ' Blstrlot VnaiBer -1 ' '. j' "'Ji ''.'-'i
' Thla conteat dlatrlct is made Up Of Multnomah county and Includes Port
land. Contestants la this district compete with one another and at the same
time with all eonteatants In other parts of the northwest.
1. Alice E. Price, Lenta. Or.... ..,.. i .......................... '....,.'..48,110
1. Hilda Brant, 111 Willamette bouleyard. Portland, Or. ..47.040 ,
1. William Ruseell, 114 Dupont atreet, Portland, Or. .41.190
4. David G. Mullen. Ill San Rafael street, Portland, Or.. ........ ...... ,10.410
5. Alta M. Wilcox, Cleone, Or ,...,.;.. .... 17.040
4. Marie Brunn. Ill Chafman street. Portland. Or. ..................11,111
7. Mlna A. Jonea. Olda, Wortman' A King, Portland, Or ........14,830,
. Ray H. Moore,, Troutdale, Or..;...: 11,410
' "' I. John Kanno. 1401 Flake street. Portland, Or. .......'..,.......'...,-1,111
10. J. A. Guy, 4l.East Twenty-eighth street, Portland, Or.............. ,0
1L. Oacar Haugen, 170 Tillamook atreet, Portland, Or.,.. ........ I.ttl
i ll. Herbert Muenier, 111 Spencer street, Portland, Or. ,7H
'31. May Pcndergrasa, 111 Savler Street, Portland, Or. ................ 1,750
14. Cecil Splcer. 125 Clay street, Portland, Or. , 4,100
11, Olivia Reader, Sauvlea laland. Portland.' Or. .'. 4400
14. Raymond Howell, Holbrook, pr..... ......... ..i,...t , ,)0'
17. Sophie Olaon, 11 Ivy atreet. Portland, Or. 1 111
It. Edwrd McMahon, 100 Twelfth street, Portland, Or. l.'no
19. Douglaa McKay. 147 Taylor street. Portland, Or. ............ Mil-
v-nneue iiuranoiaer, atoureue jrajis, or. 1.100
-; " : ?: ' ' Slstrtot Mambex. 4. , '. .
, Conteat dlatrlct No. 4 oomprlaes aa of eastern Oregon and eastern Weah-
ingxon. . vonieatanis in mis oistrict compete - with one another and alao agalnat
p them now by advancing peymente jr.-i tjackart nf rnrvalila p.nntnrl.l searohllghts will be a recently
subacrlptlons la their favor. . v, l'"1 WgaMX, Ol tvOrrauis, comena-l color ,c"3ntliutor by which ft
rr s. -7 ;t .-,-: V J -.tof against two flrlg In district J.' uhf "e any coioi
' .1 .. . . . I The miat and the water will t
below the t.
the water's edge and the other on the
high - ground on the Canadian
aide. Every Inch bf the ' fella will
be under light. Attached to the
r Invented
he beam a
color at will
'ill be htht
in mn in coiore oi me raipDow, proauo
Ing a meet gorgeoua effect.
It la planned now to turn bn the illu
mlnatlona for the flret time next Thura.
day nicbt. ' The work la In charge of the
General Electric company, whoa a.
perta aay that the raya of oolored llghta
when flaehed In the air will ha viaihu
at points as far distant as Toronto and
Rochester.. .-;.,. . , -.
Two acholarahlps;
Itema, amounting to $880. Another
Challenge to Forakef FscUod i tion. value tito.
fL-tyiiii:;rVc.hJilrI,tf. r?r"J 0'hr'n roIlUcsl Addre-g Ther to Bo Open other
of throwing a beam of light a hundred r.rl. t Vm ? V'mt-1 follr',h.'? P' t' tl;
Leaves Ohio to Inrado Mlssottrl
and Tadflo Ckast States. ' .-v.
No. a.
cultural college the coming year be.
eauee be Is too young. He is only 14
yeare old and IS years . Is the youth
limit at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege. Earl la now ready for college
Work and ha doea not ran tn wait a
whole year in order to be eligible to
iv?. ut achooL- Since hla youth pro.
hlblte hla echoollng at home. Earl lias
the COneent Of' hla naranfa a a a
Dallaa provided he can win tha arhnl.
arahlp offered by The Journal. ? ,
BuaeeU XJkes to Xastle.
William Ruaaell, one of the moat en
lerprlalng eonteatanta vln Multnomah
county, apent a part of laat week lna
trip along the Willamette river for con-
teat Vote. Ma Went lin atraam aa r.
aa Dayton. On hla blrvrla ha
!ui ,.0.mUJ 't country roada and
called at the farm houaea -
The arm era were hospitable and ln
vlted him to meals and to apend his
nights with them without coat. Some
oi inem patroniaea mm out nearly all
of them took The Journal already.
Ruaaell has grown to like n.M, " nwng woman in Flu-
eanvaaalng and thinks ha will follow I lAB M nmhrs of parliament has Just
oeen maae known. A man Mmmiiii
auicide and before dying he wrote a
i" me ponce stating that he
could not stand life any longer.
his wire negleced him and the homo
f,1d BV no lon"' hd enough to eat
Hla wife la one of the new mamham
S",rJ,.mnt4 wh0 hva been so much
liked of in Finland of lata.
terly neslected her vif.iv . n.i..
i . i , - . : w
ii..u,ri,irup to poiiucs. and she al
' I (Joaraai I pedal serrlea.) t - -'
Waahington, D. C. 'Aug. 11. Secre
tary Tart returns to Washington today
and : will put la about a week dispos
ing of the accumulated routine bualnata
In his department before startles on
hla trip west It Is probable that he
will depart next Sunday. for Columbus,
Ohio, where he ' Is elated to make a I
speech the following nixht before the
Buckeye Republican club.
Jt la expected that this speech at Co
lumbia will be the keynote of the Tart
campaign ana probably the moat im
portant political addreea rox the sum-
I. Ksry'S Xnatltata Beavertnn. Ore.
S"". -ne .acnoiaranip in academlo de
partment, including leaaona on any in.
wl"101'- b0a,,1 roopi, eta value
210. ' . . . f . .
' STt. Maln'i Wall. Am- mA v..4-.
chool I for glrla and young ladlea. Port
land. Oreaon. '.Ho anhnlaraVitna InolnH.
Ing noon meal- ,
Whltnaa OollaM. WraTta wr.n. w..w
Scholarahlp .in the Conaervatory , of
Mualn vain. IT fill . .. '
Willamette tTnlvereity. Salem, Orearoa.
Two achoUrahipa. Ono In either college
?t PrPrstry department value . $&
. I. i am : wubio aepartment
value 1100. , ......
Bailee College, SaOasL Oregon,' Bohol.
arahlp In either academic or oollege de-
laiiani, value e to SU. '
rortlaad Aeademy,' Portland, Oregem.
Day echolarahlp in either oollege or
vaununi uepanmeni, j good lOf , one
jrvar, ' value Hill,
anholarshlp In' the same to the value :
Znternational Conaervet iry of Marl.
O, B. Sandai manager, Paolio ooaet dU
eiaioa, Portland, Oregon. . Three echol
arahlpa; 'he wlnnire to have their
choice of any Of the five different
eouraea taught by ' this concervatory:
namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin
and r, itari acholarehlpa Include sheet
music, aU truotions and tha atrlngnd
If t rumen t ; If atrlnged Instrument
ouurici are seiectea.
Husband of Female Member of Fin. I
; 7 nlsh Parliament Takes
Ilia Life.
rner.It wlU bean open challenge to I acre. Walter meed. Portland. Ommbl
;? 5f0U"B n , ?f M0,,?rl?tLhr ,f 0,c "n singing. Leaaona
Mvr vvsuuuutv ass, i aval u VH0 . mi I Id 1.139 TaiUV OK llvll. v
lege, . MoXlanvtae,
Diaranipa. una
(Joaraal gpeelal Servlca.)
Berlin, Aug. Il-The first result of
new law admitting women la Fin-
' t . .
' . !
-X-' ""''V.
v V
aecretary or war wlu anawer the at
tacks on himself In connection with
the tariff revision Question, will de
fend the position of the admlnlatratloa
wth reapect to the Brownsville affair
and appeal to the votere as the repre
sentative of the policies of President
Roosevelt '
- After leaving Columbus the next lm-
portent stopping place of Secretary Taft
win do iouiavtiie, wnere ne naa prom
ised to apeak the following Thursday.
Two days later he will addreaa the Re
publican rally at Oklahoma City, pre
liminary to the statehood election. The
next week he . will carry the campaign
Into Missouri, apeaklng at Joplla end
Springfield. Lincoln, Nebraska, the
home of William J. Bryan. Is next oa
the Taft Itinerary. All arrangements
ror tne trip xartner west nave not yet
Oregon. Two
either eoademlo or college denartment, I
value f 10: one la the department of I
!?."h.T,Wfh'Ch0U;"fi'pi- Oni d-V -Schoi: atogphlo cor.e,,V.niTroor' V
months' Instruction in muVo; hi H -ZZZ-Z "a a,,n.
Mom at In H.rrW-k U. 1 I I ' I -- , "-" . wne BCnOl.
jwjit wiuaji, siwwi-, oregoau oneimandou
Oregon Jlxvert College, portlaad. Ore.
gen. O is echolasrhlp in telegraphy and
arahlp In telegrephy, typewriting and
alittlon e: -'pe worU, value 1100.
VOrtlanA Snafnaaa Amllaav- Bnrtl..
Oraron. A V. nlraitnwr.. (Hulia?
four scholarships, aa followa: One tor
II months In combined course, value
1100; one for montha In combined
coursa value 185; one for I montha tn
eomblned course, value 170: one for I
m? shorthand or buslneaa coursv
value 60. . .
" &oaa flit Wnainaaa ainllaa JFmnM f'
Oregpn. wo acholarehlpa, ohirom
hined course for one school year. ,
aau, one s mnn':n' co'irae In ahorthajS
or Donkkeemn-, ite.
Capital Baslaesa Collars. alam. A-a-
Toav. One - acholarahlp, good for. 10
month;' tuition . In either . department
value 1100. . . :
Oram OhiimmImw nmmtm' m
land, Oregon. Course In -pinno wlthTii!
atrurtlon under . L. H. ' Hurlburt-Ed-wift
includln- use of muslo, value
rtJaad, i
f'-zir.z. v'lu'' cirara-
in tunw oouege or acade my I atio art. value I20A ' .
artment for one school year. 860. I soimaa-wiandava
x. Max Kyer. 143 Aide streei. or.lia..d t.-r . .;T. Trr T""'
laad, Ovegea. One achoUrahip good for one yearV oneciel unlvera tv nr.t.
71 houra- Instruction In drawlniii i I tilZ. -. i.-L y'I'lr Prepare-
one and one
owed her unfortunate husband ont of I Ini
her ealary aa legislator only a beggarly I tnrm
nta a day to live upoi " 7 ?
thought be could, not Imperil hla wife's
iFMit-bT.foln be,nf. ao he eom-
?i-t5?fu i.da th wy ou
been completed, but announcement ht
already been made that Secretary
will soeak in Denver. Portland. Ta
ind prooawy . several other ltles be-
ore sailing rrora seatue, September 10,
ue rnuippmea.
water color alntlng or paateL
Moaaanuumees. College, Portland.! half yeara valued at 8 ISO.
Rho'.Sr.roTrru'e ffoT S''
suniuKrciu or inuruiiua sonoisrsnlpa I
elx months, 60; night course, any de-l
Pref erred Stock Ceaaeft. Heogs.
Allen Lewis' Meat Brand.
the difficulty.
1, Opal Calllson, Olex, Or.. ..M.i....,..M...M.,w.,i.ii4ej
,t. Adam Murray. Dayville, Or........ 11,000
I. Beasie Gaylord, North Powder, Or.. ..,.17J40
4. Mattie Fenley, Mayvllle, Or. ....,.;.....(...,...,.,,,,.,.,.. ,..,..7'j2o
I. LUIan Cochran, Monument " 4:i.aV....M.aWai,'; ,'Ma-
' J' urJi' L.CoIu-,;;,nU Pr--vr-'M.f ......-.,,7.60 .
7. Bertha Rlnehart, Elgin. Or...,,.. . ............ 'a era
:,, 8. Cecil Irving, Harney City, Or....... .. iia
- . Dlstxtot jTambes S. r .
, Contest district No. I Includes al that part of Oregon south of Eugene
and the counties of Oregon bordering o a the Paciflo ocean. Conteetaats In
, this -dlatMct compete agalnat one another and at the same Urns against con-
teatants la all other parts of the northwest ;
i 1. Cecilia Weaaela, Gardiner, Or......; :::''. . ...'
I.I Tf.l. .... '
i , abiw ntwui, svoBsourg, vr .. .. .,
A Y I TT I . a '. '.
-" """"" "S. moaiora, yr.... ., HQ
.f Coryallle and Dallas furnlah conteat-1 credit of EarVj Heckart "and Jennie Bow.
anta of unusual merit In The Journal's ersox on Saturday was 17 115 as agalnat
acholarahlp contact The two towns con-1 a total for Alice Grant of 41 890 .
v tain i are contestants wno are striving I Polk Oonntr U1ui
fne ha anhnlarahln In n.11.. rn11.r I . .. . ' adOeral.
, One boy la racing against two girls for
Corvallla la dividing up Its support fn;0?Kr'?i, V.i!.nto,n cnty haa done
netween tne noy and the two glrli
Some people In Corvallla In the begin
nlng. gave subscriptions to the girl of
; vuauas.
But now
, - : (Joaraal Bpedsl Service.) -Berlin,.
Aus. llv The kaiaer wK i.
an ardent motorist, la having two tracke
exclualvely for automobiles, constructed
through his estate of Schortheide.
' He la convinced af tha ni... .
ii tuuu , Auswjii! uiaaing a gaiiani I i avuiumoouea, aeparate
fight for head in District No. 1 of thwefV adding-' a hurrVu" Zi
oia own private purse on tne Schorth.
pertment one ear. HO.
Bahake-Walkex Baslness
Portland, Oregon. Four acholarahfpe
for II montha combined course, value
iwv; one acnoiarsaip lor s moatlir com
bined course, value 8i; one acholar-
anip zor a monina- course, value 170:
one scholarahlp for I montha either
enortnana or oumneaa course, value 140,
GlllesTjIa atehaal at Knw..rfii ea '
land, Oregoa. Private.and claaa tnstroo-
uun m tiiv vaiu or nil,
Albanv flollaa-a. alhanv Amm irt.
tion for One school vaar In aith
demlc or- college depertment
- PendletO-n Bnslnaaa Oollara. mnllaM
Oregon. 'Value of scholarship 100.
Karloa "Wards rarnham.
reader, teach of elocution, oratory aad
dramatle art, Portland, Oregon. Schol
arship good for lessons to value of 1100
Colombia. TTnlvereity. Portland, at
Bcholarahlo crovlrtlne- tnr fnifiA
umnvre on ' nnngi oaya Quring the
A liquid preparatJo. "Sl. WtVol- conneBcin to dumber.
ror race, MOCX, Arms fj iTv'-"14 "y 14 Paelfle tmiverslty, Ooaaervatory of
n-..x. I McKay Bldg K T, ateed, manager. Two I Kuala, Poreet , OroVe. Oree xvani
and UanaS. , . I anholarahla; nnnli a ki fl(TT!!,ri , I t??ZZ . SClTI 'WV.T .-r1!0"! 'Tanle
. 1 Z t .V ii . ,1 vimiiiii.H, airtrior, i wo tcnoi-
fr!n,J?' ?n .TfJU"a ' f60' 0M valued el
1101.11, In either vocal or instrumental
The Journal
contest Photo by I
this and other departments of newatta.
per work aa a business. He wants to
Win a BCholarshlD In a hnalnaaa mliao-a. j
as be realisea that to be properly
equipped for the- business end of the!
puuiiamng ousineaa ne ahould know
something of bookkeeping and . short
hand. '
Hilda Brant secured the' subscription
eide tracks, aa an experiment and an ex
ample. They will be 11 mtlee In total
lengtn ana s . reel . Droaa. The pav
ing will be of cement laid ae smooth
s a parquet te floor. The expenae of
ium w wui oi very neary,as It will,
anw tt fh. . niiminn, . a 1
V. . ... , I " v
s i aieiuinr vussy i courses excent lanaiiaa-e imum r
oourses in locomotive running; another i departments
of R. P. Graham of 106 Marquam build
ina an noon aa ana asiri tnr it u.
Graham feela friendly to the Educa- . , Wunlch, Aug. 11. Many vialtora, in-
tlonal conteat plan as his nephew, Guy I c'udlng a considerable number of Eng
Graham of Troutdale, benefited by ltl,lsh and Americana' are here for the
laat vaar. ' . I Breat Rlrharrt Vini, uiit xrnva. f.
lvai, wnicn negan today and will oon-
fitranM fltnr nt D.i.w .ia f Unue until the middle of September.
- -v- iwanu. .go!),, or the moot distinguished Ger-
- From Pearson 'a Waelciv I man oneratlc artists will ha haarA ant
It was atated In parliament the other I he oonductora Include Messrs. Felix
y that the New Hebrides belong to MotU. Frans Fischer, Hugo Rohr and
body. Schalk. ;- . ; ,; -. -
Presumably, thla curioua statement
meant If It meant ''anything, that the
inlands belong to the New Hebrldeana
' vinuy aaoerai. i
l v VEila ounty haa done nea
rla ?p two. Jennie Bowereox and Earl lthouKh1 tn "Ch ana British hlgl
riif: fi22krt Purely there - cannot be thla commlaeloners, while expressly disclaim
of wealth and generoiity AT"e".?JL SfS!!?. .1.n c.ontr
nothing so good ror a sore
ut. -inomar jcciectne OIL
throat ai
Cures It In a few houra
' But even this Is not quite true. For nain in any nart
although the French and British Thigh I PjnJll--;
Rellevea any
nor greasy. .
It's harmless, clean
ad refreshliig . ;
Cannot be detected.
Two colors, Pink aad
tTae It morning, boob
and night, Summer,
Winter, Sprlnf, Fall.
Lyoa Haa nf acta ting C!o.,
44 S. rifta St. " Brooklyn, K. V.
Dr. Sanderson's Com pound Savin
and Cotton Root Pllla The beat
and only reliable remedy for DE
most obstlnata caaea In 1 to 1 A
daya Price II per box, mailed In plain
wrapper. Sold by drurtiata evervwhera
Addreas T. Jf. PIERCE, 111 First street
Portland, Oregon. A i
THE 0RE00H JOURNAL, Portland, Oregon:. .
, I deilrg to aid.W.v.-.W.,.......
SchoIartWp by anpacribtog to that , r. .w . . . . . .. JOURNAL for the
- period of. months bennlnr.;V...i.Tl.,; 1907.
Please credit I. . .. .. . . .to tnr account and deliver
tha paper tp the following address : : W- ,z
lidlcata hart ,
,v......... ....... I
whether NEW or
OLD snbscription
No, of points due
; ..... ry .. , r vr. ttmm
tV ik .a". ... . . ' . . V.100X.IM
v ! DIRECTIONS---Polnti not credited to "contestant unlesi CASH accom
panies the order. To make lore contestant geti proper credit for the
points, remit direct to 'The. Journal or give the money to the contestant yoa
wish to ftT6f. A person now taking The Journal will be allowed TOtea ii
the subscription ii adranced for three months or more. Votes are allowed
on new subscriptions for any payment above one month, 'i ,V ; -'C-'ii
of the two counties?
finntml I
over the group by virtue of the Anglo-
Corvallla ' and vlplnltv
backing Earl Heckart and Jennie Bo
f .iBim, um vorf.uii cniuuain,. t ana
; Dallas Is supporting Alice Grant, the
candidate or xnuias and e out county.
)f?-:.'-;-?s Beatoa lined Tp. . . r .
Benton county outside of Corvallla is
- pretty well lined un for Miss Bnwunor.
who lives a few miles out of Corvallla
oome men and women Choose to aun- n? convenuon oi uctoDer, 1808.
port the boy because be la aoy. Somi Y,1 inre. it nvertheleae one amali
are Inclined to favor the glrla because &if.n whiSh JJ0"8 outright to Great
a girls. -The mbtives of subacrlb- Britain which la as much British soli
era differentiate aoconling to tbeie in! aa la, aay, the lale bf Wight
dividual taatea "c to uelr n- rt Is eituated In South-West bay.
The good feeling prevailing among M.aJku1' ! ot considerable height, al-
theee rival vota . i- T." L'. though only a few hundred vm, m
aun um aiory or ita
clrou inference.
acquisition fa an amusing one.
their credit.
Earl Heckart ' does t
on a farm. ' The farmers who know her I sorts with Mlas Grant because aha ner
and who are acquainted with her etrug- I sta In keeping ahead of him ncvmatter
i Kvr-Hu toucblwo a.rv ner cnampiona. I wmu uw wuraa. nor aoee he be-
Heckart by hla enterprise and good cpme discouraged as aome boys mlaht
; tact secures subscriptions from' many I He works away and does the beat he
. farmer, and Miss Bowereox haa tha I can. He la cheerful. N,
? aupport of aome townspeople. ? I move and every advance In votes made I gradually shot away.
; - As between Earl Heckart and Miae by Mlsa Bowereox, but he . treats her I Tb chief who owned It ! proteated,
; . Bowereox It haa become a race to every I gallanuy and he respects bar Interests I and wanted compensation. The captain
South-West bay haa always haen kah. I
aldered the beat place in the Islanda
for target practice by the man-of-war
fiairomng tne group, ana thla amall
slet was used aa a target ao freauent-
ly that It seemed In danger of being
'uruepeeuva uoacnoer. j
The total number of votes to the
i , .
! and her friends.
.. - She Works Quietly.
Miss Bowersn-r. nn tha .k.
adopts every fair mean? to gain votei'
She makes a trip Into a newocaiiS
and worka aa nufatlv aa --iviVTl .rt
inaim. .nVtu.r JIT i ans i wnu, wa is unaouDioaiy me smallest
and ftlfeAF. a?Til.hh tried Isolated bit of Britain existent upon
5a2afi. -A" L -"y t??.wf'r I" can- the surface of the globe.
The old adage, The happy
man's without ' : ! shirty
sounds shiftiest nowadays.
The more shirts the more va
riety, hence the happier is the
'. man. , - , 1
Today ,; and . tomorrcw your
choice of 100 Negligee Shirts
at 50c they; were a dollar
each and are all of this sea
son's make.
? XI0N
I.Ichawk Bldg. -"
ICS cr.i m Third St!,
gMngene peraon cannot do all the
M paries Heckart, father, of Earl Heck
art, Is a contractor and builder. He haa
lived nearly all hla life In Corvallla and
vicinity and la generally known. Where
"UJ rsDnr ne mentione that
he Is .he son of Charles Heckart snd
atraightvay he la rewarded with, a aub.
acrlptlon. But . Earl - doea not ii..j
solely upon his father's popularity for
winning eubscriptlona He has to go
"VrIL,na Ja5 iPI. tM contest votes with
which he Is building up a winning score.
He starts to work early la the' morning
and atopa at noon only long enough to
eat dinner. Ha doea not oiiif until nh
. , . O"
uie uuurs against mm.(
Mrs. Keckart Popalar.
- Ban is assisted yery . much In his
wora Dy a Kinaiy aisposed stepmother,
who le well liked In the parte of Ore-
gon where she was a school teacher be
fore her marriage to Sari's father.
Through personal lettera Mra Henlr-
art has appealed to her many friends
and acquaintances to aid her stepson
In his efforts to nrovlde blmanJf with
an education through. The Journal con
test vv,- r:-:rf
For the last two or three winters the
Heckart borne has sheltered several of
the .Students Of the flnrnn irrlrultni-,1
collega- These' college students in the
home of the Heckarts have had an in
spiring Influence, upon the son, and
have, added to his desire to become a
scholar. ' -''- ,v...f t.v?
sp"te.!.- spots got Vswspanefe. ;.
For fom time 'Earl Heckart Kaa an.'
joyed the distinction to be public school
reporter of the Corvallla Gazette. This
news writing has given him practice
in tne use of English ana construction
and has trained him to be an observer.
In his canvassing In bis home town 1
Earl ia confronted with this Question, f ,
"Why are you trying for the Dallas 1 1
oollege scholarahlp when we have all
good college at home?" The people of I
are loyal to tneir great instl- I
tution and wish to have their own col-ijj
5' iiruniK-Q Dy norae stuaents. At
first some of them could not understand
why arlahould go a way from home
to attend achool. Thla is eaaUy an
awered and explained. V
Earl cannot attend the Oregon Agri-
of the man-of-war. who understood New
Hebridean nature. Anew that theaa
clalma would be a ceaseless source of
blackmail unless they were settled once
for all; so he bought the island outright
ior rue ijriuan crown, paying ten.etlCKSl
of tobacco for It, and everyone wasl
aatianeo. xne place, since then, haa
buck ia-
The state committee of the Independ
ence league of Massachusetts haa de
cided to have a full state ticket Iq the
a i-Jlll irilJB) AtUl
Now you can buy a new fallariiient H isliiy cut prices. This spc-
cial sale will be brief and should be itaken advantage of quickly while as
sortments are at their best Oiir patrons realize .what this opportunity
means; But it is also desired that people unacquainted with J. M. Ache
son's try its worth now. It it an uriusualchance. ; :
See Our Windows; They 3peak fop Themselves
New fall Suits
may all look alike but
there it a vast difference
in quality.
are selected, by exoerts .'
from the best tea grown.
racked llavor-tieht in
dust proof cartons. . . . .
J. A. Folder fi. Co. ,
4, 'Saaa rsaaaiae) ?-if-i'k.
Imssrien of Fsn Tea
For Fall and Winter we M-
fer a line of suits not only,
faultless in style but in a
quality that will hold you as
our customer forever. For
extra size suits see 1 T. M.
Acheson Co.
; Extra r Special
Regular $22.50 suits
See our $5.00 fur window.
Furs, values up to $15.00,
$5.oo ;
The, new styles are making
their appearance daily. As
is usual with us the styles
first shown are of a distinct
Extra Special
Coats, including evening and
opera coats, values up to $30,
See our coat window for ex-
tra-$ize coats. .
See Our SuitAVfadow 'See J. RL Acheson Co,
rs&xv skirts ; i
Novelties in New Fall' Skirts. ' Values up
to $25.00. 315.00
See our. skirt window -For extra size
skirts see J. M. Acheson Co , ' "
See our $1.95 waist window. '
Wool Waists, values up to $3,