The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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m. Bins
Ten . Thousand Acres of
' Homestead Land Passes :
': : to Final Proof. I ,
i Federal Patents to Forty-Flve Thou
k BMnA Acn ot Timber Land ind
1 More Thaa Half Much Patented
1 by SUte Inducement to Settler.
, ' isiweui nuwfc $ aaefaati . j
r PrtnevHle, Or, Aor U.--In vest! ga
llon of tbe amount end kin of land
' Crook county, both deeded and vpen for
' entry. 'nvmIi torn interesting and uee
i u l Information. " i ; ' '''
, Entrlee of homeeleada have ; bean
" about1 the name thla year aa la the two
yeara Immediately preoemng, wnue um
ber and atone entries, wera fewer owing
to the creation of reserves and a ecar-
' elty of und that ta eonaiaerea warm
taking for timber, although eruleere amy
s an abundance of eiaima can do naa iui
will have from 4.000,009 to 1.100,000
, feet. Desert entrleo have been a little
In advance of laet yeaf a, and lieu eeleo-
tiona and puronases irora j have beea a little mora than
, normal. - v' '
( . Tea Thousand Acres of Momaa.
Final homeetead proof a made during
the 12 montba ending aaarcn
amount to aomething mora than 10,400
acres, the greater part of which la ta
The Dalles district. Lieu selections that
have been finally acted upon during the
same period by thla of floe, amount .to
about 1,000 acre, and final proora on
lands taken under tne aeseri, or wj,
..... .hnnt I ADA acres, a
The largest aggregate of any etngle
claaa of land that haa paaaed through
thla office during the period referred
to la that of the timber landa taken
h timhAi Biid atone law. Which
UIIUCI ww w.uw. - . r. i H
amount to a little more than 46,000
acres and represent -. the awarding Of
patenta to eome w persona. ; .
Timber and atone landa patented JT
" the government In the part of the
vlew land dlatrlot that Ilea In thla
county amount to only 1,100 acrea and
In the Burna dlatrlct ailghUy mora, or
S,0Q acrea.. -
: Timbered chool
The atate land board during the flees!
.nriinr Uiivb 1 natantad S4.7tl.01
acrea, Tha aelectlona wera largely
school landa and wera in many Instances
heavily timbered, aa wera thoaa selected
In the summit Prairie country oy iocj
and eaatern timber dealer The largest
area of thla land went to Fred A. Krebe
of Portland and amounted to about 1,160
acrea of Umber landa Others who re
ceived patenta for thla kind of land are
Clark W. Thompson and the Prlnevllle
land A Livestock company,, who re
ceived J.S40 aorea and 2.T20 acrea, respectively-
. . , .
Tha respective amount under tha
various forma of entry that were finally
passed upon during the paat year In
this county are: . Final homestead
proofs, 10,426.11 acres; timber and atone,
2a ki 31: , llau landa 7.190.68: final
desert proofs, 1.010; sold through the
state land Doara, zt.TOi.ei. ue rnu
total la 04,803.24 acrea.
Bast Section for Settlara.
- Tha deeded lands in Crook county last
vnr were a little over 1.000.000 acres.
1 The total area of the oounty (a upwarda
part 01 , wnion is
reserves and tha
reservation. Ail
tbe order Issued to discharge any oper
ator who refused to work, any wire. .
president email left for Chicago to
day, before learning or tna Mew York
strike. , This morning Superintendent
May stated that the oompany waa able
to move all coast business and that tha
restrictions oa tna acceptance of mes
sages had oeen removed. The atrlke fol
lowing me announcement praottcally
ut, tha handling of messages out of I
hs question and everything la sublectt iilAmn,,
to Indefinite delay. The men iiim UaHVlilUJ , XAUUiit-a ui
inat ins enter n union la violating tha
leiiar ana mn BDirii or tna trrMmtnt
entered Into July 10, under which the
men returned to work, flneifin in.
stances of illeral. Intimidation aralnat
mamoera are cuea. ieas than 109 atrlk-
are wera reinstated and many wera still
Ming Compared With Su-
. preme uourL- u iLenuitca,
out of employment. Y At tha morning aorvlca of the Rodney
I!il-n fimU nouncad that If tha arenua Chrlatlan ohnrch, by InriUtloa
government will Insist upon investlga- , T,fti,in,. tha work of
lion or. arbitration of tha nrnnoaitinna " . Hmo mi BOWinson. mi '
embodied In tha mamnr.1 aHr...a4 tn I tha International Bureau of Kerorm
the board of direct ore of tha Western waa presented by Dr. a t. Tufts. Tha
Union last June, the men wUJ lrnma- .nr aairf m nart:
"Soma man are ministers or ooa to
d lately return to work. .
nreaoh tha gospel, others are ministers
I bf Ood to fill civil offices and to oa a
terror to avii doera. -i oe mayor,
; City. Ia isolated.
PoataJ Men lofn TTltli Other and and prosecuting attorney are appointed
to ouiia up civio riu""
as tha preacher Is to develop spiritual
righteousness. Government is Instituted
among men according to tha plan of the
niler Or nations lor in lirvmuimn VI
publio morality aa us caiei aim. ima
la racovniaed br statesmen and tha ju
diciary of all civilised landa. Our fed
eral supreme court haa pronounced thla
to be a Christian nation. It becomes
fJeeraal Baadal Ban Ira. 1
Los Angeles, Aug. It This morning
A operators joined t
Union telegraphers.
cally Isolated by wlra
the Postal operators Joined tha striking
in teiegrap
have modified their demands for In-
Is prac
The city
The men
of 6,000,000 .acrea, a part of
. taken 'up ' toy forest
Wirmnrlnc Indian
of these things together, however, do
not take up any great pari or me terri
tory, and there is at least one half tha
T area of tha county open to settlement,
the greater part of which Is valuable
. land. . .1. '
' The so trth eastern part of tha oounty
i off era . the . best Induoementa to the
, homesteader or one who wishes to take
land under tha Carey act. while in all
' parta of tha oounty opportunltiea are
open for the bomeseeker.
Tha greater part of tha timber landa
filed upon are Included, In forest re
serves, although parta of two of theaa
i reservea are soon to be throws open to
(Continued from rage Ona.)
atrlklng postal oparatora, Twanty-flyo
men remained working la tha Western
Union fflee,v but ther' are onable to
handle ' tha business: Shortly after,
cable operators joined the strike.
ntaln the pt
cording to Secretary Loeb, the prealdent
Roosevelt at Oyster" Bay
4 "rtii maintain the poller of "hand off
reardlnr the telegraphera' atrlke. ; Ao-
oreaaad aalary so that It ahall be II
per cent Instead of 21 per cent, and
placed the matter In tba handa of, the
national executive committee.
tba duty then bf all true cltlsena to go
WtU )fot Strike Independent!, bat
Will Obey Orderg, ;
to the polls and elect to office only
o are la run sympathy witn
inlal principles of truth ai
rlahteousnesa There la oniy one an
of morality, whether found In civil or
the fundamental
Mllalona Ufa When Mr. Hedaea. attor
ney for tha MiiwauKie ciuo, contended
that tha legislature haa tba right to au-
thA4a m Miinl(lrkaiHtf n lAfrai 1 1 taa "AAa-il
(laaraal gaedal arvfce.r. I ullln. aamhllna. or ' even tha social
flBokana. ' Aur. 12. Western union I wii C .T. i-a h vkii.h la mntnn a
The men are ant disposed to strike In
dependently, but will obey orders, from
headquarters. Seventy men will be af
footed If the strike la called. .' i ,
BefOM to Ilandlo New Jork Wires .'
, Others Quit Same Key.
f JearW IneeUl gervlee.1 ;
flan IVanolaeo. Aua. 12. Four West
ern Union oparatora la Wast Oakland
all the nrlnclnles of law and against the
decisions of our highest courts. . Com
pare his opinion with these declarations
Of the supreme court of our land:
wera discharged thla morning for refus
ing to work the is aw xora wires.
five oparatora
walked out when ordered to man tha
same wires. ....-.. -
" There are acta which the federal or
atate legislature can not do. without
exceeding their authority. They may
eommand what la right and prohibit
what la wrong, but they cannot change
Innocence Into guilt' Neither can they
do tha converse, change guilt Into Inno-
"An act of tha leaialatura (for I can
not call It a law) contrary to tha first
principles or tna social compact cannot
lowing their discharge.
considered a rightful exerclsa of leg
islative authority' ,
"No leaialatura can bargain away tba
puoiio neaitn or tna puDiia moraia. ,
"When wa consider that bonaaty,
morality, religion and education are tha
main pillars of tha state, for tha protec
tion and promotion ot wnicn govern
ment waa instituted anions men.
Montgomery ornce iiag uniy xwoiit at once strikes tna mind tnat tni
Hen and nanager rc I Throw off these trust duties br selling
(Joareal gpedal aeiTles. , I barerlng or giving them away. If It be
Hontgomery, Ala,, Aug. II. Seven conoeaea mat me state can aeii ana
Western Union operators, Including one carter away any ona or tnem it iotiow
woman, struck at T o'clock thla morning.
leaving only tha manager and chief op
erator ana two outer nwi woraing.
Postal Men Strike In Sympathy With
4 Weatem Union.
. fJearaal tpeelal Ssrvfea,) ',
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 1L All anion
operators la tna coiumoua ornce ot
the Postal company struck - at 10:20
throw off these truat duties by Bailing,
that It can thus aur render Its control
of all and convert tha state Into dens
of bawdy houses, gambling shops and
other places of vice and demoralisation.
Now U aeema to ua that the essential
Brinclples of self-preservation forbid
Hat tba common wealth ahould poasesa
a power so revolting because destructive
to tha main pillars of tha government.
"Thus you sea that It la a ease of Atr
torney Hedges versus United States su
preme court. 1 If Mr. Hedges la right
our supreme court la wrong."
gers also atrlklng.
Union Men on Leaaed Wired Leaye
X' Kanaag City Peaka.
(Jovraal Ipedal gerviea.1
Kansas City. Aua. II. All union OD-
aratora on leased wires, who are being
called out hare upon president nmaii's
(Continued from Page Ona)
wife aa to his Indebtedness to Multno
mah oounty for sums embessled by him
aunng nis term as county ciera. out
tha countr" a claim la barred bv the stat
ute of llmltatlona, wlilla Mrs. Powell la
I Buy Your Lace eurtains Ttiesday
And save about
we would not
out half on your investment.' Every shrewd buyer in Portiand should attend thin Curtain sale. It is a acrifir
t care to to repeat very often, since it involves an absolute money loss to this house on every pair. People f,t'
look far
Buy your
in the race for gain and saving will see this Curtain event standing out in bold letters on the calendar of opportunity.
r Curtains Tuesday and you will congratulate yourself for days to come. Discard the old and worn and replace them
with the best the curtain loom affords. Boost the home by gladdening hs appearance, and you will experience a big increase
" a-aTT" y "' ' Jl " " asssaaaa aaasj eaaapaaaaa-s aaa-wa-aOTBgBBSfaMBaaaaaBMBaaaBt-MS ,t fi
in "Home -Comfort."
$2.25 valtXea, pair ..V.:;, a;.,.,;;.............. ?1.10
$1.75 valuea, pair ..'.;..,.,,...,. iW. 07t
$150 values, oalr ...........82.25
$100 values; oalr a.... . . . . 82.25
$3.75 values, pair
$8.25 values, pair
$7.50 values, pair
$75 values, pair
V"'W ua 1 -m -twi Vjl
Ask Your Dressmaker
:. And If aha Isn't weU enough posted to acquaint you
with tha merlta of tha aaVTBT "VXOZAX" machlnt
then bar Ideas ara too old to be trusted wim your aaw
tog. ' If wa did not1 know beyond any doubt that the boat
machine on earth la
'Spada!' wa would
throw It Into tha
atreet and gat ona
that la batter, , But
there can be none
better. Whan you
go to look ht ma
chines, look at
avery different
make you care to,
but whan, you ara
ready to buy gat
tha Qeyurtg "Spe
cial" the machine
best qualified by a
perts to do your
aewlng. .;
A $60 Ma
chine for $25
' $ldowa
50c wetk. .
Piit Your Cigar Money in a Watch
i I 4 i I
-Watch - Watch
Movements . . Cases
Boss Fahy'a
" Crescent r
: Dueber
Elgin and '
' r , ' Hampden
- -. ., , -' . . i
. It doesn't take a barrel af money
to own tha beat watch on, earth,
wbaa you buy right pay utua
down, than vnJoy tba prlda of carry
ing tha watch while you ara paying
for H. ' v'v .v v"
Carry a plpa la year mouth and
break off your cigar acquaintance
for a few weeks. A parfect-worklng
timepiece la aa aoUd aa Inveetment
aa a ; government bond. Wa Invite
your Inspection of tha bait watch
aasortmant la Portlaod.
i S tK - '
lecond Floor ' . lst-St Window
still at liberty to prosecute ner righta,
Powell waa appointed by President
Roosevelt to the office of United States
marshal at Noma In January, 1902.
orders through Acting Prealdent Bus- ( Shortly afterward a mass of evidence
sell, say all press oparatora wlU be out) waa laid before tha president, showln
by tonlght.. Ithat roweu, aunng tna live
i An4mst Operaton Out.
fluwnl1 Sua. 1.1 I.h1m I '
AurusU Ga.. Aua;. U. Western I who examined the books' while
union operators joined tha Postal strlk
ara at !!: o'clock today. ..
Denver Hen Quit.-
( Jovraal Special Serrlea.)
Denver. Cola. Auc 11.AU
oper&tore here bay struck. '
. has not 'sent Or received from Commis
sioner Neil any communication regard-
, in tne atruce. xne eiroria inai -oin
mlasioner Nelll Is making to bring about
peace ara made entirely upon his own
Initiative. The nresldent refuses to dia-
cuas the situation.
The strike f the Now York operators
.me in sDlte of tbe efforts of tha local
union officials to prevent It,.- For aome
: ' lava naat atrlka sentiment "haa bean
atrong, though at a meeting held yes
terday It was decided , to keep at tha
' keys until Friday. - - t . ,,,
' Ban Francisco, Aug. II. Weetera
'1 TTnlon operators ara walking out today.
"The situation has been strained to the
- breaking point for several days through I
(Special Dispatch a Tbe oaraaL
Spokane. Wash, Aug. 11 Jack Rica,
alias rwhltey" Rica, aeonrlct at tha
Walla : Walla , penitentiary, ' Jumped
through the window of a moving oar
yesterday and made hla escape.
Rica and tt other conylota were on
their way to build a road In tha Methow
valley from Pateroa to Twlsp, Wash
ington. Aa the train neared town Rice
asked permission to go to tha back of
tha car. The. reauest waa aranted and
a guard accompanied him. He entered
tha lavatory with the prisoner that waa
anacKied to mm ana ten tne aoor open.
The other convict stood between Rice
and the guard while the former slipped
tha shackle from his hand. The guard
heard thla and pushed tha door open
Just in time to sea Rice go through tha
A posse of police ara now looking for
him. He la described as wearlna civilian
clothes, is sUm and bony, about five
feet eight inches, In height and dark
compiezloned. He was serving a five-
year sentence ror, ourgiary.
Irrigation Delegate.
(Special Dispatch ta Tba Jooraal.)
Baiem, or., Aug. iz. The governor
naa appointed .ft. Alexander u. fenaie
toa a delegata to the National Irrlga
tlon congress at Sacramento.
vears thai
ha waa county clerk, embessled thou
M sands -or douara or tha taxpayers
money. The charge waa established by
,.:s i the. a worn statements or three experts
who examined tne doors wnue roweu
waa still clerk and who reported short
sges ranging from $4,000 to $11,000; and
It was further , substantiated by ex
tracts from the records showing that he
was atlll a defaulter at the time when
he went out of office. Tha total amount
of his stealings will naver be known.
. Bmbesaled From County, '
The reports of theaa experts wera
originally - prepared at various times
xrum 'Jiavv IV aovv, ihu, mvir vvuwiiii
wera - well, known to tha other county
authoritlea then la Of floe. But they
wera never publmhed until the Journal
brought them , to light noma ten years
ater. ..... '.. . . . ..
In addition to tnia damaging evidence.
nroofa wera also laid before the nres
ldent that Powell waa engaged In exten
sive election frauds In the spring of
104. and that tna originals or perjured
by Powell were laid
It waa expected that
proTocatlve of &ood humor as
GhlrardelU Cocoa. Its delic
ious fragrance and sustaining
goodness fill the most exact
ing guest with generous InW
"pulses. The best thing too:
for Mi owa
breakfast to
... a
affidavits signed b
before Roosevelt I
Powell's early removal from the office
of United States marshal would soon
follow, but be still retains hla position.
Indeed, hla responsibility and his pay
have beea greatly Increased within tha
past year.
Tha atory gained currency this morn
ing that tha ault which had been Insti
tuted against Powell had been brought
by tha county,' to recover the funds
which he embessled, but the rumor was
untrue. The', county has now no re
dress. n MAT INVOLVE
(Continued from Page One.)
Portland Spanlah war veterans, will
ing to bravo tha opposition which It la
said will be thrown agalnat them with
might and mala by tha W. C. T. U., will
adopt resolutions at their meeting next
Wednesday night in the Knights of
Pythias hall calling for tha restoration
oz tne army canteea.
Tha move will be la Una with tha ona
haw well under ray In Washington,
u. c, wnicn nas peen.zurtnere4.ny.1na
reports of many of tha amy. officers
aaklnff that the canteen aaain be riven
a place In soldier life. The matter will
again be taken up upon' tha re-convening
of congress this winter. In tbe mean
time the W. C. T. U. and kindred organ
lsatlona are sharpening the axea with
which they hop to chop down what
they believe to be tha curse of army
At tha meeting which will be bald by
local veterans Wedneeday night resolu
tions, similar to those adopted by the
organisation several months ago and
forwarded to Washington, will be voted
upon and again made a matter of rec
ord, xna resolutions win set xoria sub
stantial reasons why tha army canteen
should again become a part of tha sol
dier's paraphernalia.
Mrs. Lucia F. Addlton.- nresldent
the W. C T. U.. stated this mornlna that
personally aha waa violently-opposed to
any aucn course oeing aaoptea, ana ana
believed that tha local organisations
would take steps to counteract any reso
lutions which might be forwarded from
iJoaraal Ssedal aarrlea.f "
Orater Bav. Aua: 11. Judre W. H.
Hunt of Montana, met President Roose
velt today at a political luncheon with
a group pi.poiiticiana, ., ,
: 'Continued from Page Ona)
and Colorado Fuel ft Iron tha same sum.
The pressure In Amalgamated Copper
put that security down nearly $1.60 a
ah ara In valna.
The London market .waa likewise nan-
Icy, and losses In American Issues wera
the most severe In recent trading. Thla
likewise caused a general depression l
through tna ionaon maraet
Chicago, Aug 12. With all statistics
most ouuisn nature, tna unicago
cents . a
waa blocked thla morning upon receipt
of the order from Secretary Quick.
Word was also received this morn
ing from President Smalt In a mea
saae to the local union he said:
"Leave this mornlna for Chlcaro. Will I
settled bv then."
. It is eXDected that whatever actio
may be taken bv the Portland oneraton
will result from Instructions received
within a few daya from Chicago after
wheat market dropped t
hnahal d urine- todav'a calL
The atrlk. of the telegraphers waa
nerhana the main reason for tha de
pression, holders seeming to want to. let
go at aimoei any npure juai 10 act
.1 t
had resumed.
The wheat market opened lower with
a ordera comma lr
Commission houses with long-wire con-
ectlons were the principal sellers; thla
lng accounted for ny the fact that
the market so long as they had no
telegraphic quotations to guide thorn.
The market closed around tha low
pointa for tha day.
(Continued from Page Ona.) "
COrn?r,en!.h.aJL &2S iilStr want tT'beTn
themselves In readiness for . ordars to
join their striking brethren In other
parts or tna country.
Press Oparatora Waal fuatlaa.
Tha move on the part of the Asso
ciated Press operators to get shorter
hours and more pay la gaining ground
rapidly. Papers for signatures were
wired to rortiana rrom cjnicaso la at
night and it was stated that Dave Duey,
chief clerk in the Chicago office, haa
signed the petition. 1 Other press opera
tors are urged to ao HKewise.
The Associated Press operators hava
been trying for many months past to
get the organisation to equalise - their
worn in some manner wnion win na
satisfactory, and think this a propitious
time In which to adjust tha try lag con
ditions under which they ara compelled
to worst
.. fSaeclal Dlasatck te Tbe I'oaraal.l' -
Canby, Or.. Aug. 11. Can by defeated
tha Northwest Gun club team yesterday
1 to . xne aame wss a aooa one. ex
cepting that in the fourth Inning the Oun
club went, to pieces and allowed Canby
four runa;,- Baty pitched a fine game
for Canbv. and Roxie did well for the
r.aavaala Dataetaa naKM - Tlaeaa
And Baty; Gun elub--Roxie and Fleming.
-J" i
(Voarsal tpeelal Scmea.
Rridreoort. CCnn, Aur. IS. Four ner.
sons were drowned and lOd thrown front
their bertha today when the steamship
Tennessee collided with a schooner off
this city.. The schooner sank immedi
ately and tbe captains picked up but
four members of tba crew that went
strikers. No effort will ba made to Im
pair the newspapers, although an in
creased aoale will be demanded from
tha nreaa associations. ' The schedule
presented calls for $35 tC week for six
mgms ana l cents, an nuur ovsniine,
l-ht hours ta aonstitute a day's work.
Daytime oparatora ask $30 a week, and
su cents an oour ovsrume. noon
practically 8,600 telegraphera . are on
atrlke, Including tha following cities:
the local camp Of tba Spanish war vet
erans. , -..'
"The'restoratloa of the army can-
teen, sn. saia. tb equivalent to aaym
that every- soldier is a drunkard an
that ha must have his liquor. It ta the
worse curse that could be yiaited upon
the Uhlted States army and la backed
principally by tbe liquor Interests. We
will fight It, of course we will fight it,
in the future as we nave in the paat.'
Have You Seen
- . In oar Stark atreet window
la an aquarium for the storage
o! live 'fish. , :.:: ;
a. Prom : now forward there
r need be no doubt in your mind
but that your crawfish are
fresh, for you can see them
alive and kicking in the tank. ;
This is also true of many
other kinds of fish you win need
from time to time for Friday
dinners, etc. "Buy at Dressers'
and they cannot be otherwise
: being alive.
Have you realized the many
things Dressers are doing , to '
make their new market the
cleanest, most sanitary and'
complete food . store in Port-
land to make, your table stuffs
more appetizing, fresher , and,
daintier? We art delighted to
show .strangers through the
i store. Hundreds visit us dally. -
The Pure J Food Emporium
Fifth . and Stark. Stores at
Gearbart, Seaside and E. 15th
and Broadway Both1- Phones.
San Francisco. New fork, Chicago, Los
Inula, Aaattla St lyiiiia at Paul
Minneapolis, MUwaikee, Denver, Kan
sas t;ity, Mempnie, jmsw uneans, 10-
neka. Pueblo, Jackson, Mississippi; Dal-
laa, ana juousion. xexas; xsaanrnie, xenn
eaaae: uiumDua.. umo: Mernaen mis.
slssippl; BlPaao, Salt Lake City. Helena,
ham, Augusta, Omaha, Sioux City, Knox-
vine, council JBiuria, unariesion, uai
veston. Atlanta, Texarkana, Fargo, Colo
rado Bpirngs, Detroit, ana Beaumont.
Texas, in-moet oftnese cities
Postal and Western union men are
Logger Crushed to l)eath. ,
fSpacttl DITatCB fe The Jaaraal.)
Vancouver, B. C. Aug. 12. Joe Gar-
nett, a logger, was killed at Mill bay,
Vaucouver island, by being caught be
tween two logs. Hla back waa brftken
In two places and both legs were broken.
The body waa brought here today,.
; Agent Worley on Vacation.
'(Special Dlacateb to Tbe Jornal .
Tekoa. Wash.. Aua. 11. Indian JLranr
C. O. Worley haa gone for an extended
trip down the Pacific coast and in the
eaatern states. Thla la hla first vaca
tion, la six yeara.
k af a a A AafWafk sfkafa AI
When a firm is known to excel its
competitors in .any one attribute, it
becomes recognized as "a specialist."
We are "IT." We carry a larger
stock of diamonds, sellmor? dia
morids,' know more about values of
, diamonds, and sell them for less than
any jeweler jn the city. If you con
template Vj purchasing- a diamond,
don't fail to examine our stoqk and
compare prices.
Largest Diamond Dealer la Oregon
74 Third Street,' Near Oak' Street
Soar Stomach
"I aied baaearets aa faal Ilka a saw was. ) have
beea a nffarer from djipptta and soar atomaok
tot tha lut awa.yeara. I a.
hare baa aklnr nadt--
, mVtm lftal IM Milt.
elaa ana ether dract, bat eoald tut so rallet oaly
tor a abart time.- 1 win raeenmena vaaeareM
say frlaadi aa aba only thing lor Indlcettioa
i,n .fa,M. h m4 an kaaa aha inali in aood
dittos. Thar are vary alee to eat." ' . . . -"!
" " "aarty Stueklay, Kaaek Oasak, fa.
PUaaant, falattMa, Patent. Taate good, te 9oea,
Nevar8ikan, Woakaa or Gripe. 1M. M.Ma.liaar
aold la balk. Tbe tannine tablet etamped OVO.
aaarantaed to aara or roar noney back. v . i
- Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago's H.Y. gas
'The 3. M. Acheson Company's big store and factory plant, Fifth and
Alder atreets, la conceded to he tha best equipped and practical In tha
Weat Lighting system unexcelled. The company is seven yeara old
started with a capital atock of 12,000 capitalized now at $160,000. Has
a paid-up capital of about 180,000, and additional subscribed stock of
$24,000. Assets about $160,000, not including unsubscribed stock. Lia
bilities lesa than one third the assets. Doing a businesn of over $860,
000 a year. Unsubscribed capital stock is for sale in amounts of 1100
up 10 per cent Interest or dividend guaranteed also trade, dlsoount al
lowed stockholders on all goods purchased by them In the store. In
connection with the department store, ta men's , tailoring and woolensf
also a grocery store. Tou can save enough on your grocery , bills to ;
clothe yourself. ' The company owns the nve-story brick, Its ladles' gar
ment faotory, men's clothing and grocery departments . are located in.
r Very good asset isn't ItT Subscriptions can- be made for weekly or
monthly saving payments. Call, drop aa a card, or fill in the following
subscription for the amount you desire and how you wish to pay th
same and mall it to ua and we will call and complete year connection
with the company. - , . "
v ; JL, the undereljBed, hereby rahsexlhe for.i. ahare
of tha Capital, Stock of Tha 9. at Aoheeoa Company. The price ft
said Capital atock la the pax valna of One BoDar (f 1.00) par ahara,
payable aa fouowst (, ....,...'......,,.,!.,,..
'y" The tooorporated Capital Stock ' ef The 9. TU Aoheson Company la
One Hundred llfty .Thousand (180,000) shares, mon-aasessabla, . 1
'i ' M-"i: , i atlgnad , V' .') ," ' ' ' . . . V
ansaawwaa w T w ' " y T - ; "f" - 9-m W. WWW" w w m m w v STiey-ei W w
. C. K. PEAKE '
' A. J. FARMftR '
i- T. x. moss, 'r'Vl
,.' Secretary and Attorasy.
r- i