The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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V t . . ,.r ,m , ...1.,,.. . v f - . ' ' ' .p.'. ' "
You; save te most money
tiorl't by attending Welch's :
Genuine ''
Men's Outing- Suits at Half Price
Men!s Straw Hats at .Half Price
Men's Summer Suits Greatly
i . . . ; Reduced
John B. Stetson $4 Hals . $2.85
mm ,$3 Hat-v, $2.45
TJie Sphinx $2.50 Hat . $1.95
V-Vlf Noit Right, Welch Makes It Riht
'.' Spending is a habit and a bad one. Why
; ; continue the. reckless waste of your money?
?. Stop j and figure out how much of your
. ytnontnly earnings you are worse than throw
ing awayworse because of the pernicious
v 5 effect and resolve to continue it no longer.
Open a Savings Account with us. Wepay .
4 'per cent! interest on your deposits. ? -
Call or send for our new booklet, free.
Merchants Savings and
Trust Company
; J. Frank' Watson. President
. ,R.. I. Durham. . . ,1 ..... ...... 1. .Vice-President ,
W. H. Fear. , Secretary
ir.".S. C Catching. .Assistant Secretary
o. W. T. Muellhaupt. . .. , .Cashier
i a i t
is not
difflcult tnattcr
when you
: 8
A combination of moat durabU Var
nlah and Stalna for Interior Wood
Worfc Floora, FurnlUirt, ate.
Fisher Jhorsen & Co;
; Fffl ill GOD
vara; or, tha worda may tiava for their
antecedent the dlacloaurea given In tha
lunurr imn hi in ennomr. anil hiih
that aolemn event"
o tha comlna of Christ tn inrf.
ment and the dlaaolutlon that followal
Ecv Straton Says i Civiliza
5 tion Can Accomplish Lit-
f 4 tie Without It
Society Cannot Be Berormea , dj
Rmdlai LeciaUUon. Sr Mln-
later Commltt 'Are Ctood, but
CbitBged Hearts Needed.
Hoow Trffei They Are
Bidding Now M Ever. t
- That tha Ten Commandmenta are aa I
Dinamc toaay aa when rirat proclaimed
waa urged yeaterday mornlna; by Rev.
Hoover, paator of the Memorial Evan.
freiicai cnurcn, Kaat Kirbteenth atreet,
n a aermon entitled Th Moral
Rev. Hoover aaid In nart?
"We apeak with horror of tha human
aacnricea made to ' the a-oda of tha
aeamen. wnai ia inia ataregard of hu-I
man Ufa but a aacrlflce to the nuiM
mon of - unrlghteoueneaa. tha god of I
iwai ipt inou aaait not ateal' of the
Almighty la etlU pronouncing Judgment
in moronani wno aeiia nan cot
ton for aii wool; tha farmer who goea
to market , with the large potatoea on
top of tha tnaaaura; tha employer who
underpay Ma workmen, and
pioya wno idiea away tlma for which aa
a receiving nia employer a money. ,
-ine woraraan ia worthy of. and
Men's Three-Piece
"The Old Ood for tha New Age," waa
tha eubject upon which Dr. John Roach
Btraton, of tha Second BapUat church
of Chicago, preached laat night at tha
Whit Temple. He took tha atory of
tha healing of Naaman. tha Syrian, 'aa
a baaia . for ma . aermon, , aaying am
remedial leglalatlon can eccompllah lit
tle ao lone aa maa'S haarta remain Un-
e hanged. We need mora faith In God.
ho aaMJ ' .
Wa have come Into a now and won
derful civilisation," ha declared. "We
have, a complex and aplendld Ufa au
around ua New temptatlona and new
dangera have ariaen. Wa have left the
almple life of our fathera and entered
Into a material, atrenuoua and taxing
exletence. and what wa need above all
thin re elae today la faith ia and loyalty
to tha Ood of our fathera. . ; . .
' . Thla.Za Oraataaa Ac. -lliv
I aav'that I ant no peaalmlat
in regard to our timea I believe that
wa emre living in the greateet aga in
tha htatorv of the world.
"I am proua or tne acnievementa ox
thia araat country and I rejoice over
tha aplendld proaperlty and progreaa of
mr native land; but thla mora and
mora I know, that wa have reached a
I time .of multiplied ' temptatlona and of I
deadly dangera. Wa need now, aa never
before, tha ateadylng influence of tha
true faith. - Why ia it that we are hear
ing aa much of graft, of political and
bualneee trickery and dlahoneaty and
ahould receive, living wagea, and when
he doea not receive it, he ia the vic
tim of theft. - Llkewlae, the employer
ahould receive for hla money an equiv
alent in laoor, ana wnen ne aoeen t re
ceive it. he la tha victim of theft The
Thou a halt not commit adulterv la a
atandlng rebuke agalnat tha damning
in ox m age. uia pervarmon ot mar-
"Need we mention the 'eoneequencee
io inaiviuuaia, noroea ana nauona tnatwe n e.
follow tha violation of thla lawT Roma I VlPf SlTllQ i
waa overthrown in ehame. Let America I WVW .- J Uiw 1
iaaa warning.".
a n -. . r rr
-.'V. .'v-. j ' '
IMen's Outing
What we Jhavc left at the
following prices:
$25.00 Three-
$20.00 Threc
Piccc Suits .
$15.00 Three
Piece Suits V
Elngllng Brothers AddXoT;
elty and Splendor to Won
derful Circus Acts.
$2.50 Outing
. , Pants.;
$3.00 Outing
r Pants.,.
$3.50 Outing
" : Pants.
$4.00 Outing
x : rants. ;
$5,00 Outing
y vPants. .
: $2.
I'. $3.35
Svea the. ahah of Perala haa con
tributed, to the noveltlea of JUngllngl
Brothera eircua- performance thla
ao n, parmlaaion having bean obtained
from hla imperial highneaa to preeent
for thla aeaaon only -In America the
wonderful Mine Golem trouo of acro-
f enerai aociat corrupuonr wny ia itri Data, long xavoruea or xoa anan a courx
t la becauaa ao many man have loat I performera. Thla la tha flrat inatanca
their faith in -the true Ood and the real- of the ahah granting aucn. parmlaaion.
ana it ia an unuauauv lortunate acaulau
tion on tha part of the famoua Ameri
can ahowmen, inaamuch aa no one, even
in the old world, haa ever had tha luck
to aee theae remarkable neoDle. ezceDt
tne lew royal viaitora permittea to en
ter the . Feral aq palace.
.. plandid Display.
- Paradea may go on forever, like Ten-1
nyeon e brook, but there will never be
anything to approach tha beautiful
atreet display which the RlngUngl
iirouiera are uua aeaaon praaenting
the introductory feature of a day at the I
greatest circua or all timea.
The whole world haa contributed to
thia great pageant. The far east haa
aent tne Deautiea or ita courta and
harems, brl frauds of the aand plalna and
caravana of merchantmen, all in the
richest of oriental costume; from, the
ielands of the South aeaa have come
barbarian orchestras, tribesmen In fan
tastle paint- and dark-eyed malda; Eu
rope naa aent us eoiaiery rn
itlea of tha Christian religion. Not believing-in
a future. life, they live for
thla world only. Ther ear: 'Let ua eat.
drink and be merry, for tomorrow we
may die."
. --. wo mum raw wvu.
Wa need today, flrat of all. that fear
of Ood which will lead ua to keep hla
rlghteoua lawa. Never until the human
heart la changed and cornea Into alle
giance to Ood can human eociety go
forward aareiy ana narmoniouaiy.
"Let ua understand that society can
not be reformed by remedial legislation
and tha appointmente of commltteea of
the beat cltisena. These things are gooa
ao far aa they go, but wa need above
all thtnga else changed hearts hearts
that are honeat and that are loyal to
Ood. v . . '. !
Fred Butler aanr tne nuoir cur' laat
night by, special request.
One-Half Off Regular Price
Rer. Hill -Telia Some Truths About
'. Women of the Smart Set.
Tn have had a number of huabanda la
a credential for women of the emart set.
lust aa a number oi automonuea, ana
the more huabanda the better the cre
dentials, aaid Rev. Everett M. Hill at
the Taylor Street Methodist church last
night, speaking on tha subject "The
Toung woman of the Smart Set."
Dr. Hill aaid In part: .
"There la a smart aet today aa there
waa in the daya of tha woman of Sa
maria. Not only waa aha marked off aa
a prototype oi tne moaern young wo
man of tha smart set becauae ahe waa
Influential in the social whirl; but be
cause of her possessions in the shape of
huabanda. we do not hear of her hav
ing any children, aa that would not be
tne proper creaenuai xor me amarx aei.
but any number of husbands ,1a all
rla-ht. the more the merrier. Husbands
to tha women of the smart aet in aoma
tonalities are like automobiles, they act
in a way aa credentials, while children
are not to be thought or, aa they would
art aa a neroetual prohibition to social
distinction. According to an incident
Mtiatad bv President Roosevelt at
Gridiron club dinner, the woman of tha
smart aet must have possessions in the
following proportions: 0. aervanta. It
horses, 11 doga, 11 automobllea and only
I child.
uniforms; tha jungle haa been pene
trated, and anarllng beaata pace to and
iro in open aena, ana . seemingly even
fairyland haa f urnlahed" the host of
golden floating cars with, their living I
pictures irom cniia-iore ana drawn Dy
tiny ponies irom ine tana or. tne 141U-
nutian. i
Barbarian tom-toms and reeda. airn
pipes, the soft strings of eunny shores.
ana ine military oanaa or. ine Anglo
Saxon constantly fill, the air with mel
ody, and, looking down tha atreet over
a aea of waving banners and flags and
a thousand nodding create at the heada
of pure white horses, a eight presents
Itself that will , live long in memory.
Nearly 1,109 men, women and children,
658 horeea and mora than half tha ale-
phanta in America are seen la thla
pageant. - ,
On the earne elaborate BceWTare all
tha departmenta of tha big circua. Tha
menagerie la a complete aoologleat col
lection: the opening spectacle la the
moat brilliant and entertaining that
ever Introduced an arenlo program, and
the performance that followa in tha
three arenas, tha two atagea and tha
dome above la tha beat that tha Rlng
ling Brothera have ever preeented in
all their aplendld hiatory.
Thla great parade will be aeen In
Portland when the Rlngllng Brothera
circua exhtblta here Monday, Auguat SC,
for an engagement of two daya, -
. :'v, " raf erred stack Oaaaed Oeoda.
Allen Lewie Best Brand.
Burned Town Dreads Fire.
tHseatch te The JoeraaL)
. Lawiatown, Ida., Aug. IL Tha eltt
lens of, Cottonwood nave subscribed
$10,000 with which they will lnetall a
modem waterworka eyatem. Some of
the aubactiptiona were aa high aa 12,000.
The recent fire in that elty. which waa
fouaht hv a. bucket brltrade. h causa
of tha aubacrlption being takes tip.
"If women want excitement, inatead
tnanufacturlns: It in tha social
they will find plenty of It rearing chll
dren. Theae are the links that bind hus
band and wife closer together, the an
chor, that lay hold on the moorings of
heaven and righteousness, the priceless
treasures of the home, the bank account
upon which unxnown generations snau
draw, when aoma Roman matrons were
displaying their golden ornaments and
jewela to each other, one of them arose
and aaid. Come with me and I will
show you riches Taking them to her
home, aha opened the door to tne nura-
ery, ana, pointing o un.iiuu ann ai
J day upon the floor, aaid, Theae are my
"Mothers are in a class with Ood, for
Ood la love, and the mother that la not
love ia not the real aource of the being
of her. child, but only tne pnyaicai inci
dent connected with it. .Motherhood in
heres not ao much In it relationship to
physical birth.' aa in the psychical and
spiritual power that takea hold on the
eternal elements of being and transmit,
them as a priceless inheritance to the
offspring, a t . .
Rev. Foulkes Urges Consideration of
Future Rather Than Past. ; .
w . . ...,. W 1 . . -f Ilia
nev, wiinam r ouitn vi mum vivji
Kansas, preached tha laat of a aerlea of I
ihw aermon. at tha First Presbyterian
church laat night Rev. Mr., Foulkea !
took for hla text 2 Peter cxi:5. "Where
fore, beloved, aeeing that ye look for i
auch thlnga. be diligent that ye may be i
found of him in peace, without apot and
hlamelenH." H said in Dart: ;
"Man la concerned with tha future
rather than with, the peat. To him the
nroblem of deatlnv far outweighs in im
portance the Questions of origin. . He Is
Interested in what la to be rather than
iri what haa .been. It is of vastly I
greater moment for him to- learn
whither he ia going than whence he i
came. But the past furnishes , many !
useful suggestions in the performance i
of present duty. The atudy of hiatory
may be a aource or mucn proiit in the
discharge of present obligation.. But we .
derive our etlmulus for tha weighty and I
suDiime issues oi ine Dy looaing for
ward rather than backward. -
"It ia from -the future that wa receive
the loftiest motives and etronaest in
centive, to right living. Tha paat showe
now ine service may oe renaerea; tne
future telle why it ahould be a-lven. The !
future is a living and endiesa inspiration
to live honestly and righteously in thla i
present life. You would not be half I
the man you are today, my brother did
you not sometime iook aneaa into that
rreat and - aolemn hereafter: and we
would all be nobler in life and grander
in character cia we put-thlnK more
of thln.s future ana eternal. Thla 1.
what the .acred writer would have ua ;
do as we read ineae parting worda of the
apontle. ' - 1 " . ?... . i
rh text is an' inference of imant
duty and prlvllega from tha disclosure.!
or future . reamiee. ine revelation of
the future, aa oenneatea nere are most i
graphic and . eolemn-'y The text sta in I
close inierentiai connection witn what 1
goea before. The 'euch things' of thla I
passage may refer to the new heavene
TT7V Trn C T
field of Xiano n
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usic Broadened
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Opp. posTorrfcL
ana new aarw maouonea la tne former