The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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Ts'is ' Cures
No Cheaper
Treatment '
t : nion the Coast
No Better g r ;
, , Treatnieht f K
,'..;. :.,!f'
in the World
r , '
. ' f '
. . ... .. . .. .
I 111 I 11 T U I I J 1 1 1 J - SSv
i.., miimiii. naBja-is wis z..::iff v ''
' Groom's Unsteadiness Loses
First and; Ileayy Batting
Wins Second, v;' :'
Nearly f Ptr Thotuand Fmu FUI
V GraodsUnd, Bleacher and Field,
". Netting BljC Sunflor Ixxeal Man
agement and League jNote. '
Xxs Angeles, 1-1; Ban Franciseo, 0-1.
. - Won. Loit. . Pet
IM.IUHIM .... II . 10 .174
a so .o
see fV W
Dakland ,88 IS
Ban Franelaoo ...... 8 -
Portland i . 71
Oakland end-Portland broko even- on
yesterday's double-header at Atbletio
park. Oakland taking tha flrat cam by
a score of J to 1 and Portland captur
Ing tha aaoond br a acora of 7 to 1.
JXba attandanca record of tha season
waa broken. Grandstand and bleaehara
'overflowed and ipactaton Unad tha far
corners of tha field. Tha total number
of admissions aold waa f,888. Thla
means that something Ilka 11,600 was
taken In br tha management - Truly,
Portland la a arreat baseball town. The
fana alve errand support despite the
fact that the team they cheer la tha
tall-ender. - -s
Long Bobby Groom and Deacon
Wright, Oakland'a premier t wirier, ac
cording to the records, were pitted
against eacn otner in me nrsi game,
and though the same number of safeties
waa scored off of each. Groom waa the
Unsteady boy and to this fact he owes
his defeat With the bases full he
walked Eagan, forcing In a run. The
next minute Bliss hit him a baby
bouncer which he could have easily
manipulated to execute a double play,
but he waa over-anxious and Juggled
the sphere until all were aafe.
In the second game Pernoll, late of
uranta raas, waa pitted against uarnea.
While the Portland novitiate walked six
Commuters, his offerings were harder
to hit than were those of Car nee. More
over, the locals bunched their swats In
good atyle and rolled up a aafe score
early in the game. Her are the offi
cial tally sheets: .
Pirat Chun. '.
AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
Ill 0
1' I
Smith, if
Van Haltren. of
Jieitmuiier, rz
Kagan, as . . .
Bliss, o ..
Blrbee. lb
Haley. 2b
Pevereaux, Sb
. . .
Totals 33 3 it 13 0
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
4 0 1119
4 1119 0
4 0 8 I 0 0
4 0 0 8 0 0
4 0 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 2 4
3 0 0 1 3
3 0 1 11 4
3 0 0 0 1
Case. Cb
Burdett. cf
Bassey, ir
Atherton, lb ..
McCreoie, rf ..
Mott, so
fay, as .
Moore, o
Groom, p
MaiiianuaM " ? - ,aaSsa
:; ; , .
Jumps to First Position by
Winning Double-Header'
From Trunks.
Sprinter, the Apostles' New T wirier,
ProTea a Wonder and Rcorea 14)
Strlke-Onta in Game at Hill Park
-Brews Defeat Indians.
Won. Lost P.O.
Kelso t II
Prakea 14
Wood burn ......16
St. Johns IS
Aatoria . I
Cubs I
Trunks I
Brewers I
At Kelso Tigers 3-3. Trunks 3-3.
At 8t Johns Apostles I. Bohe
mians 0.
At Woodburn Brewers I. Indiana, 0.
Frakes and Cubs No game.
Thla la Matt McOrath of the New York A. C, who Has established a
- new record In throwing tha 16-pound hammer. Although MOrath
, has established his aupremaey over John Flannlgan the world's
champion, his throw ot.175 feet, 8 Inches, and of 17 S ft, 9 Inches, are
not accented as records, because of a technicality. McOrath will
undoubtedly supplant Flannlgan on tha record list.
33 i, l 27 13 i
Oakland 00 00 10 00 01
Hits 00 1 3 1 1000
Portland ,.,,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hits 11 10 1000 0
Strttek out By Groom. 8; by Wright
. Basea on balls Off Groom. B. Two-
base hit Burdett Double play
uruum m Auicriun. oioien pases sas
ey Bl-bee (I), Haley, Burdette. Hit
toy pucnea oaii hubs. First base on
errors Oakland, 1. Wild pitch Groom.
Left on bases Oakland, 10; Portland, 6.
'iira, or game i nour 60 minutes, Ura
plre Perrine,
piHll.ll, ......
Van Haltren, cf
Heitmuiier, rr
Karan. as
pashwood, o .
Jig-Dee, id ...
ley, zd ....
evereaux, 3b
rnes, p
Si-. 11
II IloSlSa
aeoad Oama.
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
a i o o o o
8 0 0 2 0 0
8 0 1 1 0 0
3 0 1 1 4 a
1 0 0 6 1 0
3 1 1 11 1 1
4 0 33 4 0
3 0 113 1
3 0 0 0 6 1
2 0 0 2 0 1
.. 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 17 IS '4
Casey. 2b .....
Burdette, cf 3
Bassey, If 6
Atherton, -lb 4
McCredle, rf ........ 4
Donahue, t . 4
Mott, 8b 8
Fay, as 6
pernoll, p 6
.........30 1
x AB. R. H. PO. A. &
...... o i i a s
Totals 38 7 13 27 14
, Oakland 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
WHS 11010011 3 7
Portland 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 27
Hits ...1 140301 0 81!
Struck out Bv rrn I- h Pan.11
B. . Bases on baile-i-Orf Carries, 4; ofi
pernoll, 6. 'Two-base hits Casey, Mo
Credle, Devereaux. Sacrifice hits Van
Haltren, Mott Stolen bases-Heitmul-ler,
Bassey (8), Donahue. Hit by
pitched ball ABurdette 2. Passe 1 ball
UiiBS. r jri oane on errors Portland,
1. Left on bases Portland, 11; Oak
land, 8. Time of game 2 hours 10
minutes. Umpire Perrine.
; Pbrtland's score In the first game
'was made in the first inning on a
t double by Burdette. asingle by Casey
and an out by Atherton, Oakland scored
- her two runs In the fifth. Smith and
Van Haltren each put a grounder by
,' fott, then Groom walked Heitmuiier,
' filling the bases. Ha then walked Ea
gan, forcing In a run. Bliss came up
with an easy grounder, which Bobby
fumbled, letting In the second run. Che
.,: aide was then retired on two fouls and
a fly to. Bassey. :; , ...
- Funny how Burdette "got hla base
twice in ' tha second game yesterday.
, otbf times fie was hit by a fourth ball.
rcn, naa n ouugou 11, wouia . nv
him on Wa station anyhow. t
in " the second aame the 'visitor
started the scoring by putting Smith
over In the first Inning, He started
with a walk; a fe byVan-Haltren
and a safety by Heitmuiier did
the rest;- Pernoll was the first Port
lander to score. He lined out a pretty
. hit In the third Inning, advancjsd to,
third an CaMy'a double and scored on a j
' 'Jj. :Y-'.f-.'' -A-:.' :'i ' .. V f?.' ...
single by Bassey. With the tallies
seven to one against them the visitors
vm n m ,Via .KaII nnM nflH in the ninth.
Blgbe started on a walk and Haley and
Devereaux brought him in on aafe bin-ale.
rhi. ! hA to ouit the first
vame becauae Bobby Groom soaked him
In tha arm. The big ex-unlverslty sUr
took ma exit to neart so mucn mat n
actually nut hi hands over his face
ami anhbad. Dash wood took his place.
only to have a finger nan torn orr in
the middle of the second game. There
was a wait of II minutes, during which
time Bliss went to the clubhouse, put
on his uniform and switched places once
mora with the cnange catcner.
Burdette, the new center fielder, la
Becoming a ravonte among me imnm.
While he strikes out often and so far
has landed aafe but few' times, he
swinge hard and his bits are usually
for more than one base. Then he has
proved' himself somewhat of a star at
Daaeruniuag. He scored roruana umj
run in the first game on a grounder to
Haley, timing his start at exactly the
rlgnt moment. Maa uroom oeen no pi
a little later when on third he would
have tied the score Instead of dying on
the bag. t
Donahue, Bassey. and McCredle among
them scored 10 of the 13 hits credited
to Portland In the second game yester
day.. Donahue got four out of four
times ud. while Bassey and McCredle
each got three. Bassey was at bat
twice more, and each time he pounded
out a long one. Van Haltren pulled
down one fn the most sensational catch
of the day, while Heitmuiier picked the
otner orr trie rtgnt rieid xence.
Mott la becoming worse and worse.
Last week he srot but one hit out of 21
times at bat, scoring the miserable aver
age of .047. The previous week he got
but two bits.- In the field he is pood
only when the ban is nit rignt at mm,
or when it cornea on a verr easy bounce.
Mott has been more careful in his
thro wins' of late, and mixht be com
mended for . that but at present he
lnoka hv far the weakest SDot In Port'
land's field. Yesterday he escaped at
least two errors lust because he mls-luda-ed
tha aroundee so badly that he
mlnaflri it entirely. Tf Mott does not
do several hundred per cent better this
week he ought to oe Dounceo. . Bcnimpn
would do infinitely better at tnira.
While ha mleht make a few er
rors, he would gather in some shots
that - Mott- never gets near. And his
batting could hardly be worse.
San Francisco and Portland begin a
series at Athletic park tomorrow.
Wtiv diui HTcCrdla nerstst in nut-
tin Atherton hia-h in the battina- list?
The first baseman is one of the poorest
hitters m the team ana ty rar me poor
tMt runner. - He has repeatedly had op
portunltles to win the game for Port
land by a safe hit but he practically
never makes good In i pinch. "Mao"
took a step in the rignt direction wnen
he put Mott down farther. He should
to on Wlln inn kuuu worn. xwb"i cioib
t ma ha said that he made no mistake
In puttins: Caeev first in the list Casey,
while not a brilliant batter, always hits
with fatrlv vnod averasre. More, he
can be depended upon to get bis base
on balls if it Is possible to do so, and
when be gets there he can run.
Stars Win pispttted Game,
The Holladay Maroons and the Star
A Stars played an interesting game of
ball at Milwaukee Sunday. The score
was 7 to 3 Jn the seventh Inning, with
Holladay ' onHhe big and.. The Stars
scored four runs In the eighth Inning,
but in - the melee the Star A filets
claimed that they, "cored , five, al
though the scorekeeper had only re
corded four. The spectators 'swarmed
upon the field and thus delayed the
same and during that time the score
card was borrowed by some . absent
minded, person. " r' ; - .
The game was well played through
out and tha apeotators were . kept . on
It was all Springer at St Johns yes
terday and the Bohemians returned to
their city of stilts, lugging with them a
baaketfull of goose-eggs. Mr. Springer,
he of tha good southpaw, and the big
curves, was the hero of the hour at
Hill Park and Charlie Moore is con
gratulatlng himself that he has at laat
found a pitcher that can relieve him in
tha box when necessary.
The Astoria Bohemians came down
l.h . 1 1 K. It... 1 1 t hit.
but after a session with the elongated
twiner xrom lNewoerg they decided not
to use mem. tnat is. not very many.
They m ana red to saueeie out five dur
ling tne game ana sayi it was amusing
to nouoe witn wnat regularity Mr.
Springer sent 'em down to the water
bucket He had 18 strikeouts credited
to his prowess. There were 17,. but
Brock missed the third strike, which
was a vicious out drop and the nimble
rooted batter reached tne xirst station
Phlffer. who officiated on the mound
for Astoria, was not so slow mmseii,
but several bad fumbles and throws be
hind him allowed the Apostles to score
when a little tight playlnr would have
kept the men on bases. Jameson, who
waa lately relieved by the Trunkmakers,
neid down nrst base ror tne nsner iaa
dies and Mr. Springer added him to his
string also. About three times three
tha portly gentleman punched noies in
the osone. It waa a good game, how
ever, and the work of both teams aa a
whole was clean-cut and clever.
Mow the Apostle Soored,
St Johns secured runs In the first
third and ninth in tne louowinjr man.
who could not handle it, Johnson bunted
for tha Maroona.
1 ni 1 Kf.nMflMW
and David Mullen, all played a nice lu?""",u"v"u" tt"0,J.,"
fielding and bitting game. Crosby got
the lonaest hit of the a-ame. He hit
f heeatures of the game was, for the
Stars,,, a great catch by the left fielder.
Patty Frcy. the -300-pound catcher of
the. Stars, failed to get his usual home
run, but he succeeded in his attempt
to knock tha wind out of tha Holladay
shortstop, piano-legged Helney, and the
the ball on the nosa and took a trip
around the baaes unmolested.
The umpire decided that tha Star A
Stars were right about the score In
their half of the ninth; the Star A
Stars claim the game by tbe score of
to I.
Pennsylvania Rifle Shoot.
(Jouraal gpadal Service.)
Mount Gretna, Pa.. Aug. .12. The an
nual rifle, revolver ond carbine compe
titions of the National Guard of Pennyl
vanla opened today on the state rifle
ran re here. The competitions are to nf It to tha nlatn and Tmvhriiln nrlrio1
continue through tha week and will be another notch to (he-tally stick. Brown
participated m oy teams representing was caucht at second by a fielders'
all the Infantry regiments and cavalry I choice and to end the Inning Brock
troops belonging to the National Guard needed a drink and Phlffer aocommo-
or Pennsylvania. I dated him by sending him to the bucket
Tbe events that make up tne program Astoria got a man around to third once
second by a pretty throw by Kelt
Trowbridge new out to right field, in
the third Springer walked. Hinkle hit to
Graham, who fumbled and threw wild
to first Johnson sent a beauty into
center garden, scoring Springer and
Hinkle on tbe drive, but waa fielded out
at second. McKay and Charles Moore
popped out to second and center .field.
In the ninth Johnson singled, McKay
tanned me osone. unaries moo re lined
one out to right field, scoring Johnson.
Trowbridge nit to rignt. Madden tried
to catch Moore at the Plate, made a bad
throw of It and another chalk mark for
St Johns. Brown bunted to squeese
xrowDriage in rrom tnira, uranam
fielded the ball but made a bad throw
Include a regimental match, rapid fire
match, Infantry skirmish match, bri
gade matcn, wraaiey matcn, cavairy
match, cavalry skirmish match; officers'
revolver match, revolver match for en-
IfatAjt mn . ,vn.rf r.vnlv.r mutch
"Governor's Medal" match, and the long I Hinkle, If
range, match at distances of 300 and Johnson, cf.
1,000 yards.
. i iai
or twloe, but he got no farther, as
Springer would immediately get busy
and retire the side.
A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
4 3 10 0 0
Honors Even at 'Frisco.
(Journal SDeelal Berries.)
San Francisco. Aug. 13. Tha Seals
and Angels divided honors here yester
day, Los Angeles taking the morning
frame and nan jrrancisco taxing tne one
n the afternoon. Scores:
Morning game. R. H. el
Los Angeles ..0 1000001 02 I 0
Ban Francisco, oooooooo o 4 o
Batteries Burns and Eager; Jones
and Btreet .
Afternoon game. R. H. K.
Los Angeles ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 t 3
San mrincisco. ooozoooi i a l
Batteries Hosp and Hogan; Joy and
Street Umpire Derrick. .
Lane-Davis Defeated.
The Laue-Davls Juniors were de
feated yesterday by the Stephens nine
in an eleven inning contest by the score
of 12 to 11. Tne iaue-uavis juniors
would like to play the Stephens at the Astoria
Totals 30
McKay, rf.
Chas. Moore, lb....
Trowbridge, as.
irown. no. ........
Clark Moore, lb. ..
Brock, c
Springer, p.
27 9 4
Graham. 8b.
Poole. If.
Blossom, s. -
Jameson, lb.
Griffith, 2b.
Madden, rf.
Kelt c.
Jackson, cf.
Phlffer, p.
Totals i. ...82 0 6 12 16 8
Brown out in field fly, sixth inning.
St J.ohna 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 8
Hits 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 ' 6
A B. R. H. P.O. A. E.
4 0 2 1 2 2
same grounds Beptamber nrst. xney
also claim the championship oyer any
team in Oregon under 16. For games.
write Willie Stepp. in Kast Twenty-
eighth street. North Portland.
Dakota Tennis Tourney. v
(Jonnul Special Servtee.)
Arnnd Forks. N. D.. Aug. 12. The
sixth annual tournament of the North
Dakota Tennis association opened
auspiclouslv today on the courts of the
Town and Gown club. Nearly all of the
best players of the Red River valley!
are entered In the various events that
make up the program, which It Wll
take an entire ween 10 aecias.
0 0000000 0 0
0 0008001 16
Struck out By Springer, 18; Phlffer,
T. Bases on balls Off Springer. 3; off
Phlffer. 4. Double play Kelt to Jame
son, to Griffith. Stolen bases Charles
Moore. 2; Blossom, Phlffer. Passed ball,
battery erroi- Brock. Wild pitch, bat
tery error Phlffer. First base on er
rors St. Johns, 4; Astoria, 4, Earned
run St. Johns, 8; Astoria, 0. Left on
la Any Uncomplicated Ailment
You Arc Cured
Tke leading gpedalUt.
Let Me Guide Vou on Your
Way to Rezaia Your Health
and Renew. Your Strength I ' Never QueSS
This If My Fair Offer to
Every Patient
Do you feel that too are not the
man you onca wereT Do you feel
tired In the morning and easily e
haustedT Is your back weak?' la,
your memory falling? Do you have
difficulty in fixing your thoughts t
Are you losing ambition T If yon
have any or all of tha above symp
toms, you surely do not desire to
remain in your present condition.
Let me explain to you my methods
of rebuilding tha vigor of men, and
refer you to the thousands.! have
The Only Diseases I Treat
sjperaoatorrhoea, 3st Ylfor. Tail
eooale, Staptura, SMlee, Hydrocele.
Org sale Weakness, Contagion Blood
Blaeasea, A onto aa Chronlo Ure
thral ana Pioatatle Inflsmaiatlom.
Experiment or take chances of
any sort I attempt to cur only
those diseases that I have been
curing for the past 28 years, and
feel aura X am justified In saying
that X have learned . all about
them. Ware X lacking In knowl
edge pertaining to my specialty
I would never have attained my
present suocess. nor would I to
day be recognised aa tha leading
specialist treating man's diseases.
If afflicted, row oan depend upon
It that tha service X offer you Is
tha service . you need, and ia
service aucb aa can be rendered
by no other physician.
I invite' every weak or dUeaawd man to call for free adviea, and
If desired I will make a free ax animation and diagnosis, but the visit
will not obligate him In any way to become ray patient Offloa hours,
' Stents 'ivlnrouWtt. I ity.nd colng to PortUnd for trt
ment will ;V furnished with fine' room free of charge. Check your
trunka direct to 234 V4 Morrison Btreet
An average of one man In five baa
varicocele. Most men that hava thla 1
dragging, draining weakness ara not .
aware of it until it has wrecked their
Uvea Varicocele causes congestion -of
the blood In some of tha moat .
vital blood vessels of man. It eausea
a dull, heavy, listless feeling which
Is often mistaken for nervoue de
bility or general decline of power,
, pirBaurjrxsg." ,
Mr cures of thla disorder ara per
manent and lasting. Bo toaloe that
stimulate temporarily, but thorough- ,
ly sclentlflo treatment for tha re- '
moval of conditions responsible for '
tha functional derangement "Weak- '
ness" Is merely a symptom Of in
flammation or congestion la tha
, prostate gland, and under my awn .
' original local treatment thla glaad
Is promptly restored to Its normal
state and complete fmnetlamal activity
' la the lasting result. v ...
The Dr. Taylor Co.
Oorae gaooad,
. iomrvajn, os. . ;.
bases St Jolins, 4; Astoria. 7.. Hlta
made Off Springer, 8; off Phlffer, S.
Time of game 3 hours. Umpire
Cheyno. Scorer Smith.
Kelso Wins Two Game.
Kelso. Wash, Aug. 13. By taking
both games of ths doubls header from
the Trunks yesterday, Kelso Jumped Into
the lead for the pennant In the Tri-Clty
The feature of the morning game
was the pitching of Colman for Kelso,
who held tha Trunks down to four
scattered . hits and caused 16 of the
enemy to fan the atmosphere.
In the first Inning of the second game
the Trunks hit Hull for two doubles
and a single, netting thera two runs.
After this they never were dangerous.
Taylor for the Trunks pitched line ball
for four Innings, after which the Tigers
hit him freely and succeeded In count
ing eight times. The summaries.
First game Earned runs Kelso, 3;
Trunks, 1. Hits Kelso, 7; Trunks, 4.
Sacrifice hits Kelso, 8. Stolen bases
Kelso, 8; Trunks, . Struck out By
Colman. 18; by Barnhart 8; by Day, 8.
Batteries For Kelso, Colman and Mil
ler; for Trunks, Barnhart Day and
Schoala Umpire Burnslde.
Second game Earned runs Kelso, 4;
Trunks. 1. Hits K.eiso, id; irunaa,
B.oriflp hlta Kelso. 2: Trunks.
Stolen bases Kelso, 3. Struokout By
iTnii hv Tavlor. 3. Batteries Kel so.
Hull and Miller: Trunks, Taylor and
McKlnley. Umpire Burnslde.
Indians Play Ragged Ball.
Woodburn, Aug. 12. The Woodburn
team was shut out here yesterday after
noon by the North Paclflo- Brewers by
a score of ( to 0. The principal cause
of the home team's defeat waa their In
ability to connect with the delivery of
Pitcher tiaDernicni, who "
have everything and held them to a
single hit With two out in the third
Inning, an error and two hits netted the
Brews four runs. Their fifth run was
made In the eighth. Jerman pitched
good ball for the home team, but his
support was ragged at critical stages,
where a perfect play would have re
tired tne siae ana cut on run
Tha score by Innings:
Brewers oooodjo-
Hits vvi iivviD-
Woodburn 2S5JSJS?t
tin AfiAAAAAl IV .
Summary Struck out Habernicht,
: Jerman. . noses on oaiit-vij
man, 1. Hit oy pucnea umu i;ui
ntcht 1; Jerman, 1. xwo-oaae nun
Turk, Lodell. Stolen bases Frye. Mo
Bride, John Hunt Sacrifice hits Sho
rtt nn haaaa Brewers. 6: Wood'
burn. 8. Time, 1:40. Umpire Gules,
Stevens Nine Victorious.
The Stevens nine defeated the Laue-
Davls nine yesterday morning- m
ii. nn in, a-ama Dv me ncura ui n i"
- . . , . i .
11 Tmrolfth HTA KaSI JJSV1B irBBl,
The feature of the game was the home
run by C. Thurkelson and the poor
game that the Laue-Davls third base
man cut up. The Stevens would like
a game with the Forest Grove nine on
their grounds September 1. For James
call up or write Ira Voss, 484 East 17th
street cuy.
Tno' hf the mornlna same was:
Stevens. urDav!.8-
TvlBldnn C ... Moniaue
i.rt. - -r TP Vava
VOSS jj-vi. - . j -
Nelson L?,n
Schmidt. . . .
Stronach. . .
Chrlstren. . .
, ..2b.
, .8b..
. ..If. .
acid gas and
Bilderback 4k
First street
. . . Grayson
, . . . D. Keys
soda water
Crane Co.,
The want ads will bring about a good
many transactions today and at least
one of them should concern you.
At Greshdm Qresham.
CltV. 12.
At Hprinarieia sprinaiieia.
Drain, ".-3.
At MCMinnvine jucMinnvuie,
BoldlerB, 7.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe JosmaL)
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 13. Alaska is a
paradise for ball players who want to
At Canby Canby, 7; Northwest Gunapnd a short summer vacation and pick
club, 6.y
At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 8-1; Brook
lyn, 1-2. .
At ai. juouin oi. uduu, D-i, noaion,
At Chicago Chicago, 1-1: Philadel
phia, -0.
Chapman to Be Admiral.
(8ptcial Dlapitck to Tbe JnaraaL)
up soma easy money on the side. The
players who left Seattle a couple of
months ago to play with Skagway, Ju
neau and White Horse are beginning to
drift In now. and they all look fat and
sassy .and have bulging money bags.
Grover W. Boyle and ractay weicn.
Ditchers well known here, got In Friday
on the Cottage City.
Boyle used to pucn ior dmhiu wj
he was signed last spring to pitcn rpr
Vancouvser. But wnen soyus soi rouy
to report the Vancoux-er team waa so
Astoria, Or., Aug. 12. The Astoria hopelessly in the cellar tnai ne;oio '
a .n m MAMtnirtaa nasi aaiBrT nrt m- ' ja ra mi n inn ariiiu. n m wcni w wnwR
J-V. .. . c,n.n4 .jmini r hi. I ia nith tha nimM on the Fourtb
year s regalia. in naa nuuiwu in. VI juiy anu ni. " ' .
A.n,tltts nf hln . acrentanen of . tha I Hnna ehallenae CUD and tne Klrmse
At Seattle Seattle. 3; Vancouver. 1.
At Aberdeen Aberdeen. 1-8: Tacoma.
KHciA:. ' Vst$?
cup, and now is the undisputed champion
01 uie tea gun. - -M
Boyle saya ina-iann p -v"?
money at the players upon mo uSui
provocation. He got 38 J In one .game
for strikeouts, one fan throwing him a
aii. atrnrk a batter out In a
pinch and a dosen other following bis
example. He shut White Horse out
wiilumt a hit nr run in one of the tm
bortant games and waa an uncrowned
king- around Skagway for a while after
"Father Tom" Kelly pitched and
played the outfield for Skagway. and he
once beat Juneau, allowing his oppon
ents but two hits, Tom led the league
in -batting and got 319 for a timely
single that drove in two runs. Tom still
has all the money that was tossed him
and will be back pretty soon to buy
some more Seattle real estate.
Paddy Welch still belongs to the Se
attle league team, and aa he Is In pretty
good rhape now, he may report to Dug
dale this week. Paddy got his measles
just before the season began, and when
he reported for work ne was weak and
shy on control. Dugdale had been bann
ing on Paddy to make good this year,
for the stocky - fellow lias a world of
speed and good curvea when he Is right
He may join the club and finish like a
whirlwind, for Boyle says be pitched
good ball In Alaska.
Joe Chevalier, who started the season
with' Dugdale, like Juneau so well that
he may stay there this winter. "Red'
Hearne also took part In some of the
games, but be came back to Seattle sev
eral weeks ago. i
Consultation Free
ast snrom roooimjOATia
SfZXT TOB gU-Ot, ,
wxajofisa, oovomjioxa, oxmono msiuuzs . or tei
xisvxts Airs raosTATZ, ajro xix txotxi, htbxaxbl
Ton win alao find that we are following oat the plans at scfenee is car treatneat t
the variooa dlMum of mas. We e.paelaurtovue all atea a(rnetawitj feroala au
menta or aay acote eondltlosa reeeDtly eoa tracted, We cure te sUy cared tot life.
Our reliability and flnaaclal staaelag la aaqvettlonad and frost reeerda, which. If
roa wish to do aa. to mr ktek as as4 ya will find tkat we are aU we etaua to ba,
iota In profetol rtaadlng and tbe eldeat apeelallsts la the city, ss this tawtltattoa
bat beea here foe 27 years a ad has aa oareproaotaable reputation..
It will not coat you anything to call at car of flea, and by as going it may save yea
rack time and money, became if we cannot car yon we will boneitly and frankly
teU yoa so, and too wul aot be aader say financial obligation to as.
We want every Dsn ia (be country who Is atScted to write
ns sbont bl) allaeiL TVE CURE TOO AT G01IL
BLOOD POIBOir There eomee a time la year Mfe. where, sf ter yoa have tried alt
.v. nr4iM that on ai aa all bona and at ttmea voa eonddai
Ufa Trr dark. Yoa bave speat a sreat deal of money trying to be rehered and yet have
recelred no reeult. We will ear yoa of your dreaded malady and by our methods we
do not ate sny drogi tbat will caoe any bad effects or (lea troy your .eaaetitutioa. Call
and see as before it is too late. '
BZBTOUa DCTILTTT Loea of energy, win power, lack of eoneratrattea of thooght
lom of memory, which wsakena your entire sreUm. mental as well aa phyaleaL . bU
i,aiit af tha unMi and Dbroieal aondttioa is traaatnenad on that ia a
abort time yoa will have your original stresgU aad be yoaraelf agate. - 4
KHTtniATlBat Bott aeata or ebronie. or. varied fcxma, eared to stay eared for life.
Our methoda are anezeelled and oeientlflCi-J
TAJIIOOOIXI Is a diseased condition of tbe scrota! votes. It may be . caased by
blow, klcke, falls, heavy lifting, memos, early uuuacretMa or may oe a symptom only
of some apeelal weakness. . .f"..
Tbe proper treatment eenalsts of local appHeatlea for tne porpose or disponing the
tirnant blood and contracting tha swollea voins, as weu aa internal Bwaieauoa to
strengthea the aerves which sovera the blood supply to these rains.
Tboorh eansing yoa so troable at tbe resent time, year Varicocele will. If persattted
to go without the proper treatment. Impair and destroy the elements of vitality. . . . .
HOURS a. m.
12 noon.
to I p. m.; Zvenlnga, T te 1:19 Sundays, t a. m. to
St. Louis "tar Dispensary !
Diseases of Women
NESS safely and speedily relieved. If in trouble call or write.
DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Medicine sent everywhere by mail
or express in plain wrapper, free from exposure.
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