The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 12, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Just Whether to Tick Their" Hops or
Not Is a Question That Is Agritating:
! the Hop 3len of the State at the Present
Hazlewood Company Puts
Another Kink in Pocket
. ; , book of Consumers.'
" V", Front street features:
' Hul wood putt up buttsr.
; t Heavy arrivals of peaches.
Fine car "cants" from south.
i Eggs and cheeas firmer.
' Canned fruit dellverlea.
. ' ; Expecting better salmon run.
Wlds rangs in pear value.
Chicken market holda steady.
Boos Battsr yrloe Again.
Ths Haselwood Creamery company to-
"dsy advanced the price or iu pr '
I(o pound or 7o a square, whether
tha advance waa Justified or not tha
trade does not agree; few believing that
hie-her orlces ara due at tnia time. i
; opposed to advance
'T am opposed to tha advance V
In creamery butter made this ;: e
morning. ., There la nothing at all ,
to Justify any such mora at thla e
time, except perhaps tha alight . o)
reduction In tha supply f cream. a
Thla latter, however, la usual at 4
this tlma of year. , Tha prlca has 4
neen put to such a high figure 4
that v are at present above e
rery other market, , Just where
we ae going to ship oar product
at such prices 1 don't know. Tha
advance will allow oleomargarine 4
manufacturers to sll their prod- o)
net here, and . ovary pound
sold of this lmlUUon butter 4
hurts tha creamery men that
much.. We will not advance our
prices today unless forced to do a)
ao la order to protect ourselves." o
- T. 8. . Townsend of tha Town-
sand Creamery. , .
hog sen
.J saagaBjMSiBSiBjBiisBBBj f
No Run in Local Yards Dur
ing Past 48 Hours Price
Holds at $7 for Best.
extreme high valuea shown in tha local cantaloupes.'' II. BOO 1(0: raaober.
butter, market thla season have cause rlt 10o. puraBt OclT watermelons,
much fear among the local mufac- 1C. cuitfvaUd blackberries. 1.7(
tnrers thst It will let down the bar ana crate; crabapnles (O0IOo per box;
caui. vaiiiurina ion i uaruoii unara, ti.ovizz.uw per DOX.
u..... tinnA hilUr to coma here, I ml-I vtvutTinrpg Ti..nn. da..
tatTon butter would also find easy en- tl.00 sack: carrot a TSc2t.oa rJ,r aan?U V1". hours.
trance Into the Portland market at this beets, $1.(0 per sack: parsnips. tl.OOfl M Sli" lw,
time owing to the high cost of the real $1-2s; cabbage. gl.7(rrf; tomatoes, Ore
artier xna coat or ouner in u yy
land wholesale markets for tha periods
siren: ;- - '
' ' Pound.
(TtmoM ........ .Jf'i
July 1 ...w....
4A.nguat I ..... .HH
ltot. 10(.
Pound. Pound.
.14 .10
WUguat It .... J
. Ttva iMm tiM ahnwa the values rul
-fng M given parioda from tha start of
IM season, as wui ne noiea, uierv dm
(wtn a gradual Increase in values here
yearty. As compared with the price
(hat ruled a year ago, this year's valuea
beans, e; green. 4o per lb: cauliflower,
11.16 01.(0 dosen; peas, (c; horaeradlnh.
So lb: artichokes. 6(c07(o doaen: rhu
barb, lo lb; green onions, Ko per dosen;
Den poppers, ivqiiho per id; nead let
tuce i ) dos: cucumbers, hothouse. 10 A
1(0 dos; outdoor. 40(Oo box: radlahes.
green corn. 11.(0 sack; celery, flOl.le
I ii i in rim n pi f
ILL dul lo Uli
Captain and Officers Bear
V Same Name Though
;". Not Related.
Chicago Slumps Nearly M a BARK ARRIVES FROM
Bushel Under Saturday's
Price Eager to Sell.
James . L Evaston and Mary Winkle-
The marine ways at Llnd.from yard
are always full, one vessel waiting, to
ro on fast as they corns off.- Two of
, i . i I 11.1 1 twiAmt H a &a
ma nulls nullum; mi ui"""1'
now -nearly ready to be launched, and
another Is ' fast approaching comple
tion. . - -,'.,. .' , v' -4.
Begular tUaart Paa to " Arrlvo. ;
Alliance. Coos Buy. ....... ...Uncertain
Costa Hlca, tian Francisco...... Aug. 11
Rosnoke. San Pedro and way.,.. Aug. II
Breakwater, Coos Bay, ...Aug. 14
Nuraantla. ori.nt ....... .Aua-uat II
City of Panama, tan Francisco, .Aug. It
O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Aug. 10
Johan Pouisen, Ban Francisco.. .Aug. 10
Hedondo. Seattle .Aug. 1-
R. D Inmen, Ban Francisco. . . .Aug. II
Arabia, orient .....Sept 1
A oj, per.,as ....Sept II
Nloomsdla, orient.... October 1
Bagnla X.laer to Dspart.
DOl'Jil fllE BIUEH
Chamberlain i With vther
aTt AffAtm AIM a'' 4 w- 4 MM To. "
v to-Gulf Convention. ;,
Labored Hard ;CWPJ
e ' ' Xaftrr Wheat ealai -
4 Athena, ON Aug. lS-Over
4 : 100,000 bushels of the now erop . 4
4 of wheat' has been ; gold In 4
4 Athena. The Preston Parton
4 Milling company alons hag pur-
4 chased 100,000 sacks at prices
4' ranging from It to 71 ante per
4 bushel. David Taylor of the la-.
dependent warehouse, and Agent
CHarra of tha Paolflo Coast Ele-
"' nntnu. mnA XlmA n 9nt Wo Vmt
paraJso for Fresh Watr.
f,. u. '.
Orooedea, Vats, Bto.
SUGAR Cube, SI.UH: powdered.
golden C.
II.07H; berry. III7H; dry, granulated,
extra B. 16.17 M: rolden C 18.17 U: T)
.riOoTpond ".Tf raT; tjk jVjf ffiS
tMs advance la due to the unfavorable RJT'??. PJS! J 6 boXB'
(Above prices ara 10 days net cash
quotations, j
Portland Union Stockyards, Ang. 11
pinciai run: ,
Hogs. Cattle. Sheen.
Today 100 100
Week ago II 111 141
Tear ago 100
Previous rear .. 11 II
The scarcity of hogs In the local tnar-
' Jtet is again tailing upon condltlona.
Tha atrength la the local hog Situation
la so pronounced that It would take
bulky arrivala to change the ourrent of
oemana. .race ox oest sturr conunues
to show a range of 16c, top being at
17 and slightly off grade at 11.71. For
best stuff receivers are at present ex
periencing no difficulty In obtaining 7
flat There was no run of hoga in
the yards during the 41 hours.
Other Arrivals Small. .
As with the hoa run. arrivals' In other
lines of livestock were rather email for
tha 41 houra. Juat 100 cattle cam
days. This comnarea
with & nin nt 4A1 fc.a 1 . XJnA w
100 head a year ago and a nominal
number two years ago. The price holds
Sheep run for the 41 houra was 100
head aa compared with 141 head a
week ago and non either a year ago
or two years ago. Price la steady and
A year ago today all Unas of livestock
held a steady tone at unchanged val
uea. Official yard prices:
Hogs Bsst eastern ' Oregon. It.TR A
7.oo: stockers ana feeders. 17.00: fihlna. I market until tolearanh aervloa is re-lth vinfnttv of ran Him v.. an e,iii
fata, 11.71, . I tumd. especially In the larger citlea. I day a the bark fought her war against
oIirancisco..,,,,AUg. 11
Jf". Jnrnan, 8sYi t rnnclsco. . . .Aug. II
9ilt5L.0,JPfnm- Pan Francisco. .Aug. 31
O. W. Elder, flsn Pedro and way.AuV 11
Johan Pouisen, San Francisco.. .Aug. IS
Kumantia. orient... August II
. (Sperlal OUpsteh t The Joorsall " ' l'J..'
Salem, Or.j Aug. 11. Governor Chanv
berlaln haa received word that tha fol
lowing governors of states besides him
self have socepted tha Invitation of , thai'
Business Men s league to meet Pm.i.
dent Roosevelt at St. Louis and after a
tiinnhMH at tha Jeffarann hntel a a .
eompsny mm aooara me steamer Alton ;
Tooie,.Motiuna; Bryant . moons, wyo.
mini; jonn nuate, norm tnnouii v. j.
Crawford, South Dakota: J. O. David;
on, wiaoonainj ainri o. vummins.
Iowa; Oeorge L. Sheldon, Nebraska: Ed-
I t. i. ' v iv. 1 Arabia, orient . a.nt.h.. ii "i ueorge u. oneiuon, neoraaaa, r.a-
k ! ' -" " Alesia. orisntV......:.;. h.Y ii "srd A. Hoch. Kansas; Charlee a. Da-,
Thha officers of the British . bark Con- Nlcomedls! n en .. : ;, SSt is n"e,V nnol Joseph W. Foiled Mis- .
I v .... I "'wiui VI tnut. OCt. 1J I .n..r7. MaWlm Pufterann Tennaaa.
. , rm.w i r ! h nmumnmm ...n am A iuiiiii mrm - . i. . . . i . , . ...ruvvai.. . . .uu. .
w t ,k. t,.. iTX--.i-r ih- wV w' - . Frank Frants. Oklahoma; X. O. Plndall,
to tha Jones familyi-Captaln John Tola Br. oh.. HHevator dook I Arkansas; Newton C. BUnchard. Loulal!
j ones, nrst vrneer wuiiam owes I aori sung, ,vr. ss-.Kast. -West Lbr.. Co. I ": Manoieun B. Broward, norlda;
1 Jones and Second Officer Oerald Nor-1 ftlX11"--- AJ1 Westport I Thomas M. Campbell, Texaa. ,
Ttl- ..T .1. w!! The boat will carry no one bat tha
vr lumi wwy mrw ooiiuM, Am. sen. ...Willamette L 8. Wksirovernors, the rrrealdent end represen-
s. man a ones
.. miil - A tt All related, althoua-h thav hall from Lyra..-Am. Str. Portl.n1 rn I tativea Bf tha Rualnaaa U.n'i .Imiuil
4 chased sevoral thousand bu.heU. 4 Tha Conway Castle 1. probably - , ' thj
. a ith. mii re fin. ari.i. (h... Aee- i w ...;- ------."...... ------ .- r . . . .
l - i . .iiuun, win. air. , ........ .Bieua I . "'uiur wuaniDeriain I a wajiiiwi ,
in oeai pnoioarann or nimaeir. ihi..
onoAOO vniT taxvxs.
Aug. 11. Aug. 10. Loss. 1101.
fliS ' 7.!.
ears of tha same natronvmla and nnth.
A.uucmu, Am. n...,,,.,,,.rornmomn I " uiir governors
rteoonoo. Am. str.., .,,.. Couch street I "ueniion nau at Memphis.
Alliance, as, sir. ....... .supple a yard
King Cyrus, Amaoh.. Standard Box Co.
AureHa, Am. str...... Stella
hick names go on' board of this wind-
Jammer: . ,:. r v ,''''
Tha Conway Castle arrived up in the
harbor last night ' and want to Green-
to hana- wltn3lw
s In tha . A
sTorthwearl Wasat Weatbes.
Bastera Oregon, eastern Washington I chandise brought out . from Antwerp.
tonight ana tne ionganorem win bo put to
and warmer
t aaaSBBBBawsaBjBBSsaajsoBssa) '
Company Has Commissioned
piU WoTt of esmt ar. ror w. p. Fiiw h70rd?A-nl-;Vr. IS rraSI a Boat Designer to Draft
were zevensn ana were varr eaa-er toi ('om!n nnf rmm icnrnma tha pimiwi. """. .ua van rearo I r I ir.i tt i s
let go at any prioe and get out of thai Castle experienced fearful weather n Alice McDonald, Am. Mb, ...... Kahuhul AWUJJC ttUU iULrUCfU feSSei.
1 i
wion aoca ip oiscnarga nsr cargo .ox ce-1 R. d. Inman.Ant Str..'.. .... .. .Oak at.
meni. larou, pig iron ana general mer- Boulah. Am. sch..,. Astoria
Zitunber Oarrlsra aa Boute.
work tomorrow morning. The vessel u I Thomas L. Wand. Am. -str.San Frsnclaeo
1 in ins w. n. uraoo line, Tayior, loung i Hi" ....oo vrancisoo
OlbM vhMt marVat aa thMn U rv an.a lh. 1 AAA v.. I Sllfla it. Plummer. In. SCh. . .Ouavmaa
and Idaho Fair
and Tuesday.
HONEY 11.10 per crate.
COFFEE Package brands. 11IIIA
SALT Coarse Half around. 100a. per ton; so iis.vo; table, dai
Oir at the start of tha season, but
most of tt Is due to tha fact that some
h.wA Ia vnaka tha
iVrtiand market the highest In the world
jdesplte tha fact that It being a produo
Jng oenter, should bo one of the cheap-
neat.. - --
Only One irreamsry Aovanoes.
While the HaselwoM ereamery was
tno only one to announce an advance In
Taiaea tnia morning, it is quite dobbidis
that several others will follow the lead
Later In the day or tomorrow morning.
Soma of tha creamery men are up fn
arms over the advance, aa they said that
conditions do not Justify any such move
at this time. The Puget Sound market
la 11 and 10c: values there ahowlne- a
(decline or apouc so a pouna auring uie Jax 6c; Creole. IKo.
.wee. uajiiornia. price are wniu.i- RJSA vftiimaH -hit
Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. I The close In Chicago was lo a bushel the fiercaat of wina anf K..tin
If HI. W -. . - . L i , I iiiiiIm B.I.m1. I . . . . . . . . . .
fl.l.ll.vv, wm ( WW Uil ueuerS, I WMWW vm. m. J .
fa.vvi Diuia, vv.
Sheep Best wethers.
14.00; lambs, fl.00:
Americana. Am. sen ........ aan Pedro
Alice McDonald, Am. Mb, Kahuhul I
Liottitia, Am. son........ Ban Francisco I
Churchill, Am. sch San Francisco
Berlin. Or. ah Nuahaak I
iiitw iioivoai v& wiuug bjiu araga,t.iii gc i . . . a i :
back and .forth for weeks at a time ?k ;t?.7.. a -h GUk?
without galnln a mile on bar oouraa. Ii0.?" P"rrt.Ir Am- ah.........Nushsgak
. (Jenrsal Special Berrlee.) -
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 11 After
14.16; awes, I . Gh,ca" Prlc6 hy Overbook Several times she waa almost sulv J? Am f?"- M rranclsoo oonslderabla delay and much changing
vw. vmjpu7i ' mera-eo nv tna tremanaous vital Tha I : . : .-. v.. .... a i.. .. ....
WHEAT. . pipes leading to the water tanks were I an rrancisoo I v" . "
wrenched so that the water soon be-1 MoU With Oament and eaeraX management or tna foruand
10a. 117.10: 100a 117.16: balea. tl. SB-
Imported Liverpool, (0s, 20.00: 100s,
sis.ou; f is. vu; extra nne Darren. I
is, , a ana ius, f.oei.o; uverpool
Price Down 5c Cattle 8teady to 6e
Lower Sheep Hold.
Chicago, Aug. 11. Official run:
Mora r. tl. Ahun
lump ock. 110.(0 per ton; 10-lb rock, I Chicago 11,000 16,000 11,000
Ill.pO; 100s. 110.(0. Kansas City ... (.000 11,000 4,000
Above Prices sddit to aalea of laaa I Om.h. a ana i nnn t aaa
than car lots. Car Jots at special prices Hogs are (o lower with 1,400 ieft
u w Aiuvjt. usauuiiai. s
BICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. Ic; Na
. (HfSo; New Orleans, head. 7c;
Septomber 14 L
December i n
September nv
Deoomber (IS
September X
Septamler ....111!
t m at a .
ably below those ruling here and butter whlteTlil nlnfc II (I- bivou II fiV
can be aafely purchased In the east and 7f"?L Vie' afexTemn IIa lt' ' '
after oaring the enormous freight Wm!: .?.Jwn. !? .4,7.- ...
tborullnTh-dTht ZnT. yiVgnlar7eUpe"r iTlM' p
?ins nuts. 1401(o per lb: hickory nuts!
Oo per lb; Brail 1 nuts, lie par lb; fll-
oerxs, tee per lb; rancy pecans. 11030a
IL . m ma A a -
Ul O.IVV Ifllll - ,
over. Receipts a year ago were 11.000. Flfl MK I .111 IH KHX '
,;l - - -
rough, 15.606.60; light I5.SO08.1O,
vatue aieaay to lto lower.
Sheep steady.
enough. - -
WW X Other Butte Zn.
This is not the first time that local
butter people have advanced quotations
to such a figure that they killed ths
market. on several occasions tney put
the pries to such a figure that eastern-
(IpeeUI Dtesateh te Tb 7enaL)
Algany, Or, Aug. 11-Tha apple and
prune crop In Unn county will be a
6ood one The Indlcatlone at present
me are that the yield In ail the or
chards in this vicinity that have been
properly carea ror wiu be up to expec
almonds. llllo.
Meats, risk aaa Provisions.
FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs,
Bid Price Current Today on the
fi.n 1V. nil ... VvkAMA
, uvw u.lubuSc properly carea ror will be un
San Francisco, Aug. It. Official bid t&tions. While tha yield will not equal
prices: I that of last year, ths quality of the
rviT tyrtitt toj ntaTPTi-p 1 fruit will be better and possibly mors
QOUJFILDS DISTRICT. asolea BroduMMl tar tha m.rk.t n an.
Sandstorm 47c. Red Top 14.00, Mo-1 count of the Increased acreage and the
ra . ftfi uaiirornia manuraciurers oenn i . - . , - - - uui uy . .w. . u mumwu
to flood thla marketwlth their product Lb; "mhSK ti pr 'bUr 14.00, iumbo. Ext. 11.12, Vernal 17c.. for better and cleaner orchards!
This li whal Tls feared at thla bJt2rJr ?U lb muU.on- ff"?""1, !A'0o.,i'la ? ..Thl prun! i?11 ?
However. M. Mortensen. manager Of the I Bf?..Swj!B?r. lb;- . . UK. Kendall lie. Booth 4c, BluS Bull aver known In tho history of the county
Iv'l.jv " '. maiuu .ic, oooiD oc, cius nuu I "tw juiuwu ui we uiBiury ui uie count
HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland nark. I 18a. IiIiuiii tin fill v. i- pi,k n. u..l and a-rowera ara alatad Avar tha nnu
(local) hams. 10 to 11 lbs. 16a ner lb:IOuean 11a. Kav. Rn 7c R R v.-rt in I necta of a rood market and larva riu
14 to II lbs, l(o per lb; II to 10 lbs. 1 Blue Bell lie, Dixie lo, O. Columbia turns. Practically ail ths fruit grown
imK-oa, iDtwiio peri vc, . tiioernia ic oi. Ives sue. Con-" wr aim no umicuiir was
lib; picnics, 11 Ho per lb: cottasra roll. I nunmr lSo Hlk- Unnr Kn fyii,. ct it. I experienced bv the oroducera In dlsnoa-
time of year. -Front street butter prices I par 10; regular abort clears, nn- O. Wonder lo, Potlach 4cA, Oro 14c I? OI.a,1 prunoa, l bu Hroa, of
are op to lle- for the best product, I amoaea, lie per id: smoxea. izo per lb; Kendall Ext lo, Sandst Ext 4o, Mayna ln".c,"7' nave onierea me rieia ana
witb demand fully up to supply at tha I c'er .back unamoked, 11c; smoked, llo Ic. Atlanta lie. Great Bend 70c. 81m- " akl"s".i tha prunes obtainable to
new figures. . - I per id: union nutta. It to II lbs, un-lerone 10c. Empire 10c, Red Top ExL r"""'? "tarn market This Das
a.,i..1 Ml Bauba' ' -. I .?o per id; amoseo. so V T id; lie. Florsnca 14.70. EMam'f. H. B. Can. I u."i v ai ji mui unn-
Haselwood company, believes ths pres
ent prices Justified after taking ail con
aitions Into consideration. - .
' Supplies of cream are decreasing at
a lively rata, as tney ajwaya ao ai mis
War hot arrivala AT neaAhaa ara I
In the" local market .today. A car pir lbf ntekied ton rue. i On .h" """i "Zat, UUAJ
u.lkaM OsMsapAab. ivoiaaf AStfla Isa I w.Waf . Y- . .1 " IT. s ws . awm wau M,
WWUivsM Vi""ll' viaw4Wius vpjiiw ami a jk m 1 . ,tH WKAtl a laksar lata ! I lt.a ja w w-.
uui uiub ah aaaias bhibuw bwii swsu sa nar in last l w &A a na. IK. anviia i
1 b'vb swa W ajBBU Vvl AMa aV V4a S.111B1. laTIDI
moKea. 90 Dr id: nnoiCM. la iwr m; 1 tiM nAMnnA ti ia rMam n n r
SSUii un-moked. llUo pr lb; c! O. DaUy iLeo.' Lacuna M0, Com-
Fract 12.07H,
Bend Anx. Sc.
Bonansa 7c Kf
waaT. VRa PnFttan 4n vaAlras TsaIp
lh.rlbS!!!e?h,.6a-ni0''-n,,AO ?S Mohawk I'UI, Red Hill
ISl'ft, llc Xbs ooniPoun. 10 lie, Mohawk Ext lie, Lou Dillon 8c.
Per 10. Iv r I n . , . ' .... a r, ,:
- pear market snows wiae range ox FISH Rack eod ? m. th- f)An.n.M ii." r" .
vaioea owing to the groat difference In s0 oerluV alnt soi Jh. Ex;, T. Rose 7o. Col. Mt Ext 4c,
Sft .SoJaatIiy.e" BrUett" "eUln'r M(oVb" M Goldf. (iona, 70, WanVf . Triangle 10c.
at 11.(0. soma at 1. , mon. frmh Columbia Ahlnoob 11 nM COMSTOCK.
lb; Steelheads. 10c per lb; herrings. 6o I Ophlr 11.00. Mexican. 17c Gould A
r lb; soles. 4c per lb: shrimps, llo per I Currr k Con. Virginia 7c, Savage
printed values. One firm, alone received
1.700 boxes.-from there today. . Market
however. In rood shSDO.
A very tine oar of cants" eame In
from Exter. California, thla morning.
Price today ranges between II (0 and 11
a crato. -,-. -, . .
' rlef Votes of the Trade,
. Lower river packers expect a better
run ox salmon aunng tne present wees.
Eggs and cheese are firmer. Soma
charging 17e today for cheese, flats.
in a lata circular tne jsji
Canners association statea
lb: perch. o per lb; tomood. 7o per ib; I 40c, Hale A Norcross (lo, Tsllow Jacket I f.le's have been reported up to this
loosters, 160 per ID: rresh mackerel, la I tie Belchee !. Confidence SOcA. Bl. ' norae woett is oeing contraciea.
ra Nev. ISC Exchequer 17c, Union lie
Orlsinal Ic Bullf. M. C KoA. Mont.
BuUf. 6cA, Nat Bank llo, L. Harris Ic,
per lb; crawfish, lie per dos; sturgeon,
"iso vt id: duck oass. zoo oar in:
lM II. . I . 1
silver smelt 7e per lb; frosen shad, (o
wr in; dibck coa. TtjC per ID.
uimisKO Bnoejwater nay, par gal.
aulre ail the cron oossible to obtain to
supply the demand.' Oregon prunes are
Deomoing ramoua and their reputation
iot excellence nauon wide.
Harvest la Con tinned.
(Special Diepateh to Ike learaaL)
Heppner, Or., Aug. It Continued re
ports of good yields of wheat are com
ing in from all directions. The late
rains did no damage to standing grain.
Harvest will go on with renewed vigor
mis wees. Many so ana so-Bushei
.t Is belne?
W. a Wharton baa sold (,000 bushels at
s cents.
CaMtorila Fruit ,OB- -60 Pr 100-" S
atea that ISil. P,a Der f41'0".
mds wis and can,
sack, (4.(0; Olrm- Amethyst 26c, Gold Bar lie Stelnway
per 116-Ib sack. I boa, uenver uui. Anx.- soa, Bonnie
Klamath Oops Good.
(Special Dispatch te Th JooraaL)
Klamath Falls, Or., Aug. 11. The
rtea of standards, seconds, water and I j"
P.I.V""",J'.71,.W"1J'.J?"1 '5 CLAMS-HardshelL ne fv 1 la.
canned, lOo can; 17.00 I Clara 40c MayfL Cons, lie Monty Ohio I crops in ths Klajnath valley are look-
to It per cent while the deliveries of
xtra stanaaros ana oxtraa wiu Da xuu
ner cent -n
Chicken market holding steady. De
mand and supply about equal.
Tomato maraei in oetner soaps.
rasor clams, (2.00 per box; lOo per dos.
Mats, Goal on, Xto.
ROPE Pure Manila. l(c: atanAard.
xso: Biaai, iic.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astrsl Casea
lla oer sal: water white, iron hhi I ... tinu Tnn
iVt i -S "". 'I?.!'" an; mm- ion. 4CA, west mna wons. sic itescue
TarrVf-' 11 P1- c, Ton. A Calif, (c Golden Anchor 10c
?At?Hi ,8. ca"e' ,4'0 Pr Jim Butler 86c. Ton. Cash Boy 4e, Ton.
extra fancies selling higher.
Front, street prices:, ; . v- .
Oraln. nomr and Vwsd.
uiuiiii dauo . vM.MhMk .w. am i wm I ? ir.n nnn im rm mat i . . - v. . . .A.. - . . .
v ..n.ii int. su I " ,. nome oc . nrai jon. .iwcA. Aionarcn
"" -w ' ' i DBmnr-9 uck.. caaas. zao iw dim. o.i uam. ufi v.-w in ni a
whkIT Nw (Tint) unile: ral ni. ,ki. o. l i ' i
Pnului ftflle! hluABtetn. lAIi- I w irT-rTiK7TTiTTx t TT . I en vrown oc
valley, ll82c . . wooden bbli is rlr ial ' " ' MANHATTAN DISTRICT.
WHITE LEAD Ton Ik. n I Manh. Cons. 13.60. Manh. M. Co. to.
PI ton. - . . I lb : 600-lb lota, 8c par lb; less lou. lUolO. Wedge (o, Seyler Hump 60c Dexter
lng unusually well, despits the fact that
mere was a coia Dackwara spring. The
rye Is at present nearly all cut as is
most of the barley. The wheat Is turn
ing very rapidly, and a good crop is
looked for. The first cutting of alfalfa
was not up to standard, but the second
oroD Is ex Deo ted to be of excellent
No. Star 17c" Ohio stand and quality. The late -date at
wnicn water was oenverea tnis spring
made the farmers a little fearful about
the orops, but the outlook at present
is very good. Crops on the new land
that was broken for the first time ara
looking exceedingly welt
Ext 7c O. Scepter Ic Monty Mt 12c
ti. vaisy ioca, Homesuuca cons. age.
Yankee Olrl IcA. Nugget Ic Tramp
Cons. 11.87, Victor 10c North Star (cA.
Ton. Nev. 111.00. Mont Ton. 11.00,
Ton. Ext. ii. bo, AiacNamara zC Mid
BARLET New Feed,
took Market Loss
Amalgamated .1B. & O.
per ton; rolled, t21.0024.OO; brewing,
J RYE 11.66 per cwt
. . OATS New Producers' price Not 1
white. 117.00 per ton: rrar. (26.00.
FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents.
.; straights, M.xo; export oo;
vaUey, 14.10 4.40; graham, . l.7(;
, wnoie wneat 4.o; rye, sua, ib.oo; bales,
MILLSTTJFFS Bran, 17.00 per ton;
v middlings, 126.00; shorts, country, 110;
city, 111.00: chop 1.00121.00.
- HAY Producers' price Timothy,
-wuiameue vauev rancy. 91s.ooraiT.00;
ordinary, tl2.00l4.00; eastern Oregon,
sis: mixea, iiuia iv.ov; ciover, S7.5O08;
grain, eewiv; coeac, sb.dvwiu.dv.
' Batter. Errs and Poultry.
- BTJTTER FAT-wF. a b. Portland
Bweet cream. Sic; sour. 29c
BUTTER City creamery. 1 IV. at ZKe:
aeoonds, 8012c; outside fancy, 11c; today there waa
eronas, sue; sxore, . wregon. is 'give
EGOS Extra fancy, candled, 23c
lc; good candled, 1222c.
CHEESE New Full cream, flats,
117 per lb; Young Americana,
17rllc per lb.
POULTRY Mixed chickens, 12a
1 Ic per lb fancy hens, 13 13 He
per lb: " roosters, old, 10c per lb-
a vti w uvr, m; mpnnf aucKS,
WXRS NAILiS Present basis at $1.18.
21c. L. Joe Ic Crescent (cA, Combina
tion Ic, Granny 26c, Mustang 21c Lit
tle Orev20cA. Cowboy IcA. Orig. Manh.
izoa, Broncno 7c, nnenut oc wurraioi
Labor Is Very Scarce.
(Special DlA patch to The JooraaL)
Payette. Ida., Aug. 11. Help for the
packing houses and cannery will be
very scarce here this year, aa under the
provisions of the new child labor law
cams tainted and Captain Jones decided I Buocleuch, Br. ah...;. ;;. Hamburg BUw,Y. Light Power company Xo
to run i or Valparaiso zor a zrosa sup- Brenn, Fr. bk ...Hull ouua a new and modern ferryboat for
P'l c " v.v . v "EurP?. Br. bk.. .Antwerp the run between Vancouver and ths Ore-
", w in. uauiuvi. inmimi auiuin r r, DA., . , .. . UHIOOI1 1 Bn loon 01 tne UOiUmoia river. THIS
river fairly good weather waa encoun- Rene Kerrller, Fr. sh. Hamburg Is most welcome news to the people of
tered and a great deal of sport was I Laenneo. Fr. sh.. ........ Swansea I Vancouver, who have bean waiting .
L . Kv . 1 . L - . . ... . 1 I t . V.. 1 1 . WW w . If . i . . -v. w
nsu mnvuuuM iniru xroni i.n ueca. I ajw rnwr. r. vm... , , . ,. rt , , ....ivonaon I innf lims to KHOW wnat tne company
Many were Immense monsters that the! Martha Roux. Fr. bk.. ........ Hambura I Intended to An to battar tha tm ..i-.-
captain wouia nave- iixea to nare i siosamDique. or., an ..Newcastle, s. i ice.
broua'ht to tvort . for dlanlav bnt tha I Samoa. Br. bk. flhlalital T T 1aIi.uii D.tu.A
all sank when mortally wounded, and it Slam. Oer. sh.. London! signer, haa been engaged to have super-
would have been dangerous to approach A. JirTv.' .wswcsstie, to. I vision of the construction. Mr. John-
them. -v I Vlncennes, Fr. bk... .......... laagow I son was In Vancouver and stated that
Par a tha enw Af ha MiMChte TumtS FT. bk....Himhur- ...k m ti,. ... ..JL
r. - . . . . . . . i tnn. a- u..ik. m- vi. irr:- - twmui.uB.
mil I. MMmt nn r 1 r airnr .ni Tnn i . ...w u uiuvu i. u........ruw.rn 1 im. mm ttm iwummlii .1... nnt..
morning there were only enough sailors uJJr.t.bkw, ....Antwerp new boat will be of the double deck va-
on board to sweep and wash the decks. SSTlil. Tt.l3'' ?1V,:C,,,,,,,Aniwr rt,t Bd wl eonUln cabins suitable
The veaael is not chartered for out- , , f J' aft. ..Antwerp for passengers, doing away with the
ward buaineas and will probably bo in H,nun ' an.,..,...., ...Antwerp necessity of oaasencers-travellna with.
the harbor some time. She Is well llmJrmAmi'i,'Xi",VStm'' Foot paaaengers will enter the
J. J."' .. o!n.S n! K.Mi bk,-to" bo Pas-ageway separated
mis pun seversA unn in recent yoara. I r.;i V, 1.1T I ironi ue team section,' removing tne
The entire complement of officers and I ?,7Amr?'KLTsUJ Antwerp danger oassensers are now tout ta in
crew ia nsw with tne exception of the I lie' MariaT Fr bk.7.' Ant wen I vw n to Portland. The new craft
the vessel arrived at Antwerp to loa 1 h CnfirVnt?Vlr fc,"'t!JIp ons and according to ths construction
for this port Several of the officers i?f,tJllo. Honolulu ,UperinUndent wiU be built with an
have been here Derore in other vessels. 1 Hr v vrv.' i; I laea or sarvlnc the oublla for several
however. Captain Jones, for instance, as &?T.f Srt bv bk fSIIIS 5r,r"-
maater of ths British ships Lydgats and wrnu Bi"'.ll Antwerp!, while the nsw boat Is in oourse of
Oaigate. Bteward Pimbiett was bers w" auupe swats. construction the rerry crew and others
seven years ago on the British sUId I Belen, Fr. bk , . Newcastle. A. I rs wondering what the railway oom-
Lonsdals of the same line as the Peter CoL de VlUebols Marenil. Fr. bk.... IPany will do for a boat to operate. The
iredaia that ilea ashore on ciatsoo I NswAaati a I oia crart is in such a . condition that
beach near the month of the Columbia. I Claverdon, Br. sh. ...Newcastle, A. I th Inspectors have practically stated
fwmscott Am. dk. .....a. Newcastle. A.ftnat uniess sne was repairea tney would
Port Patrick. Br. sh...... Newcastle, A. I condemn her in October. In view of the
m.. ......... w vmmnwr A. I ... wu.wm .v, . v .w
Crtllon. Fr. bk .....Newcaatl. A. I possible the insnectore mar oermlt th
1tXM xtaF Boat tamesi WOrRlimt fori Araencraig, nr. oa. .. ..Newcastle. A. I oia ooai to operate zor an aaaitionai
v ohchi Duiiii.iuvr, m r. ha.iiiwciiiib, JV. I . v i J aa rv ueir i wjwriviwwi
new oswnuu. I bt. ixuis. MT. an Newcastle. A. I In securlnsr the machlnerv. tha new
The stsaraer Breakwater will sail for S0"oJrvD".v NewcasUe, A. boat ahould be completed in 10 daya.
Cooa bar thla evenlna- with a full list SsMi!!. 2P ma- ...Byaney, A.
of pM.enger. and alf the .freight that gSZl1'- J'iV --S." ft :
can be stored in her hold. A good fluan- $??A"rVMm' DT- .,W.V,' f
tlty of freight Intended for the Alii- Tymeric Br. str.. . ..... .Newcastle, A.
aaoe will be sent south on the Break- Tramp Stsamars a Boate.
wAlAr. alnAA lha A 1 1 1 anna will mlaa Ana . !....-.. ... . - .
. -. - - - - V hi"w" MwAwiiiiiw. Dh ...... Mimu I mm I WMMMWmWMH.
trip at least In consequence of having Btrathnesa. Br. str.... Port Los Anaslesl . v. . -v. .
been damaged by the Tclty of Panama In KBi::..;:::ftyi!i Constabls Lou Wagner this morning
the collision at the mouth of the Wll-
mi si.. vawa ' I served papers on six free-holders to se-
lamette last week. ' .
Among the passengers to leave for I Atlas, Am. str ...Ban Francisco
Coos Bay this evening are 14 sawmill I
r a Hmlth T.ntnhr MmnAAv'A immanaa
plant now being installed on the bay. -The schooner King Cyrus arrived at I ored man allowed his board bills to ao-
cure a constable's Jury to try the legal
ity of the attachment of a dog. Diffi
culty has arisen because of the attach
ment last wsek of a Oreat Dane pup
belonging to a negro, because the col-
Several hundred more employes will be the Standard Box factory's wharf at the cumulate until they represented a sum
brought out from the company' a plants
in tne miaaie states, wnere it naa been
operating extensively for many years.
About 10 will be here in time to leave
on the next steamer, so it was stated
this morning.
foot of Eaat Pine street lsat nla-ht to
load ties for San Franciscc She was
20 days making the run to .Portland.
Captain Rosendahl Is accompanied by
his wife and two children. -
Tha AtAAmAr RarfAnfln Aa In lha harhnv
Tha men arrive. here frttm Mlnnauia. I from Piflrat .mini) nnrfa with frala-ht. I St I O'clock. The case is the first of
lis laat Friday and have been slghtsee- She will sail north 'fn a couple of days Jhs kind to come up In an Oregon court
lng ever since. All of them are greatly from the Couch street dock. because, of the passage last winter of a
pleased with the outlook, and think the The steamer Alliance la being re- lTJvmK,n.,aof" Pfr"on property. .
climate trend. Those havlna- left fam- I nairtui aa auicklv aa nnaalhla at MunniA'a Charles Walker la ths , owner of the
Hies behind have already decided to boatyard on the east side and It is now
send for them. It Is estimated that estimated that shs will be ready to ra
the new mill will employ at least 700 Rume oneratlons In W days or two
men,- 1 weeks.
The - weather bureau was Informed
of more than 1100.
As ths attorney for the defense. Max
Cohn believes there Is some doubt aa
to the legality of the attachment, a con
stable's Jury wss called and a hearing
was begun on the case this afternoon
dog. He resents the act of the constable
in taking tne nog ana nas empioyea
level talent to secure it again without
Suttlng up the till which he says he
Oes not owe While the action is pend-
- ini wnmr Bureau waa iniormea I . .... ... v.. .. .v.- .
BRINGING CEMENT yesterday that a slight earthquake shock utiulZ
Siam U HeW and Comfl Bart OB the I teMamornlna-. No detAlla Vera alv-n I cording to US keeper.
The German Shin Slam will be at Co
lumbia dock No. 1 this afternoon or to
morrow with a cargo of J. B. White dt
Bros.' English cement consigned to
Oeorge B. Rate ft Co. This Is said to
The new schooner R. D. Inman arrived
In the harbor this morning from San
Francisco, sne is in command of Cap
tain Hard wick, formerly of the steam
schooner Thomas L. Wand and the
steamer ' Alliance. The Inman carries
about 8(0,000 -feet of lumber and has
Sugar 1
Colo. Fuel .....I .
Brooklyn 2
U. S. Steel 1
do pfd. ......1
Atchison ......SU
Reading; 4
So. Pac
No. Pac. k IU
N. Y. Central ..2
Canadian . . .
L. ft N
Mo. Pac . . .
Rock Island
St Paul ....
Smelter ......
, .1
A SVA AllVllKUW IVi auvums VV VUllOaV I a a w v aa vaaa vs. UO aJJ WW 11 11 VI IOUUr JC&W
(cA, S. Dog 17c X. Horse ScA, Indian I they will not be permitted to employ
Camp (c children after school begins, which will
u ly in uie trait Beaeon. lAUit year
t.i. n,.ff tjpri.iA. I .Z-r. houbbb auiu me cannery naa
xtAIZUl nenCUl, waeat. I dlfffcultvn rettlna- Anouch h.lV
(Special OUpatck te The JoeraaLt handle the fruit And now between the
Tekoa, Wash., Aug. 12 Harvesting of pubiio scnooi opening during the early
winter wheat has been in full blast for
a week and ths first wheat was threshed
and brought Into Tekoa by P. J. Flgtrt
ner and its quality is No. 1.
Nearly all winter wheat will be No. 1
In the Palouse country this year, - the
cool weather and more than the usual
amount of rain making an exceptionally
fine crop.
The spring grain, most of which was
sown rather late, is greatly benefited
part of September, as always has been
thAlM .vm . .1.. .kfl. ..V.. t
VHBlVUfa Ul . ii W VllilU IttUUr IB.W
prohibiting the employment of children
during scnooi hours, the packing houses
I may po oompeuea to securs jap labor.
. Best Wheat Crop.
(Journal Special Service.)
Pendleton, Or., Aug. 12. All through
eastern Oregon and Washington there is
hv V. . ml. .. , v. . . ., . . . . I nnw harv.ti1 Ah., wKa.'
... ... uVUU...B .Uw w.w I ueavy crop is expectea. . icrop on recura - iba raae is zirst
ay there was a panlo among the I Th. h..t Mmin m wimm 1 rinaa weirhinAr o ttouniiB uui mnm n
sellers.- Everyone started to unload atlthla tlm ,. h.t i..h I buaheL Kvervwhero la founil a hnmnar
once and the close Is from 3 to nearly ( by J. O. Conger of Farmington, and on yield. Wheat is selling for good prices
me larm or jonn MCUloua near nere, I auiu uney in jiAna vi wAitni vvuning
who threshed over 40 bushels oer acre. I ton is selling readily In large quantities
Preparations have been mads through- for 11 per hundred. Half a million
out this country and new warehouses sacks nave been sold in the vicinity of
Duut to nandle one of the largest crops I uayton ror 91,
on rvcora in tne raiouse country.
points lower.
Ask for nigh Price.
(Special DlApttch to Tbe JoeraaL
Milton. Or., Aug. 11 At a meeting
of the directors and stockholders of the
Hop Yield Ia Good.
union it waa. decided to
llo lb; geese, old, 8 10c lb; spring geese hold that the apples of this valley were
unwijo ir iu, iiirujrg, ill3c lb; I 01 " 8 "01 a quality as inose grown in
for old; squabs, 12.50 per dosen; pigeons, the Hood River country, North Yakima,
11.15 per dosen. Dressed Doultrv. 1 m I Wenatchee and other aDDle countries.
ic per lb higher.. s - and that they should demand the same th" S'flV Vil ?VSZ -"""SS JS2
Bops. Wool and ' Hides. ' P".s..:?ce,T. D?v!ft 5lP?f.,L in-tJl?e? has had no ill effect on the vinei and
HOPS '1001 crop -Prime to -ehoica. I Mimi ir th. nnman thaiiAv txriTi.sitv I '1?. 'r entirely free from lice
- Pay Warehouse Raise).
(Special Dlasateb to The loorasL) '
(Boerta! DUsatch to Tha Janrnal.l I ' Weston. Or.. Aur. 12 The wheat
Albanv. Or.. Am. ii. Tha hnn apat I growers of this section are now oavlna-
in Linn county and across the river in 15 cents per ton for the storage of
Benton, is In first class condition and wheat, an increase or zo cents over what
IftfVt.10 pnm Wn.-Pip sra jsgf, T.hna wjk
. la
. - 1111. .-" --W--V
wnivrii vi cguiv ..v'-.u. '
, MOHAIR New 1807 -29 2lc
(SHEEPSKINS Shearinr. l E m -a-
each; short wool. 26 40c; medium, wool
Hop MckiniT to. Start.
(Boeclal fiianatch ta Tha Jnnrn.l l
r1""!- "v . wooi, i naxrisDurg, ur., Aug. iz Most or tne
it 76c each; long wool. 7(eSi 11.00 each, bop owners in this vicinity will com-
xnuuuv rui iw iu, yt jo; a I picxing aoout August 20. 1 The
sna a-reaBe, nrjijij. -. I , r tnis year wlH compare favorably
CUITTIM BARK 6a per lb. I lth that of last year, although there
r raits and getahles.
POT A TOES 1 1. 10 0 1. 10 for- whits,
11.40 for red. selling; buying. (Lie per
'k. ...... - , j
tXIOVJ? Jobbing price New Walla
V;iijfl, 12.60 sack; Oregon. 12.11; garlic
' iioi raV. If HAflAAf, .-
1 i.l .-U FXiLlfS Oranges. 4.2(
4.'$; l;niinfi. 6c lb; iemone, ff.004p7.60
rell I
j- ho; lii'iP!
1 i !. 15 :
14; ntorries.
Mexican. 14.00 per 100
6 ' t 4.00 dozen; grspe fruit
4 10c lb; peaches, (Oct
greater, than that of the previous year.
United States Government Bonds.
Nsw Tork, Aug. II. r- Oovenunent
. . . Bid.
TWOS, regisierea ...... 106'
do, coupon 1061
Threes, registered ..... 102
ao, coupon ,102
are some hops that do not look
as Common u v....
anM w.V 1... " " " oo, coupon .......... JU2
sHisiK rr crop., which Is now Threes, amall bonds. ; 101
ceiled u?1SrnAh?-Ciir"i Th Pr,c Dis. Columbia, l-66s. ... 113
cwveq u rumored to be 5 cents a pound. Fours, registered, new.. 124
' Portland Bank Statement.
do . coupon
Twos, Panama
Uleannvfr tut... ... ... .- I oo cuupoii
in vr;.il .'.i.o'.v5.Jsiphlllpplne Fours
. . -.'-.-7 A AflAliAIVAl
Gain today
, Uverpool Cotton Market.
. . vv..i,,,iiii,i)oo,n uvernooi. -. jvus. iz. t'ottnn
' ' ..iw.H02.140.l closed very steady. I points lowar.
had been paid for many years. Ware
housemen at Weston say ths raise was
oniy in Keeping witn. me general mgn
prioes of every commodity. Competent
grain handlers are .now paid 11 a d&v
lnatead of 12.50.
New Tork-London Silver.
(Journal Spactal Berries.)
New Tork, Aug. IS Bar silver, 17 S
London. II (-ltd.
-Jj: - -p M -Vf;
3. E, ' Franklin waa arranged la local
United States district court this morn
ing and pleaded not guilty to sending
obscene letters through ths mail. Frank
lin was ' Indicted 1 by - the last federal
grand Jury and waa arrested In Tacoma
AAv.ral BAfikA aaa . Ha waa .rAleaail
futures 1 from custody upon tumping ball In
tne sum oz ' ., ,
i lot
i 101
i 10SU
A - 103
- 125
auJ. lMAkA.k Am at Tai
T a m . .4 . M. . v.. - a I ' - - , - I . IDPW1M as isty 1. v. h w aus w v
DB tno iirai. wau vi una miuuu. ujtiih speea OX aoout IV Knots, ons PrOUgnt .. ft- An 1 Th n'annlA nf?
received here for some time, although about too tons of srenerai eare-n which I Eugene, Or Aug. iz. The people oz
It haa been used here extensively In the was discharged at the foot of Oak street I Eugene will vote September 1 on the
pant as for Instance la the construe- this morning and will take lumber at
tlon of the Chamber of Commerce Knappton for a return eargc
bunding. m: j a wireless message was received yes-
JZJHlli troay morning by the weather bureau
out from London, and it took her 111 nero from the transport Thomas. (70
";-";fv" '." .JiiS nlles off san Francisco. Ths message
S-ll w .Sr IAtUni?.-tri-a2 aupposed to have been transmittid
StSt ,itamA!iikAArrl. .!ta uV wftZ. tn President which
f.0,.2ldd trifaV. Vnfo0rUnfea SUS'Sf M d. ih?...?'..I
There Is a heavy demand for cement Kn wireiess messags equip
on-tH. -b-SoTat uKp pot. for vacou'vtht.rnon" Et
the Columbia. The latest charter in StnT.- Afit.-002uif.dJu,n:
tnis une was announced this morning if atmhm wm uuiau
arflwr ,1
When It was stated that ths French
bark Cornll Bart will load at Antwerp
ior roniana. xne Ajornu nan , is nat
ter known here than anv other vessel
flylnr the tri-colored emblem.. She will
bring cement to W. P. Fuller A Co.
Steamer Spokane 3oe Down With
.. out Loss of Life."
Astoria. Aug. 11. Condition at th
mouth of ths Columbia at 7 a. m.,
smooth. Wind, north, I miles. Weather
clear. Arrived .and left up at t last
nignt. steamer Aureiia from Han nn
ClSCO. .':." , . .
Astoria, Aug. 11 Arrived down at
b:iu .a. m. ana sauea at 11:20 n. m .
t..M.. U.m. i".... . 0.. TI. . i '
-.Tli-Af- .lJL. Arrived down at 1:10 a. m. and sailed
wheel steamer Spokane sank near Usk, t 1:10 n. m.. steamer Tosemlte for San
at J o'clock yesterday moroitif, after Fritnclsco. Arrived at -10 a?m'and left
havinr sprung a leak, presumably from ,.n 11 .t..m.c n
N-a bhVwaCT ;rAiei" :
X. ,r - . ... , learner tiy or rename, ror nan ran-
eSTi ' 'mmm'Sml- iltiite aw clscc Sailed at 1 p. m., schooner Irene.
The steamer belongs to , too Fend 1 a.- Pn.. Am., . . -
Jtftr.ll1 M..I.AHnn onmnanv iiiA .V.. I v w v. ux..
X.1 1 1 v . Vi ... o . . . Zl . 1 iTi . awl scnooner tseuian, rrora oon JTsncuoo.
will be floated as soon as oossible. She , , San FYanclaco. Am U fin va.
has been opersting on the Pend d'Orellle terday Reamer AtSS. with barieyiL
for several, yeara and .! valued at tor PorttandV?' ' """a0 f ;
Large Fleet of Lumber Carrier In
; i Harbor. .-K "p
Aberdeen. VAur. jftll The ' following
vessels are now In port, moat of them
worklnsr a carxo. although a - few of
them are without charters: Loading at
Aberdeen, steamer Norwood, steamer
oanta, .-, steamer
Redondo. Aug. IL Arrived, schooner
X M. Griffith,, from Portland. - , ?
I Tides at Astoria todav Hlrh lin
a. m., 1.1 feet; 1:11 p. m., 1.1 feet Low,
s:ei a. m., o.s zept; s;ia p. m.. 1.1 zeet
Judas Charles E. Wolverton" AttAA
Ouinlanlt. f tha mi. nf iCHlr Mnnnnla Anlmt ir.l.v.
schooners Sophls. Chrlstnen. David Ev- I Sunell In favor of the former. Maunula
ana, Ludlow, Halcyon, Zampa, Charles
B. Talk, c R. wnson. Admiral, brigs
Lurline and ' Oolden Shore. Without
charter are the schooners Jessie Minor,
Watson, Hoqulant, A. West W, F. Jew
ett Meteor barkentlnes John Palmer,
sued for an injunction to restrain Sun
en rrom manufacturing and selllnjr a
machine used to fasten leaden weights
on fish nets, claiming that Sunell infringed-
upon patents owned exclusively
question of bonding ths city for (100,000
to put In municipal water, and from
present Indications the project will be
The Willamette Valley company here
has claimed to pump Its water from a
well 'across the river, but yesterday
afternoon it was ascertained that they ..
were pumping from the river. - Tnese
and other things are very well known,
and the people will undoubtedly put la
a plant of their own whatever tne ex
pense. '
There will, however, be quite a fight,
for the company has some adherents, ,
and there are others who do not desire
the Issue of bonds to auch an amount ;
(Special Dispatch te The' Joornal.) 1
Dayton, Or., Aug. 12 The Third bat
talion of the Fourteenth Infantry, com- .
panics I, K, L and M, with Major Park
as commanding of fleer, from Vancou
ver, arrived here Saturday at noon from '
Mlddleton, and camped in the City park.
They left yesterday morning at :
o'clock jto march to McMinnvUle, there ...
to remain until thla morning. The
troops are on. their annual Si-days'
march. - They expect to ao to the coast, -
and will reach bare on the return trip
AllfUit Jj.',:V r-Vtir , '
Yesterday the soldiers had an Inter. ;
esUnr game of ball with the Dayton
team, wniqn resulted in a aoore oz a 10
I in favor of the aollsrs. s,: , ;i.t .fy.
y,ffjrSElLE kt ONCE
Over 100 final notices are heintr sent :
out by the city license department to- .
day ordering delinauent merchants to .
appear and aettle up., Practically atOQf - '
the notices are to merchants who aTV.
iniiDiM irsra navinr iip.enaxa'
the reneailng ordinance went into ef .Vtv
zeet juiy 1. . . ...
A number of these delinquents, the
license officials state, seem to be under
the- Impression that thsy were exempt
from Paying up to July 1, but this is
not .the case and those Who refuse will
be haled Into court , t ,
J I .