Tlli OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. VvUGUST 12, 1037. Szii- Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Maiket,St., bet. 3d tr 4th nraa-ontena when la Bun Pranelae hvt thlr mall sent la ar of lb Journal fIteJ ARTHUR Z FISH, ItprnUtfv. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, J. El, NEW toda. ' Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for ... 'v IN RAILWAY ADDITION, Improved Streets, : 6c I Carfare ; , ';' Easy Terms 'f : v $10 Down, $5 Per Month nMwln tn KffU War.- lot T 11 Uimnl T.l.i- Villa w. u. . .' Bertha Kuhner, lot 7 block' 123, Robert J. O'Nell to Th Oregon fteaity .o- t Beginning -at & Kint on the north Una of Hoi lay avenue; 060 feet west from the went Una of east 28h street, running- the nee went 50 feet, thence north on th south line of the right of way of the O, R. 4V N-.Co., running thence northeast 80 feet, thence outh. i Pa ot iirginninp, W. D..,. Bel I wood Real Estate Co. to John .'. .errigan. lots to 16 Inclu- flv. block ,.,,-K.f? Bellwood, W. v .,............,,,. , i E. and France Erlcson to Wll- Th Title Guarantee St Trust Co. jo j-rea A. Kasch, lota IS, 10,' block 6. THfon'a ari.HHnn AmA Clyde. B. and Bertha W. Altohson to . Harrington, lot IS, block I. West Piedmont. W. r. . j. James A. and Kate - Price Gold smith to Louis P. Beno and William Ballis. lot 18, - block 1 (, Goldsmith' addition, W. Ii tMiM.ttt MMIttt Marraret II. and George H. Lewi w momu uaom. iom 19,11, block l, MountTabor Villa. W. Dl .... ......... Alfred C and - Lucy Angel to Conrad Hou stein, Jot 14, block . Alhlna VJ.v. .-,, tlf r Leror Hi, Anderson to Fred' Klein schmidt, lots 14, 11, block I, : Miller addiUon ; to - Bellwood, TV. ,D. '. . " , f ' Mary A. Clark , to Gustav and August Wllle, north of the north of subdivision "E" of lot I, block f and 30 feet In ' .. width, of the couth end of all that part of lot 1. In block f, which Ilea aaat of tha- Oregon & California Railroad Co.' ' , t ract In Portland Hometead, too 125 50 1,600 i,coo 1,100 NOTICIU OPBTOCKHOLCERr MEBT. IlvtJ. ... - ii Tha undereljrned Incorporator Of the Portland Country Club aV Live Block BRiocinMon. dealttnated b a majority of auch incorporatora to open book and receive aubacrlptiona to the - capital stock of the corporation and to rix upon a time for a meeting of the sub scrlberi to the stock of said corpora tion, hereby call a meeting or 'ine tuo scribers of the atock of tha Portland Country Club St Uve Btooa aasociauon, to be held at Commercial club rooms in the city of Portland. Oregon, on 1 i ues- tha 7k lav n Ana-uat. 1907. at the hour of four o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing not less than three directors of said corporation, as the tnrkhnMm-a ttraaent ahail determine. the adoption" of bylaws. and 'for. the transaction or sucn omer ouaineaa mm may properly come oeror tna meeting. : jroruanq, uregon, juiy -zein, . y O. A. WE3TGATH,,. -V ' : - jrULltTS U MEIER, . DELP WANTED I ESIAL13 Come out and ' see these ' lots. Take Monta villa Car. , Get off at I FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLB INS ITR. anc or mortgage loans, call on Pact no 1 Tltla Trtist Co, !04,6--T Failing bldg. I iiL. uuk InsUraWcm aUu ab streets to real estate from tha Tltla Guarantee A Trust Co, H Washington at, cor, td. .- " i' :' V V WEATHER 1 REPORT c;rf:i A ridge of Ugh ' pressure ; extended TOM RICllARDSON. Inoornoratora 1KA rfcAitilfcftfl-' ' EXAMINATIONS NO tice is nereoy given mac ioi county su perintendent or Muitnoman county win hold tha rerulsr examination of appli cants for state end county papers at the lfllLadd sohool, West Park and Madison streets, commencing weanesuay, aukusi 14th. A complete program furnished on reaueat ApDllcanta writing her for -1,100 I other counties . should secure , written consent ox in supenninnaent or ' tns county -where employed, R. F. Robin- 400 ion. county school superintendent. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET. - Ins The annual meetlnv of the atock. kN.M a K dnlll..n IS tit. Ina company, for the election of a board ?f directors for the ensuing year, and or the transaction of such other busi ness as msy regularly com before them, will be held at the of fice of the company, rooms' 601 , to 604, Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on August 14, 1007, at I o'clock p. in. Secretary Sullivan Extension Mining Company, Portland. Oregon. August 1 -1007. - ' ' ' f 100 1,000 WANTEI-LADIKa TO LEARN THE . simplest, easiest, quicKoat and least labor in wsshlng. It saves clothing and laundry bills. Clothing will wear long er, for it will not injure the finest janric. imh inniruciions sent to any sddress on receipt of one dollar, W. . rumpnrt, IV4I cneatDut St., Oak land. Cel. -",, ,. . - LAliNbHf ilKLp'WAft.l-.NO 'ET. perienc required: good wages; sternly position. Troy Laundry Co 201, E. W- irr, VVANTEO CilOCOLAT! WpfKRfl! Cream dinners anil nackera-.AI.1nn Cendy Co., i6th and Ollaan sts. VANl"ED 1 COMPETENT WbMAfJt for wok and downstairs . wnrlr' ni !r'"h.,.niri,fmUjr tBre- Apply at ono to 7S Flanders at. 'L,l WANTED REAL 'ESTATE . ' Bent ember will be a lively real estate month; If you l.av property for eiUn get It on our books right awa T J will turn It Into ah. Wa have mor. Inquiries for home ropertlea than any other real estate office in Portland. Our excellent ground floor location on Stark at makes this possible. ,' - ' i ' T11E BPANTON COMPANT. ; WANTEt)-A PARTxHO 13 LOOK , tnm tnr m mnriem t-room bungalow, Cd location; fin lawns best i par serv ln city: small payment down, bal- la. Ruin, mm , " " , WANTED-FbUR OR. Wvfe cdttaa-e: from owner only: 1300 down, balance monthly; full particular Jirst letter, n-488. journal. ; FOR RENT IIOUS i;3.- WANTED TO RENT, GIRLS WANTED-OPERAtbRA ' ld work on Shirts and overalls, iaium given to IneXDerlencnd. Annl at n.n- ard factory No. J, Grand ave. and East iTirr rn HitNT-HOUSEa COT layior , i . I "H nfflcea. raamlns. , Muiaiorus . wua w -v iiANSEN'S; LADIES' AGfrNCT.-.iiitf housed ate: Waahlnston St.. corner ftuvunlK . ..n stairs. I'hon Main Hit. Female heln I PORTLAND ' TRUST ' COMPANT OF wanted. .,.. !,. . . oreoon. GIRLS WANTErj appL kri vnAri Phon F. Tl B. E. Cor. Id and Oak. r factory Na. i. Grand are, and East Tsylor V IIeLp WAiitEDt)Ni6 LaundrV WANTED MISCELLANEOUS company. WaNTE1 GIRLS T6 MAKE' rtfi well shirt and Bos of An at 7ft ist at. WE WILL BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD good and guarantee best prloea. Call, .v.. wri t ., ft J. av Rubensteln. overalls m7S nvont st opposite National noteu pacing 'Hii. MA'TUrH W6MAN AS AfiSISTANf TO htzii vnuMfiKH6U GOODS. SaV "l-"ant Pt 1. Apply at I ? age eV PennelL 146-J4T lat t Phon neat Address IA.-413, Journal, . I r.7.iri in " - STENOGRAPH ERS, BOOKKEEPERS, "um " ri Yi . MORE FOR FURNITUBJB. eSf I v..frk RltraUop bureau, U "PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, t 80S Allsky bldg. - 0 - H . Main 656. til 1st t. WANTED Y6UNa . LADIES 1 6 YOU WANT TO SSLL. SEE . US. - learn telephone oneratlna-! raaa aalarv I a. tt. .i 0.1. a tnVaat nrlAaa JIT Flan- hort hour, pay while learning, luncheon pal1 I0P second-hand good. w .avj va, uibirq miiu AUUIIKIU RHU piy ara VBOtid Main ibis. - " Aonlv chief 1 kx ut operator. Telenhona bulldlns:. Wmit Park HIQHGEa T PKiuis-B ru fUAAi.ii rest rooms In connection. A perator. Tele nd Alder sts. kind of ' eecond-hr.nd goooa union mangle girls 111 per week. Writ Wal- . rdr. . K. E, KarlsoB co 1(1 An lace Laundry Co, FOUND--A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses am Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H- Mets- ger, proprietor. - L6st-1UGHT RfcD HEtFER, WHITS stripe aown pack: reward. E, xsa. uacKimu, ur. tj.k. ixenv st.. Mam ezoo. feitatf WANTED UHiNITUKlfi AU MUUSbi- I L.I, 1 a. A. .urinlln. LOST AND . FOUND, j ,- i ttr & virr.r. ... .vrcr . KiPTW I WiNI'lOJ UltlSl 1LHU Ail of . arerr description tresses renovated and rtumod hsA Txf T o Vim'i "V aold and 'exchanged. Tha 1 day. JU Front t Main -474. WOMAN TO HE1P IN KITCHEN, nt 1st Main I74.- flome-A-Mlf Glftle "6 l7TO D rilSSt W6ftK , Eum etc!.Enhone I 2d Ring- YOUR FUjH mIIiim at.. nhiuia IRaat 1 SS7 t,J uvl - a w. v,Bt v. uv f , iwi i money, ages. 43 H B. 8d t - " I W. , ii wiWTirn Td Rtfr a rrMKAP tram. GIRLS WANTED -GOOD WAGES FOR j..E. Hammond, at Gray Crowing; competent helo: steady emolovment I aa ummi artt M, t ij rr- . . i. . . 1 1 VT rortiana paper Fox Co., 201 Oak t It. ..a " .,-,v.v 11 111 CT,v-.v-;fvvi- barometer was relaUvely low oyer Art- ..J:-. "7 t... "'A. i"ZL".r mut. 'ri'it um.cdtBArrf: 'ouu . "V"' " . "r" : , u"lx .A u f anna an Ik. lata vaaHnn . M,n """"."l loiurn w BlWni N.u.,i..nij iwuiivi WanlW I K Western DBIVSgB -0., Oil Ijtonn. and tha lower lake region. Many iPOO TOUrn blde-.t reward. I must b good cook: no washlnav Ad- I -nr..hintn Phn. pm Ami ana . tne rain i . . , - , . - i - . Hibbard St, corner of VilU, or thi woraing ; f rorn Brtti.h Coianibi; PARtT ' tAkiNQ BfeA&ELkf from" call at oinccA' , ICiTibcrt-Vhitmcr Co. ' Real Estate Department 10T atbjwlaok Bldg?, Oox. 3d aad Oak ft. I report war area oouid ! ers and eurred I reported in eastern Iowa, northern Hll- noia and upper Michigan. Fair weather I rings; finder pleas return to cashier ould not be weU dJfln" Show. OUND-UtRAY RED MILCH C6W, UJl JZ'l mW 1th under'toVni s, howeve " oc-1 whit .pot forehead. jit Front t ' BUSINESS WOMAN W'lTH STRONG in Arlsona! and 'light rain wa 1 L6sT-AT SEASIDE, A CHAMOld IlS "..e.,"nI kin. ha ar Minla n na jannl va In a HI a I v."..w. nss: finder nleaae rerur tn- a.hl.r the city preferred. N-40I. Journal. WANTED -COMPETENT OtRL F6. A-8788. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COi'TAllE, walking distance, nar cor and school, I per month; furniture of snms for enie, 1150. Phone Tabor J8S. FINE HO MKT 82 7 TCI 1 Tl I "HfTlOTii iT Farrlneton. 311 Fenton bldg. cTTeaTpkST JlOUSE lNfil E CITY; rooms, ftas, bsto, hot ana coia water; walking dlHtance, Zld and E. Tsylor; only tffl per month. Phone Eat 6X48. GOITRE A NTFCNllWSrWf aXTST-- uoure, called big neck, permanently removed, fu ni-r mimit withnut a knife. Asthma, nervous end chronic disease a specialty. Dr. Voose, 181H :st t. -. TVV'O-STORYJloUSlii, MONTA VILLA; . block from car. Telephone Main 4511. Call 835 Clay St. ' - -'- FOlTIl KNf "SI X-U06M OT AGE. M rear No. 4S7H W. Davlsit.; vry con enieot. Inquire J. M. Luther, No. SOSVa First et..' or phone Main 7810. 8IX-ROOM COTTAGE. " 6 ROOMS TO rent; part furnlnhed, modern! phone and water free: porceiikin bath, gas or wood stove; a block frfra Fifth- t oar. 366 Lincoln t ROOMS AND BOARD. 4 ; OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash: furnished rooms, sin. (tie or en suite, with or without board. iast obis. Room anD b6Ard-t6r tw6 V6UM , wui vr iiion, mnuBrii, waiKing gig. tance.- reasonable. 024 H. Morrlaon. , LARGE COMFORTABLE FRONT room ror two; Dreakfaat and dinner; horn cooking; private; all conveniences; reasonable; nice location, 26 N. 18th si. mono iscino Z47. : iu'sixi:::i aiANcra."... ''. FOR HA1.KA DIUli) HT01U5 IN Boutlwrn Oregon mining town: mod buine; Invoice $2,fcu0; two mod doc tors. For Information, write llor ins 'MiJUn. Oregon. H 106, PAINT ANO WALL l'Al Kits'n.;. t-S w piA??0l """'"fN-;. 1600 will " " .' ,,. Fww .J"!'. Journal BARGAIN FOn A VkwHTiv an, ,: sen rurniiure and fixtures of riin field hotel, with lease on bulldM.; good lo-ntlon and paying busincwa; good ?;kV,KnnX7XeiIln,r- . Address box 175, Springfield. Or., for prices and nara 4lculars. m WILL SELL OR TA1E Mf QnnZ eery. ood clean stock, doing fine cash business, good location; a money maker for right party; about ILJOO re quired. Owner n-4615. Journal. . hOH RENT GOOD STAND FOR imgl FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENTNEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; furnished: St feet from car track: Flrland; only 32S. 311 Allsky bldg. -ROOMFURNISHEDHOUSE, LARGE For sale a well e'stabOsjied ' newspaper In Oregon; cash required 33,000; building and power plant; lota of ort "and type. Address v-43 Journal.-; ' '' -V ' i. FOR SALE FINE UP-TO-DATE Gft5 . eery store carrying staple line of gro ceries, also t! n ware and Crockery; splen didly located in fin railroad town and having an excellent farm and - town. trade: price only 33.900. 33.800 cash and easy terms for balance, - Address P. O. Box 348. Roseburr. Or. FOR " SALE GROCERY STORE ANri living rooms, inventory about 3900. Rent 310; party going away and will take 3750. Grocer, 080 Front t . ' ItOOiiiNG H6t!sE..i rooms, CLEiilu Ing 60 monthly; J00. HaUleld A Smith, l(SH 4th st. '' 26' ROOMS, ' WELL BURNISHED, on" m. on floor: 376 rent $1,850. . Hatfield Smith. 1(8 4th st h-v.. . A 14-ROOM ROOMING HOU8F JN T1H3 . best business district St. JoT' .do ing a good Dusiness. iiow rent A" grounds., aast aide: reasonable. Marguerite are.' ' 01 FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. prevailed In th north Pacific atatea and i California, It la cooler than usual In the former district and in the latter the temperaturea ar about normal " : .Indications are for fair and warmer weather in tni district tonight and to- Journal; liberal reward. LOST-BAY MARE. WEidirf 'AB6Uf v&fm'wl.TlK0'' ' C" "l a Mt 1.100 pownd. Roman noe, black fet; l-"?"Vr8-, V..,:: . j return to owner, James Hewitt 71 E. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO PRJU-I TJTB RICHEUEU, 83 N. (TH 8T- . H.iegantiy lormsaea, nnua aeu ana baths. inmiw niHiiUii ' Temp. iVe will build you a home at i , East 48th street and . - HawHiorne Ave. And you can pay for it as you f TumsvArig . now pay rent . - Be Your Own landlord See Us. for a Lot or a Home l morrow. Max. . . Mln. Precln. naser city, or . . . . . 70 49 Chicago, III ;'02 (8 Denver, Colo..;.... 83 '. (4 Eureka, Cal... .,,.. 60 ' . 63 Helena. Mont.;,.., 8 44 Los Angeles, cal... 7 (I New York. N. Y.. . . 80 (8 Phoenix, Arts...... 104 . 84 Portland. Or....... (3 ' 64 Red Bluff, Cat M (8 Roaebura-. Or 73 ' 4( Sacramento, Cal.... 0 ' (4 Salt Lake, Utah.,.. 78 64 San Diego, Cal.... (3 ' 61 Ban Francisco. Cal. 13 64 Spokane, Wash.,;, 70 44' walla walla, wash. 7 i ........IV Gllnan and get reward. Phon East 3166, FOUND A LADIES' HAND BAG Af outhwest corner of Jefferon and tn: 106 etn at .00 LOST AUTOMOBILE TIRE DIA t.I mond) sox3 H. Leave at Keata Auto par for commercial telegraph poel-1 trio lighted. UTLER. MODERN furnished up-to-date- gas and . eleo- THE BUI k6t'ELT 40 -Washington .00 Co., 7th and Oak; reward .vu .00 I LOST SEAL niSQt if A. C" REWARD. tiona N.i, Good, wage when . competent fHB AVALdW HOfEL. FURMlSiiEB , wiego,, vommonweauu i .room, moaara tnrougnout. cor. iitn Bldg. " - ' " ' '" i ' I mnA Waahlnrton. ' -'' GIRL TO .'SELL' AND ATTEND .M THE CURTIS.. C6RNER 'l iltH- Atffl . laaiei taiiorinar niaoa. j. jt. Hiarr. eza i . runiMrr i Aver lanmeiri piAtnma wuninnon. i atnra- amnd rooms' central location: PRESSER w" ON '" LADIES ' " SklRtn transient trade solicited. Astoria, Of, ?? Co' T. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 j , T ' " I witn; must understand tailoring, can i nlshed rooms, electrlo light gas, bath can rjunoay. w wasnmgton. ' i and phone; ltuatd nxt to City park. HELP WANTED -MALE I WANTED GIRLS IN IRONING ROOM I 347 Oak at t, at Psclfio Laundry. 881 Arthur t trUa ORA ND. it U N. 3D fi ROOMS rAR niNTTja TlOriM , WnnW 1 fnr ventlemen. 31.31 ner week and un. NEW LAND ' ' HARRIAGB LICENSES. ... . 4X4xSlaaaSeaaBaaeaaBfcaT5a Walter O. C Jago, 411 Mala atrMt 17; Stella Davenport 17. Thomas Berkey. 671 Hood street 30: 6lRL FOR DINING RbOM WORK. Th Marlyn, 663 Washington t 1 ttub NEWLAND - HOUSE . GOOD WANTED A GERMAN OR SWEDISH room, single and en ulte: good, clean girl to wait on table. Union HoteL 81 I beds, electric lights: 8L25 to 88.60 per n. etn mz.- . -- - - i weeK. vi 1st, jrnone jwain tbiv. WOMAN FOR colored preferred; 10 rooms; go home I .young lady private family; 3s , per iio 4tn at, corner waaning-1 month. caiv.vening or nunaay, ji - - - iviay t. ' t (UttNERAL THE ELS WORTH, 1( LOWNSDALE UrtamnM orir onrtms nn ene. w v in... w w a uiwu va- a v.. - . , . . lanit , fAi wall aniHrinat Arm mrnisAm I lllgntSk man.' with eit exnerienea for head of 1 ton, upstairs. department: a rood place for on who I WAKTirn niRL ! vnn ha a thorough knowledge Of dry mods. I t, housework; nnlv .1 In fumllr: annlvi nhona Main 474: new brick, steam and who has had some experience .In morning. -840 10th st f Iheat, electric light, slngl and double; ouymg. i svoi to write aas. aree win- i v a nit it:rvNirr wkm fjinT. toit.l.ifirt 1 one boueegeeping suit. ln h dow. decorate tha Interior and direct help under him. State former employer: , to assiat Phone East 206S. ,VC3X ' U1U ' f , 1 H ill i im n .1 ousework. Ill Tillamook CLEAN AND NICELY FURNISHED room ana ' transient , . ntn t, . v"..-; " .,. rwr -AV,.3 : .-iiVr,i-i. st. rnone .ast zoos. . rooms ana vrsnsient. , , im i Nor E. Satchell, IS. 1 matter .will be treated as confidential; iL.-ii.., i 1 -.A'AiJ . jj1 " ilul. nr smrk . - r t i n l jr a V. S. Ackle. 386 Third atreet II: B. aaiary S13S per month. M-466. Journal. WANTED A STENOGRAPHER AND , !ar , , ,, , . , m . Pcitknd R3!lV 2nd TrtlSt L0 Irl McPhiwn. I4. - , "' ,ournai- cashier in family liquor store. Ad- OWEN - APARTMENT; NICE FRONT IblUuud l.(fiilr bid IIHJl VU. fTliMaSmM? it. H.ien rroebw. . - . , ' . , drees Q-482. Journal. housekeeping room; reasonabl rate. 103 SECOND ST., PORTLAND I jr.' Weddma Carda W. O ' smith tt Co- Washington ciag., corner tin ana wasn Ington t. ' Wedding cards the beat. 100 for $6. Alvln S. Hawk 144 3d st Tonseth 4V Ca, florists, for flower of n kinda J2I (th lit y -' t- Clarke Bros., Florists Fin flower and norai design. z Morrison st Full drea suits for rent, all alaea LaDy WOULD L1K& sTjA-fI6 13 "H R.'i"e;.1 LllUli jbm.B 1 . 1 " ' 1 " housekeeper for , widower, citv or TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON rancht (36 Fifth t. ' I venlencea 188 W. Park t ' ' IF YOU DESIRE TO BUY OR RENT A HOUSE VVe Can give yotl a fine llSt tO Unique Tailoring Co., 30 Stark t , select from ' IT PAYS TO SEE US , Cliapin & flerlow Phone Main 1652. 332 Chamber of Commerce BIRTHS MCCARTHY Born July 80 to Mr. and Mr, peter Mjartny. at their nom, Rosedale, southeast Salem, a son. KYLLO August 6, to Mr. and Mra Olaf Kyuo, 64 Bortnwick at, a daughter. Stave Bolt Cotters Wanted j i ' '.- 'M'.: -,i '-.' ,f i. ' . , $1.50 per ccrd, timber yel low nr. apply R. 306 Ste; fcldfr, Portland, Orecn. TO RENT NEWLY FURNISHED rooms at No. 145, 11th at., near Alder. a" miRNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE I WANTED 1,000 HOP-PICKERS TO f family: auiUble for on t or two BfALB AND FEMALE HELP. pick (24 acre of hop; big crop: lar I gentlemen.' 437 Third st est ana oest eouippea . nopyara in ore- luiii .u uu U.UI. wmv, yen eii. v 1 . nwims. it nan. mailt modation: grocery tore. bakery, butch- rwiA9J'.Lv!l?i 50x150 TSaiTio t"? W. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, is permontn, sen rettygroy DEATHS 10W flT. aCClV R. 306 StearnS ttful camping ground.' $ acre bathing modarn convenience, from, II pas t . V " v'Jr JlS.UUO , rastaurant provision sold at Pnr'lweek and up. 809 Jefferson et land prices; w pay f1.10 per 100IJO LETNICETURNISHED ROOMS; pound. Reduced excursion rates on our I walking distance. (48 Hoyt st. . special r train. For further particulars I crtowrp ipriPMiatiirn unnMa uci'Tir H2jy"i rIiJJ' 'l -th. 106 Jfferon ti Canyon road tot. . . - l .anA J . a... i I v ' 1 jriiunp inaia jriuinq j-aioa. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good position open with best firm; no charge, Underwood Type writer co., s sin et. WANTED 8 ALES MEN; MANY MAKE 1100 to 1160 per month; some even more; atock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co, Top- FURNISHED. FIRST FLOOR; BATH and furnace, gas, lawn, phon. (47 i Weidler at TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS A penlsh, Washington. BARGAIN - ,. By Owner' . 4ottag. furnished: full lot nice lawn. choice roses, full basement all klnda of fruit Improved atreet 6-minute ervloet part cash, 82 JL 11th mm Union Hotel Sf V' BTVPU ' DODTT.JWri v. ... iiiAiu uam av.. aMn., i, Free employment to all; boarders' rates rate; dinhtheria. LIEBE August 3. Mr. Etta Llebe, aged 2( year., 11 months and S3 day, at 3(1 13th t; murder by gunshot mound in heart. Warebous and produce shipping prop-1 nT.flON Auarust 8. Mrs. N. J. ' Olson. oaltlon, jut outW - th city limits, i ; aged 37 years, I months and 13 days. Including I acre of land, all?, track 848 Vaughn at; , pulmonary tubercu- I JOACHIMSOHN August 11. Max Jo- achlmsohn, aged 67 year, 348 First st.: naralvsis. VON LADIGES August I, Henry . Charles von Laaiges, aged ao year 1 ana zv cays. eer of stomach. RICHARDSON- on KiChardBOn. V03 First t: Sarcoma 1 noooDirrtMiKiffl mn inrjurntn Txt I Or liver. r i . . 1 - the anvaramant Alvlce. PoaltlAtia ' frtr u write. 6U MCKty Pldg. HELP , WANTED AND . SUPPttED; w" " ' 'wT SZZ SSgn male or female, a G. Drake, 306 F(.S,2RE.I5,t7 J?.?? Washington st Pselflo 1370. WANTED HOP ' PICKERS rooms for. light housekeeping; no oh 11 dren. s K. 8th at. mono a 124 TTI-kO I i , i . large Tyardsf long WVn7fln picking" T"????. ' 1103 East 37th North; can-111.60 per week; room, 25o and up: ape- fine camping ground, etc.; groceries nt ch. Icial monthly rates given. Anderson, city pricea Apply Andrew Kan & Co., N August 10, Elva Edl- I proprietor. ' 387 Morrison st. laon, VUS First at; sarcoma, I OPPORTUNITIES ..TO ADVANCE : ear j PRICHARD Augut 11. Mildred Lucll U vmJli clerk let carrier rte jKt SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ROOM , FOR Phone B 11(2.' THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. lower; t housekeeping rooms, upper floor; reasonable; all modern conven iences. 683 Johnson. NEWLY ire position a instrument man or vii , . !""" .v,-aua-htsman. who has had t vears' I 0S 1st, flat II.- . A Bsrflaln for Someone i Pao. States Schools STENOGRAPHERS. - BOOKKEEPERS, I draughtsman, who baa toad ( year' DOUBLE FRONT ROOM. furnished, gas, batn and phone; in CMhlera clerka ReglstriUlon bura. practical experience and 3 year In an 2 "AND 2 ROOMS, 840 FRONT ST.; i3 Allsky bldg. " I engineering . college. Address Box ' 4-room flat 188 Market j" 803 Wide t R-464, Journal. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING! frontage, with private track; building I losls; v ready to lease, at about 2 per cent on Investment; , 13.600; 31,600 cash will band!, r , stSsTKU Ii HASXISOaT, . - 817 Ablngton Bldg. ' Tiiunia lur ruiii. u iiih io-iMtuj mn modern conveniences. Phone East 283, UNDERTAKERS wanted on aood salarv and com ml a- BOY. 1( YEARS OLD. WANTS OFFICE Sinn fnr cltv anil rrvHnr . nafarancaa I WOfk. PhOP Woodlawn 1160. required. 207 Couch bldg. NEW YORK STATE LAWYER: 23: fit or call after p.m U. 8. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN year' active practice, thorough and I FIRST FLOOR OF COTTAGE, wanted at once to Qualify for fall I capaoie; aesires pomtion witn corpora-1 nisnea ior . nouseHeeping, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS' 41 E. 8th t. N. FUR- 8 roams. examinations. " Call today. Information tion or, firm where energy and brains woodshed.' water and yard; rent 14er jrAV,. SIMITH. ITjUUKIBT. lfi BTH ( iree. West UOaSt acnOOl. 1 UnUTOn "l O nmreuw" lurniaucg I inontn. vnn uni mu , a, t"; onrHlM Mlr Frank'a Main lan bldg.' Open tonight - ' salary no object . j. M. H. W box (53, 1T ' - WAKTirrvJ-nf am tvS ri.rtin T.AKri Newburgn. . ; mR Tp-VT-.TTnTTSiriCTCT!PTTVfJ. J. P. FINLEY & BON8. 3D AWL) MADI- Apply Fred Hoecker, room 4U6 unarn- uu-p-ivm abbibi aivj , wmui wnu un it 800 6,000 ! ' B. M. and Caroline S. Lombard I to Marguerite E. Crane lot 38, ' ' block i. Railway addition ; to I Montavlla. W. D t . , B. M. and Carolina 8.. Lombard ... to Rosa T. Bice, lot 27. block 4. Railway addition to Monta- vllla, W. D. Vary Jan Collinson to Seward , . D. Burlingama, east 42 feet of , lot 1( and the west 4 feet of lot IT, block 31, First addition , , to HoUaday Park addition, W. D. i. ,,.h.....'..a.....,.l & I. and Annl D. Guiss to R. M. -Gray, lot-, t, block 1, . , Story addiUon to East Port land, W. D , ' Munset Real Estate company to - - o. m. j-omoara. aoutneast of the aouthweat of section' 14, township 1 north, rang 1 , , aast; als lot 7. I. block 130, . - " . J, city: also loU T to 12 Inclusive, block 2: lots t to 13 Inclusive, block 6 lot (..block 7, Ver- . ' steeg's addition; also th ast ' '30 feet of lots 6, ( and the west 83 feet of lot 4 and th south . I feet of th west 82 feet of lot I, all In block (0, City. W. D. T,1M The Tltl Guarantee & Trust Co. to James A. Gray, lot 6 and west of lot (, block 70. Bunnysid Thlro addiUon, .deed 360 Jane and S. M. Tunstall to ' Charles E. Hall, lots 3, 4, 5. (. block 111. City. W. D. . , , . . . ; jvooo a W. and Nellie Taylor to V.ji , nnapp, ioi djock s south, Bunnysid. 8. W. D. The Land Co. of Oregon, to Frank A. and Estella M. Wal-I'.-le, lot 14. Mock 12,- City Maw Park, W. D. ...,,.... V. F. Martin et a 1, to Alexander O. RlddeiL beginning at aouth 'Mt corner of lot 3. block- 21, lini.mlth'a addition, thence oorth 40 feet theno east 100 j -ct, tence soutn t r-reet, na , ata Offlc ol county coroner, ner or commerce. - .oerstanas lumper ouBtness ana stenog-i n WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED otinna Main t. . toiVTrnlonv Atriro i "Vciaxifl rn I raphy. R-462, Journal. I honsekeenlna-rooma parlor. . bath. DXJNNINO. M'ENTEBt " GILBAUgh; age to learn som trade. 371 1st . . w . a.'" ' " . . Jlf i-Bfy, f urnao heat yard. S0 Stan- artakera and embalm ers: modtmlnnvTcn' . ", . v "x p.irAnrTJTxT,'r' SITUATIONS WANl'lD- IMAIiB. I ton et U ear. SS In every detail., Seventh and Pin. Main " MiilnTabUItT by leading firm;1 high- -) ' 11.60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN ' :- ,.,,. , Trana advertising, insurance . or dooxi t . lurnijuju . ""V'U'U' ' ""tr X : Hi HEM3TOCK, FUNERAL DI- man can obtain fin position at larj place. S-462, Journal. '. s. jdry and bath. 184 Sherman at. outh, rector. a.ui wi . uuo vumpensation. ! epiy, giving aaareas BTEiVUUJtlAt'llJiiK , WltSHil.H JrUol 1 low , I iszizzzl - ' Bellwood 71. Lady assistant and phone. W-464, Journal. - . ( years' experience; familiar with all THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING ripf Itan.RTB NK8 m.: FTINKRAL m. WAKTirn Twrt . .' litnii.'ob i rtmlklnds of orfree work; ; K-463. Journal. rectors, emoaimers, i i xtusseii. iutat . salesmen by big corporation ; must OFFICE ASSISTANT; ONE WHO UN 1 1088. Lady assistant be clean-cut and fordeful; good pay.- Ap- derstanda lumber business and stenog- EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER, Py by letter, , giving phon number or raphy. R-462, Journal. 220 3d t residence. X-464. Journal. . - rr .' . ,. KRICBON - embaimina. , v (188. Lady assistant UNDERTAKING Aiaer ,' CO, t , AND Slain CEMETERIES 'RIVER-VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, (10; family lot. 10x16, for 1100., and upwaros. according i im,.,'uh i NlJ MEN AND . BOYS WANTED, . LEARN pjummng, plastering, oriCKiaying; aiso sheet ' metal pattern dranrhtlna: noai- tlons secured: day and nisht-classes: free catalogue; visitors welcome. - Coyne iraun scnoois, pan Francisco.1 - ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. PRINT ers, pressmen, linotypers wanted, fur nished. Northwest Newspaper Broker- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. cemtry n roruanawmcu perpatuaiiy t :- ,i MM immm cm and farm help a spo- mam tains ana cares ' ror iota. ur j ij ajuu,om.n,n w ajn jyiini tsv-ax ..,,tt , phnn Main Kiftl Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, 1 of felines address Paclflc Coast Post w&V SiiS-Tih chiraMta Worcester diock. w.' m.-Jaaa, presiaent. i v.nru vo, av jtuxenang oidg., ueatue, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ' ' FOR MEN. ' ' .-, 21 N. 2d st Phon Main 152(. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 Morrison St.... Phon Paciflo 239 37 N. 3d and transient rooms, reasonable. 7tn and Flanders ata. - " " ' ' ' THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE.; - first-clas : furnished - housekeeping rooms, electric 41ght and gas; free tele phone and bath. ' LARGE LIGHT, NICELY FURNISHED i i, iiuuminciruii auivca, i -u, v, . njng water. 603 -Aider st. For particulars call , nr write- A. Clave. 230 Rufseil at Phon E. l4u: ANEWTWO-TON EjiPRES WAGdfJ,' V team and harness, all Jn first-clas SnSDai dolnap aiuwl luiiln... Phn.. IT. . , JU8T COMPLETED MODERN FLATS 6065 or call at 86 H. SOth st. South. ata hnwn ava T radar Mill -T- r r i rwmm, cioae in; sometning niC: lur ts., ureen v., t.eaar mil. . ..tiira.tnaiiraii fnr tsnn tTi. 2ii cheap. Call Main (202. Home A-l8t BUSt THE WOOD TRt?ST CHEAPES woodr now ready for business, . Co Operative Wood Co. : Call 111 Ablngton ' Bldg. ' - ' . -, - -. . . A GOOD NEWSPAPER PROpOSITWN In a growing Oregon town; for al ' for 11.000 cash. Addres H-448, Journal. FOR SALK-aJlE-Ui ESTATE. Now for Bargains In Acre : Lets , . Th old Lenta Farm la bein sold tiff . In acre and 6-acra tracta A - larva portion of It I now In cultivation and la' b-i TOR RENT STORES-OFFlCEa FOR RENT TWO GROUND - FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny st. Apply K. t. cox. Triepnono Main . a KfcirCFFiCE SUITES Wa RENf. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison ata 4l - FRONT ST.. WITH SHELVING and counter, and two living rooms. HOUSES FOR RENTFURNITURE :?,;;,.j..rOB SALE A COMPLETE FURNISHED COTTAGE or rooms, -naii, nam, gaa, etc., con veniently arranged, very reasonable In rent and price: west id. George J, Bchaerer. 317 cnamper or commerce. pcnaeier. 17 ynnmomr vi mmerc. iof qyitaltj tor garden purpo. i UKiMll uuis. Of iwtuyw MuubKi l ing Johnston creeg bottom and beaver- house; alwsys full. 188 W. Park. ; dam land. . Th land lie btwen Lent FIVE-ROOM DESIRABLE COTTAGE; f nd tLnt Junction, Five-cent fare to. . - . A..i.Lt . ...i.i., lanta Tha- Foatar mail rnna Himii.Ii - for 1260; rent 126. Call at one, H. W. Arcti on ?t graval road Lemcke Co.. (th nd Washington sta in tn county. . ini - tract -1 inn' -....1 wvi-v. v,.j-.A,0l readily.' Call at rooms 305-1. Mohawk BUiHTEL .V KERNS MAKE A.SPlV ciaity o east aid', realty, rental a, , FOR JIENT-MISCELLANEOUS. SUMMER RESORTS HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH leans, etc. i Morrison st. - - r modern conveniencea rnoneMain it.Duu ujnui ' muuhka euvitJX-KOOMi I nouaa ana rive-room cottage; on wu. ' IJUms ava; lnqulr of owner, 101 Wil lllams ve. v - - C. R. Donnell & Co. ; REAL ESTATE. , , ' jtoom ii, ia ptarx t. hAV'E YOUR ABSTRACTS ill&A hf I.' Security Abtract ; t Truat Ccv.. f ! Chamber of Commerca t , FINE. COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES. ' . 11,0004 room, plenty ot fruit , 11.600 to 11,300 6-room modern, full plumbing, gas and electrlo light fiber l.mlnlita ,.p ..nHi. all Maw - THE COAST REALTY CO-' t i I fnnnlra tns Ath. Tal. Xfaln letA ..OTnd pu1nMoprti'tie I A jfJ11 wateremintLkaani an iri.ii.' nhniiva hnmniiMufi and 1 . 1,.ul fJun .wi"r men wsjks ana LOCKS LEY HALL SEASIDE. OR- DR. r P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted byL.1 A. Carlyle; rat from $11.60 par week np; rate and reservations may t mad now with lr. Austin, dentist Kaieign eiog. BHELBURN HOTELNICELY - FUR- i nlshed rooms: evervthln flrt-clasa: horn cooking. Mra T. P. Hoar. 8a-. view, wssn. " ' BUSINESS CHANCES. of all kinds,' also cholc homestead and timber claims located ror smau ree, curb all paid for, and less than two. ' I blocks from earlina onl-r 1I miniiUa READ these few special, a- from heart 0 oityj I45(f, ferma c "eAAA. - OAIv.. lumbla Trust C Couoh ' bldg. .... . i I ".--mn AAiiuuii!" i . 'AjUOiiiiu v - nri caa. 33.000 buy S ara level Improved land near Oregon Oty. .Good building. fences, fruit. tc-TEay terma., Other ail price. si.koo. caan. ours new moaern room house,-; nice lot. new -modern 7 REAL B 'ATE, INSURANCE, i2i n-stiinsT iVtag. : s 'Mala (((1. A-2C6I.' ' FOR SALE BY OWNER, SUBURBAN home, tare five-room eottaa-e. im , Iota, flowers and fruit: 11.000, cash or room' nous,-; nice lot, new inoaern !" ""' 'gm'iiA room bouaa rood lot fin view. I block terma Phone Scott 6141. from earlina, worth over 12.000. Be A GOOD INVESTMENT BUY A LOT my exclusive agents. In Hancock Street Addition; all im-; 12,200. cash, - buy I acre : level provemenu: cement sidewalks and,'-, land, all In cultivation In. Montavllla: curbs: also Bull Run water. Thomnson easy terms; other acreage at various ft Ogden, 141 Mississippi ave, or 183 price.' . . . . . Sandy road. Phon Woodlawn 301 or $3,200 cash, buy 120 acre level East 1085. - . wheat Iana. Must sell. W have aev- ANTHONY "HARDY, LInnt6n.' OrT . ral hundred farm for al at various residence and buslna.a ita Wt P"lf-.. v... ':J. '""ont and factory alte; farm and Urn- ' IS.DUU, at invoice, oujm ,m . jwymj par lands. -arrocerv of Its sis In Portland. . aver- v-a i - . ' iujj.j i.luj. aging 1126 daily cash trada; Other a1" J n barii 22x24 fML lfniit frama alrlaa at virimn nrlcaai aJ.a restAiir. II new. Darn " .et 11 fruit trees; ;nV.7cVar.torg?'conf.iUonry.tore.. SrAfr.trP.Sln.u? iMS-Tft etc. - ,! ' . John car. - ' fhfeWr"7o"ur fin nvingwom. at ONE NE W MODER t-koOM" alotlM low invoice, , ...v.'... LJ" ""V?1?- "--"i. v $400. confectionery- witn tnreo living """"; . ' , ' room at Invoice; rent $16. v vacant lot for ale. $11,000 buy one or tne newest anaii,uu m&ahux iwikheo 4-ROOM. beat paying high class rooming house in tne city, otner at an prices. $5,000. cash, buys 42-room. - new modern In every respect Long leas and cheap rent. : Hot and cold water in the ' room, s Elegant furniture; room all light. Party going away. Clearing about - J3UU per - monin. uniy - tnus meaning business need apply. - 33.000 ouys aw-rooro emgani new nign class rooming house. We hav aaverol hundred to aelect from. $600 buy well-paying rooming house near Washington st, , jVong lease, cneap rent. ..... 3400 buys H interest m wen pavipg real estate otnee . on arouna iioor; oia established money maker; reference re- ouiren. utner pusines opportunities. Call, write or phon Main 1&6; A-4150, 226 Morrison at, t HOUSEKEEPING . - . ROOMS .GAS stove, bath, phone. Main 103L lie N. 12th st. - - - PhonPaclfic 1300 LIGHT -HOUSEKEEPING WITH GA8 and bath. 482 E. Washington St. Dnom rTTV.Drv,-il it i vira tift.i tyuoii. Itvua a a a t . . m.-., i I i i m i r , L . . family lot. (25 to 376. superintend-1 WAwititi-cuMi'ETjiiNT CREAMERY 160 ant at cetnaterv corner of Fremont sti and Cully road. ' Phone Tabor 20(. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegei. (02 Commercial bJk. Phon Main 3823. MEETING NOTICES. i j Vv ) CARPENTERS' HEADQUARTERS, corner E. Pin end Grand ava meet every Tuesda- night. 1 Phon East (279. We pav all telegraph charges. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO., FARM- ara' ami loggers' neio a specialty, si N. 2nd st. 23 N. 2nd at. 341 Davis st rnone Main .: W ANTED AGENTS man for city; salary. C-466, Journal. EXPE R.IENCED FRAME MAKER AND 1 bench hand. Portland Sash 4 Door Wi j. xayior ana union ave. t ASSISTANT MALE STENOGRAPHER adV"an??r.tatr "ag .d SS IH '.W?rJ?- reSLftatV. -ue for very rea- rnaptaH AHrlraaa A.1AR Tn.....l I w "" . ".. " I nuuauie, i I 1 M WANTED TAILORS SMALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE WITH modern conveniences. 8u jerrerson. JEFFERSONIAN 514 JEFFERSON; two and three-room suites, complete furnished for housekeeping. Main 643! I FURNISHED SUITES FOR HOUSE- keeping and ! single rooms, furnished for housekeeping; I2.2S to $2.76 per weeK.- svztt ni. oaa. - txam 'oae. THE YALE, 291 GRAND AVE.; FINE, BRIGHT YOUNG MAN IN A BUSI-J airy rooms; free baths; : single or M. W. A. "EVERGREEN CAMP, " ,46( ' TJ' S M1T a,.l M. W A. Oriitj rfe avtc riMP Mfl Jc,t urnltur Mfg. Co., 12i4 Mac- terms and particulars address Oregon visitors welcome. - iyaiujiu injouiaiiiinx iuiiu auiiH: WAKimi-tAn iuu utauu TO WORK jappiy- ya wasnington. "5H W A NTIsn THOROUGHLY C.OMPE- tent and reliable nursery salesmen for tno Bitter Koot country, Montana ana I Hood River country, Oregon: exclusive agency given to party qualified. - For $13 3 . - LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gaa plats, steel range. (18 7th, Main 4529. - - . " ' FOR RENT HOUSES BUSINESS NOTICES " VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE men to prepar for railway telegFaph good.? If o w need yon complet phVlfl Via"S"l618 ' mppa service, passes furnished from achool outflt free; cash weekly. Vrlt forr" . 1. D, t vtn gTTf,w- v,ujict) , miuiiiuiiBrumi ciag, j sery eompany; oaiem, or; :-.".i-"-r'.i:;i v-iay v,.,, it 100 feet to beginning. W..' Covenant Contract 6L 427 FliedSe? WAJN i hX-BAjut&MKW AND SOLICI- BOMETHING7NEW IN HIGH-GRADE FO Kli T-;rvvu wnAtit,, 0.,146 i' l,0 Mdg. Main liJi wo.,47, meaner tor for best proposition ever mad to perfumes; price very low: supply and ,149 18th st. between Hoyt and V, i f'anln et al. to Alfred M. . L. C rirM?ciiA "ax r,r-f vr Doth agent and public; (50 to $75 per limited. R, i Plummer, at dVug mioti. Irving sts. Apply next door. '; , p. rr lng at the north- ., pnivliWF5' Zefr ma, ,rlo,tw th'- 20 3dt - . a r g e. gyo noupR. MODERN; 988 t r-- tf lot 4. block 21, ; . . t , " , 284 Washington st CalLafter 7 p.m. New Occidental hotel, a l r First S. Portland; rent $14. Inaulra i - artoitlon, thane . y iQN HORARY. 131 10TH 1ft "d Morrison, room 212. P, Kramer. . - WANTED FrVANCTATa. 288 Hamilton- ava .K 1-ti. flf IIITB F1MJLJI - vv 1 Z Z.2 .. ""niicu 111 CFTlTfl IIUV. I Vv A I liill 1m-. A Kil 'III T... TlVVB-O s. --v . I ! i t. I,. i : i i v I nt u in ' i 't 40 feet thenc . t0 feet to begin- t ma I n.Hfi.'ii 1 T " " jtuuu-b .Af-tiAA, ,v ,.VMm a aa. .- . --- -w-.u a ..... An,,. kt once. Long V Cross. Euarenn Or. Kill I WANTED IMMEDIATELY ONE CAR- i - penter. y jvavia, eeu list and lad. WANTED TO BORROW 1666 . PRIV i ate money; gilt-edged real estate se curity. Address M-464, Jourpat , GENERAL STORES-LIVE TOWN 8,000, center ; of t logging camp i and aw mllls; clean- stock, modern fixtures. W. Winks, South Bend, Wash. , . BUST THE v WOOD COMBINE GET your wood much cheaper. ' . For par- ticuiar aoaress ja-tas, journal NEWSPAPER ROUTE OF. 400 PA v per In Portland for sale; can, show a gross profit i of 1100 per month. - Don't answer iinless vou mean business. Fnr ft-sale for best offer, . Address N-600, jourrai. - FOR SALE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. ladles' and -gents', furnishings and no tions, situated - in on . or tn neat and liveliest cities on the coast; good brick Duuamg i ana one-year lease; aoing- a good business: will Invoice about 36.000: would take small farm or city lot for parft payment AQdres p-ibb, journal, f y f i y"1",; J. i". w v. m 1 1 ! WUS U , J.I PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDQEWoodlawn 132(.- T- no-innnlttnri ,,4t, ,. nvaaftvt ah 4- , XXT XT I t a -ir-r- "' A 1 1 proposition for Investment W. N, Ruble. Weippe. Idaho, t MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue A Co., (12 Buchanan bldg. , Phon Main 7368. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, SEE us. m We give you all references free of charge. O B. Arnold & Co.. original hotel brokers, 361 Morrison.- Phon Main 7311. i WILL GIVE ' INTEREST IN TWO household - necessities, patented, for us of $3,000 to start f--tory;. immense sales; 260 per cent profit; absolute se curity; return ot money within I months, guaranteed. East (2(0. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. 6-ROOM NEW MODERN COTTAGE, lnqulr at 48 uast 84th st - 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT $13 I ElJNCH yci lUVUbM ,4J, -4U. JSUI mini 1, t i J Roomlng-housea restaurant, hotels. f rocery stores, meat markets, real ea ato. business ' chances. Investments. Western Realty Company, room 610. 288 Washington st, Buchanan bldg. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE : Old-established, t with , or without sa loon; furnished;'. newly remodeled; - (36: also 7-roora house and orchard, $10: and 4 ats, 18 rooms, $25; all on west side. C. H.- Pi ggott owner, lawver. 4. .B and 1 6, Mulkey bldg. ; . AND -OONFJCfiTIOVFIRtr' tor for Sole; bargaia, 37 First modem bungalow: 1300 down, iso monthly. ! 43d, near .Hawthorna ; East Bit. ' . v r CORNER LOT1. FULL 'Miri. BLoCiS from car, at $100 less than value; must go thl weeks leaving city.' Mala 4398. . ' - HOUSE, ' TWO LOTS;'' FRUIT tfREES. berries; situated In Kern' Park; will sen ior caan, J. a. Ateexa, Arleta, ! . WHY PAY. RENT t l,500buy new 4-room oottxT fine ly furnished; porcelain-bath, hot and cuia war, eiectrio iignts, i concrete foundation: J fine lota on Mount Scott carline: only. $300 caah required. BS. J. Gelser. 221 Morri'on st. LARGE MODERN BUNGAL6W, ' Cor'I si. o i a. , Phon WE MUST SELL OUR HOME!; 'L6f 68 2-3x100! allev: modern navanLrnnn house; half block from car; University : Park station:- fruit ' trees, rosea: barn: Srlce $3,000. Can glv soma terms. Ad res L-462,lournal. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 10 mfnutes' ride from hnalnaaaf im hlnclr : from car line; $2,800. Hatfield & Smith, 165 Fourth et. ' NEW FOUR-ROOM COTtAGE ON IM-' proved street west aide, $3,260; full basement and attic: 'unobstructed view of river; near I carllneg. N-4 ( 4 , Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES; MODERN 7 ' room house' on installments: maka your own terms: beautiful corner with large, house; price reasonable; also ( room house,- all furnished complete; piano included; you will do well to look thi up; for particular - phon HAVE FOUR QUARTER AND SIX half acres at E. 26th st.', on block from ' car, t on from church, excellent soil. Bull Run water, ' easy payment. ' R. V. Belford. owner. Phon E. 4788. - OWNER LEAVING TOWN MUST sell at once modern cottage, lot 60x 100; splendid locality: reasonabl. , 166 ' Weidler st. ' ' " $3,000 IF SOLD SOON. FOR OUR NEW1 - seven-room modern noiin with hnae. , ment, Including ' blinds, linoleum and range, connected; high, nightly location, fine neighborhood, and many new nic ; homes being built near; block and half Of car: 31.000 cash. beJnnca aaav terma Call(Monday, if possible) on Owner, 988 E. 16th N Alberta car. -' SUBURBAN LOTS, $90 TO i2. BUx a bunch. They will doubl In value In' one year;- on Instalments of . $6 per month. - L. A. Patterson., room 11 : Rtarlr at AT COST MUST SELL, $650 WOODMERE BUNGALOW." Juan finished; I rooms, flrenlace. Water in: any easy terms; lot 50x100. H. W.s Lemcke Co,, Bth , and Washington streets. v 'OR SALE LOTS IN ONE OF THli) most Prosperous towns in Orairon: iirjuo, im. xgr iurtner iniormation aa- drss v. , xor iunnei 464, Journal. .