rn." tup !-CTr Fi;'rt liirtircr 11 Kar,. TSUI lOUiUmL CniUUUD 6.266 MClicS Or PiUD fiDVERTISIUG. FOll CQicSi'G.. TS YEAR THE JOURUflL CURRIED 9,269 IllCUESOFPMD ADVERTISING,' A GAUl OF 2imiS mimyjmi OVEREAT Or LASi ) a, tv RE YOU GOING AWAY? Have The Journal follow you to give you nil the news iron heme Is, The" Weather Pair and warmer tonight and tomorrow. , II - --- - , , . - , , if . Journal Circulation Sunday Was PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY ' EVENING, AUGUST ; 12, 1907.FOURTEEN - PAGES. PRICE , TWO CENTS. OW THAWS AWD VTVt bxaxjm.. ma cms ''asa a i j I H AT Jessie Headley; 15 Tears Old, ' Dives for Sinking Relative Who Could 7 Nor Swim. - After VictinVof Canoe Up- . set Was Sinking. Ilged? Woman ; Was All but Drowned Before Kescuing Boatmen. Beached Brave 1 Heroine' Who Managed to Keep Woman's Head Up. 4 la amort sensational and.darlng man : ner In which- aha displayed unusual .courage aad presence of mind. Jessie Headier. 'It Teara old. eared her, aged aunt from drowning In the Willamette - rlrer Just shortly after noon today. The girl with . her aunt waa bringing her . a i. ST a .. Tamers lunca to. nun in m ww ' the east aide of 4 the rlrer where htey are Hiring to where he- waa wormnr in the Bouta" Portland shipyard When ' little more than halt way across the - Tfverhe"cahoe suddenly turned over , throwing both occupant into tne river, . Workmen repairing the aBUey Gat Bert at the-South Portland shipyards " were lounging ana eating weir tuncn. They ' watciieU,' the ''girl paddling the canoe' evenly across the water aa she has done Jfor many weeks, They were uddeniy nornnea to see mi cano iuro over swiftly about II or IS yards from the shore and the next Instanee see Its occupants struggling u ' m wmr. . Quickly running for boats - the crew manned four small rowboats and put 'out into theTiver to rescue the girl -and her aunt. Kiss Headley fortunately la a very good swimmer, but her aged aunt cannot swim. When the boat turned over the aunt came up the first time under the boat . Before the girl could move the canoe out or the war ana turn it up right her aunt went down for the third tim. hut. iMlnr her dliaooear under the water, the brave vglrl dived for the rapidly Isnking form, grabbed It by the hair and brought it to the surface and she held it above water until the boats . arrived rrom the snore. -Mrs. Rickey was soon resuscitated and able to go back across the rlrer, two or tne men volunteering to row tne aunt and her heroine niece back to home and dryness across the river. - In speaking of the Incident afterward those who witnessed It said Miss Bead ley showed considerably more preeenoe of mind than many men would in the name predicament Mr. Headley . waa rery proud of hla daughter. '; Mrs. Rickey not being used to canoes undertook to assist the girl with an ex : tra paddle and in i her Enthusiasm turned the boat ' over. She did not re alize how eaey It waa done until she found herself strangling In the water. h CAR FOR VERY SHORT ill L Charge Starts!; Joint fiate ' Case Before Commission , j Calvin Explains . ' (Spedel Dlipttch to The Joarsat) ' ' Salem. Or., Aug. '13. A complaint waa . Sled today with the state railway com- mission by C R. Ayleaworth and IV C Espenham of the Sunnyalde Fuel com pany of Portland, veraua the Northwest i lagging company and .tne . roruana Railway,' Light A Power .company. ' : The plaintiff a hare been shipping fuel from Oerllnger Hill, a mile and a quar f ter from Deep Creek Junction,, which is Itself 2 miles from Portland.. The en tire road formerly belonged to the Port It land Railway company, - which charged ' rk cents a cord for the whole distance. ' The portion of the line from Deep Creek : Junction to' Oerllnger HU1 was trans. "" f erred to the Northwest Logging com ' pany which charges 15 per car extra for its part of the line. , The charge from Deep Creek Junction to Portland " isstlll 86 cents. This ia the first Joint rate case that has been placed in the hands of the commission. - - -.The commission has Just received a letter-from E. E. Calvin, rice-president of the Southern Paclflo railway, con cerning the poor time made , by train ' N& J while other trains on the same line keep much better time. . He states that No. It takes the east side of the ; R.-rmnto river and la affected by the c-jTnued congestion at Sacramento' and jr whiia other trains take the fL'Z.Zi :,a2 mnA avoid this. He says also S thaV east side contalna slow track , - onacoout of aertous washouts this ' iDrtng. As another cause he says that he transfer steamer Solano has been disabled, which delayed trains. He says , 1 with improved trafflo and track con - '-Titions he hopes to hare this train near ' ulrtime.ia the future..- A United States Marshal of V NomeKept Busy.Dodging Bepnty Sheriff With Sum; ' mons In Suit Brought by Former Wife.- ; Officer Has Several 4 Narrow " Escapes to Evade Service .Kumor jhat Suit Will Be Brought; to! Becover County Funds Unfounded. '.United States .Marshal T. . Cader Powell of Juneau, Alaska, .baa been putting In hla time in Portland today dodging a deputy sheriff who has been trying; to serve upon him the summona in a v suit brought by Mrs. . Gertrude Powell for breach of a contract to pay her , $489 a year alimony, made la HOI. The suit was filed, last Saturday as soon as it waa learned that Powell-was In the city, and the" deputy . sheriff a have been on hla trail ever since. This morning Powell had several' narrow escapes from Deputy Sheriff Penumbra Kelly, and would nare neen caugnt neo not his friends , warned hlmf that Kelly was after him. v . . ' ' ' - While the -contents or Mrs. - roweirs complaint, have not ret been made pub lic, it la understood that she claims the sum of nearly $1,000 from her. former spouse, who has been delinquent In his payments of alimony for a period of mere man. two years.,, ---. .-.V: Powell mas rawo. -Powell has one of the best federal positions in Alaska, for in addition to being V htiralnr also charged with important duties .in United Slates marshal, he is dls- agent for his district- aa is connection with the land office, the at tendant feea and perquisites being very handsome. But In spite of the large emoluments which he is receiving from the government. Powell has paid as little heed to the claims of his former (Continued on Page Two.) New; York ; Exchange Goes ' Wild fortunes Lost in Few. Minutes Strike J Deals Heavy Blows to Quo tations.'--V Beading Railway Falls Five .PollarsHOther Bailroads Feel Downward Pressure ; Resulting From Western Union Fight P '" ui liiiHi ajrrtei.1 . New York. Aug. 1 J. What Is believed to be the start of the biggest panic in rears started in the stock market this morning, and continued all through to- dar'a session. Tha selling pressure oven on the famous Black Friday was not so heavy aa today. The only thing that kept tha -market from finding bottom less prices waa the lack of telegraphic communication ' with ; many; Important points. ' I ".." ' - " It is not doubted here that practically fevery long holder ot stocks t -the- in terior waa wining to lei i iwr prw vUtlnar ha ould aet hla sellins: order to market This sort of feeling was what caused a drop or almost 10 a snare in the value f Reading Railway stock in the Jocal market today. Tne scenes witDMHd ob the exohansa todar were not the usual Monday ones, when all ia generally. - quiet, but every floor trader either had stocks to sell at al most any price or was waiting like a vulture to pica up ome unionunaia holdings at a nominal portion of its real raMies. - - - looses of S or $4 a share were quite common during today's session.. Union Pacific lost nearly $1.60 a share and Atchison was down fully the same amount ' American Smelter lost - to the tune of $5.60 a share, and would likely have gone lower nad tne session's time been extended. The Hill ' securities. Northern Paclflo and Great Northern were hit very nard. st Paul lost is (Continued on Page Two.) DANISH LI 1 T Mm mim ORB I m Secretary Instructs Railroad .Operators to Refuse West ern Union Business If - Compelled to Do So, Strike WiU Tie Up Rail Lines. Portland RepresentativeN)f King Christian of Denmark Protests Strongly Against Arrest of Aid Society Hc ' nickers for Giving Beer Away on Sabbath. Tt was one of the most outrageous and highhanded proceedlnge I ever heard of. I am glad. I waa not there or I would have punched Detective Kay in the nose."-. '::.:.A " ' ' This is the manner in which William KIsen. represenUUve of Hla Majaty Clng ChrlsUansof Denmark, discussed the action of Detectives Kay and Klen lln in arresting two members of the Danish Aid society of Portland for giv ing liquor .away at the picnic of the or ganisation at Roshe's park, Fulton, yes- r. Pateraon and T. Dahlsren were the two plcnlokers to fall into the hands of ths nolioe and from all indications the mumcpal court proceedings give promise of becoming most . interesting because of the active part being - taken , in -the case by Consul General Elsen. Deteotirea ISarred Testlritles. In accordance with their ususal cus tom of haying an annual outing, the Danish Aid society, composed of the most prominent Danish residents of the community, repaired to Rohse'a park yesterday morning, intending to thor oughly enjoy themselves. Nothing ,oc- o'clock, when Kay and - Kienlln put In an appearance and carted Messrs Peter son and Dahlgren off to Jail for vio lating the state law prohibiting the giv ing away of intoxicants on the Sabbath. The, arrest created intense excitement among the $00 Danes in attendance at the picnic - and. the ' storm is rapidly growing la intensity. The two men tak en into custody were released on deposit of $25 cash ball apiece and the case will be heard by Judge Cameron tomorrow morning. .... i went Beyond Authority. "A11 of those at the-picnic brought lunch baskets along and some refresh ments," said . Peterson tnls morning. "My partner and myself had a bottle Of whisker and several bottles of beer, which we drank with our lunch. These officers came . to where we were and after smelling the glasses on the table unwarrantedly ' overhauled our lunch baskets. . Finding the bottle of whiskey and beer they ' seised -them as evidence and made the arrests. : I think that their action was not Justified." Consul-General Ei sen say a that the Danish Aid society of which he Is a member Is one of the most powerful beneficiary Organisations In the United States. "The local branch was or ganised in 1884, and done a great deal of relief work. The members are among the most respectable cltlsens In the city, and I Intend to do what I can to put this man Kay where he belongs," Is the way the consul-general declares his in tentions, v- . v -' Why, these people were (out In the grounds drinking all kinds of liquor," Detective Tom Kay said .this morning. "-Little children and .women were at the tables, and there appeared to be no re gard for the law. ' If liquor can -be given awar promiscuously' at picnics,' there Is absolutely no use to enforce the Sunday law. I understand that Rohse, - the owner of the park, told them that they could not have any liquor at the picnic, and hla special policeman ordered the society members to stop drinking.',- MOBILIZATION MAY CAUSE SO AN DAL ' W- . (Journal Special Barries.) i V ' Washington, Aug. I. -- The presi dent's program to aend powerful battle ships and cruiser fleets to the Paclflo is threatened by a certain element In, con gress. Inquiries made at the navy de partment by members of tha naval af fairs committee of the two bouses and by individual senators and representa tives Indicate that there is strong oppo sition to the more. ,. Congressional In qulry may not be directed, but It seems certain uiat opposition in congress win demsnd of the president a full explana tion or tne oojects to do accompusnea i.;-. ' .Railroad operators at various offices on the Una of the a R. N. and the Oregon Short line, acting Under Instructions . sent out this morning by . Secretary Quick of the Order of Railway ; Telegraphers, refused to handle any; of the Western Union busl-' ness given . them to dispatch.- e -This la the first effective block e - whloh has teek put la the way e of, tha Westert. Union oompany e Itransaetlng tta Islafraphlc busl- e jaesa yree -14 tvwiea.:-ii. aa3e e effort to . relieve! the . congestion , e e f their offloea.SC " ' . e; e e e e eaeeeeew . Instructions sent out this morning by Grand Secretary-Traaaurer L. W. Quick to members of the Order of Railway Telegraphers not to handle any Western Union business haa frustrated the ef f orta of the company to dispatch tta messages over railroad wire and also threatens a complete tieup of all the railroad ayatema in the country; ahould any of tha operators be forced to com' ply with demands to uis their keys for other than railroad business; , ; - C The order Issued by SecreUry Quick from St Louis this morning throws the Western Union company back on ita own resources so far aa handling tele rranhio bualness Is concerned, and It ia not likely that the company will go so iar aa to involve mm numui ia in. atmrrla br attemDtina to force rail road telegraphers .to transact any of Its bualness. . Weald Zarolre maflroads, it ia atated that the first - attetnnt made to thrust western union ouniness onto the railroad lines will result In a strike of these operators, a move which would bring to a standstill the trans portation Business or every raurosa in the United States . on whose, lines the Order of JBallway Telegraphers ia or ganised. - - . The railway operatora, on the other hand, have pledged their moral and financial aupport to the atrikera who thia morning are leaving their places in all sections of ths east and south. It ia stated authoritatively that Port land telegraph operatora will not go out on a strike unless so ordered by President Small or unless some of the men here are discharged for refusing to handle work rrom non-union opera tors, in which event a strike would be nrwlnltated without loss of time and would receive the sanction and support I of the national organisation. fl man Wires Soeal Valoa. V nmai nnnratora in the cltv hare al ready refused to receive work coming from non-unloa men, but so far there has been none oisonargea xor taamg this stand. Until this morning the congested condition of the Western llniM halna- rallaved somewhat br the use of railroad wires, but this plan CllllilOl ws-'iSIX " 92 JSmsil, PwIdent'olthe.TeiegTa'phe 'V-';' --: -'"rT'-'yPMMatatrllte.PV.-V,-- . ALL LOCALS TO JiEET: : FOR IMEDiATE ACTION CMca.ttmpletelyIsola r pWcaUj-No New Strike Breai iArrive-Urom-pers States Operators Have Support of Labor. (Continued on Page Two.) ROBBERS HOLD UP CLUB Take Money From Till, Then Send Bell Boys Up in Elevator. br the movement. Unless the fleets are well on their way when congresa meets, resolutions designed to embarrass the administra tion are likely to be Introduced. Con trol of the ships of the navy is by law within the hands of the president, who will probably assert his independence of congress in sucn matters an ioroioiy as as aid ia uis orvwaaruii iuu .. (Joonud Special Semes.) ' Chicago, Aug. II. -Two inaaked men heldtup the Hamilton cluT laat atght and robbed the moneydrawer at the clerk'a deskv. getting ' HO therefrom, while the elevator boy, , and two beu boys were forced to faea the wall with th hania above their heads, and ia third boy cowered behind a curtain. ' nrh.n tha. flnlnhad with the cash- drawer, the cracksmen turned to the saf a and were preparln g to Insert an explosive, -when -the noise -of a buiaer. transmitting a call from the billiard room, where membera were playing, caused them to leave. ' They ordered the boys at the point of their revolvers Into the elevator, and as the elevator went-up the men -ran down tne stairway .-it ..Monroe -etreet and eacaped, ( , , doarsal Special Service.). fleaire, Aug.' U SecreUry Russell haa Issued a call to all locals to hold maetlne-s immediately preparatory to a general strike if the eompanlea do not grant full demanda. without further de lay. He eaya that Chicago la complete ly, closed up. , No new etrlke breakera have arrived. President Gompers of the - American Federation of Labor arrived this morn ing to attend, the conference of those strike. He ststes that the entire two and one-half million members of the American Federation , are behind the telegraphers. ' "I know nothing about 'the merits of the strike." said President Gompers, "but the fact that the strike has been sanctioned by the executive committee satisfied me that it is all right" This city ls isolated telegraphically, according to the - admission made at noon : by Superintendent Cook of the Western, Union. The strikers have cut Chicago , oft . the map,", he said. , rWe hare, men working, but cannot keep the wires going more than two minutes at a time. I , believe that the railroad teleg raphers have received ordera; to . put Chicago out - of business through co operating with , the commercial telegra phers." ' ' . 1,,: , ; -i,--.. r -.: Tho same conditions apply to the Postal company, i i National Secretary Russell, of the Telegraphers' union., states that the strike will be universal by tomorrow, and that the men wUl .use their entire strength ; to " enforce their demands. Union men will not be allowed to work with those not belonging to the organisation,-whieh practically means that the strike will be universal. The national officers are now working- in hnony with the men. although the strike waa precipitated without their- authority. The railway telegraphers have a mil lion dollars In their treasury, which has been placed at the disposal of tha Whistle Is Blown and Nine Hundred Men Leave Keys s Joined in - Street by, Striking Postal Operatora -Only 25 Left in Office. J cV . Chicago City telegraphically isolated. -, i -v San Francisco Men deserting keys;.. 'h-j'-i' -,-- Denver Postal men go out. ; - Kansas City Leased wire operators out. . ' New Tork Operatora mala of fice ' Western Union and Postal strike. , i:o;ii--vv ' Augusts, Ga, Western Union men, join strikers. v A : l' f. New -TorkrCotton exchange Operators atrlkA :" .':..., New Tork Cable operatora of Western Union go out. , e ' i - Ooernal Special Berries.) . New .. Tork. Aug. It Nine hundredl Western- Union, operators In the mala office are out, 1 They quit work at tha signal of tha whistle blown by a union official, A company official tried to stop the elevators to prevent the men from leaving the building. Tha opera tors will be joined in the street by tha . (Continue on Page Two.) GE ERA t SAYS OFFICIAL Assistant General f Superin tendent Blake of Postal at Frisco Thinks So. . (Continued - on Page Two.) The" rolume of iadvertising: carried by -the "three dily papers of Portland for the week; ending August n 'was as ionowa; , - j t -.r v Journal. 11 ,l3reeontan. ..Telegranv Local, Inches....; 6,361 Foreign, inchet. .....t.. CUssified and Real Estate, ins. 2,251 , r:-.- -692 2,678 . IT avnA V : Ual afcO - 430 1,633 . , 9,269. .8,9TT , 7,792 ' nt mAwtna rarried br- The, Journal . continus 7 large for "the good old summer time." It is evident that The Journal grows more and 4more, popular with the reading public, as well as with advertisers. ' As an advertisinff medium, price, compared to. Jt-results, it has few, if any, 'equals. and there is no newspaper west. of the Rockies that gives advertisers so great, a proportion of paid circulation 1 for each dollar invested in advertising pace. The . 2 ! journal sells the advertiser, : under contract, space m. the daily and o Sunday Journal at 2 cents per inch, per insertion, per 1,000 of paid . circulation. -When an-advertiser gets tne pcucm ui.pjiaurcnuuon . at this price he can be, sure that he is buying newspaper publicity at bargain1 rates. . l. - : . ' ' . '' ' And here : the advertiser has insight into the policies , of those ' papers "which" do ..not prove or guarantee or make public, their paid If thev. did. thev would: have to take less for space than X -they are ;now- obtaining, as the public credits them with larger paid X HrnilfltfJins than thev enior. The advertiser should adopt tho nrin- i " ciple of the Missourian, Vshow-me," before buying space in mediums ; J X. who hide their 'circulation light under half bushel measures. ' , ,(. . That a general strike " will occW among telegraph operatora In, every part of the country ig the belief of J. O. Blake Of San Francisco, , assistant gen eral superintendent of the Postal Tele graph "company on the Paclflo coast, who is at the Oregon hoteL and ex pressed an opinion this morning that he regarded President 8. J. Small s tele gram to Commissioner Nelll equivalent . ;j'-J Hot Kera oa sTtrlke. " - . Mr; Blake la In Portland to meet J. A. Forehand of Seattle, district super, lntendent of the company. Mr. Blake denies that his visit has any connection, with the strike, situation and said that the men had no reason for striking at this time. While Mr, Blake was being Interviewed a note was handed him an nounclngj that the Postal men had gone out at Denver and Los -Angeles. Mr. Blake's only remark was, "Now, What cense Is there in that. Those men have absolutely no grievance against the com pany nd no reason for etrlklntr" When asked whether the company had made preparations to replace the men should they go on strike, Mr. Blake said no. Ha also said that he did not know how long it would take to replace the strikers In event, of a strike, but ex pressed the belief, that the company could secure men r to , f 111 the empty . places. 'i--v s-Y,. .,. .:;.,Y "x- ''.&:'. Prepared' fo Siege. From one remark " that Mr. ' Blake dropped it has - been inferred that Uie company has prepared for a long slcxe in - case of strike and will . tight tne men tq the last ditch. He remarked on the fact that many of the men were not in a position financially to withstand a long strike. It has also been Inferred that-the company expttots to recruit mu to replace the strikers from the sti lit ers own ranks. "President Small'a telegram to Com missioner Nelll,' said Mr. Blk, "amounts to nothing but a dotdarstioa of a strike for tomorrow. He says the present strike is illegal but because of the great provocation and resentment against Western 'Union officials an ! because of bivS faith universally that general strike be authorised tomorrow unless he can find a way to brin atut conciliation. V . , . , . i "In my estimation this U eqalvi, - to calllne a strike. I i "t ' a strike will be callf'l aiM no opinion as to , Small' . telegram tuii 'l have nofhlra- t..d althor-here or t - "i came to I'orthin-J on e i Inspection anrl " cr'ff v hHmi n1 snuih'-r tt.an V.r ' -- ' ' . 1 ;!: ( l r v 1.