The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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ubscribers tin hava Tha Tnnmal
PWJ t tha regular rata at tha fot-
lowfr resorts by notifying tha agents
si ine various places mentioned. Sub
scriptions by mall are payable la ad
' .7 omkjoh resohts. '-J
rtt.-.-.M....M4P. X Struok
- ' Lake... ...... llot Lak Sanitarium
' "prlnga., .........
. Boyd A Son and Mineral Springs Hotel
;! EVe Springs., Thomas Moffett
-,, Collins Springe..,,,,. ...C. T. Belcher
-": I Iwaoo,.., ..,...,, ..Louis Cohan
Mviia- aeaon..,. ...........
' ra)aJl Fottenger and Q. A. Smith
Naheotta.... ".......It J7 Brown
; paean Park Matthew Tbedford
rank K. Straukal
, una Breexers .The Breakers Hotel
j" . : k .. . . ' . "-
Marouam Grand ......Tha trndartow."
uraad vauaeviifa.
Lyrlo , "Jim. tha "Westerner."
Btsr .' "A Bachelor's Honeymoon."
Tha Oaks, O. W. P. oar Una, Vin and
, ' : -i Alder. . ,
- Athletto Park. baseball, doubleheeder
, irauuauqvs. 4'uruAiiu, m p, m.
uity rarx. ooocert, ia cannon mum.
A- -, -
. '
I MM Mil I I 111 lil.f! llllll,.ali..l.aM 1 i K
Conspiracy . Case Results
From Transaction at ,;
.'rft ' Ma'rshficld. V:'r
p. m.
lenoa propertjr la tlag aoagbt
rut by nawoomara, and wa hare nam
bar of Inqulrlea for good, wall-built real.
, aencaa 01 meaium ooai on ma wait aiae.
and also In Irvington, Uolladay, Haw.
thorne avenue and Kaat Madlaoa addl-
tlona. Persona, having deilrable home
for sale wjth prtcea reasonable will find
It to their advantage to list same with
us, as wa can promptly elos a number
of sales. . Charles K. Henry, lit Third
ktreet, Portland Oregon.
: Orooarg clerks I Will 70a please state
to your customers that Golden Grain
Oranalea lias three points ia lta favor,
via.: Wore In every package, purer than
a.ny other and It reaulrea out t mlnutaa
to bolL ResDaotfullr - yosrs. John
iiaaaw, advocate of ooidaa oraia Qraa
uiea. tor man woman and oXUUUran.
Water through t , hoe for sprinkling
yards or aldewalka oV washing porches
or windows must be paid for la advance 1
ana Uiea only between tne nonrs of
and a. m., and and p. m. It must
not ba used for sprinkling streets. If
uaed contrary to these rules, or waste
fully. It will ba shut oft ,
Trolley excursions tomorrow- to
Oraaham, 45 cents; to Boring, XJagle
Creek and Estacada, 75 oenta round trip.
Tickets must ba purchased on sale in
waiting room after 7:15 p. m. tbla even
ing, cars leave 7:10, 1:10, 11:80 a, m
1:10. 1:40. 6:44, 7:15 p. m. Dinner at I
Hotel Bstaoada 10 cents.
Trolley excursions today to Oraaham.
45 cants; to Boring, Eagle Creak and
Estacada, 75 cants round trip. Tickets
must be purchased on sale la waiting
room arter 7:10 p. m, mis e renins,
Cars leava T:t0. 1:10, llrtO a. m- 1:10,
1:40, 5:44, 7:15 p. 1
Estacada, so cants.
. JLnat Sbannoa Monro. -.
'" A gnort Wry wrlUea br SHaa
4 Ana Shannon Monroa and pnb
Ushad In tha August Issue of
4 . Snnset, Is creating a great deal
4 of Interest through Us unusual
4 ending. ,v O roups of peopH all
4 , over tha city bar raad tha story
4 and discussed tha reason for tha
4 ending,' some participant wax
e tag extremely warm la their
4 praise or denunciation of; tha i 4
4 ' heroine's action. Jt baa proved
4 k a aeoond Xady or tha Tlgsi",
4 In tha Interest created, few peo-
pla agreeing as to Just why tha
young woman acted as aha did.
e and what motlra prompted her
4 oouraa. . -
4 TCo faot that tha acena of tha
4 atory U Mount Hood, and its au- 4
4 . tbor, Mias Monroe, la a Portland
4 ' resident. Increases local interest e
4 though tha story's merit will
4 make It raad all over the country
e with oqual avidity,
' Tha feast of St Lawrence will ba
solemnly observed at Bt Lawrenoa
church today. At 10:10 a, m. solemn
high mass will ba offered up by tha
pastor, assisted, by Rev. B. Bolla and
Rev. Thomas . Klarnan. Tha panegyric
of tha saint will ba preached by tha
Vary Rev. J. J. Gallagher, president of
Columbia university.
or sacred
0, TirlO a. nv, 1:3 Col urn b' u"t'- rrfcm
a? Dinner at Hotai v'.i'
Trolley rldea to Oregon City aad Oa
aamah Park, 45 cents round trlpi tick
ets good for return trip on a a T. Co.
boats. Cars leave ticket offleo and
waiting room, First and Alder streets,
every IS minutes from 4:11 a. m.
' Mr. A. D. Perkins of the Punmaa Auto
Car company la contemplating a trip to
San Francisco on business. Mr. Parkins
will there orocure some new. modern
machinery for bis factory, as well as
'-some hum expert maoamisia,
5 Tha Veteran Double Male Quartet win
sing at Taylor Street Methodist church
this svenlnsv Tha youngest of these
singers is ii, while Judge Bullock,
leader, la (1 years old. They have been
wi ll.l. ha-1 kuM AatAnll ,
der tha direction of Miss Mattle Kelly.
The choir will ba pom no Bad of Messrs.
Olanelll, Sanvaln, Montag, Bannon, Par
cell. Underwood, Cain, Kasper, Orlmm,
Fleming, Kern, Mailer, A. Lauraln, the
Htuu w. mil T Hinru Rarratt HaaJa.
Lavhale, Smith, McOee and Twlss.
Today wiu aziord a rinai opportunity
to hear Miss Elisabeth Harwaa. tha
popular soprano, she atarts on her long
journey xor Milan nexi weanesaay.
This feast marks tha twenty-fourth
anniversary of tha founding of St Law
rence parish. -
Conspiracy and fraud in the sale of
a large tract (A lana at utriniKiu,
Oreson. are charged In a, suit filed la
olroult oourt by tha South Harbor De
velopment company against E. D. WhlU
nsy, a W. Tower, Isaao Towar, c w.
Codding, S. R. Robinson.' W. 2. Latimer,
and iha Bennett Trust company. Xt Is
charged that the defendants conspired
together to earn an unlawful secret
oroflt from the sals of land to the cor
poration in which they hfld stocK.
It is alleged that C. W. Tower, C W.
Codding and E. R. Robinson secured
rom Stephen Lapp an option on aone
md for $11.700.. In November. 10, It
IsT alleged. Tower came to Portland and
conspired with E. D. Whitney to form
comoany ana sen ine upp .inn .w
0 .. .. o
"An East side Bank for Vast )
1 ' ' mA Paopla.";,, . .; j
divide the
a n
the company for 120,500, an
proms. , . - - .
Part of tha plan was carried ont ac
cording to tha oomplalnt and the com
oany asks judgment against tha defend
ants for about $5,500 in cash. Attor
ney Thomas O'Day appears for tha com
. Balf-praaervaUoa Ia tha First
.-' Every person' hopes to have a
comfortable . homo - la old age.
Small amounts of money deposit
ed la a SAVINGS BANK will pro
vide suob. a
V, .
Commercial Savings Bank
With Its conservative basinets
methods, will protoot your Inter
eats, and PAT you Interest at 4
par " cent compounded eeml-aa-aually.-
11.00 wll open your ao
eount. , '
Geo. W. Bates.. ...President
J. S. Blrral .Cashier
. . .... , .
Eighteenth Annual'Meetlng
of Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial Congress.
Tha eighteenth annual meeting of tha
trans-Mississippi . commercial congress
will bo held at Muskogee, . Oklahoma,
beginning November It and ending No
vember It. Tho governor of each atate
la narmltteA to aDDOtnt from 10 to 10
delegates, mayors of cities from 1 to
10 delegates, commercial oouios imra .
to 10 delegatea and .counties 1 delegate
Among the Oregon men on ma oixiciai
matar f tha Mntrtii are Tneoaore d.
Wilcox, John Barrett Tom nicnarajon
and Peter IX)ggie 01 norm ena. mr,
Wlrv la a mamhar of the ConsTSS-
alonat mmmltlM. Mr. Barrett is vloe-
presldent for Oregon and Mr. Richard
son and Mr. Loggie are members of the
executive committee. 1
AnanlaJ attention will b Xlven by the
congress to the questions or removing:
obstructions to river navigation, and of
closer commercial union with tha Latin
republics. Space for exhibits at the
congress has been reserved by cities
and counties sll over the country, and
especially by cities la Oklahoma.
Dr. Jamas H. Hyslop, author of sev
eral notable books and lecturer of na
tional prominence, will be la Portland
this week. He will lecture on "Science
and a Future Life" aad "Philosophy
and Democracy" on tha evenings of Fit
day aad Saturday, August II and 17, at
( o'clock la. the Unitarian church at
seventft and Yamhill streets.
xno use or tne church has been
granted for the benefit of the people of
Portland by tha pastor and trustees In
response 10 an urgent request.
Dr. Hyslon's lecture ; recently at
tracted a large audience In San Fran
olseo and will undoubtedly do so In
roruana. xne lectures are free.
- ur. mtbiod. wno was formerly nro-
fassor of logic and ethics In CoiumbU
I linlvaM1 1
TheStock&Bond Exchange
'Bi.,a mm . ...
American Biscuit
Oregon Water Power .. 91
Omaha Ind. Telephone
Paoiflo Coast Biscuit
Portland General Elea
Portland Railway
Portland Home Tela.
Spokane Home Tela.
Tacoma Home Tele.
Bank Stocks
Bank of California .... I1IH
Bankers' A Lumbermen's 110
Merohants' National
Oregon Trust A Savings
Portland Trust of Or
bnited States National. 100
Alaska Packers' Assn... 41
Associated Oil Co.
Omaha Ind. Tel. (pfd.).
Pacific Tel. A Tel. (com.)
Pacific Tel A TeL (pfd-)
Portland Home TeL
Spokans Home TeL ...
Tacoma Home TeL ....
Alaska P. A Coal (trees J
Aiasira r. u tpooieoj
British CoL AmL. Coal. .
Mammoth (Metallne) . .
Morning (Metallne) ..
Btandard Consolidated .
Cascadla M. A D. Co. . .
American Telegraphone.
United Wireless TeL Co.
sis 4 WASxnraTO
I 0
IS ,
t 4.60
singing together 10 years.
Trolley rides to Oregon City aad Ca
namah park. 41 cents round trip; tickets
good for return trip on O. C. T. Co.
boats. Cars leave ticket offleo and
waiting room. First' and Alder streets
every IS minutes from 1:28 a, m.
Amusement Council Crest park every
evening. Take a carrlde to this most
beautiful spot Music, dancing, moving
pictures. Illustrated, songs, etc Vocal
and instrumental muslo by tho "Ha
waiian musicians." -
This will remind you that bow Is the
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the same day.
Main 474. The Portland Curled
Fartorv. W Matca-ar. nronrlatnr '
Dr. Mary Lane, now at the Lane Insti
tute, rooms 5 to 14, Grand Theatre
building, diseases of women aad chil
dren a specialty, Consultation free. Cor-
I ai.ntl.l wnrlr A-lr .nf 71. Tk.. I 4" -, vuywnu,. . wt. m, n.
- pSuThi " tt'JTS'STZSJZr "wuw Middle. .Colonies; vol. 6. The colonies
as, i i under tne House or tianover: ivut. ca-
ex-1 . I naAlan Annual Review of public Af.
Leaves Washington street m- V;rJ" riir." f.ur". "Z.
. I ormowsra ox inicago, Illinois, Dun-
u7, Auiu ii, ra ui nu a Army
The following list of additions to the
-Portland library have been announced
by the llbrartaai '.
General Works Calendar of tho Cor
respondence of , George Washington
With the Continental Congress, prepared
by J. C FlUpatrick. Naval Records of
the American Revolution.
Science Animal Behaviour, 1100.
Characters of Crystals; an Introduction
to physical crystallography.
Useful Arts Purification of Public
Water Supplies, 1801. Handbook of
Metallurgy, iv., Ed. S. Motor Vehicles
Tor .nuaineaa rurjiua., i,u, ''"
Luncheon and Tsa, by Marion Harland
(pseud), los. . .
Fina Arts Treatise on Photography.
Ed. I, 100L Complete Work of Rem
brandt: tr. from the German by Flor
ence Simmonds. Iv., 1107-101.. Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Programes. Oou
lOOt-May. 1907. The Great Violinists
and Pianists, 1104. Sir John Everett
Millals, by A. Lalury, 18811.
Amusements Friday 'Afternoon
Series of Dialogues Suitable for Boys
and Girls in School Entertainments,
1880. Practical Golf. 1001.
Literature Farces: The Dictator, The
Galloper. Miss Clvilliation. 1901; Fri
day Afternoon Speaker, 1181. Minor
Poets' of the Caroline, 1906.
Description and Travel Tibet, the
Mysterious,' 1900. The Victoria Reglna
uiutuh,. i u.tvuus ma wouiv lime 1 . . . , . u -
to research. His present lecturing tour AtJ5oU.lca11aR?I,,iSalif.!il &I?a01?A
is In the interest of the American So- if1- Ed. I, 19tf6. , Gubblo .Past and
cletv for PsvchieaJ Raaaarnh rrni. i. werm jnuueiriu nu
.- I ... . A P.nt..M a , A ry.Mwla
slon. Man of New Orleans. 1885.
History Cambridge Modern History,
r?rh.rt"ff 1' OUlok and sub- ,n Amartr. 4-S: content: Vol. 4. The
Tarn hill street between Third' and
North Pacific
College of
roBnAjrs, omsao.
Unsurpassed la equipment aad
advantages. One of the largest
schools of dentistry la the entire
west .
The annual session begins Oc
tober 1. For further informa
tion and catalogue address Dr.
Herbert C. MUler, Dean.
Coras Fifteenth aad Ooaoh Its-,
PorUaad, Oregxim.
Steamer Jesse Harklna. for Cams
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cepi eunaay. xeaves wasmng
dock at 1 p. m.
" .'w -- eswawaaeasMaa
Scientific Shoe Repairing Best work.
Sewed soles, men 7 So, - women SOo.
Jacob Sohwlnd, 117 Stark, .near Park.
. Party1 wishes' -to meet man who ad
vertised for capital of a new corn flake
Adaress journal. ,
halL corner Second and Morrison streets.
seats tree; no collections.
I wooo.
y new
"The Three Win"
sen. Grand Army halL 7 p. m. August
I 11. under ausDlces of Auxiliary Rlhla
i society. All inviiea.
E. W. Brenner-
nnhmu atanlt Muat ralaa mniiav
by - Veones4tay. Will sell 10 or 20
shares, p. o. box 707, lty. .
' EL . W. Moore, expert photographer,
Elks' building, Seventh and Stark sts. I
I' im .::
Portland Shoo Repair company, III
Acme OH Co.
fine gasoline. Phone Eaai
sell safety coal oil and
t 759: B-1007;
; Few purchases carry tne high
degree of pleasure and the last
ing satisfaction that the - very
finest Diamonds and Diamond-set
Jewolry convey. A peculiar senti
ment and pride attaches to . the
absolutely perfect gems, t
Our reputation as well as yours
is at stake when wo sell you a
Diamond. We know that It will
be the most satisfactory to .both
Of us to sell only flawless Blue--White
and Extra . White Dia--monds,
and therefore do not carry
flawed or off-color Diamonds in
our stock. The buying ad
vantages resulting from years of
;: experience and tne heavy reserve
stock that we ' carry enable us
to serve you ; at prices that are
as low as are. commonly asked"
for the ordinary grades of Dia--monds.
v ,
. tie
Jt 11 rMark4t t-4Aaart JswaIv WATJOaaft 4f AW
Fine Goods.
. 286 Morrison Street
D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh,
Berger signs 184 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism.
Book-Jeweler I OS. Alder. .
For Ice call Main 184 or A.II4E. Tna
Delivery company, til stark st
j. - ; . ', 1 f 'J 1
Where to Dine.
Watson's Restaurant win serve a line
nicxen ainnsr ioaay, eo cants.
plaaola Ubrary Sxpaadsji -
in order to meet the ever increasing
exDansion of the Pianola L,lhrarv of
Music, and to give additional spaoa to
this department, Eilers Piano House bss
just aaaea anotner room with accom
modations for several thousand more
rolls of this popular music Library
arger selection than ever before, and It
fairs, 190S. French Revolution, 1904.
My Life as an Indian. 1907. History
of Ancient Civilisation. 1906. -
Biography Jane Austen and Her
Times, by E. G. Mltton. Robert Brown-
lna? and Alfred Domett ed. bv F. G.
Kenyon, 1908. George Fox, by Thomas
Hodgkln, ed. I, 1908. Petrarch, the
First Modern Scholar and Man of Let
ters; a selection from his correspond
ence with Boccaccio and other friends,
tr. from the Latin by Robinson A Rolfe,
1907. Georxe Washington, by Norman
Han good, 1901.
Fiction The North Pacific: a atorv of
the Russo-Japanese war. The Adven
tures of a Supercargo, - Different Girls.
Howells A Alden. eds. The Heart of
Childhood, Howells A Alden. eds. In the
House of Her Friends- Ufa in a small
oollege : town. La Nouvelle Atala;
legends Indlenne: par Chatha-ima
Sid Ton See Themf
InJrpect those splendid new pianos di
verted from San Francisco, and being
soia .iere at ot cents on jun dollar.
vsiuea positively startling. 1200 instru
ments for 1114. The 1100 arrades at
1171. 1400 grades at 428. A sale never
duplicated in tnis city Derore. They're
Koine- fast you'll have to hurry, Ada
our wmaows. fliers Piano House,
i"ara ana nunui(ion sis. .
Portland Academy
S embers will now have the benefit of a
rsrer selection than ever before, and It
i - -rri 'iis dovs ana
-rhn t.t;rriv. ' A .rv Y: western colleges. Over two
roRTLASnv oaxaow.
Hlneteentli Tear Opens Seotembev la.
Fits noys ana gins lor eastern and
astern collesres. Over two hundrad
Itraduates aomutea to college. An ath
etlo field and thoroughly eaulnned svm.
naslum. Includes an elementary school.
constantly, which Is actually more than
carried by all other player piano dealers
in waanmrton. f Jreron and Tdnhn mm,
oinea. i ne incomparaoi
a spienaia - collection i
choose, gives Pianola L:
an advantaae not to ba
where, and facilities not
representatives of any other make, of ust from I a m. to II m. Catalogue
e merit or such) wmwi rwoin. vuv ai nu ror
rom which to ino Acaaemy, giving especial attention
nsrary Members to -reading, spelling and penmanship,
dnnllnatad alaa-i Thorourhlv competent teachers in hnfh
offered hv tha I denartmanta. . Office hours durina- in,.
player piano in the northwest
So bin son A OCs Move.
It was a artxvt oca fnp man Wtin hava i
laarnml that ilraaalnw la - haul
Tlite to business success. They've been i
moving new, high-grade, seasonable!
mens rurnishings from their oounters
to homes as raoidlv as aalas cnnld ha
maae, dui suu there's a good selection
In every line.--Cross the street to 219
Washington and examine these, a-ooda.
all greatly reduced in prlee. .. ,
': " - . 1 a
Freo Meat Three Month.
It Will ba that lens- in soma families
from IS to 160 worth of government In
spected meat 10 i splendid prises. See
details elsewhere in this paper, or send
2 -cent atamo to deoartment IT. 8. In.
speoted meats, room 14 Hamilton build
ing, Portland, Oregon, for complete ta-
fArm.tlAik. ..i,.). ,.0, ; ...
aent on application.
Sloxle raeaa or aa salts. Klara tor. - ata.ia
sat elcetrle llskts and all meoera eoaTaol-
strictly tint-eun. uosTralaat to shop.
r acntera. 00 otract nee rrom rarry aad
d and Townatod depot. Jtatta 1 as.
IS kOJi at., near v.a aveaae. '
a S. O ANTES. Mgr. V
Dr. nabert F. Leonard
What Would Be Tour Contribution
to Thla Yum-TummisITQuestlon.?
A good . subject for a silly season
discussion has been hit upon by What
to , Eat The burning question Is:
What are the best tea things to eat?
Tha propounder of this delectable
problem hastens to explain that It does
not refer to the ten articles of diet
which are best for the eater's health,
but "the ten things you eat that you
prefer to all others.
"Everybody, of course, eats. And
everybody has favorite dlshea . But
when once one starts to narrow down
the list to ten very best dishes the
problem begins to get vexing.
"Suppose the sholce has narrowed
down to either a ripe venison stsak
or a tender prairie chicken roasttd
over the coal a How would you oast
your vote then 1
"Review what you do eat and then
think out what you would most like to
eat, and then narrow these selections
down to lust ten, taking Into consid
eration, of course, the season of the
year, the meal to be chosen and the
prevailing of conditions of weather.
J. E. Wolfe of Greensboro, Virginia.
who was asked the question, gives
this as his personal selection:
1. Roasting ears, roasted In shuck
-n hot ashes. 1
2. Broiled Bmllhfleld ham.
1. Smothered aualL with gravy.
5. Stewed oysters seasoned to salt
taste. -.
6. Mountain trout roasted In the
ashes in a shuck.
7. Country sausage. Ilka our mothers
used to make.
I. Roastina- ear vuddina.
9. Buckwheat cakes, with s-ood but
r and Dure molasses, washed down
with coffee.
10. Bermuda onions boiled like
poached eggs and seasoned to suit
But this Is far including all the
a-ood thlnars to eat
Think of the big Thanksgiving tur
key where does that come In? Or
a canvas back now and then. Or
lobster on a cool night Or look at
this awful array of tastles that has
already been conjured up.
Enormous Bums Spent Annually by
Americans In Europe.
German- nas been dolnsj some figur
ine- on tha annual nroflt to Euroue from
tha Amarlnan tourist invasion. It is
assumed that 100,000 persons make a
liying trip across tne Auanuo eaqn
year, and their oxnendltures. exclusive
of steamship tickets, are averaged at
iyuu a nead or a total 01 azxs.vuu.uvu.
This sum is mostly divided among
the railroads, hotels and board ins nouses.
xauors and dressmakers ana art aeai
era. It la estimated that SO.OUU Ameri
can women huv more or less clothing
in pans every year, ana mat tney leave
ss.uuu.ouo as a minimum wun tne artras-
makers, and 11,600.990 wun tne muii-
For eurlos and arrlcles'to be kept or
made presents as mementoes or tne trip
Americans soend about 12,000.000 ' in
Paris every year. The amount of "trib
ute- tnus paia to mo uia worm oy
the New has increased at a fixed rate
every vear until the present. There is
some alarm now lest American liber
ality be checked by the greed of those
who profit by it; The outrageous prices
asked, often three or four times the
current local value of artloles, have
been detected : by many visitors and
many cromlalnar deals. It ia said, hava
., ' .. - - - . 1
Wt' hava found after inventory that, we have a number, of odd pieces which we no longer Intend to carry.
These pieces we will dose out at prices extremely loweven for ue, the leaders in low prices, -
And the $800 which we save monthly on rents alone we share with our patrons by correspondlnf reduction
la oar proflti, ,r :aIH ' " , M " : ' -. - .
The good points in our tables are suoh as cannot fall
to appeal to any man or woman who eontamplates a
purchase, of -this kind, ' '
One of the exceptional bargains from a new ear f
tables received last week Is a 1-foot golden quartered
oak a regular
$30.00 Table for $20.00
There are also many others which It win pay you
ta see, v '
I ' " jS- i ' ' I
1 . , .. ; t ,
i'. '!:'.' "Yf "''' "' fit
Aa In other lines, so also In ladles' desks and muslo
cabinets ws are the leaders In low prices. And these
prtcea anouia convince yon;
121.09 utdier jjesa.
110.00 Idier
114.71 Ladles'
um convince yon;
les Pesk , fflfl.OO
IS Ba:!.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: tMl
364 to 370 East Morrlton
Of the many excellent bargains to be had at Robinson & Co.
during; the short rims remaining of their
The moit conspicuous part of
the summer man's toilet a
necessity to those who appre-
. ciate appropriateness in dress
these shirts are of good
wearing material, well tail
ored, roomy and comfortable
with cuffs attached or two
pairs detached, bosoms plain
or plaited; regular t J 1C
$1.50 values, now., yield
Shirts of distinctive individuality,
up to the minute in style,
fabric and workmanship; they
fit perfectly in all essential
points, the same time giving
that easy careless graceful
effect that distinguishes a
well-made negligee; single or
double plaited, also plain
front; $2.50 and $2
values now
' Just the hat you seed now and .
will need for some time to
come; always soft, pliable and
serviceable, no danger of
getting it crushed or out of
shape; these hats are college
and telescoped styles, ia ah
excellent grade of tan' and
pearl gray felts; reg. An jr
$3 and 3 values now ipaCaOD
The greatest addition to the
business man's toilet are the
new washable ties; these ties
are in all the latest novelty
patterns, plaids, polka dots,
dark colors, delicate lavenders
and blues, , also . beautiful
whites; they have an excel
lent silk finish, and richness
seldom found in washable ma-
CC terials; let us show you OP.
ej)lall them sale price asUC
Men's plain and fancy colored balbriggan, mercerized, nainsook,
light wool and fine lisle thread Shirts and Drawers; excellently
made, best 'materials; regular $2 to 75c 41 QC lA AC
values, now ....? ..l.OD l0 4i5C
Other bargains too numerous to mention in Ties, Belts, Suit Cases,
etc., await your inspection call and let us show you them.
289 Washington Street
Is tho best of all good things
that eomo from the grocer. It
makes tho most wholesome and
nutritious bread and the daintiest
eake and pastry. ' It ia a biscuit
flour it Is a pastry, flour It Is
a bread flour It Is a cake flour
It Is an all-around flour made for
70U. . " :. ' ' '
Washburn-Crosby Ccs'g .'
Oold fledal Flour
1.65 TER BACK.
D. Ca. Burns Co
210 Third St.
Phone ila!a olo A 1036
i 0 PUTC5
fw nrn.a
n L U III sav .
We can extract one or all your
teeth without hurting a bit, and
out in new teeth the same day
If you desire. .
t Our system of crown and
bridge work Is simple, quick and
painless.' . - ; .'.
When desired you can have T.
r. wise or my personal sarvloa
rainless Xxtraottag Tree When
nates are Ordered.
' eo TSAma wsmm
ani doing dental work all tha
time. .That is the record of Dr.
W. A. Wise. That's one reason
our business has grown our pa
trons come back, and they send
their friends.- ; . ' t
M A. WISE, Dentist
railing bldff td aad Washington
a. m. to e p. aa. - smndays S to la.
rainless Sac. 3Joa SOo) Ylates 5
T. Pa Wise. J!. A, Stordevant
ind it A. narfman
7 " 'V '
Spend your vacation at Seaside and at
Lockaley Hall. More attrac
tive than ever berore. Accommodations
of the highest order. One hundred ele-
fant outside rooms! private baths j eleo
ric lights; ot and cold water.
Annex overlooking the Paclfio and de
lightfully situated cottages.
Cuisine trasurpassed. aea roods a
Specialty. .
rasa stts scbxts au TmAxtra. ,
r. Xh axtstxs', Xm a. oajuubub. no pa.
: Xka Cliff Xeose ef Oraros. '
Direetlr oa the beach, everloostnr tha
?T' bot ."',!!.. ,ur 'll.
Baereatloa pier tat tiablng. Bao parlor,
lectrle lfsats, flrBlaee and furaaca hot.
Tint walks aad drires. jgae loads a speclaltf
Rates, $150 ar.d $3.C0 ptr day
PAK t. MOOBB, Proft.
, 'W . . ; -
Mount Hood.' Auto- , v '
mobiles operate between '
Hood Rirer and the' re
sort Make your reier- )
rations nowi. For trans- , .
portation rate ask at O. R.
& N. city ticket office,
For reservations write
' Manager. - , 1
Portoffice, Mt HoocV Ocv '
Hun n
t r '.
' A Boarding and Cay
School for Young Men and
Preparation for sol
leges, U. S. Military and
Naval Academies. Ac- .
credited to Stanford.
-Berkeley, ; Cornell, Am
herst and all State Uni
versities and Agricultural
Colleges. Manual train
ing. Business eourse.
The principal has had 29
years' experience in Tort
land. Comfortable quar
ters. ' Best envlronmenta
Make reservations now.
For Illustrated catalog
and other literature ad
dress J. .7. Elll, H.D..
Maolpal aad rroprtelot.
'athletic park,
Corner Taagna aad T weaty-fonrta.
August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Game called at l 0 p. '
Games called at 2:20 p -
s imn-v say i
Faoao Mala T0 r fM-t Koaavk 9Ug.
Grand tarsi f'.
... I---'
seen summarily cut snort. - .
4 VV-