The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 40, Image 40

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1 7 f ;
tnuioM of America. Th moat famou
llvlns; soout is "Buffalo Mill," but
Colonel Cody wm only on of th tun
dreds of bra-re man who braved in
danger of th mountain and plain
M a pioneer of civilisation. The flarhti
with Indiana, tha raaoua of aattiera and
the danrar of huntlnr wild am all
want to roaka tha aoout a person of
mora than ordinary Important and ia-
terest. 2 la 1 on or Amerieae ro
vanlahlna; institution and ha will
I war b considered aa a hero.
fteout's Re vans" at tha Star thaatra
haa a plot which oorablnas tha exoitlns;
lira ox tha rrontieraman ana tine piay
a m i
ITH aummer aeasoa that la
unusually successful, v mana;
, ara of tha , various theatre
that ara open Ara Immanaaly
pleased with proapecta for tha
ramaladar of tha aummar. Thar have
ten' Bo record-breaking houses daring
this ao-called closed season, but at all
tha. aummer house there haa 'been
liberal patronage. ;' - "iv 1 '
Aa announcement of great importance
in local theatrical circle la that the
regular aeaaon at th Helllg trill open
September J. Esra Kendall will be the
attraction on that date, v -
- Th Baker stock, with -a list of mem
bra that would be a credit to any city,
will open September 1. and It la likely
that no mora interesting- announcement
could be made to tha Portland publics -Tha
Btockwell-MaoOregror company at
the Marquam la making a pronounced
hit and In th production of "The Under
tow" during the part week arouaed un
limited enthualasm. "Are Tou a Ma
son r will b the bill at that house
this week... ..' , :. .
John Cort'i Attraction!.
"At th bead of the Northwestern The
atrical association, an organisation con
trolling all th theatre in th north
wast. John Cort, who two year ago be
came a producing manager with on
dramatic star, la now abl to offer a
schedule of attraction fof th coming
aeaaon, which oould easily do credit to
managers whose operation ha v cov
ered many year of energy,, , -
Th Alaskan," a comlo opera In two
acts with book by Joseph Blethen and
tnuslo by Harry . Qlrard, will be 'pro
duced in New'Tork for an indefinite
run. .'Th Alaskan" 1 described as aa
original work adhering strictly to th
atmosphere of Alaska In every phase of
Jta production.-It wUl b th . flrt
musical play to depict th real scenes
and people of Alaska." Dancing number
and affect allowed by theatrical license
in musical productions have not - been
interpolated, as Manager Cort promises
an Alaskan production with Esquimo
characters, a polar bear, ttiaUmuto dog
and ef facta which will be' conslatent
with tha story and locale. Agnea Cain
! Brown, Anna Adair, Harry Glrard, Ted
idy Webb, Edward . Martindel, Harold
Visard and William Fables are among
th principal engaged for th company.
whoea ensemble will number about 10
peopl. r .. " - :
Of Mr. : Cort' dramatlo attractions,
Sarah Trusx will he th first to begin
her season, being scheduled to open in
Ithaca, New York, September II, la
The- Spider" Web," described a an
original drama In three acta by John
Hutcblna. Tbia will be Miss Truax's
first appearance as a star as wen as
tha premiere of the play which la said
to provide ample opportunity for the
display of her ability aa an emotional
actress. Tor Miss Truax's company,
Frank Dekum haa been engaged aa lead-
Lillian a Field, at tha Stan
lng man. "Tha Spider's Web" will be
performed on tour during tha early part
of tha season until a suitable New York
theatre becomes' available.
For Maude Fealy'a aecond starring
tour, Mr. Cort ha secured "Th Strong
er Sex," a unique play of comedy and
drama by John Valentine 'which, after
being performed for seven month In
London, was voted quite th moat, popu
lar production of th aeaaon in the Brit
ish metropolis. Th role of Mary War
ren, a Texas girl, could hardly have
suited Miss Fealy better had ft been
- t
" t 5 '
, - - ' "
h -. - :y
especially written for bar use. "Tha
Rtronrer flax" will b alven Ita Amer-1
lean premier at Columbus, Ohio. Sep-1
Umber It. and after a ahort road tour
will, be aeen in New Tork for an Indefi
nite run. In Miss - Fealy' s company
Percy Lyndall, an English player of
considerable repute, will bar th prin
cipal mala role, performed in England
by Leonard Boynton, Othera in th
cast ar Florence Robinson, Edytha
Ketohum, Marlon Qraham. pauia Bacn-j
man. Ethel Knapp. Harry Burkhart,
Harry LevUn, J. M. Byrn and , John
Sherman. . . '
Max Flgman, whose first appearance
In "The Man on tha Box." established
htm aa a a tar comedian throughout tha
country, will begin ma aecond aeaaon in
th McOrath-Furnlss play September
10. After a tour of the west and south
Mr. Cort will send Mr. Flgman In "The
Man on th Box" to London, returning
to this country with a new American
com ad r. in which ha will be aeen la
New tork In September. 1808.
Florence Roberts will begin her third
year a a star under Mr. cort man-1
utmtnt at Kansas City. September It.
appearing for the firat part Of her
season in the west in "Zlra." Nego
tiation ar now pending for th tight
to a successful play, In which Miss Rob
erts will be n in New Tork after th
holiday. . . ;5
After launching these productions Mr.
Cort will remain in New York long
nough to greet Mme. Emma Calve, who.
under hi direction, will make a concert
tour of thla country,. Mexico and Cuba,
her itinerary as now arranged calling
for th diva's appearance in 60 cltlea
from coaat to coast. Mr. Cort will then
turn toward Seattle, where be will ar.
rive In time to open hi a new Moore the
atre, which la eald to be tha handsomest
and most finished playhouse west of
New Tork City, . . ..
Exr Kendall,- la "Swell Elegant
Jones," will open th season of 1 907-8
at th Halllg threatre August 12, IS, 24.
"Are Yon a Mason?" at Marquam.
, For the first tlm during it engage
ment at th Marquam th Stockwell
MacQregor company will appear in
farce-comedy the present week, com
mencing tomorrow venlng. "Are Tou
a Maaonr of th beet of laugh playa,
will b produced. ..The company haa
offered an axtenslv repertoire during
lta aummer aeaaon at th Marquam, but
heretofore, haa confined ltaelf to heavy
dramatlo production. Now will com
a chang and th popular player will
turn their attention to fare.
' "Ar Ton a Maaonr la adapted from
the German. It Was first brousht to
this country several yeara ago and for
three years enjoyed th most phenom
enal success la the east. Bo popular did
th comedy become that the piece was
not taken outside of New Tork until th
third year and then three companies
were sent out There I nothing in "Ar
Tou a Mason V to offend anyone. There
are no aecreta of the order exposed nor
does tha fare find disfavor with mem
bers of th. order. Masons are among
the most enthusiastic admirers of th
play. '". -
According to th plot, a young man
Sromlse his wife that h will Join the
ranona while she la on her vacation.
Instead, h goes out for a good tlm and
forget' aooui joining in oraer unui
her return. - Then when th servant
tell her mlatrese that the husband
been coming home at all hours of th
night, the husband explains that ha was
being initiated. -The Sam day the
wlf a i s mother, father and . slater ar
rive, -Th father haa for year been
playing a card gam en night In the
week and pretending to his wife that
be was attending th Mason lo lodge.
When th father and aon-ln-law meet
each bellevea th other a genuine Ma
son and acn trie to deceive tne other.
Whatever movement on make the
other imitates, while the Women folk
stand around and .dmire "the workings
oi tn oraer.- -'. . -
About this time a former acaualnt
ance come to town and want to Join
th Mason and the father sends him
on a wild chase, from which he returns
in time for the big climax. Later a real
Mason want to marry one of tha girls
and through thla aultor the father and
son-in-law ar exposed. ' AH ends well,
however, by th real Mason proposing
tne names or tn two impostors.
"Are Tou a Mason T" is considered on
of th funniest farces on th stage. It
never wears out, for no matter ' how
many times It is keen there Is always
new laugns louna. Tn enaeavors or
the father and son-in-law to prevent
each other ' from - discovering that a
cheat is being practiced leads td some
clever situations. , ' These - continue
throurh three acts Hind when at last the
complications are straightened out there
will be found th most stirring drama
aeen at thla nouaa in a year, mere ar
four thrilling acta, with, appropriate
scnery, - ' - , , , .
This afternoon and tonight will be
th closing performances of th fat?
"A Bachelora Honeymoon," Which haa
baen playing to thousand during th
cast waakv Seata can b reaarvM at
the Star by. telephone. , ,
. Vauderilla at tha Grand, t
Xvry a, often th management of
th Orand acura a 1 particularly big
Ivauderlll bill This coming week th
Orand will hav on which will tolips
th paat week" show and th weak ha
for that Tha act ar far abor th
avarag and ther I no doubt that every
on on th Hat . will make good. Th
headlln attraction will be Hariand ana
Rolllson, In a European novelty act
The people hav only raoently com-
plated a tour on the Moss-Btoil circuit
In Eugland and on their arrival In New
cork they were immediately booked o
Jlllvan A Consldln for this circuii
he act' has played In all oountrle
where ther la a vaudeville theater an
the patrons of the Orand can expect
aomethlng abov grade from Hariand
and Rolllson. ' ' , ' ' '
For th special added attraction tn
management presents Mr, and Mr. John
T. Powers, in "The Flayer." Theater
going peopl know that th Powers ar
among the best and add to th strength
of any bill in th country. They hav
la musical act In which Mre. Powera
play th piano and Mr. Power th
end Of th 'current bill, headed by Ib-
aen a aatirlcai aketcb. "Frlenaauip.
, .r.
Th IVo Orphan', at Lfric.
; Tomorrow night th Allen company,
on of the. most popular stock organ!
sat! oris In Portland, will b Men in
(Continued on Pag Forty-nine.)
Frank De Camp, Director Star Stock
concertina A big act will b th
Columbia four, composed of a quartet
of singers, talkers and comedians. Tba
critlca of other cltlea say tha Columbia
Tauda la an equilibrist with-
ra Kcud-
Who Opens at the Helllg September 2, in . "Swell Elegant
is nothing but praise for the play.
The Stockwell-MaoGreaor eotnoi
a well nrs:anlxed association containing
some or tne nest stocit taient in the
country. The players hav covered
themselves with dory in dramatlo
works and this will be their first ap
pearance in rarce. -Are xou a Masonr
will run all week..; There will be mati
nees Wednesday and Saturday. Th
seat sale is now m progress at th bo:
office of the Marqusm. : v .
The Scoufi Revenge" at the Star.
"Tha Scout's Revenge" will be the bill
at th . . Star theatre next week,; com
mencing tomorrow night. There will
be matinees next Tuesday, . Thursday,
Saturday and Sunday, : , .
Western dramas ar now the vogu
They ar wanted everywhere and are
Immensely popular. Sine "The .Vir
ginian" there has been no play of west
ern life which has mad a more pro
nounced success than "The Scout's Re
venge." Theatregoers are familiar with
tha long line of western dramas from
Arlsona,"-"The Virginian," "The Heir
to the Hoorah" and "Th Girl I Left
Behind Me." and when it Is announced
that "A Scout's Revenge' Is In the nam
class with these plays, combining their
thrilling elements with their healthful
comedy it can be guessed how clever
and entertaining the new attraction at
the Star theatre wiy be.
The llf of the scout Is filled with
adventure. He waa themost plctur-
four live up to their
Harrv rsuaa is an
out a superior. He travel a glob to
th top of a spiral. This is a daring
and sensational act which plays only the
best vaudeville theatera Hawley and
Leslie are a singing and dancing duo,
known to be good. They Introduce Miss
Leslie in cnua imitations, wiiiiam n.
Macart has been the comedian with
some of Klaw A Xrlanger's biggest mu
sical attractions. He will deliver a
monologue on the- stage at the Orand.
"Snuggle Up Closer," is the odd title
of the illustrated song, to be rendered
by Joe Thomspon, ana th moving plo
tures, "Lightning Sketches." ar con
sidered to be the best ever mad.
This afternoon and bight will b th
Llonday andAn
Tiipfjilnv i!
At Last
Another BIG; SHOW
A otiAt anrBoraAjr ' v
..,,.,,,....,. .;. , aTOTXXiTa'
Hariand &
bsbxo rmoK nca atom
I Mr. and MrsJ; J
John T. Powers
prasenUng . the Refined Comady
, Bklt -J - ' . -'
Wm. H. Macart
Principal Comedian with th beat
Klaw A Erlanger Extravaganaaa
21 CHOW OROUNDfl, 3itli and RALCIO;
oJ IllAiM xsi
1 umso1 -
th past twe aaaaoaa
The Columbia
Comedy Four
On of th Best Comady Quartats
on th Stage One of th Oratt
Comady Quartet In th Buslneaa.
Harry Tsuda
Tnm Russia Kicoobonc Bnuinaa, with
, Human Sanse. Tha "GoodTNigh
Horas", Hi Wile sad Family.
Tram Fran e tAlaxander Patty, th htaa
Who Walks on hia Uaad hka othera
walk on their lest. -jprcm
U angary r Tba Marntk.HaraIta
. Troop, wh play Uuacal Instrument
in Apparenuy Imposnbl Acrobatio
From Italy t Th Bedlnl Fanrity of Wv
Famous Ridera, with thatf Wowlarfnl
Riding Dog, "Euro. ' ' .
Frm rerala aThe Oraaa sfJjsa-Oolsma,
the 6hah'a own personal Aero be ua
Court Entsrtsiners. -
From Spain The 6plendld Toreadors. '
From Swedear The Diatlagalihad
Noetiel Family. '
From England t The Hoflaway Troap
olHigrt NVirs WonrWs. .
rrom Australia The Famous Flying
, . Jordaas, Tea M Number. '
From England The Marvaloua Claris.
oiuans, tne wocw a Moat Lelebrataa
: Ariebsta...
From Japan Th Wonderful ymAlrl
Ttoup ot Equilibrists.
From Belgium i Maripierit at Hsnlay.
Thrilling; Athletic Wonders, -Frem
Brailli The Larnrd Troapa, "
From South Africat The Bordaia
- Troops ol Olo ha B lancers.
From Berilar The Kaufmso Oirta, Pr
nuar BicycliiU of tha World.
Artists, Periarmara, Producar of Ho.
eHUa irom avarywhare oo tha Pace of th
Globe, including th Star Performers of 4
America. Among them the Great Betfori
Family of Acrobats. Anel Smiths. Tha
Daring Shaw, "Up-Xidc-Dowa" alilettea.
Horton A Linden. The Mamo Brothers,
and Whole Trouoaa of Nauva and Fnrrum
Artista ta all 7l Parfmmsi "together
formins tha Host Wonderful. Divaruflad.
anartaasingaaow tn woria aaa aver i
th World's
Hawley & Leslie
Blnginf and Dancing tnlo. Intro
ducing Mis Leslie' Child Xmper
Joe Thompson
Singing tha Latsst Eastern Bue-
.... "nrraazdi vr cxmuxm.-
20th Cent Motion Pictures
Don't forgot th : thre dally
how at 1:10, T:l and :I0 p. m.
FBzoza Bnua vmm xxm.
Curtain rise at S o'clock for
Sunday and Holiday Matin.
60 Acrobats and The 12 Mirza-Oolems
60 Aeri&lUts tad the 10 Flyini Jordans.
60 Rdcrs tic Bcdinis and Dais; Jlodginl
50 uovas: tic Woriirs fmj Nea
w 375 Circus ArtUta rl
tVafaw tf-2TJ?J!r 4&,?
. VP .
vmav MoamM at m eraaca
avaa asaai aw asarsj
Admission tickets and numbrd reaerved seat .win be
am prlo charged in
sale during
th engagement at th OKAYS a ft OO. MTJKXO STOKIL tXS Washington St.
reguiax ucaet wagons on u
at exactly th
how grounds.
014 .'. M.5496
New .. A. 1496
Popular Star Stock Company
Present Mr. J. A. Fraser's Beautiful Western Drama
"The Scout's Revenge"
Matiriees- Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays
at 2 :80. Prices 10c and 20c
Every Evening at 8:10. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c
E2s553 &ZS5sbbSSSS
The Stockwell MacGregor Co.
. - ; with s.
In the Great Laughing Success
Splendid Producdon Same J Company v ,
::,s ,i ; PRICES! V' ':
Nights and Saturday Matinee 15c, 25c and 50c
Bargain Matinee Wednesday 25c
Phone Main 4685, Home- A1026
O. rraeman,
Gruttit amoKmett Park
tbt Pacific Cutt
Sensational Ascent on the Spiral
Tower ' .
Visit this New' Gig-gle-Glggrle
Show and Fdrget Your Trouble!
M lng Aiieya uriginai oea ocrpent on AzniDiaon.
The Zat-Zams
Doing Stunts '. Blood-Curdling
and Mysterious at Spray of Life
Farewell Concerts
. IWsTeelc V
Sehlkonyi'a Popular :' Hussars
will Repeat the Favorites and
Introduce - New.' Features, ' In
cluding the Musical Pictures,
1 1 Allen Stock Company
Grand Canyon of the Colorado and New Effects In Ye Old Mille.
Roller Rink -Fred Instruction. Dane Pavilion. 5 Prixea at Bowl-
t) ipt Snndnv--ITifnfnriIH ?M nis Danfl S B
JViaunccs x uesuay, , j. nursuuy, oaiuruay
Sunday. PRICES, 10c and 20c. " : -
Every "evening, at 8:1 5.' PRICES, 10c, 20c, 30c
Reserved seats by phone. . Office open from
.In. to 10 o. m. . . .'.
Jones." i
f v "-v "- r- t r r- r- rv - t v j ii
bis lif bag been woven tha best ro-