The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 38, Image 38

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noon for a trip to Tillamook and Seaside
on horseback. The party wtll reach Til
la moo a Monday morning and wtll then
croas Carney mountain to Seaside where
The Stor NoUmJ f or- Best Goods at Lowest IVIces
may wui spena a lew aay.
a w'
Miss Lorena Btrauhal has left for an
extended visit In California, and la at
-'1 '
present the guest of the Misses Nina
naa uui uuinrie or Berxeiey,
Mra Walter P. Burrell Is spending
rh summer at her oottsg at Seaeida
Sb haa as her guest Ml as Katharine
rown, or uaxiana. caiiiornia, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Raluh E.'Moodv are
rnnnunini - Mrs. jviooar -.. rainar.
aTancis vr. james or iron xownssna,
at '
.... ALv
; OCJETT M a body hu disbanded
for the rummer uo iur wa no
hint of formal ntrtaining dur
ing th past vmIl Thos who
s ar remaining In th city-and
thsr ara many ) plaasant lummer
' resorts are taking thlr lelsdr as beat
s attlta themselvea Evan launch parties
and Informal dances share bean consplo-
uous by their absence.
Y The exodos to the coast and the moun
talna haa become general and bonfire
and - clambake with . lone horseback
rids on the smooth beaches are taking
. the place of indoor amusementa '..
, Two parties of well-known Portland
'.' folks are leaving next week for Europe,
. and friends will be Interested to bear
of their experiences and successes. Mr a
' Kdward Baals, Miss Nancy Beala and
i Id Us Elisabeth Harwas, whose pictures
are shown are intending to do serious
- work In Italy., Miss Nancy Beala has a
lyrlo soprano voice of good range and
( shs Will cultivate It with a view to
I the conoert stage, - while Miss Barwas
will prepare for grand opera. In which
' bar friends are sanguine for her sue
. cess. Another party of Portlanders who
. are . leaving for European , travel are
received. Those who were favored here
rouna us English version most enter
taining. Mini eterllna. who has snent
some time aoroaa. wrote the play (luring
one of her sojourns in Germany. She
Is spending the summer with her sister
Mrs. unasley, - '
Mrsv ; VUllam Boyd Hamilton enter
tained about II guests at her pleasant
horn on Williams avenue last Monday
night In honor of Miss Moors of Seneca,
Indiana. Miss Baty and Miss Hand as
sisted the hostess in receiving. A music
al program was given and the evening
was mucn enjoyea. ins xouowing num
bers were rendered:
-Instrumental duet (Schubert), Misses
Mc Bride and Evana.
Song. ".Dearest Heart" (Streleakl)
Ulii fiatv.
Songs, "May Tims,' "When the Birds
Qo North," Miss Olanoe.
Piano solo. "Spring Sons" (Grieg),
Miss Kudd.
Song, "Vol che Sapete" (Moaart), Mra
Hamilton. . .
Sons. "Chanson ds Florlan" (Oodard),
Miss Goulot.
Miss ines Evans aotea as aooom-
w w
Mr. and Mra James Muckle of (S Ella
street, spent a few days with relatives
and friends In St Helens, leaving for
home Tuesday morning. Mra Muckle
and daughter, Miss Agnes, start on
August 14 for a trip to Europe, They
go first to Yellowstone park, then visit
relatives in Pennsylvania, sailing from
New York for Liverpool early In Oc
tober. They expect to take a trip to
Egypt and Palestine snd also spend
some time In Italy. After being Joined
by Mr. Muckle In the spring they will
tour Great Britain and the continent
George Gross of Franklin county,
Washington, who Is visiting his daugh
ter, Mra T. Rlc. of 721 Rodney avenue,
was surprised by a party of friends
on Tuesday svenlng. A program of
music enlivened the evening. Those
taking part were: Herbert Rice, violin;
Miss Ruby Petrle and Master Cbsster
Ad wen, piano; Miss Anna Rice, Mr.
Wade and Mra Charles Adwen, voice.
in nnvarnment Island.
This change necessitated shortening the
trip. Mrs. Whalley had planned to
spend the summer in jcngianu.
Dr. and Mra. J. E. Kittredge. whs
have been making an extensivs tour of
the orient are In the city or a few daye,
the guests of Mr. and Mra Alexander
r - r- riMnlM araa a deleaat to
the Interdenominational conference of
the churches in China
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blain and son
Stuart of Strathcona, Alberta, Canada,
who have been entertained for the past
ih. wnaka at Keats Villa on Portland
Helghta and at various summer r-sorrs.
by Sir. and Mrs. O. C. Moser. returned
home the early part of the weak.
Mra C B. Currsy, Mra William A.
MacRae and Mrs. Leroy It Parker
leave tomorrow for their long-planned
European trip. They will go first to
England and will then tour the con
tinent remaining away aoout six
Mra J. B. Montgomery haa with her
ber daughter, Miss Montgomery wno
haa reeentiv returned from the east-her
daughter. Sister Ellsa, of the sisterhood
of St. Mary's, Peeksklll. N. T., and her
grand-daughter, Miss Else Montgomery,
of New Haven.
A pleasant musical was given b-r Mra
E. A. Beala at her home, S7S Everett
atreet on Monday night which was In
the nature of a farewell. Miss Harwas
and Miss Beals sang several dueta most
delightfully and other friends contrib
utes 10 idi program.
w w
Mra Fletcher Linn, who for Ore years
has been th soprano of the choir of the
irirat Prasbvterian church, haa been en
gaged by th Church of Our Father,
Mrs. Jamss Gleason. formerly Miss
Lucll Webster, of this city, has been
an honored guest In Oakland, CaL, so
ciety recently. Mra George Brno en
tertained ror ner on Tiaay aiiernoon
Mra CL 8. Jackaon and her Ban Phi J In
will leave next week for Alaska., via. the
learner tfenerson iron) veaiu. - ,
Miss Lois Stsers and Miss Wmn Co
man wui nana nexc weea wilb Hrf.
uawara cooamgnam at Beaside.,
Miss Ada Doernbochsr Is spending
part of her vaoaUon at Whit Salmon,
Mr. and Mra I. . Vanduvn have ra.
turnaxi rrom a mo mrouan eastern Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho. ,
Mrs. James Laid law and faxnllv are
3 tending th summer at Cottags Farm,
ood River,
Mr. Leo Sell In a. who haa been at the
coast for a ooupl of weeks, is at home
Mis Mamie Helen Flynn. th pianist.
SDendln the month of Auauat at
Beaside. ' '
Um SJ TTnafAn wfflfltlnv ata.
ter, Mra William T. Mulr. at Oear-
Mra Harriet Sheldon win leave today
toaay xor a two weeks- visit at Beatua
Mra Beatrio Dletrlck. a pupil of
mm. Marches 1, is at th Portland.
Mra Morton H. Inslev has returned
from a few day visit at seaside
ii - :!
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On Saturday night Mr. and Mra. Fred.
Metxner entertained the offlosrs of Ore
gon City Lodge, No. 101, Fraternal
Brotherhood, at their pleasant horn on
Center street Choice selections of in
strumental and vocal muslo war re a
dered. and delightful refreshments were
served. Th lawn was gaily decorated
with Japaneee lanterna. The guests
were Dr. C H. Melasnar, Mr. and Mra
Jesse George. Mr. and Mra R. E. Saw
yer, Mr. and Mra. W. Boddenly. Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Nelson, Misses Ethel
Green and Ada Alb, Messrs. Tom
Searls, A, M. Blnnott and Adhur Hoo-
Miss Hortense and Miss Hilda Craig
and their guest Miss Margery Grace of
Dallas, Texas, were tendered a surprise
by a merry party of young people on
Thursday night Among th visitors
wr Mra Emmet Chamber and Miss
Lula Johnson, also of Dallas, who are
sight-seeing In the northwest
Miss Johnson haa- pronounced musical
talent and added to the enjoyment of
the evening by selections of Instru
mental and vocal music.
Mrs. E. A. Beals.
Mlsa Elizabeth A. Harwas.
Miss Nancy Beals.
Mra C E. Curry, Mrs. Leroy H. Parker
1 and Mra .William MacRae who are
planning a six months1 sightseeing trip.
w w
Mrs. E. A. Beals, her daughter. Miss
Nancy and her , son Clyde, and Miss
Elisabeth Harwas are to leav next
Wednesday for a prolonged stay abroad.
' Miss Harwas has greatly pleased ber
audiences wherever she has appeared.
Th freshness and fine power of her
beautiful vole promise abundant re
turns for th work which she will do In
preparation for her chosen career on
the grand opera stage.
Miss Beala has a flexible soprano
.voice of good compass, and will study
." concert work, while Mrs. Beala will per
fect herself in the technique of teaching,
under th best instructors.
They will visit relatives and friends
in Bponane, Minneapolis, unicago, Pfiag
i are, Elmlra and New York City, sailing
' from th last-named city on September
i uu torn juuiute. inucjiing ax uiu
iraltar, and Tangier, they will stop at
Genoa and then proceed to Milan.
Letters which they are taking to
' prominent musicians and teachers in
! Milan from Blgnor Leonconvallo will as
! sure them a welcome In musical circles
The present plana cover only the
Sara' study in Milan but It Is probable
at another year may be spent In Parla
.. low these determined young women and
' . the heartiest welcome of the musical
people of Portland awaits . them when
, they return with their deserved honora
Th following. Portland people have
recently been guests at Cloud Cap Inn:
C B. 8. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Herdman, David W. Hazen, Mr. and Mrs.
. E. A. Baldwin, Mr. and Mra Jesse
. Stearns, Ml Eleanor Gleason, Dr. and
..t Mra E. : J. Labbe, Miss Warren, Mrs.
, Fletcher Linn, Mr. and Mra A. S. Pat-
tullo, Mrs. R. F. Prael, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Eldridge. Miss M. Marshall, Miss V.
Marshall, Miss Frances C. Bradford,
Mrs. A. J. Russell, Mrs. Lola B. Mc
Oowan, Mr. and Mra W. H. Bradford,
, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lytle and son, Mrs.
i B. W. Crighton, Miss May Enright,
Richard Wilder, Mrs. R. J. Stewart R.
A. Stewart Charles F. Adams, George
Rae, Miss Mildred Walrath, Sam F.
I GIU. Joseph W. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. J.
t E. WtUUms, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood
; and son, O. L. Chapel, Miss Stella Froh-
, man, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goldsmith. A.
' ,.,W, Barendrlck, Mrs. F. L. Stevens.
4 ' Mr. and Mrs. Gay Lombard and Mr.
and Mra R. M. Wilbur returned Mon
day morning from ah enjoyable auto
1 trip throughout the northwest country.
Th -party visited Vancouver, Seattle.
' Spokane, the Coeur d'Alenes, Hayden
; Lake and Tekoa. Making the last
named place headquarters they toured
: th surrounding country In Mr. Lorn
' bard's touring car which mat them at
I Spokane. The distance covered was
' about COO miles.
,, w
A charming garden party was given
by. Mrs. O. L. Llndsley at ber home at
t Mount Tabor recently to which war in
vited relatives of th family and a very
few near oeifhbors. Mra Llndaleys
sister. Miss Susan Adelaide SterUng,
who is assistant professor of German In
. v. tivrKitv of Wisconsin at Madison.
furrislitd the ' novel entertainment by
rMKiina- Into Knglish a oerman play or
u,ki,.h -h. ta the author, and which was
r.v.iure.1 l(it spring at th Wisconsin
university v. hrrs It was vnthuslastlcally
Mra Rlc and her daughter left last
ntgnt ror saiem.( Mra rem and
daughter are going to Newport
Invitation are out for th fourth of
th series of summer muslcales by Roy
Marion Wheeler. Th occasion Is a
production of the entire Grieg "Peer
Gynt Suites." Mr. B. Sylvester, violin;
Mra Susan Boyle, voice; Mr. Wheeler
and Miss Gladys Wheeler, piano. To
be given August 18, at the residence of
Mrs. Dora Corbln, 670 East Morrison
w w
Miss Bertha Stuart of New Tork Is
visiting ber parents and her sister. Mrs.
Lloyd Wentworth for the summer. Sbo
will be st her ra rents' new home. 63
East Twelfth street north, th ensuing
Miss Stuart has been advancing stead
ily In her art ' work, and has been par
ticularly- successful witn ner title pages
ana dook covers. Bne nas several or
ders awaiting her execution.
Mrs. George K Wentworth Jr. Is en
tertaining Informally this evening with
a dinner In honor of her guest Miss
Grace Wentworth of Chicago. Th
guests are Miss Wentworth. Miss Er
nestlne Falling, Miss Alta Smith, Miss
jjarDara farner, miss Grace Warren,
Hawley Hoffman, Raymond Wilcox,
Mark Lfllard, John Banks and Mr. Bo
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Georga C Mason are much pleased that
they have decided to make Portland
their permanent home. They have pur
chased a beautiful new home at Irv
ing ton. Mr. Mason is a member of tho
firm of the Contracting Engineering
company now erecting the Board o
Trade building. Mrs. Mason was Miss
Mllss MoCraken.
Dr. Mae H. Cardwell entertained the
bridal party of the Chance-Graham nup
tials at dinner Wednesday night at the
Portland grill. Pink sweet peas were
used for table decorations. Those
ent were: Miss Kate Buchanan Graham,
Mr. ana Mra unarms ynenery, Mrs.
Albert Pellfer. Dr. J. H. and Dr. Mao H.
Cardwell, Dr. Arthur W. Chance.
Dr. and Mra Alan Welch Smith ahd
their daughter, Margaret, have gone to
the Yellowstone national park and will
continue the trip to Include the prin
cipal cities of the east and south, visit
ing many points of interest They will
probably return about September 16.
A farewell dinner- to Mrs. MacRae
was given by W. D. Wheelwright at the
Waverley clubhouse Monday evening.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. MacRae,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 8. Wood, Mra Hen
shelwood. Miss Florence Mlnott and A.
w w I
Mra W. E. Travis gave an Informal
dinner at the Nortonla in honor of Miss
Barker Wednesday evening. Pink sweet
peas decorated the table. The guests
were: Miss Barker, Miss Shea, Miss Og
U&ft Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Holman,
wiUwm Castleraen, Chester .Murphy,
and Mr. Ay.
. w- w s '
Mra Whalley has returned from her
European trio, which she took In com
pany with Mrs. James M. Allison , and
Mies nwon, . News was received of
ra?sft '.Colonel Allison from
SV'-FauL wear h ha been stationed
with Ave hundred, when about twenty
guests were invited.
Mr. H. B. Mehnnann and Miss
Curdts are planning an afternoon when
Mra Gleason will be th guest of honor.
Mra Georg K. Wentworth, Jr., en
tertained Informally with a luncheon at
the golf links on Tuesday for Mrs.
Whitney, of Detroit, Michigan. Among
th guests were Mrs. McLaughlin of De
troit, Miss Mul heron of Cornwall and
Miss Grace Went worth of Chicago,
Mrs. Fletcher Linn has returned from
a two weeks' motorlna- trin through th
wiiiameiie valley witn th r. A. X ounce.
ui juoany. ana a ten aays sojourn at
i;ioua cap inn. Mount iiooa.
Mra Charles Boss has been snendln
tho past week at Gearbart. the rues
of Mrs. James Moffet Mr. Boss went
down yesterday to return with Mra.
boss on Monaay.
Mra E. H. McCraken and her daurh
ter. Mrs. George C. Mason, have re
turned from a delightful visit to the
pretty nome or Mr. ana Mra J. G. Mack
at seaside.
Mr. and Mra Edward E. Morgan have
returned irom a weeKS" noneymoon in
the Trask mountains and will leave next
wee ior a months' stay in New York.
Mrs. J. F. Dickson has returned from
California, after spending some month
wun ner momer, wno was in poor
UCU.11U, uui is now mucn Detier.
w .
A party, consisting of Mrs. William C.
Alvord. Miss Hoyt, Mrs. Mlnot and
Mr. Wheelwright, spent the latter part
ui i no wwn .u mount nooa.
Miss Margaret Montgomery Is In Ta
coma, where she went to attend th
tennis tourney and ball. She will prob
ably remain away a fortnight
w w
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nell and their
little son and Mra Earl Wilbur are
visiting vr. ana jwrs. T. L. Eliot. They
mi I cuittJIl UU1Q weeKS.
w w
, Ros" Cartee of Boise, Is her
viKHHiK ner o rot ner nv-juiira t n
H'l?.vi and family at their residence.
low BLteoi.
Mrs. Earl lVllhnr nf riaVlan I-II
fornla, and Mr. and Mra FrMinrie w,n
are visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot, at
Mr. and Mra Sol Rluma
Hazel Blumauer leave on Monday for a
trip to various nnint in TtHtfh r
- . xv
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Durham an thaii-
daughter. Mrs. W. E. Jonea nf Ruinn
are spending a few weeks at Clatsop
A Hunt club party, composed of Mra
lurrum. Miss Anne Shogren
Chase will leave thl after-
Fred O. Buffum.
ana m. x,
r..y srslghbors Got Fooled, '
"I Was literally coughlna- mvself to
a earn, ana uoa cecome too weak to leave
my bed; and neighbors predicted that
I would never leave it alive; but they
got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery. It took just four one dollar bottles
to completely cure the cough and re
store me to good sound health," writes
Mrs. Eva Uncapher of Grovartown.
j Stark Co.v Ind. This King of cough and
cold urs, ana healer of throat and
lungs, la guaranteed by Red Cross Phar
macy, too and SL- Trial bottlo fre. .
A pretty wedding was solemnised by
Rev. Father Hughes at St Lawrence's
church. Thursday, August 8. The con
tracting parties war Dr. Joseph Ed
ward Kane and Miss Addle M. Dlneen.
The bride was aocompanled by her
father and was met at th altar by th
groom and his best man. Dr. Carl J.
Hoffmann, college classmate of th
The bride was dressed In a whit
hand embroidered gown and carried
white roses. Her veil was held with
orange blossoms. Miss Agnes Dlneen.
sister of the bride, acting as maid of
honor, was attractive in blue, with pic
ture hat to match. She tirrled whit
sweet peaa
During the ceremony Mrs. R. A., Kirk
of Salem presided at the organ and
played Santley' "Ave Marie" and "Oh,
Promise Me.'
Dr. F. Flsch and William Concannon
acted as ushers.
During the afternoon a reception was
held at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mra T. D. Dlneen. The house
was decorated with sweet peaa and Ore
gon grape.
Dr. Kane Is a graduate of the medical
department of the University of Oregon.
He is popular among his profession and
has been connected with St Vincent's
hospital for a number of years. ' The
young couple left on the evening train
for wllllamsport, Pennsylvania On
their return they will be at homo at
367 Weldler street
A pretty wedding took place In LoS
Angeles Thursday evening at the rest
dene of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thorps
on West Eighteenth street when Miss
Mary Moor of this city became th
bride of Prof. Charles H. Thorpe, In
structor of the manual training depart
ment of th Polytechnic high school.
The rooms were prettily decorated In
whit and green with asparagus ferns
and whit carnations, snd a number of
relatives and friends attended th ser-
vlcea which were perrormea by Kev. ii
C Mallow, pastor of the Plymouth Con
gregational church. The bride looked
very sweet and charming in a white silk
wedding, gown. The young coupl were
the recipients of many beautiful pres
ents and also telegrams irom aosent
friends. Among those present from
novlna and vicinity were Mr. and Mra
F. H. Fabrick.Mrs. M. J. yaw, Mr. and
Mra Ben F. Thorpe, Miss Ellen Beach
Yaw. Mra Ella P. Hubbard, Dr. and
All Summer Goods Beted
Beginning Monday morning; we place' on speciar sale all summer '
bods throughout the store at the lowest prices ever quoted ior
like merchandise. , It's the policy of this store td start the season
with fresh, clean stocks, hence1 our determination to be rid of all
summer goods regardless ; of cost or value. ' Note the' following
specimen values. Mailorders filled promptly: : :
1 J a a , .
White Linen Parasols, values up to $3.00. Special ..$1.19
Wash Goods, 15c to 18c values. Final clearance 3c
Men's Summed Underwear. , Special, per garment. . .' 21c
Corset Covers, fine cambric, 35c ta 50c values 23c
Cambric Skirts, regular values to $2.25. Special 97c
Tailored Suits, $15.00 values. Final clearance $7.9fl
Wash Skirts, best $1.65 grade. Final clearance $ 1 .23
Summer Dress Goods, 65c and 75c grades at 41c
Long Lisle Gloves, suede finish, $1.50 quality 97c
Summer Corsets, nets and batiste, 75c, $1.00 values 47c
Net Waists, regular $8.50 values. Final clearance. .$3.93
W. G. SMITH & Co.
Washlpftoa Building
Mra. S. Thorp and Miss Harriet C.
Anderson. After a short wedding trip
tha vnunar couple will spend their
honeymoon at Orangethorpe ranch.
The bride is a sister of Mra C. IX
fhis city, who went to Los Angeles to
attend in wcaaing.
The marriage of Miss Hester A.- Linn
and Norman A. Bates took place at the
horn of th bride's parents, Mr. and
Mra Benjamin Linn of Oregon City at
high noon Sunday last
Th ceremony was performed in the
presence of relatives and a few lntl
mat friends by Rev. J. R. Landsbor-
OUgh Of tn JfresDyierian cnurca.
The room was tastefully decorated In
avArarreens and whit roses. Tha
brlds was attired In cream colored silk
and carried a large bouquet of white
roses. After the ceremony the hearty
congratulation of ' all present were
v,nrrari nnon the happy young pair.
after which a bountiful wedding dinner
was served. Mr. nd Mra Bates spent
a week In Seattle., They will reatd In
Portland.,.; -r";J',.'
Th marrlag of Miss Kate Buchanan
Graham and Dr. Arthur W. Chanc was
celebrated with auiet dignity at th
First ' Presbyterian v church, Saturday
evening. Rev. .William' Foulkes official
lng. ' - ':-,:;'::. : -V
The bride's gown was a princess rob
of whit chiffon and duchess lac over
whit silk, wim train. Sh wor a long
.it nA xirriM a shower bouau.t. Dr.
Ma. LrdwalL acUng as matron of hon
or, was th only attendant. Bh wor a
own or jigurea mi mui utihuw,
he bride's brother, William Wallace
Graham, presided - at the - organ and
played th jreaaing march as the fcarty
ntered. -.
.Dr. and Mra Chanc left on th 11:4.
train for th Bound citl and Banff,
Both ar well Jcnown in this city and
have hosts of friends who wish them
A double weddln was solemnised
at th home of th bride's parents, Mr.
and Mra W. E- MacLeod. In south St
John. Wednesday evening, July 31
Miss Mabel MacLeod was married to
Ray L. Ge Bott and Miss Myrtle Mac
Leod to Archi W. Buchanan, Rv. Ar
thur B. Walts of the Baptist church of
University park performed the' cere-
""rhi kmiu wr k nrettilv decorated
with sweet peaa laurel and sprays of
Oregon grape. The St Johns orchestra
serenaded the young coupiea in
grounds were gaily decked with Japan
ese lanterns and here refreshment were
served to the guests.
The young people have a wide circle
of mend in me city.
Two well-known and popular young
people nf Washington county were mar.
rled this week, when Miss Nellie Purdy.
daughter of Hon. and Mra B. F Purdy
of Gaston, became the bride of George
Newman of Forest Grove, the wedding
taking place in Portland ai in nome
of Mra Georg Walkington, a relative
of the bride. Mr. and Mra. Newman
both attended Pacific university, where
ha wu a. aturtnnt In the conservatory
of music. They will make their home In
Washington. .
w w '
A pretty but quiet home wedding took
place last Wednesday evening at iU
Hall street when Joseph E. MUner and
Miss Lulu B. Travis were united In mar
riage. The bride Is the daughter , of
Mrs. M. A. Travis ind cam to Port
land a few years ago from Rock, Island,
Illinois. ' '
Only relatives and a few rrienas were
present The groom Is th son or Mrs.
Margaret A. MUner and has lived In
Portland many years wnere ne uu a
wide circle of friends.
William Prwcott Ogllvl of Van
couver, British Columbia, ana miss
Caroline Charlotte Toung's daughtef of
,Hon, Benjamitt Young, were married by
Rev. W. 8. Short assisted by Rev. jonn
Warren, at Holy Innocents chapel at
Upper Astoria. A reception, was nem
t fha Toimi mansion.from 8 to 5. Th
k Mnnb left on the evening ex
Dress for BrlUsh Columbia, their fu
ture noma . , . , . ..
Th home of A. Lawrence, 861
Front atreet was th scene of a . quiet
wedding onTuesday, when Miss Sue
Ardel Lawrence was married to Royal
Victor Sefton. The cremony was per-
mcuiaae, u.
formed bv Rev. James R. McGlad
and lose all Interest when help Is within
reach. Herblne wiu make tnat liver
perform Its duties properly J. B.
Vauahn. Elba. Ala., writes: "Being a
constant sufferer from constipation and
a disordered liver, I have found Herbln
to be th best medicine, for thess trou
bles, on the "marker, i , nave used it
constantly. I believe It to the best
medlein-f-U-ktrrd.T-and I wish- all
sufferers from these troubles to know
th good Herbln has don ma Sold by
aU druggists. --
Displays the best selected lines of TRUNKS, SUIT CASES
and BAGS shown anywhere
'All the standard makes, newest shapes, dependable mate
rials and skilled workmanship. Warranted to give abso-
lute satisfa'ctiOn and priced very modestly, thus making
them within reach of all. Besides, our Credit System privi
leges you to pay for your traveling outfit in small weekly or -
monthly payments. A visit o our lower floor will prove
itself of interest to you.
Tird Cor. Washington and Tenth
D. of Mlsoah Presbvterlan church, rela
tlves and immediate friends only being
present. Mr. and Mra tseiton wui re
side at Welch's, Oregon.
'- A pretty wedding took place Sunday
(.afternoon at - th bom of W. P. Har
mon on West Umatilla street Sellwood,
Th contracting parties were Robert
Jonee, of -Portland, and Miss Ef fie Har
mon, a popular young lady of Sellwood.
Tha ceremonv was performed bv Rev.
A- D. Wagner, 'pastor of ths Methodist
church. Mr. and Mra Jones will, make
their bom In California. ; '
Mlsa Anna - Brinklev and Charles - W.
Wardl' were married last Sunday by
Rv William Foulkea. . . .
(Continued on Pag Forty-seven.)
We' are treoared to execute
orders for superior CopperpJate I I
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ivunarn Diauoncry &
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