The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 35, Image 35

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M 1
'''auod Girlff
3. 0-C2SC3B)
(Copyright, 1907, by Vbs r"ort American Company.)
BSBBsaaTaTew f ,.
V i ,V tl I U; I I, Ll"' V VII "L" .1 Ml".., I. - "I '
' .
11 '!
0TT think the old 'loop can
kMp . herself , abov water
much longer.- Captain Duo
, worthy's browa knitted anxiously. ,
. Tea chief mat replied, between puffs
. an a abort black pips, Tbs man have
ban bard at work on tha pumps ovsr
alnea tbat gala struck ths Isabel' da
, before ; yesterday. : but tha water ' la
Steadily Balnlnr on us, air." '1
It bacama evident tbat tba naabal"
would . rounder ' wltnln tba next few
boura. CUther than riek tha Uvea of
bia man, Captain Dunwortby . raaolraa '
to abandon her at one. - - - .
Haetlly provisioning tha longboat, tba
erew took their places In It Tha mats
bad lowered ' blraaelf and1 .tba eaptaln
was about to descend when suddenly ha .
uru, nunn arf neg and vr
look' like Napoleon or
sroaaina- me ijeiaware, ; j.
Tbay bad not Ions; to waif Boon tba
canoe swept alongside,' tba natrras -gibbering
and grasping their Spears
menacingly .' " . ..-' v'.: . .
Nad singled aut; tha .'aaragt wba ,
seamed to be' tba : most Important, :
and drawing forth' a, watch ad A
mirror from his pockets g racloualy -presented
them to blm. , -
Tba ugly old fellow waa Immensely '
pleased with the rifts. Nad deigned -to
smlla slightly at bis rapturous de- ,
light . .... .-, , .
Tbay' wars escorted to land with
great honor, and at snoe became tha
guests of Klnsr CaniDecha. That waa
. not bis name, but It was tha nearest
"Thunderatlont" nclaimed ha mai Wa4 In,
n believe they're etui at tba pumps. For soms days ths two lived among
was their turn. I know." ... ! the naUves. They aobn discovered that
Captain Dunworthy bad made a ml take
In bis reckoning, for ths laland was not
that of ftndargogo. As for the captain
and bis crew, nothing mora waa aver
beard of them. i - .
After a time.Klng. Campecha grew
afraid that tha two white boys, who
eoula do so many- wonderful things,
might try to wreat bis kingship away
"The two teats rowed on steadily, unto;, them. - "
the (.land was alghted, - ,, W Waafc.d W fci and
inea on or those Tlolant storms. ahni them & rrt ciifr F th. hot.
i torn of which be said he had great treas
ura of precious stones. He said be In
tended to. give this treasure to them,
but tbst. In return, ba wished them to
' Show hla people bow great gods they
were by leaning down from tba too of
Summoning tha tw. XmAm If wrmm m.aJI
that no mora could ba crowded Into tha -boat
Aa neither of tbe lada wlahed ta
be aeparatad from each other thsy.
begged tha eaptaln to permit them to
take the small boat - -
"Rather dangerous." ba objected I "but '
Inaampoh a we are but a abort dlstanes ' -from
tha island of stndargogo, I sun
AN8. Hansl will you nsvar nn
, Ish that pair of shoes f The
gehUeman Is waiting for '
- them." ' - - - ',. , S-
Rt-atapl rat-a-tapf rang ths bam-
, mer merrily , as Haas tried bis best, to
; bsva ths shoes mended within tba nel
minute, ' , , " v i ; f ''' .v. ' f
i Wheq this work was dona be leaned
. : bis fsco upon his bands, completely
, tired euf When one Is m tiny as Hans'
j It dossn't take much to Ure one, J!e -,.
r was dwarf, you know, and. a son of
. ,i.a shoemaker, waa kept busy from morn,
' . Ing to night mending boots) and shoes,
" 1 "Oh, dear, I wish night Was bsral? ;
'.bs groaned. Then, aa o one 'was look. ,
Ing, ha softjy opensd tha door for a mo. ;.
meat It was so Inviting outside that
,1! bsfors bo know It bs'was strplUng along
.; sy. ui roaasiae, v .-..; - -.v, - .-.- .?
'Mia began to think of 11 big troubles, kow that tba whole thing bad not been v
do wish I wss b!gP be erlsd. J?e,m- ' '
AU at ones tbers stood before bia , Tn Utu mm looM at ba boMU
It, sjij way,"" thought bs. So ba tasted
a few. drops. - ",
, Immediately ba felt blmsslf growing
a little larger. . After all, tha manikin
bad spoken tba truth, ,
. Hans now turned bis steps homeward, v
When ho reached tha house ba .carefully
bid tha bottle, nor did ba explain what
bad happened when bis mother, amased
at bis sudden growth, asksd blm whst .
ba bad been .doing. He was resolvsd
tbat It should ba bis secret, and his
Hans , found that be could now work
much faster than before, but bis father
observing this, simply gave blm mors
shoes to mend. Then, too, now that he
had grown larger, bis appetlta had
arown also, and, ss his family were
poor, bs couldn't get nearly enough to
tat to satisfy him.
Without sufficient food Hans soon
found himself growing as tired as
ever he had been, '
"I'll drink some more from the bot
tle," said he to blmseir, "and then
I'll be able to flo the work without '
much f oo ' large , for bis dotbss.-. AI '
though. relatives and friends gava al '
tba slothes thsy didn't want, tha shoe .
maker and bis wife were at their wits '
srtd, for, Hans kept drinking all tba,.:
time In order not' to feer tired. At
last he became so big tbat his mother ;
bad to make all garments sspsclally .
for1 him. .r? L'T.-.'ii .Vo-f.,',v'.
One day, -Just as ho finished tbo bot
tie, his bead burst through ths roof
:of ths little) oabln,. . v.-: J "
l Tba owner of a wupsum la tba' city"
nearby heard of this wonderful boy, ,
Ha cam's io see ths (boemaker, and
:, offered, big sum of mpney If Hans
were permuted to pa pisceq upon ox
fclbltlon. i - ,"'-i'--'v4,a:- V,;-.'
Hanl'not.' recerted plenty to fat, but ,
bs soon grew tired and nerrouslth
being stared it;', i i ; ' 1 ;
"Oh, If -1 would ' only grow mall ,
agaipl ba lamented, day after day, '
Tba manikin again stood bsforo blm.' ;
nH auww soe s too ewe
girl there svsr wssf" Mary
"Just ths aams," sbs added,'
shell coma rid out in .the
the queerest little manikin you over
heard of, ;.: -
. Ho held a bottle toward Hans. Tska
this," said be, In She squeakiest vote
Imaginable, "and whenever you feel
like growing larger, take a alp from
It"' " ' - V ' '
. Before Hans could recover from bis
astonishment the manikin bad disap (
'pearsd. Only tha botUa remained, .
faellnar so tired."
He drank, and at one ba became
larger. s
But again he was given more work
to do, and again did he grow tired
because he hadn't enougn to eat.
In the meantime, he was becoming
"People are nsvsr contented." said
tba same squeaky voice, "but I shall
giant your wish."
' And Hans waa once mere a dwarf,
Kept Up With Her.
Sunday-school Teacher Did you fol
low what I said, BammyT
Bam my Yearn, I followed along bard,
fnly It was hard work to keep from
allln asleep till you reached there,
w. ww, Tioivm siorms,
which eom up so , suddenly on the
aouthern Paoiflp, .swept upjn thsm.
t-ttsstei'? twa m,'
2tyis? btA oW. cH
"Can t understand ' Why w haven't
JIJ, wanipod, nirsadyl" yallad Joe, In
Hardly badi ha spoken when tbay were
pluniretr Into tha breakera,
The boat was eapsisad and the lads
were soon strukgling In th water.i
moment -and then Ked, to hie surprise,
found f himself In quiet water. ' An4
. Ned had just reached tha boat .vs.. w .',P.;ht,l
kSaa Isiiut . 1- . "
TUDITH thought ruy - ",
not to make use of such grand
accept of course, -ss j
11 .bin
nnnA. Eveir sines they, bad moved '
M.Mtata tha nond. beautl- ;
,t 'fully covered with water UUes, bad not '
anew me oia nyenn was vvo - "T . " .
10 NSd, oOI cusvuroro oj w v
something," - whls
"what shall wa ta
."We have to
we pe Ktiiea anyway, wut : rve, an . maAm mooA' u.. mn&
idea. Why ean't ws make Tnjsahutes W ths pond was aas ?w ""r
ofsktns, dron to ths bottom of the cU8 ths Uttl girt spsot uw
Uncls WW knew bow Judltblonged
tow nets, so ba Sent Ave swans. P0w ,
ird a faint halloa...
or he shouted, with aU his
might. .:
Pretty soon bis shouts were rewarded '
by the appearance of Joe at bis side,
almost exhausted. , . ' .
They rested for a whlla,: and then. '
by their united efforts, succeeded In-
righting . the boat, and climbed into It
"I wonder how the other boat got "
throughf : W mnst have fortunately
struck an opening In the coral reefs'
that surround all these Islands, and eo -got
into water, .protected from ; the
winds." - ' . . ,
Joe, who ' was balling energetically,
paused a moment to reply t "They ,
had tha earn ehanca as w did. Rn .
If they were thrown upon tbe reefs
nothing could savs them."
Thoroughly tired out, tha, two went
to sleep, nor did they awake until
Ned was first to awake. He rubbed
bis eyes for a moment Then he sud
dently pounced upon Joe and shook
him roughly. - ,
"Look what's coming!" Ned exclaim
ed excitedly.
Joe looked, and was Instantly wide
awake, for paddling toward them waa
a large canoe filled with savages! ' -;
"Aren't they beauties, and don't they
look peaceable?" be murmured when
the hideous faces and the murderous
looking spears ' could bs seen dls-
"Don't they, thoughr agreed Ned.
"But, say," he continued, "we've got
to make a bluff. Fold your arms and'
aoeept his kind -
toklnv .ha arraaaful 'creatures.'
it On swss. Whom she name4 Wbltey- '
"Th" wouTd TgmdTy I bsoatws bs was pur Whits to oolor-
gift, but -that -they- , soon became' bar- favorite pat- Wbltey
should Ilk to make tha descent In the
night as .their magle . worked best at
that time. To. this, the king assented.
, At the time appointed, the whole tribe
was at the cliff. Soon .the boys appear
ed, carrying- queer-shapfed skins. . fasU
ened to what looked like umbrellas.
Tbese, they said, wet to be.utid for.
carrying the precious stones.
After, again thanking the king and
whispering good-bye to each other, In
case the plan should fall, they made tha
'perilous lean. .,. ; , , . ..
' Fortunately ths parachutes served
their purpose, and, instead of - being'
dashed . to : pieces tbey reached tha
ground In safety. .
Then, under cover of the night," they :
f made for the beach. But It took a long
time to find their boat and to get soma
- of ths savages' paddles, so that it was
Just daybreak when they pushed off
from shore. Before going they had rig
ged up their skins as satis.
. Only a few rods from shore were they
when tba boat was discovered by tbe
savages, who. upon not finding them at
tbe base of the cliff, had been search
ing for them. Frantically they yelled
and waved their spears and then rushed "
for their canoea.
But the wind was filling the Impro
vised sails, and with swift strokes of
the paddles the lads were soon beyond
reach of tb savages. .
As good fortune would have It, they
were not far from Pindargogo. The
wind and weather were all that could
be desired, so tbey made the Island
without mishap. .
it waa who always saw Judith first and
swam to feed upon the Crumbs ths lit
tle miss always, brought .k '
Oh. It. was so .funny to see all ,tha
swans face to -the bank to be fedt
Judith woula clap her bands In gtm.
And then Whltsy was so tame he would'
even eat 'from her hands. He liked to
have his bead scratched, -oo, and he
-would look at her so contentedly that
Judith was surs that be was saying,
"Thank you," aa plain aa plain could
be, even though be couldn't speak ,i
way people do. 1
- Judith laughed and laughed When aha
told me bow aha had shown her' new
parasol to the oans.
It was a beautiful parasol, so that It
was but natural that Judith should
wish to snow It to ber favorite pets, ,
especially Whltey.
Raising the pretty' parasol, JuUth
proudly strolled down to tbe pond.
She thought It funny, a. she neared -the
water, that Whltey or the other
sv.ans did not swim toward her, as
usual But she wet more surprised
MART scanned too letter exclted
lr. X)f all that's wonderfull
Jessie's coming to visit us for
,,", sevaral weeks.' I suppose she'll
hTs s whole wardrobe of old-fashioned
country cloths too." - . .
" "For shams!" crtsd Harry. Indignant
I "I'll have yon know she's, Jots
' Jollier than guy girl around bars, sven
U sbs doss soms from Country Forks."
"fid I say anything about bar. stunldf
Pon't Z know shs's tb swsstsst Uttla
Mary retorted.
iha mm m i iium
xr uuiuviosr wore."
But It Mary ware at all ashamsd of
ber sousln, sbs oertalnly didn't show U
when she mat ber at the railroad sta. .
tlon. . Jessie really looked so nice and
fresh and chssrlul that no one but
would bars been glad to own ber for
a eo jain. And In the matter of clothes,
there waa also a surprise In store for
Mary; as Jessie was quit stylishly
dressed.. Jessie 'spoiled It all, how
avar, by aaying, in return to Marys
compliment, tbst mother had "followed
a city pattern pretty closely?' .
A week later Mr. Graham was talk
ing .to Mrs. Graham. "Have you no-.
tlosd." said be. "bow much brighter '
the household baa grown sines Jessie
"Indeed. I have," quickly replied1 Mrs. '
Graham, who was an invalid; "there is
no one like her to relieve my "pain and
glvs ms nice little attentions."
Truly, everything was much mora
pleasant since Jessie bad come. Her
uncle's slippers wers always ready for
him, and ah aided 'hla comfort In a
great many little ways. Bobby and
j an vi, toe iwina, woo . were always
- fighting one another, grew almost
peaceable. Bobby, In particular, had
been left quite to himself ever since
Mrs. Graham had become an Invalid, ,
and It was very nice to have some on ,
take an interest in him and comfort , '
blm when be fell downstairs which
happened three or four times a dsy
and -to-sympathise - with blm at all
times, t was something ba wasn't
used to.
Heretofore, when Harry lost a but.
ton from bis clothes or had a tear to
be mended, he waited his a la tar's conve
nience. He was decidedly grateful now
that Jessie undertook to do such mend
ing even without his requesting It
Even grandma could not say enough
- In praise of the little girl. Jessie listen
ed with eagerness to tlie stories of .
long ago, which Mary pronounced so
"tlresoms," and when dear, old grapd
ma felt a little out of sorts, aa some
times happened, no one could cheer ber
like Jessie.
Mary, too, grew Into tb bablt of run
ning to ber cousin for advice upon als
occasions, even In matters regarding
dress, for shs soon found that Jessio
had good tssts in such things In spit
of ths fact that shs earn from wow
country village. -
It lacked but a few days of ths time
Jessie wss to return boms. "By ' th
. way, Jessie," said Mary, "I'vs arranged
with some of the girls to make up a
party to go to tb theater this after
poon." .
"I'm sorry." replied Jjessls, ' "but I've
' Bramlw4 ta taka tha twin, ta tha Zoo."
"Nonsense! the little beggars can go
any time. You'd bo bothered half to
death with them."
But Jessie still Insisted that shs would
bold to bar promise, and Mary left u
a huff. . . , - - ;
That afternoon, ss Jessis wss leaving
ths house with the twins. sh waa met
by Harry, just returned from soma ad
venturous trip.
xicuui Truer an fvu . in
HSU. , - , .
"To ths Zoo I" ths twins shouted to
gether. .
"Welt 111 bs swixslsdr was the sur
prised exclamation.
For a moment be stood there scratch
ing his bead and seemingly In deep
thought -i ; . ' ' t ,;'',"'
-l say," ne nnauy asxea in some em
barrassment, "would you car to bavs Si
chap go with your . , -
"Of course not,", replied Jessie, nU
mougn ins iwing proiesiaa , eirongir,
Bo Harry went along. ?
Tou an't Imagine what a fin flm .
the bad. ' From that day on the twins '
bad a nsw regard for Harry, and he, in
turn., no lona-ar teased them -aa ha had
been accustomed to do. i " i.
As for Mary, sbs could bardly believe
Harry, who bad always scoffed, .at such
excurslonsl She had not at all en.
joyed herself at the theater; eh had a
bad headache, and she said a few bitter
words tbat wounded J etuis deeply and
angered Harry to such an extent that
he wouldn't speak to bis sister for a.
week. But when Mary thought It all
over, she told Jessie she Was sorry for
what sbe had said, and the two "mad .
up." so there was really no barm done.
At last Jessie bad gone. On and all
SSflak aUSTg sKSTsV'ast wvi vvuiu MO srcqp
how thy could do without hr. Tho
twint were inconsolable, grandma's eyes '
looked suaplclouslf red, - while , Harry
became wonderfullr roek and centlo ;
..a. SK wtlaa asistr AS 1 TtAttwA MAh U a A "
been taught something during her brief
stay and each was tbe better for it
"No. shs's not at all like city folks,
and I'm glad of It!" Harry had said
wiw empnasis, nor ma sugry . venture)
to contradict blm. - , ! . s
when she called, "Whlteyl WhlteyJ"
and Whltey merely stared curiously
back. -
Then she guessed what . th matter
was. Closing tbe parasol she laid it
carefully on the ground, and then came
again to the edge of the pond.
Wbltey at once swam Joyously to
meet ber. Following blm closely car
the other swans. v
You see. they didn't know ber when
sbe had the parasol!
' "Silly goose I" Judith exclaimed,
scratching ber pet's head. Ha wasn't
a goose at all, but be war silly. Just
the earns. Don't you think soT
. ' - i .. ; . .. ' "' '' ' III iial sjl i" lT" -.j
r KNOW It ain't Just right
Away from homo to run.
I But when the fish will bits
' Fishing's such lots of fun.
J trudge down to the brook,
Sometimes without a thought
Of fish but just to look;
'Deed, not a thing I'vs brought.
. But, 'fore I even think, '
I'v cut a splendid pole: ,
And then, quick as a wink,
. Unas from my pockets roll.
Then, too, somehow a worm
I find upon the hook; -
There soon a fish will squirm
If ons Is in tbs brookl
fit - y&M
IT 13 notat all .difficult to s. build a
I punt This sort of boat, with ths
I flat bottom, is safest, too, as if
.annot be readily overturned. Another:
id vantage it has Is that it may be
red from either end. and the over
lawglng nds afford good seating room,
KiMjj Shows a. punt fifteen feet long,
i'ween ' Inches deep, and four feet
Xtde. The ends are cut. Under twenty
iichei. At one and a skag and rudder
isn be attached, as shown In Fig. 1.
For each side, two boards are used,
ne of six and the Other of twelve-inch
vtdth. The twelve-inch board is used
the lower one. Fig. A shows bow the.
sawds ara fastened together by bat
,i nailed lnslds.tbs boat at tbs old
, die and near the ends. - Into the upper
ends of the middle battens, which should
be six Inches wide, are driven tha row
lock pins. : ,. .-, i'--'
Ths planking for ths bottom of ths
boat should be four or five Inches wide,
i It is nailed to the edges of ths side,
. and to a keel strip, which, as Is shown
, In Fig. Z, runs tbe length of ths boat
Use only galvanised nails. - ' "
In building your punt use, only tbs
' dry est wood. Smear white lead and on
this spread one or two thicknesses of
.lamp-wicking along ths edges of the
sides before the bottom planking is laid
on. Between tbe edges of the planking
' also put white lead and wicklng. In this
way your boat will be, completely
. a
.-.i.. - ' 1 . .1- ,r..
Great Expectations. ' -Elsie
My bruvrer Tommy Is going to '
be an admiral when bo grows up.
Visitor Ah. a naval academy student,
. I suppose.
Elsie Oh. bo hasn't got that far yet;
but he's got an anchor tattooed on hla
barm. . , ,.
, Handed .Sown, AU Bight :
Teddy Pleas, what does "heirloom"
mean, papa? - ,
Papa I'm glad you bavo such a de
sire to learn, my ron. It means some
thing that Is banded down from fath
er to eon.
. Teddy ITm, first time X knew a pair
of trousers waa called an "heirloom,"
V r Bin Didn't Tick. '
Magician Now you saw n.e put your
watch in this handkerchief
fimail Boy (on stage) Yes, sir.
Magician And you can bear It tick
; Ing? . ..-
, ; Email Boy Tes, but I took ths works
out of my watch last week.
A Sure TMng;.
Conjurer Boy. Mo you think I could
ut the twenty-five cents which ths
ady bolds In your coat pocket T
I Arthur No. sir; I know uu couldn't.
, Conjurer Why not?
Arthur Boca use ths pocket la all tora
' ouu' ' '
, Unspeakable.
Mother was telling little Martha
about the heron. Ending the story
. ah said "The bird baa no tall t
..speak of. ' .
, The next day ihe asked Marth t i
tell her what she rernsmberuil txiiout
the heron. Martha - began with:
"The heron's tail must not be !-::. 1
, About
Boy Wan M,"
Toots Ma says I?row; i
baby girl.
. BootsWill (!" 1 ' ' '
V Toots Con ri: ' ''
Boots-Ttit-y ' ' ' ' . '
" Window Wlu -r v' a!- J -