The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 32, Image 32

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Places to I Seek BiWliU'.
.1 .. i ..
1 1
Warm ; 4 Fancy 'i Stiinta 'Daring
j v.. . i-1
hot wmnami a&a
Swimmers. inoTRoguuli Pranl V YoutKnJ Battens Come on in, tte Waters Fi'ne
i r" m-'; l y?"'
-v v . ;.IZ3IZI 1". ..r"., , Lv''''"!ir . ... - Ill'
'V : - 'fr TV--".- '1
'HIS is the season for ' the i
popularity of the water, and -every
afternoon and even-
find the bath houses and
swimming tanks up the river fre-
qucnted with crowds of rrfen and .
women, boys and ' girls' who" do
not wait long to gaze admiringly v
on the ccwl, rippling surface be
neath. In what time it takes to
don swimming;clothes they are '
splashing around in the water
with cries of delight. ; ;
. The Portland public baths are "
. the nearest of the various swim
ming tanks' and the most' easily
accessible, Certain hours every
morning and afternoon are given
to the. boys who may refresh
themselves in the cooling waters
of the Willamette without money
and- without price.. Other speci
fied hours. are, given free to men,
'women and, "girls and certain .
evenings .and , afternoons with a
small price to men and women
who wish to be "far from the
V 1
1 I
j i . . . .t.,-
maaening crowu. , . - . 1Ut,e sUrthd cries of delicious heat of the day so quickly fades
; The Oaks swimming tank and f ear sound through the air as into the coolness of evenihg. And
Captain fcundy's place are scarce- young people smile roguishly at gathered about the fire to dry are
1y less popular though there are one another and kick up the wa- myriads of little boys who plunge
no "free for, alTT days. Various ter playfully into the faces of into the cold water and out again
it. , people whom they have never in a minute and run to the fire to
swimming feats of note have been seen- before and will never see dry and warm up for another
-watched there and high dives, again,, bitf whom they have met plunge. These spots, made sacred
shoots, somersaults ! and faircy once on a "common ground." to this use by several summers'
tricks in the water are enjoyed. Any one rowing up the river in : habitation, are dearer to the
; ''Qome.on in; the water's fine," the cool of the evening may see hearts of the boys than are even
side and every one outside looks at long intervals. They : look ally the boater may pass and hold from bank tobank. For this is a the river in its widest spot and world-Famous Building;.
on and smiles longingly but fear- comfortable, too, at this hour of converse with . an ambitious popular trial of strength and en- back again is worthy of the name VThfIar .rUln. buu4,,jw i ia
;nrlv vi.,4 .uf,,) eVmt.fa kwiA Vi lrrU tu;a UA .,rV,-,m Um eMr.'mmAr i'e Anintr tVi nV. f.rn.. ., . . donr that r almost well knoi
iugij: 4uiu gtbviui ouvu .' nuu - bui tu laiiu rv ii v V o - v -j w... v..w . . t v. uui auvb, auu . vv liv vail , 9 Willi VI o WJlllIHvl
AGE To Introduce American Features
(From Staff Cofregpondent) - eontrolled ita fleatlny and waa, at th
ONDON. Pandemonium reigm in time Starr aettied near it a -wnue eio-
th crvatal nalaea. That ust- Phant" on their banda. It was in ma
th cryatai paiaca. T " natural order of eventa then that they
, lln American clrcuaman, Oaorga ,hould turn to the. reat Amertcaa
' O. Starr, who baa taken over the showman whose reputation aa an or-
management tf - EnalandV Wg- !n'?LA,,JL.ndl!',?,Vif
(eat and moet famoue amusement InstU hesitated, unwilling for a time to give
tutlon, la turning things upside down, to up his prospect of a good rest, but final
ly yielded to me pieaainge or me aireci-
ors of the palace..
the dismay of tola atald British aasocl
ates. i Thev shake their heads and won'
der where the dividends are coming Jg Ills Biggest Task. '
from, but Mr Starp InalsU on having . v.i. M.ij i.
bis own way, and get. it. He vm'JJ
out flxturea which have been io place m uf told tta. Tor lniUnoe, X
since Queen Victoria opened the build- have' transported the big Barnum A
lngv' lie Is cleaning away the dirt and Ballejr how acr0 the 'Atlantic and all
dust of many months, and he has flshod v. . .
from forgotten rooms, statuary, and ovr Europe. I have done the same
copies worth thousands Of dollar. He thing for the' big . Buffalo Bill Wild
has grooved Immense awnings from the West show. Each one of these tasks
Interior of the building, which com- meant at least two years of preparatory
? lately obscured a view 01 the wonder
ul ached roof of glass, 'and he has'
THE FALL OF JIM CROW-Reminiscences of a Nature
Faker ly jokn KenJrick Bangs Biro Tnat Ate Newspapers
work 'and Involved an extraordinary
amount of labor which ona could- not
leave to assistants. But compared with
the Job I have tackled at the Crystal
Palace those, tasks were small. When
one looks at this enormous structure
covering more than a dosen acres and
these a-rounds of more than 200 acres
-one cannot help being scared. I told
. the men behind the Institution when I
" " took bold that I would do nothing to .
"; sneak of for six months but look 1
known to around. At the end of that time I
Americana as to Englishmen, and this, changea and inn-
not because the former may have jour-
addeda collection of wild animals
which cost a mint of money.
And yet when I saw Mr. Starr yester
day he told me he had hardly begun.
"Just cleaning up a bit." he said. "It
don't cost anything to be clean,"
The time is not up yet, and Mr. Btarr
le good opinion his neighbors, and chambermaid In the house was un- th4. hut because thev are world-fa- contemplated In the way of new attrae-
right to have a national reppy- der suspicion, but they couldn't fasten . tMm "Vf-""- Vi?r re. worw-ia- , beyond atating that many of them
buE if ye haven't got a local one none o' th robberiea on nobody. De- mous and fill the public print on many would be brought from i the T United
tup th?I"t,1,kelyTit0 ve ?cJ've sent for an' a half a dosen, and dlvera occasions. , Buckingham pal- States and Europe.
He rastled with It aU that (that bird has picked up all them
poems an sxy-sorapin- speecnes on me
Dlease him.
niht sort o' mumblln' It over to his-
self down in the woodshed, but It didn't railroads hisselfr says I, flxin' my eye
(Copyright, 107. by Joseph B. Bowles.) i'Z2I&XXtJ!!!: 7-
www VVIlllUVllW-O V LAIO. V V1IV t . .
Ate tne newspaper.
fUU wa tajion' ahOul mat tame v. reneatin' what he'rt harrt thr
crow o' your son Horisses the "Te thought he was a gentleman,
other. day, Captain.' said SI il! 3 fapr said the Postmaster.
...'' VT. .. 'Id a' swore he was." returned the
Wotherspoon as the Nature Captain. "But ye never can telL In
Fakirs association - of ' Cane this p'tlc'lar case Jim went clear back
.Porpoise gathered about the postof floe on m. Next mornin' at breakfast Just
stove. "Whatever became of hlmT"
Jhi'?orianyfb1le ,n. ' vi toi "Vv""1 waJ4I?' dckn PT. Every bellboy peyed to these ahoret and have seen would not divulge Just wW changes ho
...v qww vva"u V " ireiaumnA aim viHIUUCi uwm 111 flUUBQ WeVS Un-
11 s an ri,
tatlon. bu
to back
trouDie. Jiut comin nacit to Jim, ne o em come from Boston disguised as ce, the Bank of England. London "The possibilities of the Crystal Pal-
was a great comfort to us that winter, boarders, aettln' traps for aneak thieves Bridge and Cryatal Palace are four auch see are almost unlimited." said Mr.
n.Uin.Ailgu.,t ,ht.u"d .t0-5r-upv2 nA ke9Pln' tbelr eyea peeled tryin' tc- structures, to go no further, if must. Starr, as he showed me over the build-
the village o nights, an set on the find out who It was that was workln' therefore, aonear somewhat In the na- Ina-s and arrounds. "In the bulldina
5irfninp01 . ,i V0. 0 .u Bimraona tne secona-story game at the hotel. But ture of a national calamity to the ordl- Itself upwards of 180.000 people have
ilL Bl? 'if19!!. t2..thphlny, .Ji-'TSIl.ft U99' The burglaries con- nsry Englishman to know fhat an Amer- gathered on an Easter Monday. Out In
"'i' vuoi.uiuc? w .o y- mumm, una, i aorry, even . loan clrcuaman now rules over tne oes- the nark'there la' a cricket rie
"We had to lose him, SL'
Captain, with a mournful shake of
neaa. r It come to be a oueatlon
replied the
as mother was cuttin' the punkln pie.
with Mis Bcagway settm there lookin'
nineteen an' a half, an' makln' eyes nt
a young college kid from Boston, Jim
flops In through the winder, an' perches
killinV him and serVln' him uS to the EmZ. JZ?iJL&E
way, Skagway, Bkagway." Even that era u a incasseed chicken, or
Josin" him, an' as we was too tender
hearted to kill him an' hi ni tnn
'ST-faS?" H.!fi!2: bo7yS5Wmyenon
didn't bother us any, because her name
was Skagway, an' it's a name that any-
"1 do know where he'a got .'em.'
ays Horiss. What I do say, an' I
ay It straight, I ain't teacbed him
one gol-derned word o' the' hull ahoot
In' match. Well, sir. I had to' b'lieve
ways, an' partlo'larly In his love o'
truth. He'd scorn a lie. Jest as I do,
so I knowed when he said that that
I'd done wrong In talkln' to him the jc
way x am. uui ye can Det i watcnea
that crow pretty careful for two or
three weeks try in' to find' out the
sources o' his unusual supply of in
a a..ct ur8tomer" 1 f. VJaJ ,t th9 am' I a"orry, even loan clrcusman now rules over the des- the park there Is1 a cricket fi
dy water fountain. It stood n the the detectives was robbed. Somebody uinies of the last. , n . . -.. can aid ha? accommodated i
i ,n ,ront oor was walked off with one o' their safety Oeorgo O. Starr 1 member of the 80,000 spectators of a cricket i
chuck run o' songs, an' opery music . rasors an' a loaded revolver. - It begun
of all sorts, an' now an' then it would to be a pretty serious matter for the
Old Guard" of Yankee showmen and
partner ana contemporary 01
strel talk, an Jim . he'd' set outside they .wouldn't stay if the robberies kep', For otne year past the great
inero on ine niicnin- pt wun nis neaa , on, . oui one o- tne aetectlves . wa a' Palace had been drifting lnt
cocked to one side takln' It all in Jest reporter ; -on. a newspaper, an' he used ' r-irin unon neslact antt
eld which - .
more than'
math. Ad- '
Joining it Is an athletl field of equal ..
capacity, and the number of people who
can' spena an evening in tne ground
listening to the several , bands and
Horiss Is like me in a a-ood many 5," " ??w..w.nV lwa" D?'il- It '.a.."V.Fon?Plel.e tory-about what
- niVHrv tittim it in ii n i sin un nmT nin nsa naa ' ri ihii b naa
Ike he was apolaudln'.. That's where was gettin a bad name.. VinaMv it ail
he got The Boy Stood on the Burnln' come out. A -young feller from Phil-
o a state watching the fireworks Is limited onlyf
oblivion bv the number of those who have tVi
If such a word can be truthfully used price to pay. ' mmW
of so commanding a structure.' Its "The Crystal Palace represenan in- I
great glass domed rcof covering an area vestment of about $3,00O,OOO,and it is I
of is acres, situatea in a magnincenc worth mucn more man tnat.. i Deiieve
Xj ' ii.r " . . '""V ""r irora rmi- park or more man uo acres, commana- tnat It is oniy necessary tnat it De prop-
BipJ?i?:-0,n v.V'h'" T?om Uu one fng a view of no less than eight differ- erly and Intelligently and energetically
afternoon caurht nnnr Jim hi,,i' . . j u i, 1.. j i . a w. . .1... . . .. .... V
(Uf m
'In?lnnnlr Vv,u.V
he'd flap his wings bis paper every night, so that th' hotel
B . PI
to lose him. Horiss took him thlrti Kri0,i2,2!, "S?"t ?f terestln' Uteratoor. First I thought may rnnA n,,r,15r. Prn,.
dm hen neen irtin- on tri inerinwnnn
r rtLTtti nhonvirVdidr' SSS -ttSM?&iF2? 9 UmSlt prove4 mnageS io STS .ucc'e.T AtSfi
I Mkd:? Syltolf. if Zj.lf',V,l W9W 'or th0M am going to have a try at lt .
ha'Bor":.1:; "9? W"9" J9?" (-ward
an' T tall v, it . M an iquawno gi iviunapper, Kianap-
."-.L1?1.1 was a lonesome house he ner. kldnaDoer. three times. 1ut jiCa
left behind him. It didn't seem at first
v a If we could stand not havin' him
around, but of course, like ail other
troubles, it wore off after awhile, an
. tiow Jim ain't nothln' more 'n a pleasant
: mem ry.'
"He really could talk, could he" asked
the Postmaster.
"Talkr ejaculated the Captain,
, Well, I guess. If you was a settln'
. In the room next to where he was you'd
a thought a church sociable was in'
Learned to Recite Poems.
"Qeet" cried SL
"Mother dropped
the floor, made
Miss Bcagway rose
the room like as
empress o' Roosla. an'
thinkln' no doubt that if ha m it that
far there wouldn't be no trouble about
his aettln awav with It. tjm
"I mean Jest that," said the captain. was cawin away to beat creation, an'
was. I come acrost him settln' on th' , . . " ; " I Come on!' with every Jerk on the leather
curbstone Jest outside this here post- Bcuealt V them rubber records, except handle. -."!.'m.-,T ":
office. Deck In' away at a Boston news- th Ancv'i hand mmdn. vtm mum 's .-..'v .' Vv-f'.v.
taoer somebody 'd thrower! Into the ...- - , . . . ' t .. ' . '
be he'd been sittln' on the Ingle wood
piazzy iistenin' to k city xoiks taikin
but one day I found out Jest how It
somebody 'd th rowed
right Out o' the middle o' the editorial
the ... . , , . y ... v.j p.. . .
street Hed tear off a little at a time l"c " ,v uu oiuwcu ; wy.
come down
the trombone
"Well, of course, that set the detec-
n in there. He was a town meetinr for back." continued the the CaDtaln. "After
vefsalon 5? rniS 7 ?n? orccon- that I put fly screens in all the wln-
folr said a. how i010 'MA 8o'n ders to keep Jim out o' thr house dur-
aabbv XL 7Z, Z"r TO0,t M te summer season. He'd proved
iLi?n t e..,H1,7a. Perfesser that that ha wasn't fit f overhear tK' prl-
go. Mr. Perfeasor wnt " ' " lv genuera . tnat , ..Doajuea wn u,
4 ua.g4 c. nil naiici i v. an . a kui i t. iia cisnnHL. a.ri - uii iiik ukbh utuiil fin Rare it: i . . . . . .
tho' punkln pie on never quit It till he'd eat up Ui hull Wt have , the necessary nlumbln- .!" .I!Yn"
arrah rnr .Tim an noi even excepiin me patent mea- . I . "ix uuo io mvsiiigie,i n sure
grao tor Jim. an r . oi,vrtiamnta . . t brinir them out as full an' strong , . .l. v ....
up an' swep' from "-MuM o' had a strong tummlck.''. as they; was. In the 'rlginal. But all Z.r
thOua-h she was the said 81 tne iittie tninars uks -xammany, an- " ia: uy
aha nntr Mmn Au crows nu, saiu me uaptain. w V U I . , r. ,x i ... tim mi ,. uw iuvi , un u
"What 'a i rii. w , . . juaier on ne oegun to recite poetry, an
"Vthat d ha talk aboutr-queried SL things that sounded like the editorials
Compendium of Information. Horiss it was ail right for a crow -to
' HKmi i'i.!,.- v .. B"et off things on the gentle spring
.,.,.. He Was ft compendium O' general In- tlma an armnata on ..immr. with an
formation.' said the CaDtaln. "What- occasional blast on the needs o the his mind, endln' up with sundry flatter
'ever he'd hear anvhrvv country, or the shortcoming of the ad-, ?n remarks about Sunrise , plug ter
.he'd reneat th. nttt .uu 1' mimsiration; an now an; men it was
. "M1VU 0JllV
times got ; kind of embarrlssin', aeein'
?V.ey c5n aa m08t n7th,'n, iatT wAv3?m.Tr An-i tii v nilssed. an'7a Jot more besides.. There
ain't made o' glass or steel. Well, lr. canary, words and music. An X tell yCj ' , . aftv-
i rot thinkln ahniit th nnaaihiamnl aentlemen. . when the winter came an' poona, an knives, an forks, an
nection o' the two things, an' after we was snowed up 'm we had to leave shavln mus. one switch o' bright au-
ne a eat tne
an got
from the
enough two days later Jim comes along to that there crow renderin" the pop'lar safety razor, two doien cakes o' hotel
an' begins to spout Jest exactly what : ohB" o the day, an' aivin' us an oc- soap, a meersham pipe, an' Lord knows
was printed on the page he'd swallered. casionai nainsirei snow xnat. ix ye snur what elae! And tnat was tne ena o
He didn't go at it straight, of course, your eyes, ye couldn t hardly tell from Jim. The of fleers the law give me
but give out parrygraphs from differ- real thing;. Sometimes it got a little the benefit o the doubt largely because
ent columns ss the material come into tiresome when he'd only do one thing, they knowed I hadn't no use for a'
a a ounaie o some- .
editorial page I Went Out n.jwRm. vu mo ran uurn imir wnicn no way nau comtiia.inou
the date o' that newspaper an aig our way up to inn ievei, it was -o josia, an- tnat s not claimed yie; a ,
pages he left behind him. an' mighty pleasant to sit In front of a bundle o love letters done up in blue,
i it an .ii,. roann nra -inom tuiu niKULS an .listen . rinonn. : tne cunrifli. tna :i: aaianuvfli
backer, the verv stuff that wa advar.
rather nleaaant to set out on the lawn tised in the upper right hand corner."
an' listen to Jim perched on a tree goln'
on aoout tne corruptm: , inriooence o jcamca irom rnonoerapn.
the railroads on politics. He'd scorch , .
an' kep at -it for several hours run- switch n' red hair and
nin-.. -mere wasn't no way o' turnin' bodys else' Jove letters. As long as
him off one thing an" startln.' him on I promised to get rid o' Jim they prom-
ln' aa
. j, t.uui now an tnen y
don't like to be reminded of later. We the & M. for fair, an'! it ; iin t aayin".' ' The Captain paused for a moment to that would always i cheer us up."
naa. ai uwm u lea Bieiien that didn't like it, because l sort or oo light his pipe.
year, an' aner ainner was over an' the lnlnK " railways naa too mucn'i
mealers had gone back home the board- hout thinga in this here country,
another, an' when that - happened we Ised to give me a clean bill as beln
used to put mm out in tne woodshed access'ry to th' crime."
and let him entertain hlsself, but most The story was over,, but as the cap-T
always ne a irivs ua some variety, , an tain rose to depart ne ). paused . a mo-
. . . . . . . . w 'mw . . ' ... AWAf nea vaa
mink tne railways nas too mucn t say.. . ... nrov. too n '.n-. I
"I ; shouldn't think that you would bead.
ment with a regretful shake of his
tllJIIKB) 1U tUlO I'C&'B UUUUU T ' - U b v .
ere would naterly make remarks about when. I thought .of all the chore they was w nave mat story pnmea an-
parted with so talented
.v i ventured to put In.
ye - wouidn t, sixhed ; the -caB-
..... Hf) . 4 . ti
m. One mealer UO'lariy was ona wa-iu o aone aoout me zarm u seemea , circyiatea among tne cnildren in the ,- .;-..-1 ,dki. ""
. . i i a. . , . ma thai ma.a . n. In' ... . . .... . .. KV. .... wovtu ...'. ... v a, . bu& '
inom ?ia maioa oH in. saaay side i,,, -rt"' 1 '.r.V. ".".IT 'Puwic cnoois, an- the United SUtes flrtallv thlnits not so that ,1 was In
that .that's the
.crows," . be said.
fifty that liked to dress
&.9l,d9 nunTOUylm. teacln' mat?pubU0 ch0019' th9 Unltea Sute finally' thln act
'aVt? to Investigate the danger o' the ster
aa.lV ' T a,M aw M Yl
t.U MHntf hri fih ma ui-I , iMW -crow jonK-whidfld D?ches: ilk -wuuiu wiuii io invesngaie in v -"YL1 " ti a.1" .
fne u...'d to rig rsi out an-oenave kindlln" .
ilka nne o- em r iem irom ti n rt ;' ." . .WOTU" .""r. -v. , " ..yr-.. ..
i.ooi. . the way she made yee jt Srownto. ldin"
nnuts ye consume between
joriss Is a lad C considerable
1 lor kidnappin. .before ' the mad as a hornet.
f.i. au wiihl a RiurfL nan . . . - .
edo turnin' that tell them the name o' the newspaper jewelry .Disappeared.
'I've ' heern since
" great trouble with
"Thv will steal."
: "That's o." said the postmaster,
"But they don't lie," he added.
"No." said the captain, "they don't
lie, an' 1 gorry, that's what I respect
Docuiiat ammo - idoukd j. aon i exacuv rememnnr tna .. . ... .. . .. . ..
horin i. ',),. "Til.. lot v jooiry, an spoons, an sil-
doughnuts ye consume between" suess your ren'ral renovtation , Ter-backed hair brushes an' other things
lady lost a couple o' gold bangles; an-
The ' Machinists Union of Pittsburg'
is devoting considerable time to the bet
terment of conditions in that city.
Recently It appointed - a . committee
of its : members ; to see J. If meas- ,
ui-iun! mi, una niirni alter snea srone , an
I ' , ., ... : .hl,. i i,. eXTawaV "iJ?.' -it0"?" w.a lad & considerable around -here. as. a man '.. veerassltyt disappeared up ,to ..the Jnglenook. One ures could not be taken to bring about "
a ..... .... - o ...,.N .u wnen I aalt that ha ant aa vniiM -, ha ail '-f naVA. Tiaa " a.M Ih... . . . . . ' . . . . ln . tl. . .ri--. t.
1 i . k rinann n' luirM . rh. . 1 . rr r. . - "f . , wh... ...wr- lanv I rT a pnnni. n' rnjn ninfflitl' aa. .' a Miiyniciirein ,i. iiiv . av. . no. . .
l ain't teached him,' Postmaster dryly. -' : r . ... ..... r ' " DroDoses to enlist the co-ODeration of
11 X
. twewtwi? PIC AJTU51
,: T T '-J ltwt . a. w"w'e'
. - ..,....,.i ,i ... . ... . i. i ami- iwvjiou mm, jrunirnniri uijij.. ' : .....-. - ... ... .. .. . - DroDOSes to enlist tne CO-ooeratton or t - over, an " f.?rtVJ -tl- ffiHIf ouain' no business "I'm glad ye fliink o, Joe." said the other eald he'd been robbed of a ..coral'.. & oVubor " lb
u natiua, an seemed to to My t hev ir y. U tJi n Cap Lain. ."J dop's Jtao. jmey'g any- uecklac and nkuaond i1ni aa' tier- ' movement. ,7
i. - ; .... - ': j '' :
. ., .' ' s. t-: .-. i ,'..." - - C. ,' -; ' iVv: u : .-...-,-;
..f-V"'-- .- ' ' l'-' . '' ' - f' -- v . .." ' '"- ' - " V'-r'
..- - - " ... - .
:- '."...':...' ' '