The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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UndermudUno Low Priced
For Monday and Tuesday we place on aale three special values
In Women' Dainty Undermuslina that cannot be duplicated lit
any other store. These valuea are unmatchable: A . .,
t :, Gowns of muslin or cambric, made full, yoke of tucks'
and , inserting and ruffles,'or low necks and AQ
Correct lorm in cuici. y are agcaia wjt mo itunn.u . ' ,.
Corsets. K. fit u. wrsei g"re snapeiiness, comion ana grace o Tcrj w s
mman who weara tbem.' Thev Kive strenatheninir . aupport besides I S . V
short sleeves,1 finished witn torchon laces.,,,., luw
gracefully rounded line over the bust and hips, giving the wearer that I Kj'tX
stylish effect and at the same time lots of comfort. ? R. & G. Corseta L 1
come In all model for alim, medium and stout figure. R. 4 O. Cor- ? , ' j
Drawer o cambric or muslin, umbrella style with deep
flounces, tucks and embroidered ruffles or lace insert-:
ings and edge; splendid values at 75c, .'. " JOJ
nowv. , . . ......... . i .......... . . . . , ,"Ot
Petticoats with deep tucked and hemmed flounce": tQl
the iiost in Values ; :i'f&y.
sets are most moderately priced at x.oo, at fa.fto, at , , M flfl
2.00, at f2.50, at , t.,$OAfV
Every Pair H. & G. Corseta Fully Guaranteed ,
: ; t or ruffle of embroidery? worth $L25." Tfcis sale; HfO
. ISiaagMgjggBgggHaUaVtKUBSaSaaBSB ' i
r ; Fpices Have Been Greatly
The potent charm of this anriouncement rests In the fact that it offers merchandise of the frighest class at astoundingly low prices. Every one desiHng to secure the most for their money should
come ihere tomorrow. They wUl find countiess opportunities for praedcing thriftme Every department of the store has representation in this Bargain List. While the list of those which are
printed is an Extensive One, there are ten times their numbex--all equally good vilues--in the store, lack of space preventing their enumeration. You can always save money by buying what -you
J IjSer J Special Values in
v arid
For women and children. A great
bargain week thia will be, for we've
made some special low prices on
Hosiery and Underwear of the most
dependable sort Comparison of these
values will prove to yon our prices
are always the lowest
Childrens Underwear f oln
25o and 35a Values at
Odd lots and oJd sizes Children' Summer Weight
Vests, Pants and Union Suite in a large variety
of style, all well made, good fitting garment;
regular 25c and 35c grades. Special '
to close, your choice, only
- Women's Umbrella
Pants, Best 75o Grade
Women' fine bleached Lisle Thread .Pants, um
brella style, nicely trimmed with torchon lace;
extra good values at 75c Specially OQ
priced for this sale at VVfC
Women's Xabe Hose Kr
Beg-ulor 25o Kinds at X UU
Tomorrow we place on sale for the first time our
entice line of Women's 25c Black Lace Hose, in
a full assortment of this season's most popular
fiatterns, made with full fashioned leg -and rein
orced heel and toe, both fine cotton and f
lislejhread. Specially priced for thi alet IUC
nidsuxxixxier Values That Should Create Quiok Selling of
v;: , i: i.:i,:;;"-iT'S " : , .,
9 ITT) jtk rn tTIttt , (
A Great Special Underpricing: of the Most Appropriate
- v - garments xor iuiasummer wear
; Women keen to appredats nnnwal value and who share m the offerinp told of below wm secure the season best and most desirable styles in
Strfi. Waiata Tackets Skirts, etc at far below the usual eort, as our comparative value prices, which are taated with coiuervstlam and exactitude, show.
VU WUW. lv aw w--' . T
, Silk Suits
17J0 sad I18J0 Valuea Reduced to f 12.50
These are high grade suite, made from very fine
quality of Taffeta silk, beautifully tailored in the
season's fashionable style. They come in black.
redr gray and other good color. Their actual
worth ia positively what we claim them to be.
Only on aale Monday and Tuesday $1250
Shirt Waists '
65c and 85c Values, Reduced to 48 There are
several different style and material represented
In this lot tome are white lawn trimmed with
tucka and embroidery Insertions, others are shep
herd check, black and white polka dot lawns and
plain chambraya. Your choice Monday AQ
and Tuesday at . .OC
Children's Dresses
65c, 75c and 15c Valuea Reduced to 4S There,
are about ten dozen in this lot and not a ingle
dress worth less than 65c 'and the greater part
of them are marked 75c and 85c They are all
this season's production, made from pretty ging
ham and percales,' solid and fancy designs, nice
ly trimmed with pleats, buttons and braids. You
cmget any size from 4 t-14 year in most all
oi tne stylet, cnoice wonaay ana U7SC
Tuesday only-
Extraordinary Value in
ing' Com
fort and
Perfection of stock and finish, correctness of form and, price
marks that help to economy are the features of our shoe selling at
all seasons. But now the' shoe man supercedes nimseu. anu
Infants9 Shoes
AT 10 Infant' Soft Soled Shoe, in color
blue, pink, white, tan and black, broken lines of
our best selling numbers, in most all 11)
sizes; usual 50c grade. Special...'........ UC
Women's Oxfords at
Half Price
'AT fi.OO Women' Whit Canva and Black
Vici Kid Oxfords, in a number of attractive styles,
in both straight lace and Blucher cut, heavy and
light soles, high and low heels; extra good value
ju $2 a pair. Special to close, your $1QQ
.WwnV'$2.'50 White Canva Oxfords. Jl 17
Priced at. ................ ?
Women' $2.50 Black Vici Oxfords. J 1 7,
vnmi r . ...............
Women' $3.00 Black Vici Oxfords, r & 77
Priced at.; ...... . . . .v. v . . ... .1,. ;
Children's Shoes
AT 2Te Children'a Oxfords, of white canvas
and black vici kid, well made with heavy and
light soles, good styles; usual $1 )7n
grades. Special to close at
Misses' Oxfords
. - . , . .(
AT 77e At this price we offer-choice of . four,
styles that are fully worth $1.50: 1 Misses' Ox
fords of black vici kid,x made with heavy exten
sion sole and light hand-turned soles, Blucher
cut with large eyelets; 2 Misses' Tan Oxfords,
in this season's best styles; 3 Misjes'. White
CahvisOxfords, "Blucher cut, wide ribbon laces;
4 Misses' one and two-strap Sandals, of finest
vici kid, hand turned soles, all sizes, best $1.50
valuesOn special sale 'for one day only. 77
a s w
Men's $3.50 Oxfords, in vici kd, patent JO A A
colt and demi-glaze. Specially rjced at. v"'
IBli;k .IDS9s!: o"odLi:
Blscfc the.. bico' -'of .' color; tnd ,yeir:'iiwty. .becoinlnf . - alw;;p)priite.? and this season more
fashionable than ever. Prices like the would almost make the unpopular popular. You need them
anvway-you pay full price for the same fabric usually. It is the combination of special time
line with special small pricings that makes the marvel of thh sale. Many different fabrics, and
as many reasons for. their sale here underpriced. Reaaons would taka too much space to teU-rspace
is valuable toaay, oo ncrc is jud uic uu Am w v
46-lnch Black Voile Spotless black, sponged, all
ready for the needle, strictly all -wool. ,
Specially priced at....
. J--U ITnirliKh Voilft-F'in CHSD finish. ' OUrC
wool, fast black, spot prpof. v . QCr
Specially priced at
44-Inch French Voile Deep, rich black, crisp
hard hnisn, excellent to nea oust, un- iiii
equaled value at . . . . . . . ............... P v V
45-inch Wove Voile Very fine weave, beautiful
ly blue black, perfect finish, pot dj OC
nroof. extra arood value at...... ....... pn.tUL
AKJnl-h French VoUe Made of, finest select yarn, rich and elegant, absolutely fast black. $t CA
Specially priced at, ............... ...v. .......
40-in. Black Wool Tamse,
40-in. Black Empress Poplin.
40-in. Black Crispine Poplin.'
42-in. Black Wool Taffeta.
42-in. Black Silk Eolienne. .
40-in: Blackv Wool rBatistevs.
40-lri. Black Crepe de Pari.
40-in. Black Queen'a Cloth.
44-in. Checked Panama.
46-iii. Silk Finished Mohair.
52-in. Black Chiffon Panama.
A r Priestlev's (f1 tl V TNfh :
BKokolenJ Suitor jDxess Fabrics
Jap Silk Waists
$2.75 Values for fl.08
Heavy quaUty Jap SUk
Waist ' in . three very
handsome styles. One
style is tucked front,
back and cuffs, the other
two styles are richly
embroidered, front also
trimmed with lace in
sertion and fine tucks,
complete line of size in
each style. Monday and
Tuesday 1 QQ
only at iSl570
Girls' Summer Hats and
50c and 65c Values Reduced o 25 Our entire
stock of summer Headwear must go to make
room for the fall line which i now arming. We
have yet to offer everal styles of Tarns. Yatching
Caps and large rii Hats, in white and linen color
ducks, Bedford coras ma piain linens. V Hp
Your choice, while they last ,
Cotton Wash
New Fall Designs
Compare for your own benefit tyles,' wearing
qualities, colorings and prices of goods bought at
this store with any others, and you will forever
more buy your wash gooda here. Below we list
only a few of the many new lines just received:
New Oinghams-7-In a large assortment of new
attractive patterns, best standard quality, in
checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors, 1 Olp
in medium and dark hade. Priced at... LU2
New Galatea Dark colorings in a large assort-
Manchester Galateas, colors fully guar- OA.
anteed. Priced at ;....-Vi.
New Shirtings New cheviot Shirtings, full 32
inches wide, new pattern in medium and dark
colors, excellent wearing qualities; sold else
where at 25c. Specially priced Sc
Serge Suiting New Serge Suitings, In dark plaid
and check styles, an unlimited assortment of col
ors to choose from, a number of these are exact
copies of the new woolens. Priced 20c
Bedford Suitings New Bedford Suitings, full 34
inches wide, in. a large assortment of 9Cf
plaid, check and stripe style. Priced it..v
Chiidrfm's Bathinf? Suits
$1.75 and $1.90 Values Reduced to f 1.19 The
Bathing Suits are made from good quality serge,
trimmed with several row of narrow white braid.
All sizes from 6 to 14 years. M 1 Q
Extra special values at
New Silk Petticoats
A 8pedal Collection Tomorrow to Sell at f 4.05.
Thrv r hiw oulitT reatlln taffeta, and are
made with a very attractive deep tucked flounce ,
with dust ruffle and near silk underlay, are shown
brown, lavender and changeable effects. Worth
to $6.00.
Lawn Kimonos
$1.25 and $1.50 Valuea Reduced to 98 The
are full length Kimonos, made from fine quality
lawns, in small figured effects and large floral de"
signs. You have to see these garment to fully
appreciate the excellent valuea offered."' QQ
On sale Monday and Tuesday at VOl
Heatlierbloom Petticoats
$2.25 Values Reduced to f 1.69 These are gen
uine Heatherbloom Petticoats, made with- 12-inch
flounce headed with strap. 3 rows of pin tucks in
body, finished with 5-inch shirred and pin tuck
ruffle and dust ruffle. Special for i CA
Monday and Tuesday .'.iU9F ',
Children's Rugby
Best 25c grade, for boys
and girls. Specially pncea
Y u t .
if Tuesday only at this price.
To keep up our reputation
' f for aplendid values la our
; Hosiery Department wt
" are ever on the lookout for
special bargains. Wo mads
i a specially good boy of
Children's Rugby Stock
Ings some ten days ago and the goods go on sal
tomorrow at half the regular retail price.
About 400 doaen Children'a Rugby. Stocking,
made of best quality Egyptian cotton,' fast black,
guaranteed absolutely stainless, fine ribywith
double heel and toe. all size for boy and girls;
ol4- everywhere- at c a pair.- f)
Dptciaiiy pricca lur wis mmiv
Velour Flannel A new line of Velour Flannels,
in light and dark shade, in an unlimited as
sortment of patterns, including dots,) 1
figures and floral designs. Priced at
New Flannelette-r-Flanrtelette in a great variety
of styles and colorings," full 34 inches wide, a
good assortment of oriental designs,, suit- 1
able for kimono, etc. Priced at.. OC
Outing Flannel New Outing Flannel, in plain
and fancy styles, a good assortment f and 1 A
of the best standard quality. Priced ;at Iut
Bead These Values in
Our Men's Department offers many exceptional valuea
In the most seaaonable goods. Shirts, Underwear, Bathing
Suits and Belts have been specially reduced for Monday's sale
Men's Underwear
Regular 75c Grade, Now 55 Men's fine French Balbrig
gan Underwear, shirts and drawer in all sizes, extra good
wearing quality, perfect fitting garments; fully worth C?
75c. Specially priced for thi aale at wJV
Men's Neglig'e Shirts
Regular $1.00 Grade, Now T9 Men'a Negligee Shirts,
made with button-down collars, come in a splendid assort
ment of light, medium and dark pattern, all this ea- 7A
son's goods; best $1 grade. Priced for this aale at...f
Clearance Men's
Bathing Suits
Best $2.00 Values, Now f 1.69 Men's all wor
sted Bathing Suits, made in two-piece style, with
quarter length sleeves, color plain navy blue, all
sizes; excellent values at $2 a suit tM A
Specially priced for this sale at piUJF
Men's Underwe'r
Regular $1.00 Grade, Now 69 Here I an ex
cellent saving opportunity. -Tomorrow we place
on sale a special line of Men's Elastic Ribbed
Balbriggan Underwear, shirts and drawers in all
sizes, drawers made form fitting, hirt neatly
trimmed with silk tape and silk front; our best
selling number at $1 a garment Priced Q
for this sale at VU
Men's Summer
Shirts :
In Coat and Negligee Style Men' Soft Bosom
Negligee Shirt, made with cuff a attached or de
tached, in both coat and regular negligee style, ,
all new pattern in the best colors, all aizes; ex
tra good values at $1. Specially priced , : 7Q
for this sale at I 57y
Men's Belts
At Specially Reduced Prices Tomorrow we place
on sale our entire line of Men's Leather Belts,
following reduced prices:
Regular $1.25 AQ
values, now.....JJFl
Regular $1.00 A
values. now.....UiH
Regular 7Scf,
values now. ... ftil
Regular 50c OQJ
values, now. . . iOJC
Savings Worth While at the
TJotion Counter
Tar Soap, regular 5c each. Special at 2 fof..-JW
ToUet Soaps, regular 15c per box. Special.. lOf
Prepared Glue, regular 10c size. Special
Hair Pins, regular 25c per dozen. Special. .
Dress Shields, regular 25c quality. Special. .l
Hose Supporters, regular 25c quality. Special if
Wash Belts, regular 75c quality. Special at 39
; Three Special Values in
- - V Art Goods I '
Silk PiUow Girdles, 3J4 yards longj Special 45
Embroidered Doilies, regular $1. Special.. .69
Embroidered Doilies, regular 15c Special. lle
4: C Long Lislo Gloves
Our Regular 75o Grade
-Heauced to 35c
Ten dozen only; we therefore advise an early call
to ; ecure yourx wants ; of these gloves. These
are genuine Lisle Gloves in white only, .full 10
button length and they are our regular 9C
75c grade. Monday, while they last..... . .
A Great Lace Sale j "
Monday begins a clearance In the Lace Section Baby Irish Allovers,' Oriental Laces,
Torchon Laces, Cluny Laces, Piatt Vals Appliques and thousands of strictly new
patterns in Galloons, Festoons, Medalliona and separable motifs for trimming purposes
On the Bargain Tables At Greatly Bcduccd
Prices the Savings Run Lilio Thia
' Regular $1.25 Baby Irish Allovers, 18 inches wide:' Special, yard.... ....... ..... 63)
Regular $2.00 Baby Irish Allovers, 18 tnencs wiae. opeciai, yarn.....
: Regular 5c Torchon Laces, 1 to 3 inches wiae. special, yara.-..
- Regular 18c Cluny Laces, ly, to 4 inches wide. Special, yara . .
f 1.00
Regular 25c Oriental Laces, 2 to 6 inches wide. Special, yard..'.;
- Regular 75c Appliques, 1 to 2 inches wide: Special
Recrular 45c each Galloons, all shipea and sizes.' Special, each..,
Regular 75c each Galloon, all shapes and sizes. Special, each
2 'I
Regular $1.25 each Separable Motifs. Special, each...
r t'
Ill ,: ' 1 '
n " " 11 1 - 1 - - 1 1